Note:<888>11/07/98 Saturday 3:00 P.M. EST: I ran maintenance wizard until 3 A.M.. I was up at 11 A.M.. I had a mozeralla omlet, toast, vitamins, orange and grapefruit juice for breakfast, and cappacinno. I watched the landing of the NASA Shuttle nasa.htm, and I freed up some disk space on my computer. I have 125 megs in the C: drive, and 200 megs in the D: drive, but with the 160 meg. swapper in the D: drive, I only have about 20 megs left. I ran maintenance wizard again. I am just about to make a complete backup of the system. I watched the astronaunt interview after they came out. I updated Scott's Index scopor01.htm . Well have a good afternoon. CIO

Note:<888>11/07/98 Saturday 1:15 A.M. EST: I just finished converting Scott's Internet Hotlist Downloadable Directory into Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0 Favorites Format. Here is the link:

Scott's Internet Hotlist in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0 Favorites Format, 60,920 Working Proofed File Links in 289 Folders "", 11/07/98, 17,086,742 Bytes Zipped, and 249,290,752 Bytes Unzipped Into "C:\Windows\Favorites", When Using Windows 98 in FAT 32 Partition, Much Larger in Fat 16. One Needs To Use WinZip7.0 To Extract "", and I Have 64 Megs Memory on My System, Good Luck and Enjoy.

One Probably Needs a Higher Powered System to Use It. It Works Fine On My 233/MMX with 64 Megs Memory and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0. It Takes Up 250 Megs When Extracted On a Microsoft Windows 98 Fat 32 Partitioned Drive And Probably Three Times More On A Fat16 Partition. I Proofed All The Links With Left Side Software - Link Sweeper . I Have About 13,500 Links That Are Supposedly Bad, I Did Not Include In This File Group, Which I Might Include Some Of Later, Once I Have More Time To Proof Them More Thoroughly. Remember To Use WinZip7.0 To Extract The File, and Make Sure You Have Enough Memory. Thus The Other Directory "" Has About 75,000 Links Including The 13,500 Bad Links. I Also Included 1,700 More Recent Links, Collected In The Last Six Month. I Had To Delete Some Sound Files From The Servers, and I Only Have 2.2 Megs of Disk Space Free on Each 50 Meg. Server. I Also Am Just About Out Of Hard Disk Space On My Computer, So I Will Some How Have To Free UP Disk Space. Well I Am Pretty Well Bushed, So I Am Going To Bed Shortly. Have A Good Morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/05/98 Thursday 12:35 A.M. EST: I was up at 6 A.M. this morning, probably because relatives in Florida were also awaken by the ramains of Hurricane Mitch coming through their community. I recieved a call it was pretty rainy on the east coast of mid Florida this morning. I imported Scott's Internet Hotlist into the Netscape bookmark format and edited it, and then posted it at download.htm . It is the same number of links, for using with Netscape. This is the note I posted with it.

Scott's Internet Hotlist in Netscape Bookmark format "" 1,378,832 bytes, 63,000 links in 141 categories, 11/05/98, file is "bookmark.htm" for opening in Netscape Web Brower, I advise not installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0 with this file installed in Netscape, or it will take many hours to import Netscape bookmarks into Microsoft Internet Explorer, save this bookmark and delete it before installing Microsoft Internet Explorer or running MS Internet Explorer 5.0 repair option, and then reopen it in Netscape. The links are not all proofed, but most work.

