Note 09/30/97 Tuesday 11:55 AM EDT:Microsoft Internet Explorer Products Download for final release of IE 4.0. I checked with people down in Washington D.C. . If you have intelligence information of a high level nature, please phone White House Intelligence at 1-202-435-5000. I advise you have serious real information to report if you call that number. Also IBM's new security number in Armonk, New York is 914-499-4100 at the new World Headquarters Building. I have not been out yet. I am waiting to download IE 4.0. It is the end of the month, so I don't have mugging money, but I will survive.

Note 09/29/97 Monday 11:45 PM EDT: Thank for the great new web browser he is giving away. I saw a heavy set Germanic fellow downtown this afternoon with German business suit on, he had the look of a Dutch Prince. Nice weather this afternoon. I went to the library three times today. Old guard were in residence just after noon. I dare say there is lots of interest in the Greenwich billionaires on the Forbes list. Of course some people don't care for obvious reasons. Basically the richest man or group of people is that group or individual who can afford to maintain and defend their private property. Biggest person sighted in Greenwich in last 14 years since I have been back is a Dutch farmer from Maastract who was over seven feet tall and over 600 pounds trying to sell cheese at the local Food Emporium. Second biggest person was Russian Admiral about 6' 6" and 500 pounds shark fishing down at the end of the Steamboat Road several years ago. I am only 6 foot and 196 pounds which is about average for adult males in the area. CIO

Note 09/29/97 Monday 11:00 AM EDT: Downloaded and installed Webcam Sam from Vista X Software , it is a novel program. I am out of here. CIO

Note 09/29/97 Monday 11:00 AM EDT: I finished cleaning my apartment and watering the plants this morning. I had the Cablevision disconnected since I never watch television and just keep it for my guests. Since the Greenwich Housing Authority does not pay for my electric heat like they use to for the first eight years, I need to use the $30 a month for extra heat in the winter, so at least I am warm and comfortable during the winther with my arthritis. I do have a central cable antenna in the building for recieveing local television, so I will install that. I had a visitor yesterday who watched television all day and will be going to Germany in the next couple of weeks. When I lived in Europe I never watched television and had a much more enjoyable time. I am maintaining my usual routines. CIO

Note 09/28/97 Sunday 7:00 AM EDT: I listened to for a while. I listened to the first hours of . I uploaded Current Bookmarks. I downloaded some of the most popular programs at to install on my computer. I don't know whether I will go out this morning or not. I checked out Internet Telephony at and installed Internet Telephony plugin to use with Pulver's Free World Dialup II. I will install the programs and possibly go to bed. CIO

Note 09/28/97 Sunday 1:00 AM EDT: I rested this afternoon and earlier this evening. After having dinner I went out for a walk. The usual bunch of movie goers were out. I noticed a skunk by the train station parking lot and a rat in front of the senior center. The usual group of yuppies were at "Dome" having cocktails. I guess that is the popular spot for young folks. Also there is another yacht at the Greenwich Harbor Inn. Unfortunately Greenwich Harbor is very small, so the Greenwich Harbor Inn is limited to about 150 feet for mooring boats. I read today the Britannia is being decommissioned by the British. I guess the Queen could always use the QE II or barrow the "Viking" from Norway. The "Viking" is suppose to be the world's largest private yacht. The Britannia was only number three after the King of Saudi Arabi's Yacht and then the "Viking" first. Of course some old Russian might turn an aircraft carrier into a private yacht for the fun of it. Needless to say they have enough hardware in mothballs. I wander how the swimming pool fared on the Russian submarines during turbulance. The usual morning group were in the library this morning. A friend told me to think about investing in the Candian Company Bombidier which might start making mid range aircraft. Apparently there is a market for over 20,000 new midrange aircraft and Boeing is interested in getting in the business. Also Gold is a good hedge against stockmarket downward fluctuations as we all know. There seems to be a few tiny kids that like driving around in Ferraris here at night. I guess their parents don't watch them closely enough. Average height in Greenwich for males is about 6 foot and for females about 5 foot 8 inches. I chatted with a young fellow about Petrified Dinasaur Eggs that I use to find in Decatur, Alabama. I was wandering if there might be any petrified bones there also. He did not know anything about it. We use to find the petrified dinasaur eggs in the southwest to west ditch adjacent to the Walter Jackson school playground. They were about six to eight inches in length, and when you cracked them there was a petrified yoke. I distinctly remember finding dozens of them. Well have a good Sunday. CIO

Note 09/27/97 Saturday 7:00 AM EDT: I updated Scott's Broadcast or which I will upload shortly. I update the broadcast every two to three months on my current observations and recent activity. Enjoy listening to the broadcast. I will go out after I upload the broadcast and enjoy Saturday morning. CIO

Note 09/27/97 Saturday 4:00 AM EDT: I relaxed yesterday afternoon and thought about what I had researched during the last few days. Basically I feel with the El Nino we will have more rain in this area with flooding in the eastern river basins. We could have that winter effect with mid 60 degree days one day and several feet of snow the next day. More than likely we will get unusual weather patterns. I practiced my French conversation skills which are lousy. My sister told me that former President Bush is at the Ryder Cup in Spain. George Agnew will be out of the hospital fully recovered today. CIO

Note 09/26/97 Friday 2:10 PM EDT: I updated current bookmarks links.

