Michael Louis Scott's Notes May 2021

05/31/21 Monday 10:35 P.M.  https://motionarray.com/learn/after-effects/how-to-make-a-realistic-waving-flag-in-after-effects/

https://mailchi.mp/42ff31de5147/required-form-gcds-2020-2021-acknowledgement-of-risk-and-social-contract-713451?e=5c2575d00d Greenwich Country Day information

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/31/21 Monday 10:00 P.M.  At 7:30 A.M., I ate a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with a mandarin orange, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice.  I rest the rest of the day.  I chatted with two friends and a neighbor.  At 7:30 P.M., I ate a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's extra meat lasagna with grated parmesan cheese and a glass of spring water.  I went outside at 9:30 P.M..  I still have blood in my urine.  I will chat with the Doctor tomorrow.  CIO

05/31/21 Monday 2:30 A.M.  I watched the first half of Amazon Britbox season 3 episode 4 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside twice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go back to bed.  CIO

05/31/21 Monday 12:45 A.M.  With coupon code "HFE6HBNW" ten mosquito braclets $7.50 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09572FB1K/?tag=dc-robd-20

I ordered in white tortoise https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QV9PXND/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  with 5% discount with coupon code "RLNRYBLQ" for $9.60 and .61 tax for $10.21 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .   CIO

05/31/21 Monday 12:15 A.M.  After the last note around 3 A.M., I was off Amazon Britbox Season 3 episode 3 of "Miss Marple".   I then rested some more.  Around 8 A.M., I ate a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with a mandarin orange, and a glass of spring water with some pineapple juice.  I rested all day with multiple bathroom breaks.  At 8 P.M., I ate a Marie Callender 14.5 ounce meatloaf dinner with Smart Balance spread and a glass of three ounces of pink grapefruit juice with a 12 ounce glass of Sprite.  I then rested some more.  I got up just before midnight, and I went outside.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 05/29/21

05/29/21 Saturday 10:15 P.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer, and I will rest some more.  CIO

05/29/21 Saturday 9:55 P.M.  I went outside.  This https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-men-s-underwear-maximum-absorbency-prodid-489372 is what I have been wearing for my frequent urination problem after the Kidney stone surgery.  I bought two https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-men-s-underwear-maximum-absorbency-prodid-489372 in XL 32 count for $24.74 and $5.49 shipping $30.23 total.  CIO

05/29/21 Saturday 9:20 P.M.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I chatted with a friend.   For the month of June 2021, I paid my Verizon telephone and my Eversource electricity bills and Optimum Online bill which is now $184 for three services.  I also paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.  CIO

05/29/21 Saturday 8:15 P.M.  At 5 A.M., I ate a Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissant, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread and a bowl of pineapple chunks with a mandarin orange and a glass of spring water with prescriptions.  I rested all day again.  I chatted with a neighbor and two friends.  At 4 P.M., I ate a 9.5 ounce Stouffers chicken Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a glass of spring water with prescriptions.  CIO

05/29/21 Saturday 1:05 A.M.  https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/memorial-day-events-congratulations-are-in-order-making-strides-in-covid-pandemic?e=d0a721e34a Office of First Selectman

I will now rest some more.  CIO

!!!!!! 05/29/21 Saturday 12:45 A.M.  I chatted with a relative earlier.  I got up, and I ate a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I read my Kidney Stone surgery after care instructions.  I am supposed to drink enough water to keep my urine yellow which might be difficult with the frequent urination that I have been having.  CIO 

05/28/21 Friday 7:35 P.M.  I have been having a problem with red blood in my urine and frequent uncontrolled urination for which I keep a towel handy.  I woke up at 10 A.M., and I chatted with a relative.  I ate breakfast of a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread and a Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants, and a bowl of pineapple chunks with a mandarin orange with a glass of filtered water with prescriptions.  I rested all day.  A neighbor call.   The Hospital nurse called.  A neighbor stopped by.  The neighbor went out to get at www.cvs.com buy one get one 50% off of 32 packs of disposable men's underwear for $16.49 and $8.24 for $24.73 total.  I got up at 7 P.M., and I ate a 9.25 ounce Stouffers chicken fettuccini Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a glass of cold filtered water.  I have been regularly drinking spring water.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/27/21 Thursday 11:10 P.M.   I arrived at the Greenwich Hospital at 11:30 A.M., and I checked in.  The put me on IV.  I rested.  At 2:15 P.M., the moved me into the operating room and then surgery at 2:30 P.M..  They gave me anesthesia through the IV, and I was out until 5:30 P.M..  They moved me back into the room and waited for me to fully recover.  I was given some toast and diet Canada Dry Ginger Ale.  I did not have any pain except for when I urinate with a bit of light pain.  At 6:30 P.M., my neighbors picked me up.  They had one of my two prescriptions, and we picked up the other one at www.cvs.com on West Putnam Avenue.  I took the two new prescriptions and two existing prescriptions with a glass of spring water.  I ate a 9 ounce Stauffer's pasta Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese.  I chatted with a friend and two relatives, and I went to bed.  I woke up at 9:30 P.M., and I chatted with a relative.  I can not hold my bladder with the stints in when I have to urinate which is sort of messy in the bathroom.  I have to call the Doctor tomorrow to let him know how I am doing, and I need to set up an appointment in a week or two to have the stints removed.  I went outside again.  I will now go back to sleep.  CIO

05/27/21 Thursday 10:30 A.M.  I chatted with a neighbor at 7:30 A.M..  I woke up at 10 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will now shower and clean up.  A neighbor will drive me to the Greenwich Hospital at 11:30 A.M..  CIO

05/27/21 Thursday 4:15 A.M.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

05/27/21 Thursday 4:00 A.M.  I woke up at 2 A.M., and I went outside.  I finally woke up at 3:30 A.M..  I went outside.  I made my bed.  I had a small glass of water with my prescriptions.  I am not supposed to eat or drink any fluid before the Kidney stone surgery starting at noon.  CIO 

05/26/21 Wednesday 6:10 P.M.  I went outside.  I have Kidney Stone surgery tomorrow at noon at the Greenwich Hospital.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 5:15 P.M.   I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a 12 ounce glass of spring water.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 4:45 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688090969495328 for 15 watt https://www.amazon.com/Betus-Original-Replacement-Incandescent-Candelabra/dp/B07C8BVKY9/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=salt+lamp+bulbs&qid=1621962847&sr=8-6 for $7.95 and .50 tax for $8.45 total arrived.  I put the 15 watt bulbs by the Lindburgh radio in the bedroom.  I was told the Greenwich RTM has approved plans for a new Ice Skating rink where the baseball field is out back of my building by the current Dorthy Hammil rink with a road leading to it from Western Junior High, and they will put the baseball field where the current ice skating rink is.  There is nothing in the local media about it except this older story https://www.greenwichsentinel.com/2021/03/04/a-new-dorothy-hamill-skating-rink-plan-brings-challenges-to-a-byram-community/ .  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

