Michael Louis Scott's Notes
Greenwich, Connecticut USA 7-Day Forecast for Latitude 41.07°N and Longitude 73.65°W
Scott's Random Notes, Remote server http://scott-mike.com/note02.htm
Scott's Random Notes, Chicago Server, http://mikelouisscott.com/note02.htm
Scott’s Previous Random Notes, Greenwich, Ct. remote server http://scott-mike.com/scottpre.htm
Scott’s Previous Random Notes, Greenwich, Ct. server http://mikelouisscott.com/scottpre.htm
03/12/25 Wednesday 8:40 A.M. I rested until 8:30 A.M. I chatted with a friend.
03/12/25 Wednesday 7:25 A.M. I woke up at 6:50 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/11/25 Tuesday 6:30 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I channel surfed. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/11/25 Tuesday 4:55 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
03/11/25 Tuesday 4:25 P.M. Polaroid camera $50 https://electronics.woot.com/offers/new-polaroid-now-2nd-generation-i-type-instant-film-camera?cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=c9742f3ffeb411ef822900160a82b820&utm_source=BrandCycle+Inc.
I have Nutmeg Inspectors between 3 P.M. and 6 P.M. tomorrow Wednesday.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
03/11/25 Tuesday 3:25 P.M. I went to the Senior and the Arts Center. I paid $1.50 in quarters to park there for an hour. I sat in front of the building, and I used the bathroom there twice. I then went to the Greenwich Library. I sat out enjoying the day. I used the bathroom there twice. I read the regular print edition of the New York Times. I read the picture books, "Greenwich Style, "the houses in Florida" and a book about a new estate on the waterfront in Maryland. I think I need to go to the eye doctor and get a better pair of reading glasses. I then sat outside some more enjoying the day. I then returned home. I picked up the mail. I filed this report. I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
03/11/25 Tuesday 12:15 P.M. I rested until 11:50 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now go downtown to forage around.
03/11/25 Tuesday 10:55 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/11/25 Tuesday 10:25 A.M. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-royals-celebrate-commonwealth-day-with-religious-service-playlist-2025-03-10/
I will now go outside again.
03/11/25 Tuesday 9:30 A.M. I went out to the www.chase.com Bank ATM on Greenwich Avenue. I then went to Palm Barbers on Church Street, and I got my hair cut for $35 and $15 tip for $50 total. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought two jars of Tasters Choice coffee with coupons for $7.98 both. I used the bathroom there. I then sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park. They cut down the tree on the northeast corner of Lewis Street and Greenwich Avenue. I chatted with a friend on my cell phone. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each and six 15 ounce cans of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 each for $22.68 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
03/11/25 Tuesday 7:00 A.M. I rested until 6:45 A.M. I will now show and clean up.
03/11/25 Tuesday 5:30 A.M. I woke up at 5 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/10/25 Monday 5:25 P.M. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/10/25 Monday 4:50 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce can of Fresca with four ounces of grapefruit juice.
03/10/25 Monday 4:35 P.M. I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center. I paid $1.50 in quarters to park for an hour. I sat out in front, and I also used the bathroom there twice. I chatted with a friend on my cell phone. I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park. I paid a dollar in quarters to park for a half hour at the red meter. I sat out in the park. I then toured www.cvs.com and I used the bathroom there. I then went to the Greenwich Library. I sat outside for a long time. Inside I read the Time magazine, and I used the bathroom. I then sat outside some more. I then returned home. I sat outside. I picked up the mail. I filed this report.
03/10/25 Monday 1:15 P.M. I rested until 12:40 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
03/10/25 Monday 11:40 A.M. I went outside again.
03/10/25 Monday 11:10 A.M. I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I paid two quarters to park for twenty minutes. I toured the store, and I used the bathroom there. I sat out briefly in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I then went to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I paid two quarters to park for twenty minutes. I parked in front of the building, and I used the bathroom there. I then went to the Greenwich Library. I read the large print edition of the New York Times. I used the bathroom there. I sat outside there for a while. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 16 pack of Stop and Shop White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $6.29 and a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 for $26.17 total. I then returned home. I put away my groceries. I put the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. I filed this report.
I will now east four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/10/25 Monday 8:15 A.M. I sat in the front lobby. I sat outside. I watched of Netflix series 2 episode 1 and 2 of, "After Life." I will now go outside again.
03/10/25 Monday 7:05 A.M. I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend.
03/10/25 Monday 6:10 A.M. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/king-charles-new-apple-music-playlist-teases-more-personal-side-his-majesty
03/10/25 Monday 5:55 A.M. I rest until 5:45 A.M.
03/10/25 Monday 4:30 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I ate five Danish butter cookies. I woke up at 4 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/09/25 Sunday 4:45 P.M. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jilpttkqrrnvwup&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=112-5411133-0165049&shipmentId=BkfdXQ2TL for https://www.amazon.com/Gorilla-Weather-Waterproof-Temperature-Resistant/dp/B07GRJ8L55/ref=sr_1_10?crid=NEW42BYLAN0T&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.aTtJUe4qbRate66TL8Az1QaFmxKtePBGQDSz79Ve-VzgwI3d9pfuQqHNQf_pBO_3Ca0XSwncblZV64KnYZb6ydwyUC0FbHbAuTcUPLDEl2xUJOYLGdgNvk5c0ppwaPx6jEUZj82e26veyjwbbetF5dt6VWLiTcnvGEfYDI7aMs6rwqUyVBxvJFi1xDDAsAuNoAqh18J-lEwouMxhvvwdiw7XedLgTdJ6xawG8Kfnw9o.AVrNu_RW3oYyNcmfYqR08yBv-KYZlkQUJzyTUU-KqAk&dib_tag=se&keywords=duct%2Btape%2Bheavy%2Bduty&qid=1741443476&sprefix=%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-10&th=1 for $12.74 total arrived.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/09/25 Sunday 3:55 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/these-are-america-s-50-wealthiest-suburbs/ss-BB1pgXBx?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=84c0ba11c9de40a9b02980b79ff97cf6&ei=22 Greenwich is number 39.
I will now venture to the lobby again.
03/09/25 Sunday 3:45 P.M. I channel surfed. I sat in the front lobby some more, and I also sat outside a bit.
03/09/25 Sunday 2:40 P.M. I met a new neighbor.
03/09/25 Sunday 1:45 P.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
03/09/25 Sunday 1:25 P.M. I went outside again.
03/09/25 Sunday 1:00 P.M. I chatted with a relative.
03/09/25 Sunday 12:30 P.M. I watched of Netflix series 1 episode 6 of, "After Life." I will now go outside again.
03/09/25 Sunday 12:05 P.M. I watched of Netflix series 1 episode 5 of, "After Life."
I went outside. I chatted with a friend. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/09/25 Sunday 10:40 A.M. I watched of Netflix series 1 episodes 3 and 4 of, "After Life."
I went outside in between episodes. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I learned off this series that the British like fish fingers and beans.
03/09/25 Sunday 9:30 A.M. I sat out at the front lobby.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
03/09/25 Sunday 9:10 A.M. I sat out at the front lobby. I channel surfed. I watched of Netflix series 1 episodes 1 and 2 of, "After Life."
03/09/25 Sunday 7:35 A.M. I rested until 7:15 A.M.
03/09/25 Sunday 5:20 A.M. I woke up at 4:40 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside. I set the clocks and watch ahead an hour.
End of Scott's Notes week of 03/08/25
03/08/25 Saturday 5:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/08/25 Saturday 4:15 P.M. I sat out at the front lobby. I ate a bowl of Post Great Grains with almond milk.
03/08/25 Saturday 2:55 P.M. I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend.
03/08/25 Saturday 1:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I sat in the front lobby. I put away the clean laundry.
03/08/25 Saturday 1:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
I am doing better in recovering from pneumonia two weeks ago, but it still takes a bit of time. I am use to sitting out observing downtown and around my building. I do not seem to have much new content to watch off Netflix or Amazon Prime. I also have HBM Max, so maybe I should check that out. A neighbor told me that I should subscribe to Apple TV. The start of the week is supposed to be warmer https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Greenwich&state=CT&site=OKX&lat=41.0613&lon=-73.6368 . On Sunday morning, one is subpose to set the clocks ahead an hour for daylight savings time.
03/08/25 Saturday 12:50 P.M. I sat in the front lobby. I started one dry cycle, and I have fifty minutes to go.
03/08/25 Saturday 12:30 P.M. I did not get any mail.
03/08/25 Saturday 12:15 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
03/08/25 Saturday 12:05 P.M. I put clean linens on the bed. I am now doing one load of wash that will be done in 40 minutes.
03/08/25 Saturday 11:35 A.M. I sat in my building lobby for a while. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/08/25 Saturday 10:35 A.M. I sat in my building lobby for a while. I then channel surfed.
03/08/25 Saturday 9:30 A.M. I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store, and I used the bathroom there. I then drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road. I then sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park. I then toured CVS, and I used the bathroom there. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99. I then returned home. I used my little folding hand truck to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water. I then put the folding hand truck back in the car.
I will now drink an instant coffee.
03/08/25 Saturday 7:20 A.M. I chatted with a friend.
03/08/25 Saturday 6:55 A.M. I watched off Amazon Prime episode 1 of, "Edward and Mrs. Simpson."
I will now drink an instant coffee.
03/08/25 Saturday 5:30 A.M. I rested until 5:25 A.M.
03/08/25 Saturday 3:55 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I woke up at 3:20 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/07/25 Friday 4:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/07/25 Friday 4:15 P.M. I channel surfed. One of the medical people I chatted with this afternoon told me that for every day in the hospital it takes a week to recover.
03/07/25 Friday 3:15 P.M. I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I paid a dollar to park in back for an hour. I picked up an expired prescription that I had to pay $24.66 for. I also got a roll of quarters for $10. I then returned home.
03/07/25 Friday 1:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now drink an instant coffee. I am trying to see if I can get a Visiting Nurse from the family center, but maybe I will start feeling better.
03/07/25 Friday 12:25 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/07/25 Friday 12:15 P.M. I sat outside at the front entrance lobby. I did not get any mail.
03/07/25 Friday 11:20 A.M. I have to apply to Connecticut Energy Assistance here https://portal.ct.gov/heatinghelp/applyonline?language=en_US , but it says I have already applied for this year.
03/07/25 Friday 11:05 A.M. I have Nutmeg inspectors next Wednesday afternoon. I have my new social worker next Thursday afternoon.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
03/07/25 Friday 10:45 A.M. I watched the rest of, "Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady." I drank an instant coffee.
First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-3725?e=d0a721e34a
03/07/25 Friday 9:50 A.M. I rested until 9:45 A.M.
03/07/25 Friday 8:10 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/07/25 Friday 7:55 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I went by www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store. I drove by www.starbucks.com and it looks like they are still working on redoing it. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I returned a five gallon bottle. I bought a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, eggs, and cheese croissants for $16.99, and a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 for $36.87 total. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report.
03/07/25 Friday 6:50 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady." I once saw Margaret Thatcher make an appearance at the Hyatt Hotel in Old Greenwich after she was Prime Minister. There also was a person there that looked like the actor Sean Connery.
03/07/25 Friday 5:40 A.M. I channel surfed.
King Charles music https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0jg9ej244do
03/07/25 Friday 5:05 A.M. I drank an instant coffee. I threw out the garbage. I picked up the mail.
03/07/25 Friday 4:45 A.M. I rested until 4:35 A.M.
03/07/25 Friday 1:35 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I rested until 1 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/06/25 Thursday 10:35 A.M. On the HP laptop computer, I did an Aomei backup to an external SSD drive which took a while. I worked with a beta computer while doing that. I put my new GEICO insurance card in the car glove box. I channel surfed. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I chatted with a relative.
03/06/25 Thursday 8:35 A.M. On the HP laptop, I was able to restore the earlier version of the Windows 11 OS, so now it is working just fine.
I will now drink an instant coffee.
03/06/25 Thursday 8:15 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
03/06/25 Thursday 8:00 A.M. I rested until 7:30 A.M. I chatted with a friend. The primary work HP laptop computer has been working more slowly since its latest Windows 11 update. I worked with the beta computer.
03/06/25 Thursday 5:50 A.M. I will now drink an instant coffee. Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue is closed until March 18, 2025 https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-greenwich
03/06/25 Thursday 5:25 A.M. I rested until 5:20 A.M.
03/06/25 Thursday 3:00 A.M. I woke up at 2:20 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/05/25 Wednesday 5:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
03/05/25 Wednesday 4:50 P.M. My www.eversource.com electric bill for February 2025 was $310.58.
03/05/25 Wednesday 4:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/05/25 Wednesday 4:25 P.M. I went to my medical appointment with the Pulmannologists. I then to go back in two weeks. I then went to the Greenwich Hospital for an X-ray of my chest. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up two prescriptions. I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 ounce Smart Balance Spread and two 64 ounce diet Ocean Spray cranberry juice for $17.57 total. I then returned home. I picked up the mail. I put the food away. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report.
03/05/25 Wednesday 11:30 A.M. I walked in the hallway. I paid my GEICO automobile insurance for the policy running from April 8, 2025 to October 8, 2025. I will now go out to my 12:30 P.M. appointment.
03/05/25 Wednesday 10:15 A.M. I will now shower and clean up.
03/05/25 Wednesday 9:35 A.M. Today is Ash Wednesday. I channel surfed.
03/05/25 Wednesday 8:55 A.M. I rested a bit. I ran CCleaner on the HP laptop. I will now drink an instant coffee.
03/05/25 Wednesday 7:40 A.M. I rested until 7 A.M. I chatted with a friend.
03/05/25 Wednesday 5:20 A.M. I woke up at 4:45 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/04/25 Tuesday 10:35 P.M. I rested until 7:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I rested until 9:30 P.M. I went out the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, two 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowls for $4.29 each, two 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each, two 15 ounce cans of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 for $36.72 total. I then went to the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine on Greenwich Avenue. I then returned home, and I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I picked up the mail. I filed this report. I will now drink an instant coffee.
03/04/25 Tuesday 10:00 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now shut down the HP laptop, and I will go to bed.
03/04/25 Tuesday 9:30 A.M. I chatted with a relative and a friend. I have a 1 P.M. appointment tomorrow.
03/04/25 Tuesday 9:00 A.M. I chatted with a friend.
03/04/25 Tuesday 8:20 A.M. I chatted with a neighbor. I drank an instant coffee.
!!!!!! 03/04/25 Tuesday 7:40 A.M. According to the Greenwich Hospital web site, when I was admitted to the Hospital after the Emergency Room two weeks ago, I had Pneumonia.
03/04/25 Tuesday 7:25 A.M. I chatted with a friend.
03/04/25 Tuesday 5:55 A.M. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/04/25 Tuesday 5:55 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 5 of, "What Next, the Future with Bill Gates."
Dr. Porter worked on Yellow Fever in Key West https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Joseph_Y._Porter_House
Schweppes Tonic water is supposed to be a cure for Malaria.
03/04/25 Tuesday 5:00 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 4 of, "What Next, the Future with Bill Gates."
03/04/25 Tuesday 3:55 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 3 of, "What Next, the Future with Bill Gates." I drank a cup of instant coffee. It is two weeks since I quit smoking cigar cigarettes. I am using the nicotine patches.
03/04/25 Tuesday 2:55 A.M. I rested until 2 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 2 of, "What Next, the Future with Bill Gates."
I drank a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
03/03/25 Monday 11:20 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 1 of, "What Next, the Future with Bill Gates."
03/03/25 Monday 10:10 P.M. I rested until 10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/03/25 Monday 4:20 P.M. I rested until 4 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/03/25 Monday 6:05 A.M. I rested until 5:30 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/03/25 Monday 2:50 A.M. I rested until 1 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episodes 4 and 5 of, "The Family."
03/02/25 Sunday 11:45 P.M. I rested until 11:40 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Maria Callender garlic chicken bowl with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/02/25 Sunday 9:45 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a sixteen pack of White Castle cheese burger sliders for $17.89, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, two 20 ounce cans of Dole pineapple chunks for $2.09, and two 11.5 ounce Maria Callender garlic chicken bowls for $4.29 each for $33.64 total. I then returned home, and I put the food away. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report.
03/02/25 Sunday 8:55 P.M. I rested until 8:30 P.M. I used the nebulizer.
03/02/25 Sunday 6:40 P.M. I woke up at 6:20 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/02/25 Sunday 10:45 A.M. I woke up at 10 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/02/25 Sunday 5:20 A.M. I rested until 4:30 A.M. I watched episode 3 of, "The Family."
03/02/25 Sunday 2:55 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episodes 1 and 2 of, "The Family." I drank a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
03/02/25 Sunday 12:55 A.M. I watched a CNN Bill Gates interview with Anderson Copper. I rest until 12:45 A.M.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
End of Scott's Notes week of 03/01/25
03/01/25 Saturday 10:00 P.M. I rested until 10 P.M. I will now send out my weekly notes.
03/01/25 Saturday 7:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
03/01/25 Saturday 7:25 P.M. I chatted with a friend at 5 P.M. I woke up at 7 P.M. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jillqshltkptqqp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-0442235-8569060&shipmentId=BfG0dSDSs for https://www.amazon.com/NAVEH-PHARMA-Hypertonic-Inhalators-Congestion/dp/B0CBQ5118V/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=SLIWSEEUCLZK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9eb_hiBJX8Z-esYzkBhx7dwE5a4VtpKhCTPrSbRHxbi0Zl-k-hDESToCyZkPfXskMeW6DMdP3laKn9nRIhePirRcz_0cQC5lEjW8qPfgRGcxo6LaGBFAacZeE9m4Tbev8QSyjtbcA4h9nNRs_RNnq17qOEwlczG_rXRO9o2TnY7BDSJ6fEEZiFtSDBKLGgSiZA0U1pykRUhX9XlHCDxFaajGDT_8kkVwkhs9CFMJ4n7Bclr7X62a1fzicIz9spYWH1-XQYdPuIlvQjYeWveENv5WtZLkttc0D-f8E3kt1p4.2gVCDhCVSCjjwapnuWxVQCc7eyHRgVAXnEKis0P-BzI&dib_tag=se&keywords=nebulizer+medicine+for+adults&qid=1740802024&rdc=1&sprefix=nebulizer+medicine%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $42.53 total arrived. I used the nebulizer for the first time.
03/01/25 Saturday 11:55 A.M. I woke up at 11:30 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
03/01/25 Saturday 2:40 A.M. I watched episode 5 and 6 of "Zero Day."
03/01/25 Saturday 1:00 A.M. I watched episode 4 of "Zero Day."
02/28/25 Friday 11:55 P.M. I am about to eat a 11 ounce Maria Callender chicken and rice bowl with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/28/25 Friday 11:20 P.M. To use the Nebulizer, have to get presecription medicine for it . I ordered https://www.amazon.com/NAVEH-PHARMA-Hypertonic-Inhalators-Congestion/dp/B0CBQ5118V/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=SLIWSEEUCLZK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9eb_hiBJX8Z-esYzkBhx7dwE5a4VtpKhCTPrSbRHxbi0Zl-k-hDESToCyZkPfXskMeW6DMdP3laKn9nRIhePirRcz_0cQC5lEjW8qPfgRGcxo6LaGBFAacZeE9m4Tbev8QSyjtbcA4h9nNRs_RNnq17qOEwlczG_rXRO9o2TnY7BDSJ6fEEZiFtSDBKLGgSiZA0U1pykRUhX9XlHCDxFaajGDT_8kkVwkhs9CFMJ4n7Bclr7X62a1fzicIz9spYWH1-XQYdPuIlvQjYeWveENv5WtZLkttc0D-f8E3kt1p4.2gVCDhCVSCjjwapnuWxVQCc7eyHRgVAXnEKis0P-BzI&dib_tag=se&keywords=nebulizer+medicine+for+adults&qid=1740802024&rdc=1&sprefix=nebulizer+medicine%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $42.53 total.
I watched episode 3 of "Zero Day."
02/28/25 Friday 6:55 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/28/25 Friday 6:30 P.M. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jilklvqokpkpoup&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-0231249-8457876&shipmentId=BsSgk4bbs for https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Nebulizer-auto-cleaning-Handheld-Respiratory/dp/B0BNDXF5DQ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=139VQTAUXMWED&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yvF3iSDvSBDmz8Vlxx8TXGVjwA0YkxZQgOqKHiuhge0kj_Ym59hLTp9clkUSdHCHrIxawEFQgYRjs3eLil9y_GKvmahGdWMpgIFP7NoBytY4obbVOjauc03ro0ouASbCvANoK54E9gXqMLywy-ttOh1BZkaFdl7reyk3pZIcr1f1wcU-W7_GNDX0QfBdVcbetKsCMVvHBrz3p8bvUjmMAtnAozO_G895H5Xy_1VowOs.qgYKkOtUSGoQltCTz50quPc376sckPcYhP4_94KVWXA&dib_tag=se&keywords=nebulizer+for+adults&qid=1740623815&sprefix=%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-3 for $37.21 total arrived. It is a bit complicated to use.
It went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, two 64 ounce diet Ocean Spray cranberry juice for $3.69 each and a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $27.26 total. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car.
02/28/25 Friday 5:10 P.M. I rested until 5 P.M.
02/28/25 Friday 11:15 A.M. I woke up at 10:40 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/28/25 Friday 5:15 A.M. I rested until 5 A.M. I paid my Eversource electric bill, my Optimum bill for all three services, and my Verizon telephone bill for March 2025.
02/28/25 Friday 3:55 A.M. I rested until 2 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 2 of, "Zero Day."
02/28/25 Friday 2:15 A.M. I rested until 1 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 1 of, "Zero Day."
02/27/25 Thursday 11:50 P.M. I rested until 11:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/27/25 Thursday 10:30 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "Elizabeth and Bertie."
02/27/25 Thursday 8:40 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I rested until 8 P.M. I channel surfed.
02/27/25 Thursday 6:30 P.M. I rested until 6:30 P.M. I am about to eat a 11 ounce Marie Callender chicken and rice bowl with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/27/25 Thursday 2:55 P.M. I rested until 2:45 P.M. I drank a 12 ounce www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
02/27/25 Thursday 10:30 A.M. I woke up at 10 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/27/25 Thursday 3:30 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched King George and Queen Mary.
02/27/25 Thursday 2:05 A.M. I rested until 1:30 A.M.
Off Amazon Prime, I watched the second half of episode 6 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
02/26/25 Wednesday 10:55 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched the first half of episode 6 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/26/25 Wednesday 9:50 P.M. I rested until 9:30 P.M.
02/26/25 Wednesday 6:45 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/26/25 Wednesday 6:25 P.M. I got up at 6 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I threw out the garbage. I picked up the mail. I am supposed to move around a bit in the apartment.
02/26/25 Wednesday 2:05 P.M. I woke up at 1:30 P.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/26/25 Wednesday 4:05 A.M. I rested until 3 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched the second half of episode 5 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
02/26/25 Wednesday 2:45 A.M. I rested until 2 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched the first half of episode 5 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
02/26/25 Wednesday 12:10 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 4 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
02/25/25 Tuesday 10:10 P.M. I rested until 9:30 P.M. I channel surfed. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/25/25 Tuesday 7:00 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, two 11.5 ounce Marie Callender chicken bowls for $2.50 each, four 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each and four 16 ounce cans of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 each for $40 total. I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $21 of self service premium gasoline for $4.399 a gallon for 4.773 gallons at odometer reading of 126531 miles for 61.2 miles driven since Friday January 24, 2025 for 12.822 miles per gallon in local traffic. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report.
02/25/25 Tuesday 5:50 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/25/25 Tuesday 5:25 P.M. I rested until 5:20 P.M.
02/25/25 Tuesday 11:15 A.M. I rested until 10:45 A.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/25/25 Tuesday 3:25 A.M. I rested until 2:30 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 3 of, "Queen Victoria and her Nine Children."
02/25/25 Tuesday 1:30 A.M. I rested until 12:30 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 2 of, "Queen Victoria and her Nine Children."
02/24/25 Monday 10:50 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 1 of, "Queen Victoria and her Nine Children."
02/24/25 Monday 9:30 P.M. I rested until 9:30 P.M. I am about to eat a 13.1 ounce Boston Market chicken parmesan with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/24/25 Monday 8:30 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/24/25 Monday 8:10 P.M. I rested until 8 P.M.
02/24/25 Monday 5:50 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/24/25 Monday 5:30 P.M. I chatted with two follow up nurses at the Greenwich Hospital. I made my bed. I drank an instant coffee.
02/24/25 Monday 5:00 P.M. I picked up the mail. I chatted with a friend.
02/24/25 Monday 4:35 P.M. I rested until 4:30 P.M.
02/24/25 Monday 1:25 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched the second half of episode 3 of of "Inspector Alleyn." I channel surfed. I finally woke up at 12:45 P.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/23/25 Sunday 11:05 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched the first half of episode 3 of of "Inspector Alleyn."
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/23/25 Sunday 9:55 P.M. I channel surfed.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/23/25 Sunday 8:45 P.M. Dutch news https://hollandsociety.org/
A Secret Gilded Age Library Rooted in 17th-Century New York. A secret library belongs to the Holland Society of New York, a historical and genealogical society founded in 1885 that documents the legacy of North America's earliest Dutch settlers. Sarah Bogart Cooney, the society's Executive Director, will lecture on its Grotius Collection of books, tucked away at Columbia University. The tomes were purchased in 1890 by Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, a Holland Society member and ex-Minister to the Hague, from Bom and Bom Book Dealers in Amsterdam. The collection is rich in first editions, including 17th-century publications by the eminent Elzevir dynasty of printers. Since 1901, the books have been on deposit in Columbia's Rare Book and Manuscript Library: a ghost collection with no presence in Columbia's library catalogue. Recent efforts by the Holland Society and Columbia librarians have brought new exposure to this collection, and collaboration has begun to rescue them from "the oblivion of their present situation.
They know how to sing at Yale https://www.whiffenpoofs.com/
02/23/25 Sunday 8:25 P.M. I rested until 8:20 P.M.
02/23/25 Sunday 5:55 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now drink an instant coffee.
02/23/25 Sunday 5:45 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, eggs, and cheese croissants for $16.99, a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, and two four pack of Chaboni yogurt for $3.99 a four pack for $42.86 total. I then returned home. I put the food away. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report.
02/23/25 Sunday 4:45 P.M. I rested until 4:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I also took my antibiotics. CIO
02/23/25 Sunday 2:40 P.M. I rested some more. I chatted with a friend. I rested some more.
02/23/25 Sunday 9:10 A.M. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/volcanic-unrest-at-alaskas-mount-spurr-suggests-50-50-chance-an-eruption-could-be-coming-180986069/?utm_source=smithsonian-weekender&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&lctg=93250135
02/23/25 Sunday 9:05 A.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8 A.M. I made my bed. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside.
02/23/25 Sunday 1:15 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/king-charles-broke-this-gut-busting-royal-tradition-his-stepson-tom-parker-bowles-says/ar-AA1zwuCe?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=fdeb0b63c8bd4d5f8b06bd542a157698&ei=32
I will now go back to bed.
02/23/25 Sunday 12:55 A.M. I rested. I watched off BookTV the first half of https://www.c-span.org/program/book-tv/source-code-my-beginnings/655140
End of Scott's Notes week of 02/22/25
02/22/25 Saturday 7:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Pope news https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4g0x3p1kglo
I will now send out my weekly notes.
I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will then go to bed.
02/22/25 Saturday 7:25 P.M. I channel surfed.
02/22/25 Saturday 6:30 P.M. I put a nicotine patch on my right shoulder. I chatted with two neighbors. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/22/25 Saturday 5:40 P.M. I chatted with a friend and three relatives. I will now shower and clean up.
02/22/25 Saturday 4:55 P.M. I rested until 4:10 P.M. I drank an instant coffee. I chatted with a friend. I picked up the mail.
!!!!!! 02/22/25 Saturday 1:15 P.M. After the last note on Wednesday at 7:40 P.M., I was short of breath. I went to the Greenwich Hospital Emergency clinic, and they ran a series of tests for a long time. They checked me into the hospital at 3 A.M. with contagious infectious respiratory problem in my lungs. I was discharged at noon today. I had two intervenious a day and two breathing nebulizer app along with medications and food. When I was discharged I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up five prescriptions. I then returned home. I picked up the mail. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I took three of my temporary prescriptions.
02/19/25 Wednesday 7:40 P.M. I woke up at 4 P.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside. I rested until 7:40 P.M. I will now have another coffee inside.
02/19/25 Wednesday 12:15 A.M. I rested until 10:30 P.M. I ate two night time total relief bills Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 12 of, "America the Story of Us". I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders. I will now eat two more night time total relief bills. I shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/18/25 Tuesday 11:05 P.M. I rested until 10:30 P.M. I drank an instant coffee. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 11 of, "America the Story of Us".
02/18/25 Tuesday 7:45 P.M. I rested until 7:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/18/25 Tuesday 5:40 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I will now drink an instant coffee inside.
02/18/25 Tuesday 5:25 P.M. I rested until 5:15 P.M. I took two daily Amazon cold relief and flu tablets.
02/18/25 Tuesday 3:15 P.M. I woke up at 1:30 P.M. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside. I rested until 3:30 P.M.. Tracking is https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jiknqwlqmqlqwqp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-7889988-9616233&shipmentId=Bt9WZ8KJc on the order for two https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Care-Daytime-Nighttime-Severe/dp/B07JLJ6BMB/ref=sr_1_1_ffob_sspa?crid=1A48LXR9LSIRY&dd=N6zw8CgDNOnY4Gx3do6_AQ%2C%2C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.flYEd4p9y-fI8tcEAx1TgIvbCe_n72qnvW1lmfMRhWpDCujmhpqYHe0zwch9k4SqtyQFYNnYjC9-VhyibRG071lt4oDc-wa_nGhUn6OoPehcWQltv_-mRsmXu6dv3xPOMMlh0TWaCj-c06oOw5jo4De1eayVsP9lyBYI69hbhBcJmTOYPA_cVsAs1Qpo2xge4-7zLk_1UlNrv2WOSoeSiCmkzHlnS1Ub6U3lLlRZAyjzTEhFb3vThk8pKcvC6_NW_GwVY9vWyFizmGftazIlaMaMePTvVA3bQu5wYEkgSmw._x8my4xD5iQb3pYGWia6eU3KKiBx-Ec3WpxrhdbcsVA&dib_tag=se&keywords=cold%2Band%2Bflu%2Bmedicine%2Bfor%2Badults&qid=1739836585&rdc=1&refinements=p_90%3A8308921011&rnid=8308919011&sprefix=cold%2Band%2Bflue%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 for $19.80 total arrived.
02/18/25 Tuesday 12:20 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger slides with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut the HP laptop computer. I will then go to bed after taking some night time cold and flu medicine.
02/17/25 Monday 11:55 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/17/25 Monday 11:40 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 10 of, "America the Story of Us".
02/17/25 Monday 10:35 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 9 of, "America the Story of Us".
I drank an instant coffee inside midway through.
I will now go outside again.
02/17/25 Monday 8:10 P.M. I went outside. I channel surfed.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/17/25 Monday 6:40 P.M. I rested until 6:30 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
02/17/25 Monday 4:35 P.M. I woke up at 1:30 P.M. I made my bed. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee inside. I rested until 3:30 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought three six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 a six pack, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $6.29 and a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $30.15 total. I then returned home, and I put way the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I filed this report. I will now drink an instant coffee inside.
02/17/25 Monday 3:45 A.M. I went outside.
Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 8 of, "America the Story of Us".
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer.
I will then go to bed.
02/17/25 Monday 2:05 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 7 of, "America the Story of Us".
I went outside midway through.
02/17/25 Monday 12:50 A.M. I took another Aleve.
02/16/25 Sunday 10:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I has a cold, I took another Aleve.
02/16/25 Sunday 9:35 P.M. I rested until 9:15 P.M. I went outside.
02/16/25 Sunday 6:45 P.M. I woke up and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 2:20 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. 02/17/25 Monday 3:45 A.M. I rested until 6 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
End of Scott's Notes week of 02/15/25
02/15/25 Saturday 10:45 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 6 of, "America the Story of Us".
I went outside. I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
02/15/25 Saturday 9:40 P.M. I rested until 9:15 P.M. I replaced the batteries in the hallway and bedroom smoke detector. I went outside.
02/15/25 Saturday 8:00 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
02/15/25 Saturday 7:50 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 5 of, "America the Story of Us".
I went outside, and I cleaned two inches of snow off the picnic bench and two inches of snow off the car.
02/15/25 Saturday 6:20 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/15/25 Saturday 5:25 P.M. I picked up the mail.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/15/25 Saturday 4:45 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
I will now go outside again.
02/15/25 Saturday 3:55 P.M. I rested until 3:30 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. There is light snow falling.
02/15/25 Saturday 2:15 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 1 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/14/25 Friday 10:05 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 4 of, "America the Story of Us.
I went outside.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/14/25 Friday 8:50 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 3 of, "America the Story of Us.
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/14/25 Friday 7:25 P.M. I rested until 7 P.M. I went outside again.
02/14/25 Friday 5:45 P.M. I will now go outside again.
02/14/25 Friday 5:20 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's chicken Alfredo with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
02/14/25 Friday 5:10 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched episode 2 of, "America the Story of Us. I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. There were a lot of robins by the baseball field, so maybe the weather is warming up.
02/14/25 Friday 3:15 P.M. The path to the picnic table is all iced over, so I sat at the top of the steps of the baseball field to smoke.
Whale story https://www.foxnews.com/video/6368783276112
I will now go outside again.
02/14/25 Friday 2:35 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
02/14/25 Friday 2:25 P.M. I rested until 1:45 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I did not get any mail. I chatted with a friend.
02/14/25 Friday 12:20 P.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-21425?e=d0a721e34a
02/14/25 Friday 12:10 P.M. I woke up and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 10:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/13/25 Thursday 8:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/13/25 Thursday 8:20 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 1 of, America the Story of Us."
I went outside midway through. We had a non emergency fire department call.
02/13/25 Thursday 7:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I rested until 6:40 P.M. I went outside.
02/13/25 Thursday 5:35 P.M. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/sports/westminster-group-winners-2025/
walking sneaker $40 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CB23DGT3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1&psc=1
02/13/25 Thursday 5:25 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside again.
02/13/25 Thursday 4:00 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/13/25 Thursday 3:45 P.M. I did a fifteen mile round trip to the other side of town for my 2:30 P.M. I then sat outside at home.
02/13/25 Thursday 12:30 P.M. I will now shower and clean up. I will then head out early to my 2:30 P.M. appointment.
02/13/25 Thursday 11:50 A.M. I have a 2:30 P.M. appointment this afternoon.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/13/25 Thursday 11:45 A.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 10:15 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/12/25 Wednesday 9:05 P.M. I looked for something to watch off the internet to no avail. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed. When one is retired and disabled, one leads a quiet life.
02/12/25 Wednesday 7:40 P.M. I channel surfed.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again.
02/12/25 Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 6 of, "The Recruit."
I chatted with a friend.
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/12/25 Wednesday 5:05 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 5 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/12/25 Wednesday 3:30 P.M. I picked up the mail.
