Michael Louis Scott's Notes September 2021

09/30/21 Thursday 11:55 P.M..  More www.nantucket.net news https://www.greenwichtime.com/food/article/Review-A-Nantucket-brewery-brings-beachy-vibes-16499301.php?src=gthplifestyle CIO

!!!!!! 09/30/21 Thursday 11:55 P.M..  More about our new neighboring building to come https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Greenwich-Communities-proposes-52-units-of-16499891.php?src=gthpdesecp CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 11:50 P.M..  With the Dutch, one of the most important routines on can do is water the apartment plants, which I just did.  CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 10:40 P.M..   KLM https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=ebe84cbb270d3a267d4920500292726164244dfa5c21510ae02cbee930b34c63501d1434d7226fcc9b626bc0dd45e526afd9f877cc86583782cf698dc9a80e824aab2e7d96f17edb982c263f81565d3a

? https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-58757354 about multiple facebook accounts and local senator from Connecticut

fake old map at www.yale.edu  https://www.foxnews.com/us/yale-says-its-controversial-vinland-map-is-a-fake

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/30/21 Thursday 9:20 P.M..   My new neighbors to come at https://greenwichfreepress.com/news/government/pz-watch-tough-questions-posed-for-greenwich-housing-authoritys-52-unit-vinci-gardens-167667/

My 2005 Volvo XC 70 is also in the news story.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 9:00 P.M..   By comparison a new similar computer is $530 https://www.staples.com/hp-pavilion-tp01-1016-desktop-computer-intel-i5-8gb-ram-1tb-hdd-9ee16aa-aba/product_24442338?ci_sku=24442338&KPID=24442338&cid=PS:GS:SBD:PLA:Tech&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzoaRsYCo8wIVjbjICh0vywkdEAQYAiABEgK0vfD_BwE

I chatted with a relative.  CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 7:50 P.M..  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.heinz.com mayonnaise on them, and I added 8 slices of Hillshire Farms black forest ham and four slices of Pepper Jack cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays sour cream and onion potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 7:00 P.M..  I am listening to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.. 

The final current configuration of the second www.hp.com backup computer is: 

HP Elite 800 G tower computer https://www.ebay.com/itm/294400271558?ViewItem=&item=294400271558 and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03808397 for $40 and $27.15 shipping and $4.26 tax for $71.41 total

https://www.amazon.com/PNY-CS900-240GB-Internal-Solid/dp/B0719D9YL7/ref=sxts_rp_s1_0?crid=MHPA6LXUBFJ0&cv_ct_cx=pny+ssd+240gb&dchild=1&keywords=pny+ssd+240gb&pd_rd_i=B0719D9YL7&pd_rd_r=d1ca8436-7d01-4a7c-ad4e-56ad2b68270a&pd_rd_w=uUkw6&pd_rd_wg=Qa4te&pf_rd_p=60f680d5-2ef4-438b-a860-68ff8dd70684&pf_rd_r=HZRRHQ7X2MH0F6NGASSH&psc=1&qid=1632507490&sprefix=PNY+SSD%2Caps%2C199&sr=1-1-2a7ba1aa-1291-4447-a5e4-5bbe384024ef PNY 240 GB SSD drive $33

https://www.ebay.com/itm/161797779672?hash=item25abe630d8%3Ag%3AMWcAAOSwB09YGQ%7Ex&LH_ItemCondition=1500%7C1000 backup internal 500 GB IDE drive for $20.88 and $1.33 tax for $22.21 total

https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=12EF7CPDLKGDX&dchild=1&keywords=video+display+to+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632502145&sprefix=video+display+to+hdmi%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzT0Y2NFJYVUlRU0o3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDEyNzk2REdLVVQwWUpJTU1PJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNDYwNTYyWU5aWFVUTzcwQzFCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $8.16 display adapter to HDMI adapter

https://www.amazon.com/Benfei-Straight-Locking-Compatible-Driver/dp/B07JFQ2H9R/ref=sxin_23?asc_contentid=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&asc_contenttype=article&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&creativeASIN=B07JFQ2H9R&cv_ct_cx=sata+power+cable&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source-pecos-desktop&dchild=1&keywords=sata+power+cable&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07JFQ2H9R&pd_rd_r=48c3feb6-0498-47ae-b4b0-efdd07794727&pd_rd_w=C1zAs&pd_rd_wg=WxuhZ&pf_rd_p=05ad5af5-c700-4e1b-92d5-aeafaae3e0ed&pf_rd_r=677S91YH7JERX2QQEQC7&qid=1632449785&sr=1-2-c26ac7f6-b43f-4741-a772-17cad7536576&tag=pcmagcontent-20 for $0 total SATA power cable, not needed

PCI Express Video Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/154300936643?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3D87e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D144053471622%26itm%3D154300936643%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb%26brand%3DDell&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A15430093664387e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACANApv2qY5zdg1OzJHpiuv7ExBH%252FPc%252B8IRwfaijJz30sQF10WK15SClkKw9k7K622IMOwkOaLoNdw3QQLrfD70T8n8FrtGlO%252Bvj3A%252BQ0LwGJckBLWr%252Bz7OibADdf%252BeM5%252FIN4psvH7D6NHPFufMFzMIX1l0aZpzEkIAENaFW2wVkcG%252FpYOjitvpert2FXW1Pj9wD%252FejgzszEoHu46Vdoftanv2iwu%252FxPaEYWyz5MrCB1GUZctd%252FfTvPx1FxutWOaMTuwYtA94tHSW05L9vH0JWkBorecf4o1cHP%252FHyLCuvFFbMaez1t2qNcdYnqHkMLMvaNI8u7%252Bo9EOyvmhyxjSO0a0snWLkd7ZUQDSpXiuUCKAkqHZFCqBrCFXD%252BkZYlJZ1YsyPIgN6XatoTnunv%252FavbAI4vyBfdl43pefrbmSY9jq%252F4m7CnhjoWZfe%252F7OedW%252BJAqRHmk5QTDRmeZsZ0VcublSvYcMcKUWvFpSjVQRiUv9HOlLsa3MtpmHpUKQLN4nQHkxk6bFxTljw0Lesrz0hHY53W9qW9%252BQhm6zBz4kg2yAAbBYBBkU1cif4TrxSHkOkyKrVAZZ3asB8SBURStEZkj%252BlaReJV2cVyoTe0Ji7QRdO7ZkoRo79ta5M402H3HbM42b4t1XjqnrVpdP0iODqO%252BRFACsNkEw1ZE4HuTzYnadOn%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 for $12.49 and .79 tax for $13.28 total. 

PCI Express 16 LAN card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003CFATNI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $14.99 and .95 tax for $15.94 total.

PCI Express 16 Sound Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/231412765233?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3Da5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D373665838553%26itm%3D231412765233%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A231412765233a5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACAOMr9gYauw0yLfmKMfdgh9g5jjzJ7z5ZEvLNAeBFRarbA2HMJaIG37jTqejJIT97NnXcVPKH6%252BNLMCcxMdZ0YXjzMjd6Y6u9s1fhmxVhn7RlItQZ8SvqU1lO%252BK0LWOrBeFhdnqTG8oLQA6A5UxIKqb4eB2kImE2AvDFoVcLGLDFPs%252FK7%252BbEtEPMobMHobFKN9jAXPE%252BDXXI1e%252FhYNWiAzyAvSnZJW2YN%252BLQvHVh0YRKEYlsmMM%252FcUTHZIbqpqRUZB0lqe%252BbHN7OVLdhphWC%252F1wCy82ou8UYPwBklzsE7Znbpko%252FRbKWthfq1X8brVG7PJrYFVMApYByUG6RDlP5qZXG5%252BsHRLlavM1TlburianT7tcSrmpfICJ07lldjFRuqMN0o%252By%252BktBCjzqZXLfRWPXN54WuOSU0SI%252BgQUTXdHbFvBZu%252B4lEDbuPFVZrHOB%252FmNPZExo7fCpgcWrs45qHYQyI2GEup4hkbCso3c6b8LOKxrK5OrkgBkgAZqP7vM%252BVCP4y9HEAqpfPpfUv3ilXN%252BfSv5QqC4UfiTR%252BfMFEXuGKwCwsoHdJ2lBJalcYrH49lZw0FDntYvYLbMb50ODVf4jpRzbH%252Foz9x49vvOmnQKrsQ5dIvjKG3uV8D4l%252FkhUF7KYhnNifVmq1dwmqrMh2RISU7QJKWmT%252B9RZxW1Nro2lYm%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675&epid=1839728810 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total  

Windows 10 Product Key https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-professional-original-genuine-lifetime-activation-key-2/?variant=692&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Y-_saPA8gIVC7fICh2LZwYaEAYYBCABEgIgtvD_BwE for $7.95 and Office 2019 Product Key https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-pro-plus-32-64-bit-lifetime-genuine-key-3/ for $8.95 and $2.02 tax for $18.92 total, less $9 since I did not need the Windows 10 product key

https://www.ebay.com/itm/154612212747?hash=item23ff9b240b:g:9cMAAOSwK5ZhQggm Hauppauge USB TV stick for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.26

https://hauppauge.com/pages/webstore2/webstore_wintv10.html $13 Hauppauge WinTV 10

USB extension cable $6 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XUSKVK?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details

one year license to Norton 360 Internet Security $5

usb web cam $10

Adata 64 GB USB Pen Drive $6.81

Power Cord $9

HDMI Cable $5

2032 Cmos battery $2

https://www.amazon.com/ELUTENG-Expansion-Controller-Individual-Compatible/dp/B07W82SV3V/ref=dp_fod_1?pd_rd_i=B07W82SV3V&psc=1 PCIe USB card for $13.99 and .89 tax for $14.88 total

Total:  $283.88


09/30/21 Thursday 6:20 P.M..  I went out to my 1 P.M. appointment.  I was told I should eat more chicken and less processed microwave foods.  I then went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I then walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area.  I toured the www.apple.com store.  I chatted with the https://richards.mitchellstores.com/ store.  I sat out some more.  I then went to the Acme grocery store.  They gave me a refund of $8.78 on the root beer purchase last night.  It is supposed to be buy two get two free.  I then bought buy two get one free of 12 packs of 12 ounce Fresca for $16.38 all three plus $1.80 can deposit and $1.04 tax for $19.22 total.  I then returned home.  I put away the soda.  I went outside, and I put the little folding cart in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688006174224060 for https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Compleats-Spaghetti-Sauce-Ounce/dp/B0111Y7QR8/ref=pd_yo_rr_rp_1/137-8973541-9894413?pd_rd_w=VxyGq&pf_rd_p=4c4324b3-86bc-411c-beb6-0e6674cf3f7d&pf_rd_r=WGHXPYHV776X4877A27K&pd_rd_r=de446a3e-3d28-4fa8-aba6-8fb065246884&pd_rd_wg=rjwc1&pd_rd_i=B0111Y7QR8&psc=1 for $13.51 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card and for https://www.amazon.com/Ethernet-Connectors-Shielded-Internet-ethernet/dp/B0925GNGJC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=DGK0WNHPSWCX&dchild=1&keywords=25+foot+lan+cable&qid=1632803293&sprefix=25+foot+LAN+%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-4 for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total arrived.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400111202530467229990 for PCI Express 16 Sound Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/231412765233?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3Da5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D373665838553%26itm%3D231412765233%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A231412765233a5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACAOMr9gYauw0yLfmKMfdgh9g5jjzJ7z5ZEvLNAeBFRarbA2HMJaIG37jTqejJIT97NnXcVPKH6%252BNLMCcxMdZ0YXjzMjd6Y6u9s1fhmxVhn7RlItQZ8SvqU1lO%252BK0LWOrBeFhdnqTG8oLQA6A5UxIKqb4eB2kImE2AvDFoVcLGLDFPs%252FK7%252BbEtEPMobMHobFKN9jAXPE%252BDXXI1e%252FhYNWiAzyAvSnZJW2YN%252BLQvHVh0YRKEYlsmMM%252FcUTHZIbqpqRUZB0lqe%252BbHN7OVLdhphWC%252F1wCy82ou8UYPwBklzsE7Znbpko%252FRbKWthfq1X8brVG7PJrYFVMApYByUG6RDlP5qZXG5%252BsHRLlavM1TlburianT7tcSrmpfICJ07lldjFRuqMN0o%252By%252BktBCjzqZXLfRWPXN54WuOSU0SI%252BgQUTXdHbFvBZu%252B4lEDbuPFVZrHOB%252FmNPZExo7fCpgcWrs45qHYQyI2GEup4hkbCso3c6b8LOKxrK5OrkgBkgAZqP7vM%252BVCP4y9HEAqpfPpfUv3ilXN%252BfSv5QqC4UfiTR%252BfMFEXuGKwCwsoHdJ2lBJalcYrH49lZw0FDntYvYLbMb50ODVf4jpRzbH%252Foz9x49vvOmnQKrsQ5dIvjKG3uV8D4l%252FkhUF7KYhnNifVmq1dwmqrMh2RISU7QJKWmT%252B9RZxW1Nro2lYm%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675&epid=1839728810 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total arrived.  I put the Hormel meals with the other Hormels underneath the mahogany table at the entrance.  I put the LAN cable with the other cables underneath the oak dining table.  I installed the Sound Card in the www.hp.com second backup computer, and it worked plug and play.  I also put $5 more on my www.skype.com account.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-29/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-29/  CIO 

09/30/21 Thursday 12:05 P.M..  I will now head out to my 1 P.M. appointment.  CIO 

09/30/21 Thursday 11:15 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  The order with tracking number of "61299990465420073425" at www.fedex.com for two dress shirts in 17.5 36 https://www.josbank.com/p/1905-collection-slim-fit-button-down-collar-check-repreve-dress-shirt-big-tall-clearance?channel=affiliates&brand=JAB&publisher=Slickdeals+LLC&offer_name=1%25+Baseline-+Temporary&utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=generic&utm_campaign=default&ranMID=38377&ranEAID=lw9MynSeamY&ranSiteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&mid=38377&siteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&LSNSUBSITE=Omitted_lw9MynSeamY for $2.99 each and .38 tax for $6.36 total arrived.  I will go outside again.  I will then shower and clean up. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-28/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-28/ CIO

09/30/21 Thursday 10:10 A.M..  I woke up, and I ate some seasoned UTZ Pub snack mix.  I finally woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

09/30/21 Thursday 12:05 A.M..  I have a 1 P.M. appointment today Thursday, so I will shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 11:35 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 11:10 P.M..  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.heinz.com mayonnaise on them, and I added 8 slices of Hillshire Farms black forest ham and four slices of Pepper Jack cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 10:40 P.M..  I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  However, they did not have any Fresca.  Nobody was on Greenwich Avenue celebrating St. Mikey's Day either.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and they did not have any Fresca either.  I bought two 12 packs of 12 ounce A&W root beer Zero Sugar for $7.19 each and $1.20 can deposit, two 10 ounce Lays sour cream and onion potato chips and one salt and vinegar for $2.99 each, buy one get one free of 9 ounce Healthy Choice honey ham slices for $6 both, two 8 ounce Sargento Swiss cheese slices for $2.99 each, and a 48 ounce Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk for $4.99 and .98 tax for $43.40 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I put the green bag and cart back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 8:10 P.M..  I went outside, and I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400111899561989680426 for PCI Express Video Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/154300936643?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3D87e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D144053471622%26itm%3D154300936643%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb%26brand%3DDell&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A15430093664387e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACANApv2qY5zdg1OzJHpiuv7ExBH%252FPc%252B8IRwfaijJz30sQF10WK15SClkKw9k7K622IMOwkOaLoNdw3QQLrfD70T8n8FrtGlO%252Bvj3A%252BQ0LwGJckBLWr%252Bz7OibADdf%252BeM5%252FIN4psvH7D6NHPFufMFzMIX1l0aZpzEkIAENaFW2wVkcG%252FpYOjitvpert2FXW1Pj9wD%252FejgzszEoHu46Vdoftanv2iwu%252FxPaEYWyz5MrCB1GUZctd%252FfTvPx1FxutWOaMTuwYtA94tHSW05L9vH0JWkBorecf4o1cHP%252FHyLCuvFFbMaez1t2qNcdYnqHkMLMvaNI8u7%252Bo9EOyvmhyxjSO0a0snWLkd7ZUQDSpXiuUCKAkqHZFCqBrCFXD%252BkZYlJZ1YsyPIgN6XatoTnunv%252FavbAI4vyBfdl43pefrbmSY9jq%252F4m7CnhjoWZfe%252F7OedW%252BJAqRHmk5QTDRmeZsZ0VcublSvYcMcKUWvFpSjVQRiUv9HOlLsa3MtpmHpUKQLN4nQHkxk6bFxTljw0Lesrz0hHY53W9qW9%252BQhm6zBz4kg2yAAbBYBBkU1cif4TrxSHkOkyKrVAZZ3asB8SBURStEZkj%252BlaReJV2cVyoTe0Ji7QRdO7ZkoRo79ta5M402H3HbM42b4t1XjqnrVpdP0iODqO%252BRFACsNkEw1ZE4HuTzYnadOn%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 for $12.49 and .79 tax for $13.28 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400108205498171206072 for a yellow Gator shirt https://www.ebay.com/itm/114969637939?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&mkcid=8&bu=43045220510&osub=bd9d298c73c4c4df1a6ee15931d202e9%257ETE80101_T_AGM&segname=TE80101_T_AGM&crd=20210921100500&ch=osgood&trkId=0A9F73D0-DA8D659A0B0-017BF325D209-0000000000E26697&mesgId=3024&plmtId=700001&recoId=114969637939&recoPos=1&sojTags=osub%3Dosub%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Cch%3Dch%2CtrkId%3DtrkId%2CmesgId%3DmesgId%2CplmtId%3DplmtId%2CrecoId%3DrecoId%2CrecoPos%3DrecoPos%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid for $6 and $4 shipping and .64 tax for $10.64 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688006174695273 for https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Compleats-Turkey-Dressing-Ounce/dp/B001E52XGO/ref=pd_bxgy_1/137-8973541-9894413?pd_rd_w=P82ed&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=5ZB01BX05ZF8TM71W8SB&pd_rd_r=6d6b00a9-796e-476a-9ed3-e734c71be85d&pd_rd_wg=wLeyh&pd_rd_i=B001E52XGO&psc=1 for $8.69 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card and with tracking of https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&loc=en_US&Requester=UPSHome&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&track.x=17&track.y=5&tracknum=92419999985330573075475089/trackdetails for https://www.calendars.com/shop/volcanos-2022-wall-calendar/202200006409 for $14.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/england-2022-wall-calendar/202200003860 for $14.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/natures-wonders-2022-wall-calendar-sv/202200003782 for $9.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/beaches-2022-mini-wall-calendar-sv/202200003778 for $4.99 with coupon code "REVEAL" for $35.96  and $2.28 tax for $38.24 total arrived.  I put the yellow gator shirt in the bedroom closet.  I put the calendars in the center hallway bookcase shelf.  I put the Hormel meals with the other Hormel meals on the lower shelf of the mahogany table at the apartment entrance.  I installed the video card in the second HP backup computer, and it works just fine.  I will now go outside and throw out the shipping boxes and go downtown to Green Witch Avenue. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-27/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-27/  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 6:40 P.M..  used computer $78 without operating system like my HP second backup with less memory though https://www.ebay.com/itm/133884175027?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e13114.m43.l44839&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=2bfde53096c14231831072f1ad26f735&bu=43045220510&exe=99061&ext=233686&logid=nqt%3DAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAACAAAAABAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEA*%26nqc%3DAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAACAAAAABAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEA*%26mdbreftime%3D1632918517914%26es%3D0%26ec%3D6&osub=-1%7E1&crd=20210929053253&segname=13114&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cnqt%3Dnqt%2Cnqc%3Dnqc%2Cmdbreftime%3Dmdbreftime%2Ces%3Des%2Cec%3Dec%2Cexe%3Dexe%2Cext%3Dext%2Cexe%3Dexe%2Cext%3Dext%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/29/21 Wednesday 5:45 P.M..  My report about snipers on the waterfront in the first paragraph http://scott-mike.com/04152100.htm .  When the event in the report happened, I called up Donald Trump, and I told him exactly what happened, and the following week, he moved off the waterfront in Greenwich.  I guess he had one of those devices that tells if one is telling the truth.  I also told the reference librarian at the Greenwich Library and the the Greenwich Police.  I did see a 1954 two tone www.ford.com station wagon from South Carolina with a surf board on the roof, at the Indian Field Road bridge over I-95, so maybe it was somebody from down South with an ax to grind.  A couple of days later at the southwest picnic area at Tod's Point, the "No Clamming" signs with the bullet holes in them were also replaced.  At the time J.F.K. Jr. was a regular jogger at Tod's Point too.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 5:25 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

09/29/21 Wednesday 4:10 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate some seasoned UTZ pub snack mix.  I finally woke up at 3:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I chatted with a relative.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

09/29/21 Wednesday 2:20 A.M..  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a Dannon 5 ounce fruit yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/29/21 Wednesday 1:30 A.M..  Pictures of the current computer setup at the far end of the oak dining table by the televisions.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-26/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-26/  CIO 

09/29/21 Wednesday 12:55 A.M..  Amsterdam photo https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4909903709020953

Expensive Outdoor Movie in back country Greenwich, hope the bear does not show up https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTA5Njk1

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.

!!!!!! It is St. Mike's Day https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Michaelmas/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michaelmas

It also happens to be National Coffee Day for free coffee https://fox4kc.com/news/national-coffee-day-2021-freebies-and-deals-you-dont-want-to-miss/  CIO 

09/28/21 Tuesday 11:35 P.M..  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.heinz.com mayonnaise on them, and I added 8 slices of Hillshire Farms black forest ham and four slices of Pepper Jack cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  On the new Grace Digital Internet radio, it still freezes when listening to some music tracks like the "Hotel California".  I took out the battery, so I can easily unplug it and reset it plugging it back in.  I also put a new USB Lan connector on it, since the original one let the LAN cable slip out.  I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/28/21 Tuesday 10:10 P.M..  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought buy two get one free of 12 packs of 12 ounce www.coke.com Zero Sugar for $7.49 each for two and $1.80 can deposit and $1.10 tax for $17.88 total.  I then used the bathroom across the street at the CFCF coffee shop.  They are now opened later until 7:30 P.M..  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue with lots of people dining Al Fresco.  I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.  This https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2017/10/05/heres-who-owns-the-180-foot-yacht-docked-at-the.html is at the https://delamar.com/ .  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought buy one get one free of Thomas' English muffins for $4.69 both, a 30 ounce Hellmann's olive mayonnaise $5.49, 2 eight ounce Signature parmesan and Romano cheese for $2.99 each, a loaf of Pepperidge Farm whole wheat bread for $2.99, one 8 ounce John Soules beef fajitas for $3.99, one 8 ounce John Soules chicken fajitas for $3.99, 24 ounce of Simply Mashed sour cream and chives mashed potatoes for $3.99, two 4 packs of Signature sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $4.99, buy one get one free of Herr 9 ounce sour cream and onion potato chips for $4.29 both and 5% senior discount on Tuesdays for $1.93 off for $40.66 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I went outside, and I put the green bag and folding cart back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

!!!!!! 09/28/21 Tuesday 6:25 P.M..  I picked up the mail.  There are reports of a bear in the Glenville section of Greenwich.  I will now shower and clean up, and I will go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

09/28/21 Tuesday 5:30 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

09/28/21 Tuesday 3:20 P.M..  I woke up at 9 A.M., and I went outside.  I then slept until 2:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

09/28/21 Tuesday 5:15 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary computer, and I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt, and then I will go to bed.  CIO

09/28/21 Tuesday 3:45 A.M..  I had to reset the new Grace Internet radio by removing its backup battery and unplugging its power cord and then connecting them again, so now it works just fine.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/28/21 Tuesday 2:00 A.M..  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.heinz.com mayonnaise on them, and I added 8 slices of Hillshire Farms black forest ham and four slices of Pepper Jack cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/28/21 Tuesday 1:30 A.M..  I put a new 25 foot LAN cable from one of the always on wireless routers to the new Grace Digital radio along side the left side of the Ethan Allen recliner.  CIO 

09/28/21 Tuesday 12:40 A.M..  When I went out, and I drank my coffee, I also threw out the garbage and put the green bag back in the car. 

