Note 08/10/97 Sunday 4:30 PM EDT: Frontpage 98 Up and Running, I used the editor to open and save my homepage. I'm off to bed.
Note 08/10/97 Sunday 3:00 PM EDT: I just downloaded Microsoft FrontPage 98 beta a day ahead of release. It is suppose to take 6 hours for the five files, but with a nice day here on Sunday, the New York link only took me 1 hour and 50 minutes. I am now about to install it. Also I am a little bit tired.
Note 08/10/97 Sunday 1:00 PM EDT: Second backup completed now. This morning while I was out and about downtown, there were plenty of Sunday morning Church goes out and about town. Many well recognized faces from the local community as well as the national community and the international community. Baseball game going on in Bruce Park. Beach goers getting ready for the beach. Many people having breakfast and going for coffee. I am a little bit burned out, but it was fun to see some of the local daytime people particularly some of their younger off spring who bring them down to earth. Most interesting observation is the town seem to be picking up with the PGA visitors coming into the area, although I did not see many license plates from out of the area, plenty of people do rent cars locally and don't stand out. The Queen Elizabeth II Cruise ship has room for 50 private vehicles, so it is not unlikely that one would see international license plates driving around. Also there are quite a few people from the warmer regions of the country who seem to be enjoying their summer stays here. No names mentioned this Greenwich, Connecticut where we supposedly are use to seeing many people show up, but it is much the same at the Dutch trading post 25 miles west of here. Time for the New Amsterdam night watch to go to bed. It still seems like we have a pleasent day and not to hot. Anybody know anything about winter forecasts for this area, please email me. Dieu et Mon Droit.
Note 08/10/97 Sunday 7:30 AM EDT: I bought Colorado Backup by Cheyenne Version 3.0 for $30 which works just great with my Colorado T1000e. It makes complete backups of my entire system including registry and also permits the creation of two rescue disks for restoring the system. Version 1.70 that came with the drive did neither. Also to use the program one needs a Colorado drive. One can buy the program over the internet with a credit card. Once one has purchased the program and decompressed the program into its seperate directory and installed it, I suggest making a copy of the decompressed group of files in the C:\cheyenne\colorado directory by copying the entire file group to another directory, and then using the move command to copy them all to five floppies, so that in an emergency you have disks you can also copy to your hard drive and install it. Of course you can order a boxed copy, but that takes time. Of course the rescue disks will restore the system to, but it is nice to have a complete floppy copy of such an important program. I am just about to make my second tape backup of the entire system. In other news while I was roaming around about 4:00 AM downtown while backing up, I saw two Greenwich Police cars speeding up Greenwich Avenue about 60 miles an hour the wrong way in hot pursuit. I guess the boys in blue are on the job. I did not get any other internet work done for obvious reasons. I will have to clean my apartment as usual when I wake up Sunday evening.
Note 08/10/97 Sunday 1:15 AM EDT: I made a full backup while I went downtown for a walk. It is pretty quiet downtown with a few pub crawlers and movie goers exiting the theatre. I plan to web surf tonight and possibly chat on Iphone since my system is back up to par. I need to get the HPBackup program for the T1000E to do a full system backup which it fails at, at present I am doing a full backup of the C: drive. Also I need to know how to get Win95 to prompt for a CDROM having installed with disks, should I ever install a CDROM.
Note 08/09/97 Saturday 11:00 PM EDT: Last night after downloading Netscape Communicator 4.02 and Pointcast 2.0 beta 1, my internet access started freezing. I thus went through the following procedure mentioned several days ago and all is well. Procedure: Note 08/04/97 4:30 AM EDT: Additional Information to previous note below: The internet system freezing once again reoccurred because I did not correctly go through the procedure. To correct the problem first make sure you have your Win95 disks available or the CDROM Win95 also comes on. If your IBM dialer freezes and you have already installed the Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 "msdun12" and then the "winsock.dll" "wsockupd" upgrade, you need to first select "My Computer", "Control Panel", "Network". Then remove "Dialup Adapter #2 (VPN Support), "Microsoft Vitual Private Network Adapter", "NDISWAN->Microsoft Virtual Private Networking Adapter", "TCP/IP->Dialup Adapter #2 (VPN Support). When you click "OK" you will be prompted for disks number 12 and 13 or CDROM to install files, keep any newer files by selecting "YES". You then will be prompted to reboot. Then install Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 "msdun12" and when prompted once again for disks number 12 and 13 or CDROM to install files, keep any newer files by selecting "YES", and then you will be prompted to reboot, after rebooting the system will automatically reconfigure your system and prompt you to reboot once again. Then install "winsock.dll" "wsockupd" upgrade, and though it does not prompt you to reboot, I go ahead and reboot anyway. My system works fine after this procedure and does not freeze and reauthenicates when I reconnect without having to reboot. If one upgrades the IBM dialer with the software update item or if one reinstalls the IBM dialer, one will have to go through this procedure once again. I guess the IBM dialer installs a file that causes internet connection freezing, possibly within the network. IBM.NET support does not experience this problem because they use OS/2 for their internet access. If you have any questions please let me know. Right now my system is working fine and not freezing. Final Note: I slept all day and am about to go out for a walk about this evening.