02/12/25 Wednesday 2:40 P.M. 32 inch Smart TV $80 https://www.amazon.com/insignia-fire-tv-32-inch-class-f20-series-hd-smart-tv/dp/B09ZLTMWWH/ref=shop-by-brand-rhf_HighVelocityEvent_to_B09ZLTMWWH/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=SKqko&content-id=amzn1.sym.39573f42-17d6-4a59-854d-da7d54369ac3&pf_rd_p=39573f42-17d6-4a59-854d-da7d54369ac3&pf_rd_r=GV3VD5VVA06M2KWJ1QRR&pd_rd_wg=qqhXh&pd_rd_r=3b791767-fd36-4714-bb5e-1133f01a7fc5&pd_rd_i=B09ZLTMWWH&psc=1
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/12/25 Wednesday 2:10 P.M. I rested until 1:30 P.M. I went outside.
02/12/25 Wednesday 12:20 P.M. There was six to ten inches of snow in Washington D.C.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/12/25 Wednesday 12:10 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 10:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I cleaned two inches of snow off the picnic table. There was no snow on my car. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/11/25 Tuesday 8:40 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 4 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/11/25 Tuesday 7:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
!!!!!! 02/11/25 Tuesday 6:25 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/the-devastating-long-term-effects-of-krakatoa/vi-AA1yOhNh?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=904622af456f411694647bfae3103678&ei=8
I will now go outside again.
02/11/25 Tuesday 5:20 P.M. I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I paid a dollar in quarters to park for forty minutes. I picked up two prescriptions at CVS. I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I guess the younger people in town do not know how to clean the snow off the benches downtown. I drove by www.starbucks.com on Greenwich Avenue, and it still is not opened yet. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought five 6 packs of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $4.99 a six pack for $24.95 total. I returned home, and I put the food in the freezer. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jikjprjqmisuwqp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-1843602-5930613&shipmentId=BtKG6wFNv for two https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FNFL0G?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 for $9.72 total off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived. I threw out the shipping box, and I put the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
02/11/25 Tuesday 2:55 P.M. I went to the Podiatrist at 55 Holly Hill Lane. The doctor checked out my feet and clipped by toe nails and ground them. The doctor also prescribed a foot powder that I have to pick up. I am supposed to put it in my socks to prevent toe fungus. I returned home. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/11/25 Tuesday 1:30 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now go out early to my 2:45 P.M. appointment.
02/11/25 Tuesday 12:10 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
02/11/25 Tuesday 11:50 A.M. I showered, and I cleaned up. I went outside. I have a 2:45 P.M. appointment this afternoon.
I paid $286.94 to renew my Network Solutions domain.
02/11/25 Tuesday 10:25 A.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/11/25 Tuesday 10:05 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/10/25 Monday 7:45 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 3 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I order two https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FNFL0G?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 for $9.72 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/10/25 Monday 6:10 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
02/10/25 Monday 5:20 P.M. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $6.29, and a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $26.17 total. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
02/10/25 Monday 3:55 P.M. I rested until 3:30 P.M. I went outside. I did not get any mail.
02/10/25 Monday 2:10 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
02/10/25 Monday 1:40 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 2 of, "The Recruit."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/10/25 Monday 12:45 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
02/10/25 Monday 11:55 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/10/25 Monday 11:45 A.M. I rested until 11:15 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/10/25 Monday 9:50 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/volcanic-eruption-and-tsunami-after-greek-holiday-hotspot-was-hit-by-earthquakes/ss-AA1yK5EV?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=417f80774a7a4f048b9c55978514d1a5&ei=11
02/10/25 Monday 9:45 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8:25 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/09/25 Sunday 8:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/09/25 Sunday 7:45 P.M. Stream OS Holo Linux booted, but I did not install it.
02/09/25 Sunday 7:05 P.M. It did not work. Maybe this will works https://archive.org/details/holo-iso-5.0.1
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again.
02/09/25 Sunday 6:15 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I used this method https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1B71-EDF2-EB6D-2BB3 to created the USB pen drive for Linux, but I am not sure it will work on a desktop computer versus the device it made for.
02/09/25 Sunday 4:40 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/scientists-solve-the-ancient-mystery-of-stonehenge-s-monolithic-stones/ar-AA1yEhmq?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=89e5295067794f5ab3450e610b4e2405&ei=19
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I still wander about the old stones at Vinci Drive. Maybe they were left by Vikings before Columbus.
02/09/25 Sunday 4:30 P.M. Off www.libbyapp.com , I read the last two issues of PC World magazine. The issues mentions this Linux OS https://store.steampowered.com/steamos/buildyourown , but I could not create the pen drive. I went outside again.
02/09/25 Sunday 2:45 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/09/25 Sunday 2:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/09/25 Sunday 1:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
02/09/25 Sunday 1:00 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/alien-life-breakthrough-as-astronomers-detect-coherent-radio-signal-from-distant-planet/ar-AA1yyBG7?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=0455261dadec45abb02eeb8bd8f42721&ei=11
02/09/25 Sunday 12:40 P.M. I chatted with a relative. I rested until noon. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/09/25 Sunday 10:20 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/09/25 Sunday 10:15 A.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8:40 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside, and I cleaned five inches of snow off the picnic bench with my broom. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I cleaned five inches of snow off my car.
End of Scott's Notes week of 02/08/25
02/08/25 Saturday 7:25 P.M. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MSFT/microsoft/net-worth
I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
02/08/25 Saturday 7:00 P.M. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlV0fyDC3Gc Bill Gates interview.
I will now go outside again.
02/08/25 Saturday 6:20 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 1 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside again.
02/08/25 Saturday 5:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/08/25 Saturday 5:00 P.M. Snow forecast https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/s/j575h/ct-weather-snow-accumulation-estimates-change-for-weekend-storm?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90&user_email_md5=c5e7dfa888bd18577cc98d1df5637b42&lctg=62e24445456ff916ee067d12
02/08/25 Saturday 5:00 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 8 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I picked up the mail.
I chatted with a friend.
02/08/25 Saturday 3:20 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 7 of, "The Recruit."
I will now go outside again.
02/08/25 Saturday 1:50 P.M. I cleaned the kitchen sink. I went outside again.
I think the Scottish Rite Masons might have been working in Egypt after the last ice age.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/08/25 Saturday 12:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. The reason I drink Poland Spring water is that my building at 71 Vinci Drive has bad water that causes intestinal problems. Most all my neighbors drink bottle water. The water is dirty and also causes stains in the kitchen sink and the toilet.
02/08/25 Saturday 12:10 P.M. I channel surfed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgcmDJ8zZYk young Bill Gates
I will now go outside again.
02/08/25 Saturday 11:45 A.M. I bought for $4.24 https://www.amazon.com/Last-Lion-Winston-Churchill-Visions-ebook/dp/B0092XHPWC/ref=rvi_d_sccl_2/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=KmwNw&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=ADXVHVY72622717MHK6D&pd_rd_wg=zCX08&pd_rd_r=fa766d98-98b0-46ce-b4e8-49e686b19646&pd_rd_i=B0092XHPWC&psc=1
02/08/25 Saturday 11:30 A.M. I rested until 11 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/08/25 Saturday 9:30 A.M. up to 10 inches of snow coming https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/s/j56ck/ct-weather-timeline-new-snow-accumulation-estimates-released?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90&user_email_md5=c5e7dfa888bd18577cc98d1df5637b42&lctg=62e24445456ff916ee067d12
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/08/25 Saturday 9:20 A.M. I woke up at 8 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/07/25 Friday 7:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/07/25 Friday 6:35 P.M. On Netflix, I watched series 1 episodes 5 and 6 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside in between episodes.
I will now go outside again.
02/07/25 Friday 4:35 P.M. On Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 4 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/07/25 Friday 3:10 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
02/07/25 Friday 2:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/07/25 Friday 2:10 P.M. I rested until 1:30 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/07/25 Friday 12:05 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
02/07/25 Friday 11:25 A.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, and a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $44.87 total. I then returned home. I used my little folding hand truck to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water, and I put the food in the freezer. I then put the grey bag and the hand truck back in the car. I then took a neighbor round trip to the Acme grocery store. I then sat outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/07/25 Friday 8:25 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-2725?e=d0a721e34a
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I will then shower and clean up.
02/07/25 Friday 8:10 A.M. I chatted with a friend before going to bed. I woke up, and I seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 7 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/06/25 Thursday 6:25 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/06/25 Thursday 6:05 P.M. I chatted with a relative twice.
02/06/25 Thursday 5:50 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 3 of, "The Recruit."
I went outside again.
02/06/25 Thursday 4:15 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episodes 1 and 2 of, "The Recruit." I went outside twice, and both times, I drank an instant coffee. I picked up the mail, and I chatted with a friend.
02/06/25 Thursday 12:50 P.M. I channel surfed. Sky News said Russia might go to war with a NATO country in five years. I went outside again.
https://apnews.com/article/greece-earthquakes-santorini-volcano-7ffcbc139ad1081acdad181df1ad2952 .
I learned when I was in Crete in 1972 that the volcano in San Torini wiped out the Knossis civilization in Crete 4,500 years ago.
02/06/25 Thursday 11:20 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 6 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/06/25 Thursday 10:35 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/06/25 Thursday 10:20 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/06/25 Thursday 10:10 A.M. I went outside again, and I cleaned an inch of snow and ice off the car and the picnic table where I smoke.
Yesterday, I discovered beside on the southeast side of the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue on the north side there is a large rack of five gallon bottles of Poland Spring water. Also they have run out of White Castle cheeseburger sliders too. Target in Port Chester is suppose to sell them though.
02/06/25 Thursday 9:20 A.M. White House Contact form https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ and https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/ .
I will now go outside again.
02/06/25 Thursday 8:55 A.M. I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend. I rested until 8:20 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/06/25 Thursday 6:10 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/06/25 Thursday 5:50 A.M. I chatted with a friend before going to bed. The friend was in Miami driving north to Palm Beach. I woke up and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 4:30 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jijpnwhoskmwsqp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-6048032-1035455&shipmentId=Bx7HSt64z for two https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Chunk-Pine-Applez-Ounce/dp/B07MRFQ3T9/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1SD1N4ZHU97CG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SOaMAP1C-mUkCb2cBCuPLJGDnXKZxCG5mPoCmSXGm1wQ5Q9SpYQk3vskXCMhRzvwDPspj6XyupVGwiL6F-akxRmU3IU1KqGqNreDJjOR2kPRbPNGJJH17R0XjSCSODOYEq7XjdD9EqibrIcjFyi1rxBhY6rMxRmWFJAmpNsKGi38iiRGx_jb9xLNj9O0YpnhL9gV7WAIpReB94-etEDRClYe5FFFhCSkuUgvgnToGnk_IUrdN3qhII_eS1_zH6QxFT1zL0k5V7X7am2SOEZ3UPJRfFbHKb40CubxkXfoD5BcZCJw1McUvpbLqjPIxAneEoCNUhsKWYs2O6_qmI5BF9fV05teI8rMcP07yiOOBgCZlmfzuOjYxK5laCpPn2xbDXbmebmDFBsb8JIJkkhebmLA4xdCTwI-eXpDtwlOSDGNuUuXQ_zRByq_IkQiBV0g.D7XPAOddb_3IqVxPLRK2QqMKWFG5ogFg9s-zGMqzTRQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pineapple%2Bchunks&qid=1738592936&refinements=p_n_program_participation%3A17428820011&rnid=8308919011&sprefix=pineapple%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-6&th=1 for $23.56 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I threw out the shipping box.
02/05/25 Wednesday 1:30 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/05/25 Wednesday 12:50 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 5 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again.
02/05/25 Wednesday 11:50 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 4 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again.
02/05/25 Wednesday 10:25 A.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. The person I met from Brazil when I lived on Steamboat Road got to meet the Aga Khan when he was high commissioner of refugees at the www.un.org .
02/05/25 Wednesday 10:05 A.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up two prescriptions. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 and four 6 packs of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $7.29 each six pack for $31.15 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I will now eat four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I filed this report.
02/05/25 Wednesday 8:20 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 3 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/05/25 Wednesday 7:10 A.M. I worked with the beta computer. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again.
02/05/25 Wednesday 6:00 A.M. Aga Khan when he was younger http://scott-mike.com/agakhan01.jpg
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/05/25 Wednesday 5:55 A.M. Aga Khan passes away https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9vmlk4rzzjo .
02/05/25 Wednesday 5:20 A.M. I will now go outside in the freezing cold tundra again. I guess it is my Norwegian and Scottish roots that gets me used to the extreme cold weather even at close to age 75.
02/05/25 Wednesday 5:05 A.M. 32 inch Smart TV $80 https://www.amazon.com/insignia-fire-tv-32-inch-class-f20-series-hd-smart-tv/dp/B09ZLTMWWH/ref=shop-by-brand-rhf_HighVelocityEvent_to_B09ZLTMWWH/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=4aAEH&content-id=amzn1.sym.214bd7fc-746d-4615-96e6-8d5341eff369&pf_rd_p=214bd7fc-746d-4615-96e6-8d5341eff369&pf_rd_r=YPWJ4D7GB3VY2NFCA3KW&pd_rd_wg=rLLPJ&pd_rd_r=9be17626-0709-4041-820a-f2474fbc6a4e&pd_rd_i=B09ZLTMWWH&psc=1
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
02/05/25 Wednesday 4:20 A.M. My www.eversource.com electric bill for January 2025 is $441.27.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/05/25 Wednesday 4:10 A.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 3 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/04/25 Tuesday 12:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/04/25 Tuesday 11:55 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/evidence-of-massive-ancient-cataclysm-at-tanis-in-the-nile-delta-of-egypt/vi-AA1y6OXo?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=53a4f0f2ebe643abb50be37e4555fafd&ei=14
02/04/25 Tuesday 11:05 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 2 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain." It was about Winston Churchill's private home.
I will now go outside again.
02/04/25 Tuesday 9:50 A.M. I went out to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.79 total. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought six 15 ounce Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 a can for $12.56 total. I then returned home. I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again on a warmer sunny day.
02/04/25 Tuesday 8:25 A.M. I ate four White Castle sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now go downtown and forage around.
02/04/25 Tuesday 7:45 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 3 episode 1 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I went outside midway through and drank an instant coffee.
I will now go outside again.
I did a Grand Tour of Europe in the Winter of 1972, but I did not make it any further north than Grenoble, although I did originally arrive on the Continent in Paris. I had a Urail pass, so I explored Spain which was a bit warmer. Italy was cold though. When I got to Greece and Turkey in the spring of 1972, it was a bit warmer. I was told by a British traveler that I met that there was a coal miner strike in England, so lots of English were traveling South. I was even around campers from the Isle of Wright in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
02/04/25 Tuesday 6:05 A.M. A big coyote just walked by carrying something into the woods. I just slipped on the ice by the transformer and fell to the ground, but I did not hurt myself. I guess my heavy winter parka broke my fall.
02/04/25 Tuesday 5:35 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Bill Gates news https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careers/how-bill-gates-knew-he-was-different/ar-AA1yh4EJ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=4e05f1c4803547d5bbf6cc41e822a48a&ei=20
Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue does not open until February 13, 2025 https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-greenwich
I will now go outside again.
02/04/25 Tuesday 5:20 A.M. I rested until 4:45 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
02/04/25 Tuesday 3:25 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 2 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/03/25 Monday 11:40 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/03/25 Monday 11:05 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 12 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again.
02/03/25 Monday 10:00 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
02/03/25 Monday 9:40 A.M. I ordered two https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Chunk-Pine-Applez-Ounce/dp/B07MRFQ3T9/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1SD1N4ZHU97CG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SOaMAP1C-mUkCb2cBCuPLJGDnXKZxCG5mPoCmSXGm1wQ5Q9SpYQk3vskXCMhRzvwDPspj6XyupVGwiL6F-akxRmU3IU1KqGqNreDJjOR2kPRbPNGJJH17R0XjSCSODOYEq7XjdD9EqibrIcjFyi1rxBhY6rMxRmWFJAmpNsKGi38iiRGx_jb9xLNj9O0YpnhL9gV7WAIpReB94-etEDRClYe5FFFhCSkuUgvgnToGnk_IUrdN3qhII_eS1_zH6QxFT1zL0k5V7X7am2SOEZ3UPJRfFbHKb40CubxkXfoD5BcZCJw1McUvpbLqjPIxAneEoCNUhsKWYs2O6_qmI5BF9fV05teI8rMcP07yiOOBgCZlmfzuOjYxK5laCpPn2xbDXbmebmDFBsb8JIJkkhebmLA4xdCTwI-eXpDtwlOSDGNuUuXQ_zRByq_IkQiBV0g.D7XPAOddb_3IqVxPLRK2QqMKWFG5ogFg9s-zGMqzTRQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pineapple%2Bchunks&qid=1738592936&refinements=p_n_program_participation%3A17428820011&rnid=8308919011&sprefix=pineapple%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-6&th=1 for $23.56 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
02/03/25 Monday 8:50 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 11 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/03/25 Monday 7:55 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
02/03/25 Monday 6:55 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
02/03/25 Monday 6:05 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/peopleandplaces/the-catastrophe-of-12-000-years-ago-that-erased-history/vi-AA1v0YjG?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=6e245026fe3341078d5267148bf64d72&ei=13
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
In watching "Secrets of the National Trust," it inspires my interior decorating skills, but in my simple 450 square foot apartment, there is not much more that I can do.
02/03/25 Monday 5:20 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 10 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again.
02/03/25 Monday 4:00 A.M. Bill Gates giving away money https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2p4p4l78zo
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/03/25 Monday 3:40 A.M. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1588348040?tag=smithsonianco-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1 Toba Volcano book.
02/03/25 Monday 3:20 A.M. I rested until 3 A.M. I went outside.
02/03/25 Monday 1:25 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee and clean the two inches of snow off the car.
In the season of 1983 out on Nantucket from April 1983 to December 1983 when I returned to Greenwich with side trips to Fort Lauderdale and Toronto, I lived at the owners of Le Lanquedoc the Grennons guest house basement room on Hussey Street on Nantucket. It was a short walk to the restaurant with a shared bathroom upstairs.
02/03/25 Monday 1:10 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at midnight. I made my bed. I went outside, and I cleaned two inches of snow off the picnic table. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/02/25 Sunday 10:15 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 9 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will then go to bed.
02/02/25 Sunday 8:35 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
02/02/25 Sunday 8:20 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 each six pack, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $6.29, and two sixteen packs of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 each six pack for a total of $46.05 total. I then returned home. I put the food away. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report.
02/02/25 Sunday 5:50 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 8 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I have tea, but I am used to instant coffee.
02/02/25 Sunday 4:50 A.M. Town of Greenwich budget https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-budget-dive-gear-schools-20105113.php
02/02/25 Sunday 4:20 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callendar garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
02/02/25 Sunday 3:50 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 7 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again in the freezing cold tundra of New England. Right now it is 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
02/02/25 Sunday 3:05 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
End of Scott's Notes week of 02/02/25
02/02/25 Sunday 2:15 A.M. I will now send out my weekly notes.
02/02/25 Sunday 2:10 A.M. I rested until 1:30 A.M. I went outside.
02/02/25 Sunday 12:25 A.M. It is Ground Hog day.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Castle for sale https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj02eyv4v6yo
02/01/25 Saturday 11:50 P.M. I had to make a $333 payment for my www.geico.com umbrella policy.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
02/01/25 Saturday 11:25 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 10 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. It is 21 degrees Fahrenheit. I did not get any mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
02/01/25 Saturday 7:50 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
02/01/25 Saturday 6:55 A.M. Back in mid April 1978, when John Bolton and myself first hitchhiked out of Key West, we tried to hike the Appalachian Trail from Ashville, North Carolina; but we only lasted four days until it started to snow. There were bear warning signs all over the trail too. We hitchhiked down to Hilton Head, South Carolina, and after camping out at the beach one night, there were tracks of a fourteen foot alligator outside of our tent. We then hitchhiked to Beaufort, South Carolina, and we camped out on another beach, and that morning there were about a thousand young Marines from Paris Island having a beach party. We then got a ride hitchhiking back to Key West with Jimmy Buffet. At the first of May 1978, we go out food stamps, and then we hitchhiked to Washington D.C., and caught the Amtrak to Stamford, Connecticut, where we stayed with a relative in Byram for a couple of days. We then hitchhiked back to Cape Cod and caught the ferry to Nantucket. I had money then, because I had gotten a $2,000 income tax return from my job at Daniel construction in 1976. Out on Nantucket, we stayed at 31 India Street, where I stayed the summer before. It was like a work house with lots of beds in each room for $5 a night, and one could work minimum wage jobs to survive. I went back to work at Le Languedoc as a dishwasher pot scrubber for $2.15 an hour, and John worked at Cumberland Farms. In the daytime, we also work on painting an old expensive house on Lincoln Avenue overlooking the cliff overlooking the beach. We also work for Mr. Seward the head attorney for Bethlehem Steel restoring the bluff on the north side of his house. There is a book called, "How to Hold up a Bank," about how to restore a sand dune bank, which if not done properly, the house will fall into the ocean. In October 1978, I bought the $150 1971 used Subaru from Dillon, Colorado; and after putting a new clutch in the car myself, we left Nantucket on our first venture across country. In the Philadelphia area, where I was having the exhaust welded, the car radio said the new Pope had died, and when we were first exploring the old mission at Santa Barbara, the car radio told us about the new Pope John Paul II. John Bolton's father's family were from one of the oldest families in Philadelphia the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadwalader_family that started the first medical university in America.
02/01/25 Saturday 6:15 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 6 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again into the cold tundra of North America. Even though Key West, Florida might be warmer in the winter, they have tropical pests like six inch long palmetto bugs with lots of legs. Also the Everglades north of Key West are full of big alligators, so some might sneak down into the Florida keys.
02/01/25 Saturday 5:25 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
In reading the history on the Walton family of Wal-Mart, I once read the Walton family were driving in upstate New York and saved members of the Rockefeller family from drowning, because they had a canoe on their car, so the Rockefellers made them wealthy. Also once the Rockefellers invested in Swiss Dairy cows on their estate in North Tarrytown, but that was not profitable, so the younger generation setup computer operations in the old dairy barn there. With their money it is probably a pretty elaborate computer setup. Once when I drove over to the Rockefeller state park on the back side of the estate, there was a big www.ibm.com building at the end of the highway by the state park, so they probably were already connected with IBM. From what I know the Rockfeller family are connected with Chase J.P. Morgan, Citicorp, and the Bank of New York; so maybe those banks use IBM to run their banking operations. A firewall from IBM used to cost ten thousand dollars, so IBM is not cheap.
I have been to West Point for graduation a few times, and once during the Clinton administration I saw Defense Secretary Perry speak, and he told all the military there they should be on the internet, which I guess they are now. General Winfield Scott is also buried at West Point, so they know whom he was.
02/01/25 Saturday 4:10 A.M. As a matter of dispute, five star general Dwight David Eisenhower was the President of Columbia University after World War II before he became President of the United States. Also General MacArthur also lived in Manhattan at the Waldorf Towers. Also during the Civil War, General Winfield Scott the Secretary of Defense had a mansion in Manhattan that took up a whole block at 86th Street and Park Avenue, so the Scott family are an old political family. Also in 1975, three United States Senators from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina were from the Scott family. The Scott family is still out there in the wood work of America doing whatever they do. They have been here a long time. In the Social Register for Manhattan, the Scott family were the most common names on Park Avenue too.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders and a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again. There must not be much food in the local woods, so the local wolf population seems to have gone down in my area.
02/01/25 Saturday 3:40 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside into the usual cloudy night with no stars. One of the few smart people that used to talk to me at the old Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop with the first name John volunteered at the local astronomy club, and he had also taught physics at www.columbia.edu for fifty years and had a PHD in physics from Harvard. He told me I was wasting my time with the internet, when I first started on it, but I had nothing else that I could afford to do on my limited income.
02/01/25 Saturday 3:15 A.M. In the summer of 1983, when I last worked at Le Languedoc restaurant as a $8.75 an hour head dishwasher, one of the owner's son had an Apple computer that he did the restaurant paper work on. I think his name was Jimmy too, but he was very protective of the only computer that I saw way out on Nantucket. When I went to the last Microsoft conference in Manhattan in February 2008, I took my own baloney sandwich for lunch, but Microsoft must have had more money, because they gave away about fifty chicken sandwiches for the five hundred people there most of whom were young students. At lunch time the two young blond boys in front of me in the back row took out big red apples to eat. They had a bit of the Roosevelt family look, so maybe they were checking out things for Apple. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his biography did not write he was a lawyer from www.harvard.edu but he was an apple farmer from Hyde Park, New York. I have been told the Roosevelt family still have money, but they are saving it for the next generation. It was their money that started the Bank of New York from Elihu Roosevelt, and the Delano family still live nearby in Bedford, New York. One of FDR's grandsons also lives nearby in Darien, Connecticut, and he helped start the Norwalk Aquarium.
02/01/25 Saturday 2:40 A.M. Computer Associates and Windows magazine used to be out there on Long Island. Also the Cold Spring National laboratory is out there on Long Island. When one ventures out to the pier on Steamboat Road in Greenwich, one can see a lot of light on all night out there across the way in Long Island near Oyster Bay, so they are doing something out there all night long. The last time I was on Long Island was about fifteen years ago, when I flew in to the JFK terminal from Florida on United out of Hartsdale in Atlanta. The second to the last time I was way out on Long Island was when I went to the Microsoft Conference in Hauppauge, Long Island around the winter of 2007. It was at the Hyatt Hotel there, and I saw lots of starving vegan students from the State University of New York in Stonybrook https://www.stonybrook.edu/ . There was one white man there whom was about six feet wide and six feet tall, so I thought he might have been Hyatt Security or Microsoft Security. The free meal was popcorn. At the last two Microsoft conferences, they gave us free software, which is why I ventured a long distance. At the first two Microsoft conferences at the Sheraton Hotel in nearby Stamford, Connecticut; we were supposed to get a free word processor, but all they gave us was a black and grey BIC pen that said Microsoft on it. I think I still have the free copy of Microsoft Office 2007 that I got at the last conference in Manhattan in February 2008, but I do not have the Vista 2007 copy I got out on Long Island. Living around a lot of www.ibm.com rejects, it keeps me busy minding my own business. A relative used to know the former President of IBM that we sat with on the beach many times in Kennebunk, Maine. He now works for Michael Bloomberg last I knew. Before becoming the President of IBM, he had fifty thousand people working for him in IBM in Japan. He and Michael Bloomberg both went to Johns Hopkins University https://www.jhu.edu/ . I have one friend in this area that served at Fort Dietrich, Maryland and another friend in Delaware that lives near there.
I will now go outside again.
02/01/25 Saturday 1:45 A.M. Back in the summers of 1968 and 1969 when I worked as a research photographer at Polaroid on Osborne Street next to www.mit.edu , I was not allowed to talk to anyone about my work. Nearby at Technology Square, they did have the backup computers for NASA though. They were probably trying to figure out at MIT what Polaroid was doing. In 1970 in the summer, I worked construction on the waterfront in Boston and also at the new Polaroid film factory on Interstate 128. In the summer of 1971, I worked at that same film plant writing COBOL for a spread sheet with IBM manuals, the programs ran on an IBM 360. I was now allowed to use them, but we had teletype machines that might have been part of ARP that ran at 300 baud. So technically I have been around the internet since the summer of 1971. That winter of 1972, when I went to Europe, I took a Polaroid 180 camera and Polaroid film, so I was just a photographer again. Polaroid did sell a lot of black and white ASA 3000 instant film to the French Nuclear agency for oscilloscope tracing. Peter Bolton out at Port Washington, Long Island was supposed to be a software engineer for the State Department, but I never saw any computer stuff in his house. He did have a book from the Mechanics Library in the Chelsea area of Manhattan. When I visited the University of California at Santa Cruz in the fall of 1979, they had desktop computers that ran Fortran OS.
I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
02/01/25 Saturday 12:55 A.M. I will now go outside again.
02/01/25 Saturday 12:45 A.M. When I built the garage apartment from April 1982 to February 1983 out at Plandome Manor, Long Island in the same neighborhood as Mr. Grumman's house, I had to go to the Rickle Home repair center on Northern Boulevard in Glencoe. Just east of it on Northern Boulevard is the New York Institute of Technology https://www.nyit.edu/ which has a very nice campus that I explored a couple of times. However, it might have been Post College https://post.edu/ or maybe they were just near each other.
01/31/25 Friday 11:40 P.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-13125?e=d0a721e34a
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm . I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/31/25 Friday 11:30 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 10 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/31/25 Friday 7:10 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/31/25 Friday 6:55 A.M. New Planet https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/habitable-planet-circling-sun-discovered-by-scientists-in-huge-breakthrough/ar-AA1y13d6?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=3f4e29601f444ca9b4c60e5b8d565839&ei=21
01/31/25 Friday 6:30 A.M. I listened to music off the Alexa display for a long time. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/31/25 Friday 4:10 A.M. I paid my Eversource electric bill, my Optimum bill for all three services, and my Verizon telephone bill for February 2025.
One can get a case of 24 energy saving LED light bulbs here for $23 plus tax https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CD5WDZWC/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=e8a98b668066d211af9d2657f62b916b&hsa_cr_id=0&qid=1738313898&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=eGyCO&content-id=amzn1.sym.8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942%3Aamzn1.sym.8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942&pf_rd_p=8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942&pf_rd_r=HNGEX231NFKDFBYXPJXJ&pd_rd_wg=8trPi&pd_rd_r=d3f6ae0d-4de7-48e5-ab63-b65b8afbf441&th=1
When I used Fred Von Mierers apartment at 420 East 49th Street in Manhattan, he had parsons lamps and sconses and walls tiled with mirrors to reflect the light. As Billy Baldwin's protege he learned a thing or two. Billy Baldwin knew the Duke of Windsor, and the Duke of Windsor once got to meet Adolph Hitler. Adolph Hitler in energy short Germany like to use lots of lights to brain wash and impress people from what I have seen from Hollywood. The Energy Saving LED bulbs use a lot less electricity than regular incandescent light bulbs.
I will now go outside again.
01/31/25 Friday 3:15 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 5 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
To keep my living room Pied a Terre cheerful at night, I keep fourteen energy saving light bulbs going in various light devices.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/31/25 Friday 2:25 A.M. I channel surfed channels 1 through 140 on Optimum Cable television. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. For night people the McDonalds by exit 5 in Riverside is opened 24 hours, but they are way too expensive, and it would cost me about $10 round trip in gasoline to go there. Of course the three 24 hour gasoline stations near me along with the 24 hour www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue have food, but convenience stores can be more expensive than grocery stores.
01/31/25 Friday 12:55 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 6 of, "America Primeval." In between I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
When I used to drive the Pacific Coast Highway in my trips to California, I saw lots of big men along the beach dressed as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness , so I guess there are a lot of people also from India in California.
I will now go outside again.
01/30/25 Thursday 11:30 P.M. Behind the previous Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop on Sherwood Place there is a wall made out of huge blocks of stone that somebody put there a long time ago. Also on Greenwich Avenue in art store, I once saw a graphic of the Second Congregation Church cemetery, and they have a large obelisk there that is not there today. Obviously the Greenwich Masons were doing something in this town a long time ago.
01/30/25 Thursday 11:00 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/earthquake-rattles-yellowstone-national-park-s-oldest-hottest-area/ar-AA1y7W38?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=8cde00ed6bf04a779776d11d1260133f&ei=15
There is prehistory evidence in North America that not too many people pay attention to. Where I live at 71 Vinci Drive, there is a big bolder on the south side of the property and another similar one on the northeast side of the property. It is my theory they might have marked the boundary line between the New Haven Colony and the New Amsterdam Colony, before that border was moved to the Byram River. However, it would have taken a lot of work to move them to their present locations, and they are sort of pyramid shape. Maybe they mark some other location like something that was discovered in early history in this area.
I will now go outside again.
01/30/25 Thursday 10:05 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/large-amount-of-magma-found-beneath-us-volcano-dormant-for-4-800-years/ar-AA1y8wTS?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=b321341a06d34158af750daa01bf1280&ei=10
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/30/25 Thursday 9:50 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies, and I chatted with a friend. I finally woke up at 8:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/30/25 Thursday 5:40 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 5 of, "America Primeval."
I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and then I will go to bed.
01/30/25 Thursday 4:20 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 4 of, "America Primeval."
I will now go outside again.
01/30/25 Thursday 3:30 A.M. The U.S.A. Figure Skating Committee said some of their people were on the jet that crashed in Washington D.C.
01/30/25 Thursday 2:55 A.M. I put away the clean laundry. I have been watching on channel 77 a program about Edinburgh, Scotland.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/30/25 Thursday 2:10 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/30/25 Thursday 1:55 A.M. I have 40 minutes to go on two dry cycles. I went outside again. I recall driving through Kansas on my third trip to California with John Bolton, but at the Rocky Mountains, I drove north to Laramie, Wyoming and out west that way. I can not recall how I returned back east on that trip.
01/30/25 Thursday 1:30 A.M. When I went to Ronald Reagan's first inaugural, I flew into Reagan National airport on a Braniff jet and the next day flew out on the Time Magazine private jet to Westchester airport. I recall one other time on flying from Reagan National airport to Westchester airport on Air Florida, when the jet was full of military personnel, but I can not remember when or how I got down there. When I used to drive down to Florida, a time or two I would stop by Dulles International airport west of Washington D.C. and wander around. I use to like wandering around airports, when I traveled around the country to see other people traveling. One the first trip back across country back east I also drove through Kansas. I also met somebody from Steamboat Road or that area whom is an architect here from Kansas.
01/30/25 Thursday 12:55 A.M. I showered, and I cleaned up. I started two loads of wash, and I have 40 minutes to go on the wash cycles.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/30/25 Thursday 12:15 A.M. The jet that crashed at Washington D.C. was out of Wichita, Kansas.
I went outside. I put clean linens on the bed.
https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/washington-white-house .
01/29/25 Wednesday 11:20 P.M. Jet crash in Washington D.C. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cy7kxx74yxlt
01/29/25 Wednesday 10:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside in the windy cold tundra of New England.
01/29/25 Wednesday 10:25 P.M. I rested until 10 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/29/25 Wednesday 8:40 P.M. I woke up at 6:30 P.M. I chatted with a relative. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription. I went by the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89. I returned home. I sat outside. I put away the food. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/29/25 Wednesday 5:50 A.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat four White Castle cheeseburger sliders, and then I will go to bed.
01/29/25 Wednesday 5:25 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 3 of, "America Primeval."
I will now go outside again. The basic reality is that we live out in the woods of Connecticut, once one quits watching urban television.
01/29/25 Wednesday 4:15 A.M. I went outside. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episodes 1 and 2 of, "America Primeval." I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee in between episodes.
I will now go outside again.
01/28/25 Tuesday 11:55 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/28/25 Tuesday 11:15 P.M. I channel surfed.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
The reason I mention James Edward Eldert, so many times in my notes is that when I chatted with Helen Kress Williams briefly, when I moved her from Oyster Bay to Locust Valley, she told me Fred Von Mierers and I had to keep an eye on Jimmy Eldert. Since Helen was the head trustee of Vassar College, I figured Helen might have know some of Jimmy's upstate New York old Dutch family and friends like her neighbors the Roosevelts. Jimmy did show up in my life a number of times, when most of all of the other people I ever met never showed up again. At the same conversation, she told me not be afraid of Nelson Rockefeller, but since I did not know him, I did not think much of it.