Pictures here: http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-10/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-10/ .  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 3:30 P.M.  I went outside.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I chatted with a friend. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 1:25 P.M.  https://view.klm-mail.com/?qs=05a6d43a4c9ab1a3786a367dbd4669c3e04e383e591414dcb17db1e568183833d4e42cb253fd113f4cbb6c03adae1cf7addb936f04457922183d16264a67388769e65692f5b450bfbfd76938345dfac883a768f697aaeff9

I will now go outside again.  I will then shower and clean up.  CIO

!!!!!! 05/26/21 Wednesday 12:30 P.M.  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/kidney-stones/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355759 and

https://www.google.com/search?q=cystourethroscopy+with%2Finsertion+indwelling+ureteral+stent&source=hp&ei=lICuYPT8G4jL_QaBiYDIDg&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYK6OpBZev7c5v-X0jlx7ZrE3vJLz4XlW&oq=CYSTOURETHROSCOPY%2C+W%2FINSERTION%2C+INDWELLING+URETERAL+STENT&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIECAAQCjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDUMIUWMIUYLcmaABwAHgAgAFgiAFgkgEBMZgBAKABAqABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=gws-wiz and

https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diagnostic-tests/cystoscopy-ureteroscopy .  I will now go outside and throw away the shipping box.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 12:15 P.M.  I rested until 11:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order with tracking of https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&Requester=NES&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&loc=en_US&tracknum=1ZA42706A897692407/trackdetails on the order for 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each carton for $215 total with free shipping on a $200 order arrived.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 5:25 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/26/21 Wednesday 4:30 A.M.  I woke up at 4 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO       

05/25/21 Tuesday 6:00 P.M.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I chatted with a relative.  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 3:30 P.M.  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Maria Callender sweet and sour chicken meal with Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont spring water.  CIO

!!!!!! 05/25/21 Tuesday 3:20 P.M.  https://www.amequipmentsales.com/shop/crane-national-673-coffee-machine/ Coffee Vending Machine.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 3:15 P.M.  I had a telephone appointment.  I went outside.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 1:55 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 1:25 P.M.  I chatted with a neighbor twice, and I went outside again.  I ordered in 15 watt https://www.amazon.com/Betus-Original-Replacement-Incandescent-Candelabra/dp/B07C8BVKY9/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=salt+lamp+bulbs&qid=1621962847&sr=8-6 for $7.95 and .50 tax for $8.45 total.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 10:55 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  The cheapest meal for me on Greenwich Avenue is at www.cvs.com with a sandwich for about $5 or $6 with my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 10:35 A.M.  I rested some more until 9:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I was told yesterday that Zen Stationary on Greenwich Avenue now has a coffee vending machine.  I will now water the plants.  CIO

05/25/21 Tuesday 5:45 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

05/25/21 Tuesday 4:05 A.M.  I woke up at 3 A.M..  I went outside.  I made my bed.  I picked up the mail.  I replaced two bent tip light bulbs in the living room and one Himalayan salt lamp bulb by the Ethan Allen recliner.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO     

05/24/21 Monday 7:15 P.M.  Queen Victoria's Birthday https://www.britannica.com/biography/Victoria-queen-of-United-Kingdom

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now shut down the primary work computer. 

I will then go outside. 

I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 6:15 P.M.   I am about to eat a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken basil pesto a 7 ounce Green Giant broccoli with sauce and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont Spring water.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 6:00 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 4:45 P.M.  I went to my 1 P.M. appointment.  After that I went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription.  I then sat out at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I chatted with a friend.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I returned home.  I sat outside.  I went outside again, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I am having my Kidney Stone surgery at the Greenwich Hospital this Thursday May 27, 2021 at noon, and the whole procedure should be three to four hours depending on when I recover from the anesthesia.  I am going to try to quit smoking tomorrow for a few days until after the surgery.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 11:35 A.M.  I will now shower and clean up, and I will head out early for my 1 P.M. appointment.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 11:10 A.M.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 11:05 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

05/24/21 Monday 9:50 A.M.  I woke up at 9 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO     

05/24/21 Monday 12:30 A.M.  I went outside again. 

Bill Gates is back east https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9608821/Bill-Gates-seen-going-dinner-Nobu-NYC-daughter-Phoebe-boyfriend.html .

Nantucket News https://www.ack.net/  

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/23/21 Sunday 11:35 P.M.  I am about to eat 9 ounces of Green Giant mixed vegetables with Smart Balance spread and a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken Marcella dinner with a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont spring water.  CIO

05/23/21 Sunday 10:30 P.M.  https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/hawaiian-volcano-observatory/earthquakes

Retirement Homes in Northern Illinois https://www.zillow.com/grayslake-il-60030/in-saddlebrook-farms_att/?searchQueryState=%7B%22pagination%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22mapBounds%22%3A%7B%22west%22%3A-89.21047337377931%2C%22east%22%3A-87.60372288549806%2C%22south%22%3A41.88483416020619%2C%22north%22%3A42.63490532326919%7D%2C%22regionSelection%22%3A%5B%7B%22regionId%22%3A84295%2C%22regionType%22%3A7%7D%5D%2C%22isMapVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22filterState%22%3A%7B%22att%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22in%20saddlebrook%20farms%22%7D%2C%22ah%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22sort%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22globalrelevanceex%22%7D%7D%2C%22isListVisible%22%3Atrue%7D  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/23/21 Sunday 10:00 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought a 12.5 ounce Suave shampoo for $4.69 and a 12.5 Suave conditioner for $4.69 and .50 tax for $9.98 total.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, and I sat out for a while.  The Port-O-Potty at the Greenwich Common has disappeared.  I sat out for a while.  I chatted with a friend on my cell phone.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean frozen sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $11.99, two Bourbon Brothers 14 ounce chicken dinners for $4.99 each, and four 9 ounce Green Giant microwave vegetables for $1.25 each and a dime paper bag for $25.97 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  I then drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  CIO

05/23/21 Sunday 6:30 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now go outside again.  I will then shower and clean up, and I will go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

05/23/21 Sunday 5:15 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate five slices of white Colby cheese.  I woke up again at 7:30 A.M., and I went outside.  I finally woke up at 4:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO   