I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Ethernet-Connectors-Shielded-Internet-ethernet/dp/B0925GNGJC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=DGK0WNHPSWCX&dchild=1&keywords=25+foot+lan+cable&qid=1632803293&sprefix=25+foot+LAN+%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-4 for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 11:10 P.M..  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I toured the store, and I bought a Anne's croissant for $1.60.  I then drove down to the Board of Education Parking lot, and I ate the croissant at the Veterans monument, and I sat out for a while on a very slow night.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 10.4 box of Stoned Wheat Thins for $4.29, two 9 ounce Atkins chicken Margaritta for $3.50 each, two 9 ounce Hillshire Farms Black Forest ham slices for $3.34 and $3.33, two 8 ounce package of Stop and Shop Pepper Jack cheese for $3 a package, and a 59 ounce Florida Natural Ruby Red grapefruit juice for $2.50 for $26.46 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 9:05 P.M..  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to play the Village Idiot which is all they think locally that dishwasher pot scrubbers from www.nantucket.net can do.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 7:50 P.M..  On the Westinghouse TV monitor at the far end of the Oak dining table, I now have the Cable TV box working on HDMI 1, the first HP backup computer on HDMI 2, and the second HP backup computer on HDMI 3, and the four desktop computers on VGA.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 7:35 P.M..  I took the Westinghouse 32 inch television monitor, and I installed at the far end of the oak dining table replacing the AOC monitor which I put behind the Apple Imac where the Westinghouse was.  I have both HDMI video cables from the two HP backup computer connected to it.  It also has a third HDMI port which I connected a Cable Box HDMI to, but it does not work at the moment.  I also have the VGA switch boxes connected to it on its VGA port.  Thus the computers at the far end of the oak dining table now have a 32 inch monitor.  On the second HP backup computer, I am doing a Aeomei backup to the second internal hard drive.  The power to both HP backup computers now comes from the control panel.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 6:00 P.M..  I went outside again.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405516901639555854938 for https://www.ebay.com/itm/161797779672?hash=item25abe630d8%3Ag%3AMWcAAOSwB09YGQ%7Ex&LH_ItemCondition=1500%7C1000 backup internal 500 GB IDE drive for $20.88 and $1.33 tax for $22.21 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688006069579264 for https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Splitter-Adapter-Cable-Support/dp/B08JLZWMM4/ref=sr_1_4?crid=5GWCL8TMZ7YT&dchild=1&keywords=dual+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632614143&sprefix=dual+hdmi%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-4 for $10.89 and .69 tax for $11.58 total arrived.  The HDMI splitter adapter did not work on the AOC monitor for connecting both HP backup computers.  I could move the Polaroid TV monitor to that location which has multiple HDMI ports.  I installed the 500 GB SATA hard drive in the second HP backup computer as a second drive.  I am now doing a Windows Complete PC backup to the new second hard drive, and then I will do an Aomei backup to the second hard drive.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-25/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-25/  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 5:00 P.M..  https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/internet-freedom-around-the-world-in-50-stats/

My older Grace Internet radios do not really work anymore, since their server does not work anymore.  I get the last internet radio that I listened to which is http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 4:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank my brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

09/27/21 Monday 3:15 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate some seasoned UTZ pub snacks.  I also ate six stoned wheat thins with slices of white American cheese.  I finally woke up at 2:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

09/27/21 Monday 4:50 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 4:20 A.M..  https://www.giveitlove.com/best-guard-dog-breeds/?utm_source=tb&utm_medium=msn-msn-tb&utm_content=3028979990&utm_campaign=12359279-tb&utm_cpc=h-S5Ey6Bh74DRUQ9R7CK0oNG-otEQL9gIRiAgRPbG-g=&tblci=GiBdRbCqS62ureA-SRHZOtycgFyJUOUY3UamoU_DC2qfoCDzwUoo74mAtYSogJtw&firefox=1 Best Guard Dog Breeds

Dumbest Dog Breeds https://newarena.com/entertainment/ranking-the-25-dumbest-dog-breeds/?amxt=new_pag_dt_2021_inview&utm_campaign=tb_jk_brax_dumb_dog_breeds_dt&utm_source=tb_ae&&utm_term=giveitlovecom&utm_content=The+25+Dumbest+Dog+Breeds+According+To+Pet+Owners&utm_medium=tbdt-new_pag_dt_2021_inview

I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/27/21 Monday 3:50 A.M..   I have Sky News playing off the Amazon cube connected to the Samsung 49 inch television in the living room.  Apparently England is running out of fuel, because truckers are not delivering it from what I can gather https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58701620 CIO

09/27/21 Monday 2:55 A.M..  Nelson Rockefeller used to have a beach house in Bermuda that Fred Von Mierers was designing a beach cabana for.  Friends of my family from Muskegon, Michigan were the United States consulate to Bermuda for over 30 years.  A former relative has a sister who owns the box company that supplies Amazon has a house in Bermuda.  Stewart Mott before he passed away had a house in Bermuda.  The second largest reinsurance company in the world is headquartered out of Bermuda.  Queen Victoria had a daughter that lived in Bermuda.  Jimmy Goslee from a Delaware family had the first company in Bermuda. I visited Bermuda in 1968 for spring break with three Taft classmates Myles McGough, Hunt Collins, and Mac Whiteman, and we stayed with four of Jim Warburg Jr.'s friends from the Middlesex prep school at the Glendon Guest House for $5 a night where we threw "High Tea" parties every day for about three weeks.  Also in Bermuda, I met Waddie Watson from Buffalo, New York who might be related to other Watsons.  I flew to Bermuda from J.F.K. on B.O.A.C. and returned on Pan AM.  I tried dating C. Douglas Dillon's daughter the former Secretary of the Treasury, but she was not interested in me.  We mooched meals from the Gals at the Elbow Beach Club.  I rode a MoPed.  I bought four Trimmingham sweaters for $20 apiece.  My mother and my stepfather tried living in Bermuda around 1980, but then they moved to warmer Vero Beach, Florida.  My stepfather's brother was a member of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club with a house in Bermuda, but he also had a place in Manhattan, Greenwich, Vero Beach, Nantucket, Augusta, and Bequi; so he must have had some people to take care of his places, when he was not there.  He also owned the building across from Whole Foods in Greenwich, so he probably knew something about Bermuda.  On the Fourth of July evening in 1992, I was mugged by somebody from Lloyds of London from Bermuda which made nervous about visiting Manhattan.  The last time I visited Newport, I met an investment banker that had us on his sailboat, and he had won the Newport to Bermuda sail boat race a number of times.  I once bought an old Bermuda print for $15 at the Old Greenwich Rummage Room thrift shop that is supposed to be in the family house in Kennebunkport, Maine.  When I was around Vivian West's house, she seemed to know something about Bermuda.  Benjamin Franklin might have been a British spy making frequent trips to Bermuda to study the Gulf Steam.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/27/21 Monday 1:55 A.M..  Hurricane Sam headed for Bermuda https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at3+shtml/025113.shtml?cone#contents .  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 1:25 A.M..  Pretty much does not exist anymore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DEW_Line_Sites and https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/video/other/distant-early-warning-line-an-environmental-legacy-project.html replaced by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Warning_System , but the Polar Bears up north probably are still not too friendly.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 1:15 A.M..  I went outside again.  A neighbor told me that for the elderly residents at 71 Vinci Drive, a new ice rink in the baseball field where the proposed ice rink would be is too noisy for our residents.  My personal viewpoint is that since the ice rink attracts people from all over town, they should build it on some of the vacant property at the current Greenwich High School which also has quite a bit of available parking.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 12:45 A.M..  Neighborhood Ice Rink plans https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Where-do-the-plans-for-a-new-ice-rink-in-the-west-16486092.php?src=gthpdesecp .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/27/21 Monday 12:30 A.M..  I ate the other half of the London Broil meal prepared the same way.  It does get cold down in Florida in the winter.  Back in the winter of 1977, when I my 1966 Chevrolet Biscayne was towed in Fort Lauderdale for having too many parking tickets at the deserted park near the Swimming Hall of Fame and the Bahia Mar Yacht Club, I went to the local Army Navy store, and I bought a genuine dark green www.army.mil Poncho for about $5 to survive the cold nights outside.  It was not too heavy and was about 12 feet long.  They sell the modern versions here https://www.ebay.com/b/Army-Poncho-In-other-Original-Current-Military-Personal-Field-Gear/36071/bn_7022221310 .  It was warm enough on the freezing nights in Florida, but it did not have a liner, and it did not breath too well with one's body heat.  So much for Southern Hospitality which they probably expect to be repaid up north in some sort of way.  CIO 

09/26/21 Sunday 11:55 P.M..  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Compleats-Turkey-Dressing-Ounce/dp/B001E52XGO/ref=pd_bxgy_1/137-8973541-9894413?pd_rd_w=P82ed&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=5ZB01BX05ZF8TM71W8SB&pd_rd_r=6d6b00a9-796e-476a-9ed3-e734c71be85d&pd_rd_wg=wLeyh&pd_rd_i=B001E52XGO&psc=1 for $8.69 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  I have a $1.35 left on my card which should be enough to buy a piece of fruit or something.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 11:45 P.M..  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Compleats-Spaghetti-Sauce-Ounce/dp/B0111Y7QR8/ref=pd_yo_rr_rp_1/137-8973541-9894413?pd_rd_w=VxyGq&pf_rd_p=4c4324b3-86bc-411c-beb6-0e6674cf3f7d&pf_rd_r=WGHXPYHV776X4877A27K&pd_rd_r=de446a3e-3d28-4fa8-aba6-8fb065246884&pd_rd_wg=rjwc1&pd_rd_i=B0111Y7QR8&psc=1 for $13.51 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 11:35 P.M..  On the HP second backup computer, I uninstalled and reinstalled Norton 360, so it now works.  I fiddled with some of its programs.  It seems to be working fine.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I have one PCI Express 16 slot still available, but I have to wait until I get the other parts to make sure they work.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 9:10 P.M..  This looks interesting, but I am not going to try it https://www.xda-developers.com/install-windows-11-unsupported-pc/ and https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/windows-11-compatibility-the-pc-health-check-app-actually-works-now-heres-how-to-use-it/ and  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-intel-processors and https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11?OCID=pchc_windows_app_omc_win .  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 7:40 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

While I was fiddling around on the left hallway bookcase today, I knocked my Prince of Wales carved smoking pipe on the floor, and it broke in half.  I think I bought it for about $20 from www.pipesandcigars.com over 20 years ago.  I have other smoking pipes though.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 6:25 P.M.  King Arthur https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/rediscovered-medieval-manuscript-offers-new-twist-on-arthurian-legend-180978705/?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210926-weekender&spMailingID=45677061&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2084635030&spReportId=MjA4NDYzNTAzMAS2

Diamonds are forever https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/marie-antoinettes-diamond-bracelets-are-going-up-for-auction-180978723/?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210926-weekender&spMailingID=45677061&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2084635030&spReportId=MjA4NDYzNTAzMAS2 

Coral Gone  https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-planet-has-lost-half-of-coral-reefs-since-1950-180978701/?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210926-weekender&spMailingID=45677061&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2084635030&spReportId=MjA4NDYzNTAzMAS2

https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Building-boom-in-Greenwich-With-projects-planned-16486164.php?t=48f4643d76&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CT_GT_MorningBriefing&sid=5d19d23991d15c62dc5bbcc2 Building Boom in Greenwich

https://news.thewalletwatcher.com/seniors-discounts/ Senior Discounts

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 6:00 P.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out in front of it for two hours contemplating the world of Greenwich Avenue pedestrians.  I chatted with a friend on my wireless telephone.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  On the way home, I splurged, and I stopped by https://www.citarella.com/ , and I bought a container of cooked London Broil and steamed broccoli for $9.99 a pound for $11.09 and .82 tax for $11.91 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I then went back outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I then took half of the meal, and I put it on a microwave proof plate with microwave cover with Smart Balance spread on the broccoli, and I microwaved it for two minutes at 50% power, and I then put some Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce on the London Broil, and I ate it all with a glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  Since it is mostly prepared foods, Citarella does not take the State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 2:25 P.M.   I finished the Aeomei backup on the second HP backup computer.  The power to the second HP backup computer turns on with the power strip behind the AOC monitor as well as the Net Switch.  Also the Netswitch to the right of the primary work computer have to be turned on.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 1:50 P.M.  On the second backup HP computer, I am now doing an Aeomei backup to the 2 TB SATA drive in the external hard drive holder.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 1:20 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  On the second HP backup computer, I took off the VGA video cable.  I hooked up the Display adapter to HDMI adapter with an HDMI cable to the AOC monitor.  I also put in a new 2032 CMOS battery, and I installed the new LAN card.  Thus it now has higher resolution on its video.  I am now doing a Windows Complete PC backup to the new 2 TB SATA drive in the external hard drive holder.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/26/21 Sunday 11:45 A.M.  Before going to bed, I ate a 9 ounce Hormel beef Stroganoff dinner with watered down grapefruit juice.  I woke up in the night, and I ate nine Stoned Wheat Thin crackers with 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch by 3/16th inch slices of Van Kass Dutch smoked gouda cheese.  I woke up at 10:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688006108088836 for PCI Express 16 LAN card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003CFATNI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $14.99 and .95 tax for $15.94 total and for  https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=12EF7CPDLKGDX&dchild=1&keywords=video+display+to+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632502145&sprefix=video+display+to+hdmi%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzT0Y2NFJYVUlRU0o3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDEyNzk2REdLVVQwWUpJTU1PJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNDYwNTYyWU5aWFVUTzcwQzFCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $8.16 and https://www.amazon.com/White-Label-7200RPM-SATA300-Desktop/dp/B00370BQT4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1652T92KV13G8&dchild=1&keywords=ide+hard+drive&qid=1632502322&refinements=p_n_feature_two_browse-bin%3A7817230011&rnid=562234011&s=pc&sprefix=ide+hard%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1 for $39.88 and $3.05 tax for $51.09 total and for https://www.amazon.com/Benfei-Straight-Locking-Compatible-Driver/dp/B07JFQ2H9R/ref=sxin_23?asc_contentid=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&asc_contenttype=article&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&creativeASIN=B07JFQ2H9R&cv_ct_cx=sata+power+cable&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source-pecos-desktop&dchild=1&keywords=sata+power+cable&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07JFQ2H9R&pd_rd_r=48c3feb6-0498-47ae-b4b0-efdd07794727&pd_rd_w=C1zAs&pd_rd_wg=WxuhZ&pf_rd_p=05ad5af5-c700-4e1b-92d5-aeafaae3e0ed&pf_rd_r=677S91YH7JERX2QQEQC7&qid=1632449785&sr=1-2-c26ac7f6-b43f-4741-a772-17cad7536576&tag=pcmagcontent-20 for $7.06 total arrived.  I put the SATA cables in the upper shelf of the bookcase on top of the mahogany bureau in the bedroom.  I put the SATA hard drive in the left hallway bookcase.  I will install the display adapter and LAN card i the second HP Backup computer after breakfast.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-24/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-24/  CIO  


End of Scott's Notes week of 09/25/21

09/25/21 Saturday 8:15 P.M.   To try to play both HP backup computers off the same AOC 27 inch monitor, I ordered https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Splitter-Adapter-Cable-Support/dp/B08JLZWMM4/ref=sr_1_4?crid=5GWCL8TMZ7YT&dchild=1&keywords=dual+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632614143&sprefix=dual+hdmi%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-4 for $10.89 and .69 tax for $11.58 total.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 7:45 P.M.  On the second www.hp.com backup computer, I finished the Aeomei backup to the Seagate 490 GB external hard drive.  The second HP backup computer is good to go.  I will had the other parts, when I receive them. 

09/25/21 Saturday 6:55 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 6:25 P.M.  I rested an hour.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I am now doing an Aeomei backup of the second HP backup computer to the Seagate 490 GB external hard drive.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 4:20 P.M.  I took a 5 ounce can of Bumble Bee tuna, and open it, and I drained it underneath cold water.  I then flaked it with a fork in a bowl, and I seasoned it with Old Bay seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and ground black pepper, and I added two large tablespoons of www.heinz.com mayonnaise, and I mixed it all together.  I then put it on two slices of toasted Pepperidge Farm bread, and I cut it in half.  I ate it with Lays potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 3:30 P.M.  I finished setting up the new second HP backup computer.  It works just fine.  It is basically the same at the HP primary backup computer.  I am now doing a Windows Complete PC backup to the Seagate 490 GB external hard drive.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/25/21 Saturday 1:20 P.M.  The order with tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=2841-4889-0885&trkqual=12022~284148890885~FDEG on the order for HP Elite 800 G tower computer https://www.ebay.com/itm/294400271558?ViewItem=&item=294400271558 and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03808397 for $40 and $27.15 shipping and $4.26 tax for $71.41 total arrived.  I put the PNY 245 GB SSD drive in it.  I set it up connected to its devices on the right side of the chair at the far end of the oak dining table.  I am restoring the Aomei backup to it from the primary HP backup computer.  I went outside, and I threw out the shipping box.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-23/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-23/  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 11:05 A.M.  I went outside twice, and the second time I drank a brewed coffee.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 9:35 A.M.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I threw out the garbage.  CIO

09/25/21 Saturday 8:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate some seasoned Utz pub snacks.  I finally woke up at 7:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

09/25/21 Saturday 1:50 A.M.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel chicken Alfredo meal with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

09/25/21 Saturday 12:55 A.M.  For the second HP backup computer, I got a power cable, a VGA cable, a LAN cable, and a HDMI cable.  I will put it on the right side of the chair at the far end of the oak dining table.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

09/24/21 Friday 11:45 P.M.  I could not fall asleep, so I will go outside again, and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 10:40 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 10:25 P.M.  I am about to eat a 13.3 ounce Boston Market Swedish meatballs with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 9:45 P.M.  First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-x8qw11w1wx?e=d0a721e34a

https://gltrust.org/go-wild/ $300 drive in movie in back country Greenwich

Palm Beach store https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4887172181294106

half price prepared meals https://www.groupon.com/deals/n-factor-meals?p=1&utm_source=newsletter_im&utm_medium=email&t_division=chicago&date=20210923&uu=b0d984ba-1234-11e4-9921-00259060b5be&CID=US&tx=0&s=body&c=button&d=deal-page&utm_campaign=6e53047a-7a0f-4bf0-b230-8826867581c9_0_20210923

Greenwich Country Day School event https://mailchi.mp/74d8d13f04a3/gcds-master-class-with-donovan-mitchell-713615?e=5c2575d00d

Key West butterfly garden https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4890909007587090

half million dollar homes in each state https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4892126524132005

Bulk Scott toilet paper 80 rolls for $40 https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Professional-Recycled-Business-Standard/dp/B008I7TNDW

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 8:20 P.M.  I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

The current configuration of the second www.hp.com backup computer is: 

HP Elite 800 G tower computer https://www.ebay.com/itm/294400271558?ViewItem=&item=294400271558 and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03808397 for $40 and $27.15 shipping and $4.26 tax for $71.41 total

https://www.amazon.com/PNY-CS900-240GB-Internal-Solid/dp/B0719D9YL7/ref=sxts_rp_s1_0?crid=MHPA6LXUBFJ0&cv_ct_cx=pny+ssd+240gb&dchild=1&keywords=pny+ssd+240gb&pd_rd_i=B0719D9YL7&pd_rd_r=d1ca8436-7d01-4a7c-ad4e-56ad2b68270a&pd_rd_w=uUkw6&pd_rd_wg=Qa4te&pf_rd_p=60f680d5-2ef4-438b-a860-68ff8dd70684&pf_rd_r=HZRRHQ7X2MH0F6NGASSH&psc=1&qid=1632507490&sprefix=PNY+SSD%2Caps%2C199&sr=1-1-2a7ba1aa-1291-4447-a5e4-5bbe384024ef PNY 240 GB SSD drive $33

https://www.ebay.com/itm/161797779672?hash=item25abe630d8%3Ag%3AMWcAAOSwB09YGQ%7Ex&LH_ItemCondition=1500%7C1000 backup internal 500 GB IDE drive for $20.88 and $1.33 tax for $22.21 total

https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=12EF7CPDLKGDX&dchild=1&keywords=video+display+to+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632502145&sprefix=video+display+to+hdmi%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzT0Y2NFJYVUlRU0o3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDEyNzk2REdLVVQwWUpJTU1PJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNDYwNTYyWU5aWFVUTzcwQzFCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $8.16 display adapter to HDMI adapter

https://www.amazon.com/Benfei-Straight-Locking-Compatible-Driver/dp/B07JFQ2H9R/ref=sxin_23?asc_contentid=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&asc_contenttype=article&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&creativeASIN=B07JFQ2H9R&cv_ct_cx=sata+power+cable&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source-pecos-desktop&dchild=1&keywords=sata+power+cable&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07JFQ2H9R&pd_rd_r=48c3feb6-0498-47ae-b4b0-efdd07794727&pd_rd_w=C1zAs&pd_rd_wg=WxuhZ&pf_rd_p=05ad5af5-c700-4e1b-92d5-aeafaae3e0ed&pf_rd_r=677S91YH7JERX2QQEQC7&qid=1632449785&sr=1-2-c26ac7f6-b43f-4741-a772-17cad7536576&tag=pcmagcontent-20 for $3 total SATA power cable

PCI Express Video Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/154300936643?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3D87e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D144053471622%26itm%3D154300936643%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb%26brand%3DDell&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A15430093664387e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACANApv2qY5zdg1OzJHpiuv7ExBH%252FPc%252B8IRwfaijJz30sQF10WK15SClkKw9k7K622IMOwkOaLoNdw3QQLrfD70T8n8FrtGlO%252Bvj3A%252BQ0LwGJckBLWr%252Bz7OibADdf%252BeM5%252FIN4psvH7D6NHPFufMFzMIX1l0aZpzEkIAENaFW2wVkcG%252FpYOjitvpert2FXW1Pj9wD%252FejgzszEoHu46Vdoftanv2iwu%252FxPaEYWyz5MrCB1GUZctd%252FfTvPx1FxutWOaMTuwYtA94tHSW05L9vH0JWkBorecf4o1cHP%252FHyLCuvFFbMaez1t2qNcdYnqHkMLMvaNI8u7%252Bo9EOyvmhyxjSO0a0snWLkd7ZUQDSpXiuUCKAkqHZFCqBrCFXD%252BkZYlJZ1YsyPIgN6XatoTnunv%252FavbAI4vyBfdl43pefrbmSY9jq%252F4m7CnhjoWZfe%252F7OedW%252BJAqRHmk5QTDRmeZsZ0VcublSvYcMcKUWvFpSjVQRiUv9HOlLsa3MtpmHpUKQLN4nQHkxk6bFxTljw0Lesrz0hHY53W9qW9%252BQhm6zBz4kg2yAAbBYBBkU1cif4TrxSHkOkyKrVAZZ3asB8SBURStEZkj%252BlaReJV2cVyoTe0Ji7QRdO7ZkoRo79ta5M402H3HbM42b4t1XjqnrVpdP0iODqO%252BRFACsNkEw1ZE4HuTzYnadOn%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 for $12.49 and .79 tax for $13.28 total. 