01/28/25 Tuesday 10:30 P.M. I went outside again.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/28/25 Tuesday 9:10 P.M. As I recall when I was around Jimmy Eldert in Key West towards the end of March in 1977, I got my six months of unemployment checks from Daniel Construction in Greenville, South Carolina which was about $2,500 in unemployment checks. Rob Glore cashed them at his Dupont family bank the First National Bank and Trust of Florida. Then Jimmy and myself took a Greyhound bus to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I paid about $250 to get my car out of the pound. We spent the night as motel on the beach in Deerfield Beach, Florida. We then took the Florida Turnpike to a motel near Orlando and spent the night. The following day, we toured Disneyworld. Jimmy liked the Alpha and Omega roller coaster ride at Disneyworld. We then drove to St. Augustine for the night. We drove north to Jacksonville, Florida, and we met up with Hurley Harris Haywood. I then gave Jimmy $400 to fly back up north to the University of New Hampshire, and I continued driving up North. I am not sure or not if we stayed in Deerfield Beach or not. That might have been the following year with John Bolton or whenever. In the few brief times around Jimmy Eldert, he had a strange karma, in that when he was around everyone would disappear ever in Manhattan.
I will now go outside again.
01/28/25 Tuesday 8:10 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/28/25 Tuesday 8:00 P.M. I woke up, and I ate a croissant. I finally woke up at 6:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
When this happened https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife_airport_disaster , I was down in Key West with Jimmy Eldert. I heard about it on my car radio, so I went to the Pigeon House patio were Pan Am had their first office, and I left a Monte Cristo cigar box with some keep sakes. Jimmy and I then left Key West to head up North as I recall.
01/28/25 Tuesday 6:20 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/28/25 Tuesday 5:35 A.M. I will now go outside again.
01/28/25 Tuesday 4:40 A.M. Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue does not open until February 9, 2025 https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-greenwich
01/28/25 Tuesday 4:35 A.M. Norton 360 ten license $25 https://www.amazon.com/Symantec-Antivirus-software-Devices-Renewal/dp/B07QLYWQRQ?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&ascsubtag=eh65sikowb1ivdj9uy7o01Zfg4W4dj2S&th=1
James P. Warburg Mansion $28,800,000 East 34 -36 70th Street https://www.corcoran.com/listing/for-sale/34-36-east-70th-street-manhattan-ny-10021/23293981/regionId/1
Looks like it is under renovation.
That is where the $350 a month studio was that I found for Sandy Carlson in 1974.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/28/25 Tuesday 3:30 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 4 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain." It was about work houses in Britain. I guess I am doing better in America.
I will now go outside again in the freezing cold tundra. When I go outside besides drinking instant coffee, I smoke cigar cigarettes from Florida that are made in Oklahoma from tobacco grown in Kentucky. Because they are cigar cigarettes and not regular cigarettes, there is no tax on them, and they are also all natural with no additives like salt peter in Marlboros.
01/28/25 Tuesday 2:10 A.M. Frick family information https://www.rickhutto.com/articles/Frick.pdf
01/28/25 Tuesday 1:55 A.M. I rested until 1:30 A.M. I went outside.
01/28/25 Tuesday 12:40 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
Coke recall https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3rwv9j74q9o
https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-stonehaven-19-million-5-fireplaces-20049711.php lot of bathrooms to clean.
01/27/25 Monday 11:55 P.M. On channel 65 C-span, I watched a program on cyber security threats.
I will now go outside again.
01/27/25 Monday 10:40 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
When I met up with friends in Manhattan in the February after 911, I toured the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Frick Museum, and the Asian Institute. That was the last time, I visited those places. Once back in 1974 on a Saturday morning in nice weather, I was walking with a friend down Fifth Avenue, and I met up with a Taft classmate that is related to the Frick family, and we met up outside the Frick Museum. I noticed when I was last there in the February after 911, one of the big urns in the front garden had a crack in it. One is supposed to remove the dirt in the winter, so the moisture does not freeze and crack the urn. Also around 1974, when Fred Von Mierers went to a charity party across the street from the entrance to the Frick, there was a jewelry robbery at that party of a fifty thousand dollar diamond necklace as reported in the New York Press. Fred always said the only thing the Social Register was good for was florists and jewel thieves.
I will now go outside again.
01/27/25 Monday 10:20 P.M. Back in 1974 at the Ninth Circle pub, I met an older red haired man who was staying at the Chelsea Hotel on West 23rd Street. He told me, he lived at the Frick mansion on Long Island. Also in 1974, I found Sandy Carlson an apartment on East 70th Street for $350 a month. It was a large studio a block and a half east of the Frick Museum near the Westbury Hotel. Also, when I was out on Plandome Manor, Vivian Simmons West was in rehab for a while at the old Frick Mansion retirement home on the north side of the Russian consulate in Glencoe, Long Island. The Fricks at one time had numerous estates out on Long Island. I had Frick family members in my class also at Greenwich Country Day School.
01/27/25 Monday 9:40 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for .99, two 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowls for $3 each, and a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99 for $22.97 total. I then returned home. I used my little folding hand truck to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water, and I put the food away. I then put the grey bag and hand truck back in the car. I sat outside. I filed this report.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I just remembered, when I first met Fred Von Mierers in October 1973, he had me drive us to a party at big white marble mansion on the North Shore of Long Island. I can not remember whom the hosts were, but Fred said they were a wealthy Jewish family.
01/27/25 Monday 8:00 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/27/25 Monday 7:50 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 6:15 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tRef=fullpage&tLc=2&text28777=&tLabels=9261290234818907855966%2C&tABt=false for https://www.pipingrock.com/lecithin/lecithin-non-gmo-1200-mg-120-quick-release-softgels-21031 for $23.40 total arrived. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/27/25 Monday 5:15 A.M. Ice Rink News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-dorothy-hamill-rink-flip-20051608.php .
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and I will go to bed.
01/27/25 Monday 5:10 A.M. As I recall on my second cross trip to California in the fall of 1979, when I drove by myself; I visited San Francisco International airport. I saw the Pan Am maiden voyage of the Shaghai Clipper taking off with a lot of VIP guests. At the Pan Am lounge I looked at the guest book, and Mrs. Honeywell of Wellesley, Mass.'s name was in it. I also saw the head of the CIA Admiral Stanfield Turner observing the travelers. He told me I should get back east, so I drove down the Inland Highway to Interstate 10 across country back East. I did stop by the Air Force Base at Kelly Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas; and the Iran Hostage rescue mission was coming out of that location. I faced lots of automatic weapons when I entered the base, and they told me to keep on going. As I recall, I drove down to Key West and then back up to Port Washington, Long Island where the friend that I had done the first trip with was living.
01/27/25 Monday 4:45 A.M. Some people call the night shift, "The Grave Yard Shift"
The last time I was in Key West in February 1982, I did meet another person. It was a Chinese person about my age staying at, "The Light House Court" guest house.
He told me he owned a store called, "Design Observations," on Columbus Avenue in Manhattan. I think after that I read in the New York press about a sales clerk being murdered in that store. When I lived on West 74th Street, my roommate's daughter worked the liquor store at the Dakota. It was her white German Shepard that I walked in that neighborhood. My roommate had the same look as Lauren Bacal whom also lived in the Dakota. The daughter married a Chinese silk merchant and became the first European American to work for China Airlines as a flight attendant. Of course Hurley Harris Haywood from Oakbrook, Illinois had a grandfather General Hurley whom was the first American General to deal with Mao Tse Tung during World War II. Both Mao Tse Tung and Adolf Hitler started off as sign painters and then started painting political posters. I also know a former President of Taiwan also attended Cornel University. When Fred Von Mierer's apartment was at 420 East 49th Street, now just east of it on the southwest corner of 49th Street and First Avenue, there is a large Chinese grocery store. The last time I actually chatted with Fred around the winter of 1989 at his new apartment on East 54th Street, he was reading big thick books in Chinese that were supposed to be 400 years old. The library at Rockefeller University also is mostly comprised of old Chinese Medical text books. Back around 1907, John Davidson Rockefeller gave a $100 million to Chinese Medical Research. There is also the Asian Institute on Park Avenue and about 70th Street named after his grandson. One of the last times, I went to Manhattan in the winter after 911, I ate at the large Chinese restaurant on Park Avenue and about 40th Street on the west side of Park Avenue.
I will now go outside again.
01/27/25 Monday 4:05 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episodes 9 and 10 of "The Night Agent." I went outside in between episodes.
Having been awake for decades at night, I have learned to how keep busy simply over all of those decades.
I will now go outside again.
01/27/25 Monday 2:10 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 8 of "The Night Agent."
I am sort of a Night Agent staying up all night when nothing ever happens, but I do have an endless world internet media and regular television media to watch.
There a number of programs that I grew up with that are no longer available, so I guess the censors are still doing their work.
I will now go outside again.
01/27/25 Monday 1:15 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 7 of "The Night Agent."
I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. About the only thing I know how to do anymore is beta test Windows 12 beta Canary on an older computer, and that is about it.
I was told one thing I just remember, in the period between December 1980 and February 1982 at one of the more popular bars in the Chelstea area of Manhattan near where the New York City police academy had been, I was told, "We? sold out to the Chinese in 1973." I am not sure whom they meant by "We?" In Manhattan there are so many people, one gets about every viewpoint in the world.
01/26/25 Sunday 11:25 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
01/26/25 Sunday 10:55 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 6 of "The Night Agent." I chatted with a relative half way through. I went outside half way through, and I drank an instant coffee.
I will now go outside again.
01/26/25 Sunday 9:00 P.M. I channel surfed. On channel 77, they are talking about five thousand year old Egyptian civilization.
I will now go outside again.
01/26/25 Sunday 8:05 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/26/25 Sunday 7:50 P.M. The last time I went to Manhattan was in February 2008. Joe Siegel the CBS announcer was on the train from Greenwich into the City. I took some pictures http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-030408/ . I went to the Microsoft Conference at the Sheraton Hotel on West 54th Street and Broadway. On the way out of the City in Grand Central Station, I walked right up to Prince Charles and the Prime Minister of England Gordon Brown whom were looking at the remodeled Grand Central Station with a thousand men in black suits that looked like Prince Andrew. They all took the first train out on Westchester Line, and on the second train out on the New Haven line that I took was Mel Goldstein the CBS weather man and Roger Mudd the CBS announcer. I have not returned to the City since.
01/26/25 Sunday 7:15 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/26/25 Sunday 7:10 P.M. I woke up at 5:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jijkstksnoostop&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-8687333-2067426&shipmentId=BfYFVfYcF for two https://www.amazon.com/Royal-Dansk-Selection-Preservatives-Coloring/dp/B000FNFL0G/ref=rvi_d_sccl_8/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=IteAx&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=MMAGE72PS6B3AMHWY845&pd_rd_wg=CELeV&pd_rd_r=996718e6-7a96-4b3d-ad8b-45103a7dd34f&pd_rd_i=B000FNFL0G&th=1 for $9.72 total arrived. I threw out the shipping box. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend.
End of Scott's Notes week of 01/26/25
01/26/25 Sunday 2:40 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 5 of "The Night Agent."
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/26/25 Sunday 1:20 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 4 of "The Night Agent."
I will now go outside again.
01/26/25 Sunday 12:20 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
01/25/25 Saturday 11:35 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
The last time I went to Key West, Florida in February 1982 when it was minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in Manhattan, and I first met Steve Bahl whom lived next to the Key West post office, I thought he was from Wisconsin and owned Fennimore Cheese in Wisconsin that became https://www.wisconsincheesemart.com/ . Since my family already knew John Phillips in Greenwich who once was in the cheese business from Wisconsin, I thought they might have known each other. John Phillips got me the job at CBS News, when he was the head of Columbia pictures. My mother also knew Walter Cronkite. Walter Cronkite once said the CBS Evening broadcast was only two and a half columns of the New York Times which sold out first thing every morning at the CBS Broadcast Center on West 57th Street. I had a hard time making it to work by 10 A.M., so I lost my job after six months during Watergate. In Key West in 1982, I was told the Danish Royal family were down there on vacation. Before I got into trouble, I tried to dance with a girl in the discothèque that looked like a relative, but it might have been Queen Nord of Jordan whom was sometimes in Key West too. In the days of Pan American Airlines there were a lot of travelers around Key West, and Pan Am used to throw a New Years Eve party, and they would all take off around the World after that.
01/25/25 Saturday 10:25 P.M. I switched the two over the air antennas with the two televisions, so they still both have the same number of channels, but each seems to have better over the air reception. The Samsung television goes up to 5000 channels but only still gets about 500 channels. I leave it set on Sky TV from England, and one channel below is the BBC.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/25/25 Saturday 9:30 P.M. On the bedroom 32 inch Vizio Smart TV that I got a little over a year ago at Target in Port Chester for $179, I have another Optimum Cable box connected to it and a Amazon Smart Cube. I also have this over the air coaxial cable antenna connected to it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DMJN6QVD?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title which goes up to 1600 channels with a lot of over the air channels. However, a lot of the over the air channels on both televisions are older programming and movies. Both televisions have sound bars connected to them as does the LG 24 inch monitor TV on the primary work HP laptop computer.
I will now go outside again.
01/25/25 Saturday 9:10 P.M. In the living room on my 49 inch Samsung Smart TV television that I got refurbished from www.vipoutlet.com for $200 over five years ago, I have the Optimum cable box connected to it. I also have a LAN cable connected to it. I also have an Apple Mac Mini connected to it for internet video. I also have this over the air antenna https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DGGD7KPS?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 connected to coaxial where the Samsung Smart TV goes up to 4000 channels over the air, but I only get about a thousand channels give or take. The Optimum Cable box also is connected to a LAN cable. Thus I have a lot of video content. I channel surfed a lot of the over the air channels. I guess Fred Von Mierers was right, and America lives in a Hollywood television fantasy. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I have come a long way since the three televisions at CBS News in 1973 and the television repair shop next to the Ninth Circle pub. In my second time in Manhattan, I did connect up once with Donald Monroe who was raised at Fort Hood, Texas and did video in Manhattan, and lived across the street from the Forbes building next to the Windfield Scott town house now the Italian studies center for New York University. In my five trips to Europe, I only had television on my last trip in Paris, France in February 1992; where they showed Jacque Cousteau in French on a black and white television in a small hotel next to the Paris tropical garden.
01/25/25 Saturday 7:35 P.M. One of the last people I met in Manhattan a long time ago had this name https://humanrights.stanford.edu/people/soren-jorgensen . At the time he lived in Norwalk, and he drove an orange Porsche. He had gone to Columbia Business school and was from Denmark.
01/25/25 Saturday 7:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. In my generation, I was a little behind on television, since I did not have my own television until a 18 inch Samsung television with rabbit ears around 1985, when I lived on Steamboat Road. Alas I have hundreds of channels anymore, but most of the content is older content from television and movie history.
01/25/25 Saturday 5:40 P.M. I ordered two https://www.amazon.com/Royal-Dansk-Selection-Preservatives-Coloring/dp/B000FNFL0G/ref=rvi_d_sccl_8/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=IteAx&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=MMAGE72PS6B3AMHWY845&pd_rd_wg=CELeV&pd_rd_r=996718e6-7a96-4b3d-ad8b-45103a7dd34f&pd_rd_i=B000FNFL0G&th=1 for $9.72 total.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/25/25 Saturday 5:25 P.M. I woke up at 3:30 P.M. I made my bed. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action?tLabels=9434611105503800475392 on the order for twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total arrived. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jijipxqlnotnwqp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-2875217-7517842&shipmentId=BqPxkKY5D for https://www.amazon.com/Senetem-Ethernet-Internet-Shielded-Compatible/dp/B0CC325YDC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2HC7Y33ZRD660&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DClzYbzdqk46xnpkdNqlGxI5PX0hiDalpY8C6Q8xqvzbwJnXnTgRDaopk5ooja-5w15NtBBCn2UlziWdg7DvGOEsOMBHIbFVcNOhTRoAPJm9vgZI8NJGbp5IHfUoovhJuVECQof40nA9q8-AVfwRqM1sVtbgiv5rNybMnGTsmIT2Eu2apnSTf_29H_DsXq1D3jTK8dK-u0sg_SMwVSzoNUdc2I6qcguA4hFoH-Jr0_M.evwt89X2EXcCXCOfw0fiH7-85RnpoMav2xtiy7tkKWs&dib_tag=se&keywords=lan%2Bcable%2B15%2Bft&qid=1737601516&sprefix=15%2Bft.%2Blan%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 for $9.56 total arrived. I put the cigar cigarettes. I used the LAN cable to hook up the Grace Digital internet radio. I threw out the shipping box. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/25/25 Saturday 2:40 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 3 of "The Night Agent."
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a croissant, and I will go to bed.
01/25/25 Saturday 1:45 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/25/25 Saturday 1:15 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 2 of "The Night Agent."
I will now go outside again.
01/25/25 Saturday 12:05 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 1 of "The Night Agent."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/24/25 Friday 11:10 P.M. I rested until 10:45 P.M. I went outside. Rocky Raccoon walked by.
01/24/25 Friday 10:05 P.M. Pandas https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cy5kw1nrnqpo
Scotland Storm https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cvg84p9v2e1o No snow in Scotland
01/24/25 Friday 9:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/24/25 Friday 8:55 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/24/25 Friday 7:55 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription. I drove by www.starbucks.com on Greenwich Avenue, and it is definitely closed. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. From the clearance section I bought four pack of croissants for $2.89, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $.99 a six pack, four 20 ounce Dole pineapple chunks for $2.59 a can, and four 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowls for $3 each $27.23 total. I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $23.50 of self service premium for $4.399 a gallon for 5.343 gallons at odometer reading of 126477 miles for 62.7 miles driven since Monday December 30, 2024 for 11.735 miles per gallon in local traffic. I then returned home. I put away the food away. I put the grey bag back in the car, and I sat outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside in the cold tundra and drink an instant coffee.
01/24/25 Friday 6:25 P.M. I rested until 6 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/24/25 Friday 4:35 P.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-12425?e=d0a721e34a
01/24/25 Friday 4:25 P.M. I woke up at 3 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I did not get any mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/24/25 Friday 2:30 A.M. I have also been inside the Warburg mansion in Manhattan and the Anneberg apartments in Manhattan too. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. Going outside frequently in the winter cold weather makes me more tired all of the time, and I just want to hibernate.
01/24/25 Friday 2:00 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 3 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain." It was about the Rothschild home in England. When Queen Victoria had lunch there, she had a second helping of beef, so she liked beef. I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. I have never been to England or the United Kingdom, I have been to the Continent five times. Going to Europe involves too much walking for Senior Citizens, so I enjoy staying home in my simple Pied a Terre. I have toured Versailles on my last trip, when I went to France; and I read they have since restored it. I have been in the Louvre which on the same trip they were restoring, and also Notre Dame. In Florence, Italy; I have been in the Medici Palace and the Uffici and the Duomo. I also have been at the Parthenon in Athens and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and outside the Vatican. I have also toured the White House on my last trip to Washington D.C. around January 1991. I have been in the Greenwich Country Club many times as a family member and Barbara Rockefeller's town house three times. I guess with taxes, Americans like in England now have smaller homes. I once investigated the Avery Architecture Library at Columbia University, and they have books of a lot of great old houses in America that nobody could afford to maintain, so they were torn town. I have also been at Williamsburg, Virginia a couple of times. I have been to the mansion on Cherry Valley Road in Greenwich several times and a couple of times to the Topping Estate in back country. I have been to the Frick Museum several times also. I guess there are other areas in America, where some people manage to keep secrets showing their extended wealth. I have been by the Rockefeller Estate in North Tarrytown a number of times, but I have never been in any of their homes there. I have been near Biltmore House and Gardens in Ashville, North Carolina and Newport, Rhode Island, but I never explored the houses in either place.
I will now go out in the cold tundra again.
01/24/25 Friday 12:20 A.M. Since I returned to Greenwich from Nantucket in December 1983, I have spent over 41 years walking around and sitting on Greenwich Avenue. I also used to walk the 3.5 mile walk around Tod's Point in Old Greenwich, until the price of gasoline to go there became almost $15.
01/24/25 Friday 12:15 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/23/25 Thursday 11:45 P.M. I rested until 10:30 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. When I lived at West 74th Street from December 1980 to February 1982, I only saw three people from my earlier days in Manhattan. I once saw Fred Von Mierers in Greenwich Village. I saw Bobby Culver in Greenwich Village, and he invited me a New Years Eve party in 1982. I met up with Alex Wagner at pub behind the Natural History Museum. I did visit Frankfort, Germany for three days around Christmas Time in 1980. Without many contacts I never got a decent job. I did work for a week once delivering tickets for a travel agency, but they never paid me. I became most expert at wandering around Manhattan again and walking my roommates white German Shepard dog in Riverside Park and Columbus Avenue. I did show up at Lincoln Center one 1981 summer to see Prince Charles arrive there, before he got married. My simple daytime routine was dressing up in my old Brooks Brothers suit and walking through Central Park and touring the Metropolitan Museum of Art many times. They did not charge me for admittance, since I told them I was a member of the Art Students League, which was the same case, when I went there from October 1973 to February 1975. New York City has a lot of people, so one gets lost in the shuffle. On West 74th Street, there was a younger boy's school behind my apartment, so I could hear them playing all of the time, but I never saw them. Half of that period my roommate lived with her boy friend at the Carnegie Tower on the East Side. The Forbes Yacht was moored in the Marina on West 79th Street. The night Ronald Reagan first showed up after being elected in December 1980, I walked the German Shepard over to the Waldorf Astoria through Central Park, and the Secret Service photographed the White German Shepard with a Polaroid camera. However, I did not see Reagan until the Presidential Inaugural. Coming back through Central Park was when John Lennon was shot outside the Dakota apartment building. I saw him and Yoko a number of times at the Fairway grocery store on Broadway. I would eat $1.79 roast beef sandwiches on a Kaiser roll from Gristedes on West 72nd Street. I recall, the period I went to Reagan's first inaugural, I was house sitting in New Canaan briefly. I did fly down to Washington D.C. two months after the inaugural trying to get a government job. There were a lot of homeless people around Lafayette Square, and nothing came out of it. When I flew back the new attorney general Ed Meece sat next to me on the plane, and he told me I was going to end up on a meat hook if I kept hanging out on the waterfront in the West Village and Chelsea near the meat packing district. In the evenings, I would go to Uncle Charlie's pub on Greenwich Street across from Ed Koch's apartment and watch videos which were popular. There were a lot of students from New York University there. My roommate had been the secretary to the head of the business school at New York University before she went to work for Cyrus Vance. She did have me move out earlier, and I spent the night at the George Washington hotel in Chelsea and came out to Greenwich in the morning. I sat in the Greenwich Library, and when I called my relative in New Canaan, they told me President Reagan had been shot. I picked up my duffle bag at the Greenwich Y.M.C.A., and I took a taxi cab to Westchester airport and watched television. I then took a shuttle bus to Kennedy Airport, and I sat in the Pan Am Vip lounge playing a computer chess came. When I called my roommate in Manhattan, she had me come back to the apartment on West 74th Street. As I recall, the summer of 1981 was the only summer I was in Manhattan, and without air conditioning it was hot and smoggy on the West Side. I did visit Columbia University a number of times, but I did not make any contacts. My roommate Julie Bolton was the daughter Vivian West that I built the garage apartment for out at Plandome Manor, and her son John Bolton was the person I met in Key West in February 1978 and lived with on Nantucket and drove across country with a few times.
I will now go outside again.
01/23/25 Thursday 8:55 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/23/25 Thursday 8:40 P.M. I went outside again.
Other news www.wn.com .
01/23/25 Thursday 7:40 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. It said on television yesterday that the cartoon series "Sponge Bob" is more popular that www.cnn.com . I guess a lot of young people still watch a lot of television.
My old friend Tony Renato Pigato from Sao Paulo, Brazil when he visited me at 700 Steamboat Road when he was a Rotary Exchange student in White Plains, New York had an introduction to the Aga Khan, when he was high commisioner of refugees at the www.un.org . The Aga Khan's grandfather used to be the world's wealthiest person, so maybe there is still a bit of money left in that family, but I am not a Shia Muslim.
I will now back to beta testing for www.gatesnotes.com .
01/23/25 Thursday 6:40 P.M. The richest contact that I know of in my family is that I have a relative whom went to Trinity College in San Antonio, Texas, and one of her classmates was Sam Walton's daughter of Wal-Mart fame. However, with a father whom was a Chemical Engineer in the oil industry, he might have known some Arab sheiks that never came my way.
01/23/25 Thursday 5:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
As far as I know the richest person in my class of 1972 at Lake Forest College was Chris Kluge whose father owned Metromedia. Donald Trump later bought their family farm in Virginia. The last I read about him he was making wooden marionettes of famous characters.
I will now go outside again.
01/23/25 Thursday 5:25 P.M. The last trip to Key West in February 1982, I did not eat much food. Miller the Navy Medic from New Haven bought me dinner at Poor Richard's French restaurant. The rest of the time I ate Pepperidge Farm goldfish crackers that were in big bowls at the Casa Marina Hotel beach bar. I also cleaned up in their restrooms. Also at the Atlantic Beach Club next to the Casa Marina, I saw a tall friend of mine name Richard from Norwalk. He had gone to Dartmouth College, when I met him in Greenwich Village in 1973. I had him at our house at 21 Cornelia Drive in Greenwich, and he had a friend from the University of Houston, where he had also gone that looked like George W. Bush who was living on Lake Avenue. I saw him once again in Manhattan. Also when I was in Oslo, Norway in February 1983, he was at the discothèque Noble Dancer named after a Norwegian race horse.
01/23/25 Thursday 4:50 P.M. Ice Rink news https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/greenwich-rtm-halts-latest-dorothy-hamill-rink-proposal?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90&user_email_md5=c5e7dfa888bd18577cc98d1df5637b42&lctg=62e24445456ff916ee067d12
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/23/25 Thursday 4:40 P.M. I woke up at 3 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
The last time I was in Key West in February 1982, I also met somebody named Stephan Salisbury from Salisbury, Connecticut. He looked like vice president Bush, and his roommate looked like Ronald Reagan. I stayed up one night drinking coffee and chatting with him in his Air Stream trailer in Boca Chica. When I left in the morning there was a Coral snake on the door stop. The Coral snake is the most dangerous snake in Florida.
01/23/25 Thursday 2:15 A.M. Also a couple of other classmates at Lake Forest College were from Beverley Farms, Mass. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/23/25 Thursday 2:00 A.M. When I met Fred Von Mierers in Manhattan in October 1973, he told me had been raised by his Aunt Agatha in Beverly Farms, Mass. where Helen Clay Frick had a big house, and where a Lake Forest College classmate Ted Eaton also lived before he died. George Cary's Uncle was also the head of the Myopia Hunt there. Fred told me he knew Tony Clark that I had attended Taft with, and later ended up living in the Canary Islands. Fred had lived with the Shah of Iran's family in Iran, the Krup family in Germany, and Nixon's ambassador to Spain the Saltonstal family from Mass. Thus besides foreign language skills, he also had international experience and had attended a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace with Helen Kress Williams too, where I guess he met Mick Jaeger who was suppose to visit him on Nantucket in the summer of 1975. At Barbara Rockefeller's he knew Adam Ginowsky who was a guest of hers and worked at Rockefeller University which jobs are hard to come by. I think he was Polish. In Nantucket Seward's Johnson's wife was from Poland and financed the over throw of the Communist government in Poland with her money. Mr. Seward the head attorney for Bethlehem Steel also had a house on Nantucket. Henry Cabot Lodge Junior who was Richard Nixon's ambassador Viet Nam also had a house on Nantucket. There are so many summer people out there, nobody ever really know what goes on. Fred also knew Paul Mellon's daughter whose family had a house on Nantucket.
01/23/25 Thursday 1:35 A.M. Back in the winter of 1977, I once walked in off the street in Key West to a party, and I ran into Hurley Harris Haywood from Oakbrook, Illinois and Jacksonville, Florida who was General Hurley's grandson the first American general to deal with Mao Tse Tung during World War II. Back in the fall of 1972, I had driven down with Hurley from Oakbrook, Illinois to Jacksonville with his cousins Rob Glore from Lake Forest and Whitney from Minnesota, but after a week in Jacksonville, I flew down to St. Thomas, and I met up with one of my roommates from Lake Forest named Peter Isham whom was school teacher in St. Thomas. I then recall going back to Lake Forest and Chicago. George Cary showed up to visit the apartment at 31 East Elm Street in Chicago near Brooks McCormick's apartment, but besides driving a cab, I could not get a job. The first day of driving a cab in Chicago, my first fare from O'Hare airport was somebody that looked like Prince Phillip going to the Drake Hotel the legal address for John D. Rockefeller III. In St. Thomas, I also saw somebody that looked like Prince Charles at the pub next to the ferry dock to St. Johns. George Cary, and I left Chicago in a Mercedes diesel sedan that I had bought at Loeber Mercedes in Chicago. In East Aurora, New York, his parents took us to the Queen's cup at the Fort Erie rack track where the Queen Mum presented the trophy. When I got back to Weston, Mass., I gave the Mercedes to my father to pay off the loan to the Midwest Bank in Lake Forest. I then took a Grey Hound bus from Boston to Toronto, and I visited George Cary for a week. He had me on Canadian television at the local party. I took the Grey Hound bus back to Boston, and I moved down to the Manhattan at the first of 1973. Hurley Haywood showed up in Manhattan, and we stayed at the Waldorf Towers. While smoking a cigarette on St. Bart's church patio next to the Waldorf Towers, I saw somebody that looked like the Duke of Windsor exiting a Buick sedan. However, it might have been Fred Von Mierer's boss Billy Baldwin that looked a bit like and knew the Duke of Windsor. I stayed with my sister on East 89th Street, and then moved to West 9th Street to the St. Clair residence when I was at CBS news as a clerk typist for the commercial's paper work. That June 1973, my family moved back to Greenwich, since my father was working for nearby Combustion Engineering. I got a job at Boodles as waiter, and my father cosigned a loan at Union Trust in Darien to buy a used Volvo from a banker named Mr. Dupont. However, when the stock market crashed in October 1973, I lost my job at Boodles, and I went into Manhattan, and I met Fred Von Mierers and Jimmy Eldert whom had connections with the Rockefeller group and other wealthy people. I was back and forth to Manhattan until February 1975, when I decided to spend more time in Greenwich. I quit smoking and started swimming and camping out at Conyers Farm where the Rosenstiels said I could swim. I then went Nantucket eventually in July 1975, and back to Greenwich. I visited Yale University for a week without money in September 1975, where I did not eat for a week, and everyone ignored me unlike earlier that summer. The first half of 1976 was spent working for Daniel Construction in Greenville, South Carolina when George Cary was in Aiken, South Carolina, and visited me once. I returned up North in July 1976, and I went to the Bicentennial in Manhattan, and then Nantucket. That September 1976, I drove down to South Florida, where I could not get a job without a fixed address and finally the Key West adventure and then back up North to Nantucket with Jimmy Eldert part of the way. Also in Key West in February 1982, there was a beach comber picking up sea weed on the beach that looked like George Walker Bush. He was making money selling it to the Japanese. There was another person that looked like Jeb Bush, but it might have been Dezi Arnez Junior, since I also saw his father down there.
I will now go outside again.
01/23/25 Thursday 12:45 A.M. Back in February 1982, when it was minus 26 degrees below zero actual in Manhattan, and Julie Bolton had me move out of the apartment on West 74th Street, where I walked the dogs in Riverside Park, she gave me a $100 bill. With no place to go I checked my white Samsonite suit case at the East Side Airline terminal, and then I went to an East 53rd Street pub. I met Bobby Fink from Hollywood, Florida who at the time was a hair dresser and on the cover of Vogue magazine in White Tie. He got a thousand dollars a hair cut from Vogue. He lived in a small second floor studio above the Episcopal Church on East 52nd Street. A friend of Fred Von Mierers named Bernard Schwab showed up in the apartment which was warm. He knew Greta Garbo's next door neighbor on East 52nd Street near the River Club. He also introduced me to two British brothers Michael and Louis who lived in the pent house of East 54th Street where Fred Von Mierers lived later on and Teddie Kennedy had an apartment. We went to see the movie "Taps" with George C. Scott which was only the third movie I had ever seen in Manhattan. The second one was Sunset Boulevard at a Chelsea movie theatre. The first one was "Death Wish." After a week Bobby Fink had to fly down to St. Barts for a fashion shoot for Vogue magazine. He had the first cable television I ever saw, but there was only one porn channel and the movie channel played Dr. Zhivago over and over. When I had to leave, I took a bus from the East Side airline terminal to the airport, and I flew down to Miami with my $100 bill. I then took a Grey Hound bus to Key West, and I checked my Samsonite suit case at the Key West bus station. I did meet another person down there whom had a small apartment next to the police station with a bit of Nelson Rockefeller's look. I do not think they knew how cold it was up North, but it was quite busy down there with the colder weather up North. The Navy Medic I met down there from New Haven was friend of Lowell Weickers and just as tall. He took me to diner at Poor Richards. He had a www.ford.com rental Lincoln Continental and a high rise apartment near the airport. He was going to Ecuador to buy rubies and emeralds at whole sale costs. I also saw Michael and Louis down there from East 54th Street, and they were so darkly tanned they looked like African Americans. They had been to Carnival in Brazil, Aculpoco in Mexico and Hawaii to get that tanned. I got fourth degree sun burn, and the Navy Medic gave me a morphine pill to kill the pain. After a couple of weeks down there, I had no place to stay, so I stayed up all night, at the Clarence Higgs beach next to the Casa Marina Hotel that my friends had rebuilt. I met a young person that looked like John James Audubon, who I guess was a local. The following morning the Key West police arrested me calling me a Nazi because I was wearing my new pair of Ray Ban sun glasses that I had bought at Rockefeller Center. Their computer report said that I had escaped from a psychiatric facility up North and was a drug addict and alcoholic. Without a lawyer, I spent two months in the Monroe County jail with murderers and other felons. They did flew me back up North from Key West, to Cape Canaveral, Virginia Beach, Trenton, and finally the airport next to Bridgeport, and held me in jail for another month in Bridgeport. The bail was only a hundred dollars, but my relative in Norwalk would not pay it. I called a family friend in Greenwich named Everett Fisher whom is a back country lawyer, and they released me from Norwalk Court. I then went out the Plandome Manor, Long Island and built the garage apartment for the next ten months. From what I know now when the eight ounces of gold and my U.S.A. passport was stolen from me in August 1980 in Port Washington, Long Island according to American Express my passport was being used two months later in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Thus somebody stole my identification which caused the false computer report down in Key West. I had already reported the theft to Admiral Stanfield Turner the head of the CIA when I saw him at President Reagan's first inaugural back in January 1981. Thus it would seem to me somebody in the government was covering up for whomever stole my identification and traveled with it. Actually back in the last year and a half at Lake Forest College, I drove a local taxi cab in Lake Forest around Fort Sheridan too, and to do that, the Lake Forest police department finger printed me for the www.fbi.gov . Thus from my view point government people pull dirty tricks despite all of the honest hard work I have done in my life time. I guess basically coming from Greenwich, Connecticut a lot of people do not like people from Greenwich for obvious reasons and possibly even in Manhattan. Julie Bolton my roommate on West 74th Street in Manhattan was the head of word processing in Cyrus Vance's law firm across the street from the www.ibm.com building at 57th street and Madison Avenue. There was also an office there for British boarding schools to add to the confusion. Net to the IBM building was the AT&T building. Grey Hound shipped up the White Samsonite suit case after that event.