05/23/21 Sunday 12:20 A.M.  The imitation men's Gucci in Cognac are available in most sizes for $40 https://www.ebay.com/itm/293858253656?_trkparms=aid%3D1110002%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111451%26meid%3Dd28f4678aea44a3db4057e1fc37c1771%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D293858262032%26itm%3D293858253656%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DPromotedSellersOtherItemsV2WithMLRv3&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219&amdata=cksum%3A293858253656d28f4678aea44a3db4057e1fc37c1771%7Cenc%3AAQAFAAACAG%252BwY8TRfzKfGXHpmU%252BekXNkMWqlZL%252By14ZzB2VYspUe8sQFbF5LUHWogMb6Fuu3FNbIUVl6rPA6qElDfbi5AZ1rx0KXNYbSRUFilKOHqYJSVIXyLYKqjFEVnvlKqqscIQ79%252BVgX4rdQHR3h%252B17%252B%252FvxM%252FNqD7e6s4b%252FdbKzLOGahEh4UXgo5BqOq%252FFtT3f8hhEMxowq6AmLDq4kYSIc63%252FO8tvyob0hJ8hpJq2lUJmxAi%252FlFe0y0WtIY4HlMHOidEgG43VBFUyk1SRGSWFEzWj5byg38uL6PECpcvpBJBSNXNnnmtiQczPTGgjaGoIsavazTZX47zUYiER26TG759aw00PGs5PQsiJu4rkZIvo%252BZOCnIvfJlNQ0fg9hALKRIgCET6jil%252FpBNvIhyOqnFe0u0iEAXvL1C1AbxNoCfpcDe03r9ZY%252Bo2p2oQ8tavRdMMpX%252F8DBIPaSk8geSXJ%252BKOnUpH5wOMv89Ncx%252F70yC2QjADCAClhxzkemOFEdZGJsrgiMu9a%252F3ZPSGUCqA3KDDOIqD7vFfAkSpVSIGqhdx20RCjqISQUq%252FoDExUqZpqHfdTS%252FO%252BFo4qvWPbUVD5tqm7HFEky%252Fl6AE%252FCq9u8BizUCCIXdr%252BIGSAGF%252Fcr0ZDK341g8wQwmrD7Yv6oj6wYFeN3E%252BubxJcdvkiHg2hcxC%252FJxaB%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 .  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 05/23/21

05/23/21 Sunday 12:15 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

05/22/21 Saturday 11:45 P.M.  I watched series 3 episode 2 of "Miss Marple" off Amazon Prime Britbox.  I went outside three times.  I drank a 10 ounce www.perrier.com with Angostora Bitters and a brewed coffee.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 8:20 P.M.  Queen Elizabeth II tours new aircraft carrier https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-57214467

Congo Volcano https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57215690 CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 7:35 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of spring water.  CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 7:25 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  Thursday night roast beef dinner for two in Terrytown, New York for $57 plus 25% off with coupon "SAVE"  https://www.groupon.com/deals/bistro-z-3-2?deal_option=9120beb1-f4c4-4629-bc96-552a67733575 .  CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 6:45 P.M.  Coffee Cup $13 https://www.amazon.com/SUNWILL-Coffee-Insulated-Stainless-Reusable/dp/B088FG4CZZ?ref=deals_deals_deals-grid_slot-15_67e5_dt_dcell_img_97_fe4d56fc

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 5:45 P.M.  I rested until 5:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688091204113100 for https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0025UAJXG?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $20.72 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.  I will now throw out the boxes. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-09/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-09/ CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 6:00 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/22/21 Saturday 4:15 A.M.  I woke up, and I drank four ounce of pink grapefruit juice.  I finally woke up at 3 A.M..  I went outside.  I rested a bit.  I got up again.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO 

05/21/21 Friday 9:05 P.M.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/21/21 Friday 8:00 P.M.  This "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuhn,_Loeb_%26_Co." became part of American Express.   I am about to eat 0 ounces of Green Giant creamed broccoli with sauce and a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken Marcella dinner with a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont spring water.  There is a Polaroid 360 camera with flash attachment and case in the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop for $75.  I was once told they still make the film for it in Inchcaday in the Netherlands.  CIO

05/21/21 Friday 7:05 P.M.  I went out to my 2 P.M. appointment.  After my 2 P.M. appointment, I sat out at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I then sat out some more.  I then went to the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop on Hamilton Avenue.  They have a blue baby grand piano with bench for $65.  I bought a solid mahogany like new half oval three legged table for $38.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I brought up the table.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee, and I picked up the mail.  I installed the half oval mahogany table where the other small half oval table was in front of the left living room closet.  It supports the two internet radios and the speaker system.  I threw out the older table.  The lower shoe rack on the back of my bedroom door fell off, so I removed it and supported the upper part.  I put some of the extra shoes in the far right bookcase in the hallway on top of the winter clothing accessories.  I chatted with a friend and a relative.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-08/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-08/ CIO

05/21/21 Friday 12:20 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with two friends.  I will now go outside again.  I will then shower and clean up and get ready to go to my 2 P.M. appointment. 

Tracking is https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&Requester=NES&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&loc=en_US&tracknum=1ZA42706A897692407/trackdetails on the order for 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each carton for $215 total with free shipping on a $200 order. CIO

05/21/21 Friday 10:35 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with four ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  I finally woke up at 9 A.M..  I had four telephone calls on my upcoming Kidney Stone surgery which will be next Thursday May 27, 2021.  I went outside.  I made my bed.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  I will go outside again.  I have a 2 P.M. appointment this afternoon.  CIO

05/21/21 Friday 12:25 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

05/21/21 Friday 12:05 P.M.  I am about to eat 10 ounces of Green Giant creamed spinach with sauce and a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers pulled pork dinner with a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont spring water.  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 11:30 P.M.  Food for thought https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ranlett_Flint and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_Manufacturing_Company CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 11:20 P.M.  I will now go outside again.  "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sephardi_Jews" .  The www.monsanto.com family from Brazil are part of this group.  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 10:50 P.M.  These are not cheap anymore https://www.gucci.com/us/en/ca/men/shoes-for-men/moccasins-and-loafers-for-men-c-men-shoes-moccasins-and-loafers .  they used to be $50 in the late 1960s, when Brooks Brother tassel loafers were also $50.  I still have a pair of black and another pair of brown Brook Brother tassel loafers https://www.brooksbrothers.com/1818-Footwear-Leather-Tassel-Loafers/MH00557_____BRWN_10___D___,default,pd.html?src=googleshopping&cmp=ppc_us_gg_DR_PLA_ML_438767199546_100603230703_2446200196&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxciDiOHZ8AIVh_3jBx2YjQ0qEAQYASABEgId-PD_BwE from my affluent days in Boston as photographer for the company my father worked for called www.polaroid.com where its founder Dr. Edward Land was the first billionaire in Massachusetts with the help of his wife's family's banking firm Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, where I worked for $5 an hour as a photographer in their research laboratory on Osborne Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Jim Warburg senior stated the term "New World Order" in 1952, but it helps if one knows the German language when dealing with them or how to read a Mercedes Benz parts catalog.  There are some imitations here for $40 https://www.ebay.com/itm/293858262032?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111314%26meid%3D4fa75e0a66ab4d439319404be2c9ec5a%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D284275095138%26itm%3D293858262032%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseUnbiasedWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A2938582620324fa75e0a66ab4d439319404be2c9ec5a%7Cenc%3AAQAFAAACAKgfnNJMDwAqJiv6EWsdztEYDJJxgzKIR%252BHGCC8G0zmbXhgh%252Bne44%252FDDuQHYwCFU0FPO5gtPq4fMSJ31E5pdfuwjihB6B3%252BX6flu2QwQMLQqX%252B9giTckvuObnshdoAyyBN5cBnGjFJwF%252B9M2Y%252FfhQWbSMUyVcgwSZvQcXLkK8RQg4x5vAglj4%252BdhaP0xQawviybE9CmRanBdfWmbsp6Y2z43bS5pafLgobFTiU%252FEk6HmaJxVVzbF5dSDGqr%252Fa17hPIOpRuRLa4IMy%252FX2br4pZID%252BjxDPaoct6cFQhAW6qkCHm6nl0r1YM%252FbXMN613q0lBP%252BZ3vYSEcPKMOEJ07cwikTWFCBUBnuHn3b%252Bc9T%252BN6zVH5m13iqy%252FkDoLPLQh%252FPhIWdO6i6sQ24Yc0E2K51AprzoHpSwjYvfoRYKxI6Fmoc23F9HHe%252F7sHr0x4aMnDvYcfD%252B2y7cZtEtkkrBlwN%252F%252FjDaoQO1B6a54p8Od1mNhu9YAD%252BtSSm33MqWsl6WBlFVIKsq0gMhVjsfNU24MXmCJ53dGuXD296Y8prrpQeLMcM9fpAYXWdm%252Ba8u%252B4pJ%252BedNIHdV2hS0UNL9vZI53XV8cXagrRxZZl51%252F5%252FYs%252FnaH2AZKrr1WnpEaFYZazXR9D8KDloLfsXrwd%252BbdRLvd%252FF3dkwUiGIlX2iWBkedRV949s%252FJ%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675