I will use a web utility to convert it into Microsoft Internet Explorer Favorites, if I have enough disk space, and then use Left Side Software - Link Sweeper to proof the links, and add the existing to the larger file, and if I have enough room on the servers, post a *.zip of Scott's Internet Hotlist proofed in Microsoft Internet Explorer Favorites format. Well lets see how it goes. I just had a mozarella omlet, toast, vitamins, orange and grapefruit juice, and cappacinno for a late breakfast. I have a 3 P.M. appointment today. CIO

Note:<888>11/05/98 Thursday 1:05 A.M. EST: The Florida Keys & Key West: News Flash Former President Bush Catches Fish in Keys. CIO

Note:<888>11/05/98 Thursday 12:50 A.M. EST: I updated which is linked from download.htm . I basically proofed the links with Left Side Software - Link Sweeper . I also reorganized the links a bit, and I use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 feature of alphabetizing the links one category at a time, I think it should do this automatically. Well have a good night. I am a bit bushed. CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 9:15 P.M. EST: I went downtown at 5:30 P.M. after starting a complete backup. I stopped by the library and chatted with a few regulars. I read the three weekly computer newsweeklies I usually read. I also read the Greenwich Times, they are having a recount in the tax collectors race, which was a close vote. I drove by CVS and bought a pack of black licorice for $1.05. I drove down on Steamboat Road and checked out the Radio Frequencies on my Marine Band Radio, and there was no response on any frequencies. The first 10 stations are NOAA weather stations. Station one is the only frequency that works that brings in the NOAA weather, which I am primarily concerned with. I will test the other frequencies in the day time some time soon. I returned home about 8 P.M. and completed the backup of the system. I will have a bite to eat shortly. Have a good evening. CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 4:30 P.M. EST: I updated Scott's Index scopor01.htm , once again the total amount changed versus the arithmatic in the difference between the the previous day don't match by a substancial amount. I will do some system maintenance and backup now. CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 4:00 P.M. EST: I listened to the NASA Space Shuttle nasa.htm while resting until noon. I then downloaded the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 beta and all its components until just now. It is available from Microsoft Windows Update if you use Windows 98. It took about 2 hours to download the entire suite of software. It all seems to be running fine. I am just doing some routine work. CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 8:55 A.M. EST: Ask An Astronaut: John Glenn CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 8:00 A.M. EST: I updated Scott's Weekly Broadcast sound.htm . CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 7:00 A.M. EST: I updated stats.htm . CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 6:35 A.M. EST: Niguaguan Volcano Email Address CIO

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red128\green0\blue0;} \uc1\pard\cf1\ulnone\f0\fs20 ++++\par \par Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 01:05:27\par To: VOLCANO@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU\par From: Wilfried Strauch\par \par Report to Volcano Network, Managua, Sunday, 01 of November, 1998\par ===================\par \par Nicaragua suffers the worst natural disaster since the 1972 Managua earthquake.\par Heavy rain, inundations and mud avalanches cause widespread destruction,\par during the last week.\par A mud avalanche at Casitas volcano killed 1000 people, on Friday.\par -------------------------------------------------------------\par \par Heavy rainfalls related to Hurricane Mitch and lasting more than one week,\par have caused inundations of large parts of Central and North-Western\par Nicaragua. Rivers destroyed several important bridges, the Panamerican Highway\par between Honduras/El Salvador and Nicaragua is interrupted at many places.\par About 200 people were reported beeing killed in the floods, in their\par collapsed houses or in minor mud flows.\par \par Traffic between Managua and the northern and northwestern\par departments, as Matagalpa, Esteli, Jinotega, Leon, Chinandega is interrupted.\par Many of the isolated places suffer shortages of food. At several places people\par had to seek salvation on their roofs or on trees as the water level increased\par very fast. Tens of thousands lost their homes.Dramatic rescue operations\par took place as for instance in Malacatoya where a group of people was\par saved by a ship,coming from Granada city. Malacatoya river had raised its\par level by more than 15 m, the highways were overflooded and destroyed.\par \par At some places the landscape changed completely - rivers broadened their\par bed, or united themselves with other rivers, as occurred in the area of\par Sebaco. New lakes were formed and mountains were washed away, collapsed and\par disappeared. Crops were largely destroyed.\par \par Helicopter based rescue operations of the Nicaraguan Army were possible\par since yesterday when the meteorological conditions improved.\par \par Only today the dimension of a mud avalanche became clear which ocurred\par already on Friday afternoon at Casitas volcano. The mud covered an area of\par about 20 km length and 2-3 km width, southwest of the volcano. Numerous\par villages, settlements and houses between Casitas volcano and the town of\par Posoltega were destroyed.\par \par Exact informations about population density in this area do not exist\par but it is assumed that more than 1000 people, maybe even 2000,\par could have died. Today, Nicaraguan Army and Red Cross reported having\par found 400 cadavers. Rescue is very difficult because of the mud, and the rain\par continues.\par \par The Nicaraguan Government declared Natural Disaster Emergency for the\par most affected regions of the country. The main tasks for the next days are\par the rescue of people who are still in danger, helicopter transports of food\par to the isolated places and the preliminary reparation of the communication\par lines.\par Due to this extreme disaster the the Nicaraguan economy has certainly\par suffered a sensitive drawback. Thus, the reparation of highways is now of\par extraordinary importance as the coffee harvest should begin in a few days.\par \par -----------------------------------\par \par Wilfried Strauch\par Geophysical Department\par Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales\par Managua, Nicaragua\par \par tel (505)2492761 tel/fax (505)2331383 home\par fax (505)2496987\par email\par \par }