IBM Numbers:

IBM Armonk, Sommers, New York: 914-765-1900

IBM Armonk Security: 914-765-4400

Construction of the roof repairs is completed. Apparently there are parts of the building filled with Asbestos that the Greenwich Housing Authority refuses to repair and apparently somebody is getting kickbacks on the overall project rumours has it. The masons from India will be working on the Chimney repairs for the next two months. I might shower and go out soon, I am not sure. CIO

Note 09/26/97 Friday 9:00 AM EDT:George Agnew Doing Fine After Surgery at Maine Medical, All is OK. My sister in Kennebunkport says George is doing fine and will make a complete recovery. CIO

Note 09/26/97 Friday 4:50 AM EDT: Recommend Mayo Table of Contents, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota for George Bliss Agnew cardiology problem, cardiology telephone number at 7:30 AM CDT is 507-284-3633. General number is 507-266-5800. I chatted with Mayo Clinic this AM.

Note 09/26/97 Friday 2:45 AM EDT: No News on George Bliss Agnew medical condition yet up in Maine. My Doctor returning from Spain told me that the daughter of the King of Spain is getting married. Check out 1997 Best Hospitals Cardiology and Texas Heart Institute for help on George Agnew's medical problems and 1997 Best Hospitals. CIO

Note 09/25/97 Thursday 7:40 AM EDT:GBA, my stepfather having heart surgery this afternoon up in Maine. CIO

Note 09/25/97 Thursday 4:30 AM EDT: Yesterday I went out in the morning. Around 9 AM at yesterday's high tide, a fisherman pulled in two 15 pound blue fish off the pier on Steamboat Road. I noticed the Watson's flag was flying. There are two baby swans with the pair of swans in the harbor. I went by the library and read the four computer press newsweeklys that I read every week. I went downtown and lots of people were out and about. I drove down to the water again and enjoyed the view from the bottom of Steamboat Road. I came back to the apartment at noon. I did some decorating organizing. I changed the square table in front of the couch for the smaller end table to use as a coffee table. I put the square table at the end of the couch. I also did a major change switching the smaller mahogany desk from the bedroom into the living room and putting the danish modern desk in the bedroom where the bedroom bureau was and putting the bureau where the desk was. Moving this all around took about three hours. There is more room now in the living room. I put the mouse pad to the left of the computer on a small mahogany table in front of a stereo speaker and moved the fruitwood table next to the Queen Anne chair. I also moved some pictures around. The overall effect is more comfortable and looks better. I also put one of the oil filled radiators out in the living room to take the chill out at night. I will take the air conditioner out in a week or two. The roof on the building is about done, but they still have to do the brick work on the chimneys. I had a dinner guest down for dinner at 5 PM and had boneless breast of chicken Florintine, Pasta Fresh, and Frozen Brocolli. I went to bed at 8 PM, and got up at 4 AM this morning. At the moment the internet is not working properly. I linked the NASA Shuttle page from the top of my homepage. I will surf the net this morning, if it works. I will listen to broadcast once it is posted. I chatted with a fellow from Australia yesterday morning about technology. He mentioned that the Summer Olympics in three years will be held in September down there since the reverse seasons apply in the southern hemisphere. Greenwich seems to have a rush of people into town around noon time which keeps it busy right up until late evening. I have an appointment downtown at 3 PM this afternoon. CIO

Note 09/24/97 Wednesday 8:00 AM EDT: The house in Redding, Connecticut is $1,600,000 on 35 acres with 2000 foot road frontage all on one level about 5000 square feet. I saw lots of people going to work this morning. I noticed 9 or 10 winged director chairs in the dumpster at the Greenwich Harbor Inn that two fellows were taking just as I left. The yacht "Mercedes" is from Georgetown, Cayman Islands. There have been a large number of yachts at the Greenwich Harbor Inn from the Cayman Islands the past two summers. Half dozen fishermen on the end of Steamboat Road. I noticed someone that looked like a prominent European monarch in the lobby of the Greenwich Harbor Inn, but it might have been a look alike. "Non Hablo Hispanlo". The El Nino is suppose to be messing up the world's weather. Tropical storms in the Gulf of Mexico are suppose to be less. Also it was 45 degrees F. here this morning. I will float around a bit this morning and take a nap this morning, and try to get on a day schedule tomorrow. I have a dinner guest this evening. Town seems a little bit busier in the day time. CIO