These is my size 9.5 for $200 used https://www.ebay.com/itm/284275095138?hash=item42301db662:g:KpMAAOSwuJZgoE2w CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 9:50 P.M.  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0025UAJXG?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details for $20.72 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

05/20/21 Thursday 8:35 P.M.  I ordered 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each carton for $215 total with free shipping on a $200 order.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

05/20/21 Thursday 8:15 P.M.  I rotated my winter shirts to the far left of the bedroom closet.  I put my summer shirts on the left center of the bedroom closet.  CIO 

05/20/21 Thursday 7:30 P.M.  Frozen Dog https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4512376835440311

007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjqSe1D_sU

007 with the Queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AS-dCdYZbo  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 6:15 P.M.  I chatted with a relative and two friends.  I will now go outside again.  Artic news https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57156839 .  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 5:30 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I picked up the mail.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative.  I called up https://www.gucci.com/us/en/store/725-fifth-avenue , and they told me that their $50 men's shoes in the 1960s did not have solid gold buckles.  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 3:30 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I finally woke up at 3 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO

05/20/21 Thursday 1:00 A.M.  The Warburg family can not afford to keep www.warburg.com going which used to be on Swiss Mountain Climbing, but this German food site works https://www.warburg.de/ .  I threw out the garbage twice.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 11:45 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken basil pesto a 7 ounce ounce Green Giant rice and veggies and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread a 12 ounce glass of Primo Vermont Spring water.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 11:10 P.M.  After the last note, I went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon of Primo Vermont Spring water with bottle return for $4.59.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought three Bourbon Street 14 ounce prepared meals for $4.99 each, one pulled port, one chicken Marcella, and one chicken something or other, and a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean frozen sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $11.99 for $26.96 total.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, and I sat out for a while.  I chatted briefly to two young college students from University of Rhode Island and New York University.  The New York University student was from "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villars-sur-Ollon" .  I then went back to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two pound bag of Mandarin oranges for $4.99, and three various 9 ounce Green Giant microwave vegetables for $2.99 each for $11.85 total.  I then drove home, and I brought up my purchases.  I then went outside, and I put the green bag and the little folding cart back in the car.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 8:35 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 6:45 P.M.  I went out the Urologist doctor.  I was told that on the left side where I had pain, there are just small fragments of a kidney stone, but on the right side, I have a large kidney stone which is not painful yet.  Thus in 5 to 7 days, I have to have surgery at the Greenwich Hospital to remove the kidney stones on both sides.  I also have to quit taking vitamins and supplements for a while.  I can not eat anything after midnight the day of the surgery.  After the surgery, I will have to wear some sort of attachment for two weeks.  I then went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought a 200 count of extra strength Tylenol 500 mg. for $20.49 less a $4 off $20 CVS coupon from a previous purchase for $16.49 total.  I then sat our in the Junior Chamber of Park across the street.  I chatted with a relative on my cell phone.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop twice.  I then went back to the Urologist, and I had to get a prescription prescribed.  I then went back to CVS, and I picked up the prescription.  I used bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I picked up the mail.  They now have extended smoking to 50 feet away from the building.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

05/19/21 Wednesday 11:35 A.M.  https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-dog-dead-months .  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  I have a 1 P.M. appointment today.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 10:10 A.M.  I woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 1:45 A.M.  I will now go back to sleep.  I will take my usual medication and two pain pills before going to bed.  CIO

05/19/21 Wednesday 1:15 A.M.  I woke up at 12:45 A.M..  I went outside.  I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's fetticini Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of spring water.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 11:20 P.M.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 11:00 P.M.  I rested until 8:30 P.M..  I took two pain pills.  I rested until 10:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a glass of water.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 6:50 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I drank some more spring water.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 5:30 P.M.  I woke up at 2:30 P.M., and I took two pain pills.  I went back to sleep until 4:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I did not get any mail.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 12:40 A.M.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/18/21 Tuesday 12:05 A.M.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of spring water.  CIO

05/17/21 Monday 11:30 P.M.  I went outside again. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/17/21 Monday 10:05 P.M.  I rested until 9:15 P.M..  I went outside.  I chatted with a relative.  I am still drinking spring water and going to the bathroom number one a lot.  CIO

05/17/21 Monday 7:30 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription.  I then sat out at the veterans monument at the Board of Education for a while.  I then went by the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a container of Smart Balance spread for $6.99 and a 59 ounce container of Simply Orange pink grapefruit juice for $3.99 for $10.98 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I put away my groceries.  I went outside, and I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  I have also been drinking extra glass of spring water to relieve my large kidney stone.  I have quit taking calcium pills, since they can cause kidney stones.  I will now rest some more.  CIO

05/17/21 Monday 4:20 P.M.  I woke up at 1:45 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  I am not in any pain at the moment.  I have to pick up a prescription at www.cvs.com .  CIO

05/17/21 Monday 2:55 P.M.  I woke up at 1:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  I have a large kidney stone.  I have an appointment with a urologist this Wednesday at 1 P.M..  I will now go outside again.  I chatted with a relative and an associate.  CIO           

05/17/21 Monday 2:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate eight ounces of red skin potato salad with a glass of spring water.  I will now rest some more.  CIO 

