Note:<888>9/21/98 Monday 6:25 P.M. EDT: I finished cleaning the apartment and watering the plants. I still have to do laundry and shower and clean up. I chatted with my new ISP in California , and I will not have the new site accessible until Internic logs on the new name. I can't access it through the IP address since, they use the Netscape server which has multiple accounts on the same IP address. The new California West Coast, San Jose, California address for Scott's site will be which should be working in two or three days. I will be able to upload the files to the site tonight though, although they will not be accessible until the domain name is active. I will have to fix any cgi scripts once the site is active. Well have a good evening, I have been watching the weather channel on Channel 54 here, and I will watch the ABC evening news at 6:30 P.M.. I updated Scott's Index also. CIO
Note:<888>9/21/98 Monday 4:40 P.M. EDT: Weather Underground: Tropical Weather CIO
Note:<888>9/21/98 Monday 4:35 P.M. EDT:FEMA Hurricane Watches and Warnings . I was up at 10:30 A.M. and watched President Clinton's United Nations Speech. I had breakfast of Cheerios, Toast, Orange Juice, Vitamins, and Coffee. I went back to bed until 2:30 P.M.. I started house cleaning. I checked with the California ISP, they said they would email me the IP address. I checked with my Florida site, and they said they would upgrade me today to 50 megs in the next 24 hours. I will go back to housecleaning shortly. With the Clinton Starr Report information and video released today, the internet is very slow, and it is hard to get the weather links working off my Tropical Weather page . CIO
Note:<888>9/21/98 Monday 3:00 A.M. EDT: I finished a bit of web surfing, I noticed in
ef20802564da002d9e0f/f017f572240ae5638025668100412f77?OpenDocument, Buckingham Palace Press Release, November 11, 1998 that Queen Elizabeth II is going to pay a visit to Paris on November 11, 1998 to unveil a statue of Winston Churchill there and also visit Belgium the same day. Well I have finished my daily internet routine. Well if you are fortunate enough to own Microsoft Office 97, there is an update to it at Software downloads for Windows 95/98/NT. New 32-bit Apps at Stroud's CWSApps List . Well give my best to the VIPs and other visitors, while I pursue my housework tomorrow. Words to the wise, "Don't even begin to think you are pulling the wool over my eyes, I have seen it all before." If you are interested in what is happening with my site, check my stats at . CIO
Note:<888>9/21/98 Monday 1:25 A.M. EDT: I went out at 11 P.M.. I drove down by Steamboat Road, and there was a State Department License Plate parked by the General Reinsurance Building. I drove down to the pier at the end. I returned to the center of Greenwich Avenue, and parked. I walked the lower end of Greenwich Avenue. I walked up to the top and I heard vintage Beatles Music coming from the band at the Dome Restaurant. I sat on the bench at the top of the Avenue at the Post Road. I observed two Haddasic Jews walking down Lafayette Place with a mother and a young baby in a baby carriage. They have a school up in Bedford. They look a bit like the Amish. I sat on the bench for a half hour. I noticed a black and white Tuxedo Cat, you know black cat with white belly and and white paws and white stripe on forehead crossing Layfayette Place and going into the First Presbyterian Church property. While on Steamboat Road, I observed a lot of vintage circa 1950s Ford Automobiles some from Michigan with other vehicles that seem to be part of some sort of rally. They all seemed to be partying a bit. While back to the bench at the top of the Avenue, I noticed the fire department head out on a mission. I noticed the old Talbots store at Lafayette Place is for rent, since they moved down to the Avenue. I noticed a few midnight cruisers. I returned back down to the center of the Avenue. I observed two young gals and a fellow say the music at the Dome was lousy. I heard different version of older Beatles music being played at the Dome by a young band as I walked by. I returned to the Center of Greenwich Avenue by the Senior Center, and observed our observer down from Bridgeport is still camping out. I suppose their karma in always camping out keeps it from raining, like Arabs praying to the sun. I suppose if the hurricane comes up here, it might get a little wet. I noticed on the hurricane Georges report that if it is suppose to head towards San Juan about 5 P.M. today. I got to thinking it might hit St. Croix before and possibly damage the Aramerada Hess refinery which refines lots of Venzuelan Crude Oil which the United States has been consuming in large quanities recently. If the Hess Refinery were hit, it would possibly cause a significant decrease in the United States oil sources. I verified this with an oil expert down in Texas. I suppose hurricane activity in the Carribean can cause significant problems with the Gulf of Mexico platforms as well. Well I drove back down Steamboat Road and observed a interracial couple making out in front of the Jenkins building, but possibly one of them was just tanned. I noticed Police on patrol investigating the general area, and that they are maintaining the usual patrols in the area. I returned home and made a seltzer water, angostora bitters, and orange juice drink. I filed this report. I will do a little light net cruising this morning. While out I observed somebody walking on Milbank Avenue that looked like somebody I know from Brazil. Well maybe the coffee barons are converging on the town and brought this hot weather. It was warm and sultry out, and overcast and humid. Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>9/20/98 Sunday 10:05 P.M. EDT: I took a nap yesterday afternoon until 6:30 P.M. when the phone rang and woke me up, but nobody was there. I watched the NBC evening news. Around 7:30 P.M. I had cooked and eaten a 20 oz. Stauffer's Lasagna. I had a house guest arrive about 8:30 P.M.. We went out downtown, and he got a steak sandwich at Maneros butcher which is open until 10 P.M. on Saturday night. We sat down on Steamboat Road while he ate it, and listened to vintage music coming from the Indian Harbor Yacht Club. We then went by the Grand Union and I bought two frozen petit peas at $1.09 each for $2.18, 2 GU frozen Green Beans .50 each for $1, a Stauffer's frozen 20 oz. Lasagna for $2.99, GU whole milk half gallon $1.67, GU 2% milk half gallon $1.67, a 2 pound bag of onions $1.99, a Tony's four cheese pizza $3.39 for a total of $14.89. We returned home and watched a little television until 11 P.M.. I got up at midnight and logged onto123 BizWeb ISP California $13 Special and signed up for a year's internet site on the west coast in San Jose, California for $154.50. The order should be processed tomorrow. I will thus be able to reduce my internet site extra charges in Florida, by having unlimited transfer time in California. I will also have a site that faces out from the other side of the Continent to make access from Asia and Australia easier. I will also have a backup site in case either site ever goes down. Since I was being charged about $5 to $7 extra transfer fees amonth on the Florida site, and the California site is $13, it will only cost me about $6 or $7 more a month. I will have 50 megs storage, just as the same as the Florida site, and I will try to have the site up and running tomorrow once I recieve the information from the site provider. I went back to bed and got up at 7 A.M.. I fixed breakfast for my houseguest, and got a tired spell and went back to bed until noon. I chatted with a family member, and they told me the minister in Maine is very down on President Clinton's misconduct, and should be interviewed on CNN. I went out at 1 P.M. with my houseguest who had gone over to the skating rink and watched them ice skating. Speaking of Cold, I got a post card from a Danish pen pal, who was up 200 miles north of the Artic circle in Finland with his family on vacation up there. It is already fall up there, and the trees are changing. I went downtown with my houseguest, and we stopped by Maneros butchers again and each got steak sandwiches and beverages. We sat on the harbor on the steps of the General Reinsurrance building overlooking the harbor watching the boats, and listening to the music coming from the Greenwich Harbor Festival. There seemed to be a large crowd at the Greenwich Harbor Festival. We then drove over to Tod's Point, and walked the entire walk around Tod's Point, and sat in the Southwest Picnic area, viewing the harbor on a overcast day. There was plenty of wind, so there were lots of sailboats out on the Sound. We started to return home and on Sound Beach Avenue, they had called an ambulence for a female bicycler whom was hurt in a bicycle accident. I assume she is all right. I rested at home until 6 P.M. We then went out for a drive down by the water and stopped by CVS on Greenwich Avenue. I bought a jar of Cinnamon for .99, 6 CVS air fresheners for $3.57 total, and two Gilette deoderant sticks for $2.98, with .39 Connecticut sales tax for $7.82 total. I returned home and starred cooking dinner of baked sirloin center cut porks chops with chopped garlic and herbs and wine, baked potatoe, baked onion, petit peas, and ice tea. I made up a batch of while cooking dinner. After dinner I fixed coffee for my houseguest and made Capacinno for myself. We watched a bit of CBS 60 minutes. My houseguest left about 9:30 P.M. and I filed this report. Well have a good evening. I suppose I might be uploading the files tomorrow, while the internet is busy with the Starr video of President Clinton. He is suppose to be speaking at the United Nations tomorrow, and I believe Prime Minister Blair of England is also due there. Well enjoy you evening. I will do house cleaning and water the plants and laundry when I get up tomorrow whenever that is. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:20 P.M. EDT: I finished my email and web surfing, it is time to take a nap. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:15 P.M. EDT: I updated my Greenwich, Connecticut or Cable and Wireless Internet Access page. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:05 P.M. EDT: Cable and Wireless took over MCI Internet Access on 9/14/98.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red128\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \uc1\pard\cf1\ulnone\f0\fs20 On September 14 1998, Cable & Wireless officially acquired MCI's\par Internet service business. As an MCI Internet customer, your service\par has been automatically transitioned to Cable & Wireless, a world-leading\par provider of integrated telecommunications services. We want to welcome\par you to Cable & Wireless and assure you that we are committed to satisfying\par your Internet needs today and in the future.\par \par Over the next few days we will be contacting you regarding your Internet\par service. In the meantime, please visit our new Internet home page at\par \cf2\ul\cf1\ulnone .\par }
I added to my dialer setup the two new Cable and Wireless Telephone Numbers in Stamford, Connecticut and White Plains, New York.