Note 08/09/97 Saturday 7:30 AM: I updated the Bookmark page with a new list of short bookmarks bm080997.htm that I will post when I have time. This morning in Greenwich a few people were out walking and the usual fisherman were down by the water. It looks like it will be a pleasent day.
Note 08/09/97 Saturday 3:45 AM: Downloading Scott's Subscription with link to Pointcast Network 2.0 beta . Also downloaded CWSApps 32-bit Web Browsers, Netcaster for Communicator 4.0 .
Note 08/09/97 Saturday 3:05 AM: I went out for a cup of coffee out of my thermos at 1:00 AM. A thermos saves money over Starbucks and is more mobile. I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue. A few young folks were exiting the local pubs at closing time. Some looked like they should not be driving. I suggest having a designated driver. Bargain at the Grand Union is a 12 pack of Canada Dry regular gingerale for $1.99 plus deposit. The Purdue chicken was good for dinner earlier this evening. Netscape Communicator 4.01 installed and running. has an active X plugin for MS IE 4.0 beta 2 which works. All quiet on the western front, I might be out in the early AM around 6:00 AM.
Note 08/08/97 Friday 11:40 PM: I got a good rest this afternoon and early evening. I will be up all night on the computer. System is working fine. I just downloaded Netscape Communicator 4.01 which I now have room for. One note if you use the Western Digital Tip Western Digital Corporation (Service/Support) - Tip of the Month, March 1997 to "xcopy" on my system, I needed to run "c:\windows\xcopy" with the perameters described in the tip. One needs the full file path. I suggest keep your slave "original" drive "as is" after installation and changing the CMOS values, in case there are any problems. I also installed the new hight speed ISAcomtroller card with my new hard drive. After a few days one can free up the space. Greenwich was busy this evening about 10:00 PM, with lots of people out for the movies and dinner and coffee. Happy Birthday C.W.
Note 08/08/97 Friday Noon: Success installed replacement Western Digital 1 G hard drive on my system. I used this procedure with success Western Digital Corporation (Service/Support) - Tip of the Month, March 1997 . I am now running one C: partition, OS/2 Warp 3 on D: is gone. I am very tired. System is running fine.
Note 08/07/97 Thursday 4:30 PM EDT: I am now thinking of using GHOST Software program to transfer my old drive to the new drive. They offer a fully functional demo good for 30 days. I have spent most of the day inside after returning from a afternoon appointment.
Note 08/07/97 Thursday 12:45 PM EDT:I was up at 6:00 AM this morning. I planned my strategy for the day. Still waiting for the Western Digital replacement to arrive today from Irvine, California. Their diagnostics files are located at Western Digital Corporation (Service/Support) - FTP/Hard Drives . Also I looked at this WDC information page, Western Digital Corporation (Service/Support) - Tip of the Month, March 1997 about transferring information from an old hard disk to a new hard disk, however since I use OS/2 Boot Manager, I think I might have to restore from the tape backup instead of copying from the old hard drive to the new one. I have to do some more research. I am thinking of using the Powerquest Drive Image Beta Program Drive Image Beta Program to accomplish the hard disk upgrade, however this beta program did not load for me, I think it has a bug. In other news I saw that Green jet again today and I also saw an Army helicopter. I spent the morning reading the computer press in the Greenwich library. Time for lunch.