05/16/21 Sunday 11:45 P.M.  I drove over to the Greenwich Hospital Emergency room, and I checked in.  They did my vitals and put me on an IV.  They said I was dehydrated, and I probably had a kidney stone.  I chatted with a relative.  They did a CAT scan and confirmed I have a kidney stone.  I chatted with the relative again.  While waiting I was off CNBC Shark Tank.  They prescribed me pain killers that I will pick up tomorrow, and I also have to schedule an appointment with an urologist.  I drove through town.  I went by the Shell gasoline station at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $18.02 of self service premium gasoline for $3.799 a gallon for 4.743 gallons at odometer reading of 121456 miles for 77.1 miles driven since Wednesday April 28, 2021 for 16.256 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned home.  I drank a brewed coffee.  The French Bread II was done.  I drank two glasses of spring water.  I am supposed to drink more water.  I will now rest a bit.  CIO

05/16/21 Sunday 7:40 P.M.  I rested until 7:30 P.M..  I went outside.  I am not feeling well.  I have a pain in my lower left side.  It might be the severe pancreatitis again that I had before.  I chatted with a relative.  I am going to head over to the Greenwich Hospital.  CIO

05/16/21 Sunday 5:10 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/16/21 Sunday 4:50 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I started a loaf of French Bread II in the bread machine.  CIO

05/16/21 Sunday 3:45 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I finally woke up at 3 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           


End of Scott's Notes week of 05/16/21

05/16/21 Sunday 12:30 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 11:05 P.M.  Off Channel 102 Newsmax TV, I watched a program about Air Force 1 in the George W. Bush administration.  It seems to be a complicated process to use that jet.  I will now go outside and throw out the garbage.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 10:05 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken Marcella meal with a 10 ounces of Green Giant Brussels sprouts in butter sauce and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 9:05 P.M.  https://www.greenwichsentinel.com/2021/03/04/a-new-dorothy-hamill-skating-rink-plan-brings-challenges-to-a-byram-community/ .

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 7:55 P.M.  I rested some more until 7:30 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 5:45 P.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 4:40 P.M.  https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=a0ae1477ab01733be4730f20c1fa07a15ec08c516e36fc5d102af35896bb2a8fee39a03dc9835471f0712ec2dbada74dad31336e5e9a07be515e311851c1f68f2a002bd8c2bd00a593694ae80ab0d46c Vitamin D and Covid 19

Taft Games https://www.taftschool.org/athletics/livestream?fbclid=IwAR1aspInjkQBfXMO9wldgiXMUbrtZOF-EBs-WjiubgeKQSgjgS4x8i6LnCE


https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-live-musical-event-explore-interpret-listen-to-famous-movie-scores-tickets-154630821951?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MjA0NTM0MDUvc3Rvcm15MTgwNkBnbWFpbC5jb20vMA%3D%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=eventimage&ref=enivtefor001  Alliance Francaise

https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Greenwich-s-RTM-slashed-the-budget-for-a-new-16177880.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CT_GT_MorningBriefing&sid=5d19d23991d15c62dc5bbcc2 Ice Rink

https://www.greenwichtime.com/entertainment/article/Two-full-shopping-carts-the-story-of-CT-grocer-16171428.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CT_GT_MorningBriefing&sid=5d19d23991d15c62dc5bbcc2 Stew and Martha

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 4:25 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688090964542546 for https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K9YF4P8/ref=pe_386300_442618370_pd_te_s_rtpb_ti/130-5064150-5547450?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00K9YF4P8&pd_rd_r=1X49D8EDSTGNYCT0DEQ8&pd_rd_w=djDVA&pd_rd_wg=UpLzK&pf_rd_p=44df6d0a-39d7-4c40-af5b-773769cb41ac for $5.35 and .34  for $5.69 total was received.  I put it in the skinny syrup bottle in the kitchen.  I washed the breakfast dishes. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-07/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-07/ CIO

05/15/21 Saturday 3:00 P.M.  I woke up at 2 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           

05/15/21 Saturday 12:40 A.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox the series 2 episode 7 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside half way through it.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will now go outside again.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 10:30 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14 ounce Bourbon Brothers chicken Marcella meal with a 10 ounces of Green Giant Brussels sprouts in butter sauce and a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite zero sugar with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 9:55 P.M.  First Selectman Greenwich email https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-geqm0d0jgr?e=d0a721e34a

https://vimeo.com/539296460/fe02275aee Taft School Service of Remembrance 2021

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 8:35 P.M.  I went downtown to the Junior Chamber of Commerce park across from www.cvs.com , and I sat out for a while.  I chatted with a friend on my cell phone, and the friend caught a 43 inch striped bass that he was eating for dinner.  The friend told me old Orvis bamboo fishing rods are worth $5,000, so I told the Orvis store across the street.  I picked up a prescription at CVS.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop, and I sat out some more.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, and I sat out some more at the veterans monument.  I used the bathroom twice at www.starbucks.com , and I chatted with a Starbucks regular.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean frozen sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $11.99, two 14.5 ounce Boston Market frozen Salisbury steak dinners for $2.50 each, a six pack of Thomas' New York Everything bagels for $2.99 and for $4 off each two prepared Bourbon Brothers 14 chicken Marcella meals for $4.99 each for $29.97 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  I then went outside, and I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I am not buying gasoline recently until I use up over a half of the fuel tank with Chevron Techron fuel injector cleaner in it.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 4:30 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289688091199225666 for sheets in queen size in white with coupon code "G56MPSQ9" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XHJQ42H/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 for $18.09 and $1.15 tax for $19.24 total and with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400111899560200271405 for Ray Ban sun glasses https://www.ashford.com/ray-ban-rb4181-710-83.html for $59.99 with coupon code "CPSK34A" for $6 off for and $5.99 shipping and $3.81 tax for $63.79 total arrived.  I put the sheets on the bedroom window sill.  I will carry the new Ray Ban sunglasses with me, when I go downtown.  I will now go outside and throw out the boxes, and I will go downtown.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-06/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-06/  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 3:40 P.M.  I chatted with an associate.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 2:55 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

05/14/21 Friday 2:05 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           

05/13/21 Thursday 10:55 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox the series 2 episode 6 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside half way through it.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 9:30 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  I went outside.  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 8:35 P.M.  I went downtown to the Junior Chamber of Commerce park across from www.cvs.com where I sat out for a while.  I toured CVS.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I sat out some more in the park.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, where I sat out some more.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com , and I sat out some more.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 16 ounce container of red potato salad for $4.50 and two Waterfront 8 ounce imitation crab meat chunks for $2 each for $8.50 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I took a 8 ounce package of Waterfront imitation chunk crab meat, and I broke it up in a large soup bowl.  I seasoned it with Old Bay Seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian spices, ground black pepper and two tablespoons of lime juice, and I mixed it together.  I then mixed in a tablespoon and a half of www.kraft.com Avocado mayonnaise.  I ate it with a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and 8 ounce of red potato salad and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 4:35 P.M.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the remains of the day.  Do not forget to listen to to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M..  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 4:05 P.M.  https://gamblingngo.com/guides/secretariat/