PCI Express 16 LAN card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003CFATNI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $14.99 and .95 tax for $15.94 total.

PCI Express 16 Sound Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/231412765233?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3Da5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D373665838553%26itm%3D231412765233%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A231412765233a5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACAOMr9gYauw0yLfmKMfdgh9g5jjzJ7z5ZEvLNAeBFRarbA2HMJaIG37jTqejJIT97NnXcVPKH6%252BNLMCcxMdZ0YXjzMjd6Y6u9s1fhmxVhn7RlItQZ8SvqU1lO%252BK0LWOrBeFhdnqTG8oLQA6A5UxIKqb4eB2kImE2AvDFoVcLGLDFPs%252FK7%252BbEtEPMobMHobFKN9jAXPE%252BDXXI1e%252FhYNWiAzyAvSnZJW2YN%252BLQvHVh0YRKEYlsmMM%252FcUTHZIbqpqRUZB0lqe%252BbHN7OVLdhphWC%252F1wCy82ou8UYPwBklzsE7Znbpko%252FRbKWthfq1X8brVG7PJrYFVMApYByUG6RDlP5qZXG5%252BsHRLlavM1TlburianT7tcSrmpfICJ07lldjFRuqMN0o%252By%252BktBCjzqZXLfRWPXN54WuOSU0SI%252BgQUTXdHbFvBZu%252B4lEDbuPFVZrHOB%252FmNPZExo7fCpgcWrs45qHYQyI2GEup4hkbCso3c6b8LOKxrK5OrkgBkgAZqP7vM%252BVCP4y9HEAqpfPpfUv3ilXN%252BfSv5QqC4UfiTR%252BfMFEXuGKwCwsoHdJ2lBJalcYrH49lZw0FDntYvYLbMb50ODVf4jpRzbH%252Foz9x49vvOmnQKrsQ5dIvjKG3uV8D4l%252FkhUF7KYhnNifVmq1dwmqrMh2RISU7QJKWmT%252B9RZxW1Nro2lYm%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675&epid=1839728810 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total  

Windows 10 Product Key https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-professional-original-genuine-lifetime-activation-key-2/?variant=692&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Y-_saPA8gIVC7fICh2LZwYaEAYYBCABEgIgtvD_BwE for $7.95 and Office 2019 Product Key https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-pro-plus-32-64-bit-lifetime-genuine-key-3/ for $8.95 and $2.02 tax for $18.92 total.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/154612212747?hash=item23ff9b240b:g:9cMAAOSwK5ZhQggm for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.26

one year license to Norton 360 Internet Security $5

usb web cam $10

Adata 64 GB USB Pen Drive $6.81

Power Cord $10

HDMI Cable $5

2032 Cmos battery $2

Total:  $263

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 5:50 P.M.  For the second HP backup computer,  I ordered  PCI Express Video Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/154300936643?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3D87e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D144053471622%26itm%3D154300936643%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb%26brand%3DDell&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A15430093664387e1d662d3574c53a97c77c74654bbdd%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACANApv2qY5zdg1OzJHpiuv7ExBH%252FPc%252B8IRwfaijJz30sQF10WK15SClkKw9k7K622IMOwkOaLoNdw3QQLrfD70T8n8FrtGlO%252Bvj3A%252BQ0LwGJckBLWr%252Bz7OibADdf%252BeM5%252FIN4psvH7D6NHPFufMFzMIX1l0aZpzEkIAENaFW2wVkcG%252FpYOjitvpert2FXW1Pj9wD%252FejgzszEoHu46Vdoftanv2iwu%252FxPaEYWyz5MrCB1GUZctd%252FfTvPx1FxutWOaMTuwYtA94tHSW05L9vH0JWkBorecf4o1cHP%252FHyLCuvFFbMaez1t2qNcdYnqHkMLMvaNI8u7%252Bo9EOyvmhyxjSO0a0snWLkd7ZUQDSpXiuUCKAkqHZFCqBrCFXD%252BkZYlJZ1YsyPIgN6XatoTnunv%252FavbAI4vyBfdl43pefrbmSY9jq%252F4m7CnhjoWZfe%252F7OedW%252BJAqRHmk5QTDRmeZsZ0VcublSvYcMcKUWvFpSjVQRiUv9HOlLsa3MtpmHpUKQLN4nQHkxk6bFxTljw0Lesrz0hHY53W9qW9%252BQhm6zBz4kg2yAAbBYBBkU1cif4TrxSHkOkyKrVAZZ3asB8SBURStEZkj%252BlaReJV2cVyoTe0Ji7QRdO7ZkoRo79ta5M402H3HbM42b4t1XjqnrVpdP0iODqO%252BRFACsNkEw1ZE4HuTzYnadOn%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 for $12.49 and .79 tax for $13.28 total. 

I ordered PCI Express 16 LAN card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003CFATNI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $14.99 and .95 tax for $15.94 total.

I ordered  PCI Express 16 Sound Card https://www.ebay.com/itm/231412765233?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234205%26meid%3Da5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D373665838553%26itm%3D231412765233%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWithPLXWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A231412765233a5158a4bfdb04621acd0ae4af0f04fd1%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACAOMr9gYauw0yLfmKMfdgh9g5jjzJ7z5ZEvLNAeBFRarbA2HMJaIG37jTqejJIT97NnXcVPKH6%252BNLMCcxMdZ0YXjzMjd6Y6u9s1fhmxVhn7RlItQZ8SvqU1lO%252BK0LWOrBeFhdnqTG8oLQA6A5UxIKqb4eB2kImE2AvDFoVcLGLDFPs%252FK7%252BbEtEPMobMHobFKN9jAXPE%252BDXXI1e%252FhYNWiAzyAvSnZJW2YN%252BLQvHVh0YRKEYlsmMM%252FcUTHZIbqpqRUZB0lqe%252BbHN7OVLdhphWC%252F1wCy82ou8UYPwBklzsE7Znbpko%252FRbKWthfq1X8brVG7PJrYFVMApYByUG6RDlP5qZXG5%252BsHRLlavM1TlburianT7tcSrmpfICJ07lldjFRuqMN0o%252By%252BktBCjzqZXLfRWPXN54WuOSU0SI%252BgQUTXdHbFvBZu%252B4lEDbuPFVZrHOB%252FmNPZExo7fCpgcWrs45qHYQyI2GEup4hkbCso3c6b8LOKxrK5OrkgBkgAZqP7vM%252BVCP4y9HEAqpfPpfUv3ilXN%252BfSv5QqC4UfiTR%252BfMFEXuGKwCwsoHdJ2lBJalcYrH49lZw0FDntYvYLbMb50ODVf4jpRzbH%252Foz9x49vvOmnQKrsQ5dIvjKG3uV8D4l%252FkhUF7KYhnNifVmq1dwmqrMh2RISU7QJKWmT%252B9RZxW1Nro2lYm%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675&epid=1839728810 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total and .95 tax for $15.94 total. 

I ordered https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-professional-original-genuine-lifetime-activation-key-2/?variant=692&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Y-_saPA8gIVC7fICh2LZwYaEAYYBCABEgIgtvD_BwE for $7.95 and https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-pro-plus-32-64-bit-lifetime-genuine-key-3/ for $8.95 and $2.02 tax for $18.92 total.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

09/24/21 Friday 5:50 P.M.  Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=2841-4889-0885&trkqual=12022~284148890885~FDEG on the order for HP Elite 800 G tower computer https://www.ebay.com/itm/294400271558?ViewItem=&item=294400271558 and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03808397 for $40 and $27.15 shipping and $4.26 tax for $71.41 total.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 5:45 P.M.  I threw out the other gallon of Hydrogen Peroxide.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a couple of hours contemplating the pedestrian traffic on Greenwich Avenue.  I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 2:30 P.M. 

I can not order other slot parts, because I am not exactly sure what type of slots it has.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO 

09/24/21 Friday 2:20 P.M.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400108205498171206072 on the order for  a yellow Gator shirt https://www.ebay.com/itm/114969637939?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&mkcid=8&bu=43045220510&osub=bd9d298c73c4c4df1a6ee15931d202e9%257ETE80101_T_AGM&segname=TE80101_T_AGM&crd=20210921100500&ch=osgood&trkId=0A9F73D0-DA8D659A0B0-017BF325D209-0000000000E26697&mesgId=3024&plmtId=700001&recoId=114969637939&recoPos=1&sojTags=osub%3Dosub%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Cch%3Dch%2CtrkId%3DtrkId%2CmesgId%3DmesgId%2CplmtId%3DplmtId%2CrecoId%3DrecoId%2CrecoPos%3DrecoPos%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid for $6 and $4 shipping and .64 tax for $10.64 total.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 1:20 P.M.  I bought https://www.ebay.com/itm/161797779672?hash=item25abe630d8%3Ag%3AMWcAAOSwB09YGQ%7Ex&LH_ItemCondition=1500%7C1000 for $20.88 and $1.33 tax for $22.21 total.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 1:05 P.M.  I went outside.  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=12EF7CPDLKGDX&dchild=1&keywords=video+display+to+hdmi+adapter&qid=1632502145&sprefix=video+display+to+hdmi%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzT0Y2NFJYVUlRU0o3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDEyNzk2REdLVVQwWUpJTU1PJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNDYwNTYyWU5aWFVUTzcwQzFCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $8.16 and https://www.amazon.com/White-Label-7200RPM-SATA300-Desktop/dp/B00370BQT4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1652T92KV13G8&dchild=1&keywords=ide+hard+drive&qid=1632502322&refinements=p_n_feature_two_browse-bin%3A7817230011&rnid=562234011&s=pc&sprefix=ide+hard%2Caps%2C181&sr=1-1 for $39.88 and $3.05 tax for $51.09 total.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 12:05 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

09/24/21 Friday 11:00 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate some Utz pub mix with seasoning with nine Stoned Wheat Thin crackers with 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch by 3/16th inch slices of Van Kass Dutch smoked gouda cheese.  I finally woke up at 10 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

09/23/21 Thursday 10:30 P.M.  I bought https://www.amazon.com/Benfei-Straight-Locking-Compatible-Driver/dp/B07JFQ2H9R/ref=sxin_23?asc_contentid=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&asc_contenttype=article&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&creativeASIN=B07JFQ2H9R&cv_ct_cx=sata+power+cable&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.98f470f6-c758-4b47-bde9-f3f15cca7d91.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source-pecos-desktop&dchild=1&keywords=sata+power+cable&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07JFQ2H9R&pd_rd_r=48c3feb6-0498-47ae-b4b0-efdd07794727&pd_rd_w=C1zAs&pd_rd_wg=WxuhZ&pf_rd_p=05ad5af5-c700-4e1b-92d5-aeafaae3e0ed&pf_rd_r=677S91YH7JERX2QQEQC7&qid=1632449785&sr=1-2-c26ac7f6-b43f-4741-a772-17cad7536576&tag=pcmagcontent-20 for $7.06 total.   I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 9:55 P.M.  I went outside twice, and the second time, I threw out two old six packs of www.coke.com in bottles.  I also moved the spare nicotine patches from the hallway center book shelf to the Danish end table between the two living room televisions.  I moved the stack of books on the hallway floor to the center bookcase in the hallway. 

I bought HP Elite 800 G tower computer https://www.ebay.com/itm/294400271558?ViewItem=&item=294400271558 and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03808397 for $40 and $27.15 shipping and $4.26 tax for $71.41 total.  Well It costs more here https://www.staples.com/hp-800-g1-tower-desktop-pc-intel-core-i5-processor-8gb-ram-memory-500gb-hard-drive-win-10/product_24343459?ci_sku=24343459&KPID=24343459&cid=PS:GS:SBD:PLA:Tech&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_uKG8r6W8wIVrdSzCh0JowhTEAQYAiABEgIQx_D_BwE .  CIO 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 7:55 P.M.  More Gator news https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2021/09/23/huge-alligator-ate-louisiana-man-after-hurricane-ida-officials-confirm/?sh=49104edc1f58 .  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 7:35 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

09/23/21 Thursday 7:25 P.M.  Low income housing in Norwalk, Connecticut https://soundviewlanding.com/ CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 7:10 P.M.  I went outside, and I threw out two gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide that I had bought for cleaning when Covid 19 broke out.  I kept one gallon.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 5:40 P.M.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688006039082866 for five  Hazelnut skinny syrups https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Hazelnut-25-4-Ounce/dp/B0083PRRAU/ref=sr_1_50?crid=1NPL4NQAB3G99&dchild=1&keywords=skinny+syrups+sugar+free&qid=1632163146&sprefix=skinny+syrups%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-50 for $7.34 each for $36.70 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card and for https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Grill-Roasted-Garlic-Seasoning/dp/B0009P685W?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $9.30 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps Card arrived.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Don't forget to listen to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-22/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-22/ CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 4:50 P.M.  I ate a Simply Asia sesame Teriyaki bowl with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 4:25 P.M.  WiFi Extender $30 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q2WQWT7?tag=pcworld02-20&geniuslink=true



I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 3:40 P.M.  It is nice out on www.nantucket.net after Labor Day https://nantucket.net/webcams/ because the Gulf Stream keeps it a bit warmer.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/23/21 Thursday 3:35 P.M.  For hungry people in this area, www.mcdonalds.com has a bargain this week of two Big Macs, or two Quarter Pounders, or two chicken McNuggets, or two Filet of Fish for $6 and .44 tax for $6.44 total.  I think they will give one a free paper cup for ice water too.  CIO 

09/23/21 Thursday 3:00 P.M.  Early humans in America for 23,000 years https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-58638854 .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 2:40 P.M.  I mixed a 16 ounce container of dry roasted peanuts with a 44 ounce container of Utz Pub snack mix in two seperate Utz Pub snack mix containers.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 1:55 P.M.  $80 Discount jacket https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/510312?qs=3080290_RjWYtCqO0.M-AB0lXNc0A711PGWscT04ZQ&cvosrc=Affiliate.linkshare.RjWYtCqO0*M&qs=3080290_RjWYtCqO0.M-RedDOqCD.yOIKELV1T0N1A&cvosrc=Affiliate.linkshare.RjWYtCqO0*M

I ordered jacket in yellow in 3XL https://www.ador.com/en/p/lsehl-children-s-ski-suit-ski-jacket-ski-pants-for-girls-boys-pink-top-black-pants-146-152_p8772336.html?prm= for $18 with coupon code "CFS" and $1.19 tax for $19.88 total.

Microwave Rice Cooker $6.22 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FCSFTQP/

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 1:10 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

09/23/21 Thursday 12:05 P.M.  I woke up at 11:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya tropical fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

09/23/21 Thursday 12:50 A.M.  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

09/22/21 Wednesday 10:45 P.M.  After the last note, I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought buy one get one free of six packs of Thomas' English muffins for $4.69 both and six 5.3 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurts for .50 each for $7.69 total.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue and down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road and back uptown to Whole Foods on East Putnam Avenue.  I used the bathroom at Whole Foods.  I bought a croissant for $2.50.  I then ate the croissant in the Jaycee Park across the street from www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  At CVS, I then bought two ten packs of Gevelia Majestic K cups for $4.99 each for $9.98 total.  I then drove to www.mcdonalds.com on West Putnam Avenue.  I used the bathroom there.  I bought two Big Macs for $3 each and .44 tax for $6.44 total.  I then ate the Big Macs at a Greenwich Common picnic table.  I then sat out at the Veterans monument.  I then went to Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought $17.09 of self service premium gasoline for $4.099 a gallon for 4.178 gallons at odometer reading of 122,000 miles for 56.7 miles driven since Monday September 13, 2021 for 13.572 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my purchases.  I finished the Aomei backup on the HP backup computer.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filled the K cup drawers.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 7:40 P.M.  I rested until 7 P.M..  I ate some Utz Pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I will now go downtown to scour around.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 5:55 P.M.  I ate a www.cvs.com Gold Emblem macaroni and Alfredo sauce cup with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a couple of tablespoons of Hormel bacon bits with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  On the HP backup computer, I started an Aomei backup to an external hard drive.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 5:10 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688006012133967 for https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079GS4YQS?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ascsubtag=3h5sa1b30xn63ja6lli2ZhIF3ww56Nnv for $17.98 and $1.14 tax for $19.12 total arrived.  I chatted with a friend.  My State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps were raised from $234 to $250 a month.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-21/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-21/ CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 3:50 P.M.  https://www.monacellipress.com/book/sleepy-cat-farm-2/ Greenwich Garden

I bought a yellow Gator shirt https://www.ebay.com/itm/114969637939?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&mkcid=8&bu=43045220510&osub=bd9d298c73c4c4df1a6ee15931d202e9%257ETE80101_T_AGM&segname=TE80101_T_AGM&crd=20210921100500&ch=osgood&trkId=0A9F73D0-DA8D659A0B0-017BF325D209-0000000000E26697&mesgId=3024&plmtId=700001&recoId=114969637939&recoPos=1&sojTags=osub%3Dosub%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Cch%3Dch%2CtrkId%3DtrkId%2CmesgId%3DmesgId%2CplmtId%3DplmtId%2CrecoId%3DrecoId%2CrecoPos%3DrecoPos%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid for $6 and $4 shipping and .64 tax for $10.64 total.

Bulova watches https://manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/web-view?a=WJm5c4&c=01F5EG90R61CJ1ZWYFHJBKPP4J&k=08e4e347bbccb3851342e206a4cf3465&m=SXqUvC&r=DfHwDAc

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 3:10 P.M.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  On the HP backup computer, I am doing a Windows backup to an external hard drive.  I will then do an Aomei backup to the same external hard drive.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 2:00 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate some Utz pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 1:20 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

09/22/21 Wednesday 2:40 A.M.  Another busy day at the O.K. Corral.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.

https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/21/tech/google-manhattan-office-expansion/index.html new Google space in Manhattan  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 1:55 A.M.  I ate two 2 ounce Sandwich Brothers cheeseburgers with a glass of watered down pink grapefruit juice.  Today is another Jewish Holiday https://www.aish.com/jewish-calendar/Jewish_Calendar.html?s=aw&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpofo2vCR8wIVBCM4Ch0I8QpJEAAYASAAEgI5AfD_BwE , so with the large Jewish population in Greenwich not much will be going on again today.  I will now go outside again.  However, Michaelmas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michaelmas is coming up next Wednesday.  It says in the old days in Scotland, one was allowed to steal a horse on Michaelmas.  Michael was the Arch Angel that put down the Devil, but James was the younger brother of Jesus, for those whom did not have Christian educations.  CIO 

09/22/21 Wednesday 12:45 A.M.  Uncle Joe and the P.M. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-58646017

https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-58644980 La Palma Volcano noise 

I chatted with somebody today from https://www.interactivebrokers.com/ , and they told me the markets were in Free Fall, but I guess he was wrong.  Maybe he was talking about markets elsewhere. 

https://www.greenwichtime.com/business/article/Hedge-fund-guru-Ray-Dalio-warns-of-U-S-China-16477011.php?src=gthpdesecp Ray Dalio of https://www.bridgewater.com/ at Greenwich Economic Forum Conference at the https://delamar.com/ Hotel on Steamboat Road in Greenwich

Basically a lot of these new gadgets around me, I do not pay much attention to, however parked right in front of me today at the Jaycee Park was a bright red https://www.tesla.com/ .  What I noticed about it, is that in the center of the dash board they have a big 8 inch by 10 inch touch screen to control its gadgets, but I can not think it would be safe to be looking at the big touch screen while driving.  Nobody responded to my comments.  Highway Safety should be of concern in the national media although it is not business friendly, but if one looks at https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/2020-fatality-data-show-increased-traffic-fatalities-during-pandemic a lot of people die on our roads every year.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/22/21 Wednesday 12:15 A.M.  For my Freshman orientation at www.lfc.edu back in the fall of 1968, we had to read Joseph Heller's "Catch 22" which basically says everyone is crazy.  However, later on at Lake Forest College Joseph Heller showed up and withdrew his daughter from Lake Forest College, when he observed the "Cosmic Circus" going on.  I checked out the laundry room and postal room garbage, but there were no signs of the bagels.  Possibly the bagels that I paid for and put on top of the green bag were pinched by the store security people as I left the store thinking I stole them from the display at the store entrance.  If they fell out of my bag in my parking lot, I think I would have noticed it.  However, a neighbor constantly reminds us older members of the community we have "Senior Moments" whatever that might mean.  CIO 

09/21/21 Tuesday 11:25 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14 ounce Boston Market steak and pasta meal with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO 

09/21/21 Tuesday 10:15 P.M.  After the last note, I drove down to the Jaycee park across from www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  At CVS, I bought three Gold Emblem macaroni Alfredo cups for $3 each and a Gold Emblem macaroni and cheese cup for $3 for $12 total.  I then bought buy one get one 50% off of CVS  125 mg. Vitamin D3 250 count soft gels for $26.49 and $13.24 and CVS 400 mg. odorless garlic  200 tablets for $12.45 and $6.24 for $58.46 total.  I then used the bathroom across the street at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then went back into CVS, and I bought two 12 ounce bags of Gevalia House blend ground coffee for $4.99 each for $9.98 total.  I then contemplated the world from the park a bit more.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I chatted with a friend.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice.  After sunset, I went to the Acme grocery store, and I bought a bag of six Thomas' Everything bagels for $3.49, but somehow I lost them in transporting them back to my apartment.  I also bought two Boston Market 14.5 ounce Swedish meatballs for $2.50 each and two Boston Market 14.5 ounce steak and pasta for $2.50 each, a 59 ounce Simply Orange pink grapefruit juice for $4.39, two 4 packs of Signature sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $4.59 each, a 48 ounce container of Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5 for $32.05 total.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405536895232376247989 on the order for four https://www.pipingrock.com/anti-aging-antioxidants/rna-dna-10010-mg-200-quick-release-capsules-3422 for $18.68 each for $74.72 total and the order with no tracking for video capture USB device https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09G69CKZQ/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A3CX6RAJQGSNCX&ascsubtag=ap5s8t3tj4o1augja6llimxH5sr55OoH with coupon code "808CJ3WJ" for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total arrived.  I then put my purchases away.  I put the green bags back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee.  I then looked around my apartment and outside for the lost bagels to no avail.  I packed them at Acme, so they must have fallen out in the Acme parking lot or in my building.  I then filed this report.  I will now use one of the K cup adapters to make some brewed Gevalia coffee with the ground coffee I bought. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-20/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-20/ CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 2:15 P.M.  I ate a Simply Asia spicy Mongolian noodle bowl with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  I was told by a little bird that www.boeing.com is building the new Air Force Ones in San Antonio, Texas.  I will now go outside.  I will then shower and clean up, and I will go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 1:15 P.M.  This is the Kennedy's Country Club https://www.tcc1882.org/Club/Scripts/Home/home.asp if one wants to invade their privacy.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 12:50 P.M.  The order with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=9241990100111705221797&trkqual=20210916083800~41990100111705221797~FXSP on the order for three large print bibles in Bonded Leather Black https://www.christianbook.com/kjv-personal-size-giant-reference-imitation/9781598562460/pd/562460?event=Bibles|1006015 for $9.99 each and $5.99 shipping and $2.28 tax for $38.24 total arrived. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-19/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-19/ CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 11:35 A.M.  https://www.gcds.net/alumni/reunion Greenwich Country Day Alumni Reunion

I ordered https://www.calendars.com/shop/volcanos-2022-wall-calendar/202200006409 for $14.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/england-2022-wall-calendar/202200003860 for $14.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/natures-wonders-2022-wall-calendar-sv/202200003782 for $9.99 and https://www.calendars.com/shop/beaches-2022-mini-wall-calendar-sv/202200003778 for $4.99 with coupon code "REVEAL" for $35.96  and $2.28 tax for $38.24 total.