Note 09/24/97 Wednesday 4:00 AM EDT: I went out and mailed letter at West Putnam Avenue Post Office. The box in the lobby is picked up at 6 AM. I drove down Steamboat Road and noticed the Grey Volvo Wagon is down there with a fisherman on the pier. I noticed at the Greenwich Harbor Inn, they have a fast sleek yacht called the "Mercedes" about a 120 feet long. It looks like the modern configuration like a Cigarette Racing Boat Yacht, and is probably very fast. I was not able to see its port of origin. I noticed the Greenwich Police Front Desk was not lit up this morning. The Grand Union is not open until 5:30 AM. I filled up my car with $12.75 gasoline at the Shell Station on West Putnam Avenue. Richard is on duty there as usual. Tuesday night and Wednesday morning are probably the slowest time of the week. I might chat on the net this AM and have one of Tony's Pizzas at 6 AM. I will then probably go out. CIO

Note 09/24/97 Wednesday 1:00 AM EDT: Up at midnight. A friend in real estate TILGHMAN and FROST Real Estate, Wilton, Connecticut; United States of America, contact Richard Van Marter, 800-999-3366 called to tell me he is listing a $2 million dollar house on 30 acres in Redding, Connecticut. Yesterday I bought a German hand coffee grinder at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop for $2.50. The ELDC thrift shop had an antique rope bed for $60. The Mews thrift shop had Windsor chairs for $30 apiece. Needless to say I have no room in my apartment for more items. There is a new consignment shop next to ELDC with lots of antiques. Check Greenwich, Connecticut Thrift Shops. I also went by the Arnold Bakery outlet on Railroad Avenue in Byram and got four loaves of "Healthnut Bread" for $2.59, a 75 percent saving. I noticed Frederick Supper's house in Belle Haven is still under construction across from the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and the Watson's flag was not flying today. I saw on local television that a young kid in the Danbury area caught a two and half pound Parana in the resevoir. I also noticed someone that looked like a Brazilian friend of mine, but he has not contacted me if he is in the area. Retired gentleman was out walking his Bijan. The Greenwich library parking lot is scheduled to be finished on October 6, 1997; however they have already asphalted most of it, so maybe it will be ready sooner. Once construction begins on the new library people will have to use the auditorium elevator to enter the library, check Greenwich, Connecticut Library. I will write a letter this morning and go out briefly. I guess I will be out in the morning this morning. I deleted Microsoft Money 98 preview since it is time expired. I have 160 meg hard disk space. CIO

Note 09/23/97 Tuesday 8:45 AM EDT:Check out Cassini: Voyage to Saturn

Note 09/23/97 Tuesday 4:45 AM EDT: I finished lunch. I had my coffee downtown in front of the senior center out of my trusty thermos. I noticed the baby black and white skunk was still prowling around downtown around the southwest corner of the senior center across from Starbucks. The all night artist was at work. I noticed yesterday that the Watson's flag was flying in Belle Haven, so she must be back. I noticed at the Grand Union yesterday morning, that Tropicana Orange Juice and Grapefruit Juice half gallons were $1.39 limit four, Quaker oatmeal 99cents, Betty Crocker cake mix 79 cents, Betty Crocker frosting 99 cents. I enjoy Tony's deep dish frozen pizza for a snack at night which costs $2.50. They are still working on the roof on my building and they will have to do the chimneys next. They are still working on the front entrance drainage. I need to have the timing checked on my car, but that can wait until the first of the month. As usual on Monday night and Tuesday morning, Greenwich is quiet per norm. I noticed the YMCA leaves a lot of high voltage lights on inside at night. I watched President Clinton's speech at the United Nations yesterday morning on CNN. I wander how he determined the $750 billion figure for the illegal drug activity figure unless somebody he knows has an accurate count. It would seem hard to determine. I wonder what the net value of the legitimate pharmacutical market is then. I also noticed a Burguny Izusu this AM with a West Point sticker. The Shell station is open all night as usual. There sounds to be a bit of truck traffic on the turnpike. Two different gray Volvos were spotted this evening on the bottom of Steamboat Road enjoying the view and fishing this AM. It is cool in the evening and early AM about 60 degrees F. Well enjoy your day folks. CIO

Note 09/23/97 Tuesday 2:45 AM EDT: I slept most of the afternoon and early evening yesterday. In the later evening I went out and it was very quiet. One baby skunk walking up Greenwich Avenue in front of Saks. I recommend downloading the demo of MS Money 98 and checking it out. I noticed MS Investor Portfolio evaluated my demo portfolio wrong yesterday saying it was up $1,822.49 when in fact the portfolio value says it was down over $5,000. Time to cook lunch. CIO

Note 09/22/97 Monday 4:00 AM EDT: Last evening I had a relaxing day sleeping most of the day and then cleaning my apartment and watering the plants. I noticed in Clairinet News they are having the 50th Aniversary Party for the QE II at sea. I will relax for the rest of this morning.