I ordered https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K9YF4P8/ref=pe_386300_442618370_pd_te_s_rtpb_ti/130-5064150-5547450?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00K9YF4P8&pd_rd_r=1X49D8EDSTGNYCT0DEQ8&pd_rd_w=djDVA&pd_rd_wg=UpLzK&pf_rd_p=44df6d0a-39d7-4c40-af5b-773769cb41ac for $5.35 and .34  for $5.69 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and throw out the K cup garbage.  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 3:35 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I filled up the K cup drawers.  CIO

05/13/21 Thursday 2:15 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           

05/12/21 Wednesday 11:15 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox the series 2 episode 5 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside half way through it.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 9:20 P.M.  Gator News https://www.foxnews.com/great-outdoors/florida-fisherman-chased-11-foot-alligator-everglades CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 9:10 P.M.  I watered the plants.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

05/12/21 Wednesday 8:30 P.M.  Back in 1974, when the www.rockefeller.edu family had a bit of influence in New York politics, they used to serve custom made chicken pot pies at a Republican Party fund raiser at the Plaza Hotel.  I just read about.  I could not afford to go.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 8:15 P.M.  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Maria Callender chicken Alfredo and broccoli meal with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and two slices of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 7:30 P.M.  I put the spray nozzle in the rear of the Volvo wagon.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I chatted with a friend on my cell phone.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I sat out some more.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese frozen croissants for $11.99, ten 5.4 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurts for 50 cents each, and buy one get one free of six packs of Thomas' English muffins for $4.49 both for $21.48 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my groceries.  The French Bread II was finished.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and put the green bag back in the car and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 5:10 P.M.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the remains of the day.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 4:35 P.M.  I picked up the mail.  I went through the paper work on the oak dining table, and I threw out a lot of paper.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now throw out the waste paper.  CIO   

05/12/21 Wednesday 3:20 P.M. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 3:05 P.M.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z60YY950311531739&requester=WT/trackdetails for spray nozzle https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RGYDN9P/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2D1P0VLVFXI84&psc=1&tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=06ZAs9UeaJHV7QRLfMmZXDT with $5 clipped coupon and coupon code "A2E6XIGH" for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total arrived. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-05/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-05/ CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 2:10 P.M.  Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400111899560200271405 on the order for Ray Ban sun glasses https://www.ashford.com/ray-ban-rb4181-710-83.html for $59.99 with coupon code "CPSK34A" for $6 off for and $5.99 shipping and $3.81 tax for $63.79 total.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 2:00 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I am making another loaf of French Bread II in the bread machine.  CIO

05/12/21 Wednesday 12:25 P.M.  I woke up, and I ate a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 5.3 ounce Yoplait mixed berry yogurt.  I went outside.  I finally woke up at noon.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           

05/11/21 Tuesday 7:55 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 7:20 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox the second half of series 2 episode 3 of "Miss Marple".  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 6:55 P.M.   I took a 8 ounce package of Waterfront imitation chunk crab meat, and I broke it up in a large soup bowl.  I seasoned it with Old Bay Seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian spices, ground black pepper and two tablespoons of lime juice, and I mixed it together.  I then mixed in a tablespoon and a half of www.kraft.com Avocado mayonnaise.  I ate it with two slices of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite zero sugar and three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside and drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 4:55 P.M.  I ordered Ray Ban sun glasses https://www.ashford.com/ray-ban-rb4181-710-83.html for $59.99 with coupon code "CPSK34A" for $6 off for and $5.99 shipping and $3.81 tax for $63.79 total.

I ordered spray nozzle https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RGYDN9P/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2D1P0VLVFXI84&psc=1&tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=06ZAs9UeaJHV7QRLfMmZXDT with $5 clipped coupon and coupon code "A2E6XIGH" for $8.99 and .57 tax for $9.56 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 4:00 P.M.  I went out to my 1 P.M. appointment.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail.  I filed this report.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 11:30 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I have a 1 P.M. appointment today.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will head out early for my appointment.  I will first go outside again.  CIO

05/11/21 Tuesday 10:15 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.   I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO           

05/10/21 Monday 9:45 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox the first half of series 2 episode 3 of "Miss Marple".  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 8:25 P.M.  I took a 8 ounce package of Waterfront imitation chunk crab meat, and I broke it up in a large soup bowl.  I seasoned it with Old Bay Seasoning, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian spices, ground black pepper and two tablespoons of lime juice, and I mixed it together.  I then mixed in a tablespoon and a half of www.kraft.com Avocado mayonnaise.  I ate it with 8 ounces of red potato salad and a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 7:55 P.M.  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I bought an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar at Zyn Stationary for a dollar, and I lost.  I stopped by and chatted with the www.tesla.com showroom.  I sat out some more at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought two 12 packs of Green Mountain Nantucket blend K cups for $5.99 each box for $11.98 total.  I used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I walked up to the www.chase.com bank at the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I used their ATM machine.  I then sat out at the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I walked back down to the Junior Chamber of Commerce park.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two 8 ounce packages of Waterfront imitation chunk crab meat for $2 each and a 6 pack of Thomas' New York Everything bagels for $2.99 for $6.99 total.  They have one pound cans of crab meat on sale for $12.99 down from $19.99.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I picked up the mail.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 3:45 P.M.  I ordered sheets in queen size in white with coupon code "G56MPSQ9" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XHJQ42H/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 for $18.09 and $1.15 tax for $19.24 total.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 3:05 P.M.  I rested some more until 2:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 12:25 P.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

05/10/21 Monday 11:20 A.M.  I woke up at 10:30 A.M..  I had a telephone call to call Connecticut Medicaid Dental at 1-855-CT-DENTAL.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO        

05/09/21 Sunday 8:35 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 7:55 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox series 2 episode 3 of "Miss Marple".  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 5:55 P.M.  I ate the Boars Head roast beef wrap with 8 ounces of red potato salad and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite zero sugar with three ounce of pink grapefruit juice.  Today is my 71st birthday, so I ate an expensive $11 meal.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 5:05 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox series 2 episode 2 of "Miss Marple".  The French Bread II is almost done.  This time it did not rise completely.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 3:55 P.M.  $230 refurbished https://www.woot.com/offers/samsung-34-ultra-wqhd-monitor-3?ref=w_cnt_wp_0_2

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 3:10 P.M.  I rested until 2:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 1:10 P.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a relative.  I am making another French Bread II load of bread in the bread machine.  CIO

05/09/21 Sunday 11:30 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I chatted with a neighbor.  I went outside.  I chatted with a relative.  I made my bed.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and two clementines.  CIO     