Stamford, Connecticut Cable and Wireless Internet Access (203) 326-3600
White Plains, New York Cable and Wireless Internet Access 914) 397-8200
The old MCI numbers still work because they are the same as the New Cable and Wireless Numbers, so All You Really Need to Do is Rename Your Icons.
See Cable and Wireless Local Access Number Search Results
Also they offer more competitive long distance rates than MCI. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:10 P.M. EDT:The Industry Standard: IBM Envisions Net Services in Cars, Airplanes CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:00 P.M. EDT: HOTSPOTS -University of Hawaii CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:55 P.M. EDT:Court TV Online - Clinton in Crisis CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:50 P.M. EDT: Clinton Video Tesimony Site on Monday RealGuide: Presidency In Crisis CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:50 P.M. EDT:
Exxon Corp (XON)
EXXON CORP. said its production of oil and gas in the
Gulf of Mexico had not been disrupted by a tropical depression
brewing in the central Gulf. It said its inshore production
facilities and its Baton Rouge refinery were also operating
normally. (Reuters 12:31 PM ET 09/18/98)
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:35 P.M. EDT:Special $13 a month Special Internet Site in California. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:20 P.M. EDT: NRL Satellite Photo goes8_images/trop_atlantic_vis/LATEST.jpeg tropics Hurricane Georges is on the satellite map at this link. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:10 P.M. EDT: Also various Aviation Groups life commerical carriers and the United States Air Force should consider evacuating to safe havens until this hurricane has passed. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:00 P.M. EDT: Georges, Now Major Hurricane, Races For Caribbean . Well the French are sending Hurricane Relief supplies down to the Carribean in anticipation of major storm damage on some of their islands. I guess we might get people like Lowell Weicker fleeing from south of the Virgin Islands where he hides out, and possibly surfacing in Greenwich where he also lives. He might be very tan, and people might not recognize him. He once told me last summer around August he has a house south of the Virgin Islands. If he is living down there some of the time, possibly other residents of Greenwich might be down there also. Well it is a category 3 storm, and will probably increase to a category 4 storm. I suppose the hazzards of Carribean Property ownership are readily apparent. I guess they shoud secure Reese's Liquor Store in St. Thomas, The World's Largest Liquor store servicing cruise ships with duty free liquor. I once talked to Mike at Marriott Corporations' Carribean Resort Operations, and he has been through this before. Also Club Med personnel living in Lotus Land Reality might be in for a rude change of reality. I also think the Happy Campers on St. Johns in the Virgin Islands should think about folding up their tents along with Caneel Bay Plantation. I suppose the Armarada Hess Refinery in St. Croix might be threatened. Also Offshore Oil Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico might be threatened. More than likely Low Lying areas of Florida or the Gulf of Mexico might be threatened. I would advise residents in those areas, to be prepared to evacuate in a couple days as the Hurricane moves north. Possibly places of refuge would be the Orlando, Florida Disney World complex which has lots of hotel space and is on the interior of Florida. Anyone considering coming up north to this area for evacuation this time of year, we're still having warm comfortable weather for this time of year, but the area tends to be expensive. Any volonteer coastal observers should consider taking shelter in case of major storm activity. I know of John Prince in St. Johns at the Marina, and he has experience with this sort of Hurricane. I suppose a few people on boats in the Carribean are looking for safe ports to sail into. I would advise sailing away from the storm to the nearest port of call, and not to sail towards the storm, even if there is a nearer landfall. Be prepared with emergency kits and contact with the Coast Guard, in case you have to evacuate of be rescued. I suppose off the top of my head, the safest port might be Jamaica, since they might have a larger protected harbor, that is based off second sight off the top of my head. I don't know. I suppose Burt's Bar down in Barbados might be a convenient place for a Hurricane party, since it is south of the Hurricane. Any homeless kids down on the beach in Florida might consider taking refuge at the Bahia Mar Yacht Basin in Fort Lauderdale, Florida which has an experienced group of sailors use to dealing with homeless coastal observers. If you have time you could hitchhike to Disney World and sleep in in the game room of the Disney Hotel. I know of a group of Seminole Indians on the Reservation at the Truck Stop West of Fort Lauderdale whom run a 24 dinner and might offer refuge to stranded homeless hurricane refugees. The Homestead, Florida Rest Area on the Florida Interstate is a fairly secure facility. One can always seek shelter in a community center, school, salvation army, red cross facility, or other emergency facility in the state of Florida. If any of these season's hurricane hit down in Florida, you don't want to be stuck outside. In an emergency seek higher ground and shelter away from would be debris blowing around in high winds. I suppose if you are rich, you could abandon port, and fly up north for shelter. I suppose a church might could be a good refuge since they tend to be solid structures. Well I don't have the answer, I am doing this from second sight. I suppose one could also fly down south in South America, south of the hurricane, if one has access to air