Available switched power strip $25 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z8RM4VK?ref=em_1p_1_im&ref_=pe_27541390_605148490

Gstadd https://www.instagram.com/p/CUDDVCdImn0/

Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405536895232376247989 on the order for four https://www.pipingrock.com/anti-aging-antioxidants/rna-dna-10010-mg-200-quick-release-capsules-3422 for $18.68 each for $74.72 total

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 11:00 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I watched the Great White Father speak at the www.un.org .  I threw out the garbage.  CIO

09/21/21 Tuesday 9:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate some UTZ pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 8:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

09/20/21 Monday 9:45 P.M.  This is why I do not like tropical areas https://a-z-animals.com/blog/top-8-largest-crocodiles-ever/ .  Of course in Nordic areas https://a-z-animals.com/blog/discover-the-largest-polar-bear-ever-recorded/ .  Of course if one is near the ocean https://a-z-animals.com/blog/discover-the-largest-great-white-shark-ever-recorded/ .  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO   

09/20/21 Monday 8:50 P.M.  I ate two 2 ounce Angus Brothers cheeseburgers with nine Stoned Wheat Thin crackers with 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch by 3/16th inch slices of Van Kass Dutch smoked gouda cheese with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  The reason some of the local people do not clean up every day is that they are trying to save energy from the environment.  Also by microwaving instead of cooking on a stove, I am probably using a bit less energy.  I had to use the air conditioners this summer, because as a Nordic person, I am use to cooler temperatures.  I think Scotland, England, and the Netherlands of my descent are somewhat Nordic countries.  However, they are also damp besides cool, so I actually feel better when it is very cold, because the extreme cold dries out the dampness, so on twenty degree Fahrenheit days, I feel a bit better with my arthritis.  I will see how it works out this upcoming winter, when we have to activate the "Freezing Norwegian Patrol".  CIO 

09/20/21 Monday 8:15 P.M.  I chatted with a relative and two friends.  On a minor note https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia  and https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/TextView.aspx?data=yield  .  I went outside again.  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 6:25 P.M.  I went downtown to the Jaycee Park across from www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  At CVS, I bought two Gold Emblem macaroni and pesto sauce cups for $3 each and a Anne's croissant for $1.49 for $7.49 total.  I then ate the croissant in the park across the street.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405511108435965506537 for https://www.ebay.com/itm/154612212747?hash=item23ff9b240b:g:9cMAAOSwK5ZhQggm for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.26 and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400108205498139299177 for https://www.ebay.com/p/77198045 for $15 and .95 tax for $15.95 total arrived.  I installed the Hauppauge TV USB stick on the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop computer, and since it was already configured, it works just fine.  I installed the SIIG 7.1 sound card in the HP backup computer, and it installed plug and play, and it works just fine with louder sound.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-18/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-18/  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 3:35 P.M.  I will now go downtown without cleaning up to the remains of the day.  I still think to make Greenwich Avenue more upscale, we need a first class Fish and Chips take out shop.  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 2:50 P.M.  I ate a Simply Asian sesame Teriyaki noodle bowl with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  I ordered five  Hazelnut skinny syrups https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Hazelnut-25-4-Ounce/dp/B0083PRRAU/ref=sr_1_50?crid=1NPL4NQAB3G99&dchild=1&keywords=skinny+syrups+sugar+free&qid=1632163146&sprefix=skinny+syrups%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-50 for $7.34 each for $36.70 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  I will now go outside and have a cup of Twinnings Earle Grey tea with artificial sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO 

09/20/21 Monday 1:55 P.M.  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Grill-Roasted-Garlic-Seasoning/dp/B0009P685W?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $9.30 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps Card.

I ordered https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079GS4YQS?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ascsubtag=3h5sa1b30xn63ja6lli2ZhIF3ww56Nnv for $17.98 and $1.14 tax for $19.12 total.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 1:10 P.M.  Message to the Prime Minister https://email.number10.gov.uk/contact.aspx

My Scott family came to the United States of America in 1724 from Scotland. My paternal grandmother's Gard family came to the United States of America in 1620. I think Scotland England with all of its North Sea oil money should set up a fund to help exiles in the United States have a better living. My web sites are "http://scott-mike.com/" and "http://mikelouisscott.com/". My father Louis Dale Scott back in 1971 had the Queen's Award in Industry when he was a vice president of Polaroid. My grandfather Clarence Scott of Champaign, Illinois was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Back in October 1972 to February 1975, I used an apartment in Manhattan at 420 East 49th Street two blocks from the British Consulate. My father knew Ian Fleming. I saw Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip in Manhattan on July 5, 1976. The last time I visited Manhattan around 17 years ago, the British flag was flying at the Waldorf Astoria, and I saw Prince Charles and Gordon Brown. Yours truly Mike Scott


09/20/21 Monday 12:55 P.M.  I rested some more until 12:15 P.M..  I then went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 10:50 A.M.  Bear in Connecticut https://www.facebook.com/colter.rule/videos/405314004449279/ CIO

09/20/21 Monday 10:35 A.M.  I drank my brewed coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I usually do not go downtown on Mondays, because all of the private clubs are closed on Mondays, so all of the rich people are moving around downtown on Mondays.  CIO

09/20/21 Monday 9:25 A.M.  I woke up at 8:30 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO         

09/19/21 Sunday 10:15 P.M.  I ate a Gold Emblem macaroni and pesto sauce meal with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I guess one could put some grated parmesan and Romano cheese on the mixture.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  I turned off both air conditioners in the apartment, since it is getting cooler out at night.  I currently still weigh 213 pounds at 6 feet tall.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 9:35 P.M.  https://livestly.com/historical-figures-who-lived-long-enough-to-be-photographed/2/?utm_source=Yahoo&utm_campaign=LIVD_Y1_DSK_OldEnoughToBePhotographed&utm_medium=FOX_BUSINESS%7Cc&ss=1 old photos

I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/19/21 Sunday 9:15 P.M.  Canary Island volcano activity https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-58618487 CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 9:05 P.M.  There is a major new development on Greenwich Avenue, Saks Fifth Avenue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saks_Fifth_Avenue and https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/ which already has a major presence on Greenwich Avenue is in the process of taking over the former Ralph Lauren French Chateau department store location just north of the Senior and the Arts Center, so the Canadians are expanding their presence on Greenwich Avenue.  I have a friend who claims his family were one of the original https://www.hbc.com/ investors in America, when they were in the fur trading business in Canada.  However, I have no confirmation of that fact.  Maybe they are expecting colder winters up in Canada with Canadians coming down here at the edge of the tropics in North America.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 7:45 P.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a long time viewing the usual Sunday pedestrian traffic.  I also sat across the street out of the sun at the veterans monument.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I chatted with a relative on my cell phone.  I then departed, and I drove to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  At CVS, I bought a three  pack of As Seen on TV tac lights for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.25 total.  I then bought two Gold Emblem Thai noodle cups for $3 each and four Gold Emblem macaroni and pesto sauce cups for $3 each for $18 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put three AAA alkaline batteries in each of the tac lights, and I put them in drawer of the mahogany table at the apartment entrance.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-17/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-17/  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 3:55 P.M.  My friend that is related to the Harrimans claims, they no longer have any money, but his grandfather's mother's family the Osborne family have all of the money.  My diseased uncle Larry Anderson had a mother from the Osborne family, so maybe my cousin Larry Jr. who does free legal aid work might know something about the Osborne family.  The Osborne family fortune was made from owning the Illinois Central Railroad before the Canadian National Railroads bought it, and then Bill Gates bought the Canadian National Railroad or is a primary stock holder in it.  However, a BBC news story yesterday said that with the low wages in Canada, one has to work for thirty years, before one can afford a house https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-58495604  .  It must be awfully uncomfortable living in Canada for thirty yeas without a house.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the remains of the parade for whatever else it is worth.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 3:25 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 3:05 P.M.  I took a 4 ounce can of Bumble Bee boneless white chicken meat, and open it, and I drained it underneath cold water.  I then flaked it with a fork in a bowl, and I seasoned it with garlic powder, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and ground black pepper, and I added two large tablespoons of Heinz creamy mayonnaise, and I mixed it all together.  I then put it on two slices of toasted Pepperidge Farm bread, and I cut it in half.  I ate it with Pringles potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 1:35 P.M.  I went downtown to the Acme grocery store.  I got a $6.50 refund on the overcharge purchase a few days ago.  I bought a 5 gallon bottle of Primo Vermont spring water for $7.49 with bottle return and a 48 ounce Signature bleach for $3.99 and .25 tax for $11.73 total.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out briefly in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  They were setting up for the parade which is now going on.  I then returned home, and I brought up the 42 pound bottle of water with my little folding cart.  I then went outside, and I put the cart back in the car, and I sat outside.  I then filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 11:25 A.M.  I chatted with a paralegal looking for somebody that does not live here.  I put away my clean laundry.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see all of the religious people getting out of their various churches.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 10:15 A.M.  I have 50 minutes to go on two dry cycles.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 9:25 A.M.  I put new white linens on the bed.  I went outside.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I started two loads of wash, and I have 28 minutes to go on two wash cycles.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 8:20 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

09/19/21 Sunday 7:30 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate some Utz Pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 7 A.M.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO       


End of Scott's Notes week of 09/18/21

09/18/21 Saturday 7:10 P.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 6:25 P.M.  I picked up the second mail delivery a little while ago. 

Cat Toy $8.49 https://www.thatdailydeal.com/home.php?id=56958


I bought four https://www.pipingrock.com/anti-aging-antioxidants/rna-dna-10010-mg-200-quick-release-capsules-3422 for $18.68 each for $74.72 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 6:05 P.M.  I ate a Anne Chum Thai noodle bowl with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 4:55 P.M.  https://www.cnn.com/style/article/notre-dame-cathedral-france-opening-scli-intl/index.html Notre Dame in 2024.  I will now go outside for a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 4:45 P.M.  At https://greenwich.overdrive.com/ , I read P.C. Magazine.  One needs a Greenwich Library card to use overdrive.

Gator News https://www.foxnews.com/live-news/gabby-petito-police-searching-fiance-brian-laundrie-missing  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 4:25 P.M.  I chatted with a neighbor.  I went outside.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 2:25 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 2:20 P.M.  I watched off Netflix, series 1 episode 3 of "Turning Point".  I went outside twice, and one of those times, I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

09/18/21 Saturday 11:50 A.M.   I took a 5 ounce can of Bumble Bee tuna, and open it, and I drained it underneath cold water.  I then flaked it with a fork in a bowl, and I seasoned it with Old Bay seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and ground black pepper, and I added two large tablespoons of www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise, and I mixed it all together.  I then put it on two slices of toasted Pepperidge Farm bread, and I cut it in half.  I ate it with Pringles potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 10:55 A.M.  Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap  $9 https://www.amazon.com/Venus-mericlone-Maintenance-Growth-Guarantee/dp/B00YO1MTI2/ref=pd_bxgy_1/130-3444236-0671561?pd_rd_w=mcPmh&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=NA0VY634QGV9XVJ99SRA&pd_rd_r=daa736b1-0084-43c8-baa4-576b9a42b384&pd_rd_wg=Y3f7g&pd_rd_i=B00YO1MTI2&psc=1 

$579 new computer https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lenovo-IdeaCentre-90LV000DUS-Desktop-Computer-Intel-Core-i7-9700-3GHz-16GB-RAM-512GB-SSD-Windows-10-Home-Tower-Black/655646256?=&irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_0q6VpBxuVxyIUQhXH-0yIS%3AgUkBQc1211y4MVE0&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_11949&clickid=0q6VpBxuVxyIUQhXH-0yIS%3AgUkBQc1211y4MVE0&sharedid=&affiliates_ad_id=566719&campaign_id=9383

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 10:10 A.M.  I rested some more until 10 A.M..  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 8:35 A.M.  KLM https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=f2e869afa06088d91639d4829fd2a970ce4089fcf588ab51ce88906381b716d5c8c23990a7e29cf61ea051365f7874bfe3fc3a40cd04d1fa1ee8e63403ce0282d568410f1bf468551f446b904dc23d29167a7cf300ad1179

Iphone 13 pre order https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro?cid=CDM-USA-DM-P0021405-485556

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 8:20 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I threw out the garbage.  I picked up the mail.  The Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop https://www.greenwichhospital.org/patients-visitors/amenities/our-shops.aspx has a 30 inch by 48 inch gold frame with glass modern painting at their entrance for $125.  CIO

09/18/21 Saturday 6:30 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate some Utz Pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 5:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I paid off my www.geico.com automobile insurance from October 8, 2021 to April 8, 2022.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple and papaya fruit chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

09/17/21 Friday 8:20 P.M.  I also ate seven Stoned Wheat Thin crackers with half slices of white American cheese.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 7:55 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with 3 ounces of orange juice.  CIO 

09/17/21 Friday 6:10 P.M.  The building fire alarm has been going off for about the last fifteen minutes, but there does not appear to be a problem.  I put aluminum foil on the digital antenna rabbit ears.  Of the 20 channels it gets, only about five are clear including WNBC.  Two are also Spanish language stations.  I put an empty five gallon Primo Vermont Spring water in the back of the car.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 4:45 P.M.  Earlier before I went out, I removed the high definition antenna from my bedroom ceiling, and I threw it away.  Its adapter did not work.  I then went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought https://www.cvs.com/shop/powerxcel-indoor-hdtv-antenna-prodid-578567 for $20.99 and $1.33 tax for $22.32 total.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop on Railroad Avenue across the street from the Hamilton Avenue school.  I toured the shop quickly.  They have a like new heavy men's camel's hair cashmere overcoat about size 40 to 44 like Prince Charles wears for $95.  They also have a tall wide solid mahogany television cabinet for $10.  One would need a truck and strong people to move it.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I installed the new HDTV antenna to the Insignia 32 inch television on the bedroom wall that I also use as an Apple Imac monitor.  I mounted the antenna in the window on a tall roll of Charmin toilet paper.  I have the opposite side of the building blocking my reception, but I get 20 channels including CBS and NBC clear as a bell.  Thus I have backup television reception in case the Cable Television malfunctions.  I am only paying about $50 a month for limited cable television.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-16/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-16/ CIO

09/17/21 Friday 2:25 P.M.  I am going out on a top secret mission by my standards.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 12:30 P.M.   I took a 4 ounce can of Bumble Bee boneless white chicken meat, and open it, and I drained it underneath cold water.  I then flaked it with a fork in a bowl, and I seasoned it with garlic powder, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and ground black pepper, and I added two large tablespoons of www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise, and I mixed it all together.  I then put it on two slices of toasted Arnold wheat bread, and I cut it in half.  I ate it with barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO  

09/17/21 Friday 11:45 A.M.  Free Harry Potter book on Kindle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0192CTMYG/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I bought video capture USB device https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09G69CKZQ/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A3CX6RAJQGSNCX&ascsubtag=ap5s8t3tj4o1augja6llimxH5sr55OoH with coupon code "808CJ3WJ" for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 10:30 A.M.  I tried the Chinese audio card with the Siig C-media drivers in the HP backup computer, but it still did not work, so I am still using the motherboard sound.  I also put another USB card inside the case that I got a couple years ago from the Staples clearance section for $5.95.  I will now go outside again to contemplate the nature in our forested area.  CIO 

Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405511108435965506537 on the order for https://www.ebay.com/itm/154612212747?hash=item23ff9b240b:g:9cMAAOSwK5ZhQggm for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.26.

09/17/21 Friday 9:25 A.M.  Rawhide https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4870647706279887

Tracking number is "61299990465420073425" at www.fedex.com for two dress shirts in 17.5 36 https://www.josbank.com/p/1905-collection-slim-fit-button-down-collar-check-repreve-dress-shirt-big-tall-clearance?channel=affiliates&brand=JAB&publisher=Slickdeals+LLC&offer_name=1%25+Baseline-+Temporary&utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=generic&utm_campaign=default&ranMID=38377&ranEAID=lw9MynSeamY&ranSiteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&mid=38377&siteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&LSNSUBSITE=Omitted_lw9MynSeamY for $2.99 each and .38 tax for $6.36 total.

Call of the Wild https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4870523366292321

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=4106609149374807&id=249544191748008&comment_id=868496303775590 about Food

Hannity https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1019330908920434

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 9:10 A.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I chatted with two locals.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I then drove one of the locals to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought two 10 packs of Dunkin Donuts K cups coffee for $4.99 each for $9.98 total.  I then used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then went by the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine at Deerfield Place.  I then returned home.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I put $27.27 on my AT&T Go Phone, and I now have $177.29 on it good until December 16, 2021.  That is for my backup www.apple.com Iphone 7 S.  I filed this report.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 5:00 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to Greenwich Avenue to see the early birds walking around.  CIO

09/17/21 Friday 4:00 A.M.  I woke up at 3:15 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

09/16/21 Thursday 5:25 P.M.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel chicken Alfredo dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  I am too tired to listen to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M..  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 4:40 P.M.  In the fall of 1977 and the winter of 1978, I worked here https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/boca-raton-la-vieille-maison-falls-to-bulldozer-but-delicious-mem as a dishwasher and food prepper.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 4:25 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  I finished the backup. 

Pictures of the HP backup computer AOC monitor configuration:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-15/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-15/ CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 3:45 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 2:55 P.M.  I threw out the garbage.  CIO 

09/16/21 Thursday 2:10 P.M.  I rested for an hour.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I put a splitter on the coaxial cable from the living room cable box splitter, and I moved the Hauppauge 950Q USB device to the HP backup computer with the second coaxial cable to be available for the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop, when the other USB TV part arrives.  I then installed the Win TV 10 on the HP backup computer, and I now have it all setup to watch video from the living room cable box.  I will do a Windows backup to the second internal hard drive shortly.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 12:20 P.M.  I took a 5 ounce can of Bumble Bee tuna, and open it, and I drained it underneath cold water.  I then flaked it with a fork in a bowl, and I seasoned it with Old Bay seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and ground black pepper, and I added two large tablespoons of www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise, and I mixed it all together.  I then put it on two slices of toasted Arnold wheat bread, and I cut it in half.  I ate it with barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I then threw out the garbage.  CIO 

09/16/21 Thursday 11:15 A.M.  To play the Living Room Cable box off the HP backup computer, I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/154612212747?hash=item23ff9b240b:g:9cMAAOSwK5ZhQggm for $19.99 and $1.27 tax for $21.26 total.  They sent me another Win TV 10 product key, for the order that did not have one.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/16/21 Thursday 11:00 A.M.  One can buy OEM Office Equipment Manufacturer less expensive product keys for Windows 10 Professional and Office 2019 here:

https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-professional-original-genuine-lifetime-activation-key-2/?variant=692&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Y-_saPA8gIVC7fICh2LZwYaEAYYBCABEgIgtvD_BwE $7.95

https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-pro-plus-32-64-bit-lifetime-genuine-key-3/ $8.95

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUmAL9k2oBQ Video on how to activate Office 2019

Office 2019 Activation web site https://getcid.info/ , it might also work with Windows 10 Professional without having to call up Microsoft in India to activate it.  One has to be careful in entering the the product activation code and the long string of numbers to activate it, but it is quite a savings.

One can only restore a Windows Complete PC backup to the original computer that it was backed up on, or one will bring up product activation after restoring.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 10:05 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  All of my Windows 10 computers and one old Windows 7 laptop are labeled with the names of their backups, so if they malfunction, I know which of the many backup that I have to restore.  I went outside again.  I also have Apple backups, but they are labeled on the boxes that the Apple backup external hard drives are in.  Ergo all of the Windows computers work just fine.  The one to the left of the primary work computer would not start at first, but now it starts fine.

Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400108205498139299177 on the order for https://www.ebay.com/p/77198045 for $15 and .95 tax for $15.95 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 7:35 A.M.  I did an Aomei backup to an external hard drive of the Dell Optiplex 790 computer.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I am now starting up each Windows 10 computer, and I am getting its name and making a label with the name that I scotch tape on to each computer, so I know the computer's name in case I ever have to restore any of the various backups that I have made.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 5:50 A.M.  I ordered two dress shirts in 17.5 36 https://www.josbank.com/p/1905-collection-slim-fit-button-down-collar-check-repreve-dress-shirt-big-tall-clearance?channel=affiliates&brand=JAB&publisher=Slickdeals+LLC&offer_name=1%25+Baseline-+Temporary&utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=generic&utm_campaign=default&ranMID=38377&ranEAID=lw9MynSeamY&ranSiteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&mid=38377&siteID=lw9MynSeamY-LC.S2Qcho_UezVPt46sapQ&LSNSUBSITE=Omitted_lw9MynSeamY for $2.99 each and .38 tax for $6.36 total.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

09/16/21 Thursday 5:00 A.M.  Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=9241990100111705221797&trkqual=20210916083800~41990100111705221797~FXSP on the order for three large print bibles in Bonded Leather Black https://www.christianbook.com/kjv-personal-size-giant-reference-imitation/9781598562460/pd/562460?event=Bibles|1006015 for $9.99 each and $5.99 shipping and $2.28 tax for $38.24 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 4:45 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I am doing a Windows backup of the Dell Optiplex 790 computer to an external hard drive.  CIO

09/16/21 Thursday 3:40 A.M.  I woke up at 3 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

09/15/21 Wednesday 7:15 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 7:00 P.M.  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 6:50 P.M.  I ordered https://www.ebay.com/p/77198045 for $15 and .95 tax for $15.95 total.