I will now go outside again.
01/22/25 Wednesday 11:30 P.M. For the Ocean Digital Internet Radio, I bought https://www.amazon.com/Senetem-Ethernet-Internet-Shielded-Compatible/dp/B0CC325YDC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2HC7Y33ZRD660&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DClzYbzdqk46xnpkdNqlGxI5PX0hiDalpY8C6Q8xqvzbwJnXnTgRDaopk5ooja-5w15NtBBCn2UlziWdg7DvGOEsOMBHIbFVcNOhTRoAPJm9vgZI8NJGbp5IHfUoovhJuVECQof40nA9q8-AVfwRqM1sVtbgiv5rNybMnGTsmIT2Eu2apnSTf_29H_DsXq1D3jTK8dK-u0sg_SMwVSzoNUdc2I6qcguA4hFoH-Jr0_M.evwt89X2EXcCXCOfw0fiH7-85RnpoMav2xtiy7tkKWs&dib_tag=se&keywords=lan%2Bcable%2B15%2Bft&qid=1737601516&sprefix=15%2Bft.%2Blan%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 for $9.56 total. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, I bought two 180 count 400 iu Vitamin E for $19.49 total with coupon. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99 and 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $34.88 total. I then went by CVS at 644 West Putnam Avenue, but neither store carries Lecithin supplements anymore. I returned home. I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. It is 14 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I ordered https://www.pipingrock.com/lecithin/lecithin-non-gmo-1200-mg-120-quick-release-softgels-21031 for $23.40 total.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/22/25 Wednesday 9:50 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 2 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
When I was a dishwasher out on Nantucket, I always wandered what would happen if the dishwashers went on strike. One night when I told the chef to forget it, I later showed up and the chef was washing the dishes. He had started out as a dishwasher at Howard Johnson's in Concord, Mass.; where his father was the local warden of the local prison. It takes a lot of ordinary people working ordinary jobs to keep the big picture going. Working on computers is like riding a bicycle. Once one gets used to it, it is really quite easy. However, in my case as operating systems developed, it took many years of experience. I still remember the Graphical User Interface for DOS before Windows came along. I bought my copy at the Egghead Clearance Center across the Hudson River for about a dollar.
I will now go outside again.
01/22/25 Wednesday 8:55 P.M. $11 million Gem Island at John's Island, Vero Beach, Florida https://www.johnsislandrealestate.com/listings/120-coconut-palm-road , but if one can not afford that, one can order citrus fruit from https://www.halegroves.com/ .
If one wants to connect up with Jay Rockefeller whom might be over in North Tarrytown, New York, one should not bad mouth people from Illinois, since his wife is the daughter of Senator Chuck Percy from Illinois https://architectofthecapital.org/posts/2016/7/12/rockefeller-mansion-in-rock-creek-park .
01/22/25 Wednesday 7:30 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/22/25 Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Family of another distant diseased relative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griswold_family . I guess they were in the Chinese tea business too. When I knew Pris Watts at www.lakeforest.edu her stepfather Wolf Barker whom lived in Marblehead, Mass. and had sailboat number "MS 7" in Mass. was the chairman of Lipton tea and had two daughters were tea merchants in China.
01/22/25 Wednesday 7:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I channel surfed. I will now go outside again.
01/22/25 Wednesday 6:25 P.M. I will now go outside again.
01/22/25 Wednesday 5:35 P.M. Last time I was in Key West, Florida in February 1982, I met a few people. I met Steve Bahl of Fennimore cheese, a United States Military Policeman, a Navy Medic from New Haven, a Canadian with Prince Andrew's look, and someone that lived in the Cabana behind Gerry Ford's son's house or somebody that looked like them. I did see someone that looked Lowell Weicker and Chris Dodd coming out of the Casa Marina Hotel, when three destroyers were moored off of it. However, back in Greenwich, Lowell Weicker had told me he had never been in Key West, even though he was the only senator that could scuba dive, and he was on the Senate committee for NOAA. He did tell me he had a house just south of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. I once read that Key West had a network of people that looked like other famous people.
I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend. In the northwest corner of the living room, I changed the two square end tables around.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. It is 22 degrees Fahrenheit outside.
01/22/25 Wednesday 4:50 P.M. Stinky plant https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvgpnqe91j1o
Ice Rink news https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-dorothy-hamill-rink-flip-reject-20047080.php
01/22/25 Wednesday 4:15 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm . I will now go outside again.
01/22/25 Wednesday 3:25 P.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I chatted with a friend.
01/22/25 Wednesday 2:50 P.M. I woke up, and I ate a bowl of goldfish crackers. I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/21/25 Tuesday 11:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/21/25 Tuesday 11:30 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "Lord Montagu." I went outside midway through.
01/21/25 Tuesday 9:45 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careers/bill-gates-this-is-one-of-the-most-important-books-on-ai-ever-written-it-predicts-a-hugely-destabilizing-impact-on-jobs/ar-AA1xB3Ad?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=ccb4f1d06fb345e3ca89ef6326c7728c&ei=20
Hail and Farewell https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/greenwichtime/name/james-rockefeller-obituary?id=57328168
His father in Greenwich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Stillman_Rockefeller
01/21/25 Tuesday 9:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. At Lake Forest College, they used to say, "publish or parish."
01/21/25 Tuesday 8:10 P.M. I rested until 7:40 P.M. I went outside again.
01/21/25 Tuesday 6:45 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/21/25 Tuesday 6:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now go outside again.
01/21/25 Tuesday 5:55 P.M. When I first met John Bolton in February 1978, when they were rebuilding the Casa Marina Hotel in Key West, we used to hang out on the porch of Louie's patio with Mel Fisher's sons who later discovered the $1.5 billion of gold in the Treasure of the Atocha. Also John had a girl friend named Joy Cooper whom surfaced on the internet as the web master for Hughes Medical in Texas. There was also a Saudi Arabian named Izi who used to drive around with Bob Russell whom started Pizza Hut and sold it to Pepsi, Steve Bahl that had Fennimore cheese in Wisconsin, and Rick Todd whom might have been the quarter back for the New York Giant whom I later met up North, when he was living in Tarrytown, New York. A neighbor of our family in Greenwich whom was from the Rockefeller family also was down in Key West as an artist, and the head of personnel for Exxon also had a house down there. Gulf Oil also had an office down there. Equitable Life Insurance from Chicago financed the Marriott Corporation to rebuild the Casa Marina Hotel too.
01/21/25 Tuesday 5:20 P.M. Back in December 1973, I drove my blue Volvo sedan down to Newark airport, and I picked up George Gordon Cary whom had flown down from East Aurora, New York. We went to his grandfather Jay Coogan's horse farm in Gladstone, New Jersey, and I met his grandfather whom was the President of the Illinois Central Railroad. He was also the last living member of Queen Victoria's Honor Guard before he came to America. Once we left Gladstone, the blue Volvo sedan got a broken fan belt, and we were able to get it replaced during a snow storm in Far Hills, New Jersey at a snow mobile shop. We then went into Manhattan for a party at Fred Von Mierers' girl friend's deluxe Park Avenue apartment, where we met up with Jimmy Eldert and one of my sister's and husband. Jimmy left with my sister and her husband, so they know each other. George and I came out to our house in Greenwich at 21 Cornelia Drive, and Cornelia might be named after W. Averill Harriman's mother whom was named Cornelia, a relative of George Cary's. Jackie Onassis also had a horse farm near Gladstone, New Jersey in Pea Pack, New Jersey where a Lake Forest College classmate Walter Terry was from. President Trump's golf club is near there also. With dirt roads Gladstone, New Jersey looks a bit like Bedford, New York, where my only friend is from that grew up next to Helen Clay Frick in Bedford, New York. These are probably cold weather people, and I know someone used to make snow shoes in Bedford, New York. My best friend at Taft was Myles Ryan McGough from Katonah, New York, and his family house is still across the street from Martha Stewart's estate. He also once lived in Mar Largo in Palm Beach, Florida, so since his father was the treasurer of Wolfson Construction, he might have met President Trump in the old days of construction. Wolfson Construction helped build Hoover Dam, the Pan Am building, and Interstate 684 that made Bedford, New York very noisy. Myles knew Queen Nord of Jordan, when she was Lisa Halaby, and he also lived with Jimmy Buffett in Key West, and he also owned the Road House Pub out on Nantucket. Wolfson Construction owned Merritt Chapman and Scott salvage company that had the salvage rights for the RMS Republic that sank off Nantucket in 1915 with a billion dollars of gold that nobody ever found. His parents also had a pent house on East 67th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan, another house in Ireland, and another house in Laguna Beach. The two times Myles called me up ten years or more ago, he said he was doing business deals in South America, and he was the Black Irish which are the Spanish I think. The President of Englehard Gold and Mineral Geoffrey Rothchild Hoguet's father's old company also lives in Gladstone, New Jersey.
I will now go outside again.
01/21/25 Tuesday 4:30 P.M. I picked up the mail. In Manhattan, I once met Kip www.forbes.com a member of a Scottish American family, and he even entertained me at their family farm in Far Hills, New Jersey. A number of years ago they sold 95% of the magazine to a Hong Kong Chinese fund, but Kip did tell me his family had the Honda franchaise for New Jersey. A Scottish Holiday on January 25th is coming up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burns_supper . They used to have a Robert Burns dinner at the Armory on Park Avenue in Manhattan, but I guess there are no Scottish left in Manhattan anymore. My relative threw out my big Scottish flag too. Grandad Scott was a thirty third degree Scottish Rite Mason in Champaign, Illinois; but I do not think he ever left America, although my father was all over the world.
www.wh.gov no longer has a contact form either.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/21/25 Tuesday 3:55 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I chatted with a friend.
I will now go outside again. My Scottish genes help me survive the colder weather.
01/21/25 Tuesday 2:55 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/21/25 Tuesday 2:20 P.M. Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action?tLabels=9434611105503800475392 on the order for twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee in the frigid cold weather. It is 17 degrees Fahrenheit outside at the moment.
01/21/25 Tuesday 2:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend this morning. I woke up at 12:20 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a relative. I showered, and I cleaned up.
01/20/25 Monday 11:25 P.M. I watched the C-span rebroadcast of the Presidential motorcade going from the White House to the Capitol.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/20/25 Monday 11:00 P.M. Good news, my other two outside door keys work just fine, so I put one of them on my primary key chair.
President Trump likes the Village People's song the Y.M.C.A. I used to be a Greenwich Village person, but I could never afford the Y.M.C.A. I did once meet someone staying at the Vanderbilt Y.M.C.A. at Second Avenue and 47th Street. I also used to walk by the McBurney Y.M.C.A. all of the time on West 23rd Street, but it is now deluxe condos. I did once spend a night at the Y.M.C.A. in Portland, Maine in April 1977 with a local, and they had an indoor swimming pool, and they did not mind my tan from the winter before in South Florida. I am just watching an inaugural ball on C-span. The Village people preformed the song Y.M.C.A. at the Talls Ships festival in New York Harbor on July 4, 1976, which I attended; so they have been around for a while.
01/20/25 Monday 10:00 P.M. The outside east side door lock is still not working. Either it is frozen inside the lock or the new tenants might have a new key that messes it up, when they try to open it. There is a walking cane on the inside of the door to prop it open briefly, when I go outside and smoke.
01/20/25 Monday 9:30 P.M. I bought for free https://www.amazon.com/Innovative-Grid-Survival-Projects-Bible-ebook/dp/B0DR9ZTT7Q/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_wsixnhcumxnet_d_sccl_2_18/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=3MJi8&content-id=amzn1.sym.ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_p=ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_r=XYWDTBYCN18SP48Y1MSP&pd_rd_wg=8GTpr&pd_rd_r=76d9fc82-01cd-40a9-bcfc-002c69c2e539&pd_rd_i=B0DR9ZTT7Q&psc=1
I will now go outside again.
01/20/25 Monday 9:15 P.M. I went outside again. The outside east side door lock was frozen and not working, so I sprayed some WD 40 on it to get it working again.
As I recall, when President Trump was my neighbor, when I lived at 700 Steamboat Road, I only saw him once, the first weekend he moved to Greenwich, and on an early Sunday morning he walked in front of my yellow Volkswagen Dasher carrying the New York Times coming from the Greenwich Cigar Store. However, I probably saw a lot of his relatives and friends in that period. However, I am somewhat near sighted like Jimmy Eldert, so maybe at other times, I did not recognize him. I did see both of his yachts and long stretch white www.ford.com limousines.
01/20/25 Monday 8:35 P.M. I ordered twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total.
01/20/25 Monday 7:55 P.M. I went out to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue. I bought four 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $15.56 total. I then went to the Stop and Shop across the street, and I bought two 16 packs of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $35.78 total. I then returned home, and I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/20/25 Monday 6:05 P.M. I am watching the inaugural parade. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. When I first drove down to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the third week of September 1976 from Greenwich, it took six months for my unemployment checks from Daniel Construction in Greenville, South Carolina to arrive in Key West; so I had to forage around for six months. I did check out Palm Beach and Mar Largo a couple of times. My Lake Forest College class president was from the Post family. I did buy a $50 fishing rod and reel at the West Palm Beach Sears and Roebuck, but I never caught anything except at the 26 mile bridge in Marathon, the Florida Keys; when I caught a red snapper with a baby hammer head shark that I used for bait. In Fort Lauderdale, I would see a lot of expensive Rolls Royce and Bentley sedans being driven up the coast line to Palm Beach when they were off loaded off the cruise ship the Queen Elizabeth II. When I later explored the Florida Keys, I ran into some people from the www.navy.mil whom were stationed down there. The www.af.mil was located at Homestead Air Force Base at the start of the Florida Keys. The www.army.mil Army Corps of Engineers were down there for two years rebuilding the 140 miles of Florida Keys bridges. Although gasoline was only 50 cents a gallon, I spent a lot of time walking around the Fort Lauderdale beach and downtown Key West exploring. In 1978 when I was washing dishes at La Vielle Maison in Boca Raton, I would hitch hike down to Fort Lauderdale and back to Boca before work at 4 P.M. Alas, with a very good education, when I came off Nantucket in December 1983 from dish washing, I worked on updating my education and I started working with personal computers since September 1989. Thus I have managed to keep busy.
I will now go outside again.
01/20/25 Monday 5:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again.
01/20/25 Monday 4:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. It is 26 degrees Fahrenheit outside and windy, so the wind chill factor is colder.
01/20/25 Monday 3:40 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/20/25 Monday 3:35 P.M. I watched more of the inaugural. I rested until 2:45 P.M. I went outside in the windy cold tundra. I chatted with a friend.
01/20/25 Monday 1:05 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/20/25 Monday 1:00 P.M. I woke up, and I ate a bowl of Post Great Grains cereal with almond milk. I finally woke up at 11:30 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I am watching the President Inaugural. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I cleaned a couple of inches of snow off my car.
01/19/25 Sunday 10:00 P.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
01/19/25 Sunday 9:45 P.M. I will now go outside again.
01/19/25 Sunday 9:40 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 2 episode 1 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
01/19/25 Sunday 8:40 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 6 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside in the snowy turndra and drink an instant coffee.
01/19/25 Sunday 7:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now go outside in the snowy tundra again.
01/19/25 Sunday 6:35 P.M. It says Starbucks on Greenwich Avenue is closed until January 30, 2025 https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-greenwich
01/19/25 Sunday 6:35 P.M. I watched the President Elect Trump rally on channel 67 Fox News. I went outside. It is snowing outside.
01/19/25 Sunday 5:05 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
White House webcam https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/washington-white-house
01/19/25 Sunday 4:35 P.M. I chatted with a relative. I went outside again.
01/19/25 Sunday 3:50 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/sakurajima-volcano-eruption-sends-ash-plume-1km-high-in-japan/vi-AA1xpGiL?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=38cea357443f4faaba27cb7f3422f0e3&ei=13
01/19/25 Sunday 3:35 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I rested until 3:15 P.M. I went outside.
01/19/25 Sunday 1:40 P.M. I woke up at 12:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
End of Scott's Notes week of 01/18/25
01/18/25 Saturday 11:45 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/18/25 Saturday 11:15 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 5 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again.
01/18/25 Saturday 10:15 P.M. I channel surfed. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 4 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain." I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now go outside again.
01/18/25 Saturday 8:15 P.M. https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/s/j400r/ct-weather-up-to-10-inches-of-snow-forecast-on-sunday?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90 ten inches of snow could be coming, but maybe it is in the interior of Connecticut away from warmer Long Island Sound.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/18/25 Saturday 8:00 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger slider with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/18/25 Saturday 7:15 P.M. I went outside twice. I have the new Windows 12 beta Canary Lenovo mini computer all configured, and I am now making an Aomei backup of it to an external SSD drive. I have Norton 360, Office 360, Project 21, the star program, and the small apps on it.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/18/25 Saturday 4:10 P.M. I filled out more Greenwich Communities Section 8 paper work. I went out, and I mailed it was a forever stamp at the Valley Road Post Office. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, a sixteen pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, and a 64 ounce Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.89 for $25.77 total. I then returned home. I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/18/25 Saturday 2:05 P.M. I woke up at 12:40 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/18/25 Saturday 1:20 A.M. I went outside again. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. I will finish configuring the new Windows 12 beta Lenovo mini computer and backing it up later on today, when I wake up.
01/18/25 Saturday 12:40 A.M. I went outside twice. I installed the latest Windows 12 beta on the fourth down Lenovo mini computer. I now have to configure it and back it up. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/17/25 Friday 10:05 P.M. Slightly newer Windows beta https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewiso?rfs=1
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/17/25 Friday 9:30 P.M. For people with money for food in the winter https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/g3156/winter-dinners/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=mgu_ga_del_d_bm_prog_org_us_g3156&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAnKi8BhB0EiwA58DA4ZGpJ_l7sB70DgqtW_77d2jALqXurqo3ZidZwI73eYL9UELv00qR0xoCVhoQAvD_BwE
01/17/25 Friday 9:05 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 3 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again. It is supposed to get a lot colder at the start of the week in the single digits at night.
01/17/25 Friday 8:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Ice Rink News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwicy-dorothyl-hamill-rink-replacement-20033212.php
01/17/25 Friday 8:00 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/17/25 Friday 6:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again.
01/17/25 Friday 6:20 P.M. I chatted with a friend. Here is a $65,000 retirement house in Vero Beach, Florida https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8775-20th-St-LOT-209-Vero-Beach-FL-32966/2100182655_zpid/ .
I will now go outside again.
01/17/25 Friday 5:15 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I paid $1.50 in quarters to park for an hour. I bought an 80 count Aleve liquid gels with coupons for $13.96 total. I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I then picked up a prescription at CVS. I then sat out some more in the Junior Chamber of Commerce park. I then used the bathroom at CVS. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99. I then returned home. I used my little folding hand truck to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water. I then put the folding hand truck back in the car, and I drank an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/17/25 Friday 2:05 P.M. I did not get any mail.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go downtown and forage around.
01/17/25 Friday 1:50 P.M. I rested until 1:15 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/17/25 Friday 11:40 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-11725?e=d0a721e34a
01/17/25 Friday 11:35 A.M. I woke up at 10 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/16/25 Thursday 9:50 P.M. I ate a bowl off Kellogg's Special K with red berries with almond milk. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/16/25 Thursday 9:15 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 2 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside again. There is a bit of light snow.
01/16/25 Thursday 7:55 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched series 1 episode 1 of, "Secrets of the Historic Britain."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/16/25 Thursday 6:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
01/16/25 Thursday 5:30 P.M. I channel surfed.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/16/25 Thursday 4:25 P.M. Denmark https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c20g7705re3o
Ice Rink News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwicy-dorothyl-hamill-rink-replacement-20033212.php
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/16/25 Thursday 4:05 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside.
Bank Pioneer in New York City "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thompson_(American_banker)" .
01/16/25 Thursday 3:10 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/16/25 Thursday 2:35 P.M. I went to Greenwich Communities, and I dropped off the paper work for Section 8. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 and a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99 for $23.88 total. I then returned home, and I put away my food. I then sat outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/16/25 Thursday 1:05 P.M. I filled out my Greenwich Communities Section Redetermination information, and I will now go out and drop it off at Greenwich Communities.
01/16/25 Thursday 12:40 P.M. I went outside again.
01/16/25 Thursday 11:35 A.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee. I will then shower and clean up.
01/16/25 Thursday 11:20 A.M. I woke up, and I ate my last nine Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 9:50 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/15/25 Wednesday 7:05 P.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. The last new Norwegian I met was this summer, and he was just over from Oslo, Norway; and he was driving a new Chevrolet Corvette which is probably not too good in winter conditions. When I used Fred Von Mierers' apartment at 420 East 49th Street, it was a half block east of the Random House building which housed both the Norwegian and Swedish consulates and where Jackie Kennedy Onassis worked for Random House that Berry Cerf's father owned.
01/15/25 Wednesday 6:40 P.M. I will now go outside again in the windy freezing cold tundra. Maybe some young Norwegians should take over the, "Freezing Norwegian Patrol."
01/15/25 Wednesday 6:35 P.M. When I was at the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut and Lake Forest College, two of Henry Ford's nephews were in the class ahead of me and behind me. At Lake Forest College my freshman year in 1968, I do not think they liked me buying the cheapest used car in the area which was a 1951 Adenhauer Mercedes 300 B for $300 https://www.facebook.com/mikelouisscott009/photos_by
01/15/25 Wednesday 6:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I picked up the mail.
My father's first father in law by his first wife https://findingaids.library.northwestern.edu/agents/people/1502
Scott Hall at Northwestern University https://maps.northwestern.edu/txt/facility/165
I will now eat four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/15/25 Wednesday 5:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
https://www.frick.org/ they used to charge $10 to visit this place. I found Sandy Carlson an apartment studio a block east of it for $350 a month in 1974.
Cheaper houses elsewhere for a steel magnate https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-83061-qjcsfc/5501-elgin-street-highland-park-pittsburgh-pa-15206
https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-1589-qzs8fv/999-lake-road-lake-forest-il-60045 in Lake Forest, Illinois
I will now go outside again.
01/15/25 Wednesday 4:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
The last time I visited the Washington D.C. around January 1990 when it was zero degrees Fahrenheit and then President George H. W. Bush was away in Argentina http://mikelouisscott.com/mlsdc.jpg
Scott Family History in America http://scott-mike.com/scott-family.htm .
01/15/25 Wednesday 4:05 P.M. Remember John www.harvard.edu 's father ran a bar or pub in the prison area of London, England. He also died of tuberculosis.
01/15/25 Wednesday 3:35 P.M. This is why the Nantucket people are so rich https://whalesite.org/anthology/1876_Catalogue.htm . Alas they only pay their dishwashers minimum wage. Microsoft also pays a lot of their employees minimum wages.
https://books.google.com/books?id=N_koAAAAYAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&pg=PP17#v=onepage&q&f=false original book.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I did live next to the Indian Harbor Yacht Club for four years after I left Nantucket. Alas, I do not know how to sail. I did used to sail a sunfish on Lake Michigan at Holland, Michigan in the summer. My father's boss in Pensacola, Florida had a 75 foot racing sail boat, I was once on. I once sailed Richard Wheelwright's sailboat from Riverside to Island Beach and back too.
01/15/25 Wednesday 3:20 P.M. In this webcam https://nantucket.net/webcams/ which shows parts of the Pacific Club, the retired men like playing Cribege all day. John Bolton used to have a whale tusk scrimshaw cribege board, so maybe he had a Nantucket Whaling connection.
01/15/25 Wednesday 3:10 P.M. I rested a bit. I chatted with a friend. I went outside.
01/15/25 Wednesday 2:05 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/15/25 Wednesday 1:40 P.M. When I knew Jim Warburg in Greenwich before he went to the Middlesex school in Concord, Mass. I also visited him there, and I had a girl friend at Lake Forest College whose family had a 200 acre farm there that was related to Admiral Perry. Also after Jim Warburg dropped out of Harvard, he worked for Commonwealth SAAB in the parts department, and I visited him many times at his small apartment on Joy Street on the top of Beacon Hill behind the Capitol of Massachusetts. The last time I chatted with him in 1971, he told me his older sister was living in a trailer on Martha's Vineyard.
01/15/25 Wednesday 1:15 P.M. Pictures of the President Elect Trump family Christmas card in new frame and the new monitor setup.
http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0125-03/ .
I will now go outside again.
01/15/25 Wednesday 12:45 P.M. I rested until noon. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. This book on photography https://www.amazon.com/recording-eye-hundred-events-1839-1939/dp/B0007DMLWA and https://www.jhbooks.com/pages/books/114082/helmut-and-alison-gernsheim/the-recording-eye-a-hundred-years-of-great-events-as-seen-by-the-camera-1839-1939 got me interested in photography. Back in the summer of 1975, when I hitch hiked from Greenwich via www.yale.edu and the Coast Guard Academy and the Christian Retreat in Bourne and Woods Hole and Martha's Vineyard to Nantucket, I met up with Jim Eldert at India House on India Street on Nantucket. He had a lot of books on the floor of his attic room where he was a chamber maid, so I gave him my copy of that book. Sandy Carlson a friend of Jimmy's from Syracuse was also on Nantucket, and he had sent me a post card to tell me Jimmy was there. I also bought another copy of that book that my relative threw away a year ago, and I bought another copy that I once sent to Bill Gates. That summer Jimmy had a co worker at India House named John who went to Bowden College in Maine, and they once took me along with them to the Mount Vernon Farm, where they went horse back riding, so Jimmy also knows how to ride horses. A friend of mine in Greenwich used to vacation in Cazenovia, New York where Jimmy also used to vacation before Nantucket, so they may have known each other. Senator Chris Cooms from Delaware also told me in Greenwich that he used to vacation in Cazenovia, New York. On the Eldert side of Jimmy's family he is related to one of the first Dutch families in New Amsterdam, and there is an Eldert Street in Brooklyn. He is also related to Cardinal Dolan of Manhattan. He is also related to the Moran family that have the tug boat operation in New York Harbor. His family owned the bank in Syracuse and his Uncle was the district attorney there, when I met him in October 1973, when Fred Von Mierers and myself met him at the Le Jardin discothèque near Times Square. He went on to the American University in Washington D.C., where he worked for Senator Jacob Javitts, the University of New Hampshire, and finally to the University of California at Santa Cruz. He also went on a State Department trip to Russia before he met up with me in the winter of 1977 in Key West. One summer on Nantucket, he was wearing a St. Andrew's University T shirt, and he once told me he had worked for Queen Elizabeth II at her Sandringham Estate. He used to look like the Dutch Boy on the Dutch Boy paint can.
I will now go outside again.
01/15/25 Wednesday 10:20 A.M. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/coca-cola-ceo-presents-trump-commemorative-inauguration-themed-diet-coke-bottle
01/15/25 Wednesday 9:45 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/15/25 Wednesday 9:25 A.M. I woke up at 8 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. The reason Jimmy Eldert was famous way out on Nantucket is that is grandmother was from the famous whaling Joy family. Even on Main Street on Nantucket, there is the Joy monument in the center of the street. Also Beacon Hill in Boston, there is Joy Street. In my research, the Joy family were involved in starting General Motors when it started out as a horse shoe stable in Springfield, Massachusetts. However, the last time I saw Jimmy he was driving a white rusted out www.ford.com Mustang in California. The reason the money did not go to far out on Nantucket is that he had two hundred cousins out there that looked the same. Jimmy was the godson of E. Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, but also his grandfather was the four star air force general that lived next to Richard Nixon in Key Biscayne and maybe kept the NORAD codes for the President. I always worried about Jimmy fiddling around with such a device. Helen Kress Williams from Oyster Bay, Long Island said we all had to keep an eye on Jimmy Eldert.
01/14/25 Tuesday 7:15 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/14/25 Tuesday 7:00 P.M. Jimmy Eldert from Syracuse, New York got to travel a bit because General Electric made jet engines there. My friend from Lake Forest College has been to England and Scotland a number of times, because he had a distant relative that help start Pan American Airlines, so they were a well traveled family. Johnson Controls is the last remaining part of Pan Am, and they have an office at Westchester airport, and they service something in my building. Johnson Controls used to keep track of Pan Am passengers on extended journeys many of whom never returned. I did fly B.O.A.C. to Bermuda in April 1968, but I returned via Pan Am. Alas the younger generation with their cell phones are in their own worlds.
01/14/25 Tuesday 6:55 P.M. I channel surfed. I watched Rick Steves' new program about London. It looks interesting in warmer weather. I went outside again.
01/14/25 Tuesday 5:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/14/25 Tuesday 5:05 P.M. I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I paid a dollar in quarters to park for 40 minutes. I bought a $13 picture frame with coupons for $2.70 total. I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I then used the bathroom at CVS. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 each six pack, a 16 pack of White Castle cheese burger sliders for $17.89, and two 14.5 ounce Boston Market chicken parmesan meals for $3.49 each for $28.85 total. I then returned home. I picked up the mail. I put away the food. I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I trimmed down the Trump family Christmas card, and I put it in the frame, and I hung it on the wall to the left of the primary HP laptop computer setup underneath the clock. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/14/25 Tuesday 2:35 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders. I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue and forage around. After 41 years on Greenwich Avenue and having lived here since June 1962, I know my way around. In my days of golf at the Greenwich Country Club, I had an eight handicap, and in 1968 I drove down from Wellesley, Mass., and I won the Junior Club championship beating Chuck King and Peter Chester, so my name is still on the trophy there. However, in those days the International Telephone and Telegraph golf course outside of Boston was over 8500 yards long, so I could drive a golf ball almost three hundred yards long. Alas I threw out my last set of Haig Ultra golf clubs with a Burton golf bag from Jasper, Alabama. I was also good at putting, but for some reason my Tony Lima putter disappeared years ago. I was not too good on my short game around the greens though.
01/14/25 Tuesday 1:45 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
01/14/25 Tuesday 1:20 P.M. Outside I chatted with a visitor about the proposed ice skating rink. I am told that the Greenwich RTM is having another meeting about it tonight. I chatted with a neighbor. The only time I have been inside the current ice skating rink is when I lived at 700 Steamboat Road, I took a friend from Brazil ice skating there. At the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut and at Lake Forest College, I used to watch a lot of ice hockey matches too, and at Christmas Time once I went to the Lawrenceville hockey tournaments in Princeton, New Jersey, and I stayed at the Cottage Club fraternity house. At Lake Forest College, I was a member of Delta Sigma Khai fraternity which is a news reporter fraternity the last I knew. The only time I have ice skated is that in the winter of 1976, I ice skated at the Omni in Atlanta, Georgia; and another time I ice skated at Rockefeller Center right before I went to Oslo, Norway in February 1983. In those days, I had a strong pair of legs from all of the walking that I did, so I was a pretty good ice skater. I still think they should build the new ice rink at the current Greenwich High School or steal some property just north of it from Greenwich Country Day, where their ice rink is.
I will now go outside again.
01/14/25 Tuesday 12:20 P.M. A neighbor gave me $10 to take him to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue. While there, I bought six 20 ounce cans of Dole pineapple chunks and four 15 ounce cans of fruit cocktail for $21.94 total. On the way back we stop by the Exxon service station store on the Port Chester border. I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/14/25 Tuesday 10:30 A.M. No toilets here https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdxnv4rjdq4o
I am afraid of heights https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cdjd3rgdxj2o
Since I am older, I think the younger generation should take over observing on Greenwich Avenue. One never knows whom might show up during the different four seasons.
I will now go outside again.
01/14/25 Tuesday 10:15 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Yesterday I got a Christmas Card from President Elect Trump and wife and son Baron, so they know where I currently live. When I met John Bolton outside the Casa Marina Hotel in Key West in February 1978, he told me he was the architect of the renovation project for the Casa Marina Hotel. He certainly knew a lot about the old southern most hotel. Alas history does not pay the bills.
01/14/25 Tuesday 10:05 A.M. If one looks at Norway Electric Cars https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg52543v6rmo , they could build a charging station at vacant lot for sale across the street from the Shell station at 401 West Putnam Avenue, but the better place would be at the Greenwich Train station parking lot.
01/14/25 Tuesday 9:35 A.M. The Garage apartment I built in Mr. Grumman's neighborhood from April 1982 to February 1983 https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/21-Circle-Dr-Manhasset-NY-11030/31083824_zpid/?mmlb=g,12
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/14/25 Tuesday 9:25 A.M. When I first got online on the internet around 1991, NASA had launched a radar imaging satellite that could x-ray volcanoes to see if the might erupt, but they do not publish any information.
01/14/25 Tuesday 9:20 A.M. I woke up, and I ate Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/13/25 Monday 8:10 P.M. I have keyboard fatigue. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/13/25 Monday 7:25 P.M. From my research on the internet, when my Scott relative from Scotland arrived in New Jersey in 1724, he was looking for his brother that he never found. His brother apparently went to Virginia and married into the wealthy Winfield family that produced General Winfield Scott. My branch of the Scott family went from New Jersey to Western Pennsylvania and fought in the American Revolution and got two hundred acres in Western North Carolina for that effort and then went on to become the wealthy William Scott family of Kentucky, however my great grandfather Scott lived in Illinois where my grandfather Scott also lived, so they managed to survive out in the Midwest. Some people in the Midwest eat too much though which is not healthy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JB_Pritzker . I did learn while in college at www.lakeforest.edu from 1968 to 1972, they have an Illinois Bureau of Investigation which is like the local state version of the www.fbi.gov . However, it is very cold in Illinois for ten months of the year, so they do not get many tourists in the corn belt. I am still in touch with one Lake Forest College classmate from East Aurora, New York near Buffalo; so he is still a cold weather person and knows other cold weather people even up in Canada.
I will now go outside again.
01/13/25 Monday 7:15 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/13/25 Monday 7:00 P.M. I went outside again.
01/13/25 Monday 6:25 P.M. When I built the garage apartment out on Long Island Mr. https://www.northropgrumman.com/ and although he was blind he was a neighbor, and they are supposed to be the second largest defense contractor if one wants to buy something really expensive like the $8 billion James Webb satellite.
01/13/25 Monday 5:55 P.M. I did spend a lot of years in the Greenwich Library, so maybe I advanced my education a little bit since I left Nantucket in December 1983. When I first got a personal computer around September 1989, I quit reading the financial news in the Greenwich Library, and I started reading the computer press. In one tech magazine a lot time ago, I read that www.ibm.com is not even one of the top one hundred defense contractors which seems sort of strange in that video of Thomas Watson Junior, it says IBM made the computers for the Air Force for NORAD. Thus what we read may not always be true.
01/13/25 Monday 5:45 P.M. Maybe my old school contacts are no longer worthwhile at age 74, but besides lifestyles we did have similar educations.
01/13/25 Monday 4:35 P.M. From the mini computer setup, I moved the 24 inch LG Television and monitor and the Boston Acoustics sound bar to the primary HP laptop computer setup. Thus there is a coaxial TV on the desk also connected to the LAN. I used the LAN cable from the Ocean Digital internet radio to set it up. The Ocean Digital Internet radio still works off the wireless network. I moved the HP 24 inch curved monitor to the mini computer setup.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/13/25 Monday 4:00 P.M. I picked up the mail.
01/13/25 Monday 3:20 P.M. After New Years the local economy folds up in Greenwich until the summer when the country club people from Florida return back up North for the warmer weather, so it is best to try to save one's money for the long cold winter.
I will now go outside again. Remember the best deal this week is 10.5 ounce Stouffer's frozen meals at Acme for $4. When I went to Lake Forest College a member of the Stouffer family from Ohio was in my class, so maybe they are thinking about me back East.
01/13/25 Monday 3:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
01/13/25 Monday 2:15 P.M. I did make one investment in California in my six round trips between October 1978 to November 1980. On the second to the last trip in August 1980, when I flew round trip; I met up with Jimmy Eldert at the Catholic Church Radio in Santa Cruz, California when he was broadcasting live, and I gave him an ounce and a half of gold thinking it would be for the Reagan California campaign, but when I met up with him for the last time after visiting the Hyatt Hotel in Maui in Hawaii, he told me he had given it to a Swedish couple so they could go back to Sweden. That is the last time I remember seeing Jimmy, but once I settled in Greenwich after Nantucket, I would try calling him at the Malibu Colony where he was living, but all I got was an answering machine with the Flintstone theme song on it. He later moved back to Miami, where he got into trouble for stalking which is sort of weird, since he is as blind as a bat, but he has a most excellent ear for old music, since the Santa Cruz Catholic radio station had over a million old records. I guess he has been put out to pasture too. There was no money in a frozen yogurt stand in Key West back in the winter of 1978 when he had CBS stationary in his apartment, when I met up with John Bolton from Long Island. I did pay my hotel bill for a week at the Hyatt in Maui with a one ounce gold coin. On the return, I stopped by Pearl Harbor at a coin store, and I bought a two ounce Kaiser Wilhelm gold coin that I can not find mentioned on the internet. I traded it in at Laguna Beach, when I got back to California. I know the American Numismatic Society used to be in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Federal building on Third Avenue and 54th Street next to P.J. Clark's tavern, so maybe they keep track of various old coins as they are traded around. It is my theory there were also other government offices in that large brick building besides the post office for the neighborhood where Fred Von Mierers used to live near the www.un.org .
I will now go outside again.
01/13/25 Monday 1:50 P.M. This is all of the old computer stuff that I acquired over the years most of which is long since gone http://scott-mike.com/computer2.htm .
01/13/25 Monday 1:45 P.M. Locally a relative of George C. Scott barrowed about $300 from me that he never paid back. Also he had a homeless friend that lived at the Greenwich Town Hall for seven years outside all of the time, and I felt so sorry for him, I gave him $2700 over those seven years to survive. He finally got public housing in Norwalk. I thought with his experience he could go to work for the National Park Service which means being outside all of the time, and he had also hiked the whole Appalachian Trail which is skill I do not have. Being an outside person, I like dealing with outside people with a bit of experience unlike local couch potatoes.
01/13/25 Monday 1:05 P.M. I also remember, when I sold my used Volvo at a Cash for your car place at Disneyland for $1250 in November 1980 that I exchanged for American Express travelers checks, the American Express travelers checks disappeared when I got back to Manhattan, and I had only spent about a third of them. Also when I build the garage apartment out at Plandome Manor, Long Island from April 1982 to February 1983, I was paid at the end of the project $8,000 in Barclay's travelers checks from the Harlem Saving Bank in Manhasset, Long Island. By my recollection half of those Barclay's travelers checks disappeared in my brief travels. When I was in Oslo, Norway, I reported the loss to Barclays there, but nothing ever came of it. From my perspective in my network, there is a sneaky group of people that rob their associates. Since at Reagan's 1981 inaugural I met up with Admiral Stanfield Turner the current head of the CIA, somebody in the government might have known who was traveling with my Connecticut Driver's license and U.S.A. passport and funds that they were covering for leaving me to end up as a dishwasher back on Nantucket.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/13/25 Monday 12:25 P.M. Gold $40 https://www.ebay.com/itm/145424780464?_trkparms=5079%3A6000000123
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
The only time in the summer of 1980 when I carried gold when it was going from $225 an ounce to $825 an ounce, I was robbed of eight ounces of gold and my Jan Sport knap sack from my car, when it was parked in Port Washington, Long Island. I saw four blond youth on motorcycles behind my car with Connecticut plates, so maybe they followed me out from Connecticut. I reported the incident to various police stations I had traveled around, but nothing ever came of it. Thus from my perspective, gold is not a good investment. When I studied the gold standard at Lake Forest College, when gold was only $32 an ounce, nobody was interested in it. James Warburg when he was under secretary of the treasury in the Roosevelt administration had a falling out with Roosevelt over the gold standard.
I will now go outside again.
01/13/25 Monday 12:05 P.M. I rested until 11:40 A.M. I went outside again.
01/13/25 Monday 10:20 A.M. Ice Rink News https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/camillo-issues-statement-upcoming-rtm-vote-hamill-rink-mi-status?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90&user_email_md5=c5e7dfa888bd18577cc98d1df5637b42&lctg=62e24445456ff916ee067d12
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/13/25 Monday 10:15 A.M. I woke up at 8:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/12/25 Sunday 8:25 P.M. Norway Electric Cars https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg52543v6rmo
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
01/12/25 Sunday 7:45 P.M. I rested a bit. I chatted with a friend. I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I will now go outside.
01/12/25 Sunday 4:35 P.M. I went outside, and I threw out the shipping box.
01/12/25 Sunday 4:00 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stouffer's chicken Alfredo fettuccini with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce can of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/12/25 Sunday 3:50 P.M. I worked with the primary beta computer. I went outside. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jhskqsluliqwtsp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-8367073-8359461&shipmentId=BvKss7xV9 for https://www.amazon.com/Del-Monte-Canned-Sweet-Sodium/dp/B07FTDPF9W/ref=sr_1_2?crid=12SSETZ3HABGQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pBy5S5djOQEqww4TdGIUBipA2z7OBWp1kpmRHhGkPNU7pZT0H4MiKa2vZRACbKwo6KK8JotVGKuS4TazCnCAkUvVcYrLgF5igQJJr61P_wKJ-7IqHOibetwMgTwOegdo5DZPyC4iLr8-8J3t78ddhtBB7xbRCqBs32Zco_RYrlqcAty5GmGOw44sZ_bbG_hWDpGobDQRP18Kz7W1lYSP3I8UBtTZWbIJdVmpsZZ-T8BMNzvQHOeMvcGaWrLnFx9PEylRSEY3qY3YXq3Cr-ITa0u23N00DS3aC8KVqRUKUVmOztBS-DDIXBECqNUdECemdErgP7fSjS93fkrQYe4TTahAx-QXH4511bjlSqcYGyQ.Ug_s9WiNNNU-7bY8gJkcXU8frpkxX0g79lJR_4_GKLw&dib_tag=se&keywords=sweet+peas&qid=1736549274&s=grocery&sprefix=sweet+peas%2Cgrocery%2C109&sr=1-2 for $12 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.
01/12/25 Sunday 2:05 P.M. I went out to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a long time. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought a two pack of Crest 3 D white for $7.23 with coupons. I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop across the street. I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park for a while. I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue. I bought three 11.5 ounce Stouffer's Swedish meatballs for $4 each, three 11.5 ounce Stouffer's chicken Alfredo for $4 each and a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.79 for $33.79 total. I then returned home. I put my food away. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/12/25 Sunday 11:35 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go downtown and forage around.
01/12/25 Sunday 11:15 A.M. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2025-01-09/inside-the-dash-to-save-the-getty-villa-from-the-palisades-fire
01/12/25 Sunday 10:45 A.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/12/25 Sunday 10:40 A.M. I woke up at 9 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
End of Scott's Notes week of 01/11/25
01/11/25 Saturday 8:25 P.M. I channel surfed. Off C span I watched the rebroadcast of the George H.W. Bush inaugural speech. I was in Washington D.C. for that event, but I watched it on television while having lunch at the Dutch Inn in Georgetown. I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the H.P. laptop computer. I will then go to bed.
01/11/25 Saturday 7:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/11/25 Saturday 5:05 P.M. I bought for $2.12 from Stephan Hawking https://www.amazon.com/Brief-History-Time-Stephen-Hawking-ebook/dp/B004WY3D0O?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=f50c9520cf8211ef8c9522239ad048b50INT
01/11/25 Saturday 5:05 P.M. I picked up the mail.
01/11/25 Saturday 4:25 P.M. I rested. I channel surfed. I went outside. The LG television was too small in the bedroom to see properly, so I moved it to the mini computer setup at the apartment entrance. From there I moved the Vizio television into the bedroom. It also picks up more over the air channels too.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/11/25 Saturday 1:50 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheese burger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/11/25 Saturday 1:25 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/11/25 Saturday 12:15 P.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/11/25 Saturday 12:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
01/11/25 Saturday 11:15 A.M. When I lived out on www.nantucket.net I had no telephone or television. There were pay phones by the ferry dock and the visitor's center. Also the last year in 1983 in the basement on Hussey Street, there was a 1950s black and white television that only got one channel with a few old television shows not worth watching. Once when I was at the beach around 1977 I met somebody from Vero Beach, and we wrote in big letters in the sand, "Send Money," in case we were being observed from the air. In 1978 there was a Radio Shack on Nantucket, and I bought a water proof floating Panasonic AM FM radio for about $70. Later in Fort Lauderdale, I traded it in at a salvage yard for a replacement windshield for my car. In Key West in the Southern Cross Hotel lobby there was a television going all of the time with CNN going, but not many people bothered watching it. As I recall Jimmy Eldert had a telephone in his apartment in Key West in 1978. He also had CBS stationary. He knew somebody that owned the expensive Japanese style house near the Casa Marina, where he had myself and a friend for dinner. Thus Jimmy was our communications. He must have had my family home telephone in Greenwich in 1977, because some how he knew I was in Key West, when he was at the University of New Hampshire.
I will now go outside again.
01/11/25 Saturday 10:55 A.M. I rested until 10:15 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/11/25 Saturday 6:00 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/11/25 Saturday 5:45 A.M. I woke up at 4:15 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/10/25 Friday 9:20 P.M. I ate three Sandwich Brothers cheeseburger wraps with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
At my senior age, I sleep at least 12 hours a day. https://worldsleepsociety.org/membership/societymembership/membersocieties/french-society-for-sleep-research-and-sleep-medicine/
01/10/25 Friday 9:00 P.M. Maybe this where all the construction people went that I once saw in this area https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/nasa-warns-china-has-the-power-to-change-the-earth-s-rotation-with-a-simple-action/ar-BB1rf36M?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=5990e67aaaef4fcc875bf5730659c494&ei=16
01/10/25 Friday 8:25 P.M. On the HP laptop computer, I installed the Windows 11 updates. I chatted with two relatives.
I will now go outside again.
01/10/25 Friday 7:30 P.M. For Greenwich Communities, I filled out the Elderly Emergency Contact form and the Vehicle information form, and I mailed it all in the mail room downstairs with two forever stamps. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/10/25 Friday 5:55 P.M. For some reason, my order for peas was delivered to Staples in Port Chester for pick up. However, it will be refunded if I do not pick it up by this Monday. I reordered https://www.amazon.com/Del-Monte-Canned-Sweet-Sodium/dp/B07FTDPF9W/ref=sr_1_2?crid=12SSETZ3HABGQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pBy5S5djOQEqww4TdGIUBipA2z7OBWp1kpmRHhGkPNU7pZT0H4MiKa2vZRACbKwo6KK8JotVGKuS4TazCnCAkUvVcYrLgF5igQJJr61P_wKJ-7IqHOibetwMgTwOegdo5DZPyC4iLr8-8J3t78ddhtBB7xbRCqBs32Zco_RYrlqcAty5GmGOw44sZ_bbG_hWDpGobDQRP18Kz7W1lYSP3I8UBtTZWbIJdVmpsZZ-T8BMNzvQHOeMvcGaWrLnFx9PEylRSEY3qY3YXq3Cr-ITa0u23N00DS3aC8KVqRUKUVmOztBS-DDIXBECqNUdECemdErgP7fSjS93fkrQYe4TTahAx-QXH4511bjlSqcYGyQ.Ug_s9WiNNNU-7bY8gJkcXU8frpkxX0g79lJR_4_GKLw&dib_tag=se&keywords=sweet+peas&qid=1736549274&s=grocery&sprefix=sweet+peas%2Cgrocery%2C109&sr=1-2 for $12 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/10/25 Friday 5:40 P.M. I picked up the mail. I went outside. I chatted with a friend.
01/10/25 Friday 4:55 P.M. Back in October 1973, Fred Von Mierers had me deliver a bouquet of roses to this person "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wise_(journalist)" whom lived nearby John Davidson Rockefeller III on Beekman Place and Mitchel Place. Alas I guess the nearby Ford Foundation might have also had a bit of money in that area too.
01/10/25 Friday 4:45 P.M. I did read this a long time ago https://www.amazon.com/Inside-CIA-Ronald-Kessler-ebook/dp/B006L9B6ES/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HNWNHDD2B7XI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-05kFjWoPbcrwJ-nBsS7ZBc45IGNvnB5rWDgF34J3MZZYI7lHYBLBXKIbdAKn7D2k65DEqrktp4mh3cfvk6POOgrN6KO0BgCdYZQXIiykIw46PLMy2CqYXPK5blent6jlbOuHHj7t14HgvvvyXLWiDUE3sCEz-cWaRo98511IiRxEC92vt_m1FP1oitvienLc0kpiBO2Y3lgQ6YwwkNZAhgmMdkVhkr9_GtK9jUKidM.Oqs6TmIXLMeBL8jZDOW6-glpaLMk4RAkuZbhTzaiisI&dib_tag=se&keywords=inside+the+cia+book&qid=1736544885&sprefix=Inside+the+CIA%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-1 , but they never hired me. I guess they did not like my Manhattan friends whom might have had www.navy.mil connections around the waterfront. I did know one person in Manhttan who was raised at Fort Hood, Texas; and his father was a major in the www.army.mil . He outwalked everyone in Manhattan, and he lived on Varick Street, when I met him near Military Intelligence headquarters before he moved across the street from the Forbes building near the General Windfield Scott town house which is now the Italian studies institute for www.nyu.edu . Alas except for one phone call from Manhattan, I never heard from anyone there after I left the Big City. New York City people are always looking for new talent, and they forget about those with a bit of experience around Manhattan and elsewhere around the world.
01/10/25 Friday 4:35 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
01/10/25 Friday 3:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. During the summer in Boston in the old days, I read the complete collection of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels. Since we knew the station manager in Boston for B.O.A.C. who had twin sons, we had a minor British collection. Maybe Tony Snowden was advertising the Polaroid Land camera in England, because Harold Wilson gave my father Queen Elizabeth II's Award in Industry, but maybe it was for Monsanto Chemstrand textiles over there. Also at Greenwich Country Day school in my seventh grade year, we carpooled with a British family whom drove a Corvair. The British family had a company called, "Online Decisions." When I interviewed with them back in White Plains, New York in 1973, they even had a word processor. It made software for terminals in manufacturing. There New York City address was at 666 Fifth Avenue.
01/10/25 Friday 2:10 P.M. $2 https://www.amazon.com/Brief-History-Time-Stephen-Hawking-ebook/dp/B004WY3D0O?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=f50c9520cf8211ef8c9522239ad048b50INT
https://www.amazon.com/s?k=James+Bamford&crid=YDPZYYQ470VQ&sprefix=james+bamford%2Caps%2C126&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 Counter Intelligence Books
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/10/25 Friday 1:30 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again.
01/10/25 Friday 1:00 P.M. I ate three Sandwich Brothers cheese burger wraps with a glass of Poland Spring water.
01/10/25 Friday 12:25 P.M. I chatted with a relative. I will now go outside again. According to one of the oldest books in the Greenwich Library, the Scott family have lived in the New York City area for four hundred years. However, my branch of the Scott family only came here in 1724 from Scotland. My direct descendant fought in the American Revolution, so I am eligible to be in the Sons of the American Revolution.
01/10/25 Friday 12:05 P.M. I went out to the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine at Deerfield Place. I then went to the Senior and the Arts Center. They will not give me a free parking pass there for this year, because I do not do any activities there, but I use the bathroom there, and I sit in front of the building when I have free time. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, a twelve pack of Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and Cheese croissants for $16.99, and a 16 pack of White Castle cheese burger sliders for $17.89 for $36.87 total. I then returned home. I put away my food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/10/25 Friday 9:15 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-11025?e=d0a721e34a
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
I will then go downtown and forage around.
01/10/25 Friday 9:10 A.M. I woke up at 7 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend.
01/09/25 Thursday 7:55 P.M. I finished watching Jimmy Carter's funeral. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/09/25 Thursday 5:50 P.M. I rested until 4:30 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I did not get any mail. I am watching Jimmy Carter's funeral again. I will now drink an instant coffee.
01/09/25 Thursday 1:40 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again.
01/09/25 Thursday 1:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/09/25 Thursday 1:00 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
01/09/25 Thursday 12:15 P.M. I returned from my appointment, and I watched the end of Jimmy Carter's funeral. I also drank an instant coffee. I will now go outside again.
01/09/25 Thursday 9:50 A.M. I watched part of Jimmy Carter's funeral. I went outside. I will now head out early for my 11 A.M. appointment.
01/09/25 Thursday 8:35 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 7 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I will now shower and clean up. Jimmy Carter's funeral is on television at 9 A.M.
01/08/25 Wednesday 11:35 P.M. I rested a bit. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. I will wake up at 8 A.M. for a 11 A.M. appointment tomorrow.
01/08/25 Wednesday 9:55 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stouffer's Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
01/08/25 Wednesday 9:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
01/08/25 Wednesday 9:00 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/08/25 Wednesday 8:35 P.M. I rested until 8 P.M. I drank an instant coffee. I went outside. I did not get any mail. It is 23 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now.
01/08/25 Wednesday 3:00 P.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I woke up again, and I chatted with a relative. I finally woke up at 1:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/08/25 Wednesday 1:20 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. I have to be on a daytime schedule on Thursday for an 11 A.M. appointment.
01/08/25 Wednesday 12:40 A.M. I rested until 12:30 A.M. I ate six Danish butter cookies.
01/07/25 Tuesday 11:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
01/07/25 Tuesday 10:25 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/07/25 Tuesday 10:05 P.M. I rested until 9:20 P.M. I went outside. I ordered ten sweet peas https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Fresh-Canned-Sweet-Peas/dp/B0BZJNJTYV?pd_rd_w=aX9Gd&content-id=amzn1.sym.59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_p=59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_r=073AR2BDNFK2XNHWYP44&pd_rd_wg=YTYKf&pd_rd_r=6cb8753c-be2d-48ee-9ee8-5106dc1f037d&pd_rd_i=B0BZJNJTYV&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_2_pr_i for $8.41 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps Card/
01/07/25 Tuesday 8:10 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Ice Rink news https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-hamill-rink-cost-2025-20017598.php
01/07/25 Tuesday 7:35 P.M. I went outside again.
01/07/25 Tuesday 7:00 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up three prescriptions. I then went to my appointment. While waiting I chatted with a friend whom had cataract surgery on one eye today and now has to wear an eye patch and take eye drops every four hours. I had a Siemens Cat Scan that only took five minutes. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, four 16 ounce cans of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 each, and a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4.49 for $14.35 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report.
01/07/25 Tuesday 4:15 P.M. I woke up, and I ate a yogurt. I woke up at 3 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I will now shower and clean up.
01/07/25 Tuesday 4:55 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "The Levys of Monticello." I went outside midway through. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. I have to be up at 3 P.M. for my 6:25 P.M. appointment.
01/07/25 Tuesday 3:05 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I have a 6:25 P.M. appointment this evening, so I have to be up at 3 P.M.
01/07/25 Tuesday 2:15 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Maria Callender Swedish meatballs bowl with a 16 ounce can of B & M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with two ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/07/25 Tuesday 2:05 A.M. I rested until 1:45 A.M. I went outside.
01/07/25 Tuesday 12:40 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I am too old for the Freezing Norwegian patrol anymore. I also threw out my two snow suits last year, when I decluttered my apartment. I still have four L.L. Bean Union suits which are no longer available anymore.
01/06/25 Monday 11:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
It is 23 degrees Fahrenheit outside at the moment.
01/06/25 Monday 11:30 P.M. I rested until 11 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/06/25 Monday 9:45 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I cleaned a quarter inch of snow off the picnic bench and a quarter inch of ice off the windshield of my car.
01/06/25 Monday 9:05 P.M. I woke up, and I went outside again. I chatted with a friend. I woke up again, and I ate a bowl of goldfish crackers. I finally woke up at 7:40 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jhrpsvhmljrttop&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-7085863-5527443&shipmentId=BxxMYcDbk for https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FMPKXR8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title for $27.61 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived. I put them in the left top kitchen cabinet. I received a letter that Greenwich Hospital Outpatient as of February 4, 2025 is discontinuing, and I have to change to the Greenwich Family Center at 75 Hollyhill Lane.
01/06/25 Monday 5:20 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/06/25 Monday 4:45 A.M. On the second to the last trip to California, when I flew round trip; I also visited the Hyatt Hotel in Maui, Hawaii for a week. I met up briefly twice with Jimmy Eldert in Santa Cruz, California; when he was a disk jockey at the Catholic Church radio station broadcasting to the area including Fort Ord. I also was put up for three days by Vincent Butler whom had one of the nicest houses on top of a mountain in Santa Cruz. He was a fourth generation Californian that had attended www.mit.edu back East. I also met in Laguna Beach, Joel who was the head of Xerox Parc in Palo Alto, and he put me up for a night. On the last trip to California a few weeks later, I drove in an old Volvo, and I camped out near Reagan's ranch in Santa Barbara, and I toured the University of California at Santa Barbara a number of times. There was the huge plane the Guppy at the Santa Barbara airport also. I also visited Santa Cruz and stayed for a couple nights at the Normandy Inn in Carmel. On election eve, I was back in Laguna, where I met up with Joel again, and he put myself and my friend up for the night. He took us to lunch in Dana Point with the head of Camp Pendleton Marine base who was his roommate. I later that day sold the used Volvo with a bad clutch for about half of what I paid for it for $1250 at a cash for your car place at the entrance to Disney Land, and I flew back east the last time with my friend to Manhattan, never to return again. On the second to the last trip, I noticed there were a lot of older construction people building the twin nuclear reactors at Dana Point, which are not there anymore. In Santa Barbara, I met up with on election day, the head lawyer for Combustion Engineering that my father had worked for, and he was checking into the Montecito Inn near Santa Barbara. He also used to own a former family house in Greenwich that I helped build in the summer of 1966. I attended the Reagan inaugural, but two months later when I flew down to Washington D.C. and back with the new Attorney General, he told me the waterfront that I was familiar with in Manhattan was not a safe area, and I might be done in by local people there. Thus I did not get any job.
I will now go outside again.
01/06/25 Monday 3:30 A.M. I turned the Harvard chair 90 degrees, so it faces the front entry, and it makes easier to access the Panasonic four line telephone. From the northwest corner of the living room, I moved the black piano bench to in front of the white bureau at the hallway entrance, and I put the two blue cushions on it. From the bedroom, I moved the square Danish cherry end table to the northwest corner of the living room with the Panasonic 17.3 inch laptop on it. I took out a folding oak TV table out, and I set it up in the bedroom where the square Danish cherry end table was, and I put the two line AT&T telephone on it.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0125-02/
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/06/25 Monday 3:10 A.M. I went outside again.
01/06/25 Monday 2:45 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/06/25 Monday 2:35 A.M. From 1976 to 1983, I spent about ten months in Key West, Florida; but in my entire life time, I have spent about 46 months in Florida. I also have spent a little over eight months in Europe. I also have spent about ten months in California on six different trips driving 4.5 times and flying 1.5 times. I have lived near Manhattan most of my life, but I have only lived there on and off for about 36 months, but a lot of times while living in Greenwich and Manhattan, I was going back an forth.
01/06/25 Monday 2:00 A.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I used to read a lot more books, but there is so much media to read off the internet, I do not get a chance to read any books anymore.
01/06/25 Monday 1:30 A.M. Interesting book about early America https://www.google.com/search?q=de+tocqueville+democracy+in+america&sca_esv=13423f9d1d9c08a6&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgjKmoLKvI9g58PdATDph-nWpH0g%3A1736144253020&source=hp&ei=fHV7Z-SAPLeuptQPgo3hsAc&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ3uDjcPgDCnQlRXCTsxWCIrIv3PFp7O6&gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwqcxLMkkyYPRSTklVKMlPLixNLcvMyUlVSEnNzU8uSkyuVMjMU0jMTS3KTE4EAJNhERc&oq=de+touchville&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Ig1kZSB0b3VjaHZpbGxlKgIIATIHEC4YgAQYDTIHEC4YgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDUiojwFQAFjQP3AAeACQAQGYAdYCoAHuCqoBCDEwLjIuMC4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIMoALyCMICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAg4QLhiABBixAxiDARiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAg4QLhiABBixAxjRAxjHAcICCBAuGIAEGLEDwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQLhiABBjRAxjHAcICExAuGIAEGLEDGNEDGIMBGMcBGArCAgUQLhiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYigUYCsICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgINEC4YgAQYxwEYChivAcICBxAAGIAEGArCAg0QLhiABBjHARgNGK8BwgIFECEYoAGYAwCSBwM4LjSgB7mYAQ&sclient=gws-wiz that I read at Lake Forest College in the history course that I failed with Hanke who was an expert of Teddy Roosevelt who was Helen Kress William's neighbor in Oyster Bay, Long Island. More recent history https://www.amazon.com/Glory-Dream-Narrative-History-1932-1972/dp/0316544965 which I read in September 1975 when I returned home to Greenwich from my adventures out on Nantucket when I came down with strep throat. From what I can recall, altogether, I have spent 28 months out on Nantucket when I was younger from 1968 to 1983. I did return for a weekend around 1987.
I will now go outside again.
01/06/25 Monday 12:50 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's fettuccini Alfredo with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
01/05/25 Sunday 11:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
No snow yet https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/washington-white-house
01/05/25 Sunday 10:55 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99. I then returned home. I used my little folding cart to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water. I put it way. I then put the folding cart back in the car, and I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed report.
01/05/25 Sunday 9:45 P.M. I bought Julia Child cookbook for $1.99 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZZFMTK?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=868e8edacbd811efbe6b968a9a830e1d0INT
01/05/25 Sunday 9:45 P.M. I rested until 9:20 P.M. I went outside.
01/05/25 Sunday 8:05 P.M. I woke up at 6:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/05/25 Sunday 6:10 A.M. I ate three Sandwich Brother cheeseburger wraps with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/05/25 Sunday 5:40 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched, "In the Heart of the Sea." It is a take off on Nantucket and Moby Dick. I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. The only long voyage I have even taken is from Pireaus in Athens, Greece to Crete and back in April 1972 with George Cary. However, I have been on the ferry boat service to Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard a number of times. One Sunday morning in Manhattan around 1981, I walked on board the Queen Elizabeth II when it was moored on West 57th Street, and I made my way to the Captain's Cabin, and I drank a Bloody Mary. When the Captain showed up, he told me had a place in Byram where I now live. However, although I also saw the ship a number of times in Fort Lauderdale, I never sailed on it.
I will now go outside again.
01/05/25 Sunday 3:00 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/the-eruption-of-kilauea-in-1917/vi-AA1wnf6Z?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=d66baba294ed4037bb8ecb47d87cf1fc&ei=18
01/05/25 Sunday 2:40 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
End of Scott's Notes week of 01/05/25
01/05/25 Sunday 1:30 A.M. I rested a bit. I went outside.
Back around 1965, when my family was living in Greenwich, I visited West Point for a football game with friends. Afterwards, one of my friend's relatives invited us on to the Forbes Yacht the Highlander, and I signed my name in the guest book after former President Herbert Hoover. Back in the fall of 1971 while at Lake Forest College, I visited a friend at Colorado College, and we toured the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. One of the times I drove down to Florida, I drove up the entrance of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Living in Connecticut all of these years I have been by the United States Coast Guard Academy a number of times. When I attended www.lakeforest.edu from 1968 to 1972, it was next to Fort Sheridan and Great Lakes Naval Station. When I lived in Key West there were Navy personnel. When my family lived in Pensacola, Florida in 1955 and 1956, we were around Navy people. Alas, with no military experience, I can still run a personal computer and type.
I will now send out my weekly notes.
01/05/25 Sunday 12:15 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meatballs bowl with a 16 ounce can of B & M baked beans with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/04/25 Saturday 11:40 P.M. I went outside. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. Coffee makes the World go around. I think down South, where it is warmer, they have more food. However, from my experience, there is not much money down South either.
01/04/25 Saturday 10:45 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/yellowstone-supervolcano-eruption-fears-as-scientists-worry-about-crater-movement/ar-AA1wX7XH?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=65dcaf1e94bd46f899472f22594bf0b0&ei=11
I ordered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FMPKXR8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title for $27.61 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
01/04/25 Saturday 10:10 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again in the cold winter tundra of New England.
01/04/25 Saturday 9:45 P.M. I rested until 9:15 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/04/25 Saturday 7:35 P.M. My Eversource electric bill for December 2024 was $327.80.
01/04/25 Saturday 7:30 P.M. I woke up, and I ate ten Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 6 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/04/25 Saturday 5:35 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/04/25 Saturday 5:15 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/is-earth-overdue-for-an-eruption-of-a-supervolcano/vi-AA1qV7sv?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=4b8fc62027d3420fee19f1b0f64b5ec2&ei=13
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
01/04/25 Saturday 5:00 A.M. I cleaned the kitchen sink. I am soaking my regular coffee cup and my regular juice glass in 50% bleach and 50% water. I went outside again.
01/04/25 Saturday 4:35 A.M. There are $400 rooms still available here for the inaugural https://www.expedia.com/Washington-Hotels-Hamilton-Hotel-Washington-DC.h41943.Hotel-Information?chkin=2025-1-20&chkout=2025-1-24&rm1=a2&searchId=bc06c081-f1c9-4032-baa0-ef903116d369 . I have medical appointments in the evening this coming Tuesday and in the late morning this coming Thursday. Four room left for the inaugural for $1300 for four days near Scott Circle https://www.booking.com/hotel/us/holiday-inn-washington-capital.html?aid=356980&label=gog235jc-1FCAMo7AFCDHNjb3R0LWNpcmNsZUgzWANoiwKIAQGYATG4ARfIAQzYAQHoAQH4AQKIAgGoAgO4ApP_47sGwAIB0gIkYjUzOTA5NDMtZDlmYi00ZGRlLTgxYjItOGQ2MzE3OWMzYTVi2AIF4AIB&sid=ccef6a2e73239148f274c72f5f44929e&all_sr_blocks=18232903_94327091_2_2_0&checkin=2025-01-20&checkout=2025-01-24&dest_id=20021296&dest_type=city&dist=0&group_adults=2&group_children=0&hapos=1&highlighted_blocks=18232903_94327091_2_2_0&hpos=1&matching_block_id=18232903_94327091_2_2_0&no_rooms=1&req_adults=2&req_children=0&room1=A%2CA&sb_price_type=total&sr_order=popularity&sr_pri_blocks=18232903_94327091_2_2_0__130900&srepoch=1735983071&srpvid=f8b042e54b33061e&type=total&ucfs=1&
01/04/25 Saturday 4:10 A.M. At Ronald Reagan's first inaugural, I checked my luggage at the Hilton Hotel near the White House and Lafayette Square, and after inaugural I saw Ronald Reagan at the Medal of Honor reception at the Hilton. I also had a cocktail next door with Admiral Stanfield Turner at the Sheraton Hotel, and a taxi driver took me to the Dutch Inn in Georgetown for the night, and then I flew back to Westchester County airport on the Time Magazine private jet. I then took a taxi to the Greenwich Train station, and the train to New Canaan, where I was house sitting. I remember chatting with a young blond boy on the train from Brazil. While in New Canaan, I read about a young boy named Michael Scott that was always setting off fireworks in downtown New Canaan. I do not know whether he was a relative or not.
01/04/25 Saturday 3:30 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. When I went to President George H. W. Bush's inaugural, I stayed with three friends at the Dutch Hotel in Georgetown now called the https://www.guestreservations.com/the-graham-georgetown/booking?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=973793445&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA1eO7BhATEiwAm0Ee-M8HSZqbyHiQT3sPXgQoyWa0xjh1GjywesmZ9uyqha-Y1qm-DK3zHRoCl0wQAvD_BwE&ctTriggered=true and they have room available for the inaugural, but they are about a thousand dollars a night. Nearby is the Georgetown Inn https://www.guestreservations.com/georgetown-inn/booking?currency=USD&checkIn=01%2F19%2F2025&checkOut=01%2F24%2F2025&rooms=1&adults%5B1%5D=2&children%5B1%5D=0&_gl=1*16dbm68*_up*MQ..*_gs*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiA1eO7BhATEiwAm0Ee-IL6c7QoezX4UKP88-OkQvfAajYlzK6fPoaAb0Sf5tpuD1SPV2lF5hoCv4AQAvD_BwE which is slightly less expensive. Remember, when one visits Washington D.C., one is making history. However, I liked the quiet neighborhood aspect of Georgetown versus big city downtown Washington D.C. When I finished the garage apartment out at Plandome Manor in February 1983, I did stay for a week at the Georgetown Inn, and I also at the Bush inaugural I walked in off the street with my friends to the Wisconsin reception where they had lots of free food. Also the train station in Washington D. C. is by the Capitol building, and there is a McDonalds behind the FBI building. On a cold day on the southwest corner of the Capitol there is also https://washington.org/find-dc-listings/united-states-botanic-garden?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA1eO7BhATEiwAm0Ee-Dl3TBkQENBR3Ua7uZtD-sVfTwJveqavlfjTZPr0dgMXXmxpLzC7DhoCbPcQAvD_BwE , but the Mall is a large area, so there is a lot of walking, so if one were to go down there, wear a comfortable pair of walking shoes. I think I returned to Washington D.C. two months after the Bush inaugural or a year later, but my friend that drove me went hunting in Virginia at the Scott family plantation, so I took the Amtrak back to Stamford which was an enjoyable train ride. The www.amtrak.com is now $150 to $500 each way. I guess there has been a lot of inflation that I have not kept up with. However, round trip from Westchester County Airport to Washington D.C. is about $300 round trip https://www.expedia.com/Flights-Search?flight-type=on&mode=search&trip=roundtrip&leg1=from%3AWhite+Plains%2C+NY%2C+United+States+of+America+%28HPN-Westchester+County%29%2Cto%3AWashington%2C+DC%2C+United+States+of+America+%28WAS-All+Airports%29%2Cdeparture%3A1%2F18%2F2025TANYT&options=cabinclass%3Aeconomy&leg2=from%3AWashington%2C+DC%2C+United+States+of+America+%28WAS-All+Airports%29%2Cto%3AWhite+Plains%2C+NY%2C+United+States+of+America+%28HPN-Westchester+County%29%2Cdeparture%3A1%2F25%2F2025TANYT&passengers=children%3A0%2Cadults%3A1%2Cseniors%3A0%2Cinfantinlap%3AY&packageType=&fromDate=1%2F18%2F2025&toDate=1%2F25%2F2025&startDate=2025-01-18&endDate=2025-01-25&combinedDate=2025-01-18+-+2025-01-25 , but for younger people there is a Y.M.C.A. in downtown Washington D.C. the last I knew.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/04/25 Saturday 2:05 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
The Cousteau Society might know something about under water volcanoes https://www.cousteau.org/ , but my Greenwich dermatologist told me to stay out of the sun many decades ago. Also near Nantucket the Woods Holes Oceanographic Institute https://www.whoi.edu/ or in California https://scripps.ucsd.edu/ or https://www.fio.usf.edu/keys-marine-lab/ in Key West; but of course www.navy.mil or https://www.uscg.mil/ might know a thing or two. Obviously another group like www.army.mil or www.af.mil and https://www.marines.mil/ venture into remote locations and for that matter https://www.spacecom.mil/ might have a broader perspective.