transportation. The United States Carribean Command should send all its ships out to sea along with the British Navy or any other Navies in the area. I suppose any resort visitors and personnel should consider evacuating their locations. I suppose the Carribean Red Cross should be in touch with the other various Red Cross organizations to be prepared for the impending emergency hurricane situation. I suppose the Rocks should secure their home on St. Barts and the Watson's should secure their home in Antiqua. The British Montserrat force should consider taking refuge on high ground in Antigua. Keep and eye out of any hippie type surfers in remote beach areas, that might know that a hurricane is heading into the area. Well I suppose you can also watch the native birds and wildlife to see how they are reacting and to see if they are moving towards shelter. If the Pelicans disappear, you might consider takng shelter too. Well we will continue to follow the hurricane activity down south, but I assume people are adequately prepared. Well the broadcast is over, so have a good weekend. Il y'a beaucoup des personnes a de Carribean, qui parle de Francais, aussi. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 1:20 P.M. EDT: I was up at 11:30 A.M.. I had Cherrios, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and Capaccino for breakfast. I am listening to to last weekend's Weekendeer broadcast from from Australia. They are talking about the Australian Internet activity, and mentioned some information on preparation for the Sydney, Australia Olympics in the Year 2000. Well I have about another 45 minutes to go, and then I will clean up and go out about 2:30 P.M.. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 5:30 A.M. EDT: Of course there is another major league conspiracy going on today, that a few people in town have been informed about this week. This weekend in Roger Scherman Baldwin park down by the Harbor with all the Goose Shit droppings, they're having the United Way Harbor Festival. Anyone is invited for a modest donation of $25 or $20 earlier if you buy your tickets ahead of time. Of course if you know the waterfront area well, anyone knows it is easy to sneak in by walking around down by the Ferry dock and entering by the Greenwich Police Harbor Patrol Dock. Thus I suppose a number of local bigwigs and other community types and families and citizens will be there enjoying themselves during the next two days. Beware of any terrrorists dressed like clowns. I would imagine that for $25 one gets to have some sort of fun. I can't afford it, and quite frankly I generally let the bigwigs in town do their own thing while I sit back and be private as usual. If you see any suspicious characters down at the United Way Party, we could setup a mock jail and arrest them and keep them in the jail until they call up somebody for bail. I have also seen Americares personnel lurking around the Island Beach Ferry Dock area last time I took the ferry on Sunday, but I am not sure whether the Island Beach Ferry is still running. Well enjoy yourselves today. I am going to rest. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:40 A.M. EDT: It is my personal point of view that all this nonsense about whom politicians sleep with is all totally irrelavant, since politicians for thousands of years have been like Traveling Salesmen or Sailors with a ship in every port. The real story that should be looked into is what they're doing with the taxpayers money. I also think the stockmarket is not being properly regulated, and the SEC oversite is not being properly regulated. The real important story to the millions of stockholders whom have major or second homes in Florida and the southeast and Gulf Coasts is the current hurricane season . Well that is my personal point of view. Much to do about nothing, except what is important, if you think like a life guard, you try to help out the most people, not pay attention to a bunch of egotists who are trying to distract the general public attentions away from what might happen during the coming hurricane season. I am not saying ethics are not important, I am just saying the general group of people not involved in politics but whom are the voters, probably have a higher morality, since they lead less complicated lifes and have less associations. Well back to the net. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:25 A.M. EDT: I am printing out a copy of the Governor's email, and my HP500+ printer does not work, it still leaves a blank white area down the center of the page, the cartridge might be going; so I am using the the NEC printer to print it out. Also I think the Camel Lights cigarettes I am smoking recently, might have chemicals in them that are causing irritation compared to the Merit Ultra Lites. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 4:15 A.M. EDT: I recieved a letter from Governor Roland of Connecticut's Aid in reply to the heating subsidy in my building. Below is a copy. CIO
Dear Mr. Scott,
Thank you for your e-mail letter to Governor Rowland, which has been\par referred to me for action and response. I have checked with Pamela Yates, resident manager, and learned that the utility bill allowance in McKinney Terrace, currently $93 per month, is being reevaluated and may be raised by the end of the year. I hope this will be of help to you.
Sincerely, Nancy Ahern, Constituent Services, Governor's Office
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:50 A.M. EDT: Technology News from Wired News, IBM Wearable PC . I copied this file group to my hard drive for reference. CIO
Pop your Windows 98 installation CD in your CD-ROM drive, click Browse this CD, and navigate your way to the tools\reskit\help folder. Double-click rk98book.chm and start reading! (It's set up the same as the regular Windows 98 Help--navigate your way through topics in the left pane; read them on the right.)