The current setup on the HP backup computer is:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/133823393190?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1nQVm6dfAQ2yq4jVTfVfEIw81&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=133823393190&targetid=1262906534602&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003435&poi=&campaignid=12874653489&mkgroupid=121942647533&rlsatarget=pla-1262906534602&abcId=9300535&merchantid=107675254&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5bWDsIuy8gIVBLLICh0XgQp_EAQYAyABEgKixvD_BwE for $39.99 and $19.08 shipping and $3.75 tax for $62.82 total

PNY 240 SSD drive:  $31.99, https://www.amazon.com/PNY-CS900-240GB-Internal-Solid/dp/B0719D9YL7/ref=sxts_rp_s1_0?cv_ct_cx=pny+240gb+ssd&dchild=1&keywords=PNY+240+GB+SSD&pd_rd_i=B0719D9YL7&pd_rd_r=74039379-23fa-43fe-bf0e-640f9dba7ada&pd_rd_w=40xyq&pd_rd_wg=PUnHG&pf_rd_p=f99754cc-0195-4f26-b585-4ddc29d85a2d&pf_rd_r=SBPWKTAP775P9Y9M3W0E&psc=1&qid=1630091924&sr=1-1-f0029781-b79b-4b60-9cb0-eeda4dea34d6   I used the mirror drive from the bedroom Apple Ipad computer.

https://www.crucial.com/memory/ddr3/ct2k25664bd160b/ct7328953 for $25.99 and $1.65 tax for $27.64 total

https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-professional-original-genuine-lifetime-activation-key-2/?variant=692&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Y-_saPA8gIVC7fICh2LZwYaEAYYBCABEgIgtvD_BwE for $7.95

https://viperkeys.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-pro-plus-32-64-bit-lifetime-genuine-key-3/ for $8.95

SATA power cable .65 https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-Straight-Cable-Locking-Drives/dp/B08FTKSJ47/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=sata+%5Bpwer+cable&qid=1630098659&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A29Y8OP2GPR7PE&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTVgzTEFQTjlSSEFEJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTc3MDg3VzNFQlo0QUdVRzdMJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyODM3ODExWE5XTTFUNkhNN0EzJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-1000Mbps-Gigabit-Ethernet-supported/dp/B003CFATNI for $14.99 and .95 tax for $15.94 total, ethernet card, August 27, 2021

32 gigabyte PNY USB pen drive https://www.amazon.com/PNY-Turbo-32GB-Flash-Drive/dp/B00FDUHD2K/ref=asc_df_B00FDUHD2K/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309807187084&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2211155245249353400&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003435&hvtargid=pla-570327145389&psc=1 $9

https://www.ebay.com/itm/GENUINE-Dell-AMD-Radeon-HD-8570-1GB-DVI-PCI-E-Card-Displayport-08HW0R-8HW0R-/154515253604?_trksid=p2349526.m4383.l4275.c4#viTabs_0 for $18.99 and $1.21 tax for $20.20 total

https://www.amazon.com/TECHTOBOX-Adapter-Converter-Graphics-Projector/dp/B08YRF3YLQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=ZYXD2MVLT3YA&dchild=1&keywords=dvi+to+vga+adapter&qid=1630384523&sprefix=dvi+to+vga%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExOUkwS0FCUEVYNUZNJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTg5NTU3MjE0TzNERFFOR1RBWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDU0MDI1RFQ5MEVHQVFYV1dPJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==   $10 DVI to VGA adapter

https://www.amazon.com/GODSHARK-Internal-External-Expansion-Controller/dp/B07S29C1S6/ref=pd_bxgy_2/131-2487278-3260221?pd_rd_w=7nS9r&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=ZXGG9FW5P0M6PRQ4RB88&pd_rd_r=c551547a-a7d7-4a29-8e61-b2f13996deb2&pd_rd_wg=cUQMR&pd_rd_i=B07S29C1S6&psc=1 for $10.99 and .70 tax for $11.69 total, September 4, 2021

https://www.ebay.com/p/77198045 for $15 and .95 tax for $15.95 total

https://www.ebay.com/itm/194334724177?epid=1400425362&hash=item2d3f409051:g:k3MAAOSwaRNhMtBF for $15 and $5 shipping and $1.27 tax for $21.27 total

Staples USB 2.0 card from clearance section at Staples $5.95

Total:  $250.00


09/15/21 Wednesday 6:10 P.M.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.yuntrack.com/track/detail?id=YT2124021272068303 on the order for https://www.newegg.com/p/23H-00G8-00004 for $16.49 and $1.05 tax for $17.54 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005806603750 for https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082FYDGKD/?tag=dc-robd-20 with coupon code "508339FJ" for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total.  Unfortunately the sound card for the HP backup computer did not work, so I am still using its motherboard audio.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-14/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-14/ CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 3:55 P.M.  On the Dell Optiplex 740 computer on the far end of the oak dining table, both TV Hauppauge USB devices do work at the same time.  In WinTV 10, channel 9872-WJLPH is the living room Optimum Cable box which can be changed to all of the other channels that I subscribe too.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 3:40 P.M.  I went out to my 1 P.M. appointment at the Greenwich Hospital outpatient dermatology clinic.  They did a very small biopsy off my upper chest to see if a small spot was malignant.  I then toured www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I then sat out in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I went to the Acme grocery store, and I bought buy one six pack get one free of Thomas' English muffins for $4.69 both, two 4 packs of Signature sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $4.99 each, a loaf of Pepperidge Farm whole grain bread for $2.99, a 48 ounce container of Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99, three 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo meals for $2.99 each, but I think they charged me full price of about $4.79 each, and a 59 ounce Simply Orange grapefruit juice for $4.39 for $41.21 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I went outside, and I put the green bag in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 12:25 P.M.  I am able to setup on USB TV device at a time, so once I get the other copy of Win TV 10, I will put the other Hauppauge TV USB device on the HP backup computer.  The current setup on the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop with the High Definition USB TV device works just fine.  I will now head out to my 1 P.M. appointment.  CIO 

09/15/21 Wednesday 11:55 A.M.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I will now go outside again.  Still scanning channels on the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop computer.  CIO 

09/15/21 Wednesday 11:15 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I filled up the K cup drawers.  I chatted with a friend.  I was emailed the product code for www.hauppauge.com Win TV 10, and I installed it on the Dell Optiplex 790 at the far end of the oak dining table, and I am now setting it up.  CIO 

09/15/21 Wednesday 10:00 A.M.  I woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  I will first go outside and throw out the shipping box.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 6:20 A.M.  Bad news, on the Dell Optiplex 790, when I installed the latest Windows 10 updates, it disabled the Windows Media Center.  There is no fix that I can fine.  I will have to wait until I get the product key for Win TV 8.5 of Win TV 10.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then take a three hour nap, and I will get ready for my 1 P.M. appointment.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 4:45 A.M.  I toasted two slices of Arnold multigrain bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added about four ounces of Oscar Meyer mesquite turkey and seven slices of white American cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with barbecue potato chips along with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  The Dell Optiplex 790 is updating Windows 10, so I can not check out the Windows Media Center at the moment.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 4:15 A.M.  I moved the Hauppauge 945Q USB device from the HP backup computer to the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop, and I will try to set it up along with the other TV USD device to get the feed from the living room cable box.  I used the Happauge Win TV 8.5 DVD to install its drivers.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 3:40 A.M.  Key West https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4861906310487360

https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-fastest-web-browser/?ftag=TRE0fb9d06&bhid=%7B%24external_id%7D&mid=%7B%24MESSAGE_ID%7D&cid=%7B%24contact_id%7D&eh=%7B%24CF_emailHash%7D Fastest Web Browsers

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 3:25 A.M.  On the Dell Optiplex 740 desktop computer, the Windows Media Center gets 38 digital cable channels without using a cable box using the https://www.hauppauge.com/pages/products/data_dualhd.html this device, but I already had the Dell Optiplex 790 computer setup with the Windows Media Center, which one can download here with the link on this page https://www.itechtics.com/windows-media-center/ or here https://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/getmirror/window_media_center_for_windows_10,1.html .  However, at the moment, after installation in Windows 10, it does not fetch the cable channel setup files which I also had on my computer.  Microsoft might not be supporting it anymore.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 2:45 A.M.  After the last note, I cancelled the order for a coaxial cable from Amazon, and I drove over to www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought three https://www.cvs.com/shop/philips-coaxial-cable-ph61206-prodid-116827 Phillips 25 foot coaxial cables for $15.49 each less $8 off a $40 order coupon from the mail and $2.44 tax for $40.91 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put two of the 25 cables underneath front right of the bed, and I used the other one to connect the Dell Optiplex 790 computer Hauppauge USB to a digital coaxial splitter.  I then set it up again.  Thus it will be setup with digital channels the way it was before.  I will now go outside again.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-13/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-13/  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 1:20 A.M.  A neighbor reported to another neighbor while he was sitting outside in the parking lot at 4 A.M. this previous morning, he was approached by a large coyote.  I tend to believe him, since I have first hand experience.  I keep one of these in my pocket at all times outside https://www.amazon.com/s?k=air+horn&ref=nb_sb_noss Air Horn.  CIO

09/15/21 Wednesday 12:50 A.M.  Bad news, the HP backup computer Win TV 7 program does not work with the Hauppauge 945Q USB device.  I had a new unused copy of Win TV 8.5 that I ordered two years ago, but when I opened it up, there was no product key to install it.  I emailed them to send a product key.  On the Dell Optiplex 790 computer, the Windows Media Center no longer works, since its  Hauppauge USB device is digital.  I need a longer coaxial cable to connect it to the digital coaxial splitter.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  I have a 1 P.M. appointment today.  CIO 

09/14/21 Tuesday 10:50 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  On the HP backup computer, I was able to get the Hauppauge 945Q USB device working with the WinTV 7 program by hooking it up directly to the living room cable box with the coaxial cable.  I also hooked up the Dell Optiplex 790 to the living room cable box.  Thus both computers will play all of the cable box channels.  I went outside again.  CIO 

09/14/21 Tuesday 8:20 P.M.  On the HP backup computer with the Hauppauge 945Q USB device, I can not get the Windows Media Center or WinTV 7 to work with it, although the drivers for it all installed.  I ordered WinTV 10 for $12.95 https://www.hauppauge.com/pages/webstore2/webstore_wintv10.html , and it is available for download here https://www.hauppauge.com/pages/support/support_wintv10.html .  I will now go outside again before eating breakfast.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 7:25 P.M.  I woke up at 6 P.M..  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z9559070327994314&requester=WT/trackdetails on the order for four https://www.valuetechsupply.com/7-outlet-surge-protector-w-individual-switches-112-0205.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9qZuoTp8gIVzfrICh1wvw8KEAQYAiABEgKDkPD_BwE for $17.34 each and $20.15 shipping for $89.51 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400108205497553100069 for https://www.ebay.com/itm/194334724177?epid=1400425362&hash=item2d3f409051:g:k3MAAOSwaRNhMtBF for $15 and $5 shipping and $1.27 tax for $21.27 total arrived.  I went outside.  I put the power strips underneath the near end of the oak dining table chair.  I am setting up the Hauppauge device on the HP backup computer.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  I will first go outside and throw out the shipping box. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-12/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-12/ CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 11:50 A.M.  I toasted two slices of Arnold multigrain bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added about four ounces of Oscar Meyer mesquite turkey and four slices of white American cheese, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with salt and vinegar and barbecue potato chips along with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 10:40 A.M.  I went to Greenwich Shell on East Putnam Avenue, but they no long do emissions tests.  I drove over to Old Greenwich Car Wash and Shell Station on East Putnam Avenue at 7 A.M., and I waited around, and I got my State of Connecticut emissions test done at 8 A.M. for $20.  I passed the test.  I then bought the Unlimited Ultimate car wash for a month for $20.21.  They also gave me a slip for a free coffee at their shop which I got a medium hazelnut coffee with creamer.  When I got home, I emailed to cancel the car wash program after a month.  I next drove to downtown Greenwich, and I drank my coffee at the Jaycee Park.  I then picked up two prescriptions at www.cvs.com .  I then returned home, and I sat outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 6:25 A.M.  I will now go downtown and see if anyone speaks the English language.  Remember the Queen of England https://www.royal.uk/ as the Head of the Church of England better known as the Anglican Church like the Pope has the power to excommunicate individuals in which case nobody will chat with them whom speaks English.  In other words drunks that only know bar room gossip do not hold up in a Court of Law.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 6:05 A.M.  I used to be good at Chinese Checkers https://www.cnn.com/style/article/sanxingdui-mask-pit-scn/index.html , not to be confused with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chequers or https://tobacconistofgreenwich.com/product/winston-churchill-chequers-cigar/ , but one box for $390 available here https://bluehavanachicago.com/shop/winston-churchill-chequers/?age-verified=53d7523cc1 .  Similar here for over $400 https://www.pipesandcigars.com/p/davidoff-winston-churchill-cigars/1490649/ and https://www.pipesandcigars.com/p/davidoff-winston-churchill-the-late-hour/2004311/  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 5:55 A.M.  Off Netflix, I watched part of, "The November Man", but I had seen it before.  In my formal education punctuation was more important than the content of text.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 4:40 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 3:30 A.M.  Back in October 1973 to February 1975, when I used Frederick Von Mierers' apartment at 420 East 49th Street in Manhattans, when he was taking over Bill Baldwin's Interior Decorating Business whose memoir is here https://www.amazon.com/Billy-Baldwin-Remembers/dp/0151120706/ref=sr_1_5?crid=30DEYKO63SU95&dchild=1&keywords=billy+baldwin+book&qid=1631604257&sprefix=Billy+Baldwin%2Cdigital-text%2C168&sr=8-5  about the only books he had in his apartment besides the latest Social Register were the complete works of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Cayce .  He did one buy a book for his coffee table called "The Secret Life of Plants" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079WVKWBN/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 .  As I recall Fred knew how to water his plants well.  He would put them in the shower and not only water the pots but also the leaves.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 3:05 A.M.  About all of the Dutch care about is plants and flowers, so I will now water my plants.  CIO 

09/14/21 Tuesday 2:30 A.M.  Copy of a letter that I emailed the Greenwich Housing Authority:

Dear Teryl,


My stepfather George Bliss Agnew Jr. was from a family in Greenwich that

Have lived here since the Civil War.  He started Putnam Travel at Putnam Trust

Now a part of Bank of New York.  His father was the President of the United States

Trust Bank and Newmont Gold Mining.  He went to Princeton in the class of 1936 in

Larry Rockefeller’s class.  He also worked in the Pentagon in World War II.

His family’s Agnew Farm is now where IBM’s headquarters is in Armonk, New York.

He knew Thomas Watson Jr. of IBM all of his life.  His relatives also have Sabine Farm

On Round Hill Road here in Greenwich.  His family also had a town house at East 67th

Street and Fifth Avenue with ten servants.  They gave $50,000 to Yale in 1872.

From what I can figure out from the internet his mother’s Bliss family might be W. Averill

Harriman’s daughter’s second marriage to Maximillian Bliss on Long Island.

George Agnew use to date W. Averill Harriman’s daughters and ski in Sun Valley.

His three brothers and sister lived in this area.  One of them started the Greenwich Land

Trust and brought Peter Brant to this area.  His family were going to Kennebunkport since

1870.  One neighbor in Kennebunkport and Greenwich was Betsy Hemingway whose

Husband was President of the Round Hill Club and also went to Taft.  Stillman Rockefeller

Here in Greenwich was the oldest alumnus of the Taft School.  He was on the Board of Directors

Of Monsanto that my father was a Vice President of in their Chemstrand Textile division.

One of my few friends from Lake Forest College is the nephew of W. Averill Harriman’s

Sister Mary Harriman Rumsey.  He had a career as a race horse investigator, and he

Recently move to Delaware and is Joe Biden’s neighbor.  His grandfather Jay Coogan was

The last living member of Queen Victoria’s honor guard and had an estate in Gladstone,

New Jersey.  His mother’s Osborne family owned the Illinois Central Railroad that my

Grandfather Scott from Illinois worked for sixty years for.  W. Averill Harriman also started

Polaroid that my father was a top executive with until 1973.  The Warburg family and the Silver

Family here in Greenwich were also involved with Polaroid.  My friend George’s father was one

Of the founders of the CIA in World War II and he was also on the Board of Overseers for

Harvard.  They were from East Aurora, New York, and back in 1972, they had me with the

Queen Mum of England at the Fort Erie Race track for the Queen’s Cup.  He tells me the private

Bank Brown Brother’s Harriman pretty much runs everything.  George Bush’s father Prescott Bush

And his uncle Walker also worked for Brown Brothers Harriman.


On my brother in law Edward Slater Webster his grandparents lived across the street from Nancy Reagan’s

Parents in Arizona.  His uncle the youngest vice president of Holiday Inn buys five star hotels.  His other

Uncle is Joseph Pabst that owns the beer company.  His sister married Randy Grey whose family ran

R.J. Reynolds tobacco company.  Randy is now diseased, but his brother used to live on Steamboat Road

Here in Greenwich.  They have other places around the country.  My mother Phyllis Boven Agnew is distantly

Related to the original Dutch Vanderbilt family in the Netherlands.


With friends in Manhattan, I was around friends of the Rockefeller family and other prominent people which

Group got very small out on Nantucket.


My only friend here Richard Van Marter grew up in Bedford, New York next to Helen Clay Frick, and his family’s

Old house was owned by Andrew Cuomo.  He is now retired living in Bridgeport.


The family that I was around on Long Island, Manhattan, and Key West from February 1978 to February 1983

Were in the State Department in Libya and Thailand Saudi Arabia on the father’s side.  The mother was at Cyrus

Vance’s law firm in Manhattan after he was Secretary of State.  The grandmother owned a reinsurance company and

He mother was part of the Kaiser of Germany’s consulate in Manhattan before World War I.  Her neighbor

Was Mr. Grumman the second largest Defense Contractor in the United States.


Basically, when I came off Nantucket in December 1983, I was on a jet to New York with Jackie Onassis, and

Dr. Hampton here in Greenwich determined I was disabled, which I have been ever since.


However, I have had a lot of time to sort things out on my own.


Yours Truly,


Michael Louis Scott, Esquire

End of Letter:  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 2:15 A.M.  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/14/21 Tuesday 12:40 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 11:30 P.M.  Tutor https://www.tutorhunt.com/tutor-bot/

FEMA Relief Note:


PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD The Town of Greenwich has set up a process for the residents who sustained flood damage from IDA to document their losses. Residents can complete the form on-line via the Town of Greenwich website, or bring the completed form to Town Hall or Greenwich Police Headquarters. Copies of the form will be distributed to local business within the area if you have no access to a printer or computer at this time.   Some local business include: ·       Pemberwick Exchange ·       Castle View Deli ·       Glenville Pizza ·       G-Ville Deli ·       Western Greenwich Civic Center Officer will also be in the neighborhoods that were effected the next two days passing out flyers to residents. ALL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 8 AM ON THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2021

End of Note:

I ordered three large print bibles in Bonded Leather Black https://www.christianbook.com/kjv-personal-size-giant-reference-imitation/9781598562460/pd/562460?event=Bibles|1006015 for $9.99 each and $5.99 shipping and $2.28 tax for $38.24 total.

I called the Greenwich Communities https://greenwichcommunity.org/ this morning, and I have been over paying my rent, so I have a surplus in my account at the moment.

Gala https://www.metmuseum.org/

Tracking number is


" at https://chinapost-track.com/track-trace for Elastic Waist extenders https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09F6TNNJ9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with coupon code "DW4T3D6L" for $5 and .32 tax for $5.32 total

individual switched power strips $22 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08617M3CQ/ref=pe_27541390_603977970_em_1p_1_lm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 10:50 P.M.   I rested until 10:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 7:00 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 5:45 P.M.  I woke up, and I went outside, and I ate some Utz snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 4:45 P.M.. I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688005787535556 for three Listerine Total Care Mouthwash one liter https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00495Q5OW/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  for $14.76 and .93 tax for $15.69 total arrived.  I went outside, and I threw out the shipping box.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-11/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-11/ CIO

09/13/21 Monday 6:20 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 5:45 A.M.  Off Netflix, I watched "Cliffhanger".  I went outside once, and I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 3:10 A.M.  I am about to eat a 16 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 2:25 A.M.  I went out for a ride downtown on Greenwich Avenue.  I toured the train station, and I drove down by the waterfront on Steamboat Road.  I then drove east on Putnam Avenue as far east at www.cvs.com at the Riverside Shopping Center, but they were closed. I then drove back to down.  Thus I charged up my car battery a bit.  I then went by Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $19 of self service premium gasoline with a dime a gallon off with my Stop and Shop card for $3.999 a gallon for 4.752 gallons at odometer reading of 121944 miles for 75.6 miles drive since Sunday August 29. 2021 for 15.909 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then went by CVS at 644 West Putnam Avenue, and I used the bathroom there.  I bought buy one get one 50% off of six packs of White Castle cheeseburgers for $5.99 and $2.99 and two Ocean Spray 64 ounce Ocean Spray cranberry juice for $4.99 each less .46 in extra bucks from previous purchases for $18.50 total. I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my purchases.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/13/21 Monday 12:10 A.M.  Tracking is https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z9559070327994314&requester=WT/trackdetails on the order for four https://www.valuetechsupply.com/7-outlet-surge-protector-w-individual-switches-112-0205.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9qZuoTp8gIVzfrICh1wvw8KEAQYAiABEgKDkPD_BwE for $17.34 each and $20.15 shipping for $89.51 total. 

I will now shower and clean up, and then I will go out for a drive in our local area.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 11:35 P.M.  911 hijacking dialogue https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4856920567652601

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 10:45 P.M.  I rested until 10 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

09/12/21 Sunday 7:50 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 6:50 P.M.  Before going to bed, I chatted with a friend, and I went outside, and I ate some Utz Pub snack mix with seasoned salt.  I finally woke up at 6 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I chatted with a relative.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 8:05 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  In the Christian Religion which a lot of people believe in here, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.  I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

09/12/21 Sunday 7:40 A.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime "William the Conqueror".  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 5:45 A.M.   I rested for about an hour.  I ate some Utz pub snack mix with seasoned salt that I added.  I will not bother going downtown this morning to Green Witch Avenue to see the early morning hood winkers that are about at this time of day.  I will now go outside at home and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 09/12/21

09/12/21 Sunday 4:35 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then rest a bit before going downtown at 6 A.M. to see the Mad Rush to www.starbucks.com when it opens on Sunday.  I will brink my own home brewed coffee to drink in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  CIO 

09/12/21 Sunday 4:20 A.M.  The big excitement in Greenwich is what is back on sale at www.cvs.com starting at midnight on Sunday morning.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 3:55 A.M.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added twelve slices of Land of Frost black forest ham and five slices of white American cheese  in between each six slices of ham, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  The Land of Frost black forest ham is paper thin, so one has to use more slices.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 3:20 A.M.   I think the www.nytimes.com should change their motto to, "All the news that is paid to print."

As if one did not know https://theartoflawschool.com/how-much-do-law-school-books-cost/

https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/articles/where-supreme-court-justices-earned-law-degrees ,

the Unites States Supreme Court acts like there are not other lawyers other than from the Ivy League schools.