End of Scott's Notes week of 05/08/21

05/08/21 Saturday 10:05 P.M.  I went downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I bought buy one get one 50% of CVS 100 count lens wipes for $10.99 and $5.49 and $1.05 tax for $17.53 total.  I then drove down to the Board of Education parking lot, and I sat out for a while.  I used the Port-O-Potty at the Greenwich Common.  I then drove around downtown.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought four 9.5 ounce Stouffers frozen meals for $2.50 each, two meat loaf and two Alfredo, a roast beef wrap for $7.99, two 8 ounce Perdue white boneless breast of chicken short cuts for $4.99 each, a 24 ounce Bob Evans mashed potatoes for $3.50, and a 16 ounce Red Skin potato salad for $4.50 for $35.97 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my purchases.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 7:40 P.M.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 6:55 P.M.  I went outside again.  https://view.email.aarp.org/?qs=6bea6661efa524f56b5539cb6d88e7e5866051d4c9eb0e45c6298408a1c47cc0f438d325a11c9393dd4e91398d8ff95543b18ac9731cb83814ac20950afd44cb045599daec4bc5a456dd631426285bf1



First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-8iqde89qnf?e=d0a721e34a


I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 5:40 P.M.  I am about to eat a 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a slice of heated French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 5:00 P.M.  I put away the clean laundry.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 4:05 P.M.  I took the white comforter, St. Mary's wool blanket, and Hudson's Bay blanket off the bed, and I stored them away on the left bedroom closet shelf.  I put clean linens on the bed, along with a light white blanket and pink and green quilt.  I chatted with a relative.  I went outside.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I did two loads of wash, and I have 30 and 45 minutes to go on two dry cycles.  I went outside, and I will now go outside again.  I also picked up the mail.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 1:45 P.M.  I went back to bed until 1 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 10:45 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I think it would taste better with a half of an ounce or one tablespoon of the hazelnut flavoring.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO

05/08/21 Saturday 9:00 A.M.  I woke up at 8:15 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a ounce of hazelnut flavor and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO     

05/07/21 Friday 9:20 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox series 2 episode 1 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20210506-russias-eighth-wonder-of-the-world?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews


https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Sort-of-the-end-of-an-era-Jonathan-Bush-16158445.php?src=gthpdesecp  CIO 

05/07/21 Friday 7:05 P.M.  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Maria Callender chicken parmesan with grated parmesan cheese and Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of of Sprite Zero Sugar with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 6:20 P.M.  I drove downtown to the Senior and the  Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area.  I chatted with a www.starbucks.com regular.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I sat out some more.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean frozen sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $11.99, two 64 ounce Welch's grape juice for $4.49 each, and a 64 ounce Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4.29 for $25.25 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away my purchases.  I put the green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1Z60YY950311476808&requester=WT/trackdetails for https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Sugar-Free-Hazelnut/dp/B008GZV44W/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=1E5WM2GISJXPL&dchild=1&keywords=hazelnut+coffee+flavoring+syrup&qid=1620310833&sprefix=hazelnut+coffee+flafor%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTDYwNUc5TDNXVjdMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTM3NDUwMTY0OVlFVDdDMTNNNSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjIyMzI5UVZPRUpCRlE1Uk5WJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $33.53 less a $10 discount from a previous order for $23.53 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.  I put one on the kitchen counter with the coffee stuff, and I stored the other five bottles underneath the kitchen chair.  One is suppose to use one ounce per cup of coffee which would be two tablespoons.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-04/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-04/ .  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 2:40 P.M.  I will now go downtown to loiter on Greenwich Avenue.  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 2:15 P.M.  https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210507-indonesia-s-sinabung-volcano-erupts

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

My www.eversource.com electric bill for April 2021 was $134.21.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 1:40 P.M.  I rested some more until 12:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I chatted with a relative.  Bears news https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56991543 .  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 10:10 A.M.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I threw out the old magazines from the magazine rack.  CIO

05/07/21 Friday 8:05 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and four 1.5 inch by .25 inch by 4 inch slices of white Colby cheese.  I went outside.  I finally woke up at 7:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 6:10 P.M.  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed. 


https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/Jonathan-Bush-brother-of-President-George-H-W-16157306.php?src=gthpdesecp CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 4:55 P.M.  I went outside again.  I picked up the mail.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 3:50 P.M.  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Maria Callender chicken Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite Zero Sugar with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 3:40 P.M.  I drove downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a while.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I walked down lower Greenwich Avenue where lots of people were Al Fresco lunching.  I then walked west on Railroad Avenue.  I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I bought an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, and I lost.  I then walked up Arch Street.  I chatted with a Starbucks regular for a while.  I then used the bathroom at Starbucks, and I sat out downtown for a while longer.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Primo Vermont Spring water with bottle return for $7.49, four 12.4 ounce Maria Callender frozen meals for $2.50 each, two chicken parmesan and two chicken Alfredo, and a five pound bag of Mandarin oranges for $6.99 for $24.48 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I brought up my purchases, and I put them away.  I then put the folding cart and green bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this note.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 11:20 A.M.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to see the mid day rush on Green Witch Avenue.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 10:45 A.M.  I ordered https://www.amazon.com/Jordans-Skinny-Syrups-Sugar-Free-Hazelnut/dp/B008GZV44W/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=1E5WM2GISJXPL&dchild=1&keywords=hazelnut+coffee+flavoring+syrup&qid=1620310833&sprefix=hazelnut+coffee+flafor%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTDYwNUc5TDNXVjdMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTM3NDUwMTY0OVlFVDdDMTNNNSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjIyMzI5UVZPRUpCRlE1Uk5WJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $33.53 less a $10 discount from a previous order for $23.53 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 10:10 A.M.  Tony https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4464843120193683 .  I went back to bed until 9:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 7:30 A.M.  Frank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFham2Xu6nA CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 7:15 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

05/06/21 Thursday 6:00 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread on it.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9400111205537829728631 for this video DVD https://www.infowarsstore.com/infowars-media/videos/endgame-dvd and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_wwUgEei14 for $14.95 with free shipping and the order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889688090959370536 for https://www.amazon.com/Yardwe-Precision-Barometer-Thermometer-Hygrometer/dp/B07Q5PZTTQ/ref=pd_lutyp_hf_spx_1_2/130-9609467-1353923?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07Q5PZTTQ&pd_rd_r=2b2bff43-c507-4438-a656-9adc5b3201c7&pd_rd_w=s9oDr&pd_rd_wg=d8Vuv&pf_rd_p=739c6373-1a44-4b18-8d8f-f930567c4198&pf_rd_r=A99GX7KJR945SF8M4B2R&psc=1&refRID=A99GX7KJR945SF8M4B2R for $17.98 and $1.14 tax for $19.12 total arrived.  I hung the barometer on the back right side of the apartment entrance door.  I woke up at 5 A.M.. I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  I will go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-03/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-03/  CIO         

05/05/21 Wednesday 4:20 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 3:40 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 3:15 P.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox, season 1 episode 10 of "Miss Marple".  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 12:35 P.M.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 12:15 P.M.   I am about to eat a 13 ounce Maria Callender chicken parmesan with grated parmesan cheese and Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 11:35 A.M.  On my Samsung Tracfone, I put 90 more days on the account for $54.66.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 11:05 A.M. I fixed a neighbors television.  I went outside again.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 10:00 A.M.  Gates' Divorse https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56975466


I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 9:05 A.M.  They put a new washer machine in the laundry room.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 7:45 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I started another loaf of French Bread II in the bread machine.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/05/21 Wednesday 6:30 A.M.  I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread before going to sleep.  I woke up at 5:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.   I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO       

05/04/21 Tuesday 3:00 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 2:45 P.M.  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Marie Callender meatloaf and gravy meal with Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a slice of heated French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite Zero Sugar.

!!!!!! https://www.vaccines.gov/  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 1:50 P.M.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop on Hamilton Avenue.  They have lots of nice furniture there.  I bought a medium small suit case with wheels and extendable handle for $28.  I then went by Grass Island, and I sat out for a while enjoying the view.  I used the bathroom at the new pavilion at Grass Island.  They are building another new house on the harbor across from the Indian Harbor Yacht Club.  I then went to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out chatting with a www.starbucks.com regular.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I toured the store.  I sat out across the street at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I then went back into CVS, and I bought two 32 ounce Carmel flavor Cold Brew coffee extract for $5.99 each for $11.98 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put a red luggage tag on the new suitcase.  I stored it behind the Ethan Allen recliner.  I put the cold brew in the refrigerator to chill.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-02/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-02/ CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 9:00 A.M.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see what the daytime people are doing.  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 7:35 A.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox, season 1 episode 9 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside midway through and drank a brewed coffee.  I also did a Complete PC backup of the primary work computer to the second internal hard drive.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 5:00 A.M.  Fred and Ginger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmut0FMoK9E and "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_(1959_film)"

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 4:25 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

05/04/21 Tuesday 3:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance.  I also chatted with a relative.  I finally woke up at 2:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I did not get any mail.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO       

05/03/21 Monday 11:55 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

05/03/21 Monday 11:30 A.M.  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Maria Callender meat loaf dinner with Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 10:50 A.M.  I chatted with a relative twice.


Surfing https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4456537024357626

https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4456412927703369 Club Casablanca

Old cars https://www.facebook.com/skip.benson/posts/4455074064503922

I will now go outside again.  The bread is done.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 9:50 A.M.  I put two new AA alkaline batteries in each of the three First Alert smoke detectors in the apartment.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 9:35 A.M.  I started a loaf of French Bread II in the bread machine before going out.  I drove downtown to the Board of Education parking lot.  I sat out looking at the tulips at the veterans' monument.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area.  I sat out at various locations.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 8 pack of Jimmy Dean frozen sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $11.99.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I put away the groceries.  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 5:50 A.M.  I will now shower and clean up, and then I will go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the start of the day.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 5:25 A.M.  The living room tower air conditioner is all setup and going.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 4:30 A.M.  The bedroom air conditioner is installed.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 3:55 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now install the two air condtioners.  CIO

05/03/21 Monday 2:55 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a bowl of Cheez-its.  I finally woke up at 2:15 A.M.. I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO    

05/02/21 Sunday 10:45 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/02/21 Sunday 9:25 A.M.  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Maria Callender sweet and sour chicken with Smart Balance spread on the vegetables and a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

05/02/21 Sunday 8:35 A.M.  I had a problem sending out my notes.  It turns out the link mentioning Kings Day in the Netherlands this past Wednesday was being blocked by my email server, so once I deleted it, the notes were sent out.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 05/02/21

05/02/21 Sunday 7:15 A.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox, season 1 episode 7 and 8 of "Miss Marple".  I went outside twice, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then go outside.  CIO

05/02/21 Sunday 3:35 A.M.  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/02/21 Sunday 3:00 A.M.  I threw out the garbage.  I drank my coffee outside.  A big brown fox stopped by to see me.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I am watching Sky News.  CIO

05/02/21 Sunday 1:50 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 1 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  CIO  

05/01/21 Saturday 10:45 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 10:15 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 9:30 A.M.  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Maria Callender chicken parmesan with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and a warm slice of French bread with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Sprite with three ounces of pink grapefruit juice.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 9:20 A.M.  I went downtown to the Board of Education parking lot.  I bought a large www.stacbucks.com hazelnut coffee with Splenda sweetener and almond milk for $3.38 off my Starbucks card.  I drank it in front of the Senior and the Arts Center enjoying a quiet morning downtown in Greenwich.  I then bought an Ace's High scratch card at Zyn Stationary for a dollar, and I lost.  I then sat out some more.  I then went to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I bought buy two get one free of Fresca 12 packs for $6.99  each two and $1.80 can deposit and $1.03 tax for $16.81 total.  I then used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop across the street.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a 41 ounce Smart Balance spread for $6.99, a 59 ounce Simply Orange pink grapefruit juice for $3.99, and four 12.4 ounce Maria Callender meals two sweet and sour chicken and two chicken parmesan for $2.50 each for $20.98 total.  I then returned home.  I sat out briefly.  I brought up my purchases, and I put them away.  I then put the folding cart and green bag back in the car, and I moved my car closer to the building, and I sat outside briefly.  I then filed this report.  CIO 

05/01/21 Saturday 5:45 A.M.  I watched off Amazon Prime Britbox series 1 the second half of episode 6 of "Miss Marple".  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to see the early morning rush about town.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 4:45 A.M.  I watered the plants.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 3:55 A.M.  I went outside again. 

Greenwich First Selectman https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-b1jj7s8nla?e=d0a721e34a

https://www.ebay.com/itm/133706643035?_trkparms=5373%3A0%7C5374%3AFeatured plus 15% off with coupon code "PICKCR4MOM " CuisineArt refurbished K cup brewer $80 plus discount

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 2:35 A.M.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

05/01/21 Saturday 1:20 A.M.  I woke up, and I ate a slice of warm French bread with Smart Balance spread.  I finally woke up at 12:15 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.ups.com/track?loc=null&tracknum=1ZXY22171332934161&requester=WT/trackdetails for Timex Scuba watch with light https://www.amazon.com/Timex-TW5M27300-Digit-Black-Silicone/dp/B07MLW6YGB  for $19.37 and $1.23 tax for $20.60 total arrived.  I will eat two Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissants and two toasted English muffins with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of 50% grape juice and 50% Vermont Spring water and vitamins and supplements and a 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee with a package of artificial sweetener and almond milk and a bowl of pineapple chunks and a clementine.  I will now go outside again. 

Pictures here:   http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0521-01/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0521-01/ .  CIO