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 6:25 A.M. EST: Web White & Blue - 1998 Election Information CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 5:45 A.M. EST: TechWeb Video + Audio Bill Gates Tapes. CIO

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 5:30 A.M. EST: CNN - Volcano erupts near site of Nicaraguan mudslide - November 3, 1998 . CIO

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red128\green0\blue0;} \uc1\pard\cf1\ulnone\f0\fs20 Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 21:30:08 -0800\par From: Dan Shackelford \par Subject: Cerro Negro Eruption Adds to Nicaraguan Misery... from CNN web page\par To:\par Cc:,\par \par MANAGUA, Nicaragua\par AP reports that Cerro Negro volcano began erupting Tuesday. Cerro Negro is\par located 35 km (20 miles) from Casitas Volcano, where 2,000 people were killed\par last week by massive mudslides triggered by Hurrican Mitch. This information\par came from the National Seismology Dept.\par \par According to photographs, lava flows and ash covered about 25% of Cerro\par Negro's north flank soon after the eruption began around 4 pm (2200 GMT).\par The flows appeared to have reached the volcano's base, and a vapor plume\par rose from the crater.\par \par There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. There are villages\par on the cone's south flank but apparently none directly to the north. The\par largest nearby town, Malpaisillo, is 12 kilometers (7 1/2 miles) away.\par \par Cerro Negro last erupted 3 years ago, depositing ash as far away as the\par city of Leon, 90 km away to the west. The 1,000-meter (3,300-foot) volcano\par is one of Nicaragua's youngest and most active.\par \par Geologists from the Institute of Earth Studies in Managua discovered the\par eruption while traveling by helicopter to study the mudslide at Casitas\par volcano, thought to be inactive.\par \par\par }