In my particular case I have a distant relative who is a human rights activist at the World Court at the Hague https://www.vredespaleis.nl/jurisdiction/international-court-of-justice/?lang=en&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiOXbu_H48gIVgoJbCh0C5QiWEAAYASAAEgIeVPD_BwE  which probably has some pretty good lawyers too.

Also law books have very fine print which is hard to read for people with eye problems reading small print.

If one reads an old set of law books, one might be out of date, since politicians and judges change the laws on the books all of the time for better or worse. 

Also other people's truths which are not published in the United States of America might be printed in other countries in other languages, which one might not be aware of.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 2:35 A.M.  I went outside again.

I bought https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082FYDGKD/?tag=dc-robd-20 with coupon code "508339FJ" for $7.99 and .51 tax for $8.50 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.

I have a new expression.  "If it stinks like shit, it probably is shit!"  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 1:35 A.M.  Vivian West out on Plandome Manor, Long Island had some interesting political connections.  Her mother was part of the Kaiser of Germany's consulate to New York City before World War I.  She had the first Mercedes Benz on Long Island, and Rally Mercedes in Glen Coe, Long Island knew her.  Also she had gone to Swarthmore College with Millicent Fenwick the first woman in the House of Representatives.  Her neighbor was Mr. Grumman of Grumman aircraft the second largest Defense contractor in the United States.  Her former husband from the West family were original settlers in Manhasset, Long Island, and he might have been the geologist from the University of Toronto that discovered the oil in Saudi Arabia for J. Paul Getty.  He lived in Santa Rosa, California.  She also owned a reinsurance company that insured the oil refineries in New Jersey.  Her only friend that I could tell was Mrs. Coffin in Sands Point, Long Island and Vero Beach, Florida.  She once told me all of the Saudi princes were out there in their long robes in the late 1940s, when Saudi Arabia discovered its oil.  The oldest Getty gasoline station that I have seen was also in Manhasset, Long Island.  She had the best of breed in Pugs, English cocker spaniels, and German Shepards.  I think Charlie the Pug dog was pretty much in charge.  She had traveled to every five star hotel in the World.  She like listening to the Greenwich Radio station on her short wave radio and the Radio Deutch A Vella Caribbean relay station.  Her lawyer lived on Round Hill Road in Greenwich, and her daughter once worked for Cyrus Vance after he was secretary of state in his law firm at 57th Street and Madison Avenue.  Cyrus Vance's son is now the District Attorney in Manhattan.  Also while building the garage apartment a man showed up at her house that looked like Bill Clinton, and John her grandson told me he was just the Fuller Brush Man.  The only persons that showed up at the house was Ruby the maid from Jamaica and the local butcher with chopped meat for the Pug.  Since the Duke of Windsor kept Pubs, Vivian might have known the Duke of Windsor and Wallace Simpson.  Also besides private homes in Plandome Manor developed by the Metropolitan Museum or Art in the 1930s, there is just a Long Island Railroad stop with a post office before Port Washington last stop.  When I was out there building her garage apartment one of her two grandson's came out to Greenwich and was dating a girl that lived on Byram Shore Road here in Greenwich.  One of her granddaughters worked at the all night coffee shop across the street from Studio 54 and is now selling Spanish wine.  The other granddaughter was the first European American to go to work for China Airlines as a flight attendant, and her husband is a Chinese silk merchant.  Of course the Vanderbilts and other families once lived in the same neighborhood also including Whitney who was ambassador to the Court of St. James.  For those old houses built in the 1920s and 1930s, the Manhasset, Long Island Wright Brothers hardware store had all of the parts needed for an old house which are hard fine.  Possibly with a son in law from the Caldwater family of Philadelphia who started the first medical university in America there were other connections besides their time at Brown University.  I do know the Bolton family name shows up in England as the wealthiest family in England in the 19th Century, because they invented the Steam Engine.  CIO

09/12/21 Sunday 12:40 A.M.  Also in February 1978, when I returned from my three day trip to Paradise Island at Nassau in the Bahamas, I hitchhiked down to Key West again.  I had a third drink down there of a Bud beer at a beach bar with somebody named John from Champaign, Illinois.  He was arrested for not having the money to pay for the beer, so since I knew the District Attorney in Key West, I went to the police station, and I told them to set that John free.  The following morning when I was around the Casa Marina, I met another John named John Bolton whom they had set free.  I had quit smoking, and he offered me a Marlboro cigarette which I started smoking again.  John had been given back his $1,500 bond money which his grandmother Vivian West had sent to him to get out of jail.  John was a graphics artist of exceptional skill, so we started hanging out together at the Casa Marina, since he had the key to the building.  He knew all about the history of the building and the Spotswood family that had built it had a house on the waterfront next to it.  John's father was with the State Department, and I was around his family until February 1983, when I finished his grandmother's garage apartment.  Later in Greenwich, he visited me a half dozen times, and he was working for Taylor Environmental in Queens on asbestos research.  I once showed my mother the garage apartment out there, when I had left Nantucket in October 1983, when we were driving down to Vero Beach, Florida.  I also had dinner with him and his relatives out there in Plandome Manor.  Also when I was living at 700 Steamboat Road, I went out there for about a week or two, and I cut a entry way from the downstairs hallway in the main house to the garage apartment bathroom.  I think I had to go down to Philadelphia to another sister's house to get my tools.  Also friends of mine including John Bolton, Richard Van Marter, Tony Renato Pigato from a original Portugese family in Sao Paulo, Brazil that owned a million acres of coffee plantation a friend of the Aga Khan, had a dinner party at George Cary's garage apartment at W. Averill Harriman's sister's garage apartment at Sands Point, Long Island where www.ibm.com used to have a country club up the road.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 11:55 P.M.  I rested some more until 10:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

On my last trip to Key West, Florida in February 1982, I met some other people that I did not mention earlier in my notes earlier this week.  I met somebody with Nelson Rockefeller's look that lived next to the Key West police station with a bar full of liquor.  I met two men whom lived in a trailer next to the Boca Chica naval station.  One looked like President Reagan and the other Steve Salisbury from Salisbury, Connecticut looked like George W. Bush. The man that looked like President Reagan raked the gravel in the front yard at the Fogarty House.  At the Fogarty house, the bar tender at the Cabana bar was name Michael who also worked in Nantucket, and he gave me a free glass of orange juice.  At the time Cliff Robertson and Dena Merrill were having cocktails at the bar.  At the Casa Marina Hotel, I saw two men that looked like Lowell Weicker and Chris Dodd exiting the hotel.  When I got fourth degree sun burn, I met a www.navy.mil medic from New Haven named Miller that gave me some morphine to kill the pain, and he took me to dinner at "Poor Richard's" French restaurant.  He had a new www.ford.com Lincoln Continental, and he was going to Ecuador to buy whole sale Rubies and Emeralds.  I met another person who lived in a little cabana behind to young men's house that looked like two of Gerald Ford's sons.  I also chatted with a young fellow, when I was trying to sleep on the beach by the Casa Marina at Fort Mallory park, and he looked like a young John James Audubon.  He offered me part of a joint, but it did not do anything for me.  The following morning I was arrested by local police officer, and I was called a "Nazi" by him because I was wearing a new pair of Ray Ban aviator sun glasses that I had bought at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan for $89.  On the police computers, they had a False computer report that I was a drug addict and an alcoholic and escaped from Fairfield Hills mental hospital in Connecticut.  They held me for two months in the Monroe County jail, and then had me extradited up north flying from Key West to Cape Canaveral to Virginia Beach to Trenton to Bridgeport.  They held me for another month in the Bridgeport jail, and my sister then in Norwalk would not pay the $100 bond to get out.  When I was about to go to court, I called a family attorney in Greenwich named Everett Fisher, and he showed up in Court, and they dropped the charges.  I then went out to Plandome Manor, Long Island; and I built the garage apartment from April 1982 to February 1983.  I never figured out whom filed the false computer report, but I knew a number of computer people living around www.ibm.com including the Watson family including some of them that were in Key West, when I was there.  Vivian West out on Long Island where I built the garage apartment had a son in law that was a software engineer in the State Department in Libya, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia.  The actual fact is that in the fall of 1975, I hitchhiked up to www.yale.edu from Greenwich curious about the new Nelson Rockefeller and Henry Ford school of business and politics.  I spent a week there sleeping a couch in the basement of the Yale Law school, and I did not eat any food. I looked up Phil Zaeder the assistant chaplain at Yale who had been the chaplain at the Taft School, when I was there, and he had me see a psychiatrist named Dr. Slavitz who gave me a pill the size of a marble.  When I got back to my cottage in Greenwich while listening to classical music off my Lear Jet 8 track stereo, I was arrested.  I saw Dr. Hampton who had me hospitalized at Fairfield Hills Mental Hospital for two months, where I ate lots of food.  I had known his daughter when I was swimming at Conyers Farm lake earlier that spring along with members of the glass of 1975 at the Greenwich High School some of whom were neighbors.  After two months at Fairfield Hills, where I played pool with somebody from www.nantucket.net , I was released to a half way house in New Haven, where I used the Yale Library for a month, and then I returned home to Greenwich for Christmas, and at the first of the year, I moved to Greenville, South Carolina to worked Daniel Construction now part of www.fluor.com as an expeditor.  In the entire time in Key West during four different winter years, I did not use drugs, and I only once had a Schlitz beer at the Bull and once I had a www.heiniken.com at the Pier House patio.  Possibly since my travel funds and United States passport and other identification were stolen from me in August 1980 which passport was later used in Amsterdam, somebody using my identification caused the problems.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 9:20 P.M.  https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=e796e8c4f74b7b4c1a16ce67073bc68a55cd49225cd3cfb87654333eeae7aeec534a23626be28c7fe3fc07afb5b98afb39b78e013f58d569ae8b6e2dc31997787bf5d57b2d3553ef220869c206f61752 about 911.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 9:10 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 8:10 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate some Utz snack mix with flavored salt.  I finally woke up at 7 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=283348622440&trkqual=12022~283348622440~FDEG on the order for https://www.ebay.com/itm/234094663519?hash=item368121175f:g:cFoAAOSwfPdg9Ih4 for $12.95 and $9.56 shipping and $1.43 tax for $23.94 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005724275978 for Alexa Echo Show stand https://www.amazon.com/Echo-Show-Adjustable-Stand-Black/dp/B07MV64LGF/ref=gbps_img_m-2_e27d_1f6c30b8?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=b1713d3a-c1f5-4d4d-bf87-1b93fe3fe27d&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=11851273011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=26E8E0RVPS59Y0KD09R5 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total and with tracking of tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9361289688005754271036&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Transactional%20Email&utm_campaign=&utm_content=track_package on the order for four ten foot HDMI cables https://electronics.woot.com/offers/amazon-basics-4k-hdmi-cable-10ft-10pk-4?utm_campaign=AmazonOffer+-+20210907+-+Electronics+-+3199300&utm_source=Amazon&utm_medium=email&ref_=pe_3199300_603323900 for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total arrived.  I put the power strip underneath the right chair at the oak dining table.  I put the Alexa stand underneath the Alexa device on the window side of the Ethan Allen recliner.  I got ten cables instead of four cables, and I put them underneath the oak dining table at the primary eating place with the other cables.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  I will go outside again throw out the shipping box. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-10/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-10/  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 9:10 A.M.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel chicken Alfredo meal with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

09/11/21 Saturday 8:55 A.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I drank my home brewed coffee.  While downtown, I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com three times.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I chatted with a passenger in the empty train station.  I never see anybody commuting anymore, but the passenger assured me there are still commuters.  I chatted with a friend in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought four Anne Chum's Thai noodle bowls for $2.50 each, a 32 ounce Starbucks cold brew coffee for $6.99, and buy one get one 50% off of 8 ounce Gold Emblem seasoned salt for $2.99 and $1.49 for $21.47 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside briefly.  I put away my purchases.  I filed this report.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 4:45 A.M.  Roofless car $2 million https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/success/bentley-bacalar-no-roof/index.html

https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/hurricane-larry-will-produce-snow-measured-in-feet/ar-AAOiZrA?li=BBorjTa Blizzard for Greenland

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/even-londoners-don-t-know-about-these-hidden-gems-in-england-s-capital/ss-BB1bVSLw?li=BBnbklE Hidden London

I will now head out to Green Witch Avenue to see the Saturday morning rush at www.starbucks.com starting at 5:30 A.M..  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 4:20 A.M.  I took my long underwear out of the bedroom closet, and I hung it on the back side and front side of the bathroom door.  I moved my summer shirts to the far left side of the bedroom closet, and I put my colder weather shirts on the left center of the bedroom closet.  It is not cold enough yet to put the cold weather bedding on the bed or the winter coats and jackets out.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 3:40 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  It is currently 55 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  Places in Greenwich https://www.airbnb.com/s/Fairfield-County/homes?click_referer=t%3ASEE_ALL%7Csid%3A1a1a605a-5c82-4769-b5fb-0c1e7010a027%7Cst%3ALANDING_PAGE_HOMES&title_type=LANDING_PAGE_HOMES&refinement_paths%5B%5D=%2Fhomes&tab_id=home_tab&place_id=ChIJly5MDxGYwokR4jAEYCeuMQg&flexible_trip_dates%5B%5D=october&flexible_trip_dates%5B%5D=september&flexible_trip_lengths%5B%5D=weekend_trip&date_picker_type=calendar&ne_lat=41.16596451210135&ne_lng=-73.09339037719724&sw_lat=40.79533153674049&sw_lng=-73.79582873168943&zoom=11&search_by_map=true&search_type=user_map_move   CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 3:05 A.M.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 2:55 A.M.  The last time I was in Key West, Florida in February 1982, I met Steve Bahl who owned https://carrvalleycheese.com/ from Wisconsin.  He had a house next to the Key West post office.  It is now cool enough to order cheese to be shipped from them, but shipping is very expensive like the cheapest is $22.  I also met a Canadian that looked like Prince Andrew that lived next to the Casa Marina Hotel, and I met a Military Policeman from Costa Rica.  My time was limited down there, since I went back up north for free to build Vivian West's garage apartment until February 1983 before visiting Oslo, Norway and returning to www.nantucket.net .  Her grandson John Bolton was around me in Key West in 1978, and we lived at the Casa Marina Hotel https://www.guestreservations.com/casa-marina-resort-a-waldorf-astoria-resort/booking?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh_mHu6r28gIVg5qGCh2Uag9gEAAYASAAEgJMcfD_BwE when they started refurbishing it, since he had the key to the building.  Jim Eldert was also down there at the time working a in frozen yogurt stand with a friend that lived in an expensive Japanese House near the Casa Marina, where John and I once had dinner with Jim.  Jim actually had a one bedroom apartment across the street from the Catholic Church St. Margaret's.  The following winter in 1979, and John and myself spent most of the winter in Daytona with his sister and her roommate from the www.af.mil .  In the winter of 1977, I was around Jim Eldert and his friends in Key West, when he showed up there from the University of New Hampshire.  The Spotswood family from Vermont originally built the Casa Marina Hotel for the Flagler Florida East Coast railroad in the 1930s.  Betty Mathews here in Greenwich and Palm Beach was Henry Flagler's daughter.  CIO  

09/11/21 Saturday 2:25 A.M.  At https://www.amtrak.com/home.html , the cheapest fair from Stamford, Connecticut to Miami, Florida is $162 at the moment and on Grey Hound https://www.greyhound.com/ from Miami to Key West is $25, but one could fly from nearby Westchester County Airport to Key West, Florida for $536 https://www.kayak.com/flights/HPN-EYW/2021-09-12/2021-09-19?sort=price_a where a former neighbor of mine in Greenwich from the Rockefeller family used to spend the winter.  However, social services are limited in Key West, so one probably needs a lot of wampum.  The cheapest place to camp out there is $75 a night in season at https://www.boydscampground.com/ unless one happened to be a member of the www.navy.mil waiting for deployment around the world.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/11/21 Saturday 1:00 A.M.  First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-b9b9x5azb8-10121578?e=d0a721e34a

911 Blind Survivor https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4850269831651008

Greenwich Ida Aftermath resources https://www.greenwichct.gov/1959/Remnants-of-TS-Ida-Aftermath-Resources  

https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-11-heres-how-to-get-microsofts-free-operating-system-update/?ftag=TRE0fb9d06&bhid=%7B%24external_id%7D&mid=%7B%24MESSAGE_ID%7D&cid=%7B%24contact_id%7D&eh=%7B%24CF_emailHash%7D Windows 11 only works on Generation 8 or later processors

Lantern for $14 https://sellout.woot.com/offers/energizer-500-lumen-led-camping-lantern-1?utm_campaign=AmazonOffer+-+20210909+-+Sellout+-+3199310&utm_source=Amazon&utm_medium=email&ref_=pe_3199310_603687250

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/10/21 Friday 11:50 P.M.  I took some pictures of what I look like with my new hair cut.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-09/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-09/ .  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 11:25 P.M.  I rested until 10:30 P.M.. I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 8:00 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688005755113847 for Dole Tropical Fruit https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Tropical-Passion-Natural-Pineapple/dp/B00GFROON6?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $18.24 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now throw out the shipping box. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-08/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-08/ CIO

09/10/21 Friday 6:55 P.M.  I woke up, and I chatted with a relative.  I ate some UTZ pub snack mix with some Lowery's seasoned salt that I put on it.  I finally woke up at 6:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 8:25 A.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I drank my own coffee there.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice while downtown.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area and the train station area.  I sat out across the street from the train station area.  After sitting out for a while more, I went to the www.chase.com bank ATM machine at the top of Greenwich Avenue.  I then went to Palm Barbers at 20 Church Street, and I got my hair cut short for $25 and $10 tip for $35 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 5 ounce Dannon yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 4:45 A.M.  Off Amazon Prime Britbox, I watched season 6 episode 3 of "Agatha Christie's Marple".  I went outside once.  I will now go downtown with my owned brewed coffee to watch the slow shuffle as Green Witch Avenue wakes up.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 2:20 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 12:55 A.M.  I am about to eat 8 ounces of Perdue grilled white meat chicken strips with 12 ounces of Simply Mashed potatoes with garlic with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  CIO

09/10/21 Friday 12:35 A.M.  Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9361289688005754271036&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Transactional%20Email&utm_campaign=&utm_content=track_package on the order for four ten foot HDMI cables https://electronics.woot.com/offers/amazon-basics-4k-hdmi-cable-10ft-10pk-4?utm_campaign=AmazonOffer+-+20210907+-+Electronics+-+3199300&utm_source=Amazon&utm_medium=email&ref_=pe_3199300_603323900 for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total.

House of the Rising Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-43lLKaqBQ

KLM https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=21c402a542046e06f4d9a2d18498fbcd6c38530d2173ddd69386f22f510a774023c00ba209bc70be6efbf924f66625731d8e362a2222046d30cf9081f54f2742bf1d21e7904d6723110a82d643e9ad13712fe0a00f0817a6

https://ricasehaven.com/visc?subid=vis_imk_tr_ukh1_831&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzvHqv8Hz8gIVkvgOAB2p5AQ0EAEYASAAEgK5tvD_BwE About rebuilding stem cells for eye repair, very lengthy.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 11:45 P.M.  I went outside again.  On the far end of the oak dining table, I hooked up a speaker cable from the Apple Mini late 2010 to the Logitech sound system, so that device also has speakers.  However, to play that device one has to connect it HDMI video cable to the AOC monitor.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 10:35 P.M.  I rested until 10 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO 

09/09/21 Thursday 8:30 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I put my USB card in the HP backup computer.  On page 206, I read our weather forecast in the Farmer's Almanac.  We are supposed to have a bit of snow in late December 2021.  Other wise it will be average but colder.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 7:05 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt and some Utz snack mix.  I finally woke up at 5:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&Requester=DAN&tracknum=1ZA42706YW94764286&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&WT.z_eCTAid=ct1_eml_Tracking__ct1_eml_tra_sb_upg1&WT.z_edatesent=09022021/trackdetails on the order for n https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each and $14.99 shipping for $122.49 total and with tracking of https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=9361289688005728676683 for hair dryer with coupon code "257NY1724" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZSGC7NY?m=AKROZ0XVDO8XU&ref=mpc_asin_title&tag=dc-robd-20_category for $17.24 and $1.09 tax for $18.33 total and Dole Tropical Fruit https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Tropical-Passion-Natural-Pineapple/dp/B00GFROON6?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $18.24 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005683969116 for five pairs of reading glasses in size 2 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B096RYVS2L/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A23RFIFMB8JCBX&ascsubtag=e45s4oh2fxq2egjja6lliKi4aTJ8Lldk&th=1 for $15.99 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005677672619 for https://www.amazon.com/GODSHARK-Internal-External-Expansion-Controller/dp/B07S29C1S6/ref=pd_bxgy_2/131-2487278-3260221?pd_rd_w=7nS9r&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=ZXGG9FW5P0M6PRQ4RB88&pd_rd_r=c551547a-a7d7-4a29-8e61-b2f13996deb2&pd_rd_wg=cUQMR&pd_rd_i=B07S29C1S6&psc=1 for $10.99 and .70 tax for $11.69 total arrived.  I went outside twice, and I threw out the shipping box.  I put the reading glasses in the mahogany table drawer at the apartment entrance.  I put the hair dryer behind the left side of the television in the bathroom.  I will put the USB card in the HP backup computer.  I put the fruit underneath the right chair at the oak dining table.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  I am listening to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M..  I will now go outside again.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-07/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-07/ CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 8:55 A.M.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added twelve slices of Land of Frost black forest ham and shredded www.kraft.com  four cheese Mexican in between each six slices of ham, so the shredded cheese does not fall out, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  The Land of Frost black forest ham is paper thin, so one has to use more slices.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 8:20 A.M.  On my way downtown, I stopped by Dunkin Donuts, and I bought an egg and cheese English muffin for $3.21.  I ate it in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  While downtown, I used the bathroom three times at www.starbucks.com .  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area, and the train station area.  I sat out across from the train station.  I bought a medium Veranda blend coffee with almond milk and Splenda sweetener off my Starbucks card for $2.84.  I drank it in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I chatted for a while with a friend.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I then chatted with a friend.  I then filed this report.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 5:00 A.M.  I watched Amazon Prime, half of season 3 of "The World Tour" about American cars being tested in Scotland.  I went outside twice.  I will now go downtown to Greenwich Avenue to see the mad rush to www.starbucks.com .  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 3:00 A.M.  Off Amazon Prime, I watched season 4 episode 2 of "The World Tour" about bad roads in Madagascar.  I ate a bowl of Utz snack mix.  I went outside.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/09/21 Thursday 12:40 A.M.  I bought four ten foot HDMI cables https://electronics.woot.com/offers/amazon-basics-4k-hdmi-cable-10ft-10pk-4?utm_campaign=AmazonOffer+-+20210907+-+Electronics+-+3199300&utm_source=Amazon&utm_medium=email&ref_=pe_3199300_603323900 for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total.