Note 08/07/97 12:20 AM EDT: I still have not gotten to bed. A friend came over and shared a frozen pizza with me. He was happy his Apple Computer stock had finally yielded a profit. I emailed about my perspective of Illinois and computers. I went out downtown and it is terribly slow. I noticed an older gold Mercedes has not moved in the lower Greenwich Plaza train station parking lot since I first noticed it on Sunday. It seems to have an excess of wait in the trunk. I stopped by the Grand Union and bought a Purdue chicken for 69 cents a pound. I bought four frozen Celeste Pizzas for $2 apiece. I also picked up a half gallon of Apple Juice for 99 cents. I noticed the Greenwich Police are out in force as usual. I saw quite a few Eastern Hemisphere visitors walking around downtown. Starbucks is open in the evening across from the police station on Greenwich Avenue, closing earlier on weekdays than weekends. The Colonial Dinner on the Boston Post Road is open all the time in Greenwich serving an excellent menu. All quiet on the eastern front here in Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 USA. I am about to go to bed and will be on a day time schedule.
Note 08/06/97 8:00 PM EDT: I finished making the second tape backup of my system. I also recieved the backup copy of Win95 Upgrade on a CDROM via Airborne Express to have in addition to my 3 1/2 inch disks. One can order it from Microsoft for $25.00 at 800-360-7561 or 800-451-4239. One will the number off your existing disks. Now all I need is a CDROM player. I am still waiting for replacement hard drive to arrive. I got a little sleep while backing up the system. Now I plan to finish sleeping. Internet system is working great with access and web browsers after having tweaked it with the following steps as listed in previous notes.
Note 08/06/97 2:50 PM EDT: On my Scott's Computer System Setup and Value I edited the config.sys with these settings to increase system performance.
Note 08/06/97 2:30 PM EDT: I have been awake since 4:00 PM yesterday. I went out at 8:00 AM this morning, and had my oil and filter changed, rear axle oil changed, and manual transmission oil changed for $100. I bought a High Speed ISA Bus I/O Controller at Staples in Old Greenwich for $30, they have another one left. I am still waiting for my Western Digital replacement hard drive from FEDEX, which is possibly slowed down by the UPS strike. I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop and they are having a bag sale for $10 a bag for what you can stuff into it. I got a charcoal Brooks Brothers suit, two pairs of shorts, two shirts, and a furniture fabric petit point design throw for my computer arm chair, all for $10. I paid my rent, telephone, and cablevision bills. I picked up buy two get two free Winston Lights at Zyn Stationary which are 100 percent tabacco with no additives. I do need to quit smoking some time soon when I am under less tension. I bought 20 yellow rose stamps at the post office. I filled up my car at the Exxon gas station. I stopped by the Greenwich library and it was not too busy, but the parking lot was busy. I had two quarter pounders at McDonalds for $2.12 . While doing this I was reformating one of my backup tapes and retensioning it. I backed up the computer once I returned to the apartment around noon. Now I am reformating and retensioning another tape, which I will use to back up the system in about 1 1/2 hours. It is a beautiful day in Greenwich and not too busy this morning. No waiting at Precision Tune or the Post Office. I guess a lot of people are away, but the rush at 8:00 AM showed there are a few people in the offices. Mercedes Benz Dealership is being remodeled. Temporary outdoor showroom is setup for customers. Plenty of Old Guard out this morning doing errands. This is what my busy day is like once a month when I have to pay bills. Good news is that I have no insurance bill or eletricity bill this month, so I could afford the car maintenance and computer controller. I don't know when I will get to sleep, but sooner or later I will.
Note 08/06/97 1:00 AM EDT: Scott's Computer System Setup and Value
Note 08/05/97 9:45 PM EDT: Greenwich Avenue is packed full of cars this evening, we continue having thunder and lightning all evening with intermitent rain showers. I read the computer press in the Greenwich Library this evening. I am checking out this utility right now MTU-Speed which supposedly increases internet access speed for Win95. Note 10:50 PM: On my system internet speed increased close to 100 percent to 8.3 K per second. I optimized the MTU-Speed setting on my system to "MAXMTU" set at 1152 and "Multiplier" set at 6. Of course depending on your internet setup these setting could vary. Also in areas of the world with less developed infrastructure, you might want to lower the settings to the "Optimal" setting. Now I will continue to test these settings, but they do seem quite a bit faster, up to 100 percent faster access.
Note 08/05/97 5:45 AM EDT: Created CDF 101: Creating a Simple Channel Channel Definiton File for Scott's Site and this page. It is quite simple, however you have to use the Microsoft Paint Program that comes with Win95 to create two gif files one 80X32 Pixels and one 32X32 Pixels to use with the CDF file. It took a hour, quite simple, of course you can only use the file with MS IE 4.0 I think. Once you create the gifs with MS Paint Program be sure to move in the outer frames of the window to the edges of the gif images, to correct pixel size.