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:15 A.M. EDT: IBM Garlic CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 3:10 A.M. EDT: Political News from Wired News Child Protection Internet Legislation CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:10 A.M. EDT: This what government research is doing to monitor volcanic and forest fire activity GOES 8/10 Hotspot Images: Monitoring Lava Flows and Fires Around the World the World CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 3:00 A.M. EDT: Tired of shopping in Thrift Shops, well Welcome to Brooks Brothers , of course if they're too expensive and you're heading up towards Maine, there is a Brooks Brothers outlet in Kittery, Maine; and I believe another one in Freeport, Maine where prices are up to 75% off the big city prices. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 2:40 A.M. EDT:Hurricane Georges Aims For Eastern Caribbean , Well it looks like it might be time to batten down the hatches in the Carribean and Florida again. I hope Scott's Internet site in Deerfield Beach, Florida survives any hurricane activity. You have to remember on a limited budget, I can't afford the $13 a month backup site in San Jose, California which does not seem to be available anymore at Index of / . Perhaps the Chinese are practicing their own form of psychological warfare, since they have a cleaver hand in this technology. I have a feeling there is more to the mischief in the area than meets the eye. It is funny how whenever things go wrong in the area, the entire Asian community seems to disapper, as if they were informed ahead of time or were involved and tried to get out of the way. Well I suppose we will have to wait for the next bit of nonsense, as any veteran New Yorker, we get use to these events all the time, and I suppose the dayshift will come up with diplomatic explanations which is usually a pile of BS. Beware of chemists who are up to mischief. Yes the United States of America has phamacutical laws unlike other countries like Spain. From what I can tell, you can't get blood from a stone, so don't try and do in the volonteers or the whole show will go down like the Titanic. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 1:55 A.M. EDT: Point of view from Greenwich, Connnecticut to any mischief makers in the area. The truth about Greenwich, Connecticut from many years of experience, is that over 80 percent of the population of the town, probably spend over 80 percent of their free time reading, and with the internet, there is much more to read. For the uninformed or workers from other areas, you better try reading more to know what goes on. I doubt if anybody whom has known me most of my life, would say anything else, we were trained to read as much as possible, and at the moment I am focusing on current events and mostly technology information. Well any idiots with a keyboard who have not done their homework, I advise you to start catching up on your reading. There are hundreds of millions of books in the world, so the local library is only a small token of the vast literary heritage in the world. I suppose once you get tired of reading what is available there and on the internet, you can always travel; but from experience Greenwich is as good as it gets. If you get tired of reading tech on the internet, try reading some ordinary recreational fiction. It would be fun for some enterprizing merchant marine seaman to post logs of days at sea onto the internet if that were possible. I remember as a kid in the pre computer days, I use to enjoy reading sea novels, a lot of which were written by writers traveling on freighters to avoid the high cost of passenger steamers. One of our local senior writers who knows French frequently takes Freighters instead of traveling on Passenger ships. Well I don't have the answer, but things seem calmer locally at the moment. CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 1:20 A.M. EDT: Rainy night down on the strip in Fort Lauderdale, Florida Bermuda Triangle [WebCam 1] CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 1:15 A.M. EDT: Atlantic Hurricane Tropical Formation Area, Thanks to Nottingham University CIO
Note:<888>9/19/98 Saturday 1:10 A.M. EDT:Forever Fishing for those of you who want to goof off from work and go fishing. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 11:45 P.M. EDT: I took a long nap until 11:30 P.M. and had a peanut butter sandwich and Ramen noodles and diet Sprite with apple juice. I will have some coffee shortly and do a little net surfing. Perhaps the whole community is suffering from Iroquit poisoning which is common around the swampy areas of North America. Well maybe they all just watch too much television or spend too much time glued to their internet monitors. Maybe they have all been massively hypnotized by some super magician. Well it all waits to be seen some day in the future. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 5:05 P.M. EDT: I updated Scott's Index . Well let the cow chips fall where they may lie, and give my best to Baby Face Nelson and the gang. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 4:30 P.M. EDT: I chatted with Daniel down at ValueWeb again, and he said it would be 24 hours before I have 50 megs of disk space. I deleted the Starr Report Text file and the Queen Elizabeth Christmas Speech and the long bookmark until I can reupload them again once I get the extra space. Daniel at told me that they have emergency backup plans in readiness in case Deerfield Beach, Florida should be hit by a hurricane anytime. Well I got these messages up, so I can continue my work. Have a good afternoon, I need to cleanup and go out sometime soon. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 3:20 P.M. EDT: We have had ample evidence of the Russian Mafia working this area in the last five to ten years, really ever since Thomas Watson became Jimmy Carter's ambassador to Russia. One interesting incident revealed in yesterday's Greenwich Times is that Putnam Trust Bank of New York opened a safety deposit box yesterday in its bank vault on Mason Street that had not been paid for in 15 months, and they found a vial of Cyanide like that is used for killing people in the safety deposit box. This matter has been turned over for investigation. It would seem that persons unknown in the area are seeking to do in various former or present residents of the community through various subterfuge in the area. It does not surprize me considering the large number of people who constantly lurk in the town and take jobs here, in order to perpetrate other activities. If any individuals or groups of individuals are found to be part of a conspiracy here against the establishment, I am sure they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the United States Law Code of Criminal Justice. It would seem that so called alien groups of visitors constantly visiting and lurking in the area are up to mischief and have probably been involved in such mischief for extensive periods of time, and that since they have been constantly successful; they have continued this pattern of activity. I would advise area residents to drink out of sealed containers, and be careful when accepting food or drink from strangers or in public facilites and to make sure that food or drink purchased in public places like Grocery stores or other places like restaurants has not been tampered with. It would seem to me that there is an orchestrated conspiracy against certain parties within the town, owing to either political or financial activities in other parts of the world, that has come back to haunt the long term residents of the town. Thus beware of Greeks baring gifts and anyone whom interjects themselves into your daily routine, whom might seek to cause problems. Well I know this is New York, but it reminds me of the old story of, "The Jews Poisoning the Wells" in biblical history. Well it will be interesting to see if the local media pursues the story, or continue to be part of a public relations coverup in this area. As far as I am concerned, I would take all the United Nations personnel and foreign diplomats and other resident foreigners and pack them off to the Geneva headquarters where they could continue their subterfuge without bothering the local population. We also have had reports of Iranians in the area involved in heroin drug dealing which was common amongst that immigrant group of people down in South Florida years ago. Well this is all rumour and not substanciated, but it gives investigators material to work with and provides them with leads on where to start investigating. I will post this group of messages once the server is up and working in Florida. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 2:40 P.M. EDT: Well when the shit hits the fan in your office, try Shit Central CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 2:10 P.M. EDT: I checked with ValueWeb my internet service provider, and they said they would give me another 25 megs. free space, for a total 50 megs server space, on my site down in Florida. Their telephone numbers are:
I Chatted with Daniel down there from Aurora, Illinois and he told me they have over 100 people working there. He told me if you call them up, and are an existing account holder, they will give you the extra 25 megs space. I explained they have an excellent site down there easily open to access to the South American, African, and Middle East market access not to mention the growing sunbelt. Well let's hope the new free space opens up soon. CIO
Note:<888>9/18/98 Friday 1:25 P.M. EDT: I took a day off from the computer. On Wednesday I stayed inside all day. I watched a little news on television and thought for a while. I was to bed on Thursday morning about 6 A.M. and I got up at 11:45 A.M.. I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York. I went downtown and bought 3 by 2 get one free of Camel Lites at the Newstand at the botttom left of Greenwich Avenue. I went by the Hospital Thrift shop and toured the shop. I stopped by CVS and spent $36.05 on vitamins. I bought garlic pills, B50, B12, Zinc, E400, C, and CVS Multiple Spectrasite. I walked across the street and spent $7.95 on 500 Mg. Niacimide. I then made my 3 P.M. appointment. I stopped by the local library and the local paper. A local attorney advised me that Andrew Rockefeller was selling some of his property on the 1500 acre estate off Glenville Road. I think it would be great for Bill Gates to buy the entire property and turn it into a Microsoft Office Park. He could probably buy it for around $100 million dollars. I went to the Grand Union in Glenville and bought a gallon of goldfish crackers for $5.29 and a package at $2.99 a pound of sirloin porkchops for $2.50 for a total of $7.79. I returned home and a visitor had arrived and let himself in. He was totally lost in CNBC and the television wonderland of news. He said George Bush the III had confessed to using lots of Marijuna and alcohol when younger, so if he runs for president it will already be public knowlege. I commented that we're trying to raise a professional group of young professionals here, and I did not think it right for young people to abuse drugs and alcohol, as I puffed on another cigarette. The visitor lives mostly in the country with the wildlife, so television tends to be his reality. He bought a 1990 Toyota 4 wheel drive Wagon with 46,000 miles from Peabody's for $6,900 for his sister in Vermont. He had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles three times yesterday in Norwalk to get its papers to be driven up to Vermont, so he was quite exaserbated. He is looking at a 1989 White Volvo Wagon with 65,000 miles on it at Peabody's for himself for $7,900 that has not sold in a year, but he still wants to shop around. I thought it was a good deal, but he is thinking about waiting a couple of weeks, and if it is still there, he might consider it. George Peabody usually keeps a good stock of used cars in his garage on Church Street downtown. George told me one of his favorite jogging points is over at Potanico Hills in North Terrytown, New York where they have the beautiful state park that the Rocks gave to the state. He must have known them over the years, since he has one of the original Exxon garages in Greenwich. I bought my first used Volvo from him back around 1973, and shortly there after all the Arab oil was turned off coming to America. Of course back then the Exxon station in back country at the Round Hill store always seemed to have enough gasoline. I guess some Rocks here rule the roost. We have a number of Rock lookalikes in town, so they must have played around a lot over the years living here. Of course a lookalike might not control part of the family fortune. I had to put up with my visitor watching lots of television. He asked me to check on Amtrack comings and goings from Vermont, so he could return after delivering the car. I checked later and Amtrack leaves from Essex Junction and Burlington, Vermont on September 24 and 26 at 8:30 A.M. and arrives at Stamford, Connecticut at 4:58 P.M. for a one way fare of $56. Thus it runs fairly regularly, so one would have to call 1-800-872-7245 for Amtrack and find out the specific time for a specific day, and make a reservation for the train. When going north anymore from Burlington to Montreal, I think you have to take a bus the rest of the way, since the corridor was not that profitable, but I do think there is a train that runs out of Manhattan all the way up New York State to Montreal. It is a fun train ride, and the Canadian dollar is about .65 to the U.S. dollar, so there is value up there for visitors. After my house visitor left about 9 P.M., I took a walk downtown and chatted with a partitioner trying to get people to sign a Clinton impeachment partition, and I told him I did not sign anything without reading anything, and I did not have my glasses. I also commented on the Lindburgh Law which forbids kidnapping across Interstate Lines, and thus if a 16 years old fellow drove a 14 year old fellow against his will across the state line to Port Chester, it could legally be Kidnapping. I guess this is the nature of being a borderline neighborhood. I sat in front of the Senior Center and had a smoke and the visiting observer from Bridgeport, Connecticut sleeping on the bench in front of the Veterans Monument for the last six weeks screamed out my name across the street saying she had not seen me in a while, which is not the general Greenwich decorum. I also saw a young skinny blond fellow who is in his 30s but looks much younger named Billy that I had not seen in quite a long time. I guess he has been traveling again. He does look like a kid although I think he is over 40. I returned home and sat up until 3:30 A.M. and went to bed and got up at noon today. I had scrambled eggs, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and Capacinno for breakfast. I was thinking that although I am a loyal Republican, the democrats should look into whom some of the Republicans have been sleeping with down in Washington D.C., it might make for interesting news. Obviously some cleaver investigators know quite a bit more than what is being seen on the local news. I suppose if the full list of Whom the Washington Politicians fool around with were made available, not one of them would be able to be elected Dog Catcher for a long time. I bet some cleaver investigative group has that list, and they will probably release it over the internet soon. Well so much for family values on this side of the pond. I will do a little net work this afternoon, so have a good day. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:55 P.M. EDT: Other Words to the Wise, "Don't Get Involved in Other People's Family Disputes, or They Will All Turn Against You" and your only refuge will be with the Queen of England's people if you speak English, or with the Sultan of Brunei if you like staying warm. Thus I treat Greenwich like the U.S. Navy, "Don't Make Waves". Got the message. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:55 P.M. EDT: Words to the Wise, You go against the Boss whomever that may be, and you won't even be able to get a job on an offshore oil platform up in Prudoe Bay, Alaska. Latest reports from Texas are that Low Grade Crude Oil is going for less than $8.50 a barrel, somebody is making a bit of a markup on the sale of energy. Save your fuel now to stay warm in the winter. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:50 P.M. EDT: If any Rocks are still in charge anymore, this Microsoft TerraServer Full Resolution Image Page Rock House is where they're officially in residence in this area, when they are not visiting their hundreds of other homes around the world, got the picture. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:45 P.M. EDT: Gallery picture from Bill Clinton's private collection. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:45 P.M. EDT: Only reference in Alta Vista to "Nelson Rockefeller Art" .
du Plessix, Francine. "Anatomy of a Collector: Nelson Rockefeller." Art in America (April 1965) pp. 27-46.