Disaster Relief Note: 

Attention :

The Westchester County Center FEMA Operations Center Is Now Operational 1-800-621-3362 to make an appointment (recommended but not required) Located at: Westchester County Center 198 Central Ave White Plains, NY 10606 Hours of Operation: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, 7 days a week including Veterans Day Parking: Parking is free to those visiting the FEMA DRC. The center is staffed with representatives from: Con Edison to answer customer questions about outages and restorations FEMA to help individuals, households apply for financial aid for losses and damages caused by the storm The Small Business Administration, which will help businesses apply for low-interest loans for storm-related damages A variety of social services agencies to provide residents with recovery assistance The Department of Health, which will be giving free tetanus shots to anyone involved with cleanup, at the County Center Friday, Saturday and Sunday and at other locations. There will also be representatives from the Small Business Administration, who can explain low-interest loan packages available to individuals, nonprofits and businesses of any size. FEMA strongly advises that people register in advance of visiting the disaster center. Residents can apply for FEMA aid without coming to the County Center. The first step is to register either by calling FEMA’s registration number 1-800-621-3362; or logging into www.disasterassistance.gov (link is external). For those with speech or hearing disabilities, use the TTY number at 800-462-7585.

End of Note: 

Five Hormel Meals $10 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KQNNW9K/ref=pe_3730140_603559900_em_1p_1_lm  

I ordered Dole Tropical Fruit https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Tropical-Passion-Natural-Pineapple/dp/B00GFROON6?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $18.24 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card. 

I ordered three Listerine Total Care Mouthwash one liter https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00495Q5OW/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  for $14.76 and .93 tax for $15.69 total. 

I bought Alexa Echo Show stand https://www.amazon.com/Echo-Show-Adjustable-Stand-Black/dp/B07MV64LGF/ref=gbps_img_m-2_e27d_1f6c30b8?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=b1713d3a-c1f5-4d4d-bf87-1b93fe3fe27d&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=11851273011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=26E8E0RVPS59Y0KD09R5 for $15.99 and $1.02 tax for $17.01 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 11:30 P.M.  I rested some more until 11 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 9:25 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I was just thinking that up on www.nantucket.net , they should start the Royal Nantucket Culinary Society for all of those people who have worked in the multiple Nantucket restaurants over the years. 

For 911 Victims Fund https://www.911victims.com/ .  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 8:30 P.M.  I woke up at 8 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.   I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

09/08/21 Wednesday 9:05 A.M.  After the last note, I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out, and I drank my coffee that I brought with me.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  Everyone now has to wear masks inside stores.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area and the train station area.  I sat out for a while across from the train station watching the slow morning shuffle or hardly anyone around.  I chatted with a friend for quite a while.  Afterwards, I used the bathroom again at Starbucks.  I then returned home, and I sat outside.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added twelve slices of Land of Frost black forest ham and shredded www.kraft.com  four cheese Mexican in between each six slices of ham, so the shredded cheese does not fall out, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays salt and vinegar potato chips and barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  The Land of Frost black forest ham is paper thin, so one has to used more slices.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 4:50 A.M.  Off Amazon Prime, I watched season 4 episode 1 of "The Grand Tour" about boating in Cambodia and Viet Nam.  I went outside once.  I will now go downtown to Greenwich Avenue to watch www.starbucks.com open with their morning rush, and I will bring my own home brewed coffee.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 2:30 A.M.  I ate three hotdogs with buns with ketchup and mustard and barbecue potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

What happened to Connecticut in Hurricane Ida  https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/weather-news/stories/major-flooding-as-ida-drenches-connecticut/2573934/

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 1:45 A.M.  refurbished Dell tower computers https://www.dellrefurbished.com/cheap-computers?model_f[]=Precision%205810&utm_campaign=cj_affiliate_sale&utm_medium=BensBargains.com+%28Internet+Brands%29&utm_source=cj&utm_content=404255&utm_term=15034554&cjevent=fd7f46a1106011ec83e304f40a82b820&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&chassis_type[]=Tower

New Dell  Tower $679 https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/desktops-all-in-one-pcs/new-vostro-5890-desktop/spd/vostro-5890-desktop/smv5890w10ps09b7?cjevent=a1f157bc106211ec82a804ff0a82b821&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&gacd=9646510-23736410-5750457-266322766-127797014&dgc=af&VEN1=12383016-404255-fe2.4.3buA.0.1MnPNM.1gUfPw.2jq.2jr.3-BensBargains.com%20(Internet%20Brands)&dclid=CMOkwNjN7vICFSUEaAgdu34G8Q&nclid=1IUzjKQn4HpbkUyhlICeMRIXlXYjIjF2HKiC9uSOLWFz_-p3SVF0Zggu2G_HLMUw

800 clams https://deals.dell.com/en-us/productdetail/a8rp?AID=227502&cjevent=ab979f6c106311ec83e304f60a82b820&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&gacd=9614781-23761182-5750457-265988609-127889515&dgc=af&VEN1=12578053-227502-01cZTSwSWIVYOFpVmFqnWBa-TechBargains&dclid=COaX_azP7vICFYQGaAgdeOYGwg&nclid=1IUzjKQn4HpbkUyhlICeMRIXlXYjIjF2HKiC9uSOLWFz_-p3SVF0Zggu2G_HLMUw

I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Dole-Tropical-Passion-Natural-Pineapple/dp/B00GFROON6?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $18.24 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.

I ordered hair dryer with coupon code "257NY1724" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZSGC7NY?m=AKROZ0XVDO8XU&ref=mpc_asin_title&tag=dc-robd-20_category for $17.24 and $1.09 tax for $18.33 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/08/21 Wednesday 12:20 A.M.  Beach Towns for Retired People https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=6675e7dc5613a599bcd9a1420cbedea5193e579dba8eb13617c14a62b8e5e6effa3196e5142808258cced5571735df83a499a9844d220f99a40edc5a3adff14369ccde135964a82d48cefcd36d28e0ad

https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=4b9f432ccbac8cee037fd4ce6d407b343255d6d1187a2a8c798f16b52afeb6ff2c56d68d6f023b2f3bcb7e6b9baf2bb20a0656f00bd7302abb0ef4e946d0ec4e1c85bc094ce1922e5e29ec90f6ae2372 AARP

Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=283348622440&trkqual=12022~283348622440~FDEG on the order for https://www.ebay.com/itm/234094663519?hash=item368121175f:g:cFoAAOSwfPdg9Ih4 for $12.95 and $9.56 shipping and $1.43 tax for $23.94 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

09/07/21 Tuesday 11:50 P.M.  I went outside, and I put my new www.geico.com insurance card in my car's glove box.  It becomes active October 8, 2021; one I made a payment.  I put the new information for my current Stop and Shop card, so I can get the sale discounts at the local store.  Their web site says the Stop and Shop store in nearby Darien was wiped out by Hurricane Ida.  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 10:50 P.M.  On the far end of the oak dining table, I left the AOC monitor set to HDMI, so it can play off the HP backup computer.  Also the TV coaxial cable connected to the Dell Optiplex 740 computer, on plays a fewer high definition channels off the Windows Media Player.  I do not know if the new Hauppauge USB stick will play the cable box channels of not when tuned to channel 3 with the TV player of Windows Media Player.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 10:20 P.M.  On the far end of the oak dining table, I tested the Logitech speaker system connected to the HP backup computer and the Dell Optiplex 790, and it works just fine.  I took the headset off the HP backup computer, and I connected it to the Apple Mac Mini late 2011, and I moved the USB headset from there to the HP backup computer.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 9:40 P.M.  I rested until 9 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 7:35 P.M.  I used the audio cable that I just got, and at the far end of the oak dining table I hooked up both the HP backup computer and the Dell Optiplex 790 computer to the Logitech speaker system.  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 7:20 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z486W190316084740&requester=WT/trackdetails for https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Ethernet-Unmanaged-Internet-Splitter/dp/B00KFD0SYK?ref=deals_deals_deals-grid_slot-15_39f3_dt_dcell_tlt_7_cc3284b3 for $16.99 and $1.08 tax for $18.07 total.  I put it in the left hallway bookcase on the middle shelf. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-06/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-06/ CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 5:55 P.M.  I woke up, and I chatted with a friend.  I ate some barbecue potato chips and six Stoned Wheat Thins with 1.25 inch by 3/16th inch triangles of Dutch Van Kass smoked gouda cheese.  I finally woke up at 4:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside twice.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=92748902410638553511838396 on the order for three 64 GB pen drives https://www.newegg.com/adata-model-auv128-64g-rby-64gb/p/N82E16820211765?Item=N82E16820211765&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-COM&cm_mmc=AFC-RAN-COM&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&AFFID=344591&AFFNAME=Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&ACRID=1&ASUBID=fe2.4.3bj2.0.1MlAL5..2jq.2jr.3&ranMID=44583&ranEAID=344591&ranSiteID=isIkAyUyNbM-J3ruy5hdM0K3qQZJ3h7yZA for $6.99 each and $1.23 tax for $22.30 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005641064792 for https://www.amazon.com/Ancable-Stereo-Female-2-Male-Y-Splitter/dp/B01HD1HC04/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=audio+splitter+female+to+2+male&qid=1630816544&sr=8-3 for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total and https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-22AWG-Extension-Cable-Female/dp/B017XUSKVK/ref=sr_1_4?crid=265EX1CYRAMTO&dchild=1&keywords=usb+extension+cable&qid=1630812618&sprefix=USB+ex%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-4 for $5.89 and .37 tax for $6.26 total and with tracking of  https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688005686801042 for six 44 ounce UTZ snack mix https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006VYO276/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2L77EE7U53NWQ&psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $5.24 each for $31.44 arrived.  I put the UTZ snack mix on the floor in the kitchen on the far left side.  I put the USB cable and Pen drives in the upper left desk drawer.  I left the audio cable on the HP backup computer.  I threw out the shipping box.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-05/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-05/  CIO 

09/07/21 Tuesday 7:25 A.M.  I went downtown, and I drank my own coffee at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I chatted with a friend.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice.  I returned home, and I sat outside briefly.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

09/07/21 Tuesday 4:40 A.M.  Off Netflix, I watched the rest of "The Guns of Navarone".  I went outside twice.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue with my own cup of coffee to watch the early morning rush at www.starbucks.com .  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 2:00 A.M.  I rested until 1 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=df27a4eba58e8a95405f4232fe072b357d51253c6cccf6cb96f1e57691013acd51818ba7c373840c0dc53ab538a57e7a7e56b669eb29bb33e8628b0370616b6344ea12eadaef77835c5e877e361665db AARP Benefits

Twinnings Herbal Tea $9 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009OY2IEY?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I ordered five pairs of reading glasses in size 2 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B096RYVS2L/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A23RFIFMB8JCBX&ascsubtag=e45s4oh2fxq2egjja6lliKi4aTJ8Lldk&th=1 for $15.99 total.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

09/07/21 Tuesday 12:05 A.M.  I am about to eat 8 ounces of Perdue grilled white meat chicken strips with 12 ounces of Simply Mashed potatoes with garlic and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO 

09/06/21 Monday 11:35 P.M.  I went outside earlier, and I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 11:25 P.M.  When I knew Fred Von Mierers, one of his best friends was Joe MacDonald who was related to Henry www.ford.com 's First Wife Anne MacDonald Ford.  Joe used to appear on the second page of the www.nytimes.com every day advertising for https://www.paulstuart.com/ .  I also once met Ima MacDonald who also lived in Fred and Joe's apartment building on East 54th Street on the East side of First Avenue, and Ima was with Winston Churchill's granddaughter complaining about the crime in Manhattan.  She told me the MacDonald clan had the Land Grant for Western Canada.  She liked having a cocktail at Billy's nearby on First Avenue chatting with the sports editor for the www.nytimes.com .  She had the same look as the Queen Mum of England, if you get my drift.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 10:50 P.M.  These imitation men's Gucci shoes are for sale for $45 https://www.ebay.com/sch/azarsuits/m.html?item=293858253656&amdata=cksum%3A293858253656d28f4678aea44a3db4057e1fc37c1771%7Cenc%3AAQAFAAACAG%252BwY8TRfzKfGXHpmU%252BekXNkMWqlZL%252By14ZzB2VYspUe8sQFbF5LUHWogMb6Fuu3FNbIUVl6rPA6qElDfbi5AZ1rx0KXNYbSRUFilKOHqYJSVIXyLYKqjFEVnvlKqqscIQ79%252BVgX4rdQHR3h%252B17%252B%252FvxM%252FNqD7e6s4b%252FdbKzLOGahEh4UXgo5BqOq%252FFtT3f8hhEMxowq6AmLDq4kYSIc63%252FO8tvyob0hJ8hpJq2lUJmxAi%252FlFe0y0WtIY4HlMHOidEgG43VBFUyk1SRGSWFEzWj5byg38uL6PECpcvpBJBSNXNnnmtiQczPTGgjaGoIsavazTZX47zUYiER26TG759aw00PGs5PQsiJu4rkZIvo%252BZOCnIvfJlNQ0fg9hALKRIgCET6jil%252FpBNvIhyOqnFe0u0iEAXvL1C1AbxNoCfpcDe03r9ZY%252Bo2p2oQ8tavRdMMpX%252F8DBIPaSk8geSXJ%252BKOnUpH5wOMv89Ncx%252F70yC2QjADCAClhxzkemOFEdZGJsrgiMu9a%252F3ZPSGUCqA3KDDOIqD7vFfAkSpVSIGqhdx20RCjqISQUq%252FoDExUqZpqHfdTS%252FO%252BFo4qvWPbUVD5tqm7HFEky%252Fl6AE%252FCq9u8BizUCCIXdr%252BIGSAGF%252Fcr0ZDK341g8wQwmrD7Yv6oj6wYFeN3E%252BubxJcdvkiHg2hcxC%252FJxaB%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562

However, the real rich people that can afford $790 pairs of Gucci shoes https://www.gucci.com/us/en/pr/men/shoes-for-men/moccasins-and-loafers-for-men/1953-horsebit-leather-loafer-p-307929BLM001000 can tell the difference.  When I lived in Florence, Italy in the winter of 1972 near their Gucci store just north of the Santa Trinita bridge over the Arno River just west of the Ponte Vecchio, I was told the original Gucci shoes had solid gold buckles, when gold was only $32 an ounce.  One wealthy classmate from Argentina had custom made Florentine leather boots made, and on the heels in between each layer of leather were plates of solid gold.  His father owned the largest night club in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  He also bought an orange Kharmen Kia to drive around in.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 10:30 P.M.  I went downtown, and I toured Whole Foods on East Putnam Avenue, but there was nothing that I needed.  I then went down to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I was told by a relative to get my third Moderna Covid 19 shot at CVS, I have to wait a month after the flu shot that I just got.  I bought two ten packs of Green Mountain Nantucket K cups for $4.99 each, three Anne Chum's Thai noodle bowls for $2.50 each and two 64 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $4.99 each for $23.67 total.  There is now a new store just south of CVS on Greenwich Avenue called https://www.rebag.com where they resell expensive items.  There is also another resale shop https://www.therealreal.com/ lower down on Greenwich Avenue across the street from Bitteridge Jewelers that I mentioned before.  I then sat out briefly at the Veterans monument at the Board of Education parking lot.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 48 ounce Blue Diamond vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.29.  I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.  I went outside, and I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  Facebook Messenger Contacts are once again are not working.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 8:10 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the end of the day.  CIO 

09/06/21 Monday 7:05 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate some salt and vinegar and barbecue potato chips.  I finally woke up at 6:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

09/06/21 Monday 8:55 A.M.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel beef stroganoff meal with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

09/06/21 Monday 8:35 A.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I drank my home brewed coffee.  I chatted with two people that I know.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  At Zen Stationary, I bought an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, and I lost as usual donating another dollar to the poor people here from India.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161  West Putnam Avenue, and I bought three 7 ounce bags of Lays barbecue potato chips for $1.88 each, a package of deli white American cheese for $6.99 a pound for $6.09 and a 9 ounce package of Deli Fresh mesquite turkey slices for $3.34 for $14.17 total.  I also had my Stop and Shop activated on the internet for savings, but I still have to register it online.  I also returned a Poland Spring bottle, and I got a ticket.  I then returned home, and I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  I filed this report.  CIO   

09/06/21 Monday 4:30 A.M.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue, and I will bring my own cup of coffee to the Senior and the Arts Center to start the day.  CIO 

!!!!!! 09/06/21 Monday 3:30 A.M.  Facebook Messenger Contacts service now seems to be working all right.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 3:25 A.M.  I watched off Netflix part of "The Guns of Navarone" which I have seen several times before.  I once met Steve Niven at Freddie old apartment at 420 East 49th Street.  I went outside once.  I am basically an Old Man, so I will now rest a bit more.  CIO

09/06/21 Monday 1:45 A.M.  I ate three hotdogs with buns with ketchup and mustard and salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/06/21 Monday 1:15 A.M.  When I delete my system cookies with www.ccleaner.com , Facebook only allows me to see my Facebook Messenger contacts once, and when I refresh the web browser, they all disappear again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/06/21 Monday 1:10 A.M.  The Facebook Messenger Contacts deleted problem came back again.  It must be a problem with loading a cookie in the Facebook server is all that I can figure out.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/06/21 Monday 12:30 A.M.  Good news, I was able to restore my Facebook Messenger contacts, by running Norton Utilities and www.ccleaner.com , and now they show up again.  To me, there seems to have been a script in the Firefox web browser causing the problems.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 11:55 P.M.  I have not cleaned up in a few days.  I feel dirty and grubby.  I will now shower and clean up to refresh myself.  Midnight Mike is at full power for whatever it might be worth in this daytime town.  Back in my time in Manhattan from January 1973 to February 1975 and December 1980 to February 1982, the Greenwich Village Put the oldest steak house in Manhattan called "The Ninth Circle" was next door to a 24 hour TV repair shop for anyone that needed to watch television at night in Manhattan which few do.  I supposed there might be a similar place there today for computers.  In the pre World Center days, all of the electronics shops in Manhattan were located where the World Trade Center was built.

Gator News https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10219742946467789&set=a.1090362062909


I still have a lot of my Facebook Contacts under Friends, but not under Facebook messenger.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 11:15 P.M.  For other Federal Crime compaints one can use this form https://tips.fbi.gov/ .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 11:00 P.M.  I filed a complaint at http://ic3.gov/ about Facebook deleting my contacts.  If it has happened to the larger general public, it might effect Facebook's stock tomorrow.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 10:20 P.M.  Private Island off Scotland $70,000 https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/uninhabited-private-island-in-scotland-up-for-sale-at-70k .

Dog Weather report https://www.cnn.com/videos/media/2021/08/31/dog-interrupts-weather-report-orig-jk.cnn

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/05/21 Sunday 9:20 P.M.  If one want to review my old web notes, they are here:  http://scott-mike.com/scottprenote.htm and http://mikelouisscott.com/scottprenote.htm and at this page http://scott-mike.com/scobio.htm and http://mikelouisscott.com/scobio.htm

Bad news, it looks like some liberal communist pinko hacker has deleted all of contacts at Facebook which I never used very much anyway.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 9:20 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  The Rosewill power strip is coming from Naples, Florida; where I started my failed career as a dishwasher there at the Howard Johnson's, when in the winter of 1977 Jim Eldert and myself hitchhiked out of Key West to visit his grandparents there, who we did not find.  We did not have any money, so I got a two day job washing dishes, before we hitchhiked back to Key West, where we stayed until my six months worth of unemployment arrived, and we headed north back to www.nantucket.net eventually.  The other four power strips are coming from Boca Raton, where the following fall and winter, I worked as a dishwasher at Le Vielle Mason, and on might off on Christmas Eve, I sat down with somebody from www.ibm.com at a coffee shop on U.S. 1 in Boca Raton, and I designed on a napkin a desktop computer based on what I knew about an IBM 360 main frame, but none of the parts were invented yet.  Florida is the lightning capitol of the world, so power strips are handy particularly with surge protection.  Also a number of years ago, the sheriff in Naples, Florida was named Michael Scott. 

If one looks at http://scott-mike.com/09081401.htm , it tells what I was doing twenty years ago in the period around "911".  I can not find it in my notes, but I recall some time before 911 visiting a pub in Manhattan behind the Natural History Museum around Labor Day, and I could smell fresh paint in the air of people painting their apartments after returning from summer vacation.  I am not quite sure when that was.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 8:30 P.M.  Fawn https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4832818206729504

King Arthur https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/an-ancient-monument-associated-with-King-Arthur-is-Older-than-Stonehenge-180978541/?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210905-weekender&spMailingID=45566485&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2080713648&spReportId=MjA4MDcxMzY0OAS2

Free Kindle Air Fryer Meals book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BXLB768?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Free Rubiks Cube book https://www.amazon.com/Rubiks-Cube-Solve-Famous-Easy-ebook/dp/B07H74DYBZ?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Free Pressure Cooker cookbook for Kindle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LVYKEAC

These switchable power strips are still available for $17 https://www.valuetechsupply.com/7-outlet-surge-protector-w-individual-switches-112-0205.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9qZuoTp8gIVzfrICh1wvw8KEAQYAiABEgKDkPD_BwE or

these $28 https://www.amazon.com/Tripp-Lite-Individually-Controlled-TLP76MSG/dp/B0068LACFI

these I use https://www.rosewill.com/product/rosewill-rps-210bl-6-outlet-power-strip-black-125v-input-voltage-1875w-maximum-power-6-foot-cord/

I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/234094663519?hash=item368121175f:g:cFoAAOSwfPdg9Ih4 for $12.95 and $9.56 shipping and $1.43 tax for $23.94 total

I ordered four https://www.valuetechsupply.com/7-outlet-surge-protector-w-individual-switches-112-0205.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9qZuoTp8gIVzfrICh1wvw8KEAQYAiABEgKDkPD_BwE for $17.34 each and $20.15 shipping for $89.51 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 7:15 P.M.  I rested some more until 6:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 5:35 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative and a friend.  I will now rest a bit.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 4:15 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate some salt and vinegar potato chips and six Stoned Wheat Thins with 1.25 inch by 3/16th inch triangles of Dutch Van Kass smoked gouda cheese and a 5 ounce Dannon fruit yogurt.  I finally woke up at 3:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  There were 24 geese in the back yard.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 


End of Scott's Notes week of 09/05/21

09/05/21 Sunday 4:35 A.M.  I rested a short spell.  I went outside again.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 2:55 A.M.  Available https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GFROQOI/ref=pe_386300_440135490_pd_te_o_rp_ti/140-2455060-9448630?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0025UAJXG&pd_rd_r=1YGJQWTF4S9WZVRZQSWR&pd_rd_w=ficbH&pd_rd_wg=kjZUF&pf_rd_p=a737a284-bb19-49f9-bd3e-e7e49a4609b8&th=1 .  Recently the three pounds bags of Mandarin orange I have been buying for about five dollar have been becoming very moldy two days after I buy them.

Free for Kindle  Survival Guide Medical book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CWCL4JS?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I ordered Elastic Waist extenders https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09F6TNNJ9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with coupon code "DW4T3D6L" for $5 and .32 tax for $5.32 total.  