Note 08/05/97 3:30 AM EDT:Yahoo! - Volcanic Flow in Heart of Montserrat Capital . I listened to TechTalk for enlightned commentary on the world computer industry. I ran Internet Explorer 4.0 Beta 2 Setup Program, and reinstalled Internet Explorer 4.0 Beta 2 to make sure I had all the correct beta files that it includes which might have been overwritten by other installations. I also was able to correct a problem which occurred when I installed Netscape 3.03, it made itself the default web browser. By reinstalling "Complete Installation" selection of Internet Explorer 4.0 beta 2 setup, I was able to correct the problem. The reinstallation process does not actually redownload all the files, but checks existing files and downloads only those files that are not correct or current, so it is quite rapid compared to complete download. I also disabled loading images on my MS Internet Explorer 4.0 beta 2, by selecting "View", "Options", "Advanced",and unchecking "Show Pictures" in Multimedia. I think there should be an easier way from the IE 4.0 menu bar to do this possibly by a check box and also possibly a load images button. Realistically we all don't have fast connections, and this speeds up web browsing particularly in the day time. Also under "View", "Options", "Programs", the check box for Internet Explorer to Check if is the default browser does not work probably because of something Netscape 3.03 did to this option. I do not approve of such tactics. Net is operating fine tonight, White Plains dialup from Byram seems to be the fastest and most reliable and is toll free from this side of town. Remember reintalling IE 4.0 beta 2 reoptimizes your system which is handy. Once again I don't plan to maintain the downloadable directory anymore, and if you reinstall IE 4.0 beta 2 and have Netscape, I suggest removing the Netscape bookmarks, so you don't import them into IE 4.0 particularly if you have an extensive Netscape bookmark. I plan to beta test IE 4.0 beta 2 as setup for the near futute to see how it performs and learn more about it.
Note 08/05/97 12:01 AM EDT: Awoke at 4:00 PM on Monday afternoon. I drove up to a friend's house in Wilton, Connecticut in moderate rush hour traffic, and had a filet mignon dinner cooked on a outdoor barbeque grill along with three ears of locally grown corn and peas. Around 9:00 PM it started pouring rain and lightning as I drove back down to Greenwich. Six inches of water on route 7, and traffic was going 30 miles an hour on the Merritt Parkway. I stopped by the Food Emporium and Grand Union in Greenwich which are open 24 hours a day and stocked up on different coffee types for my special economy coffee blend. I now have another two months of coffee. I surmize a great many people in the area are having problems with lightning strikes and resulting power failures. Greenwich is quiet in the early AM. Also my computer seems to be working fine with the fix I posted in the note yesterday. Replacement Western Digital Corporation Hard Drive has not arrived yet, it is coming by Federal Express, but they might be busy because of the UPS strike. Anyone want to send me a 17 inch monitor, it would be a lot easier on the eyes. I feel like Mr. McGoo.
Note 08/04/97 4:30 AM EDT:Britain's Queen Mum Celebrates 97th Birthday Please Sign the Guest Book at Buckingham Palace
Note 08/04/97 4:30 AM EDT: Additional Information to previous note below: The internet system freezing once again reoccurred because I did not correctly go through the procedure. To correct the problem first make sure you have your Win95 disks available or the CDROM Win95 also comes on. If your IBM dialer freezes and you have already installed the Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 "msdun12" and then the "winsock.dll" "wsockupd" upgrade, you need to first select "My Computer", "Control Panel", "Network". Then remove "Dialup Adapter #2 (VPN Support), "Microsoft Vitual Private Network Adapter", "NDISWAN->Microsoft Virtual Private Networking Adapter", "TCP/IP->Dialup Adapter #2 (VPN Support). When you click "OK" you will be prompted for disks number 12 and 13 or CDROM to install files, keep any newer files by selecting "YES". You then will be prompted to reboot. Then install Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 "msdun12" and when prompted once again for disks number 12 and 13 or CDROM to install files, keep any newer files by selecting "YES", and then you will be prompted to reboot, after rebooting the system will automatically reconfigure your system and prompt you to reboot once again. Then install "winsock.dll" "wsockupd" upgrade, and though it does not prompt you to reboot, I go ahead and reboot anyway. My system works fine after this procedure and does not freeze and reauthenicates when I reconnect without having to reboot. If one upgrades the IBM dialer with the software update item or if one reinstalls the IBM dialer, one will have to go through this procedure once again. I guess the IBM dialer installs a file that causes internet connection freezing, possibly within the network. IBM.NET support does not experience this problem because they use OS/2 for their internet access. If you have any questions please let me know. Right now my system is working fine and not freezing.