Note:<888>11/04/98 Wednesday 5:20 A.M. EST: I went to bed at 9 P.M. last evening. I was up at 4 A.M. this morning. I had GU raisin bran, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and cappacinno for breakfast. Congratulations to the Bush brothers on their republican victories in the governorships of Texas and Florida. I feel like applying for a job working for the Florida Marine Patrol, you know like "Flipper's Father". In more sobering news to add mysery to mysery another volcano, the major one Cerro Negro MTU Volcanoes Page - Cerro Negro, Nicaragua has started erruptive activity according to this report Volcano Adds To Central American Misery . Well I guess we are lucky to be in the warmth and safety of our homes here up north. I will do some internet work this morning, and maybe shower and go out after 9 A.M. for a brief spell. I have not read my email in several days. Well have a good morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/03/98 Tuesday 7:20 P.M. EST: I went out this morning and voted at the New Lebannon School in Byram at about 6:45 A.M. this morning. I voted republican as usual, despite a number of democratic acquaintences. I then went down to Steamboat Road and observed the waterfront. I went to the center of town and walked around the lower Greenwich Avenue area until about 8:30 A.M. in the morning. I had a Croissant at St. Moritz for a $1. I observed the train station commuters. It was a slow morning. I then went over to Old Greenwich and toured Staples and looked at their product display. I then went to Tod's Point and drove around. I chatted with a fellow with a U.S. Air Force cap from Arkansas who was walking around with his father. I mentioned that they should think about planting seed oysters in the tidal pond at Tod's Point, which might work with the fresh water supply coming through the pond now that both sides are open to the tide. The fellow with the Arkansas cap had graduated from the University of Illinois, so I told him about my father's family. I then continued on and walked around the entire length of Tod's Point about three miles on the clear cool day. My feet were hurting a bit because I was wearing a new pair of Timberlands that have not been broken in yet. I then went by the Old Greenwich thrift shop and found a bargain. I bought for $8.52 a Horizon Eclipse VHF MarineRadio GX1246S, made by Standard Communications. I then went by the Radio Shack in the Riverside shopping area, and they did not have a Marine radio antenna. I then went back to the Old Greenwich Thrift Shop, and they had not taken in a Marine Antenna. I then went by Putnam Trust in Old Greenwich and withdrew funds. I went by the Old Greenwich Marine Supply place west of Old Greenwich, and it is now run by a young Swedish fellow. I notice they are building a house next to the tidal pond there. I then went by the Radio Shack in Cos Cob and they did not have a Marine Antenna. There was a scuba diver there I recognized, and he told me I should try West Marine in Stamford. I instead headed to Royaton to Bliss Discount Marine supply underneath Palmers Supermarket. I purchased there a Shakespeare 5911 Emergency Marine Antenna which is only about a foot long with a sunction cup that can fit it on the back inside window of my Volvo. It cost $37.09 I returned home and I had a Tony's Pizza for lunch. I went out and installed the Marine Radio in the Volvo. It was a fairly simple procedure mounting the holding bracket, and then connecting the postive wire to a positive terminal, and the negative wire to a gound. I mounted the Mike by drilling two small holes by the regular radio. I tested it and it works fine for bringing in the Marine Weather. It has broadcast capabilities to most of the 88 stations that are not weather reception stations. The sound comes in fine. Of course this time of year in the cold weather, there is not much traffic on the marine radio station. Standard Communications homepage is Standard Communications and this Standard Comm/Marine Products . I was told by the saleman at Bliss marine, the Marine Radio cost about $300 five years ago. It works really well. I have to find a frequency site but here are some Marine Weather sites Marine Weather Active Index Page for marineweather,com and FREQUENCY SITES . Well after installing the Marine Radio and testing it, I drove down to Steamboat Road and tried it out near the water. I heard a few people chatting along with the Channel 1 Marine Weather. I suppose in an emergency anywhere near the ocean, I could use it to summon the Coast Guard, but it is suppose to be restricted to Nautical Use. Well I now have two way communications in the car, but I am not sure whom else has a marine radio in their car, since most people probably use CellPhones which are much more expensive. Well if the Micro Astroid Belt in November knocks out any satellites in November I might have a backup form of communications. Well next I returned home and had a boneless center cut pork chop broiled with Dijon Mustard and garlic along with baked potatoe and brocolli and ice tea. I updated Scott's Index scopor01.htm which was up quite a bit today. I then filed this report. I am tired and I think I will relax a while and then go to bed. Have a good evening. It suddenly turned cold here. CIO