01/04/25 Saturday 1:25 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/volcano-erupts-in-mexico-in-1944/vi-AA1wwwjg?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=9956700f962d4e04f723970c1dbf3eaf&ei=14
This hard to find book which I have is available used for $10 https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/volcanoes-of-the-world-a-regional-directory-gazetteer-and-chronology-of-volcanism-during-the-last-10000-years_tom-simkin/577783/item/8183120/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_new_condition_books_high_14637440387&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=545679999522&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAst67BhCEARIsAKKdWOnFpc4eM6wvxlJog3vdcjOrx9E2HD641fL7Jv16aEWXCjZqL8N-YnUaAoUCEALw_wcB#idiq=8183120&edition=2762682
01/04/25 Saturday 1:10 A.M. I rested until 12:50 A.M. I went outside.
01/04/25 Saturday 12:05 A.M. I accepted and was accepted for free for the Trump Vance inaugural invitation. However, the friend with money that would normally take me down there is having cataract eye surgery in January, so he would not be able to drive me down to Washington D.C.
01/03/25 Friday 11:50 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
01/03/25 Friday 10:20 P.M. I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, six 20 ounce cans of Dole pineapple chunks for $2.59 a can, and a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 and $34.93 total. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
01/03/25 Friday 9:00 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/03/25 Friday 8:50 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/there-will-be-eruptions-the-yellowstone-supervolcano-and-its-magma-under-close-study/ar-AA1wUw1c?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=2786e35b302b45f082b97250db434732&ei=8
01/03/25 Friday 8:40 P.M. I rested until 8:15 P.M. I went outside.
01/03/25 Friday 6:55 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I got email inviting me to the Trump Vance inaugural, but I can not afford to go https://t47inaugural.com/donald-trump-inauguration/ .
First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-1325?e=d0a721e34a
I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/03/25 Friday 6:35 P.M. I woke up at 5:15 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/gp/your-account/ship-track?itemId=jhrnqolromnqrsp&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_track_package&packageIndex=0&orderId=114-0367602-4967447&shipmentId=BkYKW7q3R for https://www.amazon.com/New-Vitality-Prostate-Advanced-Supplement/dp/B07C8C2J28?pd_rd_w=fY0p8&content-id=amzn1.sym.59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_p=59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_r=0TRN7ERSJYCED84M9MRK&pd_rd_wg=BMrsf&pd_rd_r=80728a8c-4e85-4dd4-b3ed-7f6edd8c22e5&pd_rd_i=B07C8C2J28&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_hp_d_atf_rp_3_i&th=1 for $67.46 total arrived. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/03/25 Friday 5:20 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/03/25 Friday 4:25 A.M. There was a building Fire Alarm about 4 A.M. The Greenwich Fire Department in full force responded promptly. It appears to be a non emergency, but there was the smell of electrical smoke by the community room which I reported to them. None of the lights above the apartment doors were on.
I have been watching, "Interstellar" off Netflix, and I am almost done. I have been outside four times, and the third time; I drank a cup of instant coffee, and I saw two fat raccoons sneaking around the picnic bench area.
01/02/25 Thursday 11:50 P.M. I beta tested. I went outside.
Lake Forest College Transcript:
Computers: http://scott-mike.com/computer.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/02/25 Thursday 10:40 P.M. I worked with the beta computer. I went outside. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
01/02/25 Thursday 9:00 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
Be a Microsoft Windows 12 beta tester in many different languages. I did this one can try this an created a Windows 11 beta Rufus for older machines with this method by downloading the latest Windows Developer 11 beta 27749 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewiso?rfs=1 , and I used this procedure for Windows 11 on an older PC, Windows 11 Rufus installed from USB Pen Drive I made a Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive with this method this https://rufus.ie/en/ to created a Windows 11 bootable USB pen drive for it to upgrade https://www.elevenforum.com/t/create-bootable-windows-11-iso-without-tpm-secure-boot-and-ram-requirements.1891/ I formatted the over 8 GB USB pen drive in NTFS, and I set Rufus to "MBR" selected and the second and third advanced options selected, also select options no TPM/no Secure boot. The different language versions of the Windows 11 *.iso download are here https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 thus for example if one wanted Windows 11 Professional in French download the *.iso file and make the Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive the same way. Once again the Complete PC backup does not work, but Aomei backup does work. Microsoft does not pay its beta tester minions, but one learns a bit about their operating systems for free. Also on the beta disk manager does not work, unless one uses this way run a CMD prompt as Administrator, and run, "compmgmt.msc" . This will also work on older computers too.
01/02/25 Thursday 8:20 P.M. Ice Rink News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-ct-ice-skating-rink-byram-hamill-dorothy-20008611.php
01/02/25 Thursday 7:30 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Back in April 1977 when I returned to Nantucket and explored the South Shore, I met two life guards from Nova Scotia that were spending the winter there. When they saw me, they went back to Nova Scotia.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. The parking lot lights in the ice skating rink area must be out, so they now have two highway construction lights running on generators.
This is the LG television https://www.ebay.com/itm/305475469628 in the bedroom.
01/02/25 Thursday 7:05 P.M. I rested until 6:30 P.M. I went outside.
01/02/25 Thursday 5:20 P.M. I woke up, and I ate nine Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 4 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/02/25 Thursday 4:55 A.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
01/02/25 Thursday 3:55 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 3 and 4 of, "La Palma." I went outside midway through.
I will now go outside again.
01/02/25 Thursday 2:15 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
01/02/25 Thursday 1:25 A.M. I am about to eat a eight ounce Stauffer's macaroni and cheese and a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread with a 12 ounce can of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
01/02/25 Thursday 12:40 A.M. From the mini computer setup, I moved the Panasonic 4 line telephone from the small dark end table to the white oak end table at the same location. I then moved the small dark oak end table to in front of the television setup in the bedroom. I moved the folding oak TV table from there to behind the bedroom door with the other folding oak TV tables. I then moved the Harvard chair from the northwest living room corner to the apartment entrance on the left side of the red Chesterfield leather chair. In the northwest corner of the living room, I setup the folding blue beach chair at the Dell 17.3 inch laptop setup. Harvard might not be the best university in America anymore, but I use to survive when I worked in Cambridge, Massachusetts during my www.lakeforest.edu college years in the summer.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0125-01/
I will now go outside again.
01/01/25 Wednesday 11:50 P.M. On Channel 107 Cspan, I watched, "Inside the White House, America's Most Famous House.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
01/01/25 Wednesday 10:10 P.M. On Cspan book TV, I watched this author of this book https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Stack-Searching-Soul-Machine/dp/0802158846/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1IYM1JGXIFUWN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ziur4mfWGFShCGUqX29yeA.WKmPD5GS2WCpG7ELm_orjF4ZFiDKrVHyoDnz9y1ruOM&dib_tag=se&keywords=andrew+smith+devil+in+the+stack&qid=1735787050&sprefix=Andrew+Smith+a+Dev%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1
As a matter of historical reference, when I made my downloadable directory a long time ago, I used a Windows 3 machine with OS/2 dual boot, because in Windows one could bookmark links, and then in OS/2 one could with a little tweaking with Boxer OS/2 editor sort out the bookmarks alphabetically.
01/01/25 Wednesday 9:35 P.M. refurbished televisions $200 and up https://electronics.woot.com/offers/amazon-fire-tv-omni-qled-4k-tv-1?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_1
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
Trump Hotel terrorism in Las Vegas https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz7qd97eyp0o
I will now go outside again.
01/01/25 Wednesday 8:50 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I bought a National Park Service calendar for $11.69. I then went to the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine on Greenwich Avenue and Elm Street. I then drove by www.starbucks.com , but they were closed. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought two 64 ounce diet Ocean Spray cranberry juice for $3.69 each, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, and four 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meatballs for $3 each for $36.37 total. I then returned home, and I put away my groceries. I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I put the National Park Service calendar on the outside of the front door, and I moved the free calendar to the left side kitchen wall. I will now go outside again.
01/01/25 Wednesday 7:05 P.M. I will now go out and forage around.
01/01/25 Wednesday 7:00 P.M. I rested until 6:40 P.M. I went outside.
01/01/25 Wednesday 4:50 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
01/01/25 Wednesday 4:45 P.M. I woke up at 3 P.M. I fixed a neighbor's television again. I went outside. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
01/01/25 Wednesday 3:35 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
01/01/25 Wednesday 2:50 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
01/01/25 Wednesday 1:45 A.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I never spent a New Years Eve in Key West, but I spent New Years 1977 and 1978 in Fort Lauderdale. I recall in 1977 I spent all night outside the Button bar with a gallon gasoline can trying to get a dollar for gasoline to no avail. In 1978, I had a bit of money so across the street from the Button Bar, I drank beer and sang Beatles songs.
01/01/25 Wednesday 1:15 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 2 of, "La Palma." I went outside again.
01/01/25 Wednesday 12:05 A.M. 32 inch Smart TV with coupon code "FIRE32" for $90 https://www.amazon.com/amazon-fire-tv-32-inch-2-series-hd-smart-tv/dp/B0CJDSNN4T/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MTJDARGAU5AC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TP9hOCJ7rVo05ibyHka0JjOFNz-mdLUgFta8ofZ4w030VFJ1lL2b1T-xUvn6wmNOHQMBjoe5OOz5sQevRk9wwZSiUBQVRaDmH2Ec19tdRYxwlsH0txvfhfBO6dRAiHB0X79XnrDLBYSeXFC7I1MAN6oXMzYvUyrBzARdBt9wDpKuzPr-KjiqAlz4e8bTZrYOK_E3INxxLTKE-mYkqqH3NRe5MeR0_uFSkrA2qcJ4tD4.uDq1mkAiwP0o22514IXMWr-cJ7GCd9_zUJ0JVzD_kF4&dib_tag=se&keywords=32+in+smart+tv&qid=1735707526&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=32+%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-3
12/31/24 Tuesday 11:55 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 1 of, "La Palma," about a volcano and tsunami in the Canary Islands. It is in Norwegian with English subtitles.
I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
Happy New Years.
12/31/24 Tuesday 10:30 P.M. I bought https://www.amazon.com/New-Vitality-Prostate-Advanced-Supplement/dp/B07C8C2J28?pd_rd_w=fY0p8&content-id=amzn1.sym.59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_p=59910fa8-b73c-408a-aa5f-d0b4e0aa42cb&pf_rd_r=0TRN7ERSJYCED84M9MRK&pd_rd_wg=BMrsf&pd_rd_r=80728a8c-4e85-4dd4-b3ed-7f6edd8c22e5&pd_rd_i=B07C8C2J28&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_hp_d_atf_rp_3_i&th=1 for $67.46 total.
12/31/24 Tuesday 10:25 P.M. I rested. I went outside, the fire department was here on a call. However, I did not hear the building alarm. I can not hear it, when I am in bedroom. It is raining heavily.
12/31/24 Tuesday 9:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender chicken and garlic bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/31/24 Tuesday 8:00 P.M. https://www.greenwichtime.com/connecticut/article/connecticut-minimum-wage-increase-2024-20002784.php $16.35 an hour.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/warning-as-volcano-off-the-west-coast-is-primed-to-erupt-in-2025/ar-AA1wITMP?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=13ae9f54ce9b48b59040b6b239e6c4f8&ei=12 under water west coast volcano off Oregon.
I will now go outside again.
12/31/24 Tuesday 7:00 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm . The Stop and Shop is opened until 9 P.M., but I do not need anything.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/31/24 Tuesday 6:50 P.M. I rested until 6 P.M. I went outside. I took the wreath off the front door and the small Christmas tree, and I stored them on the left living room closet shelf. I took down the calendar off the front door, and I put up a new free one. I took down the old calendar in the kitchen. I put the new Volcano calendar on the left living room closet door. I put my Christmas cards in the most recent photo album.
12/31/24 Tuesday 4:20 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/31/24 Tuesday 4:15 P.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 2:30 P.M., and I chatted with a friend. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/31/24 Tuesday 4:40 A.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and I will then go to bed.
12/31/24 Tuesday 4:10 A.M. I paid my Eversource electric bill, my Optimum bill for all three services, and my Verizon telephone bill for January 2025.
I will now go outside again.
12/31/24 Tuesday 3:55 A.M. Lots to read https://darwin-online.org.uk/converted/pdf/
12/31/24 Tuesday 3:20 A.M. Some history on China here https://darwin-online.org.uk/converted/pdf/1823_Encyclopedia_A770.06.pdf
Charles Darwin https://darwin-online.org.uk/
I will now go outside again.
12/31/24 Tuesday 2:00 A.M. Big Bucks over a Franklin for Kindle Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FLPSQLM?binding=kindle_edition&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_aps_series_rwt_tkin&qid=1735627031&sr=8-2
When I tried to travel outside of Greenwich in my free time which I had little of, I would used the Nantucket Antheneum library and the Monroe County library in Key West. In Manhattan the library at New York University was only open to only students, and the library at Columbia University was $200 a semester which I would not afford. However, the Watson Business library at Columbia University was opened to the public. When I was around Greenwich Village in the early 1970s, they took the old Women's House of Detension on Seventh Avenue and turned it into a Greenwich Village public library. I knew somebody from Bloomington, Indiana that lived in a tiny apartment on the southwest corner of Washington Square where both Faulkner and Hemingway had lived in the past. I only met two people one in Greenwich Village and one in Chelsea with tiny apartments full of books. All Fred Von Mierers had in his apartment was the complete works of Edgar Casey. He did live in a publishing neighborhood at 420 East 49th Street where a Lake Forest College roommate on the Farm had a father that owned Random House and Penquin books nearby.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/31/24 Tuesday 1:35 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
!!!!!! Here is the library of books, I used to have in my apartment a long time ago http://scott-mike.com/authors.htm .
12/31/24 Tuesday 12:55 A.M. 32 inch Smart TV $80 https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-32-class-f20-series-led-hd-smart-fire-tv/6482022.p?skuId=6482022
I bought the five foot stack of Harvard Classics for 99 cents https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Harvard-Classics-Anthology-Literature-ebook/dp/B093D9XMRV/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_wsixnhcumxnet_d_sccl_2_34/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=3EsA2&content-id=amzn1.sym.ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_p=ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_r=7VV4V3HTMQAC17Z4BQ66&pd_rd_wg=6DGpd&pd_rd_r=595e4d28-e866-40a8-8a5e-e7238886b823&pd_rd_i=B093D9XMRV&psc=1
I will now go outside again.
12/30/24 Monday 11:35 P.M. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/musk-admits-taking-controversial-weight-loss-drug-previously-opposed-rfk-jr
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/30/24 Monday 10:40 P.M. Nantucket jobs available, but it is expensive to live on the Island https://classifieds.nantucket.net/
I will now go outside again.
12/30/24 Monday 10:25 P.M. I went outside. I stuck the telescope in the case, and I put it underneath the teak dining table on top of the folded up cot.
12/30/24 Monday 9:25 P.M. I am cooking twelve small egg rolls which I will eat with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/30/24 Monday 8:45 P.M. I went out to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.79, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.69, a 30 ounce Simply Orange grapefruit juice for $5.79, and a four pack of Chaboni blueberry yogurt for $4.99 for $26.26 total. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, but they would not take my coupons for free Maxwell House instant coffee. They said they had already been used. I then went to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a while. I walked down to Zen Stationary, but my Mega Millions $2 winning receipt was not any good. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and they would not refund me the overcharge on the croissants that I bought last time. They said I needed the box. I bought two 11.5 ounce Marie Callender garlic chicken bowls for $3 each and two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50 each six pack for $9 total. I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I filled up the tank for $13.08 for self service premium for $4.199 a gallon for 3.114 gallons at odometer reading of 126414 miles for 38.4 miles driven since Sunday December 15, 2024 for 12.332 miles per gallon in local traffic. I then returned home. I put away the groceries. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/30/24 Monday 5:35 P.M. I was on the telephone for a half hour trying to get a real person at Optimum to no avail.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/30/24 Monday 5:00 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside again. I did not get any mail.
12/30/24 Monday 3:40 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/30/24 Monday 3:30 P.M. I showered, and I cleaned up. I went outside. I chatted with a friend.
12/30/24 Monday 2:15 P.M. Greenwich Land Trust Donation https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/NTQwODM=
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/30/24 Monday 2:10 P.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 12:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/29/24 Sunday 10:25 P.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and then I will go to bed.
12/29/24 Sunday 9:55 P.M. The first time, I ever visited Long Island was when I flew up in the spring of 1962 from Decatur, Alabama on the Monsanto Chemstrand D-3 airplane or maybe it was a Gulf Stream. We stopped in North Carolina, National Airport, Trenton airport, MacArthur airport on Long Island, and then Westchester County airport, where we stayed nearby in Stamford, and I had my interview with John Webster at Greenwich Country Day School. I chatted a lot about golf, so I was accepted. The next time I visited Long Island was my Senior Year at the Taft school, and we took a weekend break, and we took the Long Island railroad to visit Randy Abood in Sands Point, Long Island. Possibly the summer before I drove out there with Myles McGough from Katonah, New York, and we visited Kingman Brewster's house in East Hampton, where Myles knew his daughter. In June 1968, I also had my Taft School graduation party at David Maxwell's beach in Lloyd's Neck, Long Island, and then I returned back home to Wellesley, Massachusetts where I made some Nantucket connections. Also on a June weekend in 1973, when I was working at CBS News, I took the train from Manhattan out to South Hampton, and hitch hiked back. When I knew Fred Von Mierers and Helen Kress Williams from October 1973 to February 1975, they also had me in Oyster Bay and Locust Valley, Long Island several times. When I met John Bolton in Key West in February 1978, I visited his family in Manhasset, Port Washington, and Plandome Manor a lot until February 1983. Around Christmas 1987, I visited George Cary in Sands Point, Long Island. I might have been out on Long Island coming from airports to Florida after that. Around 2007, I went to a Microsoft conference at the Hyatt Hotel in Hauppauge, Long Island. However, on my last trip to Florida after that I was picked up at J.F.K. airport on Long Island. I have a nice view of Oyster Bay from the pier on Steamboat Road over all of these years where I was once President Elect Trump's neighbor, when he lived in Indian Harbor in Greenwich, where my stepfather also once lived.
I will now go outside again.
12/29/24 Sunday 9:05 P.M. Maybe Mrs. Earle Kress Williams in Oyster Bay, Long Island was related to him. I think she might have owned the old Kress department store in Key West that was renamed Fast Buck Freddies' possibly after Fred Von Mierers. I guess when one goes down South depending whom is retired and visiting there, one's point of view can change.
I will now go outside again.
12/29/24 Sunday 8:35 P.M. The television said James Earle Carter passed away today at age hundred years. The first time I recall seeing Jimmy Carter was when I was living in Greenville, South Carolina the first half of 1976. I had driven down to Atlanta, Georgia for a weekend. I heard on my car radio that Jimmy Carter was announcing to run for President in Plains, Georgia. I drove two hours South to Plains, Georgia; and I saw Jimmy Carter, when he showed up at the Holiday Inn there after he had announced he was running for President at the local railroad station in Plains, Georgia. In the Spring of 1977, I drove through Plains, Georgia on my way up North. I also probably saw him again at President Reagan's first inaugural.
12/29/24 Sunday 7:50 P.M. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
for $33.49 arrived.
12/29/24 Sunday 7:00 P.M. In the Oster convection oven, I am baking eleven small egg rolls for 20 minutes which I will turn over half way through. I will eat them with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/29/24 Sunday 6:25 P.M. I was told by the pharmacist at CVS that I had my RSV shot a year ago, so I am good for another year.
12/29/24 Sunday 6:25 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I picked up a prescription. I got three jars of Maxwell House instant coffee for free with coupons. I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I then went back into CVS, and I got two jugs of Tide liquid detergent for $4.23 with coupons. I then returned home. I put away my purchases. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/29/24 Sunday 4:00 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/29/24 Sunday 3:10 P.M. I switched the Vizio TV from the bedroom to the mini computer setup at the apartment entrance. From there, I moved the LG television back to the bedroom.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/29/24 Sunday 2:25 P.M. I went outside again.
12/29/24 Sunday 1:35 P.M. I woke up, and I ate eight Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 11:30 A.M. I went outside. I fixed a neighbor's television. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
End of Scott's Notes week of 12/28/24
12/28/24 Saturday 10:15 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/28/24 Saturday 8:20 P.M. I channel surfed the over the air channels in the bedroom. I went outside again.
12/28/24 Saturday 7:20 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/28/24 Saturday 6:20 P.M. I rested until 5:50 P.M. I went outside again.
12/28/24 Saturday 4:30 P.M. I picked up the mail. I am baking four fish filets which I will eat with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar . We used to have a neighbor in back country Greenwich whom had the same last name of the founder of Coca Cola, but I do not know if there was a connection. When I knew Fred Von Mierers, he introduced me to Bill Hines who lived next to Bunny and Paul Mellon on East 70th Street in Manhattan. Bill Hines had the Coca Cola franchaise for North Carolina, and he had a house at the entrance of Camp Le Juene down in North Carolina. He once had me to dinner for rach of lamb. Also Coke of New York used to be by the boys club in Greenwich. Coca Cola bottles back in the 1950s used to have the name of each bottler stamped in the glass bottoms of the bottles. Some people used to like collecting different Coca Cola bottles from different locations. A relative once told me Coca Cola was started by a drug store operator in Holland, Michigan. Alas in America, there are so many companies that have moved around over the years, nobody ever seems to know where the companies were started.
12/28/24 Saturday 3:25 P.M. I watched the other half of, "A Haunting in Venice," off Amazon Prime.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/28/24 Saturday 2:15 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I rested until 1:45 P.M. I went outside again.
12/28/24 Saturday 12:45 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/28/24 Saturday 11:50 A.M. I won $2 on the Mega Millions drawing.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/28/24 Saturday 11:40 A.M. I woke up, and I ate a bowl of goldfish crackers. I finally woke up at 10:15 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/27/24 Friday 8:10 P.M. I watched the first half of, "A Haunting in Venice," off Amazon Prime. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and then I will go to bed.
12/27/24 Friday 6:35 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/27/24 Friday 5:25 P.M. I rested until 5 P.M. I went outside. I did not get any mail today.
12/27/24 Friday 3:20 P.M. In the Oster convection oven, I am baking three breaded fish filets for 25 minutes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit. I will eat them with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/27/24 Friday 2:40 P.M. I chatted with a friend twice. On the most recent Windows 12 beta Canary Lenovo Mini computer, I installed the most recent Windows updates.
They four of these at the Target store in Port Chester for $140 each https://www.target.com/p/vizio-32-34-1080p-full-hd-led-smart-tv-vfd32m-08/-/A-91940056#lnk=sametab
I will now go outside again.
12/27/24 Friday 1:10 P.M. On the mini computer setup, I adjusted the color on the LG TV monitor. On the Apple Mac Mini, I updated the apps. On the most recent Microsoft Windows 12 beta Canary, I am watching https://nantucket.net/webcams/ . Nantucket used to have a Radio Shack. Also the neighbor in Greenwich that got me the job at CBS News in 1973 had also been the President of Radio Shack besides being the President of Columbia Pictures.
I chatted with a friend.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/27/24 Friday 12:05 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/27/24 Friday 10:55 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-122724?e=d0a721e34a
https://www.gcds.net/giving/give-online Give to Greenwich Country Day
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/27/24 Friday 10:45 A.M. I woke up at 9 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/26/24 Thursday 8:00 P.M. It is still available here for $100 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1395974-REG/samsung_un32n5300afxza_n5300_series_32_smart.html/specs?ap=y&smp=y&msclkid=28f2ddb11ad7197b8c45badce0516620
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt and a croissant. I will then go to bed.
12/26/24 Thursday 7:35 P.M. Norway Season Greetings https://www.royalcourt.no/
12/26/24 Thursday 7:30 P.M. I rested. I channel surfed. I went outside.
I ate five Danish butter cookies.
I will now go outside again.
12/26/24 Thursday 5:15 P.M. I am about to each the other piece of chicken marsella with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/26/24 Thursday 5:05 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside twice, and once I drank an instant coffee. I picked up the mail.
12/26/24 Thursday 2:45 P.M. I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a while. The bathroom there was closed. I went to Zen Stationary, and I bought a Mega Millions lottery ticket for $2. There was a line for the bathroom at www.starbucks.com . I then went to the Greenwich Library, and I used the bathroom there. I sat out there for a while. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, from the clearance section a four pack of croissants for $5.79, a 11 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs for $3.49, a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's chicken fettuccini for $3.49, and a 11 ounce Stauffer's cheese fettuccini for $3.49 for $27.75 total. They chipped me on the croissants they were supposed to be $2.99. They have lots of five gallon bottles of Poland Spring water. I then returned home. I used my little folding cart to brink up the 42 pound bottle of water. I put the food away. I put the folding cart and the grey bag back in the car. I drank and instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again. Recently, we have had a large eagle hanging around the building property.
12/26/24 Thursday 12:05 P.M. I will now go downtown and forage around.
12/26/24 Thursday 11:40 A.M. I bought for Free https://www.amazon.com/Sun-Also-Rises-Ernest-Hemingway-ebook/dp/B0CBPMYKSP/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_wsixnhcumxnet_d_sccl_2_1/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=1UjSp&content-id=amzn1.sym.ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_p=ec4f6a3e-3d1b-4f11-bd99-626f3a969c7d&pf_rd_r=BA31EMM92X6XCZBD2YWR&pd_rd_wg=fHUfD&pd_rd_r=3e554c62-4eb6-42f7-a191-a6ba260f5aa7&pd_rd_i=B0CBPMYKSP&psc=1
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/26/24 Thursday 11:30 A.M. I showered, and I cleaned up. I also clipped my toe nails with my new toil nail clipper from China. It does a most excellent job.
12/26/24 Thursday 10:20 A.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
https://www.dutchnews.nl/2024/12/healing-divisions-is-central-to-dutch-kings-christmas-message/ Dutch King Christmas message in Dutch language.
12/26/24 Thursday 10:10 A.M. Today is Boxing day, when they exchange gifts in England the day after Christmas. I woke up, and I ate ten Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 8:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/25/24 Wednesday 8:35 P.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
12/25/24 Wednesday 8:15 P.M. I moved the Vizio television with the Vizio sound bar back into the bedroom. Beside being connected to the Cable Box and the Amazon Cube, it is also connected to the new over the air antenna, and it picks up hundreds of over the air channels.
I moved the LG television with the Boston accoustics sound bar to the mini computer setup at the kitchen entrance.
I will now go outside again.
12/25/24 Wednesday 7:05 P.M. I channel surfed. For some reason, my living room Samsung television gets over 500 over the air channels which are clear as a bell. I guess the bedroom LG television is not as advanced.
This is available for a $100 Franklin https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-32-class-n5300-series-led-full-hd-smart-tizen-tv-2018/6202106.p?skuId=6202106&extStoreId=345&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=SaleEvent&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA9667BhDoARIsANnamQZyEgLfOEZ_t4q8YcCBp4qXjco2uBMEm4I7UE6A5ptl2WL0W71585QaAnCtEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
but I do not need 500 or more over the air channels in the bedroom. The bedroom LG television has the usual internet apps, and the Amazon Cube is also attached to it.
12/25/24 Wednesday 5:30 P.M. I moved the new over the air antenna for the bedroom television from the bedroom window to along side the over the air antenna in the living room for the living room television. It now gets 29 over the air channels.
I turned on the Apple Mac Mini on the 49 inch Samsung television, and I am now watching big screen video off of it.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/25/24 Wednesday 4:55 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
12/25/24 Wednesday 3:50 P.M. I rested. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I chatted with a friend.
12/25/24 Wednesday 2:15 P.M. I am about to eat half of the chicken marsella dinner with a 15 ounce can of peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/25/24 Wednesday 2:10 P.M. My relatives stopped by briefly. They gave me a bag of cooked frozen fish filets and what looks like frozen pastry wrapped Vienna franks.
12/25/24 Wednesday 1:45 P.M. https://apnews.com/article/jackpot-mega-millions-lottery-9d15d33eb17c3c199c8bb1592e2804cb
https://www.crackerbarrel.com/ is closed in Milford today.
I will now go outside again.
12/25/24 Wednesday 1:40 P.M. Great White Father https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/washington-white-house .
12/25/24 Wednesday 1:30 P.M. Not very busy out on Nantucket https://nantucket.net/webcams/ . I have spent three Christmas Days out on Long Island which has a lot more people.
12/25/24 Wednesday 1:15 P.M. Rare pink footed goose from the Artic spending winter in Greenwich https://www.greenwichtime.com/connecticut/article/ct-arctic-visitor-pink-footed-goose-rare-bird-19986675.php
I will now go outside again.
12/25/24 Wednesday 1:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I chatted with a relative, and they will stop by around 2 P.M.
King Charles and family at Christmas Church at Sandringham https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c878rz9qr0zo
12/25/24 Wednesday 11:40 A.M. King Charles 2024 Christmas speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkjDS85s4lg
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/25/24 Wednesday 11:15 A.M. New John's Island real estate for sale $11 million https://www.johnsislandrealestate.com/listings/120-coconut-palm-road
12/25/24 Wednesday 10:55 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/25/24 Wednesday 10:40 A.M. I chatted with two relatives and a friend. I went outside again. Two relatives are going to visit me early this afternoon in the parking lot.
12/25/24 Wednesday 9:15 A.M. Sneak to the office https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/dec/20/florence-16th-century-vasari-corridor-opens-to-public-for-first-time?mc_cid=18f08b8754&mc_eid=bcbb0084fc
When I was in Florence, Italy in the winter of 1972, they were selling gold jewelry on the Ponte Vechio for $32 an ounce. The vendors would lay the jewelry on black velvet clothes on the street, and from what I could tell nobody tried to steal it. Ponte Vechio means, "Old Bridge." I lived by the next bridge west, "Ponte San Trinita," in the Pensione Adria.
www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue is supposed to open at 10 A.M. this morning.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/25/24 Wednesday 9:00 A.M. I woke up at 7:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/24/24 Tuesday 7:50 P.M. I chatted with a friend back from Europe. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
Merry Christmas.
12/24/24 Tuesday 6:00 P.M. https://apnews.com/article/hawaii-volcano-kilauea-lava-eruption-big-island-2e731c515e01dd283cdfe348f5a6dcb8
I will now go outside again.
12/24/24 Tuesday 5:30 P.M. I went outside again. My friends from Sea Island, Georgia are back from their long European cruise. They left me a message.
12/24/24 Tuesday 4:35 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's fetticini Alfredo with a 15 ounce can of sliced carrots with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/24/24 Tuesday 4:25 P.M. I picked up the mail. The toe nail clippers arrived from China with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=jhqhkpnnrnsqoup&orderId=114-0461254-7695417&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=24378802758025 for https://www.amazon.com/Clipmaster-Clippers-Clipper-Toenail-Toenails/dp/B0DDTNSB81/ref=asc_df_B0DDTNSB81?mcid=6f0075be70533a719751fe1a7127de29&hvocijid=16745655905044946636-B0DDTNSB81-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16745655905044946636&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003458&hvtargid=pla-2281435180778&psc=1 for $21.26 total arrived. I put them on the right hallway bookcase.
12/24/24 Tuesday 3:50 P.M. I hooked up the bedroom over the air antenna, and it gets 34 channels over the air. I have the over the air antennas in case the cable boxes quit working. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/24/24 Tuesday 3:15 P.M. The orders with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=jhrhopqqokswsqp&orderId=114-9496217-7060226&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=370468830785301 and https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=jhrgsplonpostsp&orderId=114-9178096-0103433&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=370471001416301 for high definition antenna with coupon code "CJZW9QB8" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DMJN6QVD?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&ascsubtag=1z65e0to8q91wgej9uy7opGBReXPW9Qd for $38.28 total and Pyrex baking dish https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFBYZPCS?tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=04BLgXthXApsFahRhDPpt10&th=1 for $21.06 total and diapers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QLMJNS2?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title for $31.41 total arrived. I put the Pyrex baking dish underneath the center kitchen counter. I put the diapers in the right bookcase to the left of Harvard chair. I will now hook up the wireless antenna to the bedroom television. I threw out the shipping boxes.
12/24/24 Tuesday 2:30 P.M. I chatted with a relative. I moved the folded up cot to underneath the back side of the teak dining table, so it is out of sight and out of mine. A friend told me, I should go out and get pre made mashed potatoes, but I am trying to stay away from starch, and obviously the local grocery stores would be quite busy on Christmas Eve.
12/24/24 Tuesday 1:25 P.M. I went outside twice. I gave the building custodian a $40 tip. I chatted with a friend.
The order with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=283601485553&trkqual=12028~283601485553~FDEG on the order for open box https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/jtangl-portable-travel-camp-cots-with-pearl-cotton-pad-for-homeoffice-nap-and-beach-vacation-heavy-duty-sleeping-cots-with-carry-bag-jadg1130.html?piid=63539378 for $61.67 total arrived. I tested it putting it out in the sitting area. I then folded it up, and I put it behind the telescope to the right of the mini computer setup. I put its cushion in the far left bookcase. Technically if I had guests, I could sleep on it, and two people could sleep on the full size bed in the bedroom. One never knows in the cold weather, we could have a weather emergency.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-1224-07/
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/24/24 Tuesday 11:40 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/incredible-moment-lava-erupts-from-one-of-the-world-s-most-active-volcanoes/ar-AA1wqjDv?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=6b9b9525eced41ae9466d4388c1eb5cd&ei=16
12/24/24 Tuesday 11:40 A.M. I showered, and I cleaned up. I went outside.
12/24/24 Tuesday 10:30 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/24/24 Tuesday 10:20 A.M. I rested until 9:30 A.M. I went outside, and I cleaned two inches of snow off the car, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/24/24 Tuesday 8:35 A.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/24/24 Tuesday 8:20 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 7 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/23/24 Monday 6:05 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/23/24 Monday 5:45 P.M. I splurged, and I went to Citarella at 600 West Putnam Avenue, and I got a chicken Marcella entree for $11.99 a pound for $18.60 total. I then returned home, and I sat outside briefly. I will eat part of the chicken Marcella for Christmas dinner along with a can of vegetables.
12/23/24 Monday 4:10 P.M. This frozen turkey meal for $7 at Acme https://www.acmemarkets.com/shop/product-details.960043572.html?productId=960043572&CMPID=ps_acm_acmd_ecom_goo_20241106_21887366098_169581741586_2368271279689&psrc=g&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsaS7BhDPARIsAAX5cSAdSSNshNhddXH6zOLT64-LrWsD3lTmuVnMLvtv-715ld1iS3XVdmEaAkSfEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
I picked up the mail earlier.
12/23/24 Monday 3:50 P.M. Big Buck Christmas Dinners https://www.citarella.com/markets/shop/holiday
12/23/24 Monday 3:05 P.M. King Charles news https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/it-s-not-just-cadbury-s-that-king-charles-has-stripped-of-their-royal-warrants/ar-AA1wnnbJ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=f875ed58e0474d7e842621b669a6cac4&ei=12
I once saw a video that one of the Rothschilds in England got famous with the Royal family by growing miniature pineapples in her mansion that she had delivered to Buckingham Palace. I guess that was before Lord Sandwich discovered the Hawaiian Islands.
https://www.greenwichtime.com/weather/article/asteroid-earth-christmas-eve-19998260.php Huge Asteroid on Christmas Eve.
I will now go outside again.
12/23/24 Monday 2:45 P.M. I channel surfed. I chatted with a relative.
12/23/24 Monday 2:00 P.M. I rested. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/23/24 Monday 12:30 P.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/23/24 Monday 12:05 P.M. I drove downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a while. I then used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts Center. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each can, four 16 ounce cans of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 each, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4.49, and a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $42.38 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/23/24 Monday 9:55 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go downtown and forage around.
The Ninth Circle Pub on West Ninth Street in Greenwich Village was next to a 24 hour television repair shop. A lot of people from the Columbia Broadcasting System better known as CBS used to frequent the Ninth Circle Pub particularly the Music Division which was profitable.
12/23/24 Monday 9:20 A.M. I took the over the air antenna off the television setup in the bedroom, and I hooked it up to my neighbor's television that has a broken cable box. Thus my neighbor gets about forty over the air channels. This https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D95W25M6?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title is the antenna that cost me $18.07. I have the replacement antenna arriving tomorrow for the bedroom television. See Ninth Circle TV repair is still functional in Greenwich, Connecticut.
I will now go outside again.
12/23/24 Monday 8:10 A.M. I channel surfed. In my day the https://www.metmuseum.org/ used to have a Christmas Eve service about 3 P.M. in the afternoon. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/23/24 Monday 7:35 A.M. I woke up at 6 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. It was 13 degrees Fahrenheit. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/22/24 Sunday 5:45 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop, and I will go to bed. It is supposed to bed a low of eight degrees Fahrenheit tonight and tomorrow morning.
12/22/24 Sunday 5:15 P.M. I channel surfed.
I will now go outside again. Right now it is 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
12/22/24 Sunday 4:00 P.M. I ordered high definition antenna with coupon code "CJZW9QB8" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DMJN6QVD?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&ascsubtag=1z65e0to8q91wgej9uy7opGBReXPW9Qd for $38.28 total. The current one on the bedroom television does not pick up many channels.
I will now go outside again.
12/22/24 Sunday 3:25 P.M. I chatted with a friend.
12/22/24 Sunday 2:50 P.M. I ordered Pyrex baking dish https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFBYZPCS?tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=04BLgXthXApsFahRhDPpt10&th=1 for $21.06 total.
I ordered diapers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QLMJNS2?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title for $31.41 total.
I will now go outside again.
12/22/24 Sunday 2:05 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I rested. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. During the period I visited the Florida Keys from 1976 to 1978, the Army Corps of Engineers rebuilt a 140 miles of bridges and highway of the Florida Keys Highway. Thus those big tall men were doing a lot of heavy work, when the younger generation was restoring the Southern Most Hotel known as the Casa Marina.
12/22/24 Sunday 12:40 P.M. I am about to eat a 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo dinner with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/22/24 Sunday 12:30 P.M. The Winter of 1978 in Key West was spent at the abandoned Casa Marina Hotel while it was under reconstruction. I went North both in April and May 1978, when I got my income tax return from working at Daniel Construction in Greenville, South Carolina as an expeditor for six months in 1976, before I returned back to Greenwich and Nantucket.
12/22/24 Sunday 11:55 A.M. Some people are down in Cayo Hueso https://liveduvalstreet.com/#google_vignette and https://casamarinaresort.com/live-webcam/?utm_source=Fla-Keys.com&utm_medium=WebcamLink&utm_campaign=StreamingLink&utm_cam=casa-marina and https://southernmostpointwebcam.com/ and https://fla-keys.com/webcams/mallory-square/ . I recall being briefly in Key West for Christmas 1976, but nothing was going on, so I returned to Fort Lauderdale for New Years. After New Years, they towed my car for too many parking tickets at the Swimming Hall of Fame parking lot, so I hitchhiked back to Key West, and sometime shortly there after Jimmy Eldert showed up with a whole lot of friends from up North. When I did not have a car that time in Key West, I slept underneath the annex of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. I do recall hitch hiking to Palm Beach, but the bank weather sign said it was 32 degrees Fahrenheit, so I hitch hiked back to Key West where it was warmer. Before cell phones, it was hard finding Jimmy, and one had to wander around Key West, until one found each other. That Winter Jimmy was a bus boy at the Pier House. He did put me up briefly in an Air Stream trailer next to the Boca Chica Naval station. Around April 1977, I got six months of unemployment checks. Rob Glore cashed them for me. Then Jimmy Eldert and myself took a Grey Hound bus to Fort Lauderdale, and I got my car out of the pound. I recall earlier we had hitch hiked to Naples, Florida, where I worked for a night at the Howard Johnson's starting my dishwashing career. We then hitch hiked back to Key West. When I got the car in Fort Lauderdale, we went to Disney World, St. Augustine, and then Jacksonville to see Hurley Haywood. I gave Jimmy $400 cash to fly back to the University of New Hampshire. I then drove north. I got about $400 in shock absorbers at the Firestone garage in Southern Georgia and also toured Plains, Georgia again. When I got to Greenwich, I got a U-haul trailer to move my stuff from the garage to Norwich, Vermont in a barn. I then recall visiting Jimmy at the University of New Hampshire. We stayed in the Inn at Exeter, New Hampshire and also a motel in White River Junction, Vermont. I think I then returned to Nantucket, where I gave away the car and my personal belongings to the Nantucket Hospital Thrift shop. I do recall hitch hiking to Provincetown, Boston, Bowden College, and Portland, Maine. I finally worked for two weeks at Sister Kate's in Stowe, Vermont, and then I returned to Nantucket. I opened sea scallops for about two weeks, before I started working as a dish washer at the Club Car, Gordon Folger Hotel, and the Le Languedoc Restaurant that season. I also worked briefly at Henry's bakery making grinder rolls. I left Nantucket just before Thanksgiving to get my belongings out of the barn in Norwich, Vermont. I stored them at a relative's in Philadelphia. I then hitch hiked back down south to Fort Lauderdale, where somebody I knew from Hyannis got me a job as a dishwasher at La Vielle Maison in Boca Raton for $2.15 an hour sleeping outside in a tent at the Boca Inlet. In that first winter in Key West, there was a Kress Department store on Duval Street in Key West which the following Winter of 1978 became Fast Buck Freddie's. About the cheapest place in Key West https://www.boydscampground.com/ . I recall meeting Chicago Cardinal John Cody, when he was staying there. He told me his sister owned 25% of Molson's Beer in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In the fall of 1976, Joseph Coors was the head life guard on Fort Lauderdale beach with a cherry red Porsche with Colorado License Plate, "COORS." I also met Jim Warburg's friend Steve Spielburg, when I first go down there. They had volunteered at the Y.M.C.A. in Cambridge, Mass.
I will now go outside again.
12/22/24 Sunday 11:25 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/22/24 Sunday 10:30 A.M. I rested until 10:15 A.M. I ate nine Danish butter cookies.
12/22/24 Sunday 8:35 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/22/24 Sunday 8:15 A.M. I rested. I channel surfed. The BBC is showing polar bears swimming in the Artic. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. It is seventeen degrees Fahrenheit outside at the moment.
End of Scott's Notes week of 12/22/24
12/22/24 Sunday 7:15 A.M. Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=283601485553&trkqual=12028~283601485553~FDEG on the order for open box https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/jtangl-portable-travel-camp-cots-with-pearl-cotton-pad-for-homeoffice-nap-and-beach-vacation-heavy-duty-sleeping-cots-with-carry-bag-jadg1130.html?piid=63539378 for $61.67 total.
I will now send out my weekly notes.
12/22/24 Sunday 7:05 A.M. I woke up, and I ate ten Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 6 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. The side door lock would not work, so I stuck my key in a hot cup of coffee a couple of times, and then it worked.
12/21/24 Saturday 4:25 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=jhqosslmtrnqsup&orderId=114-4931680-0251458&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=368347045492301 for five https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW77GN82/ref=vp_d_pb_TIER4_trans_lp_B076CG7TVL_pd?_encoding=UTF8&pf_rd_p=06cefaa5-a79e-433d-923a-f4250e24166d&pf_rd_r=TAEJ8BWMRF28EFHZQS1K&pd_rd_wg=LNeqa&pd_rd_i=B0CW77GN82&pd_rd_w=Y6blk&content-id=amzn1.sym.06cefaa5-a79e-433d-923a-f4250e24166d&pd_rd_r=72d2c9a0-d7d5-4635-bc94-7e16f146b4ae&psc=1 for $9.90 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.
I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. It is supposed to go down to 14 degrees Fahrenheit tonight.
12/21/24 Saturday 3:10 P.M. I ate three Sandwich Brothers cheeseburgers and a glass of Poland Spring water.
12/21/24 Saturday 2:35 P.M. From the library in the Community Room, I took Tom Brokaw's book, "The Greatest Generation," and John Grisham's, "The Client," and I used to them to support the Vizio TV monitor on the mini computer setup. From there, I took the two new sealed large print editions of, "The King James' Bible," and I put them back in the center bookcase in the hallway.
Back in the spring of 1972 in Athens, Greece http://scott-mike.com/mlsgreece.jpg and http://scott-mike.com/mlsgr72.jpg , when I bought the Opal for $300 with George Cary, and we drove to Turkey instead of flying. I did have to rebuild the carburetor on the highway, and when I crossed the Bosporus, and the alternator burned out, a Turkish mechanic recoiled its armature for $5. In Turkey, one does not steal anything, because they cut off people's hands. Alas, besides Istanbul and Selchuck where St. Paul the tax collector first preached, I have also seen Troy in Turkey. I only had $1500 in American Express Travelers checks to live on when I went to Europe for five months in 1972, but with the book, "Europe on Five Dollars a Day," I did manage to get by. In Greece, I ate Mousaka and Souvlakis. There used to be a Souvlakis stand on University Place on the west side just north of East 13th Street. Knowing how cheap the Scottish www.forbes.com magazine is nearby, that is probably when they have lunch for $1.29, but six fresh bagels at Third Avenue and 73rd Street used to be $2 also near there and Seventh Avenue and west 9th Street, there used to be slices of Ray's Famous pizzas for 59 cents. On Christopher Street, they used to have David's Potty Belly with custom omelets for $3 with English muffin and coffee. I don't think Pete's Tavern https://www.petestavern.com/ on Irving Place just North of Union Square still has roast beef dinners on Tuesdays for $13, but in my day they had a good bacon blue cheese burger for $2.75. I recall they know how to make a good Bloody Mary there too. It used to be near the Meat Packing district, so maybe they got a deal on beef. It was President Kennedy's favorite tavern in Manhattan, so maybe he knew people in the neighborhood. Luchows on the South Side of Union Square used to Richard Nixon's favorite restaurant.
I will now go outside again.
12/21/24 Saturday 1:30 P.M. I watched the whole IBM video. IBM used to have offices in Boca Raton, Florida; where back on Christmas Eve in 1977 on my day off from dishwashing at La Vielle Maison, I sat down with somebody from IBM at a coffee shop on U.S. One and on a napkin, I designed a desktop PC based on what I knew about an IBM 360 back in the summer of 1971. However, it took a long time to make the small parts. Alas after Christmas I had to go back to work, and when they started building a deluxe condo at my camp site on the north side of the Boca Inlet in February 1978, I left for a three day visit to Nassua in the Bahamas, and then back to Key West in February 1978, where Jimmy Eldert was running a frozen yogurt stand, and I met John Bolton whom had $1,500 cash, and he told me he was the architect for the Casa Marina Hotel renovation. However, Jimmy knew the contractor Chris Ray. Bill Marriott decided to start the project, and it was financed by the Equitable Life Insurance Company from Chicago. I guess it was cold back up North.
I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
!!!!!! 12/21/24 Saturday 12:15 P.M. I watched a program about www.ibm.com on https://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Capitalist-Who-Ever-Lived-ebook/dp/B0BTZ257NJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ONZR3J1WM9NQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0owKhITYX9zhbTEWnR6tPw.p7qA9xGylbkrUO688yGmpGTy6p3h-I1ZHXcEsZeo5vA&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+greatest+capitalist+who+ever+lived+tom+watson%2C+jr&qid=1734800960&sprefix=The+Greatest+Ca%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1 on channel 77 from https://greenwichrma.org/ and here is the video https://vimeo.com/1038633984 .
I will now go outside again.
12/21/24 Saturday 11:15 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee. My friends from Sea Island, Georgia do not seem to be back from their long round trip voyage to Europe. Maybe they decided to stay in the Canary Islands to get away from it all.
12/21/24 Saturday 10:45 A.M. I bought open box https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/jtangl-portable-travel-camp-cots-with-pearl-cotton-pad-for-homeoffice-nap-and-beach-vacation-heavy-duty-sleeping-cots-with-carry-bag-jadg1130.html?piid=63539378 for $61.67 total.
I will now go outside again.
12/21/24 Saturday 10:25 A.M. I rested until 9:45 A.M. I went outside, and I cleaned about an inch and a half of snow off the car.
12/21/24 Saturday 8:00 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meatballs bowls with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/21/24 Saturday 7:25 A.M. I tried fix a neighbor's television, but there is something wrong with the Samsung cable box. I went outside a couple of times.
12/21/24 Saturday 5:20 A.M. I channel surfed. According the BBC News, today is the Winter Soltace at Stone Hinge. I also watched part of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. On my first trip back from California in December 1978, I drove up to the entrance of the Mormon Tabernacle, but it was closed. I did stop by the University of Utah to take a hot shower, before driving through the Rocky Mountains in a two day blizzard to arrive at Vail, Colorado, but I did not know a Taft and Lake Forest College classmate had a house there, so after getting Continental snow tires with studs at a Sears tire dump in Dillon, Colorado and paying $5 to have them put on my old 1971 Subaru wagon in Vail, Colorado at a Amaco garage, I drove over Eisenhower pass in a blizzard and rested for a day at the Denver airport, before driving across the Great Plains in an ice storm. I still remember the two mechanics in the all night garage in Russell, Kansas that put on a new water hose on the car at 1 A.M. in the morning, and they only charged me $20. Alas for people on the road at Holiday times in the cold winter time of America, travel can be a bit rough. I did make it back to Greenwich that Christmas after driving down to Key West, and on Christmas Eve when I was house sitting for Burns Security up on North Street, I tried to put in a new air conditioner system in the Subaru which never did work. I did by a big Christmas tree at Troy Nursery up on North Street and take it out to Manhasset, Long Island to my friend's family house for Christmas day. Even back around 1987, when I first got a car in Greenwich after returning from Nantucket, a friend had me out at W. Averill Harriman's sister's house garage apartment at Sands Point, Long Island on Christmas day. When I met her son from Wyoming, all he talked about was Ducks Unlimited. William McCormick Blair the chairman of the Board of Lake Forest College trustees started Ducks Unlimited, and he had wild ducks painted on his horse barn in Lake Bluff, Illinois. I also watched the Pope blessing the Curia. I also went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/21/24 Saturday 3:25 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again in the cold tundra of the early morning hours. A few snow flurries but not much accumulation.
12/21/24 Saturday 2:35 A.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/21/24 Saturday 2:15 A.M. I woke up, and I ate seven Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 1 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I did not get any mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/20/24 Friday 12:05 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/20/24 Friday 11:45 A.M. I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I paid a $1.50 in quarters to park for an hour. I picked up two prescriptions. I then returned home.
12/20/24 Friday 10:35 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-122024?e=d0a721e34a
I went outside again.
I will now go downtown again.
12/20/24 Friday 9:20 A.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I used the bathroom there. I bought a yellow remote control toy car there with coupons for $7.22. I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I gave the toy car to the Greenwich Police department Christmas tree in the lobby, where they collect gifts. I sat out for a while. I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com . I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.59, two 10.5 ounce 2X Stauffer's meat lasagna for $3.49 each, two 10.5 ounce Stauffer's chicken fettuccini for $3.49 each, and two 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs for $3.49 each for $22.44 off my Stop and Shop gift card from the Greenwich Department of Social Services. They have prime rib of roast beef there starting at $33 and up, but King Charles believes red meat causes cancer. They have a lot of fish and chips in the United Kingdom though. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/20/24 Friday 6:55 A.M. I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue and forage around.
12/20/24 Friday 6:50 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/20/24 Friday 5:20 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender sesame chicken dinner with a 15 ounce can of sliced carrots with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/20/24 Friday 5:10 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/20/24 Friday 4:55 A.M. I channel surfed. England is having major problems with pot holes on the roads which will cost a couple of billion pounds to fix.
12/20/24 Friday 4:05 A.M. New British ambassador to the United States https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpvnlxxp8jko
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/the-bible-s-wealthiest-ranking-their-fortunes-in-modern-terms/ss-AA1uQVPE?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=8531781f863e40519d46b1e3a3881688&ei=29#image=1 Wealthy people in the Bible
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/20/24 Friday 3:35 A.M. I guess Elon Musk is private. He does not know how to make a web site https://fconline.foundationcenter.org/fdo-grantmaker-profile?key=MUSK013#contact
12/20/24 Friday 3:35 A.M. I rested until 3 A.M. I went outside. Midnight Mike is on full power keeping an eye on the Western Hemisphere for better or worse. There used to be a few people awake at night nearby in Manhattan, but they think we are a bunch of hay seeds out here in the wilderness of Connecticut.
12/20/24 Friday 2:05 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/20/24 Friday 12:55 A.M. I woke up, and I ate eight Danish butter cookies. I woke up again at 4 P.M., and I picked up the mail. The order with https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?origTrackNum=9434611105502993816098 on the order for twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total arrived. I went back to bed until 11 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside, and I threw out the shipping box. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I showered, and I cleaned up. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/19/24 Thursday 12:20 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders and a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/19/24 Thursday 11:50 A.M. New freight ferry on Nantucket https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/steamship-authoritys-new-freight-boat-mv-barnstable-makes-maiden-voyage-to-nantucket
I had my telephone medical visit. One of my medications is being quadrupled.
I will now go outside again.
12/19/24 Thursday 10:35 A.M. Sometimes investors sell the market to pay their taxes before the end of the year https://www.google.com/search?q=Dow+Jones&sca_esv=31fe99a6d4a2597d&source=hp&ei=ojxkZ7q9KK79ptQPl6CF6Qs&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ2RKstGHGW9q_HuYkYxAqEa1SMc29G6b&ved=0ahUKEwi6luTxk7SKAxWuvokEHRdQIb0Q4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=Dow+Jones&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IglEb3cgSm9uZXMyFRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUYRhj6ATIREAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigUyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMgsQABiABBixAxiDAUjNG1AAWJkXcAB4AJABAJgBXKABwgWqAQE5uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIJoAL2BcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAgUQLhiABMICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAggQLhiABBixA8ICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwCSBwE5oAejSA&sclient=gws-wiz
12/19/24 Thursday 10:35 A.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I paid $2 in quarters for parking. I toured the store three times. I used the bathroom there three times. I picked up three prescriptions. I also sat out briefly in the Junior Chamber of Commerce park across the street. I returned home. I sat outside for a while.
Russian Orthodox Christmas this year is January 7, 2025.
12/19/24 Thursday 8:25 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.
12/19/24 Thursday 7:50 A.M. I traded with a neighbor, my $50 Shop Rite gift card for two $25 Stop and Shop gift cards. Thus I do not have to drive a long distance to use it.
12/19/24 Thursday 7:10 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
Microsoft Office on sale https://www.groupon.com/deals/wanas-llc
Lenovo Mini refurbished https://computers.woot.com/offers/lenovo-m710-sff-i5-6400-ssd-w10p-29?ref=w_gw_zl_lc_59
I chatted with a friend.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/19/24 Thursday 5:45 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/what-can-elon-musk-buy-with-400-billion-a-lot-more-than-the-trophy-of-being-the-world-s-richest-man-ever/vi-AA1vWkaZ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=4c20b44e5da94395af9fe8ec290f98a5&ei=5 Elon Musk $400 billion.
12/19/24 Thursday 4:40 A.M. Here is a picture of myself outside an Amsterdam telephone box in the winter of 1992 http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-nl.jpg . It shows how the World of Communications has changed since then. The only pay phone I know about in Greenwich, Connecticut is in the lobby of the Greenwich Hospital near the elevators. I think it used to be a dollar for four minutes anywhere in the World. I no longer tour the Apple store, since they did not like me talking about other technology there in my brief walks on Greenwich Avenue.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I am currently drinking Nescafe instant coffee which is a Swiss company. In Switzerland, they used to have Alpine Horns for communications, and they also used to yodel to scream across the numerous mountains which also have Mountain Lions. In Switzerland all males have to join the military, and they are also required to own a rifle. From what I know the Hollywood version of Europe is not always too accurate. My friend with Swiss experience knows a few things even though he is older http://mikelouisscott.com/rv-ch-92.jpg .
12/19/24 Thursday 3:55 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.8 ounce Maria Callender beef and broccoli bowl with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/19/24 Thursday 3:15 A.M. I used to send a $20 bill to the Union Church in North Tarrytown, New York at Christmas time, but I figure they have enough money owing to their neighbors. I thus gave $21.13 to https://www.roundhillcommunitychurch.org/giving-2 .
I will now go outside again and drink an instant coffee.
12/19/24 Thursday 2:35 A.M. On personal religion in America, before moving to Greenwich in June 1962, my family attended the Southern Presbyterian church in Decatur, Alabama where the kept young people interested by giving them free bottles of www.coke.com after Sunday school. In Greenwich, when we lived just off Round Hill Road, I did my cataclysm, and my family went to the Round Hill Community Church. When I went to the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut, I attended the Anglican Communion Service at the Anglican Church on the green in Watertown, Connecticut. A few times, I went to the school church service at the Congregational Church which was close to downtown. When I went to Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois; it was a Presbyterian College with a Presbyterian church right next to the campus. When I was in Italy on Easter Eve in 1972, I stayed up all night at the Vatican which was not lighted up. In Manhattan, several friends went to St. Bartholomew's Church on the north side of the Waldorf Astoria. Also my stepfather's family went to the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and also started the New Canaan Presbyterian Church. Living downtown in Greenwich, I have visited the First Presbyterian Church, the Second Congregation Church, and Christ Church. I once even met Robert Schuler of the Reform Church when he was signing a book at the Stamford Mall. My mother's family attended the Fourth Dutch Reform Church in Holland, Michigan, and with my stepfather also went to St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Kennebunkport, Maine. On Nantucket, I once toured St. Paul's Episcopal church, and I lived near the Catholic Church. In Key West, I used to visit St. Luke's and St. Margaret's Episcopal Church. In San Francisco, I once toured the old Episcopal Church on Nobb Hill. Princeton University is supposed to be a Presbyterian University where my stepfather attended. However, being on a night schedule most of my life, I rarely make it to any church services. I did visit Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during my last trip to Europe in February 1992 for the Winter Olympics at Albertville, France. In Oslo, Norway, I also toured the two old Lutheran churches. In Florence, Italy in the winter of 1972, I toured the Duomo Church. Also in the spring of 1972 while in Istanbul, Turkey, I toured Agia Sophia now known as the Blue Mosque. I also attended Christmas Service at St. John's cathedral on the upper west side of Manhattan, around 1987, but first I went to Christ Church in Greenwich. I also once knew somebody in Manhattan from Bloomington, Indiana whose family owned the limestone quarry for St. Johns Cathedral and the National Cathedral. I once toured the National Cathedral when driving down to Florida many years ago. In Fort Lauderdale, while homeless I used to camp out at the air conditioning room of the Presbyterian Church there. I have attended the Presbyterian Church once in New Canaan with my mother and stepfather's family. However, my paternal grandfather was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, and I know the University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana had Methodist roots in its funding.
I will now go outside again.
12/19/24 Thursday 1:35 A.M. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/19/24 Thursday 12:30 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I ordered five https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW77GN82/ref=vp_d_pb_TIER4_trans_lp_B076CG7TVL_pd?_encoding=UTF8&pf_rd_p=06cefaa5-a79e-433d-923a-f4250e24166d&pf_rd_r=TAEJ8BWMRF28EFHZQS1K&pd_rd_wg=LNeqa&pd_rd_i=B0CW77GN82&pd_rd_w=Y6blk&content-id=amzn1.sym.06cefaa5-a79e-433d-923a-f4250e24166d&pd_rd_r=72d2c9a0-d7d5-4635-bc94-7e16f146b4ae&psc=1 for $9.90 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
I will now go outside again.
12/19/24 Thursday 12:05 A.M. I rested until 11:30 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I have a 11 A.M. telephone medical appointment today.
12/18/24 Wednesday 9:25 P.M. I woke up at 8:15 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. From the Greenwich Department of Social Services, I got a $50 Shop Rite gift card. However, I think Shop Rite is on the other side of town. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/18/24 Wednesday 8:15 A.M. I channel surfed. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/18/24 Wednesday 7:10 A.M. On channel 77 Story TV, I watched a program about volcanoes and Hawaii. I ate eight Danish butter cookies. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again.
12/18/24 Wednesday 6:15 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/meet-the-16-people-in-the-100-billion-club-who-are-jointly-worth-more-than-amazon-or-google/ss-AA1p38HG?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=b6a184bfd7994c7ac0343c60f854c987&ei=25
12/18/24 Wednesday 6:00 A.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/the-richest-people-in-the-world-as-of-december-2024/ss-AA1w45wM?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=a87c3897a6c641d18577319349c0e522&ei=13#image=1 More big bucks people whom except poor disabled retired people to volunteer for free. I already had a good product key, so I did not have to buy another one.
One can install, the Microsoft Project 2021 by buying the product key here for about $5 https://royalcdkeys.com/products/microsoft-project-pro-2021-global-key and then install it by this method https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/install-project-7059249b-d9fe-4d61-ab96-5c5bf435f281 and entering the product key and after a long time to install it, when one starts it, one can activate if over the internet finally.
12/18/24 Wednesday 5:30 A.M. On the most recent Microsoft Windows 12 beta Canary Lenovo Mini computer, I have Microsoft Project 2021 installed and activated on it. I am now doing an Aomei backup of it to an external SSD drive. It will also backup the astronomy software too.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/18/24 Wednesday 3:55 A.M. I rested. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/18/24 Wednesday 3:00 A.M. I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meat balls bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/18/24 Wednesday 2:15 A.M. I watched off Netflix episodes 7 and 8 of, "A Man on the Inside."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/18/24 Wednesday 12:55 A.M. I will now go outside again.
12/18/24 Wednesday 12:40 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/18/24 Wednesday 12:25 A.M. I rested until midnight. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/17/24 Tuesday 9:05 P.M. I woke up, and I ate eight Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 7:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/17/24 Tuesday 10:05 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed. Remember an Alberta Clipper is coming our way this weekend.
12/17/24 Tuesday 9:15 A.M. I went out, and I toured www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue. I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center. I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com . I then went to CVS on Greenwich Avenue. I bought the last miniature Christmas tree for $8.54. I then went the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought a 5 gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return coupon for $9.99, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89, and a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4.49, two 11.5 ounce Marie Callender chicken sesame bowls for $4.29 each and two Marie Callender Swedish meatballs for $4.29 each for $66.52 total. I then returned home. I used my little folding cart to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water, and I put the food away. I put the folding cart and the grey bag back in the car. I sat outside. I chatted with a friend. I put the little 15 inch artificial Christmas tree on the table at the kitchen entrance. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/17/24 Tuesday 6:05 A.M. I will now go downtown and forage around.
12/17/24 Tuesday 5:00 A.M. Somebody with my same name https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/27100.Michael_Scott
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I guess night time people are limited with their daytime experience with daytime people.
Being on a night schedule is like staring at the ocean with nobody around. Alas all of the various waterfront locations I have lived at around the world, there is nobody that I ever met whom wants to keep up with me on the internet.
This is what I looked like, when I departed Nantucket 41 years ago http://mikelouisscott.com/mike-scott-kennebunkport-maine-august-1983.jpg and was photographed on the waterfront in Kennebunkport, Maine. I guess since I am a bit over weight at 210 pounds and have not been in the ocean in many years, that is all past me.
I guess the government is not interested in fat older personal computer people just getting by http://mikelouisscott.com/mlsdc.jpg .
12/17/24 Tuesday 4:05 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episodes 5 and 6 of, "A Man on the Inside."
I will now go outside again.
12/17/24 Tuesday 2:40 A.M. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
White House Christmas decorations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSxrKH_w_aU
12/17/24 Tuesday 2:20 A.M. I rested until 1:45 A.M. I went outside.
12/17/24 Tuesday 12:20 A.M. I am about to eat a 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo meal with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/16/24 Monday 11:50 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 4 of, "A Man on the Inside."
I will now go outside again.
12/16/24 Monday 11:05 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 3 of, "A Man on the Inside."
I will now go outside again.
12/16/24 Monday 10:05 P.M. Golf Balls $25 a dozen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LZNQG9V?tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=04vTLlOfZRR16LL5PU2lVkX&th=1 after Christmas
iceberg news https://www.foxweather.com/earth-space/worlds-largest-iceberg-antarctic-spinning-breaks-free
https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/ct-weekend-weather-arctic-deep-freeze-19984152.php frigid weather coming
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. I once met somebody that claimed his family owned 20 million acres of coffee plantation in Brazi, so we have lots of coffee here. However, I have been as far South as Tobago in the winters of 1970 and 1971 coming out of www.lakeforest.edu which can be a bit cold.
12/16/24 Monday 9:25 P.M. I rested until 9 P.M. I went outside again.
12/16/24 Monday 7:35 P.M. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/16/24 Monday 7:30 P.M. I woke up, and I ate eight Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 6 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. My monthly State of Connecticut EBT food stamps have been lowered from $254 to $243 a month. People in Connecticut do not eat too much, we are supposed to stay lean and healthy.
12/16/24 Monday 4:25 A.M. I chatted with myself for a while. I went outside. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/16/24 Monday 2:20 A.M. Off Netflix, I watched episodes 1 and 2 of, "The Man on the Inside."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/16/24 Monday 1:20 A.M. I rested until 1 A.M. I went outside.
12/15/24 Sunday 11:35 P.M. I am about to eat a 11 ounce Maria Callender garlic and chicken pasta bowl with a 15 ounce can of carrots with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with two ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/15/24 Sunday 11:05 P.M. Big Bucks https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musks-net-worth-tops-400-bln-forbes-billionaires-list-shows-2024-12-12/
One of the first parties I went to in Manhattan back in the fall of 1973, somebody stole my new Brooks Brothers black overcoat, when I left it on the bed during the party. I still have a similar Joseph Banks black overcoat that I have never worn like President Elect Donald Trump always wears. I got mine as a clearance item for $120 down from $800, and I paid an extra $20 to have the sleeves altered. Alas only tourists dress up on Greenwich Avenue, and most of the locals wear casual winter clothing. https://www.josbank.com/c/all-sale-outerwear
I will now go outside again.
12/15/24 Sunday 10:40 P.M. Out on Nantucket in my free time to stay informed, I used to read the Christian Science Monitor in the nearby Nantucket Library https://www.csmonitor.com/ . They also have a reading room on Greenwich Avenue just south of www.starbucks.com .
12/15/24 Sunday 10:05 P.M. I will now go outside and drink my third instant coffee of the day. My building parking lot fills up at night anymore, so I no long hang out at night watching the few people on Greenwich Avenue, but with the internet I do have global communications which a lot of other people do have, so I guess nobody is interested in my very simple lifestyle. At Lake Forest College, they had a bit coffee shop in the Commons where everyone use to hang out in their free time. I suppose some of the local wealthy people can afford to hang out at www.mcdonalds.com in my neighborhood.
12/15/24 Sunday 9:55 P.M. I channel surfed. There is a lot of history on my television system. They do not really tell one much about what is happening today though.
12/15/24 Sunday 9:05 P.M. Three feet of snow in upstate New York https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-declares-state-emergency-severe-winter-weather-impacts-new-york-state
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/richest-country-in-europe-has-more-money-than-uk-and-spain-combined/ar-AA1vU7mU?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=60a4a56ce96c4be187da0fe874e0e857&ei=36 Germany is richest European Country
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/peopleandplaces/whats-inside-of-buckingham-palace/vi-AA1vTqS3?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=af79bd79b2134f819d26195e1d74a7c4&ei=17#details Buckingham Palace details.
I will now go outside again.
12/15/24 Sunday 8:20 P.M. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/german-archaeologists-discovered-the-iconic-bust-of-nefertiti-in-an-ancient-egyptian-sculptors-studio-find-out-why-their-discovery-is-now-one-of-archaeologys-most-controversial-180985565/?utm_source=smithsonian-weekender&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial Queen of Egypt sculpture
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/15/24 Sunday 7:25 P.M. I woke up at 5:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a relative. I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/15/24 Sunday 5:45 A.M. I channel surfed. I listened to music off the Alexa display. When one asks Alexa to play, "God Save the King," it plays an interesting group of music.
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
End of Scott's Notes week of 12/15/24
12/15/24 Sunday 3:05 A.M. I will now send out my weekly notes.
12/15/24 Sunday 2:45 A.M. I drove down the scenic holiday lighted Greenwich Avenue all the way down to the bottom of Steamboat Road. Long Island still appears to be there. I then drove back uptown my way. I went by the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I filled up the tank with $25.02 of self service premium gasoline for $4.149 a gallon for 6.1 gallons at odometer reading of 126376 miles for 75.3 miles driven since Wednesday November 30, 2024 for 12.344 miles per gallon in local traffic. I then went by www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue. I bought four tins of Danish butter cookies and a 200 count bottle of Nature's Bounty flax seed oil with coupon for $38.79 total. The Danish butter cookies are on sale there for $4 a tin. However, there are only two tins left. I then returned home. I put away my purchases. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/15/24 Sunday 1:00 A.M. I am now going out for a cruise on Greenwich Avenue to look at the beautiful Holiday lights.
12/15/24 Sunday 12:45 A.M. I rested until 12:20 A.M. I went outside.
12/14/24 Saturday 11:00 P.M. I am about to eat a 11 ounce Maria Callender garlic chicken bowl with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/14/24 Saturday 10:25 P.M. I switched the Ethan Allen octagon end table with the square end table in the sitting area of the living room.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-1224-06/
I will now go outside again.
12/14/24 Saturday 9:00 P.M. I used to look like one of twins that were in pictures in artist sketches for Lord and Taylor, but I only owned a Lord and Taylor blue blazer sports jacket https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/america-s-oldest-department-store-looks-to-make-a-comeback/ar-AA1vQuNq?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=fe51145c00a04861bc304c0deef1d79c&ei=13
another cottage in Vermont https://shelburnefarms.org/
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/14/24 Saturday 8:35 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside again. Channel 113 on Optimum has a lot of vintage movies. Right now, "An American in Paris," is playing.
12/14/24 Saturday 7:40 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/14/24 Saturday 6:55 P.M. I woke up at 4:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I picked up the mail. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I returned a five gallon water bottle for a coupon. They do not have any five gallon bottles of water. I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50 each six pack, two 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo dinners for $4.49 each, and two 11 ounce Marie Callender chicken garlic bowls for $4.29 each for $20.56 total. I then returned home, and I put away the food. I put the grey bag in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/14/24 Saturday 4:35 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will then go to bed.
12/14/24 Saturday 4:00 A.M. Off Netflix, I watches episodes 4 through 5 of, "Treason."
I will now go outside again.
12/14/24 Saturday 2:20 A.M. Off Netflix, I watches episodes 1 through 3 of, "Treason." I went outside once. I ate some goldfish crackers.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee. It is 22 degrees Fahrenheit outside at the moment.
12/13/24 Friday 11:50 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/13/24 Friday 10:50 P.M. I rested until 10:20 P.M. I went outside.
12/13/24 Friday 9:00 P.M. I just saw a shooting star in the north sky going east to west.
I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce can of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/13/24 Friday 8:25 P.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "The Flying Scotsman."
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/13/24 Friday 7:05 P.M. Meteor shower tonight https://www.greenwichtime.com/weather/article/geminids-meteor-shower-peak-ct-19978050.php
ice rink news https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-ice-rink-design-planning-19973348.php
I will now go outside again.
12/13/24 Friday 6:25 P.M. I channel surfed.
Out on Nantucket, the big excitement is watching the Island Ferries come and go https://nantucket.net/webcams/
I will now go outside in the freezing cold tundra which will get a lot colder this morning.
In Greenwich, the big excitement is watching people come and go from coffee shops.
12/13/24 Friday 5:25 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/13/24 Friday 5:05 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. It is supposed to go down to sixteen degrees Fahrenheit tonight. Drones were spotted over Fairfield, Connecticut last night.
12/13/24 Friday 4:05 P.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-121324?e=d0a721e34a
12/13/24 Friday 3:55 P.M. I woke up at 2:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I picked up the mail.
12/13/24 Friday 3:35 A.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed.
12/13/24 Friday 3:15 A.M. Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "The World's Most Famous Train."
I will now go outside again.
12/13/24 Friday 2:20 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/13/24 Friday 2:00 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/13/24 Friday 1:00 A.M. I went outside. I then drove downtown to the central Greenwich Post Office, and I mailed the Christmas cards. I then drove down the length of Greenwich Avenue looking at all of the holiday lights. I then returned home, and I sat outside. Today is the Aga Khan's birthday. It is also 41 years since I returned for good to Greenwich from my summer holiday in Nantucket.
12/12/24 Thursday 11:25 P.M. I am about to eat a 9 7/8th ounce Stauffer's meatloaf dinner with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/12/24 Thursday 11:15 P.M. Human evolution https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwydgyy8120o
down South where it is supposed to be warmer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg4zqkqg61xo
12/12/24 Thursday 10:30 P.M. In moving things around last Christmas, I lost the file with my old Christmas Card address list. I found some addresses on the internet and the older file. I now have fifteen Christmas cards ready to mail with nineteen forever stamps. I went outside. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/12/24 Thursday 8:50 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again in the frigid cold tundra.
12/12/24 Thursday 8:15 P.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I picked up two prescriptions. I bought a box of Hallmark Christmas cards and 21 forever stamps for $21.26 with discount coupons. I then sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park. I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue. I bought four 64 ounce diet Ocean Spray cranberry juice for $3.69 each, a 48 ounce Simply Orange grapefruit juice for $3.60, a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.79 and a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.69 for $34.64 total. I then returned home. I put away my groceries. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/12/24 Thursday 6:25 P.M. I woke up at 4:30 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I chatted with a friend. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I showered, and I cleaned up. I will now go downtown and forage around.
12/12/24 Thursday 5:10 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I moved the folding beach chair back into the northwest corner of the living room. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/12/24 Thursday 4:30 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again. I am too old anymore for the "Freezing Norwegian Patrol".
12/12/24 Thursday 4:10 A.M. I channel surfed.
12/12/24 Thursday 3:05 A.M. I will now go outside again.
12/12/24 Thursday 2:45 A.M. The last time, I visited Toronto, Ontario, Canada in December 1983, I visited a pub called "The Barn". There were about five hundred very tall men there well over six feet six inches tall, but for some reason; it was very hot in the pub about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I did see outside that pub five thousand Canadian youth come from a football match in the local arena. I later found a pub called "Chaps" with had a couple dozen young people about six feet tall my size. Alas, my friend that once lived in Canada and visited there twice this summer never tells me much about Canada. He once told me, he knew somebody named Arthur Hancock that one is not supposed to cross in Canada. On a trip there years earlier, I discovered the Scott library at York University outside Toronto, and nearby it they had a warehouse the size of a football field that said "Adidas" on the outside. In my trip there in December 1972 as I recall, they had a two thousand car wreck in an ice storm on the Diefenbaker Expressway. Alas according to the news on from Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada is having financial hard times anymore. Still on the Canadian border at Niagara Falls, they are probably still producing a lot of electricity for the New York City area, and there is also a natural gas pipe line from Canada that goes underneath Long Island Sound to keep Long Island and Queens supplied with energy. Thus some unknown group of people are making money off Canadian Energy in this area. It is a nice train ride https://www.amtrak.com/maple-leaf-train , if one does mind cold weather. I always wander what happened to that little blond boy I saw with the elderly lady on my trip back South in December 1983. The elderly lady had the same look as the Queen Mum of England, and on the nearly deserted train, she had six Pullman porters around her, while she drank a LaBatts beer. On one of my few trips to Manhattan since then, I met an Ima MacDonald who lived on East 54th Street and like chatting with the Sports Editor of the New York Times at Billy's Bar nearby. She told me the MacDonald family had the land grant for Western Canada, and she was with a young girl whom looked British. She warned me about crime in midtown Manhattan.
12/12/24 Thursday 1:45 A.M. On the Vizio TV mini computer setup on the Lenovo ThinkCentre mini with most recent Microsoft Windows 12 beta Canary installation, I put the StarryNight software on it that came with the telescope.
I moved the red leather Chesterfield chair from the left side of the hallway entrance back to the Vizio TV mini computer setup at the apartment entrance. It is more comfortable than the Harvard chair. I moved the Harvard chair back to the northwest corner of the living room to the left of the Samsung television to use with the Dell 17.3 inch laptop setup. From there, I moved the folding beach chair in front of the white bureau to the left of the hallway entrance.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-1224-05/
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/12/24 Thursday 12:45 A.M. I will now go outside again.
12/12/24 Thursday 12:35 A.M. https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/the-christmas-stroll-power-outage-why-did-national-grids-underground-cable-fail As I recall in the summer of 1983 or possibly earlier, they installed a new fourth generator on Nantucket. It was a big British ships turbine generator down by the harbor along side the other older generators. However, since then that British company has been sold to the Germans.
12/12/24 Thursday 12:35 A.M. On the Greenwich High School channel 78 television two days ago, they were showing video of the stars at night, so there must have been a clear night sky recently for the local astronomy club which Jimmy Bolster's BBS bulletin board from Old Greenwich use to give away free astronomy software from, when I first got on the internet with telephone dialup around 1990 give or take a few months. When I lived at Julie Bolton's apartment on West 74th Street from December 1980 to February 1982, there used to be a pub behind the Natural History Museum called "Cahoots" which used to show Carl Sagan videos, but at the time when the few times I was awake in the daytime, I did not have money to go to the Planetarium although Helen Kress William's neighbor in Oyster Bay, Long Island was the Teddie Roosevelt family whom were involved in starting the Natural History Museum. Of course back in Decatur, Alabama until my family moved to this area in June 1962, we lived twenty miles south of Huntsville, Alabama where the first NASA facility was called the Redstone Arsenal. Also the skies in Vero Beach at night near Cape Kennedy are clear enough to see a lot of stars, but not as clear as Lanzerote in the Canary Islands. My first television in this apartment was an Orion television from Wal-Mart up route 7 in Norwalk, and I think I learned the Orion constellation. Of course in Key West, the old hotel is called the Southern Cross. I think that bright star I see in the evening here all of the time is the planet Venus. I think the twin stars I see close together are Gemini. If one follows the right side of the Dig Dipper up the sky, one sees the North Star. Jimmy Eldert went to college for a while at the University of California as Santa Cruz near the https://www.lickobservatory.org/ . The Maria Mitchell observatory https://www.mariamitchell.org/loines-observatory is still out on Nantucket. I have a Taft School classmate from my class name Mike Putteti or Mike Primini whom has been at the Harvard Astrophysics Observatory all of these years, so he is probably pretty smart on the subject matter of the skies around us. The other Mike is a lawyer on Round Hill Road here in Greenwich. The Taft School had a small observatory in the science building, but they would not let me use it, so when I did not play sports, I spent a lot of my time reading Time magazine, Life magazine, and National Geographic in the library in the afternoon and maybe the New York Times all of which were free. We were not allowed to watch television or listen to the radio at Taft. I do not know what the case is there today with the internet though.
12/12/24 Thursday 12:05 A.M. Kindle free books https://www.amazon.com/s?k=kindle+books%27free&i=stripbooks&hvadid=707411667071&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9003458&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8572846647253169640&hvtargid=kwd-2334139287768&hydadcr=22536_13531205&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_35m97wk1r0_e
for $33.49 total.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/11/24 Wednesday 10:55 P.M.
During my three long seasons out on Nantucket, there might have been some people with Harvard University experience helping to sort out all of the chaos from Manhattan and my other travels.
12/11/24 Wednesday 10:25 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched episodes 3 and 4 of, "Churchill at War." I went outside in between episodes.
I will now go outside again.
12/11/24 Wednesday 8:10 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. Maybe the water shortage in the area has ended.
12/11/24 Wednesday 7:05 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's 2 X meat lasagna with a 15 ounce can of green beans with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/11/24 Wednesday 6:55 P.M. I moved the LG portable air conditioner in the living room into the northwest corner. I moved the octagon end table next to it back against the outside wall.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-1224-04/
12/11/24 Wednesday 6:10 P.M. On the HP laptop, I installed the Windows 11 Preview Updates.
In the northwest corner of the living room to the left of the Samsung television, I set up the folding beach chair in front of the Dell 17.3 inch laptop setup. From there, I moved the Harvard chair in front of the Vizio TV mini computer setup at the apartment entrance. From there I moved the red leather chesterfield chair to in front of the white bureau at the hallway entrance. I also moved the saddle color faux leather chair a bit to the right.
Pictures here: http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-1224-03/
I will now go outside again.
12/11/24 Wednesday 5:20 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/11/24 Wednesday 3:35 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/11/24 Wednesday 3:20 P.M. I picked up the mail. The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400136106028279457392 for https://www.ebay.com/itm/354086575971?_skw=dell+65wh+battery&itmmeta=01JE3MS0MKNBPCKR0WYJP6NG59&hash=item5271345f63:g:L1sAAOSw1~RmM1jE&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmEI8EJUhIIlEly0lHBiR2CsLvYFOL25gGWten7iAjhDsGGUuje0mLPr11C7OdfWEJ6HKZ%2BcWxZPP3bFyYNZzNQ9zaDXpLdoIoUCo3Y6YQheamDsXTPhzMlnvdCZCOitT9GMD9KQozChzHxvPQYPuM%2B%2BpGg1lQ%2Byony4yvTvvXE9ANydK6zw14hBuLCiPXb5WpKliieGWFy9gZaNRwDctbPya78%2BsRdG6jn7jNk2EA1yIIZTvLtgSa7zWQN%2Fvy5VZc%3D%7Ctkp%3ABlBMULCK5PTwZA for $19.13 total arrived. I put it in the Dell 17.3 inch laptop behind the Ethan Allen recliner.
12/11/24 Wednesday 3:05 P.M. I rested until 2:30 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/11/24 Wednesday 1:05 P.M. I woke up at 11:30 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/10/24 Tuesday 10:20 P.M. I watched off Netflix episode 2 of, "Churchill at War." I went outside. I ate two Sandwich Brothers cheeseburgers with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/10/24 Tuesday 8:30 P.M. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/thousands-evacuated-as-mt-kanlaon-erupts-threatening-more-explosive-activity/ar-AA1vzBkh?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=04f34ec0fedd403aa296e2505d2b3e33&ei=11
I ordered toe nail clipper https://www.amazon.com/Clipmaster-Clippers-Clipper-Toenail-Toenails/dp/B0DDTNSB81/ref=asc_df_B0DDTNSB81?mcid=6f0075be70533a719751fe1a7127de29&hvocijid=16745655905044946636-B0DDTNSB81-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16745655905044946636&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003458&hvtargid=pla-2281435180778&psc=1 for $21.26 total.
12/10/24 Tuesday 8:20 P.M. Off Netflix, I watched episode 1 of, "Churchill at War." I went outside midway through, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now go outside again.
12/10/24 Tuesday 6:45 P.M. I rested until 6:20 P.M. I went outside.
12/10/24 Tuesday 4:55 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's chicken Alfredo with a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce can of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/10/24 Tuesday 4:45 P.M. I picked up the mail. I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/10/24 Tuesday 2:55 P.M. Well I guess having lived around the International Community most of my life, everyone knows my story for better or worse https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/the-richest-royals-of-all-time-ranked/ss-AA1vChnY?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=079c45041e5543f78be14719c8b9bfed&ei=28#image=5
I will now go outside again.
12/10/24 Tuesday 2:05 P.M. Microsoft Office 2019 $13 https://www.groupon.com/deals/easy-activation-microsoft-office-8-24?cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&cjevent=e401aa89b72711ef8000001c0a82b820&utm_medium=afl&utm_campaign=cid*551655_pub*dealnews.com_pid*552179&utm_source=cj&subs_group=afl
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/10/24 Tuesday 1:40 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/10/24 Tuesday 12:35 P.M. I chatted with a friend before going to bed. I woke up at 11 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/09/24 Monday 9:55 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I ate a bowl of Kellogg's Special K with red berries with almond milk. I will now shut down the HP laptop, and I will go to bed.
12/09/24 Monday 8:20 P.M. I channel surfed. I chatted with a friend. On the red ottoman, I broke the support bracket for one of the legs. I drilled a hole and put in a 1.5 inch wood screw to support the leg bracket, so it now seems all right. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I picked up the mail.
12/09/24 Monday 6:35 P.M. DNA Test $39 https://www.amazon.com/AncestryDNA-Genetic-Testing-Ethnicity-Traits/dp/B07J1FZQBC?ref=dlx_deals_dg_dcl_B07J1FZQBC_dt_sl14_3e
Plaid Flannel Shirt $20 https://www.amazon.com/Alimens-Gentle-Button-Regular-Flannel/dp/B07CXYWB5Q?ref=dlx_deals_dg_dcl_B07CXYWB5Q_dt_sl14_3e
Earth Science Kit $23 https://www.amazon.com/NATIONAL-GEOGRAPHIC-Earth-Science-Kit/dp/B082ZLM39R?ref=dlx_deals_dg_dcl_B082ZLM39R_dt_sl14_3e&th=1
12/09/24 Monday 6:15 P.M. I rested until 5:50 P.M. I went outside.
12/09/24 Monday 4:10 P.M. I went outside.
I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce 2X meat Stauffer's lasagna with a 15 ounce can of mixed vegetables with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/09/24 Monday 3:15 P.M. Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?origTrackNum=9434611105502993816098 on the order for twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total.
12/09/24 Monday 3:05 P.M. https://channel2now.com/2024/12/09/article/news/crime/unitedhealthcare-ceo-brian-thompson-killer-identified-as-luigi-mangione-an-ex-ivy-league-student/ . He worked for https://www.truecar.com/ .
I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. In my days in Manhattan, the wealthy Chinese used to sell umbrellas for $2 at the Park Avenue entrance to Grand Central Station on the north side.
12/09/24 Monday 1:45 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
12/09/24 Monday 12:25 P.M. I will now go outside again.
12/09/24 Monday 11:25 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/09/24 Monday 11:10 A.M. I woke up, and I ate the last eight Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 9:30 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/08/24 Sunday 8:40 P.M. Swiss private school https://www.rosey.ch/
I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now shut down the HP laptop, and I will go to bed.
12/08/24 Sunday 6:45 P.M. I will now go outside again.
12/08/24 Sunday 6:45 P.M. I drove downtown to the Board of Education Veterans Monument bench, and I sat out for a while. They have a nice wreath there for Pearl Harbor Day. I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com . I then sat out in front of the Senior and the Arts Center. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. One does not have to pay to park on Sundays, so one saves money on parking. At CVS, I bought two 200 count 500 mg. Niacin tablets for $26.23 total with coupons. The bathroom is still broken at CVS, so I used the bathroom across the street at the deluxe CFCF coffee shop. I also sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50 each six pack, six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each can, and a six pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $31.03 total. I then returned home. I put away my food and vitamins. I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/08/24 Sunday 3:45 P.M. I rested until 3 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now go downtown and forage around on Green Witch Avenue. One of these days, I should take my $20 digital camera and take pictures, but the private people in Greenwich are photo shy.
12/08/24 Sunday 2:20 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I ate a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a 15 ounce can of sliced carrots with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce can of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice. I will now rest a bit.
12/08/24 Sunday 1:20 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/08/24 Sunday 1:05 P.M. Remember December 13 is the Aga Khan's birthday https://www.britannica.com/biography/Aga-Khan-IV .
12/08/24 Sunday 12:30 P.M. I ordered twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total.
I will now go outside again.
12/08/24 Sunday 12:05 P.M. I rested until 11:20 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/08/24 Sunday 10:10 A.M. I woke up at 8:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
End of Scott's Notes week of 12/07/24
12/07/24 Saturday 7:15 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now send out my weekly notes. I will then shut down the HP laptop computer. I will then go to bed.
12/07/24 Saturday 6:30 P.M. President Elect Trump and Prince William https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c05ppeym6jro
I will now go outside again.
12/07/24 Saturday 6:25 P.M. https://www.medchunk.com/tests/triglycerides-353#google_vignette
12/07/24 Saturday 6:15 P.M. Bill Gates Holiday books: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Holiday-Books-2024
12/07/24 Saturday 6:05 P.M. On my Lipid Panel Blood draw, the results are:
Cholestrol: 112
HDL: 35
Triglycerides: 353
Chol/HDL ratio: 3.2
LDL calculated: 26
12/07/24 Saturday 5:55 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/07/24 Saturday 4:25 P.M. Notre Dame https://www.bbc.com/news/live/crmnzm20en4t
I will now go outside again.
12/07/24 Saturday 4:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside.
12/07/24 Saturday 3:00 P.M. I rested until 2:20 P.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/07/24 Saturday 1:10 P.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/07/24 Saturday 12:30 P.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/07/24 Saturday 12:05 P.M. I rested until 11:30 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/07/24 Saturday 9:20 A.M. https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/s/j1rrm/how-much-snow-will-we-see-this-winter-in-ct-see-4-predictions?utm_source=local-update&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert#google_vignette
12/07/24 Saturday 9:10 A.M. I woke up at 7:30 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend.
12/06/24 Friday 8:20 P.M. I rested until 8 P.M. I ate two Sandwich Brothers cheeseburgers with six Danish butter cookies and some Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop, and I will go to bed.
12/06/24 Friday 5:35 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water.
12/06/24 Friday 5:25 P.M. I went to another appointment. I then paid a dollar to park in the parking lot west of www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. At CVS, I picked up two prescriptions. I also bought two boxes of Post Great Grains cereal with cranberries for $1.99 each for $3.98 total. I then returned home. I picked up the mail. I filed this report.
12/06/24 Friday 3:10 P.M. I went to my 1 P.M. appointment. I then drank an instant coffee outside. I will now go downtown. CIO
12/06/24 Friday 11:45 A.M. I will now get ready to go out to my 1 P.M. appointment nearby.
12/06/24 Friday 11:05 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/06/24 Friday 10:20 A.M. First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-120624?e=d0a721e34a
I will now go outside and drink another instant coffee.
12/06/24 Friday 10:10 A.M. I woke up, and I ate six Danish butter cookies. I chatted with a friend at 8 A.M. I finally woke up at 9 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/05/24 Thursday 7:15 P.M. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will eat a yogurt. I will then go to bed. I have a 1 P.M. appointment tomorrow.
12/05/24 Thursday 6:55 P.M. I ate two Sandwich Brothers cheeseburgers with a glass of Poland Spring water.
I will now go outside again.
12/05/24 Thursday 6:40 P.M. I used to know a Saudi named Izi in Key West, and when I first got on the internet in 1990, I chatted with the son of the Saudi ambassador to the United Nations about Digital Equipment which was bought by Compaq the following week https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/inside-the-saudi-royal-family-s-extravagant-property-portfolio/ss-AA1vdl7t?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=9fc6d952295847dc95aefb66b7e9a0fa&ei=16 I also flew to Ronald Reagan's first inaugural on a Braniff flight out of JFK with the Saudi Arabian oil minister. I flew back to Westchester airport on the private Time magazine jet. https://www.greenwichtime.com/business/article/ct-jetblue-flights-westchester-jfk-ny-19961403.php . I was told by Vivian West out in Plandome Manor, Long Island that all of the Saudi princes used to be out there in their long robes in the late 1940s when Saudi Arabia became oil wealthy. When it was a very cold winter in 1982, the Saudi flag was always flying at the Waldorf Astoria along side the United States flag.
12/05/24 Thursday 6:20 P.M. https://www.greenwichtime.com/weather/article/ct-weather-gemenids-meteor-shower-19958113.php
12/05/24 Thursday 6:10 P.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/05/24 Thursday 4:35 P.M. I went to my appointment on the Stamford border. I used the bathroom there. They have a toilet there for a huge person. I stopped by the oil place on the way back, but they were too busy. There was a car wreck on the Post Road outside Staples. I paid $1.50 in quarters to park at www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I toured the store. I sat out at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street. I went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99, a 64 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, and a 16 pack of White Castle cheeseburger sliders for $17.89 for $42.86 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I picked up the mail. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/05/24 Thursday 12:05 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shower and clean up, and I will head out early to my 2:30 P.M. appointment on the other side East side of town.
12/05/24 Thursday 11:30 A.M. Polar Bear news https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cewx20xrgj5o
I will now go outside again.
12/05/24 Thursday 11:20 A.M. Back in the winter of 1977, when I was hitch hiking from Key West to Fort Lauderdale, around Islamorada, I found a colonel's Strategic Air Command NORAD flight suit with the patches in the bushes along the highway. I used to wear it sometimes in Key West. When I got back to Nantucket that spring, I gave it to Rob Mullerin from Fairfield whose father worked for Exxon. He was a skier in Stowe, Vermont, and I told him he should try wearing it skiing in Colorado. Nobody objected to me wearing the flight suit in Key West, and I even was once wearing it at the entrance of Homestead Air Force Base, when I was doing laundry at the Laundromat at the entrance to Homestead Air Force Base. My boss at Polaroid was a captain retired from Air Force Intelligence. One of the owners of the Le Languedoc restaurant out on Nantucket was also a retired Air Force major. There might have been other air force people out on Nantucket, since Otis Air Force base used to be on Cape Cod.
12/05/24 Thursday 10:45 A.M. I installed the Windows Update on the HP laptop. I will now go outside again.
12/05/24 Thursday 10:25 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
12/05/24 Thursday 10:20 A.M. I chatted with a friend. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/05/24 Thursday 9:20 A.M. I woke up at 7:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside. I have a 2:30 P.M. appointment today.
12/04/24 Wednesday 7:20 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/04/24 Wednesday 6:50 P.M. I channel surfed.
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/04/24 Wednesday 5:45 P.M. This is a Greenwich company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GXO_Logistics . It seems pretty complex. However, beta testing Microsoft Operating Systems since about 1989 as an official OEM without pay was a bit complex also. Particularly with all of the hackers I faced, so I became expert as restoring backups of a new install. When I ran a server at home, I even found tens of thousands of Asian text files on the Server. Alas, the Apple store on Greenwich Avenue seems to get all of the attention.
12/04/24 Wednesday 5:30 P.M. A Vanity Plate Costs $139 https://portal.ct.gov/dmv/vehicle-services/get-vanity-special-plates?language=en_US , but that is the cost of an oil change in Greenwich, and I like being private.
I will now go outside again.
12/04/24 Wednesday 4:10 P.M. Connecticut news about moose https://www.happyinshape.com/forestmoose/?utm_campaign=y5wz6fan&utm_source=zmaob&utm_medium=native&utm_term=www%2Efoxnews%2Ecom::b1_outbrainrtb&postbackid=86698_65b3f5d8-b282-11ef-9087-1caeee9a61c7&zpbid=86698_65b3f5d8-b282-11ef-9087-1caeee9a61c7
https://www.greenwichtime.com/weather/article/ct-snow-winter-storm-wednesday-impact-19958830.php maybe snow
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/04/24 Wednesday 3:40 P.M. I picked up the mail.
12/04/24 Wednesday 2:50 P.M. As a matter of confusion having been a Polaroid Research photographer, I noticed mostly in my wandering around Manhattan lots of inconspicuous vehicles photographing various locations unknown to the general public. Now they can do it with satellites or cameras the size of a pen head. I will now go outside again.
!!!!!! 12/04/24 Wednesday 2:35 P.M. About Dr. Edwin Land and Polaroid https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/polaroid-inventor-edwin-land-gave-us-more-than-just-instant-photos-180969119/ . It also mentions the U2 Spy Plane camera they developed. Alas the private people on Greenwich Avenue do not want to see me taking pictures, but lots of Asians take pictures on Greenwich Avenue with their cell phones.
12/04/24 Wednesday 2:30 P.M. I chatted with a relative. The last time I checked out the Stop and Shop two days ago, they had a lot of Marie Callender turkey dinners on sale for about $4. This is on sale at www.cvs.com for $10 https://www.cvs.com/shop/superway-radio-control-vehicle-assorted-styles-1-ct-prodid-427581 radio controlled vehicle.
12/04/24 Wednesday 1:45 P.M. I chatted with a town official about the ice skating rink proposal. I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center. I sat outside there briefly. I used the bathroom twice at the Senior and the Arts Center. I then returned home, since there was no parking around www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. I have a 2:30 P.M. appointment tomorrow afternoon and another 1 P.M. appointment on Friday afternoon. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/04/24 Wednesday 11:30 A.M. I will now go outside again.
12/04/24 Wednesday 11:05 A.M. I am about to eat a 22 ounce P.F. Chang sweet and sour chicken meal with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
12/04/24 Wednesday 10:10 A.M. I chatted with a friend. My www.eversource.com electric bill for November 2024 was $208.32.
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/04/24 Wednesday 9:30 A.M. Cole Hann Penny Loafers $40 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KNS86ZK?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1&psc=1
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/04/24 Wednesday 9:00 A.M. I rested until 8:30 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/04/24 Wednesday 6:05 A.M. I chatted with a relative. I woke up at 4:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I did not get any mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/03/24 Tuesday 2:45 P.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders with five Danish butter cookies and a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer, and I will go to bed.
12/03/24 Tuesday 2:00 P.M. Nominee to Court of St. James https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c20e79nlpe6o
I channel surfed. I will now go outside again.
I chatted with a friend.
12/03/24 Tuesday 12:35 P.M. Swiss Gear Duffle bag $18 https://www.swissgear.com/sale/cyber-monday-door-busters/swissgear-9000-20-apex-duffel-bag-pewter-dobby
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/03/24 Tuesday 12:05 P.M. I channel surfed. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/03/24 Tuesday 10:45 A.M. I went outside. I channel surfed. I went outside again.
12/03/24 Tuesday 9:15 A.M. I am about to eat a 11 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo bowl with a 16 ounce can of B&M baked beans and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar. I chatted with a friend.
12/03/24 Tuesday 8:35 A.M. I drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a long time. I used the bathroom twice at www.starbucks.com . At Zen Stationary, I bought a "Stocking Stuffer" scratch card for a dollar, and as usual I lost to the Bank of Bombay. I sat out some more at the Senior and the Arts Center. I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue. Their bathroom is still broken. I bought buy one get one 50% off of 70 count liquid gel Aleve capsules and a Daisy croissant for $32.36 total. I then went to the Stop and Shop and 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought the last five gallon bottle of Poland Spring water with bottle return for $9.99. It looks like they are no long going to carry the five gallon bottles of Poland Spring water, but now it is just Pure Life filtered water. I returned home. I used my little folding hand truck to carry up the 42 pound bottle of water. I then put the folding hand truck back in the car, and I drank an instant coffee outside along with the croissant. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/03/24 Tuesday 5:45 A.M. They got rid of me in February 1982 https://liveduvalstreet.com/ when it was minus 26 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in Manhattan. When I visited, the Queen of Denmark and the Queen of Jordan were supposed to be down there, but except for a few people nobody paid any attention to be. I guess I wore out my welcome in the winters of 1977 and 1978 when in 1982 Rob Glore a Dupont, Jimmy Eldert a CIA contact and John Bolton a State Department contact were no longer there. I guess a new group of people took over down there.
I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around in the local morning tundra.
12/03/24 Tuesday 5:00 A.M. I channel surfed. I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee in the early morning winter morning. I put $25 on my www.starbucks.com Card. I am too old to be sitting downtown for a couple of hours in the cold morning air.
12/03/24 Tuesday 4:15 A.M. https://www.greenwichtime.com/things-to-do/article/mohawk-mountain-ski-area-open-cornwall-friday-ct-19954300.php
12/03/24 Tuesday 3:30 A.M. Portrait of King Charles $27 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1690221915/official-portrait-of-picture-of-king?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_-art_and_collectibles&utm_custom1=_k_EAIaIQobChMI24jXmpSLigMVwFxHAR3duBsrEAQYCCABEgLEYPD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_21500569335_164907277123_707558291654_pla-314954651933_c__1690221915_12768591&utm_custom2=21500569335&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI24jXmpSLigMVwFxHAR3duBsrEAQYCCABEgLEYPD_BwE
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/03/24 Tuesday 3:10 A.M. I woke up, and I ate a yogurt and fifteen Danish butter cookies. I finally woke up at 1:45 A.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I picked up the mail. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/02/24 Monday 11:25 A.M. I channel surfed. I went outside. I will now shut down the HP laptop computer. I will then go to bed.
12/02/24 Monday 9:45 A.M. I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store. I then drove to the Board of Education Veterans monument bench, and I sat out for a while. I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com . I then sat out in front of the Senior and the Arts Center. I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue. I bought three 16 ounce cand of Stop and Shop fruit cocktail for $2.09 each and three 16 ounce cans of Stop and Shop mixed fruit for $2.09 each for $12.54 total. I then returned home. I put away the food. I put the grey bag back in the car. I drank an instant coffee outside. I chatted with a friend. I filed this report. I will now go outside again.
12/02/24 Monday 7:25 A.M. For one of the Dell 17.3 inch laptop, I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/354086575971?_skw=dell+65wh+battery&itmmeta=01JE3MS0MKNBPCKR0WYJP6NG59&hash=item5271345f63:g:L1sAAOSw1~RmM1jE&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmEI8EJUhIIlEly0lHBiR2CsLvYFOL25gGWten7iAjhDsGGUuje0mLPr11C7OdfWEJ6HKZ%2BcWxZPP3bFyYNZzNQ9zaDXpLdoIoUCo3Y6YQheamDsXTPhzMlnvdCZCOitT9GMD9KQozChzHxvPQYPuM%2B%2BpGg1lQ%2Byony4yvTvvXE9ANydK6zw14hBuLCiPXb5WpKliieGWFy9gZaNRwDctbPya78%2BsRdG6jn7jNk2EA1yIIZTvLtgSa7zWQN%2Fvy5VZc%3D%7Ctkp%3ABlBMULCK5PTwZA for $19.13 total. I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.
12/02/24 Monday 6:55 A.M. On the HP laptop, I did an Aomei backup to the second SSD drive, which took a while. I moved the Microsoft Surface RT from the left side of the teak dining table to on top of the Apple MacBook Pro in front of the Queen Anne chair. I tested both Dell 17.3 inch laptops. I tested the Apple MacBook Pro and the Apple Mac Mini on the Vizio TV mini computer setup. I went outside twice, and once I drank an instant coffee. Off book TV, I watched part of this https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Artificial-Intelligence-Human-Spirit-ebook/dp/B0CYZM3PV1/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3F3V657WW8KN1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-Tlg74OvZ4HAel_CqcQC_Q2RwQKnYBVBSBBrM9AZ1obCHCcjTL0zsx8PeFkyS3MmfC3zZqOfkbuVUHxYYLNZthcTmQWQvGY1AAnVODxqmaNbKjw99VervzlSistr_Gnd4aRtfUIBaphOf1El-r00xw.M3s5hkvr0rkzLsNhdPeAzpgfut2fbZBIuRQ-QpsRJDQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=genesis+artificial+intelligence%2C+hope%2C+and+the+human+spirit&qid=1733139975&sprefix=Genesis%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-1 .
I reheated and ate the Temple Shalom Citrella Thankgiving Dinner which I ate a with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.
About Mount St. Helen's eruption in 1980
I will now go outside and drink an instant coffee.
12/02/24 Monday 4:20 A.M. Scotland News https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly2l119zlpo
12/02/24 Monday 4:20 A.M. On the HP laptop, I installed and activated the Starry Night software package that came with the Celestron telescope.
I will now go outside again in the freezing cold tundra.
12/02/24 Monday 3:40 A.M. Retirement real estate listings https://oakharborverobeach.com/resales.html .
I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/02/24 Monday 3:20 A.M. I rested until 2:45 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee.
12/02/24 Monday 1:15 A.M. I woke up at 11:45 P.M. I made my bed. I went outside. I ate my usual breakfast of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese croissant, two English muffins with Smart Balance spread, diet cranberry juice and vitamins and supplements, and an instant coffee outside.
12/01/24 Sunday 10:35 A.M. I ate four White Castle cheeseburger sliders and a glass of Poland Spring water. I will now shut down the HP laptop. I will then go to bed.
12/01/24 Sunday 9:55 A.M. A neighbor gave me a Temple Shalom Thanksgiving dinner from Citralla, which I will eat tomorrow. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again.
12/01/24 Sunday 8:05 A.M. I drove downtown to the Board of Education Veterans monument bench. I sat out for a while. I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice. I sat out at the Senior and the Arts Center. I went by www.cvs.com , and I toured the store. The bathroom is still broken there. I returned home. I sat outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I chatted with a friend. I will now go outside again. I guess the Holiday crowd will be back from vacation this evening. I will see the jets coming into Westchester County airport, unless the major population is gone down South for the Winter which some people do.
12/01/24 Sunday 5:55 A.M. New Greenwich Police Dispatch Center. https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-ct-emergency-dispatch-center-police-19936992.php?utm_content=hed&sid=5d19d23991d15c62dc5bbcc2&ss=A&st_rid=7318d796-fd37-4d00-81b4-e1f87f90ef11&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CT_GT_MorningBriefing
I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around in the cold tundra.
End of Scott's Notes week of 12/01/24
12/01/24 Sunday 5:35 A.M. I rested. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I put a new blue toilet jar in the toilet tank. I will now send out my weekly notes.
12/01/24 Sunday 4:30 A.M. I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.
12/01/24 Sunday 4:10 A.M. I put away the clean laundry. I will now go outside.
12/01/24 Sunday 3:10 A.M. I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .
I will now go outside again.
12/01/24 Sunday 2:50 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I have 40 minutes to go on three dry cycles.
12/01/24 Sunday 12:55 A.M. I rested until 12:15 A.M. I went outside, and I drank an instant coffee. I will now put clean linens on the bed. I will then shower and clean up. I will then do laundry.