Previous Note Refered to Above, Please follow procedure above instead. Interesting Development, when I installed the Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 "msdun12" and then the "winsock.dll" "wsockupd" upgrade, my system worked fine with the IBM Dialer IBM Internet Connection Services, Internet Access Kit Download Site and I had no problems with access freezing up or when reconnecting not authenicating. However, when I reinstalled the IBM Dialer for Win95, the problem reoccurred. When I reinstalled the MS DUN upgrade and the "winsock.dll" " wsockupd" upgrade, the problem went away again. Ergo for all you geniuses out there, there is something wrong with the IBM dialer for Win95 that causes a network freezeup that the MS DUN upgrade corrects. However, I imagine that whenever one upgrades the IBM dialer, the situation will reoccur. Therefore I plan to keep a copy of the MS DUN upgrade and winsock.dll upgrade until IBM and Microsoft sort out the problem. It is pretty convincing evidence of system incompatiblities on a major network such as IBM.Net with MS Win95 operating system. If you don't believe it try recreating the situation yourself. Remember this note is updated by note above it.
Note 08/04/97 2:20 AM EDT: Bookmark page will no longer be updated for lack of interest. If you have any interest or comment, please email me. I don't plan to incorporate it into the current downloable directory.
Note 08/04/97 1:30 AM EDT: Greenwich, Connecticut is dead slow on Sunday night with a few kids haunting the night. Cleaned my apartment, watered the plants, did laundry, and had dinner guest over for dinner Sunday evening. This morning I have to buy more coffee at the Food Emporium when it opens. I might possibly take my 1976 Volvo to have oil change and change the rear end and gear box oil this AM or Tuesday AM. I surmize a great many residents are away. 79th PGA Championship coming to the Winged Foot Country Club in Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York August 14 to August 17, 1997. Stop by Greenwich, Connecticut nearby to Westchester County for a quiet time if you happen to visit.
Note 08/02/97 10:00 PM EDT: Interesting Development, when I installed the Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 and then the "winsock.dll" upgrade, my system worked fine with the IBM Dialer IBM Internet Connection Services, Internet Access Kit Download Site and I had no problems with access freezing up or when reconnecting not authenicating. However, when I reinstalled the IBM Dialer for Win95, the problem reoccurred. When I reinstalled the MS DUN upgrade and the "winsock.dll" upgrade, the problem went away again. Ergo for all you geniuses out there, there is something wrong with the IBM dialer for Win95 that causes a network freezeup that the MS DUN upgrade corrects. However, I imagine that whenever one upgrades the IBM dialer, the situation will reoccur. Therefore I plan to keep a copy of the MS DUN upgrade and winsock.dll upgrade until IBM and Microsoft sort out the problem. It is pretty convincing evidence of system incompatiblities on a major network such as IBM.Net with MS Win95 operating system. If you don't believe it try recreating the situation yourself.
On other news there seems to be
a party going on a Rockefeller Center right now or they are
setting up for a party. EYE
ON THE WORLD Rockefeller Center Web Cam , this is the picture I found at around
9:42 PM EDT tonight.
Note 08/02/97: Thanks to Western Digital Corporation Hard Drives three year warranty, Scott's failing hard drive is being replaced free of charge. Western Digital ships a replacement when you give them a credit card number which they don't charge if you return the failed hard drive within 30 days. My hard drive has been decent enough to fail slowly giving a regular thunking sound and write errors. I recommend making a backup if you ever get a similar problem. Hopefully the hard drive will last until I get the replacement in a few days. I was advised that heavy web browser use, uses a lot of disk caching on the hard drive use which can cause premature hard drive failure. Thank you Western Digital. Free Ontrack Data Advisor reports that the current hard disk is failing. Ontrack Data Advisor is free to download.
Note 08/01/97: Installed Microsoft DUN Upgrade PPTP/Dial up networking for WIN95 , don't know if it is necessary, but I guess it can't hurt. There is also a new "winsock.dll" download from the same link. Since DUN Upgrade prompts one to install the old "winsock.dll", I suggest installing the new "winsock.dll" after the DUN Upgrade installation. DUN Upgrade installation upgrade was straight forward, however when prompted for Win95 install disks I did not overwrite the newer files with older files. System is working fine with DUN upgrade. Imported Cars of Greenwich, Ct. dealers of Mercedes-Benz has new models on the lot.