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:35 P.M. EDT:Nelson Rockefeller gives the finger CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 6:30 P.M. EDT:AltaVista: Simple Query \Nelson Rockefeller\ food for thought. A relative in San Antonio, Texas told me on Sunday there is a new Nelson Aldridge Rockefeller Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas. I guess since he speaks Spanish he decided to fund an Hispanic Art Museum. Well That's All Folks, I will look for its internet site. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 4:40 P.M. EDT: I took a nap from 1 P.M. to about 3 P.M.. I checked out a number of sites linked from Welcome to and looked at one interesting site RAND which is know for paying people to think and brainstorm. However when I showed up at their headquarters the day Ronald Reagan was elected president while I was out in California around Santa Monica, I was surprized that the key ring to the entire building with about 200 keys were hanging from the front door, and the entire facility was deserted, and anyone could roam around the deserted building which did not seem to have any activity going on it as far as I could tell. I guess it was an eccentric whim of some government beureacrat to house underemployed west coast intellectuals during times of prosperity. Well I guess they shifted with the political fortunes of the country. I guess they enjoyed getting paid for living at the beach. Well back to internet wondering. See how the French Underground has been wiped out Welcome to Links , of course they are well known for liking the sun in France, so maybe they all headed for warmer ports of call. I also noticed all the Warez gaming sites, now seem to be professional porn sites, sort of shows how they target children. Scott's Index was up a bit today. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 12:40 P.M. EDT: Well I finished sifting through my email. It is time for lunch and to clean up, before possibly going outside. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 11:40 A.M. EDT: I updated some links of my Great Britain Category . Well enjoy the day. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 9:40 A.M. EDT: I was up at 8:45 A.M. and had breakfast of scrambled egges, bacon, toast, orange juice, vitamins, and cappacino. I listened to a bit of CNN while having breakfast. I am listening to while I do my daily work. It is fun being on a day schedule. Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>9/16/98 Wednesday 12:35 A.M. EDT: I went by the local library at 8:30 P.M. this evening and returned "Running Windows 98". I read the local paper. It is a bit warm and sultry out this evening with a smoggy haze in the air. I walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue, and it seemed to be a quiet evening. I returned home about 10 P.M. and watched a television show called "Maximum Bob" that had a funny picture of an Aligator in a Swimming Pool at the end. At 11 P.M. I surfed the internet, and went through some internesting links The British Monarchy, The British Monarchy, Windsor Castle Restoration, Britain in the USA , Britain in the USA: The Duke of York visits Boston , Queen Elizabeth II 1997 Christmas Broadcast , Britain in the USA: British Connections , British Magazines Direct - The Home of Great British Magazines! , Buckingham Palace Press Releases , Buckingham Palace PRESS RELEASE MENU , Central Office of Information , NewsNow: Quality news headlines updated every five minutes, every day - C . This evening while I was out I noticed a couple of classic rum running cabin cruisers moored at the Greenwich Harbor Inn. I believe these vintage cruisers were what were used in the old days of prohibition for rum running on the Great Lakes or the Detroit River from Windsor, Canada to Detroit or visa versa depending on what cargo they were hauling. Well Prohibition is over and my house guest last night enjoyed three Rocky Mountain Coors beers for refreshment after a hot day putting up the family swimming pool. Well enough gossip from the quiet side of town. I heard a few people speaking either Dutch or German, it was hard to tell. Hope all is well on the far side of the planet. I should go to bed or I will be back on a night schedule again. CIO
Note:<888>9/15/98 Tuesday 8:30 P.M. EDT: I slept from 2 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. today. I made a backup of my computer system which took about 3 hours, and deleted some unnecessary files, I happened to find stored on the system. I had dinner of ham, brocolli, Ramen noodles, ice tea, and Capacinno. I watched the ABC evening news. I updated Scott's Index .Well I am off to return the "Running Windows 98" book to the library. Have a good evening. CIO
Note:<888>9/15/98 Tuesday 1:50 P.M. EDT: Well I worked all morning putting together a new broadcast Scott's Internet Hotlist Broadcast . I discovered while looking at Great Britain Scott's Internet Hotlist that the Queen Elizabeth II 1997 Christmas Broadcast page did not work. I changed the name of the plugin file from *.rpm to *.rm and discovered that it played real time with the Microsoft Media Player installed on my Win98 system. I tinkered most of the morning with the Real G2 beta 1 and Real 5.0 encoders to find out they did not produce a file that worked with the Microsoft Media Player. I then remembered I had encoded the Queen Elizabeth Broadcast with the Download RealAudio RealEncoder 3.1 that I use to use last winter. I tried encoding the same type file with the RealAudio RealEncoder 3.1 for my broadcast and indeed it did work fine. I am able to post one file now that works on my broadcast page with both the Microsoft Media Player and any RealPlayer, but with the RealPlayer one needs to download the entire file, before listening to it. Well a bit of tinkering and something old and new, and I have a viable broadcast page. I had some mixed nuts and ice tea for lunch. This morning with my houseguest, I had Cheerios, toast, orange juice, vitamins, and coffee before he departed. I recieved a free copy of Mecklermedia "Internet World", "A Special Reort" in the mail this noon, which I will read some time soon. Well I still have to clean up and make my bed, before maybe going out in a little while. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>9/15/98 Tuesday 8:15 A.M. EDT: I also put tuna fish in with the salad last night. My visitor left about 7:30 P.M. after dinner. I had another house guest show up about 9:30 P.M. and we chatted until midnight on random topics. I got him up at 7 A.M. this morning, and he departed at 8 A.M. this morning. I also chatted with a family member on tech support items last evening while waiting for my houseguest to show up. Well another hot day in store for us today in Greenwich. I will do some internet work, and then maybe go out later in the day. Well have a good morning. CIO