Note:<888>11/03/98 Tuesday 6:20 A.M. EST: I had a Swansons chicken pot pie for dinner last night and some Pepperidge Goldfish crackers. I watched the ABC evening news. I went to bed at 7 P.M., and I awoke at 4 A.M.. I had a mozzerella omlet for breakfast, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and cappacinno. I cleaned up and showered, and made my bed. I will go out at 6:45 A.M. to go over to the New Lebannon School, the Byram elementary school to vote a straight republican ticket at 7 A.M. when the polls open. I will then probably proceed down to Steamboat Road to check out the waterfront, and return to the center of town for a little while, before I come back home to work on the computer in the day time. Well have an enjoyable election day. On a small note I also noticed on Monday and Sunday while walking around downtown the Korean vegatable market just south of the Post Office is selling lots of cut flower arrangements. However, for allergy suffers I noticed that the cut flower arrangements have sprigs of Golden Rod, which is very high in pollen. I confired with one of my neighbors, and she said also while shopping at a local Pathmark, she noticed that their cut flowers also had sprigs of golden rod used in the floral arrangements. I would thus advise any allergy suffers to avoid cut flower arrangements which have golden rod in their displays. Well have a good morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 6:30 P.M. EST: I went back out at 11 A.M. today. I stopped by Putnam Trust Bank of New York and withdrew funds. I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop and chose not to purchase anything. I went by the Central Greenwich Post Office and paid my Bell Atlantic telephone bill. I went across the street and got a haircut from Mike at Subway barbers for $13 plus $2 tip. I drove down by the water again. I went by the Greenwich Library and read the local paper. I surfed the internet for a while. Their connection at the library is not any faster than my home connection. I went by the ELDC thrift shop. I stopped by CVS and bought two 4 packs of 75 watt light bulbs for $1 each and a pack of black licorice for .99 plus .18 Ct. sales tax. I walked around downtown until about 5 P.M.. I noticed lots of people out and about today. I also bought an Almond Danish pastry at the St. Moritz Bakery another Swiss Enterprise in town. It was a very long day. I showed up at an appointment which is not scheduled until next week by mistake. Well not much happening today, but people enjoying the sunshinny weather. There was an article in the Greenwich Times that somebody in back country in a 40,000 square foot house has $5,000 a month electricity bills. I suppose they should watch their energy expenses. Well I also updated Scott's Index at scopor01.htm . Microsoft updated the Investor Program today, and the portfolio was way off. It seemed to have misplaced about $11,001 for some odd reason. That is not the sort of exact accounting one expects out of a computer program. Well back to bed for a change, and I'll be out voting tomorrow for the Republican Party as per the status quo. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 10:30 A.M. EST: Well time to call it a day on the old internet machine, and go out and explore the local activity around town. Have a good day. I need to pay my telephone bill, and possibly get a hair cut if the shop is not busy. I also added more links to the Greenwich page greenw.htm .CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 9:30 A.M. EST: I updated the Greenwich, Connecticut Thrift Shops page thrift.htm .CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 9:20 A.M. EST: I updated the Greenwich, Connecticut page greenw.htm . CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 8:15 A.M. EST: I went out with my morning thermos of coffee and drank it in my car down at the bottom of Steamboat Road, enjoying the bright sunrise. It was a beautiful sunrise with a couple of fishermen trying their luck. There were quite a few sea gulls out, so the fishing is probably fairly good this morning. I noticed a news helicopter flying over Belle Haven for some odd reason, which must have disturbed the neighbors there. I chatted with two of the regular fishermen. I went to the center of town, and had a White Owl panatella cigar in front of the senior center to relax. It looks to be a great day. I returned home and chatted with one of my neighbors about what is happening on the internet. She gave me two scones to eat which were very delicious. I noticed the geese, sea gulls, commerants, and sparrows are still around. Well I will try to slow down from the cool and my coffee, and go back to reading the net news. Have a good morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 6:05 A.M. EST: I had broiled boneless center cut pork chop, broiled on each side five minutes, and I put dijon mustard and chopped garlic on the last side for a little extra flavor along with ground pepper and garlic powder of both sides. I also had steamed brocolli and baked potatoe along with ice tea. I am making regular coffee which I will take outside shortly in my thermos, and I might smoke a White Owl Panatella cigar while out this morning waiting for sunrise. I remember in the volcanic regions like the Cascades the Snowy White Owl can be like a Canary in a Coal Mind, in that as long as it remains in the woods, it does not expect volcanic activity, but once it flies the koop, so to speak, the Snowy White Owl knows when to leave the volcanic area. Well have a good morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 5:15 A.M. EST: My viewpoint is the Cascades Range "

defm.gif " is evolving to the the north, so Mount Rainier might become more active, as Mount St. Helens becomes less active, of course the time period we're talking about could be anywhere from a short period to tens of thousands of years, so this is why one needs to keep a close eye on the region, especially considering the large population in the area. Even non volcanic events, such as seismic activity could triger major mud slides or volcanic lahars. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 5:05 A.M. EST: , MOST RECENT NOTABLE EARTHQUAKE , Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network - Recent Event Catalog , OFR95-642 - History and Hazards of Mount Rainier , , Mount Rainier - USGS OPEN-FILE REPORT 90-385 , Mount Rainier - USGS OFR90-385 - Abstract , Mount Rainier - USGS OFR90-385 - Abstract , , Mount Rainier National Park , Mount Rainier, Washington, USA - IAVCEI \Decade Volcano\ - Hazards, Seismicity, and Geophysical Studies , , Mount Rainier, Washington - Information , , Mount Rainier - USGS OPEN-FILE REPORT 95-273 , INDEX to Cascades Volcano Observatory, Food for thought for anyone living around Redmond, Washington or the area. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 4:25 A.M. EST: Mount Rainier Seismicity , Pacific Northwest (Washington and Oregon) Earthquake Information , Seismology and Earthquake Information , University of Washington Geophysics Program . CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 4:15 A.M. EST: Volcano and Hydrologic Monitoring CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 4:15 A.M. EST: Active and Potentially Active Volcanoes in the United States - Cascade Range , Information on Mount Shasta. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 3:55 A.M. EST: Well the laundry is done. Well it all goes to show, that the old professor at Lake Forest College, Professor Hantke, who always kept lecturing on Teddy Roosevelt, and Hellen Williams who was Teddy's daughter's friend, must have known something about volcanology and seismology. Not to metion Teddy was involved in founding the Natural History Museumn in Manhattan. For many years politicians looking at two dimensional maps always wanted to build the Panama Canal through Nicaragua, and judging from the number of volcanic ridges in Nicaragua, it seems that is was smarter to have built it in Panama. It seems the volcano activity in that area MTU Volcanoes Page - World Reference Map , and the story about Casita Volcano Nicaragua Volcano Slope 'Explodes' In Huge Mudslide , should show that dormant volcanoes can be dangerous too. I was thinking that if there was seismic activity in Lake Tahoe, what would be the run off if Lake Tahoe broke its surrounding banks in the mountains and started running out in a mud slide. What areas would be affected, and how would that event interreact with other fault lines, seismic activity, and volcanic stretches in the Sierra Nevada range. At the moment, with the Lake Tahoe report, one might check into Mount Shasta a few hundred miles north in the same range. CIO

Note:<888>11/02/98 Monday 2:55 A.M. EST: I went out at 11 A.M. yesterday after relaxing a bit. I walked around the lower Greenwich Avenue area until 1 P.M.. There were lots of foreign visitors in town speaking foreign languages. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. I suppose quite a few people were out from New York City also. I went by the library and read the Sunday Greenwich Times at 1 P.M.. The library was not busy on a warm fall day. I returned home at 2 P.M. and went to bed. I awoke about midnight. I had GU raisin bran, toast, orange juice, vitamins, and cappacinno for breakfast. I will be done with the drying cycle on the laundry in a half hour. In thinking about the record grain harvest in the midwest this year, I suppose Archer Daniels Midland could use it for Methal Butal Ethanol which is used for clean burning fuel up north in the winter when mixed with gasoline. They also could use if for grain pellets for fish farming enterprises. Of course traditionally it is used for feeding lifestock, and in lots of parts of the country, people whom work outside all winter enjoy drinking Kentucky Bourbon which is made from corn mash. Thus in three to five years depending on the aging process the country should have a record inventory of Bourbon, which comes in handy on cold winter evenings after one had been outside all day. If the Russians want to buy some of our grains, and don't have the hard currency, they should consider trading other raw materials such as crude oil, of which they have an abundant supply. Well I am back to the net this morning. In reading the report on the 5.3 Richer earthquake in Lake Tahoe two days ago, I am concerned that it might be a precursor quake to a larger seismic event in California. A report I read the same time from Nature magazine this month said frequently major seismic events can crush down upon the volcanic lava mantel in the earth causing a volcanic erruption to occur. CIO

Note:<888>11/01/98 Sunday 8:55 A.M. EST: I drove downtown at 6:30 A.M., and the fishermen were out in formation fishing at high tide. It was a clear crisp cool morning. I noticed the contrals of high flying jets flying overhead heading west. They must be the early morning commercial flights heading to California or Chicago. Well after surveying the waterfront, I decided it will probably be a nice day. I returned to the center of town and stopped by Zyns and bought two five packs of White Owl panatella cigars for $3.49. I walked around the center of town smoking one of the White Owl panatellas. My right knee is still a little lame, so I did not walk that much. I noticed that that most of the trees still have their leaves, so we really have not had a severe frost yet. I drove by the ATM machine at Putnam Trust and withdrew funds. I went by the Exxon station and bought $11.00 of premium gasoline. I think premium gasoline is around $1.39 a gallon. I went by the Grand Union and bought a dozen jumbo eggs for $1.59, three boneless pork chops at $2.99 a pound for $4.10, two Kelloggs Raisin Bran for $2 each for $4, a head of brocolli for .99 for a total of $10.68, I then went by the Food Emporium and bought four Swanson Chicken Pot Pies with crust on top and bottom for .89 apiece, a Master Choice Four cheese pizza for $3.29, a gallon of goldfish crackers for $4.99, a can of Hadon House sardines for $1.34, Temerine Dijon mustard for $1.99, a pound of Sorrento mozzerlla cheese for $2.99 for a total of $18.16. I then returned home and put away the groceries. I think I will nuke a chicken pot pie after I file this report. I might sit back and relax and watch the morning news programs, and maybe go to bed earlier, so I can be up in the late afternoon. Well it looks to be a good day, so enjoy yourselves in whatever your endeavours are. CIO

Note:<888>11/01/98 Sunday 6:15 A.M. EST: I went out for a drive at 4 A.M.. I had to scrape a little frost off the windows. I drove down by the water on Steamboat Road. I stopped by the Greenwich Harbor Inn to use the bathroom, but the door was locked, and I did not feel like bussing the night desk. I returned back home. I watched a program on the history on History Channel about railroads in America, and they had a segment on Henry Flager building the Florida East Coast railroad. I might sneak out in a little while, once the sun is up shortly. Sunrise is due at 6:24 A.M. Greenwich, Connecticut Pathfinder Weather , time for all Halloween vampires and goblins to be inside, lest they be touched by the light of the sun. Well have a good morning. CIO

Note:<888>11/01/98 Sunday 3:25 A.M. EST: As I recall in areas that have polluted water because of a disaster, one can improvise clean water by adding a couple of drops of clorox and a couple of drops of iodine to a gallon of water for cleaner water. I am not actually sure if these are the correct measurements, but in an emergency needing water this is what I would do. CIO

Note:<888>11/01/98 Sunday 2:45 A.M. EST: Disaster Information 078.HTM . I went to bed at noon, and was up at 10 P.M.. I had breakfast of omlette, toast, orange juice, vitamins, and cappacinno. I listened to ' s weekender broadcast while I cleaned my apartment and watered the plants until about 2 A.M.. I showered and cleaned up microwaved a Stauffer's lasagna, which I just had to eat with ice tea. I am having a regular cup of coffee right now. I will go out for a short drive downtown soon, and have a White Owl panatella cigar for a break shortly. CIO