WiFi extender $16 https://www.ebay.com/itm/253425519271?mkevt=1&toolid=10001&campid=5336250274&siteid=0&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&mkcid=1&customid=ab5s3whv8hg123pja6llivAE5syoWwl0

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 1:45 A.M.  I went outside.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added five slices of Hillshire Farms Black Forest Ham and five slices of Land of Frost black forest and shredded www.kraft.com  four cheese Mexican in between each five slices of ham, so the shredded cheese does not fall out, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with Lays salt and vinegar potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  The Land of Frost black forest ham is thinner than the Hillshire Farms black forest ham.  I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/05/21 Sunday 12:50 A.M.  At the far end of the oak dining table, I took the Logitech speaker audio cable off the HP backup computer, and I connected it to the Dell Optiplex 790 computer.  To use the Logitech speaker system off both computers, I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Ancable-Stereo-Female-2-Male-Y-Splitter/dp/B01HD1HC04/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=audio+splitter+female+to+2+male&qid=1630816544&sr=8-3 for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 11:45 P.M.  I did some more Mickey Magic.  I took the HP backup computer off the VGA connection, and I use a DVI to HDMI connector from its video card to connect it to the AOC monitor.  Underneath the AOC monitor one has to press the far left button to change the input from DVI to HDMI.  It is not automatic.  The resolution is much better too.  I then connected back up the Dell Optiplex 790 Desktop to the VGA input on the AOC monitor with DVI input, and it works just fine.  One now turns on the power to the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop computer with the same power strip that controls that area's net switch.  I also connected the old Hauppauge USB TV stick to it, and it works just fine with the Windows Media Center program.  When I change to various computers on the far end of the oak dining table, I change the USB sending unit to each computer for the wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse.  To connect the new Hauppauge USB TV stick to the HP backup computer, I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-22AWG-Extension-Cable-Female/dp/B017XUSKVK/ref=sr_1_4?crid=265EX1CYRAMTO&dchild=1&keywords=usb+extension+cable&qid=1630812618&sprefix=USB+ex%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-4 for $5.89 and .37 tax for $6.26 total.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 10:15 P.M.   I rested until 9 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee. 

Heavy duty laptop like emergency services use available $254 used https://www.ebay.com/itm/384315362341?hash=item597afb0c25:g:ndQAAOSwxWphDSXy or $290 https://www.ebay.com/itm/224562358316?hash=item3448f5a82c%3Ag%3AW1MAAOSw9xJhDUSJ&LH_BIN=1 need os and power cable adapter

Basic i7 computer without OS used $95 https://www.ebay.com/itm/284426950743?hash=item42392ad857%3Ag%3AAvIAAOSwOKVhJR1H&LH_BIN=1

I will now go outside. 

I will then shower and clean up.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 8:00 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again and throw out the garbage.  I will then rest some more.  CIO 

09/04/21 Saturday 6:20 P.M.  I woke up, and I chatted with a relative.  I ate some potato chips.  I finally woke up at 5:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400109205568768446888 for a new defected red gator shirt https://www.ebay.com/itm/265213925583?hash=item3dbffb58cf:g:VFMAAOSwFtdg3NEk for $28.79 and $1.83 tax for $30.62 total arrived.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-04/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-04/  CIO   

09/04/21 Saturday 8:15 A.M.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel spaghetti and tomato meat sauce meal grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 7:35 A.M.  The hornet has not reappeared.  I had an older Hauppauge USB TV stick, but it does not work in the HP backup computer.  It is model 995D.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 09/04/21 Saturday 6:05 A.M.  I had a problem with a hornet above my computer work area.  I was able to hit it twice with a fly swatter, and it fell down in the corner behind the computer work area.  Hopefully it is dead.  I went outside again.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 5:40 A.M.  For the backup HP computer, I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/194334724177?epid=1400425362&hash=item2d3f409051:g:k3MAAOSwaRNhMtBF for $15 and $5 shipping and $1.27 tax for $21.27 total.  It is suppose to work with this free software https://sichbopvr.com/en-us/ , but I have a licensed copy of Win TV 7, I think.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 4:25 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  I turned the living room air conditioner back on earlier, it was getting to hot in my apartment.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 4:20 A.M.  Since the backup HP computer has two available PCI slots, I ordered https://www.amazon.com/GODSHARK-Internal-External-Expansion-Controller/dp/B07S29C1S6/ref=pd_bxgy_2/131-2487278-3260221?pd_rd_w=7nS9r&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=ZXGG9FW5P0M6PRQ4RB88&pd_rd_r=c551547a-a7d7-4a29-8e61-b2f13996deb2&pd_rd_wg=cUQMR&pd_rd_i=B07S29C1S6&psc=1 for $10.99 and .70 tax for $11.69 total.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 4:20 A.M.  Also in the past year during the Covid 19 Pandemic, I also had three economic stimulus grants from the Federal Government of $1,400; $600, and $300 for a total of $2,300.  That helped me pay for two new portable air conditioners to keep my hot apartment cool in the summer, a number of internet radios to listen to, and a backup computer along with eating a bit better.  Also in the last two years, I have given away almost $2,000 to a local homeless individual, and two other disabled people having financial difficulties.  It says that exposure to the drug "LSD" could have caused my condition.  My father's name was Louis Dale Scott which in Tiffany monogram is "LSD".  My father had a PHD in organic chemistry.  Also in my youth in Greenwich and Boston, I knew members of the Warburg family that owned the two Swiss pharmaceutical companies that developed LSD in the 1930s.  While at www.lfc.edu from 1968 to 1972, a lot of my fellow students used LSD.  I did not knowingly take any though, but they could have spiked my food or beverage while there.  Also a fellow classmate was related to the wealthy people who financed Timothy Leary in Milbrook, New York in the hippie days.  Also when I knew Fred Von Mieres, he openly admitted to taking LSD regularly, so possibly I could have had some of my white wine spiked that I drank around him.  Also the head beverage chemist for Canada Dry lived next door to our last house in Greenwich.  Also being a Bush neighbor in Greenwich and Kennebunkport, it was widely published in Bush's days at the www.cia.gov they conducted experiments with LSD on unknowing individuals at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Also some of my teachers at Lake Forest College were from McGill University.  Also our last house in Greenwich had a swampy ravine behind it, and when swampy areas dry out they can give one Ergot poisoning, and we had a dry spell in 1975, when the swamp dried out, and I began to get the symptoms.  I knew a Doctor from Yale at the time, and he told me the natural cure was Niacimide which I have taken ever since once a day.  The natural cure is nicotinic acid which one gets from smoking tobacco.  There was a paper written by the British in Queen Victoria's time about the prevalence of Ergot poisoning on the East Coast of North America in all of its swampy areas.  Also in the summer of 1975, before I started having medical problems, I baked six loaves of Rye Bread, which I took with me when I hitchhiked up to www.nantucket.net and eventually met up with Sandy Carlson, Fred Von Mierers, and Jim Eldert.  I ate the bread while I was camping out on Nantucket on Fairgrounds Road, and it was also during a dry spell.  Moldy rye bread can also give one Ergot poisoning.  Also in a dry spell on Nantucket, the cranberry bogs can dry out giving the local area Ergot poisoning.  The Salem Witch trials were about Ergot poisoning.  Also while away from the The Farm one summer at Lake Forest College, a roommate had a group called the Merry Pranksters stay on the Farm, and they were part of the group that Ken Kesey was written about in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test .  Possibly moldy cheese or moldy grapes used to make wine might cause Ergot poisoning.  The French are experts on various molds.  I knowingly have only taken LSD twice in my life.  Fred Von Mieres once convinced me to take a hit of LSD blotter acid at his apartment at 420 East 49th Street back around 1974, and then we went to a www.nyu.edu loft party in the Soho section of Manhattan with a lot of colorfully dressed young people dancing around.  The only other time I recall was I met three young students in the summer of 1971 whom lived in an expensive apartment on Beacon Hill in Boston near Jim Warburg's apartment, and they had me try a hit of LSD that did not seem to do anything me.  However, that summer I was programming www.ibm.com 360 computers in Cobol programming language, and that early morning, I went home, and I wrote an entire Spread Sheet in Cobol that worked perfectly on the IBM 360 computer.  I was a bit exhausted, so I hitch hiked down to Woods Hole, and I caught the ferry to Martha's Vineyard, and I took the short ferry to Chappaquiddick which was in the news, and I camped out on the beach in a three day northeastern storm.  I was lucky that I was not killed since there were jeep tracks all around my camping site.  I later left my IBM work at Lake Forest College, to get three credits on an Independent studies course to make up for the three credits that I had flunked two in Quantum Mechanics Calculus and one in recent American History, so I did have enough credits to graduate the following June 1972.  However, the college would never release my transcript, since they wanted $7,500 for the credits which I did not take at the college.  The problem that I had with Quantum Mechanics Calculus that Dr. Shockley flunked be twice in was that I tried to convince his the whole Theorem that Quantum Mechanics Calculus was based on was incorrect.  They finally released my transcript at age 65.  Here it is

Lake Forest College Transcript:



Also one local politician that seems to be constantly walking around aimlessly happens to be a Chemistry major, but he also happens to speak German fluently.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/04/21 Saturday 1:25 A.M.  If one want to know the financial particulars of myself an individual who has been declared legally disabled with https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions/Schizoaffective-Disorder and https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/abs/cognitive-dysfunction-in-schizophrenia-affective-disorder-and-organic-brain-disease/D6F332AAFF276539E90AC8272B569185 since December 1983, here are my financial particulars for two periods.  As of January 1, 2021, my supplement security income was $794 a month, my EBT food stamps were $204 a month, my actual monthly rent was $91 a month with a Section 8 allowance paying the rest of the total of $769 a month.

In February 2021, my SSI income was decreased to $714.60 a month, recently my EBT food stamps increased to $329 a month, and my rent that I actually pay was increased to $175 a month.  I pay an average of $200 a month electric bill with a $725 Energy Assistance once a year which helps pay the expensive summer air conditioning bills.  I also get a $700 renters rebate in the fall once a year.  I get some minor financial  assistance at Christmas time and on my birthday.  Since I have made all of my capitol expenses in my apartment, I have less expenses having lived here since January 1989.  I was the first tenant to move into this building which built for elderly and disabled individuals.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 11:55 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  Since it is colder out, I put on a pair of blue jeans and a red flannel shirt.  I also turn off the two air conditioners, once it cools off outside in the evening.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  My rent was increased by two thirds of what my Food Stamp increase was recently.  With the changes in my SSI income, and my Food Stamps and rent increase, I have had a next increase in my over all income since the first of the year of $30.40.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 11:10 P.M.  14 feet of water nearby https://abc7ny.com/flooding-brooklyn-nj-nyc-flooded/10994078/

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-b9b9x5azb8-10121574?e=d0a721e34a

Whale https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4828930073784984

My www.eversource.com electric bill for the month of August 2021 was $416.67 

Royal Cake https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4828930073784984

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 10:30 P.M.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added seven slices of Hillshire Farms Black Forest Ham and shredded www.kraft.com  four cheese Mexican in between the fourth and fifth slices of ham, so the shredded cheese does not fall out, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of orange juice.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 10:00 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I got my annual flu shot.  I then used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop across the street.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, and I sat out a long time at the veterans monument chatting with a friend.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two 9 ounce Lays salt and vinegar potato chips for $1.88 each, four 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak frozen meals for $2.50 each, two 9 ounce packages of Land of Frost Black Forest sliced Ham for $2 each, two www.kraft.com shredded four Mexican cheese for $2 each, and a wedge of Dutch Van Kass smoked gouda cheese for $5.99 a pound for $7.16 for $28.92 total.  I checked out the ice cream department more closely, and I did not see any sugar free ice cream or sugar free frozen yogurt.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I put away my groceries.  I went outside, and I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 5:25 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005580942021 for two pack tactical flashlight https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SQR9F5C/?tag=dc-robd-20 with coupon code "3YS38FKP" for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400108205498081883356 for https://www.ebay.com/itm/GENUINE-Dell-AMD-Radeon-HD-8570-1GB-DVI-PCI-E-Card-Displayport-08HW0R-8HW0R-/154515253604?_trksid=p2349526.m4383.l4275.c4#viTabs_0 for $18.99 and $1.21 tax for $20.20 total arrived.  I put three AAA alkaline batteries in each flash light, and I put them on the mahogany table at the apartment entrance in the black primitive ash tray that a friend gave me many years ago at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I put the new video card in the HP backup computer with a DVI to VGA adapter, and it works just fine.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-03/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-03/  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 4:15 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I had a telephone conference.  I chatted with a neighbor twice.  I went outside again.  I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/03/21 Friday 2:10 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate six Stoned Wheat Thins with 1.25 inch by 3/16th inch triangles of Dutch Van Kass smoked gouda cheese and some potato chips.  I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

09/03/21 Friday 3:30 A.M.  Off Netflix, I watched "In the Line of Fire".  I went outside twice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then eat a Dannon 5 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  It is 57 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so I turned off both apartment air conditioners to save some money.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 11:45 P.M.  I took two slices of toasted bread, and I put www.kraft.com avocado mayonnaise on them, and I added seven slices of Hillshire Farms Black Forest Ham and shredded www.kraft.com cheese in between the fourth and fifth slice of ham, so the shredded cheese does not fall out, and I cut the sandwich in half, and I ate it with potato chips and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I toured the ice cream department at the Acme grocery store, but from what I could tell, they do not have any sugar free ice cream or sugar free frozen yogurt.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO stands for "Chief Information Officer" for what that is worth.  I put the two DVI to HDMI adapters in the upper left living room desk drawer with other spare parts.  I might need to use one of them on a DVI card to HDMI TV monitor in the future.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 10:55 P.M.  Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=92748902410638553511838396 on the order for three 64 GB pen drives https://www.newegg.com/adata-model-auv128-64g-rby-64gb/p/N82E16820211765?Item=N82E16820211765&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-COM&cm_mmc=AFC-RAN-COM&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&AFFID=344591&AFFNAME=Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&ACRID=1&ASUBID=fe2.4.3bj2.0.1MlAL5..2jq.2jr.3&ranMID=44583&ranEAID=344591&ranSiteID=isIkAyUyNbM-J3ruy5hdM0K3qQZJ3h7yZA for $6.99 each and $1.23 tax for $22.30 total.


The returned video card was delivered with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9302020585600072712003 is supposed to have a refund $15.94 by September 7, 2021.

https://shop.charmin.com/charmin-roll-extender/ free

Free Chinese recipes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QNY8MX5

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I moved my spare boxes of K cups to the floor of the right living room closet. 

That way the paper shredder is now available again. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 9:30 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought a 12 roll bundle of Scott toilet paper for $8.99 less a 4 cent off coupon from a previous purchase and .57 tax for $9.52 total.  I then bought two 10 packs of Gevallia K cups for $4.99 each ten pack and two 10 packs of MacCafe K cups for $4.99 each 10 pack, and buy one get one free of Lays 10 ounce potato chips for $3.79 both less $5 bonus bucks from the previous purchase for $18.75 total.  I then sat out briefly in the Jaycee Park across the street.  I then went back into CVS, and I bought buy one get one free of 9.25 ounce hot and spicy Doritos corn chips for $4.25 both.  I was told, one needs an appointment to get the flu shot at CVS.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a long time.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a loaf of Arnold Multigrain  bread for $2.99, a 8 pack of Signature hotdog buns for $1.50, a 24 ounce Simply Mashed garlic potatoes for $3.99, buy one get one free of 8 ounce Perdue Italian short cuts of white boneless breast of chicken for $5.99 both, a box of four Signature sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $4.59, and a box of four Signature sausage, egg, and cheese English muffins for $4.59, a 42 ounce Simply Smart spread for $6.99 for $30.64 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I went outside, and I put the green bags back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and throw out the garbage and recycle paper and the dirty diapers.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 4:45 P.M.  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the remains of the day.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 4:00 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a 12 ounce glass of three ounces of orange juice and a 12 ounces of Fresca.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 3:30 P.M.  I went outside again.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688005562091020 for https://www.amazon.com/Rankie-Adapter-2-Pack-Gold-Plated-Converter/dp/B00ZMVGTA2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=33KIRVXML6CZZ&dchild=1&keywords=dvi+to+hdmi+adapter&qid=1630461662&sprefix=DVI+to+HD%2Caps%2C190&sr=8-3 for $7.97 and .51 tax for $8.48 total and the order with tracking of Tracking is https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z04YW06YW00906016&requester=WT/trackdetails is on the order for two in waist 50 British Khaki https://www.jcpenney.com/p/the-foundry-big-tall-supply-co-mens-chino-short/ppr5007867852?pTmplType=regular&deptId=dept20000014&catId=cat11100000107&urlState=%2Fg%2Fmen%2Fmens-big-tall%2Fbig-tall-shorts%3Fcid%3Dpaid%2Bsearch%257Cgoogle%257CG_Desktop_Basket_BMM_Mens_Big_Tall_Bottoms%257CG_Desktop_Basket_BMM_Mens_Big_Tall_Bottoms_Shorts%26gclid%3DEAIaIQobChMIyqiUxqjF8gIVg77ICh0VxQTKEAAYASAAEgIb0_D_BwE%26gclsrc%3Daw.ds%26utm_adgroupid%3D68753067480%26utm_campaign%3Dpaid%2Bsearch%26utm_content%3Dkwd-294999918886%26utm_device%3Dc%26utm_keyword%3D%2Bbig%2B%2Band%2B%2Btall%2B%2Bshorts%26utm_matchtype%3Db%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26waist%3D50%26id%3Dcat11100000107&productGridView=medium&badge=onlyatjcp with promo code "3DAY30" for $11.89 each and $8.95 shipping and $2.98 tax for $34.82 total arrived.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-02/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-02/  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 2:25 P.M.  Sold Out https://www.gardenconservancy.org/open-days/open-days-schedule/garden-masters-camp-rosemary-sep-12-2021

Chicken Salad https://www.cookingprofessionally.com/post/Ultimate_Chicken_Salad?msg_id=5f62825b47bb03faab8bc05f_1344577924&md5=c5e7dfa888bd18577cc98d1df5637b42&cohort_id=13&utm_source=CP-&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CP-Retention-HeroLink

Tracking is https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&Requester=DAN&tracknum=1ZA42706YW94764286&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&WT.z_eCTAid=ct1_eml_Tracking__ct1_eml_tra_sb_upg1&WT.z_edatesent=09022021/trackdetails on the order for n https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each and $14.99 shipping for $122.49 total. 


09/02/21 Thursday 1:50 P.M.  I rested until 1 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 8:30 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

09/02/21 Thursday 7:20 A.M.  After the last note, I went out in the pouring rain, and then I went to sleep.  I woke up, and I ate some Cheez-its.  I finally woke up at 6:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I ordered ten https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each and $14.99 shipping for $122.49 total.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

09/01/21 Wednesday 11:50 P.M.  I watched the rest of the episode.  I ate some peanuts.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 11:20 P.M.  https://connecticut.news12.com/

Connecticut Power Outages https://outagemap.eversource.com/external/default.html  


There is a tornado watch for parts of Connecticut.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 11:10 P.M.   Off Netflix, I am watching series 1 episode 2 of "Turning Point, 911".  I went outside halfway through it.  It is an extremely heavy down pour of hurricane rain.  I can hear sirens moving around the area.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 10:00 P.M.  I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 9:45 P.M.  Cheapest room rates in this area https://www.extendedstayamerica.com/hotels/ct/norwalk?&mid=ps-google&channel=paid-search&partner=google&campaign=g_acq_portal_ext_stay_expand&adgroup=norwalk%2C-ct&ppckw=extended%20stay%20norwalk%20ct&adtype=regular&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9MvMp5Tf8gIVA4_ICh0pwQnMEAAYASAAEgIUSPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 9:40 P.M.  Space Station Problems https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58408911

Local Weather https://weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/l/cd1bfdfc58abab88a52c27f0f2c824008d96105d8321107c343241a784906178 CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 9:25 P.M.  I did not go outside, there is a monsoon rain storm going on outside.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 9:15 P.M.  I ordered three 64 GB pen drives https://www.newegg.com/adata-model-auv128-64g-rby-64gb/p/N82E16820211765?Item=N82E16820211765&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-COM&cm_mmc=AFC-RAN-COM&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&AFFID=344591&AFFNAME=Ben%27s%20Bargain%20Center&ACRID=1&ASUBID=fe2.4.3bj2.0.1MlAL5..2jq.2jr.3&ranMID=44583&ranEAID=344591&ranSiteID=isIkAyUyNbM-J3ruy5hdM0K3qQZJ3h7yZA for $6.99 each and $1.23 tax for $22.30 total.

I ordered two pack tactical flashlight https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SQR9F5C/?tag=dc-robd-20 with coupon code "3YS38FKP" for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 8:30 P.M.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  Back in the old days, when I lived at 700 Steamboat Road from June 1984 until January 1989, when I moved to my current public housing in Byram, we had four ice cream shops on Greenwich Avenue.  There was Ben and Jerry's at the train station, Steve's of Vermont homemade ice cream just south of where the Apple store is now.  Hagen Daz where the Chinese restaurant is on lower Greenwich Avenue and upper Greenwich Avenue had Baskin and Robbins.  Today in Cos Cob, there is a Baskin and Robins and Gopher ice cream, but the Friendly Ice Cream store is no longer there.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 6:35 P.M.  Windows 11 https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-to-kick-off-windows-11-launch-on-october-5/?ftag=TRE-03-10aaa6b&bhid=%7B%24external_id%7D&mid=%7B%24MESSAGE_ID%7D&cid=%7B%24contact_id%7D&eh=%7B%24CF_emailHash%7D

Greenwich Land Trust Party https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTA5Mjc1  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 5:55 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I picked up the mail.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688005551008392 for 75 foot hose with spray nozzle https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Q2WMWZ9/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A14RMUOH3XVN0Y&ascsubtag=l85s1y2ff6z9ghja6lliZdSno7IVPYjk with coupon code "5WGXJVQM" for $16.49 and $1.05 tax for $17.54 total and for 48 AA batteries https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QGTV4XD/?tag=dc-robd-20 with coupon code "SOOK3PM5 " for $13.79 and .88 tax for $14.67 total arrived.  I put the batteries with the other batteries in the bookcase in the bedroom.  I will now throw out the shipping box and put the water hose in the rear of the Volvo wagon.  We now have https://www.finocchiobrothers.com/ garbage service.  They put a new white dumpster out with the green one.  I guess the white one is supposed to be for recycling.  We will get a green one with side doors in a month.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0921-01/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0921-01/ CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 4:30 P.M.  I woke up at 3:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese sandwich with a toasted bagel with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks and mandarin orange , and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

09/01/21 Wednesday 5:40 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 5.4 ounce mixed berry yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 5:10 A.M.  Off Netflix, I watched series 1 episode 1 of "Turning Point, 911".  I went outside once, and I ate some peanuts.  For the month of September 2021, I paid my Verizon telephone and my Eversource electricity bills and Optimum Online bill which is now $184 for three services.  I also paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 3:00 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 1:45 A.M.  I am about to eat a 15 ounce Maria Callender chicken pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 1:15 A.M.  I put away the clean laundry.  I will now go outside.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 12:50 A.M.  The Queen's Diet https://www.hellomagazine.com/cuisine/20210830120555/queen-elizabeth-unusual-eating-habits-buckingham-palace/




09/01/21 Wednesday 12:35 A.M.  The night schedule Rocky Raccoon is ticked off, it can not get into the new dumpster without the sliding side doors.  CIO

09/01/21 Wednesday 12:05 A.M.  I have 55 minutes to go on two dry cycles.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO