Michael Louis Scott's Notes August 2023

08/31/23 Thursday 11:40 P.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/31/23 Thursday 11:25 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 10:10 P.M.  KLM Royal Dutch Airlines https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=3c11b1814ca357e8a7d872acf2a0020be86bb29f76947d10c71c06e70cd628876dd8e42a2f3574bafd24614199f46971b77dc7324688bded8080d42cde12050bd9ccd648d1c104977b67116acbe1aca660db6af516791f66

Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff mix $39 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00S80O9RY/ref=pe_27541380_745366480_em_2p_0_lm  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 9:15 P.M.  I rested until 7:45 P.M..  I chatted with a friend in Sea Island, Georgia that survived the hurricane.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  On the Ipad on the stainless steel cart, I took it out of its case, and I placed the Phillips Ipad speaker on the paper shredded behind the primary work computer, and I connected up that Ipad to it.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 4:55 P.M.  All three Ipads are 100% fully charged and activated and setup.  I will now rest for a while.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 4:40 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

08/31/23 Thursday 3:40 P.M.  I woke up at 3 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a bowl of Mueslix with almond milk with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and a glass of spring water with some  cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Tracking is https://webtrack.dhlglobalmail.com/orders/33872308312616204/details/420068309361211015300312853732 on in silver 32 GB https://www.itechdeals.com/products/apple-ipad-mini-2-with-retina-display-wi-fi-16gb-space-gray-2nd-generation-3?sscid=81k7_jl86h&utm_source=shareasale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1189165&variant=40765380526177 for $59.99 .  CIO 

08/31/23 Thursday 7:20 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel meatloaf and mashed potatoes meal with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Vermont Spring water.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 6:25 A.M.  The third older Apple Ipad that I activated is now 54% charged.  It says it can also take a SIM card besides wireless.

Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=783152826144&trkqual=12026~783152826144~FDEG on the order for a Ipad third generation https://www.ebay.com/itm/165807338331?_trkparms=5079%3A6000018427 for $69 and $4.38 tax for $73.38 total.

Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?strOrigTrackNum=9400108205498098257959 for  another Microsoft webcam https://www.ebay.com/itm/264986224478?epid=100023657&hash=item3db268e75e%3Ag%3A5NwAAOSweW5U5b3a&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Cdl5IAAn4nTN7%2FcgegLDPkLYTK7jBXGpzseTenC2aiNfQjIfUcu7%2B0PAKSWCryDx54pQbaTdpS7TfFv8jBmbakVkGaIuFQwYuED4x4ZD4tDQoBM0kBrwspJk6qtM67yv9fzMw0ZZrogqzZ8jUZvIwt0XxNPk0I0HTFdFgC%2FnxK9AVoRh5fpNccOLVJZsYPD%2BFcCdE81WuddOc3CQAxszGwJyvjko4WL5gPymYj%2FbS0iUbc8ObAxE1UHMMW5usD6FUHN4hWdj1hPAMKjk5Jd0gaiQNIR0zwVndV40Hl0c4sl%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4jZsdLGYg&LH_ItemCondition=1500 for $12.99 and .82 tax for $13.81 total. 

Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?strOrigTrackNum=9400111206238767020595 on the order for a Microsoft webcam https://www.ebay.com/itm/325249273837?hash=item4bba5e0fed%3Ag%3AROgAAOSwXuJivYFI&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwCr7qzsjDAmTIqEfReooDiV2l7QvYy8HfoMR%2Btg4aXoaFUTfxUTvU5ylOnGVgcsYkEbGXC6%2B42o%2BWkKkqJygMyHbQVCH139xGOXRGIgw4zS0IIMimZNY3ubD2p%2FMrT64PzMkrzaAfalPRuS%2F05Ug5k09A31k2VXi9Zh3lIElMZyv6MR3kI6Qj1CMMnYozAZfpLjXdP1EgN4LhLYsYcYIYDDJ6mr%2BS%2Bsj36bOCjil3bDFtvKaVkgIke0VswgvCr6x5A%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4bZsdLGYg&LH_ItemCondition=1500 for $9 and .57 tax for $9.57 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 6:10 A.M.  On the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF that I moved to the bedroom desk, I also transferred the Logitech MK 570 wireless keyboard and wireless mouse from the Mac Mini to it.  I also have a good Logitech webcam on it and a good Microsoft headset on it, so it is all setup and good for a smaller person to use.  The Mac Mini is not connected to the LAN, since I have only one spare LAN port.  The Mac Mini is not connected to the HP wireless laser printer, and it uses a cheaper wireless keyboard and wireless mouse.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 5:15 A.M.  The fully configured Dell Optiplex 790 SFF desktop is all setup on the bedroom desk connected to the 42 inch ONN TV monitor and the HP Laser Printer.

I will now go outside and drink a decaf brewed coffee.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 3:45 A.M. I ordered another Dell Desktop computer without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/275947901432?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m2368.l2649&plmtId=700009&mesgId=3041&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=b365b401-1f7a-40d7-8e13-e301666f8bff&cnvId=700003&recoId=275947901432&recoPos=3 for $29.99 and $1.90 tax for $31.89 total. 

I also ordered a Display to HDMI adapter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017Q8ZVWK?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 for $8.45 and .54 tax for $8.99 total.  I have a new 240 GB SSD drive for it, and I also have a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard for it.  I will buy the product keys later from https://royalcdkeys.com/

I will put it on the desk to the right side of the primary work computer, and I will move the new Dell Optiplex 790 SFF from there to the bedroom desk right now.

Maybe with the hurricane down south some people once familiar with this area returned up north.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 3:15 A.M.  Just the old skinny black cat outside that is always around.  They even name a cheap wine Chile after it called, "Chat Noir."

From what I read, a black timber wolf would have long hair, and the black wolf that I saw had short hair.  Maybe it is a black Carolina Red Wolf or a black Texas Red Wolf.  It looked very healthy and well fed.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 2:35 A.M.  One Ipad is 33% charged, another is 65% charged, and the third was not charging, but now I have it plugged in all the way and is charging.

The way I figured it the wolves are always around in this area, but since I am out smoking at night, they like showing off to me, so they can get more attention.  They know there is not much food in this area, so they probably head over to Port Chester to get a bite to eat.  I have been told a She Wolf with her cubs is very dangerous. 

Black Wolf Information:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_wolf   There is a Wolf Sanctuary in South Salem, New York that I have seen.  In Wilton, Connecticut; there is a Wolf Pit Road.  Rome, Italy was started Romulus and Remus who were twins raised by a She Wolf.  I once met some relative's children in Down State Illinois, and they liked playing with Wolf Cubs in the Woods.  Well, it is a very healthy looking black wolf that I saw.  Wolf Man Jack used to live in this area.  Since I have seen three different wolves in the past week with two this morning, I think it is save to say there is a wolf pack in this area.  I once saw a Timber Wolf in Old Greenwich, when Tod's Point flooded after Hurricane Gloria. 

Maybe it is just a big black German Shepard that got away. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/31/23 Thursday 1:50 A.M.  I think I will try to rest for a while.  Maybe I should try to get on a day schedule to avoid the local wolves at night.  CIO

!!!!!! 08/31/23 Thursday 1:10 A.M.  Just now heading west from the woods by the visitors' parking lot, I saw a big black wolf followed by a slightly smaller brownish type wolf with a bushy tail.  I called up my neighbor with the small little dog that is always barking that senses it.  That is now three wolves.  I think elderly disabled people awake at night should be allowed to smoke in their apartments instead of being used as wolf bait.  CIO 

08/31/23 Thursday 12:35 A.M.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought four 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 each, two 7 ounce Green Giant frozen Brussels sprouts in butter sauce for $1.50 each, a 48 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99, a six ounce bag of baby Spinach for $3.99, and two 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $3.49 each for $26.82 total.  I put my food in the car, and I went back inside, and I bought a roast beef sandwich for $6.43 total.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought a Snapple no sugar ice tea for $2.51.  I then drove down to the Board of Education Veterans Monument, and I had a picnic of the roast beef sandwich and no sugar ice tea.  Hardly anyone was around.  Bartlett Dairy was delivering as usual to www.starbucks.com .  I sat out for a long time.  I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $15.04 of self service premium gasoline for $4.899 a gallon for 3.069 gallons at odometer reading of 124626 miles for 44 miles driven since Sunday August 13, 2023 for 14.337 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned  home.  I put away the groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.

I once read the former governor and recently diseased Lowell Weicker had a house in Cedar Key https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66662777 in Florida which was heavily damaged, so maybe other people from this area are down there.  I have read over the years that as the East Coast of Florida got more built up, some of the more established people like the Rockefellers has simple houses at Boca Grand on the West Coast of Florida.  I have not read if it was damaged too.  One of the Ipads is now 18% charged up.  I saw someone in the Stop and Shop with a www.nantucket.net shirt.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 9:30 P.M.  I went outside again. 

I am trying to charge up the three old Ipads to see if they hold a charge.  I took the fourth one that holds a full charge, and I put it in a case, and I placed it on top of the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.  The four Ipads all have cases, but when I get the new third generation Ipad, I do not need a case, since I will put it on the Phillips stand behind the primary work computer chair.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 08/30/23 Wednesday 8:45 P.M.  I found the three Apple Ipads.  They were on the left side of the second shelf of the stainless steel stand in front of the left living room closet.  Thus I have four Ipads beside the two new ones coming.  CIO 

08/30/23 Wednesday 8:10 P.M.  Moon News https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230830-the-mysteries-of-the-moons-south-pole

I have a case for the refurbished Ipad third generation coming my way. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 6:45 P.M.  Dell Desktop Computer $79 https://www.dellrefurbished.com/item/dell-optiplex-3070-sff-5f85eb0c/dell-optiplex-3070-sff/1.html?child=dell-optiplex-3070-sff-000011&utm_campaign=cj_affiliate_sale&utm_medium=BensBargains.com+%28Internet+Brands%29&utm_source=cj&utm_content=404255&utm_term=10537177&cjevent=5d44cc55478111ee805e86950a82b820&publisher=&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

With coupon code "20J2VKLB" reverse osmosis water filter $199 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BLR9VXTD/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A2J10H5UTXC8ZM&ascsubtag=hc603iyuz6oqgtja6llibQ4NzUTwhauB  

I bought Ipad third generation https://www.ebay.com/itm/165807338331?_trkparms=5079%3A6000018427 for $69 and $4.38 tax for $73.38 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 6:00 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 5:00 P.M.  Maybe this https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/greenwich-man-charged-international-oil-gas-trading-scheme-feds?utm_source=local-update&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert Fox News was doing a story at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park two days ago.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed cup of coffee.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 4:50 P.M.  I rested until 4:30 P.M..  I went outside.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 2:15 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/30/23 Wednesday 1:00 P.M.  I slept until 12:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/30/23 Wednesday 1:30 A.M.  I watched part of a documentary on the www.ford.com family. 

I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added two 3.75 ounce tins of Crown Prince sardines with Louisiana hot sauce, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 11:20 P.M.  12000 BTU portable air conditioner $219 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R7ZGQ8P?th=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Curry Sauce $9.41 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0043ZJ1EO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 

Car Jumper $40 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D42TYFC?ref=myi_title_dp&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

United States Flag $7.55 https://www.amazon.com/Anley-Fly-Breeze-American-Polyester/dp/B015R4DH2G/?tag=dc-robd-20&th=1

Laser Printer $80 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1755537-REG/canon_5620c006_imageclass_lbp122dw_wireless_laser.html

I think they drink way out on Nantucket they drink a bit https://tripleeightdistillery.com/

When I occasionally got a day off, I would buy a dollar bottle of French White Wine, and sip it in some private location.  French wine on the east coast by sea can be cheaper than expensive California wine shipped via land.   

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 10:40 P.M.  I rested until 10 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I saw people yesterday from www.nantucket.net back in Greenwich.  I was once told the best time out on Nantucket was after Labor Day, when the tourist season is over.  Because Nantucket is near the Gulf Stream it stays warmer in the Fall out there, and the flowers were still out in the first week of December 1983, when I returned to Greenwich.  However, in the winter out there, the harbor can freeze  making it hard for the ferry service to run with supplies from the mainland.  I am not sure whether or not they have ice breakers or not.  I have seen pictures on the internet with Nantucket all iced over in the Winter, when they have a ice storm.  The locals used to hang out in the Atlantic Cafe downtown, where they were allowed to charge food and drink, and they would go back to work in April to pay off their debts.  Nantucket Looms used to be on main street on Nantucket, where they wove white rough wool products, but in the winter, the same people were down in Key West with Key West fabrics that made light tropical designs.  The latest I was ever in Nantucket was the first week of December 1983, and the earliest I was ever in Nantucket was the first week of April 1977, when I ran into life guards from Nova Scotia on the beach, and when they saw me back on the island, they returned to Nova Scotia.  Ian Greenshield who did odd jobs and was Jackie Onassis's body guard in Stowe, Vermont was from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  He lived above the fire house on Nantucket.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 8:10 P.M.  I rested until 8 P.M..  I ate two 4.5 ounce packets of tuna and beans and rice and a 10.5 ounce can of Bar Harbor Lobster corn bisque with a glass of Vermont Spring water.  CIO 

08/29/23 Tuesday 6:40 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 5:50 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 5:25 P.M.  I rested until 4:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 3:30 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.   I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/29/23 Tuesday 2:05 P.M.  I woke up at 1:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a bowl of Mueslix with almond milk with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and a glass of spring water with some  cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/29/23 Tuesday 3:15 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 2:45 A.M.  $3 Breakfast at Wendy's https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/wendys-introduces-breakfast-biggie-bundles-limited-time

Let Martha Stewart do the cooking https://marleyspoon.com/offer/4-reasons-2023-260m?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=11266363569&cq_con=110903055576&cq_term=&cq_med=&cq_plac=www.foxbusiness.com&cq_net=d&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gdp&CLID=disp_rea&v=USMSDISGDNREA260MQ32023STANDARD&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0ovbmJ2BgQMVqBKICR02hQtsEAEYASAAEgLbqvD_BwE  

Greenwich Polo https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-polo-club-east-coast-open-18328574.php?src=gthpdesecp

I saw a picture in an advertisement of a new Volvo with front opening rear doors, but I can not find a link to it elsewhere.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 2:15 A.M.  I ate a 12.3 ounce Marie Callender chicken sesame dinner with soy sauce and grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO 

08/29/23 Tuesday 1:10 A.M.  This bargain desktop for $30 if one know how to install a SSD drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/275947901432?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m2368.l2649&plmtId=700009&mesgId=3041&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=b365b401-1f7a-40d7-8e13-e301666f8bff&cnvId=700003&recoId=275947901432&recoPos=3

Telescope $130 https://electronics.woot.com/offers/new-gskyer-600x90mm-az-astronomical-refractor-telescope?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_9  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/29/23 Tuesday 12:35 A.M.  I saw one of these downtown tonight https://www.rolls-roycemotorcarsoc.com/phantom-drophead-coupe/ . I noticed the two doors open front to back.

A Taft Class of 1968 classmate used to be the President of Rolls Royce in Dubai, and he once called me up to go into Manhattan to have a drink, but I did not want to change my quiet life style.  CIO 

08/28/23 Monday 11:30 P.M.  If one looks at this note http://scott-mike.com/02012823.htm this past February 2023, I moved three old Apple Ipad 2 out of the floor of the left living room closet to the lower shelf of the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.  I have one mounted on the Apple Ipad charger behind the primary work computer, but the other two with cases and chargers have disappeared from the stainless steel cart.  They were used and about seven years old, and are only worth about $30 https://www.itechdeals.com/collections/clearance/products/apple-ipad-2-with-wi-fi-16gb-black-2nd-generation-in-black  if their batteries are any good.  It sort of make me wander what else has disappeared from my apartment that I have not noticed.

To replace one of them besides the Ipad Mini I have coming, I could order this https://www.itechdeals.com/collections/ipads/products/apple-ipad-4th-generation-with-retina-display-and-wi-fi-in-black , but I hardly ever used any of them.

I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/28/23 Monday 10:00 P.M.  I went downtown to the www.chase.com Bank at the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I put the Chase Bank rebate check in the ATM machine.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought a Anne's croissant for $2.14.  I then ate the croissant across the street in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I chatted with someone about the Yucatan Peninsula meteor that wipe out the dinosaurs forty million years ago.  It got me to thinking about what I know.  Having seen Caesar's Head north of Greenville, South Carolina and Stone Mountain east of Atlanta, Georgia, I have mentioned that they might be both halves of the meteor that hit the Yucatan Peninsula and skipped across the earth.  However, since both halves seem to be round, possibly it was a smaller earth moon that decayed in orbit and crashed into the earth.  I then returned home.  I put the 8 GB of memory in the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF desktop to the left of the primary work computer, so it now has 12 gigabytes of memory.  I put it in the first memory slot, and the other two 2 GB memory slots are in the second and fourth memory slots.  I filed this report. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/28/23 Monday 6:55 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com Greenwich Avenue, and I bought buy one get one free of 250 capsule 400 IU CVS Vitamin E for $24.49 both.  I then sat out for a long time in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across the street.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then went back into CVS, and I bought six tins of Beach Cliff sardines for $8 total.  I then sat out some more in the park across the street.  I paid $2.50 in quarters for parking.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9300120111410724828833 for the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF I bought 8 GB of used memory here https://www.amazon.com/16GB-8GBx2-240-pin-DIMM-PC3-12800/dp/B008KSHQBU?th=1 for $13.90 and .88 tax for $14.78 total and with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjpmkrkmklluun&orderId=113-3910438-5807414&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=22855509806025 for this case with keyboard https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Ultrathin-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Mini-4/dp/B07RWRVTST/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2D3MUUXBT0Y78&keywords=mini+ipad+2+case+with+keyboard&qid=1692814858&sprefix=mini+ipad+2+case%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-9 for $19.95 and $1.27 tax for $21.22 total with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjrkmpmlpqowqn&orderId=112-5647561-3873060&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228850879196301 for display port to HDMI adapter https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_pp?crid=30FUSJ6EEQX8I&keywords=display%2Bport%2Bto%2Bhdmi%2Badapter&qid=1693019320&sprefix=display%2Bport%2Bto%2B%2Caps%2C416&sr=8-1&th=1 for $8.45 and .54 tax for $8.99 total and with https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjrnnommtqmsun&orderId=112-2508569-8602633&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228977159125301 for another 512 GB SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07997QV4Z?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 for $19.77 and $1.26 tax for $21.03 total arrived.  I put the Display to HDMI adapter on the mini Lenovo at the far end of the oak dining tablet.  I put the 512 SSD drive on the top shelf of the center hallway book case.  I will put the 8 GB memory in the Dell Optiplex SFF on the left side of the primary work computer, so it has 12 GB of memory.  I put the Ipad Mini  case on the left side of the oak dining table.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The good news is that I got a www.chase.com Rebate Check for $79.52.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-17/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-17/  CIO

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/28/23 Monday 2:00 P.M.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO 

08/28/23 Monday 1:55 P.M.  I rested until 1:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/28/23 Monday 11:15 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/28/23 Monday 10:20 A.M.  I slept until 9:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

08/28/23 Monday 12:05 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now rest a bit.  CIO 

08/27/23 Sunday 11:15 P.M.  Local Flights from Westchester Airport daily to Bermuda starting next week https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/westchester-county-airport-hpn-bermuda-flight-18298675.php?src=gthplocal .  I wander if they still wear Bermuda shorts with knee socks.  I only visited Bermuda once in April 1968 for Spring Break.  My stepfather had a brother who had a house in Bermuda and belonged to the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club.  One of Queen Victoria's daughters married a wealthy Canadian and made Bermuda popular when it was too cold up in Canada.  Stewart Mott had a house in Bermuda.  Nelson Rockefeller had a house in Bermuda.  Michael Bloomberg had a house in Bermuda.  Bermuda is home to the second largest reinsurance company in the world.  A friend of my family from Muskegon, Michigan had a sister who was the United States consulate to Bermuda for a long time.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 10:15 P.M.  When I first visited Key West, Florida with Brian Hibbs from Cheshire, Connecticut in October 1976, the place was all boarded up and nothing was happening the day we were there.  We returned back to Fort Lauderdale.  Then in January 1977, when my car was towed in Fort Lauderdale for two many parking tickets at the Swimming Hall of Fame, I hitch hiked down to Key West, and I found a place to sleep underneath the Annex of the Episcopal Church.  Shortly there after, Jimmy Eldert showed up out of the University of New Hampshire after visiting Russia on a State Department Tour.  He eventually put me up at a trailer next to the Boca Chica Naval Station.  I knew Rob Glore down there from Lake Forest, Illinois, and he had the craft shop across the post office down there.  Fred Von Mierers told me in Manhattan, he had been there before, and once introduced me to Tennessee Williams on East 54th Street.  When in the summer of 1977 Jimmy and myself returned to Nantucket, we both lived at different locations on India Street, and Fred also was living at another location on India Street.  I got a job for $2.15 an hour as a pot scrubber at the Gordon Folger Hotel, so I hardly ever saw them.  Jimmy Eldert was back down in Key West in the winter of 1978, when I met John Bolton, and one day he left with a blue duffle bag hitch hiking out of town.  Around 1979, I called up a relative of Jim's, and I was told he was in Santa Cruz, California, which I had driven through with John Bolton in the fall of 1978 not knowing he was there.  Between then and the fall of 1980, I visited Jim a few times in Santa Cruz.  When I returned to Greenwich from Nantucket in December 1983, I tried to stay in touch with him in the Malibu Colony where he had moved, but on expensive long distance telephone calls, all I got was his answering machine with the Flintstone's theme song on it.  When I was mugged back around July 3 by someone from Bermuda, 1990 in Manhattan, I thought I saw some one that looked like Jimmy walking down Third Avenue in blue overalls with a shirt.  Possibly that is the last time I saw him.  On Nantucket, Jimmy once was wearing a St. Andrew's University T shirt from Scotland.  He also told me, he had worked for Queen Elizabeth II at her Sandringham Estate.  He also worked for Jacob Javitts in Washington D.C. while at American University, and he met Princess Irene of the Netherlands.  Helen Kress Williams back in February 1975, when we moved her from Oyster Bay to Locust Valley, Long Island mentioned we should keep an eye on the young Jimmy Eldert, but he was all over the place, so that was sort of difficult.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 9:00 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 8:30 P.M.  I rested until 7:45 P.M..  I went outside.  CIO 

08/27/23 Sunday 6:35 P.M.  I rested until 5:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjrmrojpoolrwn&orderId=112-7965411-5168214&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228926326704301 for three Parodontax  https://www.amazon.com/Parodontax-Active-Mouthwash-Antiplaque-Antigingivitis/dp/B09HTXCM4J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2MSRFQHFSCOHE&keywords=parodontax+mouthwash+gum+repair+mouthwash&qid=1693078760&sprefix=Parodon%2Caps%2C374&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $17 and $1.08 tax for $18.08 total arrived.  I put one on the bathroom sink and two at the left side of the hallway entrance. 

Pictures:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-16/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-16/  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 4:55 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 4:00 P.M.  I woke up at 2:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  The order for ten boxes of Kellogg's Mueslix https://www.amazon.com/Kelloggs-Mueslix-Original-Breakfast-Cereal/dp/B07ZHZVDM6/ref=sr_1_5?crid=190ECQM72X364&keywords=muslix+cereal&qid=1692920582&rdc=1&sprefix=Muslix%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-5 for $64.90 and SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-240GB-Solid-SA400S37-240G/dp/B01N5IB20Q/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3ISLKODSF093K&keywords=ssd%2Bdrive&qid=1692170800&sprefix=SSD%2Caps%2C2048&sr=8-8&th=1 for $16.99 and $1.08 tax for $18.07 total arrived.  I put the Mueslix on the lower side of the wire shelf behind the kitchen chair.  I will eat a bowl of Mueslix with almond milk with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   


End of Scott's Notes week of 08/27/23

08/27/23 Sunday 4:45 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

08/27/23 Sunday 4:15 A.M.  50 inch Smart TV $220 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BTTVRWPR/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gottadeal-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B0BTTVRWPR

Waterpik Discount https://www.amazon.com/deal/972aca05?showVariations=true&pf_rd_r=SR00PGYGT2716TZ0JEJF&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=6356b6ce-7301-4cb6-8e27-84bfea836806&pf_rd_s=slot-14&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_30_972aca05_dt_sl14_06  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 3:35 A.M.  I ordered another 512 GB SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07997QV4Z?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 for $19.77 and $1.26 tax for $21.03 total.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 2:50 A.M.  On Cspan 2, I watched a Civil War Lecture on the Battle of Cold Harbor.  Watching the lecture, there were a whole lot of big fat people that eat too much way down South in Virginia.  Up North, they cut the Boars Head deli food very thin like a one thirty second of an inch thin.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.   CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 1:25 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/27/23 Sunday 1:20 A.M.  I hate to tell you August 28 is going to be Jimmy Eldert's 68th birthday.  When I met him with Fred Von Mierers around October 1973 during the stock market crash of that time, Jimmy asked me to remember his birthday.  Usually when Jimmy shows up, nobody is around.  We once walked around barefoot in the snow in a deserted Manhattan in a snow storm.  Another time he and Fred went to El Morocco, and I showed up by mistake, when Fred had left a note on his Pullman bar saying to meet him at El Morocco which was meant for Jimmy not me.  From my view point from what I know since I am half Dutch American, the Dutch Under Ground has been keeping track of me and interfering with me all of these years.  Even when my United States passport, Connecticut driver's license, and Wellesley, Massachusetts military draft card along with $200 and a five ounce Swiss Credit gold bar and three one ounce Canadian gold maple leafs at $825 an ounce were stolen from me in August 1980, American Express told me, my passport was being used in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  So somebody with my look with Dutch connections has been playing dirty tricks all of these years.  Alas, when I drove a taxi cab for two years while at Lake Forest, Illinois in college at Lake Forest College, I had to be finger printed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, so the United States Government would know the difference between me and the impersonator, unless it was some sort of government agent they let get away with it.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 1:00 A.M.  Tropical  Activity:  http://scott-mike.com/weather.htm and http://mikelouisscott.com/weather.htm

Tracking https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/024528.shtml?cone#contents  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 12:25 A.M.  I bought another Microsoft webcam https://www.ebay.com/itm/264986224478?epid=100023657&hash=item3db268e75e%3Ag%3A5NwAAOSweW5U5b3a&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Cdl5IAAn4nTN7%2FcgegLDPkLYTK7jBXGpzseTenC2aiNfQjIfUcu7%2B0PAKSWCryDx54pQbaTdpS7TfFv8jBmbakVkGaIuFQwYuED4x4ZD4tDQoBM0kBrwspJk6qtM67yv9fzMw0ZZrogqzZ8jUZvIwt0XxNPk0I0HTFdFgC%2FnxK9AVoRh5fpNccOLVJZsYPD%2BFcCdE81WuddOc3CQAxszGwJyvjko4WL5gPymYj%2FbS0iUbc8ObAxE1UHMMW5usD6FUHN4hWdj1hPAMKjk5Jd0gaiQNIR0zwVndV40Hl0c4sl%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4jZsdLGYg&LH_ItemCondition=1500 for $12.99 and .82 tax for $13.81 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/27/23 Sunday 12:10 A.M.  I bought a Microsoft webcam https://www.ebay.com/itm/325249273837?hash=item4bba5e0fed%3Ag%3AROgAAOSwXuJivYFI&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwCr7qzsjDAmTIqEfReooDiV2l7QvYy8HfoMR%2Btg4aXoaFUTfxUTvU5ylOnGVgcsYkEbGXC6%2B42o%2BWkKkqJygMyHbQVCH139xGOXRGIgw4zS0IIMimZNY3ubD2p%2FMrT64PzMkrzaAfalPRuS%2F05Ug5k09A31k2VXi9Zh3lIElMZyv6MR3kI6Qj1CMMnYozAZfpLjXdP1EgN4LhLYsYcYIYDDJ6mr%2BS%2Bsj36bOCjil3bDFtvKaVkgIke0VswgvCr6x5A%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4bZsdLGYg&LH_ItemCondition=1500 for $9 and .57 tax for $9.57 total.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 11:55 P.M.  Shortly after I bought a personal computer around September 1989, I met a Navy Pilot that was working at Marx Brother on Greenwich Avenue.  I once drove him up to Ridgefield to reset his server which ran http://www.world.net/ .  Some time shortly there after I drove him up to the SNET telephone headquarters in New Haven, where he had a business appointment.  I sat in their reference library for a long time.  Other than driving through New Haven, that might be the last time I visited New Haven where www.yale.edu is located.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 11:10 P.M.  I went outside.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two four packs of Oikos sugar free yogurt for $3.88 each four pack, two six packs of Panera English muffins for $4.79 each six pack, two 6 ounce packages of Stop and Shop baby spinach for $3.29 each, and a 48 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99 and two 7 ounce Green Giant frozen Brussels sprouts for $1.50 each and two Bermuda red onions for $1.98 for $34.87 total.  I then returned home.  I put away the groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  There are no more Stop and Shop English muffins at the Stop and Shop.  We had a non emergency fire call.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 8:10 P.M.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 6:15 P.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now rest a bit.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 5:45 P.M.  On the Apple Imac on the shoe stand, the replicated image on the external hard drive works just fine.  The external SSD drive starts up a lot faster.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 5:15 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjqjtrhpnllpsn&orderId=111-5099066-9838643&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228714005883301 and https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjqjtrhpnllpsn&orderId=111-5099066-9838643&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228706525435301 for three hazelnut skinny syrups https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Hazelnut-25-4-Ounce/dp/B0083PRRAU?pd_rd_w=Oz9os&content-id=amzn1.sym.47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_p=47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_r=TQRA313F464TGMMVWWE5&pd_rd_wg=UU4sL&pd_rd_r=4c7ec4cd-2962-4591-97ca-4596af174a50&pd_rd_i=B0083PRRAU&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_i for $9.99 each for $29.97 total and for a SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07997QV4Z?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 for $19.77 and $1.26 tax for $21.03 total arrived.  I put the hazelnut syrup in the wire rack behind the kitchen chair.  I put the 512 GB SSD drive in the external hard drive holder of the Apple Imac on the shoe stand.  I am now replicating the Apple Imac system to the external hard drive.  I will now throw out the shipping boxes.  Also the order without tracking for two 10 foot LAN cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225182557330?hash=item346ded2492:g:rtcAAOSw6SJjNHeL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4HSy%2FxEVgU8xV9YyvJq1KxBKYs7vUdZyMN5u8bpvsy%2BjIpcvTdMKK9Fd7hU4cpcyQjJLVRc8Vt6Z6iUcRMLeN4pc0NT%2FKr8BfDsUUgvUSxoc2XqB9Lman8j2KT10OKhJVjYEtlTLpn5TCVilwlgPRmgw83%2FCd9BefJdIxcNTBUkFm0k2Mi15j9dYtpyodSfJMukV1QRnFLvQ%2BKvfCC%2BRNHxU5Bd9z5yr3B84PE2JgOtefuEwY3ruViGcrUNFFCsScEQ9%2FUqXlwsyBrFNGO%2FjCjggH8f53srTGE2sXIukw7GO%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-Le6crBYg for $13.80 total arrived.  I connected one of them from the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF to the network switch box.

Pictures here: http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-15/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-15/  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 3:50 P.M.  I ordered three Parodontax  https://www.amazon.com/Parodontax-Active-Mouthwash-Antiplaque-Antigingivitis/dp/B09HTXCM4J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2MSRFQHFSCOHE&keywords=parodontax+mouthwash+gum+repair+mouthwash&qid=1693078760&sprefix=Parodon%2Caps%2C374&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $17 and $1.08 tax for $18.08 total.

I will now go out side and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 3:40 P.M.  I rested until 3:30 P.M..  I went outside.  I put a better webcam on the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF desktop on the living room desk.  CIO 

08/26/23 Saturday 12:55 P.M.  King Charles Gifts https://highgrove-news.com/422Z-1KUX9-53CFB14B83AD85817ZYG584BE1A9309BB5A4A3/cr.aspx

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 12:25 P.M.  On the new Dell Optiplex 790 SFF on the living room desk, I hooked up the Xerox color laser printer to it, so it now has a printer.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 11:30 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.

The new Dell Optiplex 790 SFF factor desktop cost $31.89, and the Adata 240 GB SSD drive cost $30.83 in 2019 and the software product keys were $15.84 for a grand total of $78.56 total. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/26/23 Saturday 10:15 A.M.  I woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

08/26/23 Saturday 12:05 A.M.  I ate a 9.5 ounce Signature Caribbean chicken bowl mixed with a 4.5 ounce packet of Star Kist microwave tuna and beans with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 11:20 P.M.  I ordered display port to HDMI adapter https://www.amazon.com/DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-Gold-Plated-Compatible/dp/B017Q8ZVWK/ref=sr_1_1_pp?crid=30FUSJ6EEQX8I&keywords=display%2Bport%2Bto%2Bhdmi%2Badapter&qid=1693019320&sprefix=display%2Bport%2Bto%2B%2Caps%2C416&sr=8-1&th=1 for $8.45 and .54 tax for $8.99 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 11:05 P.M.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?tracknums_displayed=1&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&HTMLVersion=4.0&track=Track&InquiryNumber1=1Z684V650321911662&loc=en_US&requester=ST/trackdetails on the order for a Dell Optiplex 790 SFF without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/275991651109?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3024&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=d57541ca-e146-4efe-a5ca-7f8374590750&cnvId=700003&recoId=275991651109&recoPos=1 $29.99 and $1.90 tax for $31.89 total arrived.  I put the 240 GB SSD drive in it.  I set it up on the living room desk to the right of the primary work computer.  I put it on top of the HP Desktop.  I raised up the monitor on either side with two macaroni and cheese boxes to raise it about 4 inches.  I put it directly underneath the monitor.  I used the Display Adapter to HDMI from the Lenovo mini computer at the far end of the oak dining table.  I restored the Aomei backup from the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF on the left side of the primary work computer.  I attached a web cam, wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, and headset.  I bought these two product keys https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system/products/windows-11-pro-oem-cd-key and https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/business-office/products/microsoft-office-2021-professional-plus-key-retail-global for $10.84 both.  I activated the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus with the Window 11 product key, and I uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2021, so I could activate it with the Office 2021 product key.  I also uninstall and reinstalled Norton 360 and activated it.  It all works fine.  I renamed it to a different name than the backup that I restored.  I did an Aomei backup to an external hard drive.  I went outside, and I threw out the shipping box, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order without tracking for three five foot LAN cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225182557330?hash=item346ded2492:g:rtcAAOSw6SJjNHeL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4HSy%2FxEVgU8xV9YyvJq1KxBKYs7vUdZyMN5u8bpvsy%2BjIpcvTdMKK9Fd7hU4cpcyQjJLVRc8Vt6Z6iUcRMLeN4pc0NT%2FKr8BfDsUUgvUSxoc2XqB9Lman8j2KT10OKhJVjYEtlTLpn5TCVilwlgPRmgw83%2FCd9BefJdIxcNTBUkFm0k2Mi15j9dYtpyodSfJMukV1QRnFLvQ%2BKvfCC%2BRNHxU5Bd9z5yr3B84PE2JgOtefuEwY3ruViGcrUNFFCsScEQ9%2FUqXlwsyBrFNGO%2FjCjggH8f53srTGE2sXIukw7GO%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-Le6crBYg for $4.51 each less $1.02 discount and .86 tax for $14.39 total arrived.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-14/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-14/  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 6:00 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 4:50 P.M.  I am about to eat a 9.5 ounce Signature Caribbean chicken bowl with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 4:10 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 2:35 P.M.  Off the Apple Imac on the shoe stand, I took out the 240 GB SSD drive from the external hard drive, and I did a low level format on it.  I will use it on the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF factor when it comes later on today. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 1:55 P.M.  King Charles in Scotland https://view.newsletters.cnn.com/messages/1692965334220c0dbdee5a5d1/raw?utm_term=1692965334220c0dbdee5a5d1&utm_source=cnn_Royal+news+08+25+23&utm_medium=email&bt_ee=0QBNqfcE0YSNf97P0eRO6rEauEpgpHpZPYTdPMq6Uh4PE8z7ANat6mE5tBLAKBpB&bt_ts=1692965334226

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-20230825?e=d0a721e34a

Cool Dog white Siberian Husky for Adoption for $450 https://www.petfinder.com/dog/derika-65845965/ny/armonk/adopt-a-dog-inc-ct116/

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 12:40 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I rested until 12:30 P.M..  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/25/23 Friday 10:40 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/25/23 Friday 9:30 A.M.  I woke up at 9 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 11:00 P.M.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

!!!!!! 08/24/23 Thursday 10:20 P.M.  I went outside, and about fifteen minutes ago, and what I think is the Carolina or Texas Red Wolf just walked by the Visitor's Parking Lot going East to West.  I have seen it a few times before over the years.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 8:50 P.M.  I bought three hazelnut skinny syrups https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Hazelnut-25-4-Ounce/dp/B0083PRRAU?pd_rd_w=Oz9os&content-id=amzn1.sym.47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_p=47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_r=TQRA313F464TGMMVWWE5&pd_rd_wg=UU4sL&pd_rd_r=4c7ec4cd-2962-4591-97ca-4596af174a50&pd_rd_i=B0083PRRAU&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_i for $9.99 each for $29.97 total.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 8:00 P.M.  I bought ten boxes of Kellogg's Mueslix https://www.amazon.com/Kelloggs-Mueslix-Original-Breakfast-Cereal/dp/B07ZHZVDM6/ref=sr_1_5?crid=190ECQM72X364&keywords=muslix+cereal&qid=1692920582&rdc=1&sprefix=Muslix%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-5 for $64.90

I will now go outside and drink a brewed cup of coffee.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 7:15 P.M.  Cute Kitty https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/puma-gives-birth-rare-albino-cub-nicaragua-2023-08-23/

Drones https://www.zdnet.com/article/walmart-just-expanded-its-drone-delivery-program-again/

They are doing something up there in Armonk https://www.ibm.com/about

IOS 17 beta news https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/ios-17s-biggest-features-standby-mode-custom-stickers-for-messages-and-more/

I ordered a SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07997QV4Z?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 for $19.77 and $1.26 tax for $21.03 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 4:55 P.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 3:55 P.M.  On the bedroom desk beside the Mac Mini with Catalina IOS along with Office 2021, I have the Dell Latitude 6400 and 6410 laptops, which have Windows 11 and Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus on two partitions and Office 2019 on both laptops.  I also have an Asus Netbook with Windows 11 and Office 2019.  All four devices have SSD drives too make them go faster.  They all seem to be in good shape.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 3:00 P.M.  KLM Royal Dutch Airlines https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=39274e00e91a8bb6c8568277d7e988a8fb33e0a80ad5c1a04c14e5afa2397a8c7c76ddafc241c80eaffbf0d6614dd96f06d38f520e320563fb36aaeec04a932cff04cef5baf2689b435731fcf27ceb08

Citronella Candle $3 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PNBU3AS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=07flPCg6jljOeCCaf3njslM&th=1  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 2:20 P.M.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and I gave them the Apple Macbook laptop and the Apple Mac Mini.  They have a whole lot of nice furniture and clothing there.  I then went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for an hour.  I used the bathroom there.  I then went to Whole Foods, and I toured the store.  They don't have Mueslix there.  I bought an onion bagel there for a $1.25.  I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park across from www.cvs.com , and I had the onion bagel for a picnic.  I then used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then picked up a prescription at CVS.  I then went to the Acme grocery store.  They don't have Kellogg's Mueslix there either.  I bought from the Clearance section four 9.5 ounce Caribbean chicken frozen meals for $9.76 total.  I paid $3 in quarters parking downtown.  I then returned home.  I put away my food.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I filed this report.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 10:05 A.M.  I threw out the garbage.  I will now go downtown to forage around.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 9:20 A.M.  I rested until 8:45 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  A big tree limb fell down nearby in the woods.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

08/24/23 Thursday 6:25 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/24/23 Thursday 5:35 A.M.  I woke up at 5 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/23/23 Wednesday 6:25 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

08/23/23 Wednesday 5:45 P.M.  They don't like me anymore https://www.royal-house.nl/photos/latest for being tech savvy from my view point.

I chatted with a friend. 

I will now go outside again. 

I am trying to get on a day schedule, so I am staying up a little bit longer until the cows come home.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 4:00 P.M.  Its warmer in Oyster Bay, Long Island https://apnews.com/article/north-dakota-theodore-roosevelt-library-916ead880d144dc48bb7af782cc46b23

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 3:35 P.M.  Good for the grocery store $25 https://www.amazon.com/Green-Reusable-Collapsible-Bags-Reinforced/dp/B07GSKFCJF?pd_rd_w=GFX7x&content-id=amzn1.sym.47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_p=47078f0f-6136-43d7-a63f-08b5e29bec55&pf_rd_r=Y1Q71NYZEJ77ZKB2CSRT&pd_rd_wg=bzrRy&pd_rd_r=da03e7a8-6904-4815-b3e5-1616f15df88e&pd_rd_i=B07GSKFCJF&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_93_nped_i&th=1

08/23/23 Wednesday 3:35 P.M.  To be honest, I tend not to believe the gossip of deaf old people whom go to too many cocktail parties.  CIO 

08/23/23 Wednesday 2:35 P.M.  All three of my Ipad 2 batteries are worn out, so with my magnifying glasses, I can use this which I bought in silver 32 GB https://www.itechdeals.com/products/apple-ipad-mini-2-with-retina-display-wi-fi-16gb-space-gray-2nd-generation-3?sscid=81k7_jl86h&utm_source=shareasale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1189165&variant=40765380526177 for $59.99

For the Ipad mini 2, I bought this case with keyboard https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Ultrathin-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Mini-4/dp/B07RWRVTST/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2D3MUUXBT0Y78&keywords=mini+ipad+2+case+with+keyboard&qid=1692814858&sprefix=mini+ipad+2+case%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-9 for $19.95 and $1.27 tax for $21.22 total. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 2:05 P.M.  When I worked 18 hours a day out on www.nantucket.net , I was told submarine commanders in World War II never slept, but only took twenty minute cat naps.  I recently saw on Cspan the submarine service in World War II had the highest rate of casualties.  They also mentioned they made submarines on the Great Lakes, but before the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Lawrence_Seaway , it is hard to figure out how they got them out of the Great Lakes.  I guess the Saint Lawrence Seaway mostly sends corn flakes to starving Europeans from the Bread Basket of America.  In Norway corn flakes were considered a deluxe breakfast.  My friend whose great grandmother was from the Kaiser of Germany's consulate in Manhattan before World War One like eating Mueslix https://www.amazon.com/s?k=muslix+cereal&crid=190ECQM72X364&sprefix=Muslix%2Caps%2C219&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_6 which since the Kellogg family of America are of Swiss origin came from the Swiss cereal of the same name.  There used to be a big thick book listing all of the people that ate Kellogg's corn flakes, and I know the Kellogg's foundation is the largest contributor to United States universities and college, so they do some good with their money.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 12:55 P.M.  Back down in South Florida from September 1976 through May 1978 in the winters, there was a tall American Indian around named Crazy Horse who seemed to know the terrain.  I am not sure what tribe he belonged to though.  The American Indians probably don't trust modern Western communications, but they know smoke signals.  Like the British still know Archer Communications.  Like the Africans still know the African drums.  Like some people still know Moore's Code.  Like people in various Navies know the Signals corps.  Since nobody seems to ever look at my expensive web site about how to be cheap, there are other ways of communicating.  One can take an expensive United States Postage stamp and write a letter to one of your politicians to see if one gets a response.  When I talk about John James Audubon the Bird Painter, the Audubon Network used to be the name of the United States Military Communications network.  One can still use homing pigeons to communicate or toss a bottle in the ocean with a note and hopes somebody finds it.  I used to be pretty good at scouring a beach looking at what washed ashore besides tourists.

I will now go outside and drink a cup of coffee.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 12:40 P.M.  One of my first business ventures was a Kool Aid stand in the summer in Decatur, Alabama where I think we got a nickel a cup.  I also would get up at sunrise in the summer and ride my bicycle to the Country Club, and go out to the pond with water moccasins and pick up golf balls with my toes and sell them to my father depending on the condition for various prices.  Basically people knew to use their oldest cheapest golf balls when hitting across the pond.  Also Bill Curtis was the golf pro, and I always wandered if he had anything to do with Curtis Airways.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 11:55 A.M. One could buy this https://www.ebay.com/itm/275411800581?hash=item401fd29205:g:~fUAAOSw3f1i7CtP&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwHMRr3AB9eNLA2a9Qw5ZvXtdxtoA2RIWoRDA5Bg4IElAbL2jQFQnNS8%2BGORP7WTu030I%2Bisu7ZJlakejxGjYMFiMe0XeUicDKVrcOLNJhnQ2cjoFOtK37a693za8kIniLIN45zvsyecUyyhY3TTP4z%2Bfm1mLRIiSBHoDqvn7KEC8EVYKYMjsApfL7vCSvSjoBYWbO9xvXBPA41Ji31oAUBEcu28%2BijQiTPuYKivd5MJkZE1COCH%2FjTZ2X5cqdj0UTw%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5rsq7DEYg in Norwalk, Connecticut for $75 and fill it with ice and sell beer or other cold beverage as a side line, but a new aluminum garbage can or wash basin https://www.amazon.com/All-States-Parts-S-P/dp/B087LQZRNG/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MJEZSZDLC1QA&keywords=large+aluminum+wash+tub&qid=1692805630&sprefix=Aluminum+Wash+Tub%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-3  or even a plastic garbage can might be just as good.  The Port Chester Beer Distributor across the street from the old Life Savers Factory has plenty of beer to chose from http://www.portchesterbeer.com/blog/ .  Well, one has to put a couple of expensive bags of ice on top of the beverages to keep them cold.  I was once told www.coke.com was started by a pharmacist in a drug store in Holland, Michigan which also has the world's largest pickle factory owned by Heinz.

I will now go outside again.  Michael Louis Scott on the Red Neck Riviera on Pensacola Beach, Florida where I lived from 1954 to 1956, where I was almost eaten by an alligator on the Bayou across the street from our house where the head www.navy.mil Ace in World War II lived.  There used to be a bar in Pensacola called the Drift Wood, where all the Navy Pilots hung out, until they got rich and moved it to Vero or snicker Zero Beach https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=761435543889223&set=pb.100000683542450.-2207520000.&type=3 .  They held the American Indian Chief https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geronimo prisoner at Fort Pickens there.  I first encountered the name Castro there, when a Castro convertible sofa flipped over and cut my shoulder, when I was there.   

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 10:10 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I have a frequent urination problem which is problem, when I try to sleep.  The friend takes "terazosin-hcl" 2mg https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a693046.html .  I left a message with the Greenwich Hospital outpatient to see if they can prescribe it for me.  However, reading about it on the internet, I don't think I want to take it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 9:00 A.M.  Before I went out to the deserted Greenwich Avenue, on the primary work computer, I started a Complete PC backup to a internal hard drive.  I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought five 4 packs of Bumble Bee five ounce solid white albacore tuna fish for $6.99 a four pack less $6 off $30 coupon for $28.95 total.  I then sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce park without much going on.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 48 ounce Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99, a 48 ounce Florida Natural ruby red grapefruit juice for $3.34, four 16 ounce Dole Mandarin oranges for $2.59 each can, and a Smart Balance Spread for $9.69 for $28.58 total.  I then returned home.  I put my groceries away.  I put the grey bags back in the car.   I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  The windows complete PC backup on the primary work computer completed, while I was out.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 6:40 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with one ounce of grapefruit juice.

I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 5:50 A.M.  These look good https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N7P2FD4/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07N7P2FD4&pd_rd_w=AZZr6&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_r=AFRAJVTWGC9DG1DSV0PN&pd_rd_wg=coBfT&pd_rd_r=859d7b58-9308-4a0c-afd3-25523255ea2c&s=grocery&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy , but I used to make mine with these https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Beef-Stroganoff-Sauce-Mix/dp/B00UF5SVHY/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2AG1S0B44FGW4&keywords=lipton+beef+stroganoff&qid=1692783640&sprefix=Lipton+Beef+st%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-4

On the fourth of July 1976 evening, when I was on the waterfront in Manhattan, I met someone that supposedly came from a family in Newport, Rhode Island that owned McCormick spices. 

These https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lipton+noodle+sides&crid=3FTPTNS1GESEI&sprefix=Lipton+Noodle+%2Caps%2C111&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_14 fill one up.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 5:05 A.M.  Nessy News from Scotland https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/loch-ness-monster-hunt-gbr-scli-intl/index.html

When I was camping out on the beach on the west side of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands in February 1972, there were a million stars in the sky on a clear night, and then something might have come out of the ocean and covered the who sky which scared me, so I climbed up the cliff in the dark, and I road my moped back into town.  Maybe the Loch Ness monster winters in the Canary Islands.  The water there is about 80,000 feet deep, so it is a big volcano just above the surface.  I have a theory if there were ever a prehistory time lock or cryogenics chamber with ancient figures frozen in time, it might be powered by a volcano and hidden in some place like Lanzarote.  They do grow onions there.  I once read that NASA has a ground monitoring facility there in case the space shuttle had to abort in Morocco.  I also read the Saudi Arabian royal family like vacationing there.  I also read they now have a geothermal desalination plant there for added water in desert climate.  In the northeast part of the island, some hippies had a commune there too.  Playa Blanca beach looked to the south, and they had an old www.coke.com cooler filled European beer of some sorts.  On the west side of the island, there was a compound that some wealthy European also maintained.

Moon Landing https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/22/world/chandrayaan-3-landing-photos-india-scn/index.html   CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 4:30 A.M.  Airport in France named after Queen Elizabeth II https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66577824

Bear Attack near Greenwich https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-bear-attack-ny-child-18311362.php?src=gthpdesecp

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 3:50 A.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  It is getting cooler here at night.  Right now it is 65 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 3:45 A.M.  The former Combustion Engineering Company on Long Ridge Road in Stamford, Connecticut is now a part of the Swedish and Swiss Engineering company Asea Brown Boveri.  When I was in Manhattan in the early 1970s, the built a Swiss Cable Car from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, where a lot of New York City employees live.  I first crossed the boarder into Switzerland in February 1972, when I traveled via train through Switzerland going from Florence, Italy to Grenoble, France to visit my Greenwich friend Chuck King at the University of Grenoble.  Chuck's father worked for McCann Erickson advertising and handled the account for www.coke.com and Buick Automobiles.  His mother's family owned a bank in Ohio.  They lived in Michigan before moving here.  Chuck's father had gone to Williams College with Tommy Chester, which is how they knew each other.  Some times people show up here in Greenwich with a few connections in the Midwest hoping to find some warmer weather here on the edge of tropics on Long Island which keeps us a bit warmer.  New Canaan nearby can be a lot colder though, but it used to be out of range in case Manhattan ever got a nuclear blast.  However, being a small it town does not have its own hospital, but they use the Norwalk and Danbury hospitals, and their emergency medical used to consist of young volunteers.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 3:20 A.M.  I went outside again.  There is not too much happening around here on a night schedule.  It now costs me about four dollars in gasoline to drive downtown and down to the pier on Steamboat Road to see the view of Long Island sound, and the dim lights of Long Island.  Since I lived at 700 Steamboat Road for 4.5 years in a $400 a month welfare apartment before moving to Byram, I have covered the pier on Steamboat Road for close to forty years, since I came off www.nantucket.net in December 1983.  Once I did chat briefly with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden on that pier, but she just wanted to know where the nearby hotel was.  She was going to Yale at that time.  A young fisherman from Whistler ski resort in Northwest Canada https://www.skiresort.info/ski-resorts/canada/sorted/slope-length/ told me who she was.  I later walked into the www.starbucks.com coffee shop on Greenwich Avenue, and I saw her father the King of Sweden sitting there, and he told me, if I ever visit Sweden, I am going to end up sitting in a coffee shop.  The Queen of Sweden is from Brazil, so they probably have lots of Brazilian coffee in Sweden like the CFCF shop on Greenwich Avenue across from www.cvs.com also has lots of bags of Brazilian coffee beans for their coffee roaster on the premises.  When I knew Tony Renato Pigato, when I lived on Steamboat Road, he told me his grandfather owned twenty million acres of Brazilian coffee plantation, which is why I think he go to meet the Aga Khan here in Greenwich.  Nestle out of Switzerland with their Nescafe brand is supposed to be the world's largest food and coffee company, but although they do not have their own cheaper Nescafe K cups, they also market the Starbucks line of products, if one did not know.  Nestle has offices nearby in White Plains, New York; so their might be other Swiss people and Swiss businesses around here.  The internet took off with Tim Berners Lee working for CERN in Switzerland on super collider physics which costs a great deal of money.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/23/23 Wednesday 2:20 A.M.  This is an interesting fix, if one's Logitech wireless mouse double clicks https://www.amazon.in/review/RY43Y71WEJDMH/  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 1:25 A.M.  On the primary work computer, I updated Windows 10.  There is something on Cspan about www.harvard.edu losing a discrimination case at the Supreme Court. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 12:35 A.M.  I just saw a low flat furry animal walking into the woods by the visitors' parking lot.  It might have been a badger.  CIO

08/23/23 Wednesday 12:10 A.M.  With coupon code "BRADIO889" NOAA Radio $9 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QC7NKYY?th=1&tag=dc-jack-20

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 11:30 P.M. For the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF I bought 8 GB of used memory here https://www.amazon.com/16GB-8GBx2-240-pin-DIMM-PC3-12800/dp/B008KSHQBU?th=1 for $13.90 and .88 tax for $14.78 total.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 11:10 P.M.  I rested until 10:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 6:55 P.M.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 6:45 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I threw out the garbage.  I picked up the mail.  The order with no tracking for two USB 2.0 three feet extension cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225201532279?hash=item346f0ead77:g:Wq4AAOSwpFljRc8p&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4ED%2FzvBcNZs1sqVqcDY07jKRAfwI9r9%2BiJcG6kZjgh%2BEeHEwLAE%2BdlWp8jhoec%2BBfLfOGfFGSp1Fj61b%2FRXlEft5jA0Vxml772sP47XrHFJURJgUsUdwpKSw5%2BiqMmkNVPRyty92mgYDGlKwOD6AcL1RJgWdN6OKwsEUTTgJLYQu4qDhWtD3E9uxsUjIufGVCBpXHhXl0NjU5814T7J3%2FopXtq5hMhMYr%2Fv%2BC6h4pZW7oCwJmxdv2mRh2W1tVE%2BkxGW%2FE07D3D%2Flcl%2BIvveHCUTW3ZHvTwau6lJ9Oz5ZALFQ%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9DioKzAYg for $6.68 total arrived.  I put them in the second drawer down on the left of the living room desk.  

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-13/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-13/  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 5:20 P.M.  I woke up, and I chatted with a friend, and I ate a bowl of Post Great Grains with almond milk.  I finally woke up at 4:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Tracking is https://www.ups.com/track?tracknums_displayed=1&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&HTMLVersion=4.0&track=Track&InquiryNumber1=1Z684V650321911662&loc=en_US&requester=ST/trackdetails on the order for a Dell Optiplex 790 SFF without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/275991651109?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3024&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=d57541ca-e146-4efe-a5ca-7f8374590750&cnvId=700003&recoId=275991651109&recoPos=1 $29.99 and $1.90 tax for $31.89 total.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 8:35 A.M.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a twelve pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, two 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $3.49 each, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50 and $2.99, and a 32 ounce Borden lemon juice for $3.79 for $32.35 total.  I then returned home, and I put the groceries away.  I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  I filed this report.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 7:10 A.M.  I will now go downtown to forage around.  CIO 

08/22/23 Tuesday 6:45 A.M.  Baby Giraffe https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-66551290

Local Dam to be torn down https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-pemberwick-dam-federal-18300851.php?src=gthpdesecp

Greenwich Country Day to sell hydroponics lettuce https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-country-day-hydroponic-garden-permit-18303137.php CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 6:30 A.M.  I am about to eat a 15 ounce Marie Callender turkey pot pie with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 6:05 A.M.  8000 BTU portable air conditioner $179 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087CQVC9G/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=1fcbfcb440ce11ee8d0f2ecfd3424a6c0INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

14000 BTU portable air conditioner $300 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0028AYQDC/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=59213da840ce11ee8f36ca32e05c6d670INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1

6000 BTU window air conditioner $129 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDTB7TCN/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=ad08eaa640ce11eeb77fa2e14e098be50INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

12000 BTU window air conditioner $289 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z9ZLQ8R?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Air Conditioner Deals https://www.amazon.com/deal/954a0b3e?showVariations=true&pf_rd_r=XQB77KKKKAFKDT3NDMFN&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=f27d8419-e4ac-4bb5-95eb-9abc2fd749dc&pf_rd_s=slot-14&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_3_954a0b3e_dt_sl14_dc

Levis Jeans $21 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09N6K1SWN/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1&psc=1

8000 BTU window air conditioner $200 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NR1MP5V?_encoding=UTF8&tag=revsave-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&cuid=WS4C00184171&th=1

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 5:05 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 5:05 A.M.  8000 BTU window air conditioner $200 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDTDYBDB/ref=em_1p_0_lm?th=1

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines which I have never flown on, even though their United States headquarters are in nearby White Plains, New York, and I once met Queen Beatrice's nephew Eric who works for them and wanted to be a hypersonic pilot.  He was the KLM pilot in a 747 jet over Alaska, when it flew through a volcanic ash cloud and lost all four engines, but he was able to restart them.  Flying over Alaska is how on gets to Asia.  He delivers flowers around the world twice a week out of Amsterdam.  I met him at a pub near Ridgefield, where some of the Howard Hughes' Hughes Technology people hung out, when they were working on the Hubble Telescope mirror in Danbury.  That got me interested in volanoes.  Eric told me he has the most tulips planted around his house in Ridgefield.  They also used to sell balsa wood toy gliders at the Ridgefield Hardware store.  Eric thought the Greenwich people were too snobby, so he prefers Ridgefield.  However, I did once see someone that looked like Prince Claus of the Netherlands coming out of the Indian Harbor Yacht Club.  I know the Royal Dutch family once lived somewhere in Connecticut.

https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=3f872f103ebbcacd7c49427e71a77429811c8cccde63e8ab8787b40dc750b34d4e7d7875233cf857db994a0539557eeccaab61c60110373914c2ac8299b01e26405482dc08d64a2aa55a80ec68ce4c8b841500fdc5e3e61f CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 4:50 A.M.  I took the Logitech USB extender off the lower Dell Optiplex 790 desktop computer on the left side of the primary work computer, and I put it on the Mac Mini device on the primary work computer setup,s o hopefully its wireless keyboard and wireless mouse will work better.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 4:10 A.M.  Well, the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF cost $26.59, the Office 2021 product key was $3.31, the Windows 11 product key was about $3.50, the Norton Internet Security product key for a year was about $5, and the 240 GB SSD drive was $23.37 and 8 GB of used memory for $14.78 for a grand total of $76.55 total.  However, it has some expensive parts attached to it, which I already had.

I ordered two 10 foot LAN cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225182557330?hash=item346ded2492:g:rtcAAOSw6SJjNHeL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4HSy%2FxEVgU8xV9YyvJq1KxBKYs7vUdZyMN5u8bpvsy%2BjIpcvTdMKK9Fd7hU4cpcyQjJLVRc8Vt6Z6iUcRMLeN4pc0NT%2FKr8BfDsUUgvUSxoc2XqB9Lman8j2KT10OKhJVjYEtlTLpn5TCVilwlgPRmgw83%2FCd9BefJdIxcNTBUkFm0k2Mi15j9dYtpyodSfJMukV1QRnFLvQ%2BKvfCC%2BRNHxU5Bd9z5yr3B84PE2JgOtefuEwY3ruViGcrUNFFCsScEQ9%2FUqXlwsyBrFNGO%2FjCjggH8f53srTGE2sXIukw7GO%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-Le6crBYg for $13.80 total. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed cup of coffee.  CIO

08/22/23 Tuesday 3:20 A.M.  I went outside and drank coffee twice.  I finished configuring the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF with Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus activated with a Windows 11 product key, Office 2021 that I bought a product key here for $3.31 https://royalcdkeys.com/products/microsoft-office-2021-pro-plus-key-phone-retail-global which I had to activate via telephone which is like a tedious drunk test, and Norton 360 Internet Security is activated.  It all works fine.  I am now doing an Aomei backup of it to an external hard drive.  The Optiplex 790 SFF factor only has 4 gigabytes of memory, but it works fine.  When I first got it, the lock security tabs were bent together, so it was a tedious problem to unstick it open up the case to install the 240 GB SSD drive.

I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here: http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-12/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-12/  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 10:45 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 9:50 P.M.  I woke up at 9 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 12:50 P.M.  The order with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=782582661160&trkqual=12026~782582661160~FDEG on the order for the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/195926832906?hash=item2d9e26370a:g:~KMAAOSw5Kxk0b6o&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0PeLjHcTCd8P12EYouhWK%2B98njvm8QVEPJKeI6CoIHC9zgy5l1xUkwCO9X9YAYVv%2B19o9gmC35FV7ozltgQMWdS4b6lwumWuwRz%2BgLYWscMxBd6lge76fIMMzntVCI7mAXovuWQaZmOPecGt5pqapy8sSA5u7jecmAxc8z1ptq1qOV9W1ThKCm%2FUyQdWXT5kRJk1iZcpPz2KXH3uHwfnVnJS4E1pGE%2BaOHBcrihT4oFIixgQolonUa83QlUEluiQi4c9kw1vc4imU9QuAGnyATA%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4b0yIu_Yg for $25 and $1.59 tax for $26.59 total arrived.  I installed the 240 GB SSD drive in it.  I set it up on top of the other similar desktop.  I installed the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus on it.  I will configure it later.  I went outside twice, and twice I chatted with a friend.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero sugar.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 8:45 A.M.  The Mac Mini has a Pentium duo core processor with 4 gigabytes of memory and a 240 gigabyte SSD hard drive which took about four hours of my professional time to install to make it faster.  The Apple Macbook has a Pentium Duo Core processor with 4 gigabyte of memory and the 240 gigabyte SSD and a several year old battery both of which together took about four hours of my professional time to make it faster.  The is also the time to reinstall the IOS High Sierra.

Not much happening here on the cheap side of town.  Some of the older retired people on this side of town go through the nearby dump trying to make money off old computer equipment, but at least I know my older hardly used devices still work.  Having worked with various computer devices since 1989, I have a bit of experience that the garbage man that thinks he knows it all might not have or other person that frequents the dump.  About four year ago, I gave the dump an air conditioner that a neighbor disgarded.  Also about ten years ago I threw out my library of about 400 books to start the library at the dump.  I used to know somebody that vacationed in Nova Scotia that was a lawyer here in town, and he would haul his garbage to the dump with a little cart behind his car every weekend.  He also had a Dutch last name, so the old Dutch here can be pretty cheap.  Back in my original days in Kennebunkport, everone used to take their garbage to the dump. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 8:05 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I got out two more VGA video cables for the switch box and a longer LAN cable to set it up.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

Here https://www.hardware-corner.net/desktop-models/Dell-OptiPlex-790-SFF/ is the $25 desktop coming today from Mesa, Arizona.  I can set it up on the left side of the primary work computer with a VGA switch box with the other similar one beneath it.  I should be able to restore the Windows 10 Complete PC backup to it quickly.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 6:20 A.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 6:05 A.M.  Both older Apple devices with new installs of High Sierra are in plastic bags with their power cords on the www.harvard.edu chair.  I did not check to see if the Apple Macbook still holds a charge, but I put a new battery in it a few years ago.  I hardly ever used them except for configuring them.  I originally bought the Apple Macbook laptop for about $70 and I put a $25 240 GB SSD drive in it and $20 battery in it for about $115 investment.  On the older Apple Mac Mini, I bought it for about a $141, and I put a $20 120 SSD drive in it for about $161 investment.  They both have the  High Sierra higher IOS installed that they will work with.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 5:15 A.M.  The older Mac Mac Mini with a new install of High Sierra is now removed from the setup on the desk to the right of the primary work computer.  I took the older Mac Book off the bedroom desk, and I deleted its SSD drive contents, and I am now installing a new copy of High Sierra.  I do not know what to do with them, but I will have them ready to be reused.  I figure the older Mac Mini with an SSD drive in it is worth about $100 and the older Macbook laptop with an SSD drive in it is worth about $75.  However, in Greenwich there are not too many poor desperate people that might need them. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/21/23 Monday 3:55 A.M.  Bug Traps $21 https://www.thatdailydeal.com/home.php?id=64113

On the older Mac Mini on the desk to the right side of the primary work computer, I erased its hard drive, and I am now doing a new install of High Sierra.   I will disconnect it from the setup.  It has a 120 GB SSD drive in it, but High Sierra is the highest IOS that it will support.  I will put the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF in that location.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 2:35 A.M.  I rested until 2 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

My neighbors have been told that they are going to build the new ice skating rink where the baseball field is, and they are going to move the baseball field to where the old ice skating rink is.  CIO 

!!!!!! 08/21/23 Monday 12:50 A.M.  Vero Beach, Florida at John's Island $12.5 million dollars https://www.johnsislandrealestate.com/listings/120-coconut-palm-road  CIO

08/21/23 Monday 12:45 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/20/23 Sunday 11:50 P.M.  I woke up at 11 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjnirwjtopkuqn&orderId=114-2519029-8382631&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=228020023947301 for two https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Electronics-Computer-Printer-Monitor/dp/B09VRLJD7J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=computer+power+cable+6ft&qid=1692429467&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $5.89 each and .74 tax for $12.52 total arrived.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-11/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-11/  CIO 

08/20/23 Sunday 2:00 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 1:00 P.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 12:25 P.M.  I went downtown to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Primo Vermont spring water with bottle return for $6.99.  I then tried to find a parking place around www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, but all of the parking places were filled up.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a six ounce bag of baby spinach for $2.50, two 15 ounce Ken's Caesar dressing for $2.50 each, two 8 ounce Stop and Shop shredded mozzarella cheese for $2.19 each, and two 12.4 ounce Marie Callender chicken sesame bowls for $3 each for $17.88 total.  I then returned home.  I used my little folding cart to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water and the food.  I then put the grey bag and the folding cart back in the car.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  CIO 

08/20/23 Sunday 9:50 A.M.  I used my trusty Hoover Upright vacuum to vacuum the apartment.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 9:00 A.M.  I have three working cell phones, so there is no point in activating the old Iphone 7s cell phone.

I will now go outside again.  I figure every round trip downtown is $3 or $4 in gasoline plus the cost of parking six days a week for $1.50 an hour, so a round trip downtown for two hours to have a $8.29 Acme sandwich in the Greenwich Common is close to $15.  Also the Acme sandwiches have half as much meat as they used to have.  I could buy a loaf of multigrain bread and keep it in the freezer for tuna sandwiches.  I have three unopened jars of Hellmann's mayonnaise and plenty of tuna.  When the bread is frozen one just throws it in the toaster to thaw out. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 8:25 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 7:10 A.M.  Up on www.nantucket.net , when they used to open sea scallops in the spring, the local people would use the sea scallop shells to pave their driveways, but the remaining bits of the sea scallops attract sea gulls, until they dry out and get crushed by the cars.  However, that is better than expensive gravel or asphalt from the main land.  When the last thing I did in December 1983 was paint the trim on Admiral Halsey's small cottage on the Polpis road, they used sea scallop shells for the driveway like a lot of other people out on Nantucket.  However, as Nantucket got more expensive, they got rid of the ice house on the wharf for the fishermen, so I am not sure if they have that enterprise anymore.  At Madeket on the north side of the island in the harbor, one can pick up quahogs with one's toes in about five of water, which they use for quahog chowder, so possibly those shells can be used for driveways too.  The rich people make Light Ship baskets in the off season, and they use to be very expensive; until the Asians started making them more cheaply.  When I was there, the Roman Catholic church in the center of town looked like it had not had its trim painted in over twenty years, but the other churches were well maintained.  The Episcopal Church had needle point cushions which they would make in the winter.  The Quakers on Nantucket have a bit more money, since they do not have to pay for a minister.  Nina Needlepoint moved out of Old Greenwich to Osterville on Cape Cod.  They also used to do a lot of needlepoint up in Kennebunkport, until they got into politics.  Billy Baldwin use to used needlepoint in his decorating.  Also on Hydra in the spring of 1972, the nuns used to sell inexpensive needlepoint.  Also a relative of the Harriman family tries to sell old needlepoint house slippers that he collected.  A lot of the Quakers on Nantucket were Scottish Presbyterians, but became Quakers to be cheaper.  I know somebody here in Greenwich related to the Scott family whose Greenleaf family used to own all of Nantucket, but they gave it away.  Prince Harry's wife's family seems to be related to the Hussey family out on Nantucket where a street downtown where I last lived in the basement of the Grinnon's guest house is called Hussey Street.  Jimmy Eldert in his period also lived in a small rental on Hussey street behind India House where he worked and where Billy Baldwin also once lived, until he moved to Sconset to work for Bunny Mellon.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 6:10 A.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 08/20/23

08/20/23 Sunday 6:05 A.M.  I took the AT&T Go Phone sim card out of my Iphone 7, and I put it in my old Iphone 6s Plus, so it now works.  However, its ear piece does not work, but it is setup for the speaker to listen to.

I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 5:20 A.M.  6000 BTU window air conditioner $129 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDTB7TCN/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=a2cba31c3f3411eeab87ea7718e137e00INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1

With coupon code "CC282212" 12000 BTU window air conditioner $189 https://slickdeals.net/f/16869485-homelabs-12000-btu-air-conditioner-209-99-amazon-or-homelabs-com-210?src=frontpage_recombee&prop=rcmid-d7780bfe9a927c15008f316c14a6d38e&attrsrc=Personalization%3AInterspersed%3ATrue

12000 BTU window air conditioner $210 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084WQ8WYH/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A19LAAJSDK1TMK&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1

Record Player $15 https://electronics.woot.com/offers/new-byronstatics-3-speed-vinyl-record-turntable-player-4?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=11101beb3f3611ee807801340a82b82c&utm_source=BensBargains.com+%28Internet+Brands%29&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

With coupon code "OHYEA7050"  $95 for Dell refurbished computer https://www.dellrefurbished.com/desktop-computers?model_f[]=OptiPlex%207050&utm_campaign=cj_affiliate_sale&utm_medium=BensBargains.com+%28Internet+Brands%29&utm_source=cj&utm_content=404255&utm_term=10537177&cjevent=7410b59c3f3411ee8358abe20a82b821&publisher=&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&storage_drive_type[]=SSD

Ramen Noodles case $3.74 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MIK4GCS?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=dc-kevink-20  

Microwave pasta cooker $18 https://www.amazon.com/Microwave-Pasta-Cooker-Original-Sticking/dp/B00WHCIEPW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=SUSTNGQ63U8C&keywords=microwave+pasta+cooker+with+strainer+lid&qid=1692522347&sprefix=microwave+pasta%2Caps%2C473&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=A1B7M9EQGNCLQA

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

Even though it has been a bit cool here, somebody down south in hotter weather  might need a cheaper air conditioner. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 3:55 A.M.  I went outside again.  On the Complete PC backup on the Dell Tower Studio XPS tower computer, I tried two different external hard drives, and both times, it said there was not enough space, when there was.  As far as I know I have all of the computers backed up now that can be backed up.

I guess ever since Bunny Mellon passed away, there is no money way out on www.nantucket.net .  One can always chuck Sea Scallops, but maybe in season.  Bunny Mellon's husband was a British Knight, so he tries to take care of distressed British people in his neck of the woods.  I guess since King Charles is now King, all of the people that Queen Elizabeth used to take care of world wide are without means to survive.  I guess they could go back to England and try to lead ordinary lives.  There used to be someone in Greenwich that got paid $50,000 a year for writing one letter a year to Queen Elizabeth.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 3:05 A.M.  I am now doing a Complete PC backup of both Windows 11 and Windows 12 beta partitions on the Dell Tower Studio XPS computer.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 2:30 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee. 

can not do a Complete PC backup on the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus, but when it is installed as a second partition with Windows 11 or 10 as the primary partition, one can do a Complete PC backup of both partitions with Windows 11 or 10.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 1:55 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes. 

On the Asus 15.6 inch laptop with two partitions from the Windows 11 partition, I am doing a Complete PC backup of both partitions to an external hard drive.  CIO

08/20/23 Sunday 12:55 A.M.  I woke up at midnight.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjmpruhqmrsrsn&orderId=111-3755363-5751469&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=227950774306301 for https://www.amazon.com/Silicon-Power-Performance-Internal-SP512GBSS3A55S25/dp/B07997QV4Z/ref=sr_1_10?crid=5KPGIVJ52N2A&keywords=SSD%2Bdrive&qid=1692378537&sprefix=ssd%2Bdrive%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-10&th=1 for $21.97 and $1.40 tax for $23.37 total and with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjmgnokuorltsn&orderId=114-1865143-7224200&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=227771915782301 for a power strip https://www.amazon.com/KMC-Multi-Outlet-Independent-Switches-Protector/dp/B0775V2SS1/ref=asc_df_B0775V2SS1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241935719665&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15132111215224379813&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003435&hvtargid=pla-437368000714&psc=1 for $13.99 and .89 tax for $14.88 total arrived.  I put the power strip underneath the near dining table chair, and I will use the SSD drive on one of the CPUs, when it arrives.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-10/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-10/  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 12:40 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 12:15 P.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 11:40 A.M.  Greenwich Polo https://mailchi.mp/503c5b461779/this-sunday-east-coast-gold-cup-at-greenwich-polo-club-13555829?e=2493f9dc96

King Charles gifts https://highgrove-news.com/422Z-1KSZ0-53CFB14B83AD85817ZYG584BE1A9309BB5A4A3/cr.aspx

8000 BTU window air conditioner $180 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PDXKSGJ/ref=em_1p_0_lm?th=1 CIO

08/19/23 Saturday 11:05 A.M.  On the Asus 15.6 laptop, Aomei backup will not work on it, since it has two partitions on the SSD drive.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 10:15 A.M.  On the Asus 15.6 inch laptop on the second partition, it is activated with Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus with a Windows 11 Professional product key, and it also has Office 2021 on it activated.  Its battery is fully charged.  It is on the top of the laptop stack on the right side of the oak dining table.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/19/23 Saturday 9:40 A.M.  The problem I had with the Asus laptop was that I was using the wrong charging adapter, so it was not charging.  The Windows 11 partition is now updated with Office 2019 and Norton 360.  I am now working on the beta OS partition.

I went outside.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

08/19/23 Saturday 7:00 A.M.  I went outside twice, and once I drank a cup of coffee.  On the HP 15.6 inch laptop that I bought for about $350 at Target in White Plains, New York about a year and a half ago that I never used; I installed the Windows 11 and Norton 360 updates on it.  I also have Office 2019 on it.  On the Asus 15.6 inch laptop that I have been working on, it will not install the latest Windows 11 updates, so it is returning the system to the way it was before.  I also still have to work on the beta OS partition.  CiO

08/19/23 Saturday 5:05 A.M.  From the right side of the oak dining table, I removed the 11 inch Acer laptop that I never used, and I put it in the laptop stack on the lower level of the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.  In its place, I took out the Asus 15.6 laptop that I bought last summer and never used.  It has Windows 11 with Office 2019 on it and in second partition of the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus.  I am now updating it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/19/23 Saturday 3:45 A.M.  I threw out the garbage.  I ordered two https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Electronics-Computer-Printer-Monitor/dp/B09VRLJD7J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=computer+power+cable+6ft&qid=1692429467&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $5.89 each and .74 tax for $12.52 total. 

I ordered three five foot LAN cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225182557330?hash=item346ded2492:g:rtcAAOSw6SJjNHeL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4HSy%2FxEVgU8xV9YyvJq1KxBKYs7vUdZyMN5u8bpvsy%2BjIpcvTdMKK9Fd7hU4cpcyQjJLVRc8Vt6Z6iUcRMLeN4pc0NT%2FKr8BfDsUUgvUSxoc2XqB9Lman8j2KT10OKhJVjYEtlTLpn5TCVilwlgPRmgw83%2FCd9BefJdIxcNTBUkFm0k2Mi15j9dYtpyodSfJMukV1QRnFLvQ%2BKvfCC%2BRNHxU5Bd9z5yr3B84PE2JgOtefuEwY3ruViGcrUNFFCsScEQ9%2FUqXlwsyBrFNGO%2FjCjggH8f53srTGE2sXIukw7GO%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-Le6crBYg for $4.51 each less $1.02 discount and .86 tax for $14.39 total. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 2:30 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO 

08/19/23 Saturday 1:30 A.M.  I woke up at 12:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/18/23 Friday 4:45 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  The friend is gradually recovering from a broken tibia and pulled tendon.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 2:35 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside and drink a decaf coffee.  CIO 

08/18/23 Friday 1:25 P.M.  I chatted with a relative. 

For the Dell without a hard drive, I bought https://www.amazon.com/Silicon-Power-Performance-Internal-SP512GBSS3A55S25/dp/B07997QV4Z/ref=sr_1_10?crid=5KPGIVJ52N2A&keywords=SSD%2Bdrive&qid=1692378537&sprefix=ssd%2Bdrive%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-10&th=1 for $21.97 and $1.40 tax for $23.37 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 12:20 P.M.  8000 BTU portable refurbished Toshiba air conditioner $170 https://home.woot.com/offers/toshiba-8-000-btu-250-sqft-portable-ac-7?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=408ff60a3ddf11ee838c39a10a82b82c&utm_source=iHotoffers.com&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

I bought for backup a Dell Optiplex 790 SFF without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/275991651109?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3024&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=d57541ca-e146-4efe-a5ca-7f8374590750&cnvId=700003&recoId=275991651109&recoPos=1 $29.99 and $1.90 tax for $31.89 total. 

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-20230818?e=d0a721e34a   I learned something about the Military, when I was at www.lakeforest.edu next to Fort Sheridan and Great Lakes Naval Station.  Supposedly the Illinois National Guard never leaves the country, but they are moved to other locations, when other state's national guard units are sent out of the country.  That is just the Illinois National Guard, not the general military in Illinois. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 11:50 A.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I paid a dollar in quarters to park for 40 minutes.  I picked up a prescription.  I sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and back uptown my way.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 48 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk for $5.99,  two 15 ounce Ken's Lite Caesar dressing for $2.50 each, two six ounce bags of baby spinach for $2.50 each, and two Bermuda red onions for $2.33 for $18.32 total.  I then returned home.  I put my groceries away.  I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I then threw out my garbage.  I filed this report.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 8:25 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 7:55 A.M.  I rested until 7:30 A.M. this morning.  I went outside again.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 4:40 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/18/23 Friday 3:45 A.M.  Back around December 1973, I drove in about eight inches of snow in my blue Volvo Sedan that I bought from George Peabody in Greenwich to Newark Airport to pick up George Cary from East Aurora, New York, and then we drove in the white out conditions to George's maternal grandfather estate in Gladstone, New Jersey, and I met his grandfather Jay Coogan who was the President of the Illinois Central Railroad.  He only kept his mansion at 50 degrees Fahrenheit to save money.  His grandfather was the last living member of Queen Victoria's honor guard, and he had gone to Sandhurst Military Academy in England.  From there in Far Hills, New Jersey where the Forbes family live, the Volvo got a broken fan belt, and there was a snow mobile shop there that was able to replace the fan belt.  The Forbes have the franchise for Honda in New Jersey.  We then drove to a party at Fred Von Mierers girl friends huge apartment on Park Avenue and the 90s.  We met up with my youngest sister and her new husband and Jim Eldert from Syracuse, New York, where they get fifteen feet of snow.  After the party Jimmy took off with my younger sister and her husband, and George and I drove out in the snow to Greenwich.  My little cabin in the back yard did not have running water, and the propane heater did not have any propane.  Then I think George went back to Buffalo.  Later that winter he, showed up again, and I picked him up at Newark airport, but first I had to pay $200 to get my Volvo out of the towing pound in Manhattan, where it had been towed from Beekman Place.  We visited Fred's apartment at 420 East 49th Street.  I recall another time in that period staying at George's Aunt Mary's apartment on East 72nd Street.  George and Jimmy being cold weather people probably did not know the Norwegian and Swedish consulates were nearby on East 49th Street in the Random House building owned by my roommate on the Farm at Lake Forest College's father.  Jackie Onassis also worked there.  The Danish consulate was just south on Second Avenue and the British consulate was just North on Third Avenue, and the Ford Foundation on East 47th Street took up a whole block. 

I will now go outside again.   CIO

08/18/23 Friday 3:00 A.M.  They also have these military vehicles which are probably better than a Hummer https://www.navistardefense.com/navistardefense/  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 2:55 A.M.  As a matter of dispute with Vermont Know It Alls, I have been up in Vermont in the winter.  Around Christmas Time 1969, I drove my 1967 Mustang Convertible with three speed shift on the floor from Boston on Route 2 West to Stratton, Vermont; where I met up with some Taft School classmates.  I used to be good at driving on snow.  If one has a three or four speed clutch car, one can down shift or up shift to get better traction on snow and ice which was the case, when I drove the 1971 Subaru through the Rocky Mountains going East in the late fall of 1978 in a two day blizzard.  I also was the snow driver while driving a taxi for a year and a half at night at Lake Forest College.  The Lake Forest taxis were three speed on the column clutch shifts on yellow Chrysler sedans.  I have never driven Interstate 90 out West, but in looking at it on a map, it goes through Montana which is a big state.  There used to be Truck Stops of America every few hundred miles on Interstate 90 in Montana, so I figured out, if one ever wanted to hide out in America in an invasion or nuclear war, one could drive between truck stops in Montana, and nobody would ever know where one was.  However, there are a lot of grizzly bears up that way which might not be user friendly.  At Lake Forest College after graduating in the summer of 1972, I met a member of the McCormick family from Illinois that own https://www.navistar.com/en which makes heavy duty all weather trucks, but they are more expensive than GMCs.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 2:00 A.M.  Mar Largo news https://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/

Former Rockefeller Land news https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/town-hopes-utilize-rockefeller-land-acquired-greenwich-academy?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=email-test_E1:v1&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90  

8000 BTU portable air conditioner $240 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08THJV5RG?tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=01GejNlXc4nsrANJNMX0lhQ

32 inch Smart TV $90  https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-32-class-f20-series-led-hd-smart-fire-tv/6482022.p?skuId=6482022

8000 BTU Frigidaire Window air conditioner $200 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDTDYBDB/?tag=deal40e-20&th=1

Portable radio $14 https://www.ebay.com/itm/363204075699?_trkparms=5373%3A0%7C5374%3AFeatured 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/18/23 Friday 1:20 A.M.  The little miniature palm on the window side of the Ethan Allen recliner is not doing too well, so I watered it; and I put it outside in the garden to get some daylight.  CIO 

08/18/23 Friday 12:20 A.M.  I rested until 11:40 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I figured out once that Rip Van Winkle did not sleep for twenty years, but he was on the original New Amsterdam Night Watch.  I will now do the most important task that Dutch Americans can do, which to water the apartment plants.  Midnight Mike is at full power.  CIO 

08/17/23 Thursday 8:20 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  A lot of the Old Dutch families suffer from Rip Van Winkle syndrome.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 7:15 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a yogurt.  I finally woke up at 5:30 P.M..  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qjlirujpspmwun&orderId=113-9213424-4728238&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=227664460168301 for  two packages of chicken alfredo meals https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000OU1Z5A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=a5ab2cde3c0911ee987a7a1b1e43ba390INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 for $9.41 each for $18.82 total and two Hormel seven packs of rice and chicken https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0111Y7PO2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $10.98 each seven pack for $21.96 total arrived.  I put two of the boxes on the lower right shelf of the mahogany table at the apartment entrance and the other two boxes underneath the chair to the right of the primary work computer setup.  I threw out the shipping box.  I did not get any mail.  I took up the two eight foot throw rugs in the living room, and I threw them out.  They were all wrinkled up and made a possible tripping hazard.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-09/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-09/  CIO     

08/17/23 Thursday 9:10 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 8:25 A.M.  I am throwing out this https://www.consumeraffairs.com/recalls/potential-burn-hazard-prompted-pressure-cooker-recall-081723.html which I never used.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 8:20 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  The "Joy of Cooking" cook book that disappeared was a new one I bought off the internet years ago.  Also my Oxford Unabridged Dictionary that I bought at Odd Job for $5 in Port Chester seems to have disappeared.  Of course my friend say, "Old People Just Lose Track of Things."

I went outside. 

I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded parmesan cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

There is still the last I heard an unsettled law suit with the State of Texas calling Red Onions, "Bermuda Red Onion."  Bermuda Red Onions have a hot taste where Georgia Vidalia onions have a sweet taste.  On Lanzarote, they grow some sort of onions in the volcanic lava in the craters, but if they were old Kimberlite Volcanoes, they might find diamonds too.  However, diamonds are made of carbon, so they are not safe to hoard or keep, because they can burn; where as gold or platinum will only melt for better or worse.  However, I have learned with gold, once one starts using it for expenses, there is an experience group of people in this area whom are experts at stealing it like a lot of other valuable things like all of the hundreds of new cars stolen in Greenwich every year.  Insurance investigators know things that the local media do not cover.

I will now go outside.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 6:20 A.M.  Out on www.nantucket.net besides three years of pot scrubbing, dish washing, prep work, and cleaning up in various restaurants; I did learn a couple things about cooking.  The recipe for Portuguese bread is the same as French Bread, but the loaf is shaped differently.  Also to make an omelet, one needs an expensive seasoned aluminum eight inch frying pan.  Then one breaks three room temperature extra large eggs in a bowl and adds a few tablespoons of cream.  One then whisks it all together.  Then one puts the eight inch omelet pan on a gas burner at medium high with a few or more tablespoons of butter.  Once the butter melts and starts to bubble, one adds the egg mixtures.  Once it seems to be cooked on one side, one flips over fast to the other side, and lets the other side cook, until it puffs up a bit.  Then once both sides are cooked one adds cottage cheese or other items to one side and flips over one side of the other and slide it onto a plate.  It takes a bit of skill, one has to make sure one uses enough butter in the seasoned eight frying pan, so it does not burn.  One can put a few sprigs of parsley on it to make it look more colorful.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 5:30 A.M.  I ordered two USB 2.0 three feet extension cables https://www.ebay.com/itm/225201532279?hash=item346f0ead77:g:Wq4AAOSwpFljRc8p&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4ED%2FzvBcNZs1sqVqcDY07jKRAfwI9r9%2BiJcG6kZjgh%2BEeHEwLAE%2BdlWp8jhoec%2BBfLfOGfFGSp1Fj61b%2FRXlEft5jA0Vxml772sP47XrHFJURJgUsUdwpKSw5%2BiqMmkNVPRyty92mgYDGlKwOD6AcL1RJgWdN6OKwsEUTTgJLYQu4qDhWtD3E9uxsUjIufGVCBpXHhXl0NjU5814T7J3%2FopXtq5hMhMYr%2Fv%2BC6h4pZW7oCwJmxdv2mRh2W1tVE%2BkxGW%2FE07D3D%2Flcl%2BIvveHCUTW3ZHvTwau6lJ9Oz5ZALFQ%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9DioKzAYg for $6.68 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 5:05 A.M.  I noticed when I was living at Mrs. Florence Frances' boarding house at 31 India Street on www.nantucket.net , she had a copy of the Joy of Cooking cook book.  Before I threw out most of all my books, I had gotten a copy of the Joy of Cooking and the Fannie Farmer cook books from the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  For anyone who can not afford to drive to Ihop for unlimited pancakes for $5, here is recipe that shows how to make them at home https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/homemade-pancakes .  However, being diabetic, I only can use sugar free Cary's Vermont Maple Syrup which is available at the Stop and Shop here in town.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 4:30 A.M.  Back in October 1973, when the stock market crashed, I was fired as a waiter at Boodles restaurant in Greenwich.  I read in the New York Times a lot of the young jet set people where going to Le Jardin Discothèque near Times Square.  I drove in one night, and I met Fred Von Mierers and some of his jet set friends.  At the time Fred was modeling underwear for Sears, but within a few days, he was pictured shaking hands with Nelson Rockefeller in the society column by Eungina Shepard in the Daily News.  Since I knew Fred, and Greenwich was in economic decline because of the Arab Oil Embargo which was caused by Nelson Rockefeller stopping delivery of oil tankers to New York Harbor, I stayed in touch with Fred at his ground floor apartment at 420 East 49th Street now the German Consulate with a half million dollars of antiques.  Fred told me was taking over Billy Baldwin's interior decorating business along with Fred's partner Taylor Sterling the architect of the Rockefeller ranch in Venezuela whom lived in Greenwich too.  At the time, Fred told me he was designing a beach cabana for Nelson Rockefeller's house in Bermuda.  I quit visiting Fred's apartment around February 1975, when life was too destitute in Greenwich and too hectic for me in Manhattan.  Back then if one could find gasoline, it was about $5 to fill the fuel tank at the Mobil station across the street from the Greenwich train station would last about a week.  After I had to get rid of my blue Volvo that I dented on the driver's side driving to the Darien rest area in blizzard to get fuel, I would drive my mother's 1971 brown and tan Monte Carlo sedan a number of times into Manhattan parking near Beekman Place on Mitchell Place overlooking the United Nations.  Nelson's brother John D. Rockefeller III lived at one Beekman Place, so there were a lot of people in the neighborhood familiar with their routines, when they happened to be there.  That is about all I know.  It is legal for the CIA to conduct clandestine intelligence in the United States, but I would imagine other countries do it around the United Nations.  My father knew Huntington Hartford the A&P grocery store heir that lived on Beekman place.  Fred knew David Wise who lived on Beekman place the author that wrote the book on the CIA.  He also knew the Shah of Iran's niece that lived on Beekman Place.  The current secretary of state also grew up on Beekman Place.  A wealthy Lake Forest College classmate John Binnegar also lived on Beekman Place.  Henry Kissinger lived just North of Beekman Place near the River Club on East 52nd Street, where Michael Bickford from Greenwich, and Gretta Garbor who worked for British Intelligence also lived.  Fred though his life was like the movie and play, "Auntie Mame."

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 3:35 A.M.  The last time I went outside, a medium size skunk walked by behind me to remind me of the, "Skunk Works."

On the Mac Mini at the far end of the oak dining table, I put a longer USB extender cable on its wireless keyboard and wireless mouse sending unit and placed it nearby the wireless devices underneath the monitor.  I installed and activated Office 2019 on it, and it all work just fine. 

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Spleda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 2:05 A.M.  For the bedroom Mac Mini, I bought a product key for Office 2019 for Mac here https://www.gamers-outlet.net/en/buy-office-2019-home-and-business-retail-cd-key?currency=USD&gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8vur3uXYgAMVGfvjBx0gDwDnEAQYASABEgLbsPD_BwE for $9.31 total.  It is all installed and activated.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/17/23 Thursday 12:15 A.M.  I bought a power strip https://www.amazon.com/KMC-Multi-Outlet-Independent-Switches-Protector/dp/B0775V2SS1/ref=asc_df_B0775V2SS1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241935719665&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15132111215224379813&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003435&hvtargid=pla-437368000714&psc=1 for $13.99 and .89 tax for $14.88 total. 

Two pack home fire extinguishers $30 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D6QGQYB/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=008ab8a43caf11eea552aeddf160804c0INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 

12000 BTU portable air conditioner $260 https://sellout.woot.com/offers/dokoworld-12000-btu-portable-ac-unit-3?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_8 

Frigidaire window air conditioners on sale https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BDTDYBDB/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ascsubtag=pv5zy2avh5f13qrja6lliNkdWLNIszZ7&th=1

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm 

I will now go outside again. 

I have pretty much upgraded and checked out all of the computers in my apartment.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 11:05 P.M.  I filled up the K cups drawers.

Ipad Mini $60 https://www.itechdeals.com/products/apple-ipad-mini-2-with-retina-display-wi-fi-16gb-space-gray-2nd-generation-3?sscid=81k7_jl86h&utm_source=shareasale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1189165 

Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=782582661160&trkqual=12026~782582661160~FDEG on the order for the Dell Optiplex 790 SFF without hard drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/195926832906?hash=item2d9e26370a:g:~KMAAOSw5Kxk0b6o&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0PeLjHcTCd8P12EYouhWK%2B98njvm8QVEPJKeI6CoIHC9zgy5l1xUkwCO9X9YAYVv%2B19o9gmC35FV7ozltgQMWdS4b6lwumWuwRz%2BgLYWscMxBd6lge76fIMMzntVCI7mAXovuWQaZmOPecGt5pqapy8sSA5u7jecmAxc8z1ptq1qOV9W1ThKCm%2FUyQdWXT5kRJk1iZcpPz2KXH3uHwfnVnJS4E1pGE%2BaOHBcrihT4oFIixgQolonUa83QlUEluiQi4c9kw1vc4imU9QuAGnyATA%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4b0yIu_Yg for $25 and $1.59 tax for $26.59 total. 

English exile https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/how-an-english-exile-ended-up-at-the-court-of-genghis-khans-grandson-180982598/?utm_source=history&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&spMailingID=48641014&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2522016914&spReportId=MjUyMjAxNjkxNAS2

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 10:10 P.M.  I did another backup to an external hard drive of the HP desktop on the desk to the right side of the primary computer.  I went outside.  On the Mac Mini at the same location, I have Office 20`9 already on it.  I am now updating the apps on it.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 9:15 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 8:35 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I woke up at 7:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO  

08/16/23 Wednesday 6:45 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 6:20 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 6:10 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 5:35 A.M.  On the HP desktop beta computer on the desk to the right side of the primary work computer, I was able to activate Norton 360 by uninstalling it and reinstalling it.  I still have two unused Norton 360 product keys.  I might have more in that some of them might be used on computers that are no longer around.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 4:30 A.M.  I order two packages of chicken alfredo meals https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000OU1Z5A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=a5ab2cde3c0911ee987a7a1b1e43ba390INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 for $9.41 each for $18.82 total and two Hormel seven packs of rice and chicken https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0111Y7PO2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $10.98 each seven pack for $21.96 total.

14000 BTU air conditioner with two ducts $330 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0028AYQDC?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1

Case of Dinty Moore stew $22 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C2J6Q5NK?tag=deal40e-20 There was a report on the news today that www.harvard.edu with an endowment of $56 billion only gives their graduate students $40 thousand a year which is not enough, so they are teaching them how to apply for Food Stamps. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 3:35 A.M.  I will put the $25 Dell computer on the bedroom desk, when it arrives in a little over a week.  I ordered for it an SSD drive https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-240GB-Solid-SA400S37-240G/dp/B01N5IB20Q/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3ISLKODSF093K&keywords=ssd%2Bdrive&qid=1692170800&sprefix=SSD%2Caps%2C2048&sr=8-8&th=1 for $16.99 and $1.08 tax for $18.07 total.  I will mirror the Dell that is on the left side of the primary work computer to it.  It is only Windows 10, but it has lots of Microsoft programs.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 3:05 A.M.  The HP desktop mirror beta setup on the desk to the right of the primary work computer is working just fine.  However, at the moment the Norton Server will not let me activate Norton 360.  I am now making an Aomei backup of it to an external hard drive.  CIO

08/16/23 Wednesday 1:50 A.M.  I rested until 1 A.M..  I went outside.  There was a field mouse running around in circles near the picnic table, it was not afraid of me.  On the HP desktop on the desk to the right of the primary work computer, I did a low level format with the Hirens DVD, and now I am restoring a beta backup of the same model desktop to it with Aomei Linux DVD. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 11:50 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, five 8 ounce packages of Stop and Shop shredded parmesan cheese for $1.99 each, four 8 ounce Stop and Shop grated parmesan and Romano cheese for $4.79 each, and a 48 ounce Florida Natural ruby red grapefruit juice for $4.29 for $34.90 total.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought two 250 count 1200 mcg bottles of Lecithin for $17.48 both.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and back uptown my way and returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/15/23 Tuesday 9:15 P.M.  I woke up at 8 P.M..  I started an Aomei backup of the HP computer that I fixed to an external hard drive.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I did not get any mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?track=yes&trackNums=1ZX175V01306556414&loc=en_US&requester=ST/trackdetails for wireless keyboard and wireless mouse https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Wireless-Keyboard-Mouse-Combo/dp/B07F8M844G/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=revsave-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&cuid=WS4C00183897&th=1 for $17.59 and $1.12 tax for $18.71 total.  I put it underneath the left side of the bedroom desk.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-08/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-08/  CIO     

08/15/23 Tuesday 12:25 P.M.  The HP desktop that I just fixed got messed up some time ago, because I have a Hauppauge TV card in it which was connected to the Cable Box coaxial cable.  Some how it BIOS got messed up, and the F9 boot option still does not work, and twice its OS got messed up.  I guess it was messed up through the coaxial cable.  I have the coaxial cable disconnected now.  Now all four desktops at the far end of the oak dining table work just fine.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt and a croissant, and then I will go to bed.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 11:45 A.M.  At the far end of the oak dining table, the upper right HP desktop now works just fine with the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus, Office 2021 and Norton Internet Security 360 like the one beneath it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 11:10 A.M.  I took the Hirens BCD *.iso file, and I burned it to a DVD.  I was able to boot it on the defective HP desktop, and I did a low level format of its hard drive.  I could not use its copy of Aomei to restore the  backup from the new lower right HP installation, since it costs for Aomei, so on the primary computer, I created a Aomei Linux restore DVD with my older copy, and I booted it on the defective HP desktop, and I am restoring the new backup from the HP desktop on the lower right side of the stack.  Thus in ten minutes, I should have the defective HP desktop repaired except for renaming it back to its original name.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 8:55 A.M.  I fiddled with the defective HP to no avail.  I will now go outside and drink a cup of coffee.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 7:40 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 6:45 A.M.  To replace the defective HP desktop, I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/195926832906?hash=item2d9e26370a:g:~KMAAOSw5Kxk0b6o&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0PeLjHcTCd8P12EYouhWK%2B98njvm8QVEPJKeI6CoIHC9zgy5l1xUkwCO9X9YAYVv%2B19o9gmC35FV7ozltgQMWdS4b6lwumWuwRz%2BgLYWscMxBd6lge76fIMMzntVCI7mAXovuWQaZmOPecGt5pqapy8sSA5u7jecmAxc8z1ptq1qOV9W1ThKCm%2FUyQdWXT5kRJk1iZcpPz2KXH3uHwfnVnJS4E1pGE%2BaOHBcrihT4oFIixgQolonUa83QlUEluiQi4c9kw1vc4imU9QuAGnyATA%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4b0yIu_Yg for $25 and $1.59 tax for $26.59 total.  I will use some of the parts from the defective HP to get it going.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 6:05 A.M.  I worked on the four desktops in the stack on the far end of the oak dining table.  Three of them work fine, but the one in the upper right does work, but its bios boot option does not.  I worked with it for a long time to no avail.

I went outside, and I drank a coffee.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 1:55 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  Interstate 95 used to have rest areas in either directions in Darien, but I am not sure what restaurants are there anymore.  It used to be www.mcdonalds.com , but it might by Subway Sandwich now.  This https://www.ctserviceplazas.com/locations/darien-nb says it has both.  McDonalds at Exit 5 off Interstate 95 in Greenwich is opened 24 hours though. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 1:30 A.M.  The Bickfords in Greenwich are offering unlimited pancakes for $5 https://www.ihop.com/en/specials/65th-anniversary-all-you-can-eat , but one has to drive all of the way to the last Eastern exit in Darien on I-95 for the nearest Ihop, but it may not be there anymore.  There is one in downtown Stamford though.  In Laguna Beach, there was a 24 Denny's that everyone went to late at night.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 1:15 A.M.  When I was up on www.nantucket.net , it was not too high tech.  There was a Radio Shack there.  One of the three beacons of the Loran Navigation System was on Nantucket which I think was run by the Coast Guard.  They did not have Cable Television let alone cell phone.  The microwave towers for the NORAD early warning system were also there.  For the fire station, they would blast a horn for different series of blasts which on a chart which every one had would show where on the island the fire was.  They did have Eastern Airlines jets practicing at Nantucket airport along with a lot of private jets.  The Cottage Hospital  provided basic care, but for more complicated procedures, they would fly patients to Hyannis or Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.  However, it was a low stress life for some of the rich people despite the continued stress I went through working in restaurants as a dish washer and pot scrubber six to seven days a week for 12 to 18 hours a day at the starting wage of $2.15 an hour up to $8.50 an hour, when I departed in December 1983 to return to Greenwich.  Still having worked in restaurants, I know a little bit about cooking which I do not feel like doing anymore.  I basically eat simple meals like salads and microwave some frozen meals.  If I try to cook something like a hamburger on the stove burner, it stinks up my small apartment.  The most complicated thing I have done recently is to use the Oster Convection over to cook a roast beef, when it is on sale.  It also is very good at cooking a pizza.  Instead of making my own French Bread dough in the bread machine for a  pizza crust which takes several hours, it is simpler to buy a cheap frozen pizza and put pizza sauce, shredded cheese, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, garlic powder, ground black pepper, Italian seasoning, and spread extra virgin olive oil over it, and cook it in the Oster Convection oven for an improvised pizza.  I think the Oster Oven is named for Osterville on Cape Cod, where a  lot of very wealthy people have summer homes.  CIO

08/15/23 Tuesday 1:00 A.M.  I rested until midnight.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/14/23 Monday 9:25 P.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed cup of coffee.  CIO

08/14/23 Monday 9:15 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO 

08/14/23 Monday 7:25 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a croissant.  I finally woke up at 6:40 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

08/14/23 Monday 9:00 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing and Ken's Lite Caesar dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/14/23 Monday 8:05 A.M.  Mount Etna news https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-66497094

More news of UFO Aliens from www.harvard.edu here https://www.foxnews.com/media/harvard-physicist-searching-ufo-evidence-says-humanity-will-view-alien-intelligence-like-god

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/14/23 Monday 7:15 A.M.  On the HP Desktop on the lower right at the end of the oak dining table, I have Windows 12 Canary beta Rufus installed and configured and activated along with Office 2021 and Norton 360.  In installing the other app, the Siriux XM app will not install, but it will work in the web browser.  I am now making an Aomei backup of it to an external hard drive.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/14/23 Monday 5:05 A.M.  I have the OS beta installed on the lower right desktop on the far end of the oak dining table.  I still have to configure it.  I was going to put my copy of Office 2007 on it, but the envelope behind the bedroom television containing the CDs from the Microsoft Conference, when I went to Manhattan about 20 years ago has disappeared.  I have not idea what happened to it.  I always left it there.  I bought https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/software-1/products/windows-10-pro-key-office-2021-pro-plus-key for $8.90 to put on it.

I will now go out for a cup of brewed coffee.  CIO

08/14/23 Monday 4:20 A.M.  On the beta partition on the Dell Studio XPS on the floor on the far end of the left side of the oak dining table, I installed and activated Norton 360.  I went to start up the beta on the lower right side of the desktop stack at the far end of the oak dining table which was to also have the beta on it, but it only had Vine OS on it.  I was able to get rid of Vine by booting the Hirens USB pen drive, and doing a low level format of it.  I am now installing the beta on it, which will take a while.  CIO

08/14/23 Monday 2:55 A.M.  On the four older 17.3 inch laptops with the Microsoft Windows 12 Canary beta rufus on them, I installed and activated Norton 360 on them.  I still have three Norton 360 product keys left.  I might need on for the Dell Tower on the floor at the far end of the oak dining table with the beta on it.  Norton 360 product keys that are still good but no longer used on a machine can be deleted and used on another machine.

I will now go outside for a brewed cup of coffee.  CIO 

08/14/23 Monday 12:45 A.M.  I went outside one.  On the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet, I activated Office 2019 on the Apple MacBook Pro laptop.  On the Apple Imac I already had Office 2019 on it, but on its seperate SSD drive in the external hard drive with a mirror image, I installed and activated Office 2019, and now I am installing the Apple App updates.  On the Apple Imac in on the shoe rack in front of the Queen Anne chair at the hallway entrance, I already have Office 2019 on it, but I booted its SSD drive in the external hard drive holder, and I am now installing Office 2019 on it.
I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  I have a friend that used to work for the Brazilian Tourist Authority.  Maybe in the warmer weather some of his friends came up to visit with the Aga Khan possibly.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 10:55 P.M.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two 6 ounce bags of baby spinach for $3.29 each, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.50, two four packs of Dannon Lite and Lively yogurt for $3.99  each four pack, and two 25 ounce Ken's Lite Caesar dressing for $3.99 each for $23.82 total.  I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $25.01 of self service premium gasoline for $4.899 a gallon for 5.105 gallons at odometer reading of124583 miles for 69.9 miles driven since Friday July 28, 2023 for 13.693 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned home, and I put away my groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  At the Stop and Shop, they have some sort of meat for buy one get one free.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 9:20 P.M.  Electric Scooter $180 https://www.walmart.com/ip/seort/791033903?irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_1fCTIuzM5xyPUMoUvCUZfx74UkF1-xSF1y4MVE0&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_280388&clickid=1fCTIuzM5xyPUMoUvCUZfx74UkF1-xSF1y4MVE0&sharedid=&affiliates_ad_id=1167790&campaign_id=9383

I was able to renew all twenty Norton 360 licenses for another year for $53.16 total good until September 11, 2024. 

For some of the beta machines, I bought https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Norton-360-Deluxe-Monitoring/dp/B07Q33SJDW?pf_rd_r=JFN3AXNDFNWR0D0WRQD1&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=f27d8419-e4ac-4bb5-95eb-9abc2fd749dc&pf_rd_s=slot-14&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_13_4a4b2d4b_dt_sl14_dc for $24.99 and $1.59 for $26.58 total.  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 8:25 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend and a relative.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qisoovomrpmoqn&orderId=112-4591622-4305017&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=227069977295301 for three USB pen drives https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HSS37H7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 for $15.30 and .97 tax for $16.27 total arrived.  I put them in the upper left desk drawer in the living room. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-07/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-07/  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 3:25 P.M.  I woke up at 2:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   


End of Scott's Notes week of 08/13/23

08/13/23 Sunday 4:30 A.M.  This should work on an older Imac with IOS 10 https://www.gamers-outlet.net/en/buy-office-2019-home-and-business-retail-cd-key?currency=USD&gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8vur3uXYgAMVGfvjBx0gDwDnEAQYASABEgLbsPD_BwE

I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a croissant, and then I will go to bed.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 4:15 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 3:25 A.M.  The Imac on the shoe stand in front of the Queen Anne chair at the hallway entrance is all setup with Office 2019, and it works just more.  It can not upgrade Office 2019 anymore, since its IOS 10 does not support a further update.

I went outside once, and I went outside again.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 2:20 A.M.  The old green steel coffee cups are clean again after soaking for six hours in bleach.  Earlier, I also dumped the rest of the Draino down  the bathroom sink, so it now drains better.

On the Apple Imac on the shoe stand in front of the Queen Anne chair at the hallway entrance, I had the download for Office 2019 for Mac on a USB pen drive.  I was able to install it and activate it with the Office 2021 product key that I had on the Microsoft server.  I am now installing the Office update on it which is a long download.  CIO

08/13/23 Sunday 12:25 A.M.  On the Lenvo Mini at the far end of the oak dining table, on the Windows 12 Canary Beta Rufus, I activated it with a Windows 11 OEM product key, and I also installed and activated Office 2021.  I am now doing an Aomei backup of it to an external hard drive.

I went outside while doing that.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 10:55 P.M.  On the Imac on the shoe rack in front of the Prince Anne chair at the hallway entrance, I tried installing Office 2021 on it, but the Imac only can be upgraded to IOS 10, and for Office 2021, one needs IOS 11.

I went outside again. 

For the Lenovo Mini at the far end of the oak dining table with the beta on it, I bought https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/business-office/products/windows-10-pro-key-office-2021-pro-plus-key for $8.84 total. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 9:00 P.M.  I ordered wireless keyboard and wireless mouse https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Wireless-Keyboard-Mouse-Combo/dp/B07F8M844G/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=revsave-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&cuid=WS4C00183897&th=1 for $17.59 and $1.12 tax for $18.71 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 8:25 P.M.  I threw out the garbage.  I filled up the old steel coffe cups with bleach to sit and wash out the stains.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 7:30 P.M.  I threw out the garbage, and I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  Elvis Presley used to sing, "Splish, Splash taking a bath on a Saturday Night."

08/12/23 Saturday 6:30 P.M.  I woke up at 5:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qishmqisrllnon&orderId=112-8920113-7037817&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=226935139090301 for two in cream travel cups https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BR4LX6M?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1 for $15.48 and .98 tax for $16.46 total arrived.  I put them on the kitchen counter.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:   http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-06/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-06/  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 6:05 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 5:50 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar and a croissant.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 4:50 A.M.  On the primary work computer Lenovo Mini computer, I activated Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus with a Windows 11 OEM product key.  I also installed and activated Office 2021.  I then did  an Aomei backup to an external hard drive.
I went outside.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 3:30 A.M.  For the Lenovo Mini with the beta, I bought https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/business-office/products/windows-10-pro-key-office-2021-pro-plus-key and for the Mac Mini on the primary work computer setup, I bought https://royalcdkeys.com/products/microsoft-office-2021-home-and-business-key-mac-retail-global for $22.19  total.  On the primary work computer setup, I started up the Mac Mini.  The new wireless keyboard and wireless mouse was not working, so I put another inexpensive wireless keyboard and wireless mouse on it.  I installed Office 2019 on it, and it works just fine.  According to Microsoft I already had a product key for it though.  I will try it on one my Apple devices later on.  On the Apple Mac Mini, Outlook does not import my email address list, but just my Google contacts, which does not really matter.

I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/12/23 Saturday 12:45 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 11:35 P.M.  Used Dell 17.3 inch laptop $135 https://www.ebay.com/itm/275830317736?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3024&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=43045220510&trkId=7cc4b78a-fa78-465a-babe-607b0e52fc2c&cnvId=700003&recoId=275830317736&recoPos=1

Rent from King Charles https://view.newsletters.cnn.com/messages/16917564280679fe98235d7c9/raw?utm_term=16917564280679fe98235d7c9&utm_source=cnn_Royal+News+08+11+23&utm_medium=email&bt_ee=FsRpOcLaUFNEQcWxMztbXAONNSyBep8tJO%2Fxggu0jXVvjvz52HSbzwwr8DzruFb2&bt_ts=1691756428069  

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-20230811?e=d0a721e34a

Old House in Greenwich https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/greenwich-looks-protect-one-its-oldest-most-historic-homes?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=email-test_E1:v1&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90

will now go outside again.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 11:20 P.M.  I rested until 10 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 48 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $5.99, six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.69 a can, a six ounce bag of baby spinach for $3.29 and from the clearance rack a box of four croissants for $2.59 for $22.41 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 8:50 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 7:30 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a bowl of Post Great Grains with almond milk.  I finally woke up at 6 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The orders with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=782327309937&trkqual=12026~782327309937~FDEG on the order for a fishing vest in 2XL https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/field-stream-mens-mesh-back-fishing-vest-17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv/17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv?clickid=Uu9V14zADxyPUMoUvCUZfx74UkF1Jy3N1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&camp=AFF:mediapartner:BANNER:120x60:10451::320230:Slickdeals_LLC for $9.99 and $8.99 shipping and $1.21 tax for $20.19 total and with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qishmqisrllnon&orderId=112-8920113-7037817&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=226935139090301 for coffee https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LTI08VC?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $25.64 off my State of Connecticut Food Stamps EBT Card arrived.  I hung the vest on the back of the apartment door.  I put the K cups with the others to the left of the apartment door.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here: http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-05/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-05/  CIO 

08/11/23 Friday 7:45 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  Pier a Terre on two acres on the waterfront in Greenwich at Meads Point for $58 million https://www.greenwichtime.com/realestate/article/greenwich-454-indian-field-road-ct-mansion-million-18289250.php?src=gthpdesecp .

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 7:05 A.M.  Early Humans https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66331558

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 6:25 A.M.  On the older HP I7 tower computer on the left side on the floor at the far end of the oak dining table with Windows 12 beta Canary Refus, I activated its OS with a Windows 11 OEM key, and I also installed and activated Office 2021.  I installed the Norton 360 updates.  I installed the Windows beta updates, however it wants to install a new complete beta update, but it will not install, since I do not have Secure Boot enabled in the bios. To install the Rufus USB pen drive, I had disabled the Secure Boot option in the Bios and it boots of Legacy.  I did an Aomei backup to the second internal hard drive and then to an external hard drive.  It all seems to be working just fine.  It also has WinTV on it too.  I will now check out one of the 17.3 inch laptops to see if it is trying to install a new Canary update.

I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 4:30 A.M.  I rested until 3:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  For the HP beta tower computer on the floor on the right side at the far end of the oak dining table, I bought https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system/products/windows-11-pro-oem-cd-key and https://royalcdkeys.com/products/windows-10-pro-key-office-2021-pro-plus-key on the Office 2021 product key, on this sale, they do not give the download link, but I had it from another purchase for $13.65 total.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 2:45 A.M.  Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=782327309937&trkqual=12026~782327309937~FDEG on the order for a fishing vest in 2XL https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/field-stream-mens-mesh-back-fishing-vest-17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv/17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv?clickid=Uu9V14zADxyPUMoUvCUZfx74UkF1Jy3N1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&camp=AFF:mediapartner:BANNER:120x60:10451::320230:Slickdeals_LLC for $9.99 and $8.99 shipping and $1.21 tax for $20.19 total. 

Ice Cream recall https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/s/iqxy3/listeria-risk-prompts-ice-cream-recall-in-connecticut?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 2:00 A.M.  Doris Duke used to have a house on Hawaii.  Rob Ford, Henry Ford's nephew that I went to Taft and Lake Forest College with who was mayor of Vail, Colorado is supposed to have a house in Hawaii or possibly Maui.  Charles Lindbergh retired to the north slope of Maui, and he is buried a small church there.  The Sinclair family used to own the northwestern most Hawaiian Island.  President Obama went to the most expensive Royal Hawiian prep school in Hawaii, and his grandmother was on the board of a major Hawaiian bank.  The family of a diseased brother in law in Tulsa used to own a shipping company from Hawaii to San Francisco and Alaska.  Larry Rockefeller used to have a resort in Hawaii part of Rock Resorts.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 1:20 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

08/11/23 Friday 12:30 A.M.  On the Dell Studio XPS tower, on the other partition, I updated Windows 11 Professional and Norton Internet Security 360.

I went outside again.  I orders three USB pen drives https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HSS37H7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 for $15.30 and .97 tax for $16.27 total. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 10:25 P.M.  On the Dell Studio XPS tower computer on its second partition, I have the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus activated with a Windows 11 OEM product key, and I also have Office 2021 installed and activated.  I was able to install WinTV 10 on it with the existing product key from the other partition.  I am now doing an Aomei backup to an external hard drive.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 8:50 P.M.  I rested until 7:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

I bought a Windows 11 product key https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system/products/windows-11-pro-oem-cd-key for $4.65.  I will use it on the Dell XP tower beta along with the last Office 2021 product key.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 6:20 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I threw out the shipping box.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/10/23 Thursday 5:40 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?track=yes&trackNums=1Z5840070332203736&loc=en_US&requester=ST/trackdetails on the order  in 3XL in red https://www.landsend.com/products/mens-big-expedition-down-waterproof-winter-parka/id_374763 for $119.98 with coupon "BEACHES" and $7.62 tax for $127.60 total arrived.  I hung it on the hook on the right living room closet door.  I will now go out and throw out the shipping box.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-04/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-04/  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 4:15 P.M.  I woke up at 3:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO       

08/10/23 Thursday 5:05 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 4:40 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked five ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 4:10 A.M.  Midnight Mike is done with his work for the evening and early morning.  After working all night, I am too tried to hang out on Green Witch Avenue in the early morning hours waiting for the www.starbucks.com Rush.  Since a lot of people are probably away on vacation, there are probably still younger poor people keeping busy around here as best they can and probably a few old pensioners.  I have mentioned Aesop's fable before about the ants and the grasshopper.   We have a short summer here, but a longer winter which we have to try to survive.  Our summer visitors seem to keep busy with summer activities, but having spent six winters in Florida, five winters in Alabama, one winter in South Carolina, one winter in Southern Europe, and three Falls in California in my life time, I think I do better up North in the winter.  Time to eat.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 3:35 A.M.  On the HP 17.3 inch laptop on the right side of the oak dining table, I also did an Aomei backup to the second internal hard drive.  After I finish that backup, I will do the one to the external hard drive.

When that is going on, I will go outside again.  About the new Johnson Off citralla candle on the near picnic table, there is an old days in the Christopher Society of the Roman Catholic Church that, "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness."" 

I am about to go outside again.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 3:20 A.M.  All four older 17.3 inch laptops with Microsoft Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus are activated with Windows 11 Professional OEM product keys, so they should not expire.  All all four of them have Microsoft Office 2021 installed on them and activated.  I have made Aomei backups of three of them to an external hard drive with one to go.

I went out twice, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/10/23 Thursday 1:40 A.M.  I bought four Windows 11 product keys https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system/products/windows-11-pro-oem-cd-key  for $18.46 total.  I will now install them on the 17.3 inch beta laptops along with Office 2021 on the two HP 17.3 inch beta laptops.

08/10/23 Thursday 12:55 A.M.  Maui Fires https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66457731 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 12:35 A.M.  Windows 12 news https://www.pcworld.com/article/811274/windows-12-2024-microsoft-windows-11-features.html  CIO

08/10/23 Thursday 12:25 A.M.  If on any of the Microsoft Windows 11 Canary beta Rufus machine, the beta expires over time, I could always try one of the these product keys https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system for Windows 11 which might work.  As I have said before on the older machines that I have with beta, one can not upgrade it to the final release of the beta unless one configures its USB install with Rufus.  I will deal with it whenever it might happen.  CIO 

08/09/23 Wednesday 11:40 P.M.  I went out to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought three 12 packs of www.coke.com Zero Sugar with multiple discount coupons for $5.50 total.  I then bought with $5 bonus bucks from the previous purchase a Johnson Off citrella candle $9.03 total.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and back uptown my way and back home.  I used my little folding cart to bring up the Coca Cola, and I put it underneath the Ethan Allen recliner.  I put the citrella candle on the near picnic table.  Its wax is a bit high in the bowl, so a wind can blow it out. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 10:00 P.M.  I ordered a fishing vest in 2XL https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/field-stream-mens-mesh-back-fishing-vest-17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv/17fnsmfsmshbckfshapv?clickid=Uu9V14zADxyPUMoUvCUZfx74UkF1Jy3N1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&camp=AFF:mediapartner:BANNER:120x60:10451::320230:Slickdeals_LLC for $9.99 and $8.99 shipping and $1.21 tax for $20.19 total. 

Croquet Set $32 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KRGTL21/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I ordered coffee https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LTI08VC?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $25.64 off my State of Connecticut Food Stamps EBT Card. 

Power Station $165 https://tools.woot.com/offers/fanttik-evo-300-portable-power-station-2?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_2&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=26f83d42371e11ee838cf1d20a82b836&utm_source=Brad+Olson&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

8000 BTU air conditioner for $209 that is supposed to fit in the small window opening in my building https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDTDYBDB/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?tag=dealighted0b-20&th=1

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 8:40 P.M.  How to change Microsoft Office color https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/change-the-look-and-feel-of-microsoft-365-63e65e1c-08d4-4dea-820e-335f54672310.

On the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet, I booted the Macbook Pro laptop, and it is all up to date, and it has Microsoft Word on it.  I then booted the Imac.  It is also up to date with Microsoft Word on it.  However, when one boots it with the Windows keyboard ALT key with the external hard drive turned on with the mirror image, it does not have Microsoft word on it. 

In the early history of Colonial America around 1700, there was a Michael Scott that owned all of Long Island, but it was not profitable, so he sold it and moved to Jamaica.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 7:40 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  Since www.starbucks.com  on Greenwich Avenue closes at 7:30 P.M., there is no place to go to the bathroom downtown.  Also my parking lot at 71 Vinci Drive fills up by around 8 P.M..  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 7:20 P.M.  I rested until 6:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 5:15 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 4:10 P.M.  I woke up at 3:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

08/09/23 Wednesday 5:55 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

08/09/23 Wednesday 5:35 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 5:15 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

Back around 1980, when I was at the Pan Am VIP terminal at San Francisco airport, I saw lots of Chinese checking luggage which consisted of big card board boxes.  Somebody told me, the Chinese are very cheap, and they packed the cardboard boxes with hundred dollar bills to take back home.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 4:10 A.M.  In Microsoft Office Outlook, these are the settings for an Optimum Online Pop 3 email account.

On a new install of Office 365 after it has been activated in Word, open Outlook, and on the opening screen enter the email address:  Then select the option to "Manually Configure" it.  Use these settings.

Incoming Mail:
User Email:
Server: mail.optonline.net Port 995
Check: This server requires and Encrypted Connection (SSL/TLS)
Outgoing Mail:
server: mail.optonline.net Port 465
Encryption Method: SSL/TLS
Check: My outgoing (SMPT) server requires authentication which may not be needed. 

One can also export an Outlook Data file from Export Outlook Data File and copy it another Outlook computer to be opened by the Pop 3 account, so ones gets one's stored email and email addresses. 

In the last screen one enters, the password, and then it sets itself up.

When one first sets up a new install of Outlook, it might download the thousands of emails still left on your Optimum server which might take some time, but one can delete them all with the "Delete All" option on your Inbox.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 4:00 A.M.  I went outside again.  I finished the two Dell 17.3 inch Aomei backups to an external hard drive.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 3:25 A.M.  I only put Office 2021 on the two Dell 17.3 inch laptops.  To install the Office 2021 image download, one first has to select the right click option to Mount the image.  Then runs setup from the image file as an Administrator from right click, but then it downloads the latest version of Office 365 which takes a while.  Then one opens Word, and copy and paste the product key from the email or web site purchase from www.royalcdkeys.com , and activates it.  One can install it over the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus version of Office 365 which charges $100 a year for five devices.  I am now making Aomei backups to an external hard drive of them.  Since all four 17.3 inch laptops are Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus installations, I worry that the betas might expire.  Since if I installed Windows 11 on them, I would not be able to upgrade the older laptops to final release of Windows 12 without doing a Rufus installation, since older machines to not work with Windows 12 regular.

I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/09/23 Wednesday 1:45 A.M. I cancelled the Microsoft Auto Renew on Office 360 for $69 a year.  I bought five https://royalcdkeys.com/products/microsoft-office-2021-professional-plus-key-retail-global for $41.86 total.  I will now install it on the four beta 17.3 inch laptop.  I will install the other one elsewhere.

I will first go outside again.  CIO

08/09/23 Wednesday 12:45 A.M.  Rockefellers sell last of their property in Greenwich for $18.35 million https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/greenwich-academy-purchases-rockefeller-land-18-35-million?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=email-test_E1:v1&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90

Six 8 ounce Beef Stroganoff microwave meals $28.50 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N7P2FD4/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07N7P2FD4&pd_rd_w=AZZr6&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_r=AFRAJVTWGC9DG1DSV0PN&pd_rd_wg=coBfT&pd_rd_r=859d7b58-9308-4a0c-afd3-25523255ea2c&s=grocery&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy

Cheaper Hormel microwave meals https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001E55YXS?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/08/23 Tuesday 11:35 P.M.  Like the laptop that I just finished working on last night.  It will probably boot the beta USB install key or just use it with Windows 10 for $166 https://www.ebay.com/itm/325517869310?hash=item4bca6080fe:g:jg0AAOSwjSZj2IVn .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 11:20 P.M.  I put the Mobile VOIP app on the three 17.3 inch laptops on the laptop stack in front of the left living room closet.  It is good for International Calling, if one happens to know anyone overseas.  On the first Dell 17.3 inch laptop, was finally able to install the Zoom and Adobe reader apps.  All of my beta computers are pretty much configured.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 10:15 P.M.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two six ounce bags of baby spinach for $3.29 each, two Bermuda red onions for $3.32, a 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, two 8 ounce Kraft shredded mozzarella cheese for $3 each, two six packs of Stop and Shop English muffins for $1.99 and $2.99, and a four pack of Chaboni cherry yogurt for $3.50 for $41.37 total.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  I put away the groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I filed this report. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/08/23 Tuesday 8:50 P.M.  I made an Hirens Easy BCD non UEFI bootable pen drive to use on non UEFI computers for low level format and Aomei restore https://www.hirensbootcd.org/usb-booting/ .  To make the Hirens Easy BCD non UEFI bootable pen drive, one can download its *.iso file.  Then one uses http://rufus.ie/en/ to create the pen drive selecting partition scheme "MBR" and target system "Bios".

I will now go downtown to forage around.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 8:10 P.M.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 5:20 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 4:15 P.M.  I woke  up at 3:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO    

08/08/23 Tuesday 3:50 A.M.  I saw a big animal walking up the hill in between our building and the family units.  I could not tell whether it was a deer or a Texas or Carolina Red Wolf.  I only caught a cleanse of it.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 3:35 A.M.  Tracking is https://www.ups.com/track?track=yes&trackNums=1Z5840070332203736&loc=en_US&requester=ST/trackdetails on the order  in 3XL in red https://www.landsend.com/products/mens-big-expedition-down-waterproof-winter-parka/id_374763 for $119.98 with coupon "BEACHES" and $7.62 tax for $127.60 total.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 3:30 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

United States Insurance Companies have $1.4 trillion dollars https://www.iii.org/publications/a-firm-foundation-how-insurance-supports-the-economy/introduction/insurance-industry-at-a-glance

Bear News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66429736

I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 08/08/23 Tuesday 3:05 A.M.  Cheap Windows Operating System Product Keys https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/operating-system and Office Product Keys https://royalcdkeys.com/collections/business-office CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 2:35 A.M.  On Madison Avenue just east of the Pierre Hotel, there was a building occupied by Hertz Rent a Car and a insurance company that was supposed to be owned by the Kennedy family.  Just north of it about five blocks on the west side of Madison Avenue, there was an inexpensive restaurant, where one could breakfast for less than $3.  Further up Madison Avenue around 69th street on the east was a cafeteria, where one could get a five course dinner for about $4.  I guess there has been a bit of inflation, since the early 1970s, so I do not venture into Manhattan.  The last time I went to Manhattan for the Microsoft conference at the Sheraton Hotel at Broadway and 54th Street, where I saw Prince Charles in Grand Central Station with a thousand people around him that looked like Prince Andrew looking at the remodeled Grand Central Station, I brought my own baloney sandwich for lunch to the Microsoft Conference.  I sat in the back row, so I could go out to the street and smoke.  There were two blond youth sitting in front of my with the Roosevelt family look, and they ate big red apples at lunch time.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his personal resume does not say he was a lawyer, but an apple farmer.  I read in the 150th anniversary book of the Bank of New York that I bought at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift for $10 and gave to the Bank of New York in Greenwich, when it bought out Putnam Trust, that although Alexander Hamilton started the Bank of New York, it was with Eliahu Roosevelt's money.  I have been told the Roosevelt family do not have any money anymore, but Franklin's mother's family the Delano family had all of the money from the China trade.  Somebody told me, the Roosevelt family are just saving their money for the next generation.  The Bank of New York is supposed to have $27 trillion in custody accounts, and State Street Trust in Boston is supposed to have $17 trillion in custody accounts.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 2:20 A.M.  I once had a relative that lived near the Getty Castle in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  When I lost track of Fred Von Mierers, he started eating at La Cirque at the Pierre Hotel https://www.thepierreny.com/our-story/history in Manhattan owned by J. Paul Getty.  Nelson Rockefeller had an apartment on Fifth Avenue on the north side of the Pierre, where he would park his 1968 brown and tan Oldsmobile 98 with New York license plate 1908 on the street at the entrance.  When John Bolton and I were driving through Malibu, California on Labor Day in 1980, there were a lot of people on the beach mostly surfer types opposite the old Getty Art Museum.  When we tried to explore that Museum, it was closed on Labor Day, but I saw Fred Von Mierers walking out of it when it was closed, but John did not want to meet him.

I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 1:15 A.M.  South of Santa Cruz, California near Carmel, California; there is a town named after the Watson family called Watsonville, where they grow a lot of strawberries, but I did not feel like picking strawberries, when I was out there.  There is a 20 mile drive that starts in Carmel, California going north along the beautiful and very expensive Monterey coast line starting at the Pebble Beach golf club.  They also have a Marine Aquarium in Monterrey.  Ansel Adams that worked for a while at Polaroid in Cambridge, Massachusetts had his major photo studios in Big Sur, California.  The Pacific Coast Highway that Zig Zags and winds south from Big Sur to San Simeon is extremely dangerous with lots of windy turns above cliffs above the ocean.  The used to have an old Volvo rally from around Carmel to Boston, if one sees any old Volvos moving across country anymore.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 1:05 A.M.  On the stack of laptops on the stainless steel cart on the top shelf in front of the left living room closet, on the bottom of the stack I have an older HP 17.3 laptop configured with the Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus, and then two old Dell 17.3 inch laptops with the same beta.  Then on the top is an older Apple Mac Book Pro.  Then on the very top is the Apple Imac wireless keyboard.  The wireless mice for them are set behind them.  The HP 17.3 inch laptop that I just installed the beta on is on the bottom of the laptop stack on the far right of the oak dining table.  In September 2023, I can renew the Microsoft Office Suite 360 on them for another year for $69.  CIO

08/08/23 Tuesday 12:20 A.M.  I have the 17.3 inch HP Workstation Elitebook 8740 W laptop with Windows 12 Canary beta Rufus on it installed and configured.  It works just fine.  I am doing an Aomei backup to the second internal hard drive, and then I will do one to an external hard drive.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 9:35 P.M.  Free Office 365 for Schools https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education/products/office?ranMID=24542&ranEAID=x9A7w7fjzpE&ranSiteID=x9A7w7fjzpE-j_2c9Hv.0EcLybljelzDLw&epi=x9A7w7fjzpE-j_2c9Hv.0EcLybljelzDLw&irgwc=1&OCID=AIDcmm549zy227_aff_7593_1243925&tduid=%28ir__x2x0msptukkfd2pwp3iccdsfau2xetdryl2qfm3v00%29%287593%29%281243925%29%28x9A7w7fjzpE-j_2c9Hv.0EcLybljelzDLw%29%28%29&irclickid=_x2x0msptukkfd2pwp3iccdsfau2xetdryl2qfm3v00

08/07/23 Monday 9:35 P.M.  On the right side of the oak dining table on the 17.3 inch HP Workstation Elitebook 8740 W laptop, by resetting the bios to Factory Defaults, I was able to install Windows 12 Canary beta Rufus on it.  I now have to configure it.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 8:15 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 6:05 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I rested until 3:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  I went downtown to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Primo Vermont Spring water for $6.99 with bottle return, a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $6.99 and eight 16 ounce Dole mandarin oranges for $2.39 each for $35.80 total.  I then returned home.  I used my little folding cart to bring up the 42 pound bottle of water.  I put the folding cart and grey bag back in the car.  I filed this report.  On another time, when I was in Santa Cruz, California; when I flew out there in July 1980, I hitchhiked from Santa Cruz, and a catholic priest with a whole lot of religious books in the back of his car gave me a ride on the highway on the San Andreas fault line where all of the NORAD parabolic radar dishes are.  He stopped by three catholic churches along the way and did masses, and then he dropped me off at www.stanford.edu in Palo Alto, California.  I sat around a coffee shop there.  I then some how got to San Francisco airport, and I saw thousands of Unites Airlines maintenance workers coming out of a large hanger there.  It was 40 degrees Fahrenheit there in Ju;ly and foggy, so it was not summer weather.  I wandered around the airport for a day.  I then recall flying back to John Wayne airport and going to Laguna Beach.  I was on quite a number of jets on that fifth trip to California, and I began to think I was a Sky Marshall.  I even once sat next to a young girl on a flight that looked like Amy Carter. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 12:10 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I threw the garbage out.  Santa Cruz, California also has Scotts Valley.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 11:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a yogurt.  I finally woke up at 10:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO  

08/07/23 Monday 1:00 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

08/07/23 Monday 12:25 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 11:30 P.M.  I bought two in cream travel cups https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BR4LX6M?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1 for $15.48 and .98 tax for $16.46 total.  

Emergency Food $52 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007K53YL0?th=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&psc=1

Microsoft Office $50 https://computers.woot.com/plus/microsoft-office-2021-pc-or-mac?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=9ee752f734ce11ee814202800a82b821&utm_source=BensBargains.com+%28Internet+Brands%29&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

Air Conditioners on sale https://www.amazon.com/deal/3637b493?showVariations=true&pf_rd_r=DWW0K2WPVZKMSK82ZZZH&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=f27d8419-e4ac-4bb5-95eb-9abc2fd749dc&pf_rd_s=slot-14&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_8_3637b493_dt_sl14_dc

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 10:20 P.M.  The new 17.3 inch Dell laptop was able to install Zoom and Adobe PDF reader, but the original one still will not install it.  The original Dell 17.3 inch laptop is also slow in doing an Aomei backup.

The white desktop fan on the mahogany table at the apartment entrance quit working, so I will now throw it out.  I put the Vornado fan that does not swivel there instead.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 9:45 P.M.  I rested until 8 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I forgot to mention in networking with people in California, I found out that Santa Cruz, California is the center of the "Occult".

Also the Smothers Brother comedy team were from Santa Cruz.  Keefer Sutherland when he was young made a movie located in Santa Cruz, where the local youth were up to strange activities.  Santa Cruz also has https://www.lickobservatory.org/ , so somebody stares at the night sky there. 

I am doing Aomei backups to an external hard drive of the two Dell 17.3 inch laptops with beta on the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.   CIO 

08/06/23 Sunday 5:10 P.M.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 4:55 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 4:00 P.M.  A neighbor gave me $10 for taking him to the Shell Station and the Acme grocery store.  I then sat outside.  I shut down the new computer.

I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO        

08/06/23 Sunday 2:05 P.M.  The new used Dell 17.3 inch laptop is all setup and configured with Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus.  It works just fine.  The total cost with new battery was $109.48 without the cost of the new wireless mouse.  Thus my Situation room is upgraded a bit.  However, the license for Office 365 on the beta computers needs to be renewed in September 2023 for another year for about $69.  I basically do a simple setup with the programs that I might used.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 08/06/23

08/06/23 Sunday 12:05 P.M.  I am still configuring the Dell 17.3 inch laptop with Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 11:05 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside twice.  The order with tracking of https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=781978597321&trkqual=12026~781978597321~FDEG is on the order for https://www.ebay.com/itm/285404087355?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=285404087355&targetid=1529314446390&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003435&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314446390&abcId=9307249&merchantid=114825074&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6pz4ypO8gAMV0E1HAR0EIgjJEAQYASABEgKqy_D_BwE for $79.95 and $5.08 tax for $85.03 total arrived.  I put the new battery in it.  I set it up on the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.  It came with Windows 10 on it, but I will set it up with Windows 12 beta Canary Rufus like I did with the identical one beneath it.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee and throw out the shipping box. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-03/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-03/  CIO

08/06/23 Sunday 8:25 A.M.  I rested until 8 A.M..  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Santa Cruz, California grows Brussels sprouts the size of tennis balls.  It used to be the home of the hard drive maker Western Digital.  Honeywell had a facility there.  It is on the west side of the San Andreas fault line.  On the San Andreas fault line running north from Santa Cruz, there are big parabolic radar dishes about 150 feet across which are part of the NORAD early warning system.  CIO 

08/06/23 Sunday 1:20 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

When I met Vincent Butler in Santa Cruz, California; he gave a Fresca can with a transistor radio in it, which I mailed to my mother in Kennebunkport, Maine.  Vincent Butler had a nice California house on top of a mountain with lots of room, and over the fire place mantel was engraved, "Tuum Es," which means you are welcome.  At the health food restaurant at the University of California at Santa Cruz where I ate a number times, I once had something to drink there, and I felt so good, I went out into the redwoods and jogged about fifteen miles.  I thought they might have come up with some sort of concoction to make one feel good.  They did have a good chemistry department.  When I slept in my car in the parking lot though, I could feel the ground always shaking a bit.  Also in the gymnasium showers, there were big signs saying to limit showers to one minutes because of the shortage of water out there.  They had a language laboratory there with lots of recordings of famous people.  I listened to the Ernest Hemingway tape there about, "Fifth Columnists."   He spoke very slowly like he might have been very hot in tropical weather.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO   

08/06/23 Sunday 12:25 A.M.  On the last trip to California with John Bolton in August 1980, when we drove west on Interstate 10 in the used Burgundy Volvo from Belgium that I bought from John Delia Subaru in Greenwich for $1750, we drove up the Pacific Coast Highway to Palo Alto, California and visited Stamford University.  I had a key palm coconut that I had picked up in Key West, so we left it on the steps on the botanical garden at Stamford University.  I can not recall whether we went to San Francisco are looked up Jimmy Eldert in Santa Cruz.  I do recall selling my box of tools with the Rockwell Circular saw for about $50 in Carmel, California.  We stayed in Carmel for a few days at the Normandy Inn for $79 a night.   We ate tornadoes which are filet mignons at an expensive restaurant on the main street of Carmel.  I recall driving west from the Inland Highway by lots of Union 76 oil wells on the Hearst Ranch.  We also drove down the windy Big Sur Highway to Santa Barbara, we camped out in the mountains near Ronald Reagan's ranch exploring the area around the University of California at Santa Barbara.  At the airport nearby they had the huge jet the "The Guppy" used for transporting off shore oil equipment.  After the hassle, when I was arrested, I almost lost track of John, but I found him and the car which he had moved on the University of California at Santa Barbara campus, where he had been exploring around.  We did buy a $10 Wal-Mart sleeping bag since it was cold sleeping in the mountains in the car near Reagan's ranch.  I recall exploring Point Conception where I tried surf casting there.  It was near Vandenberg air force base, and there was a train station stop there with nothing else around.  They grow a lot of cut flowers in the area.  On election day, we stopped by the Montecito Inn, and I saw the head lawyer for Combustion Engineering that had bought the house in back country Greenwich that I helped build.  I then sold my surfcasting rod and tackle box at the Shell Station on the highway for $10 in gasoline and drove down to Laguna Beach, where they were having a victory party for Reagan at the Coast Inn.  I recall eating at an expensive French restaurant there possibly on that trip.  After Joel put us up for that night, I recall the day after election day driving to Disney Land, where I learned there was a cash for you car place at the gate of Disneyland.  I sold the Volvo which was getting bad clutch for $1250, and then John and took a cab to Las Angeles airport and flew back to New York City, where we stayed with his mother at 315 West 74th Street with the white German Shepard and the Doberman Pincher.  John moved back out to Plandome Manor Island, when his grandmother got seriously burned from a match setting her night gown on fire and she had to do rehabilitation.  At the time my paternal Grandmother died around Christmas Time.  I did fly to Frankfort, Germany for three days, and I stayed in the apartment until February 1982, when I had to move out.  John's mother did not live there much, she had another apartment at the Carnegie Tower on the East Side.  The night Ronald Reagan first showed up in Manhattan at the Waldorf Astoria, I walked the white German Shepard through Central Park to the Waldorf, and the Secret Service photographed it with a Polaroid camera, and then we walked back through Central Park.  The white German Shepard walked me down West 71st Street, and at that time on West 72nd Street was when John Lennon had been shot at the Dakota where John's sister worked in the liquor store there.

I have not been back to California since then, although I have been back to Europe twice since the trip to Frankfort, Germany.  John's great grandmother was part of the Kaiser of Germany's consulate to New York City before World War One, so there were some Germans that knew the family. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/05/23 Saturday 11:25 P.M.  I paid my apartment renter's insurance starting for another year in October 2023 for $179 for the whole year.  When I was in Laguna Beach were Warren Buffet also has a house, on the last trip in the old Volvo with John Bolton, Joel who had a nice house near the Coast Inn and put us up for the night, and for lunch the next day, he took John and I to lunch at Dana Point with his room mate the head of Camp Pendleton.  I guess I was so good on the previous trip when I flew teaching the Marines about agility training, they even built a discothèque at Camp Pendleton.  I imagined I was on the deck of an aircraft carrier directing jets to take off, when one has to be fast or playing some giant complicated machine with lots of levers.  I was pretty good at it at age 30.  I even wore out a pair of new Adidas sneakers with three green strips in three days, showing them my agility.  In the dry climate in Laguna Beach I felt ten years younger as opposed to being crippled with arthritis on the damp east coast.  Also on the previous trip when I flew at the Camel Point beach in Laguna Beach where there is a sewage outlet, there were about a dozen young Lufthansa flight attendants, but I don't speak German, so I could not chat with them.  I did meet somebody that thought I was the model for Levis blue jeans, but at that time like Jimmy Eldert, we were both wearing Lee Blue jeans.  On the trip that I flew, I left Jimmy Eldert in Santa Cruz, California and hitch hiked down to Carmel and then to Monterrey airport as I recall and back into John Wayne airport in Newport Beach, California.  I did noticed on that trip that there was a new company called Disco Vision next to the airport.  Also at the time, Fluor Construction out of Newport Beach was there, and they bought out Daniel Construction from Greenville, South Carolina, and moved to Irvine, Texas.  The construction people were building the twin nuclear reactors as Dana Point, which were closed a few years ago.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 10:15 P.M.  I rested until 8:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I then went downtown to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two four packs of Chaboni cherry yogurt for $3.50 each four pack, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $2.99, a 48 ounce container of Florida Natural rub red grapefruit juice for $4.29, a 48 ounce Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk for $5.99, a six ounce bag of baby spinach for $3.29, and four Stop and Shop 20 ounce pineapple chunks for $1.69 each for $30.32 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I filed this report.

On my last trip to California, I did once not pay for $10 of gasoline at the Shell Station on the Pacific Coast Highway just south of the Hearst Castle San Simeon with the Nantucket Cove village on the waterfront.  I saw a lot of Shell Oil stations in California and Shell oil pumps in Huntington Beach.  I learned that Shell Oil to protect their refineries employ military mercenaries to protect them. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/05/23 Saturday 7:05 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I looked at this http://davisbodyshop.com/fix-car-paint-damaged-eggs/ .  I went outside with a spray bottle of white vinegar and a damp cloth, and I cleaned the dried egg off my driver's side car door.  The white vinegar worked just fine.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 5:40 P.M.  I woke up at 4:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I went out to my car.  There was dried  up egg all over the driver's side door.  I guess the noise I heard when driving back from the grocery store on Thursday night was somebody throwing an egg at my car.  I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I picked up a prescription.  I returned home.  I sat outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO        

08/05/23 Saturday 8:10 A.M.  The Lincoln Memorial is also built out of Vermont Marble.  I was once told by John Bolton whose grandfather in Santa Rosa, California was a geologist from the University of Toronto that explored America for the oil companies that the Appalachian Mountains are the oldest mountains on the planet earth worn down by millions of years.

I chatted with a friend.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will surrender Planet Earth to the daytime people.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 7:00 A.M.  The first discothèque I discovered was in Grenoble, France; where my friend from Greenwich and Carmel, California was going to the University of Grenoble and lived with two classmates from America in a small cottage next to a villa owned by the son of the governor of Eastern France.  He had an old barn in the back yard which late at night became a discothèque called Bird Land full of exotic birds which was full of International Students partying while the rest of the students at the University of Grenoble were rioting.  I collected a lot of names in my address book there, which I kept for a long time.  However, when I was in Santa Cruz, California after the trip to Maui, at the time when Lord Mountbatten was bombed in Ireland, I thought someone might be looking at my address book with random names, so I threw the address book in a dumpster at the University of California at Santa Cruz.  However, at the time in Laguna Beach, there were British people with one that looked like Lord Mounbatten playing Boci Ball on the hill overlooking the beach.  Ever on the United Flight from Las Angeles Airport to Hawaii, there was a woman on the flight that looked like Queen Elizabeth II, which flight went on to Australia.  At the Hyatt Hotel in La Haina on Maui, where I stayed there were lots of security in traditional British India Khakis. You know white shoes, white knee socks, white shorts, white shirt, and white pith helmet.  The place was full of Chinese Art.  I had the $80 a night assistant manager's room on the ground floor with air conditioning, and I pretended to be the assistant manager based on my travels.  I did watch Hawaii Five O on television.  Nobody knew where I was, so I called up a former relative, and told him where I was.  They had a lot of people there and a discothèque.  I would wear my pink linen slacks and a Greek Fisherman's shirt with my shirt tail out that Joel in Laguna had given me.  The Philippine people always wore their shirts out until the returned to the Philippines.  At the time, the American District Attorney's Association and the America Bar Association was having a convention there, so we were not doing anything illegal.  I learned Paul McCartney owned a bar in La Haina called, "The Blue Max."  It was very expensive there.  Once I was charged $80 for five shrimp scampi with a bottle of German wine.  For breakfast they served a lot of corn beef hash.  The swimming pool had a water fall that lead into an exercise room.  I was back then able to lift about 250 pounds.  I flew back to Hawaii after a week.  I paid my bill with a one ounce gold Canadian Maple leaf coin.  In Hawaii, I needed some money, so I took a $100 taxi to the entrance of Pearl Harbor where there was a coin shop, and exchanged some one dollar gold coins for cash and a two ounce Kaiser Wilhelm gold coin which I later cashed in Laguna Beach for cash.  I caught World Airways back to San Jose, and they would not rent me a car without a credit card, so while hitch hiking to Santa Cruz, I was picked up by Vincent Butler who put me up for a few days while his family was away in a very deluxe house.  We drank a lot of Vodka over the Labor Days weekend, and I showed him a lot of German March steps, I had seen in Hollywood movies.  He was a fourth generation California that had gone to www.mit.edu , and he wanted his son Buzzy Butler to go there.  When I returned to the University of California at Santa Cruz campus, I slept in a deserted dormitory, and that Sunday Morning, I went to a Russian Orthodox Service on campus, but after the service, I shook hands with the Russian Orthodox priest which I did not know people are not supposed to touch.  They arrested  me and threw me in a deluxe rehab place for three days with a lot of Iranians drinking orange juice.  When I got out, I called up Jimmy and he met me at the campus, and showed me a very deluxe house he had the key for.  He told me he had given the 1.5 ounces of gold to a Swedish couple, so they could return to Sweden.  I know the Dutch had a consulate in Santa Cruz, and I read about the King of Sweden being in San Francisco with the Royal Swedish Symphony.  I then flew back to Laguna Beach, where the head of Xerox Parc named Joel put me up at his beach house.  I recall flying back to New York City on Sabena Airlines from Belgium with a jet full of Roman Catholic Church nuns possibly from Europe.  On old coins, the American Numismatic Society is in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Post Office Federal building on Third Avenue and 54th street, so the government probably tracks various coins being traded in this country. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 5:55 A.M.  Old Necklace from Jordan https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/04/world/neolithic-necklace-reconstruction-scn/index.html

Omaha News https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2023/06/23/the-worlds-biggest-philanthropist-just-gave-away-another-46-billion/?sh=7c499b0f5cb8 .  When I drove through Omaha on my trips across country, I could only afford a fifteen cent hamburger at www.mcdonalds.com on the East side of Omaha.  I do know the www.af.mil had a big base there, and Jimmy Ellis who once ran it, might have been the hacker from Level Five Communications trying to disrupt my internet activity.  I think I made 4.5 trips driving across country and back.  I can remember the first trip through Chicago, Champaign, Tulsa, Midland, across Interstate 10.  The second trip by myself I think across Interstate 10.  Also two trips in the Subaru, one where we camped out in the Rockies in the summer and another where we went North at Denver to Laramie, Wyoming in October when it was minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. And of course the last trip across Interstate 10, when we sold the used Volvo at Disneyland and flew back.  On the round trip air flight in Laguna Beach by myself, I was around people from Disneyland, and I was trying to teach the theme park dancers how to dance better based on my New York City discothèque experiences.  Out in the hot weather in California the Disney Dancers were a little bit too slow.  I though I was Mickey and Donald in Manhattan from Fort Hood, Texas was Donald, and Jimmy was Jimmy Cricket.   But alas nobody remembers the Mickey Mouse Club in the old days or Spin and Marty, where they had an episode about how to break in a new pair of blue jeans.   I have three nephews who used to call me Uncle Scrooge, so I called them Huie, Dooie, and Louie which was one of my favorite comic books. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 4:35 A.M.  On the name Santa Cruz, it is very common in the Spanish World.  On the oldest map of the whole world, the Map of Magellan, the island of Nantucket is called Santa Cruz, so the Spanish might have been there first.  Maybe Jimmy Eldert from the Joy family in Boston and Nantucket got his Santa Cruz locations mixed up.  However, down in Key West where Fred Von Mierers had been there before me and had also had lived with Nixon's ambassador to Madrid, where I also saw Juan Carlos the then King of Spain who hunted in Spain with a friend of my elder sister, I thought Jimmy Eldert might have some sort of Spanish connection.  Juan Carlos' father lived in Argentina in Exile too.  I did see people from Argentina and Spain in Key West and Laguna Beach, California.  Maybe since Jimmy Eldert knew Princess Irene of the Netherlands, he might have some sort of Spanish Royalty connection too.  On the Dutch side, he is supposed to be from one of the oldest Dutch families in the New Amsterdam colony, which is why Helen Kress Williams who knew a lot about history said, we should keep an eye on him, when Fred and I met him at Le Jardin discothèque in Manhattan in October 1973.  I also know he worked for Queen Elizabeth II at her Sandriham Estate in England.  Being a gymnist he was good at riding horses too when I watch him and John from Bowden College ride horses on Nantucket beach on the south shore.  In Nantucket, I spotted him wearing a St. Andrews University tee shirt too, so he might have been in Scotland too.  Maybe with the name James with a Scottish connection, he might have been related to the exile King James of Scotland or Bonnie Prince Charlie.  With people with royal connections, they all have entourages, so they do not have to keep track of too many things themselves personally.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  My friend from Sao Paulo, Brazil does not mind if I drink too much coffee, since his grandfather owned twenty million acres of coffee plantation coming from one of the original Portuguese families in Brazil with a mother from Milan, Italy; where all of the rich Italian bankers are.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 3:45 A.M.  Between October 1978 and November 1980, I drove across country to California either 3.5 or 4.5 times.  1.5 times I flew.  In driving across country one has to know how to deal with the locals along the highway.  Since the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System has lots of people along the way trying to make money, one has to be cheap and inconspicuous.  During most of my trips across country and in California, I would go to local grocery stores and buy Colby cheese, yogurt, and orange juice to eat.  In some grocery stores, the dairy department is on the left side and in others, it on the right side.  California has a lot of fresh produce.  In Santa Cruz, California the local stores had big wooden barrels of corn chips.  To be honest I saw so much field corn and some cattle driving across country, I figured out; they might not mind if I ate some beef.  Twice in San Juan, Capistrano where Robert Schuler's son church was I took packages of two filet mignons and barbecued them on the grill in the mountain.  When in Santa Barbara on the last trip looking more wealthy in the used Volvo from Belgium, they arrested me for trying the same the trick, and John Bolton's mother had to Western Union me a hundred dollars to get me out of jail in Santa Barbara.  I saw one person in jail that looked like an old neighbor from Decatur, Alabama whose father was an expert in textile dieing.  Since my oldest sister in Tulsa at the time was neighbors of the Getty family, so I tried to be low key and inconspicuous, but I guess Polaroid advertised so much at a million dollars a minutes on the three major networks, they expected me to have money out West, and back then I did not even have a camera.  I did like driving the Zig Zag Pacific Coast Highway a number of times which demanded sharp driving skills.  Back at Polaroid in Cambridge, Ansel Adams who never left the U.S.A. had worked out of the Carmel, California area near Big Sur.  When all of the actors were on strike, I even saw somebody in Carmel that looked like Johnny Carson in a Rob Roy lumber jacket.  At a grocery store in Carmel, I did take four quarts of oil and an oil filter for an oil change, which they did not mind with all of the oil wells out there.  I can not recall which brand of oil, but it might have been Citgo.  One sees a lot of NAPA auto parts stores in driving across country.  However, in the 1971 Subaru yellow station wagon designed by Howard Hughes based on areonautics, it has many of the same parts as the cheap Datsun, so I could get oil change and tune up parts at any local K mart.  I also in Irvine, California bounced a $10 check at a bank with the full size cuts out of Roy Roger's at the bank entrance.  I was basically pretty honest, but when one is starving and on the move, one has to keep going, knowing one still has to drive back east sooner or later.  I only saw one Connecticut license plate in California, and the fellow looked like Jerry Jeffrey from Greenwich.  In Santa Cruz, California, I did see a Volkswagen Camper bus with Massachusetts license plates.  Nobody in California seemed interested in politics, but there was lots of traffic around the cities which I avoided.  Huntington Beach had oil wells where Robert Schuler's church was.  I did not visit my friend from Greenwich who lived in Carmel whose father owned the radio station there, since I figured he had a few friends keeping an eye on me.  He knows I can not surf.  They used to say, "Scott Don't Surf."  Jimmy Eldert lived in a top secret place near O' Neil's surf shop in Santa Cruz, California, when I visited him at his radio station, and since he was an Olympic Class Gymnastic Athlete, I figured he might know how to surf.  In Santa Cruz, he knew Peter Hubbard from Greenwich one of the oldest families in Greenwich and the family that started the Masonic order here.  He was majoring in law at U.C.L.A.  I did tour U.C.L.A. one evening and it looked quite prosperous. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 2:45 A.M.  Sleep News https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/sleep-facts-statistics .

Before I was declared disable in December, 1983; when I returned to Greenwich and had a full $7,500 medical physical at the old Greenwich Hospital; which determined I had a protein metabolic disorder, I had an exhausting routine on www.nantucket.net .  My routine consisted of waking up around 9 A.M. in the morning, and I would dress and clean up, and I would walked to the nearby Le Languedoc restaurant at 10 A.M., and I would work the lunch shift until 2 P.M..  I would sometimes make my omelet breakfast there.  I would then do a five mile jog each way out to the airport beach and take a short nap and jog back for the 4 P.M. shift.  I would eat my dinner at the restaurant then.  I would then work on prep work such as cutting onions, garlic and picking beans.  Around 5 P.M., I would start washing dishes until about 11 P.M..  I was sometimes given another meal.  I would work cleaning up the whole restaurant until 4 A.M., and then walk back to the basement on Hussey street to get about five hours sleep.  I did that about six days a week, but in the busy summer time, it was seven days a week.  On a day off, I would sometime buy a dollar bottle of French white wine, and sip it some place, where nobody would notice me.  In the busy time, the restaurant did about 250 meals at night.  Doing that for eight months straight when I was a bit younger and fitter kept me busy and surviving.  I did not know anyone other than the people that I worked with.  My salary was $8.75 an hour before taxes, and the waiters were suppose to give the dishwashers 15% of their tips which when divided up was not very much.  When I first started working as a pot scrubber out on Nantucket in the spring of 1977, I only got $2 an hour at the Gordon Folger Hotel.  I worked there the following year, before I changed to Le Languedoc.  All of the quarters that I worked at the Gordon Folger Hotel were never recorded on my Social Security Account, since I had been threatened constantly in South Florida, I did not give them my actual Social Security number.  Also the ten months I spent from April 1982 to February 1983 building the garage apartment for 12 hours a day at night with no days off except Christmas worked out to about 3600 hours for which I was paid $8,000 at the end of the project which works out to about $2.22222 an hour for hard work, and my Social Security was not paid for that project.  I was told when they were determining my disability income, if I had had four more quarters, I would have gotten the full amount of Social Security instead of SSI.  I started working in the summers at age 16, so I had a lot of previous low income work experience.  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/05/23 Saturday 1:35 A.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/05/23 Saturday 12:25 A.M.  Ian Greenshield who I knew the last season on Nantucket in 1983 lived above the fire house there, and he had me paint the white trim on Admiral Halsey's cottage on the Polpis Road before I left that season.  He had been Jackie Onassis's body guard in Stowe, Vermont, and he was from Montreal, and I once saw him on the beach in Kennebunk.

When I was starving in the spring of 1977 when I came out of Key West at 125 pounds down from 185 pounds the previous year in Greenville, South Carolina where General Westmoreland was from, I had thought about becoming a Trappist Monk at their place in Vermont where they make jams and jellies.  However, once Trappist Monks join the order, they can not leave the monastery unless called by the Pope.  I once met somebody on the Farm in Lake Forest, Illinois whom told me he was going to become a Trappist Monk.  In Lake Forest, they also had an old Jesuit Monastery near Lake Michigan that was brought over stone by stone from Europe a long time ago.  Also in McHenry, Illinois just west of Libertyville, Illinois during World War II, the Catholic Church in Chicago, the wealthiest dioceses in the worldwide Catholic Church build a huge administrative monastery complex in McHenry, Illinois in case the Nazis kicked the Catholic Church out of the Vatican in Rome, they would have a retreat in the Western Hemisphere.  Although I was not raised Roman Catholic, my paternal grandmother's Gard family that settled in York, Maine over four hundred years ago and ended up in down state Illinois as farmers were of the Roman Catholic faith.  Thus in America all of us are pretty much a mixture.  Her family were from Devonshire or Lincolnshire, England.   

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 11:40 P.M.  I ordered in 3XL in red https://www.landsend.com/products/mens-big-expedition-down-waterproof-winter-parka/id_374763 for $119.98 with coupon "BEACHES" and $7.62 tax for $127.60 total. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 11:10 P.M.  Also in Vermont https://www.vermontcountrystore.com/ , https://cabotcreamery.com/ , https://garelickfarms.com/ , an old backup facility in the mountain for https://www.norad.mil/ , and I think the Unites States Capitol and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's big grave stone are also made out of Vermont Marble and a friend's grandfather worked for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermont_Yankee_Nuclear_Power_Plant .  Vermonters are hard workers.  I once went to a farm sale near Stowe, Vermont; and they were selling wooden fence posts eight feet long for only fifty cents.  I also once read that Abraham Lincoln's wife's Todd family were from Vermont.  In the winter in Vermont, they also eat Moose stew.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 10:35 P.M.  On a minor note on the Illinois Central Railroad something that the Scott family from Illinois know a lot about, they have fifty thousand miles of track in America with a spur line from Montreal to New London, Connecticut that is not supposed to be in very good shape.  The Illinois Central Railroad was bought out by the Canadian National Railroads, and there largest stockholder in the Canadian National Railroads is Bill Gates of Microsoft.  However, if one ever wants to figure out what goes on in colder Canada, a good place to start out at is the https://www.library.yorku.ca/web/scott/ just west of Toronto in the suburbs.  It used to be opened 24 hours a day except Christmas, but I guess the Canadians in the warmer weather like to explore their vast country full of Grizzly Bears like up at https://www.banfflakelouise.com/ which is now owned by the Japanese.  However, the Canadian National Railroad https://canadiantrainvacations.com/across-canada?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=CTV_USA_Search_Priority_c&utm_content=Trans_Canada_Train&utm_term=cross%20canada%20train_p&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItuz23bnEgAMVN_CUCR1EMQjkEAAYASAAEgKqrvD_BwE has trips across the Continent in the warmer weather.  The former head of the windsurfers in Greenwich it is heard settled in the warmer area on the West Coast of Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia.  One can also drive across America and take the Alaska highway up to Alaska, but there are probably a lot of bears that way too.  About twenty years ago, I saw a Rolls Royce from Alaska in Greenwich in the winter.  There used to be North American Inuit Indians in Greenwich in the winter working https://study.com/academy/lesson/inuit-tribe-facts-lesson-for-kids.html since it was not too cold for them here.  Big Samoans with lots of body fat used to work in Greenwich in the winter, and when we used to have lots of snow, there were a lot of French Canadians down here working moving snow and working the power lines, but one has to pay them.  They used to have a large pile of salt or sand stored at the Byram Shore Beach for road maintenance in the winter.  When I lived in New Canaan, and I got bored one winter day, I drove from there up the New York Thruway to Canada, and I crossed into Canada, and I bought a big bottle of Duty Free Gran Manier liquor, and then I drove down the same way with a stop at the Lake Placid Winter Olympic site the week before the Winter Olympics there, but nothing was happening there.  The roads were clear in my old $150 1971 yellow Subaru wagon from www.nantucket.net

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 9:45 P.M.  When I came out of Key West in the spring of 1977, I stored my belongings from Greenwich in a barn in Norwich, Vermont; where a friend was on the Board of Trustees of Norwich Military Academy.  I was told in nearby Hanover, New Hampshire, one had to work two jobs up there, and the second one was to pay one's heating bill in the winter.  Later on that spring, when I gave away my car to the Nantucket Hospital Thrift shop, I hitch hiked off Nantucket to Boston for the Boston Science fair, where I met an www.army.mil major who tried to recruit me, a Boston Lawyer, and a www.harvard.edu student on the Charles River Bridge who put me up for the night at a student apartment west of Kendall Square.  I then walked to the Howard Johnson's for a dollar bowl of oatmeal, and then I hitch hiked up to Stowe, Vermont; where I cleaned up Sister Kate's bar after the ski season which was owned by the Le Languedoc people on Nantucket.  After cleaning it up, I hitchhiked back down to Nantucket.  I recall sitting up all night in a 24 hour Dunkin Donuts in the cold weather in Manchester, New Hampshire eating a dollar bowl of oatmeal.  Also earlier that spring I had driven Jimmy Eldert up from the University of New Hampshire to Exeter, New Hampshire where I paid for the Inn there, and then to Hanover, New Hampshire where we explored around and stayed at the Wilder Motel in White River Junction, Vermont.  Then I dropped off Jimmy back at the University of New Hampshire and returned to Nantucket, where I gave away the car which was too wide to park at 31 India Street where I lived on Nantucket in 1977 and 1978.  In the season of 1983, I stayed at the Le Languedoc guest house basement on Hussey Street one block away from India Street.  Also on Nantucket, the Farrell family that had the house by the Nantucket Youth Hostile owned a dairy in White River Junction, Vermont.  At Le Languedoc, the Yale Chaplin William Sloan Coffin who worked as a carpenter was from Vermont.  Also in Key West, the Casa Marina Hotel was built in the 1920s by the Spotswood family from Vermont.  My friends that I was around February 1978 to February 1983 the Bolton family have a ski resort named after them Bolton Valley, Vermont near Stowe.  Also the Watson family of www.ibm.com started and owned Smuggler's Notch Ski resort in Vermont.  The Stratton family also have lived in Greenwich.  A classmate at Greenwich Country Day School that looked like me whose father was the Chairman of Bankers Trust Bank moved to Vermont years ago.  One of my few friends in this area used to live in Stowe, Vermont  When I lived at 700 Steamboat Road, one of my neighbors worked at https://www.harringtonham.com/ when it was on Railroad Avenue in Greenwich across the street from https://www.benjerry.com/ .  I was once told my current apartment looks like one of the private Vanderbilt Railroad cars at https://shelburnefarms.org/ in Vermont.  Nelson Rockefeller's son Stephan Rockefeller was also the Dean of Middlebury College in Vermont, where they keep the Morgan Horses.  On Beekman Place and Broadway and West 72nd Street at Christmas Time, they also sell Christmas trees from Vermont.  As a side note Scotch Pine Christmas Trees come from the Holland, Michigan area, where it also gets cold.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 8:55 P.M.  When I went to the students pub the Ninth Circle in Greenwich Village, the bartender "Stormy" was from White House, Vermont.  One summer, when living in Boston, I visited a www.lakeforest.edu classmate whose father was the head of the American Medical Association up in Burlington, Vermont.  All of the local youth did crafts making pottery like they also did in Santa Cruz, California and Decatur, Alabama and Williamsburg, Virginia.  Another time, I visited Stratton, Vermont in the winter to visit Taft Classmates, and I drove the whole way on Route 2 from Concord, Massachusetts.  They had a hostile nearby in a neighboring town for local young skiers.  Another time, in the summer of 1980, I drove up to www.dartmouth.edu in Hanover, New Hampshire, and it was 98 degrees Fahrenheit at night.  I was put up in a fraternity house there.  From there, I drove up to Montreal, Toronto, down to Key West and across country on Interstate 10 to California and up to Santa Barbara, where we found a camp site next to Ronald Reagan's ranch in the mountains near Solvang the Danish community famous for split pea soup.  Another time when back in Greenwich, I drove up with a friend to Stratton, Vermont where Orvis fishing started, and where Pearl Buck the writer about China was from.  I used to know somebody here from Jay Peak, Vermont who did not mind the tropical weather in Greenwich in the winter. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 8:15 P.M.  Gator News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66206671

I will now go outside again.

Once, when I was hitch hiking on Interstate 128 when my family lived in Boston, I got a ride with the son and the daughter of the head of the Massachusetts State Police all of the way to St. Johnsbury, Vermont; where a Taft Classmate had a farm where he restored Liberty Ship hatch covers into coffee tables.  He later started collecting antiques in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and would sell them at a profit in California.  He ended up living in Mar Largo in Palm Beach, before he passed away.  One of his friends was Lisa Hallaby, before she became Queen Nord of Jordan. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 8:00 P.M.  I chatted with a relative. 

Riot at Union Square in Manhattan today https://abc7ny.com/union-square-crowds-kai-cenat-twitch/13599469/ and https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-city-playstation-giveaway-devolves-street-chaos-police-officers-dodge-flying-projectiles  .

The only crown activity out on www.nantucket.net is the Daffodil Parade in the Spring and the Fourth of July concert with the Boston Pops.  However, Nantucket is way out in the middle of no where. 

We used to have a map of Sable Island https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ns/sable/visit  in my mother's house in Kennebunkport showing all of the ship wrecks there, but somebody took it and replaced it with a picture of President George H.W. Bush with Babe Ruth.   CIO

08/04/23 Friday 7:00 P.M.   I went outside twice.  I chatted with a friend.  The bedroom door now opens more widely with most of the shoes removed from behind it.  Professional walkers need lots of shoes in the New York City area.  I obviously have seen more than people whom just stay home and watch television.

The last time I visited Manhattan http://scott-mike.com/mls-030408/ , I walked right up to King Charles when he was viewing the remodeled Grand Central Station.  Alas, although I speak English with a Dutch accent, not many people whom speak English here in Greenwich chat with me, since they seem to think I have a huge network in the British network, but my only contact is the grandson of the last of Queen Victoria's honor guards.  I have never visited the United Kingdom, but I have seen other people that speak English in other parts of the world.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 4:40 P.M.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qinitvllompqun&orderId=111-4178979-3265839&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=226085005407301 for a shoe rack https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Houseware-Stackable-Shoes-Bronze/dp/B07CYP4VNN/ref=pd_lutyp_d_rtpb_sccl_1_1/131-9321501-0855601?pd_rd_w=yyDXK&content-id=amzn1.sym.356b6742-af77-4137-8d9e-8870729df5de&pf_rd_p=356b6742-af77-4137-8d9e-8870729df5de&pf_rd_r=5BRVDCFTN2EH7FQ09G4S&pd_rd_wg=N6X6b&pd_rd_r=85f38e02-b681-4849-98be-37a50ac2a44b&pd_rd_i=B07CYP4VNN&th=1 for $23.37 and $1.48 tax for $24.85 total arrived.  I assembled it, and I put it in the hallway in front of the left center bookcases.  I put my extra shoes from behind the bedroom door and from underneath the bed in the shoe rack.  Now I am like a shoe hog with all of my shoes on display in the two different shoe racks.  The only bargains on the internet over the years are shoes and televisions.  I will now go outside and throw out the shipping box. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-02/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-02/  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 2:55 P.M.  King Charles gifts https://highgrove-news.com/422Z-1KOJU-53CFB14B83AD85817ZYG584BE1A9309BB5A4A3/cr.aspx

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-20230804?e=d0a721e34a

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/04/23 Friday 2:25 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

08/04/23 Friday 1:20 P.M.  I woke up at 12:40 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  My www.eversource.com electric bill for July 2023 was $523.96 to stay cool.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

08/04/23 Friday 3:20 A.M.  Off HBO Max, I watched series 1 episode 6 and 7 of, "Forgotten History."  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

08/04/23 Friday 1:05 A.M.  I went outside again. 

Hurricane Forecast https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/tropical-weather-forecast-cone-us and https://tropical.colostate.edu/forecasting.html

Big Bucks https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-copper-beech-farm-sold-real-estate-18276549.php CIO

08/04/23 Friday 12:15 A.M.  I updated the Apple Mac Mini on the primary work computer setup.  I went outside. 

I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Wish Bone basil and vinaigrette dressing and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO 

08/03/23 Thursday 10:45 P.M.  Costco Card with discounts $60 https://www.groupon.com/deals/n-costco-membership-2023?cjevent=0faedf9c326d11ee8269214f0a82b820&utm_medium=afl&utm_campaign=cid*1067191_pub*eCatcher+Inc_pid*249294&utm_source=cj&subs_group=afl&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

https://www.xda-developers.com/macos-14/#can-my-mac-run-macos-sonoma newest apple IOS. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Having lived out on www.nantucket.net for about three years and in Key West for about a year at various times, I have become an expert at a slow peaceful lifestyle without too much happening.  In Greenwich on a night schedule, it is pretty peaceful.  In the summer we do have more youth prowling around whom seem to have different perspectives.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 10:05 P.M.  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought the last container of Bryers sugar free vanilla ice cream for $4 and a 6 ounce package of baby spinach for $2.50 for $6.50 total.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  I put the food away.  I then went outside again.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 9:10 P.M.  I rested until 8:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

Something worth reading http://www.simonwinchester.com/krakatoa 

Earth at Night https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/NPP/news/earth-at-night.html  

Panda Cam https://nationalzoo.si.edu/webcams/panda-cam-classic?cam=panda03

I will now go downtown and forage around.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 6:25 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

08/03/23 Thursday 5:05 P.M.  I woke up at 4 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=qinjpphqrktrsn&orderId=111-8889955-6921827&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=225899434543301 for a battery https://www.amazon.com/MR90Y-Laptop-Battery-Inspiron-XCMRD/dp/B07X1CK3FR/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3DR1OT3SPQ8MS&keywords=Dell+Inspiron+17R-5721+Intel+i7-3537U+battery&qid=1690919984&sprefix=dell+inspiron+17r-5721+intel+i7-3537u+battery%2Caps%2C262&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&psc=1 for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total arrived.  I will not photograph it, since it just a brown paper box holding it.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO    

08/03/23 Thursday 9:25 A.M.  I went out, and I went by www.mcdonalds.com , and I bought two McGriddle sandwiches and a medium coffee with cream and Splenda for $8.36 total.  I then ate my breakfast in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a long time.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, and I lost as usual to the Bank of Bombay.  I then used the bathroom at Starbucks again.  I then sat out some more.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought four more 4 packs of 5 ounce Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish for $27.96 total.  I then sat our for a while in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

08/03/23 Thursday 6:20 A.M.  I will now go downtown to forage around on Green Witch Avenue.  CIO 

08/03/23 Thursday 6:00 A.M.  I cleaned the two filters on the LG portable 14,000 BTU air conditioner in the living room that I bought refurbished here for $349.

Refurbished Portable Air Conditioners https://www.ebay.com/sch/185112/i.html?ssPageName=&_ssn=doodahdeals .  

This refurbished one is slightly cheaper at $324 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Toshiba-13-500-BTU-10-000-BTU-DOE-115-Volt-WiFi-Portable-AC-Factory-Refurbished/669277558?&adid=22222222254387771670&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=586034587348&wl4=dsa-1638037331419&wl5=9003435&wl6=50837446767&wl7=&wl8=&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkczMsZvAgAMVr8jjBx0e0QWyEAMYASAAEgJYaPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 4:45 A.M.  West Point media job https://www.usajobs.gov/job/738747900 .  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 4:35 A.M.  Musk Lights https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanocallaghan/2020/04/21/what-are-those-strange-moving-lights-in-the-night-sky-elon-musks-starlink-satellites-explained/?sh=3e3d03477cbc .  After being a house guest of Kip Forbes at the Forbes family farm in Far Hills, New Jersey in the summer of 1974, I spent a lot of time covering Greenwich Village, where their main office was.  I was even homeless down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the fall of 1976 near Pier 66, where they kept their yacht the Highlander.  Also when I lived at Julie Bolton's apartment at around 315 West 74th Street from December 1980 to February 1982 most of the time, I was near the West 79th Street Boat Basin, where they also used to keep their yacht.  Back around 1965, I went with my older sister and her friend and our first real estate broker in Greenwich to www.westpoint.edu football game.  My sister's friend's parent were there also, and they had us invited on the Forbes Yacht moored on the Hudson River.  I recall signing my name in the guest book after Herbert Hoover's name, and Herbert Hoover's son also used to live in Greenwich, so with Helen Kress Williams being Teddie Roosevelt's neighbor in Oyster Bay, I go way back in the Republican party, despite having a friend at www.lakeforest.edu who was the next door neighbor of the Robert Kennedy's in Hyannisport.  Well, Henry Cabot Lodge Junior, Richard Nixon's ambassador to Viet Nam was also a summer resident on www.nantucket.net .  My sisters knew Scott Lowell, when we lived in the Boston area.  There is an old saying in Boston, the Lowells only talk to the Lodges and the Lodges only talk to the Cabot's, and the Cabot's of Northeast Harbor, Maine in the summer only talk to God.  Polaroid was once a prominent company in the Boston area employing thousands of people at many locations, but when we moved back to Greenwich around June 1973, most people in New York City thought Polaroid was part of Eastman Kodak despite the millions of dollars of advertising done by Doyle, Dane and Berback in New York City.  Dr. Land of Polaroid would not let his executives travel to see what the competition might be doing, which I guess help lead to the downfall of Polaroid, when the stock in 1973 went from $126 a share to $2 a share.  Polaroid kept the company going for a long time by laying off thousands of people, and they were spending over $40 million a month trying to keep the company going until years later it went bankrupt.  From what I know, Polaroid is now a European company with manufacturing in the Netherlands, so I guess Europeans like instant photography.  Polaroid leased millions of dollars of www.ibm.com computer equipment, which is one reason my family was friendly with the IBM Watson family in Greenwich.  I even read in a declassified document from the CIA that Polaroid also made the cameras and film for the CIA Black Bird spy jet.  Also the president of Raytheon lived next door to us in Boston.  Dr. Land was also Richard Nixon's Science Advisor.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 3:20 A.M.  When I went out, there was a semi truck that had tried to back into Wendy's that was not working and blocking the three right most lanes in West Putnam Avenue.  I am not sure if a fire truck can get by in the open left most lane.  I drove down Greenwich Avenue and down Steamboat Road.  There were a few fishermen fishing of the pier.  I then returned back uptown on Milbank Avenue and west on Putnam Avenue.  The truck blocking the road was still there.  I went to www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue.  With discounts, I bought two mini Red Baron deep dish pepperoni pizza for $7.54 both with discounts.  I then bought for 40% off a 3.5 mm ear phones for $9.47 and a Maxell 3.5 mm ear buds with microphone for $8.99 and $1.17 tax for $19.63 total.  I then returned home.  I put the two headsets on the left side of the oak dining table to have available for the cell phones and tablets.  I filed this report.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0823-01/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0823-01/  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 1:40 A.M.  I will now go downtown to forage around.  CIO


https://www.villagetavernwestk.com/ menu one of my family's favorite restaurants near I-95 in Kennebunk, Maine.  This is another one of their favorite restaurants in  Cape Porpoise https://www.capepierchowderhouse.com/ .   Allison's got expensive in downtown Kennebunkport https://www.musthavemenus.com/oo/places/alissonsrestaurant-kennebunkport-me

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/03/23 Thursday 12:40 A.M.  Big Whale in the old days https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66384632

Wireless Headset half price $44 https://www.amazon.com/HyperX-Cloud-Core-Detachable-Cancelling/dp/B09QX3VDVD?ots=1&tag=pcworld02-20&asc_refurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcworld.com%2Farticle%2F2015163%2F2015163.html&th=1

Latest Windows 11 Beta Canary Build 25915 https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2023/07/27/announcing-windows-11-insider-preview-build-25915/ CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 11:30 P.M.  This 8000 BTU window clearance air conditioner looks like it would fit in the small window opening in our building https://www.bestbuy.com/site/emerson-quiet-kool-350-sq-ft-window-air-conditioner-white/5889815.p?skuId=5889815&irclickid=1MnWJnz3OxyPUcrX6MUXqWccUkF1wv051y4MVE0&irgwc=1&ref=198&loc=Internet%20Marketing%20Solutions%20of%20Nevada&acampID=0&mpid=10531 for $166.

Two Journals https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YLTKWBY?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 $8.20 

8000 BTU portable air conditioner with coupon code "DFKEMWZ5" for $180 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BQW6Z9DX/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A390NPYPFZN19M&ascsubtag=la5zshvbtwfutqja6lli01KC4H388fcE&th=1

Microwave cooked steaks a little for $10 apiece https://www.amazon.com/Kosher-served-Potato-Tzimmes-Microwavable/dp/B07V3GWGTF/ref=rvi_sccl_48/138-9439741-3817451?pd_rd_w=YGNYy&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=VFNFGMHNPGQ0WJNG7B0E&pd_rd_wg=YvzZ1&pd_rd_r=dc4b358c-69b7-4d77-8372-b4bb77c5ca38&pd_rd_i=B07V3GWGTF&th=1

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again out at Coyote Junction.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 10:55 P.M.  I rested until 9:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

There was a large pack of coyotes howling in the near distance.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 8:35 P.M.  I spend three dollars in quarters parking downtown today.  I got a letter from www.chase.com , and they are closing their Pickwick Plaza branch on October 23, 2023.

I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 7:50 P.M.  I covered a dinner plate with three ounces of baby spinach leaves, then I added a drained and flaked four ounce can of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, four ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese, a quarter of a diced red Bermuda onion, grated parmesan and Romano cheese, and Wish Bone basil and vinaigrette dressing and Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 6:55 P.M.  Tracking is https://www.fedex.com/fedextrack/?trknbr=781978597321&trkqual=12026~781978597321~FDEG is on the order for https://www.ebay.com/itm/285404087355?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=285404087355&targetid=1529314446390&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003435&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314446390&abcId=9307249&merchantid=114825074&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6pz4ypO8gAMV0E1HAR0EIgjJEAQYASABEgKqy_D_BwE for $79.95 and $5.08 tax for $85.03 total.

I went downtown to the Board of Education Parking Lot Veterans Monument, and I sat out for an hour.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought four packages of four 5 ounce cans of Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore tuna fish for $27.96 total.  I then sat out in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park for about 45 minutes.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two 16 ounce Ken's balsamic vinaigrette dressing for $2.99 each, a 6 ounce bag of baby spinach for $2.50, a Bermuda red onion for .99 and a 8 ounce bag of Stop and Shop shredded parmesan cheese for $1.99 for $11.44 total.  I then returned home.  I put away the food.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I sat outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  A neighbor gave me $10 to drive him to Belmoor Liquor, the Acme grocery store, and the Shell Station at 401 West Putnam Avenue.  I sat outside some more.  I used the tech gadget I bought to reset the Check Engine light on my car.  It was giving an Air Mass Sensor error code.  Thus the Check Engine light does not come on anymore.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 2:00 P.M.  I threw out the garbage.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO 

08/02/23 Wednesday 1:20 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

08/02/23 Wednesday 12:35 P.M.  I chatted with a relative this morning.  I woke up at noon.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

08/02/23 Wednesday 12:15 A.M.  Earlier, I saw two furry animals about the size of a raccoon climb the tree in front of the picnic table.  Just now I saw a big coyote walk by the side of the building.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 11:45 P.M.  Greatest Hits of the War Years http://scott-mike.com/000000009/music7/ww2great.htm  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 11:35 P.M.  Off HBO Max, I watched series 1 episodes 4 and 5 of, "Forbidden History."  I went outside half way through, and I drank a brewed coffee.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 8:50 P.M. Panda News https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-china-66372950

Banned Light Bulbs https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/incandescent-light-bulb-ban-now-effect-what-know

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 8:30 P.M.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 6:05 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I am about to eat five 3/8th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, two baked medium small potatoes with Smart Balance spread, a 7 ounce package of Green Giant microwave Brussels sprouts in butter sauce, and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 4:20 P.M.  For the Dell 17 inch laptop, I ordered a battery https://www.amazon.com/MR90Y-Laptop-Battery-Inspiron-XCMRD/dp/B07X1CK3FR/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3DR1OT3SPQ8MS&keywords=Dell+Inspiron+17R-5721+Intel+i7-3537U+battery&qid=1690919984&sprefix=dell+inspiron+17r-5721+intel+i7-3537u+battery%2Caps%2C262&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&psc=1 for $22.99 and $1.46 tax for $24.45 total. 

I also ordered a shoe rack https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Houseware-Stackable-Shoes-Bronze/dp/B07CYP4VNN/ref=pd_lutyp_d_rtpb_sccl_1_1/131-9321501-0855601?pd_rd_w=yyDXK&content-id=amzn1.sym.356b6742-af77-4137-8d9e-8870729df5de&pf_rd_p=356b6742-af77-4137-8d9e-8870729df5de&pf_rd_r=5BRVDCFTN2EH7FQ09G4S&pd_rd_wg=N6X6b&pd_rd_r=85f38e02-b681-4849-98be-37a50ac2a44b&pd_rd_i=B07CYP4VNN&th=1 for $23.37 and $1.48 tax for $24.85 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 3:25 P.M.  I bought https://www.ebay.com/itm/285404087355?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=285404087355&targetid=1529314446390&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003435&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314446390&abcId=9307249&merchantid=114825074&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6pz4ypO8gAMV0E1HAR0EIgjJEAQYASABEgKqy_D_BwE for $79.95 and $5.08 tax for $85.03 total.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 2:05 P.M.  I rested until 1:45 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I was able to pay my Optimum bill.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 11:55 A.M.  I rested until 11:45 A.M..  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 10:20 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 9:20 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with mandarin oranges, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  The Optimum computer is not working right now, so I can not pay my Optimum bill until tomorrow.  I also had to pay my annual Network Solutions bill of almost $200.  CIO  

08/01/23 Tuesday 8:40 A.M.  For August 2023, I paid my Verizon telephone and my Eversource electricity bills and Optimum Online bill which is now $242 for three Optimum services.  I paid my rent to the Housing Authority of Greenwich.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 7:50 A.M.  I was worried about a bear in the woods, so I slept until 7 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

08/01/23 Tuesday 1:00 A.M.  Greenwich Bear News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-police-black-bear-sightings-18270875.php?src=gthpdesecp CIO

08/01/23 Tuesday 12:45 A.M.  I rested until midnight.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO