Michael Louis Scott's Notes March 2023

03/31/23 Friday 10:50 P.M..  I was just thinking during the last ice age fifty thousand years ago, with a lot of the Planet Earth's water in ice up North, we know the oceans were much lower, so possibly the Canary Islands extended up further out of the Atlantic Ocean or were even connected to the continent of Africa or maybe even Europe.  Who knows maybe Volcanic Activity made the Planet Earth colder.  I know there were Norwegians in the Canary Islands during the Ice Age.  Canary Islands word from the Latin word Cannis which means "Dog", so they were called the Isles of Dogs, when rediscovered again, since there were a lot of dogs or similar animals on the islands.  Somebody should look at a satellite photo see what the Canary Islands really look like with out water around them.  Maybe they were Atlantis, but most people think it was Santa Turini in the Mediterranean Sea which erupted about five thousand years ago.  I have read that Northern Africa where the Sahara Desert is was once a fertile plain, so maybe volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands turned it into a desert.  Nobody ever communicates with me on any of my theories, so maybe somebody in the Eastern Hemisphere knows more.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 10:30 P.M..  On the new Optimum Channel Like up with Starz and Showtime starting at Channel 320 going up, I have a whole lot of channels, but some seem a bit too violent or geared towards younger people.  CIO   

03/31/23 Friday 9:30 P.M..  I drove downtown to the Board of Education Veterans Monument Parking lot, and I sat out for a long time on a busy evening.  The tulips are almost half way out of the ground there.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I sat out some more at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I then drove to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  They have one package of Done's back pills for $16.99 left, but the pharmacist told me Aleve would be better for a sore back.  I bought a Daisy's croissant for $2.14.  I ate it in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Parking lot across the street.  I used the bathroom in the CFCF coffee shop.  The men's room bathroom is now fixed.  I then sat outside some more.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.50 a can, two 12 ounce packages of Perdue spicy chicken cutlets for $2.50 each, and from the Clearance Section a two pack of croissants for $1.24 for $13.24 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I took a Aleve for my sore back.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee.  I nodded at the big deer a couple of times, and it nodded back at me.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/31/23 Friday 5:10 P.M..  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9374889691018992694321 for five 5 foot LAN cables https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003V4TPPS/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B003V4TPPS&pd_rd_w=PRwaW&content-id=amzn1.sym.88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_p=88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_r=9DWZGEBE0MY85WX2QWAP&pd_rd_wg=Y4Eus&pd_rd_r=2f4ac78c-b0b9-4c08-876a-b30b51400421&s=pc&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&smid=A1AELTLVGJRO4D&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE0M1NNTkJENTdCWDUmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5NzE2NDMxREtIMzRQUUU4NEVBJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1NjEwMjYySk4yNEdMUE83STVRJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $4.49 each and $1.45 tax for $23.90 total arrived.  I put them with the other cables underneath the left side front of the oak dining table. 

When I chatted with Optimum today, I forgot to mention, there used to be a course at www.nyu.edu on Prehistory that I thought might be interesting. 

I will now go downtown and forage around on Green Witch Avenue.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-15/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-15/ .  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 4:10 P.M..  I rested until 4 P.M..  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  I have a sore back from lifting the 42 pound bottle of water.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 2:50 P.M..  I went outside.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 pound bottle of Primo Vermont Spring water with bottle return for $7.49.  I then returned home.  I used my little folding cart to bring up the water.  I then put the folding cart back in the car.  I will now try to take a nap.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 12:55 P.M..  I am about to eat a 10.5 ounce Stauffer's chicken Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 12:25 P.M..  I ordered 12 noodle soup bowls https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0054TWQ2C/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $9.99 . 

I ordered five pound bag of flour https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PL2W0U?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $3.06 total.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 11:35 A.M..  I rested until 8:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I chatted with Optimum for a long time.  They are going to lower my bill by $15, and for six months on channels starting with 320 and 340, they are going to give my Starz and Showtime TV and the Premium editions, and after six months they will renew it for free.  I went outside again, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 7:00 A.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/31/23 Friday 6:00 A.M..  I woke up, and I chatted with a friend, and I ate a yogurt.  I finally woke up at 5 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  For April 2023, I paid my Verizon telephone and my Eversource electricity bills and Optimum Online bill which is now $249 for three Optimum services.  I paid my rent to the Housing Authority of Greenwich.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

03/30/23 Thursday 5:30 P.M..  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel Completes roast beef and mashed potatoes with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

03/30/23 Thursday 4:45 P.M..  Maybe they should open a thrift shop to get some clothes https://www.cnn.com/style/article/naked-art-london-facemask-intl-scli-gbr/?dicbo=v2-aKG7d5a&hpt=ob_blogfooterold .  I guess their is a shortage of wool in England.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 4:40 P.M..  Faroe Island news https://www.cnn.com/style/article/faroe-islands-andrea-gjestvang-atlantic-cowboys/index.html .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 4:30 P.M..  Well the Microsoft Windows 11 beta Canary 30324 is the beta for Windows 12 https://www.pcworld.com/article/1674397/microsoft-windows-12-corepc-hudson-valley-rumor.html , but there does not seem to be much local interest.  I have a relative that still owns a 16 year old Dell XP computer, so some people think if it works don't fix it.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 4:20 P.M..  I channel surfed.  I guess there are a lot of problems in the world in the daytime, when not star gazing at night.  I went outside.  I noticed in the Acme grocery store this morning they have two or three copies of the salmon colored Financial Times of London https://www.ft.com/ .  One of my former neighbors on Steamboat Road used to read the Financial Times, and he was an Economist also.  Before the Bank collapse twenty years ago, he recommended Platinum Futures, which went up when the Banks collapsed.  He also read https://www.barrons.com/ , and his investments did well, and he moved to Belle Haven before he passed away a few years ago.  Of course a European education in Economics might be better in Europe.  One of his former country associates however happens to be the wealthiest person in the world, but I am not sure he was in connection or not.  CIO 

03/30/23 Thursday 3:05 P.M..  Tracking is https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/track?track=yes&trackNums=1Z2V07F80305930693&requester=ST/trackdetails on the order for recertified Cuisine Art Air Fryer https://www.ebay.com/itm/234695483782?_trkparms=5373%3A0%7C5374%3AFeatured for $89.99 and $5.71 tax for $95.70 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 2:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  As far as I can remember, the only two jobs I have ever had in Greenwich, Connecticut was when I was sixteen years old in the summer, I helped frame a house on Baldwin Farms South for $5 an hour for my family which cost $85,000 to build on two acres.  Also in June 1973, when my family moved back to Greenwich from Weston, Massachusetts, I got a job at Boodles as a waiter across from the Greenwich Library which was owned by somebody from R.J. Reynolds and a race car driver, but I lost that job in October 1973, when the stock market crashed, when Nelson Rockefeller blocked all of the oil tankers in New York Harbor from off loading oil, so there was an oil shortage.  I guess he had that much influence.  When I ventured back into Manhattan, I met Fred Von Mierers at Le Jardin discothèque with all of his jet set friends, and the following day, he was pictured shaking hands in the society column of the Daily News with Nelson Rockefeller, so until February 1975, I tried to keep an eye out on Fred's neighborhood at 420 East 49th Street.  In that period Citicorp built a new fifty story office building at Third Avenue around 50th Street, but Fred banked at the Chemical Bank across the street from the British consulate, so I knew he had a bit of money from his father's dry cleaning business in Brooklyn.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 1:40 P.M..  I am about to eat a 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo with grated parmesan cheese and a medium potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 1:05 P.M..  Back when gasoline was $5 a gallon about fifteen years ago, there were a whole lot of used GMCs and Chevrolet Suburbans for sale on Route 7 up around Wilton, Connecticut.  Thomas Watson III and Patty Hearst and Nasdaq are all in Wilton, so they can afford to strut their stuff.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 12:05 P.M..  I went to the www.chase.com Bank at the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I got a roll of quarters for $10.  I chatted with somebody from Wilton, and they told me about https://www.devanchevybuick.com which sells big Secret Service type vehicles.  I drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a half hour.  I viewed www.starbucks.com .  I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought a Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, and I lost.  I sat out some more.  I spent 75 cents parking on Greenwich Avenue.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.69.  When I get the new air frier, I will be able to cook fish and chips which I like.  I then returned home.  I put the Smart Balance spread in the refrigerator, and I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  I do not trust using too much of the electronic communications in America, since it always eves dropped upon by nefarious individuals.  I prefer chatted with people directly based on what I know which might be more.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 9:30 A.M..  King Charles in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-65118773 .

I will now go downtown and spend a few quarters to hang out at the end of the month, when nobody has any money.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 9:20 A.M..  I bought recertified CuisineArt Air Frier https://www.ebay.com/itm/234695483782?_trkparms=5373%3A0%7C5374%3AFeatured for $89.99 and $5.71 tax for $95.70 total.  I will put it on top of the stainless steel cart in the kitchen.  Dishwashers from www.nantucket.net know a thing or two about cooking even though they are basically slave labor and not paid very much.  I also used to cover the South Shore of Nantucket which is a nice Sandy Beach where John Kerry hides out with Bill Heinz's money.  There used to be a railroad on the south shore of Nantucket, but the tides washed it away.  Sandy beaches change with the tides.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 8:30 A.M..  The Bickford family here in Greenwich own Ihop.  There used to be one on the Post Road on the East Side of Darien by the self service car wash https://www.ihop.com/en/specials/ihoppy-hour .

recertified CuisineArt Air Frier $90 https://www.ebay.com/itm/234695483782?_trkparms=5373%3A0%7C5374%3AFeatured  

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 7:50 A.M..  I made a $20 gift to the Taft School https://www.taftschool.org/giving/make-a-gift?bbeml=tp-vYnGEADePEqQiav--RQFhA.jtKRdIHVt5UiNOhsdvUEACQ.rO2j2a5Hh10SaCMeWJji8Dg.l7e6oZB2mU0armpzqC0meVw .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 7:25 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/30/23 Thursday 6:35 A.M..  I woke up at 6 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

03/29/23 Wednesday 7:45 P.M..  I ate a bowl of Post Grain First raisin, dates, and almonds cereal with almond milk.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 6:35 P.M..  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=111-6840141-9200211&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=207716538453301 for four flashlights https://www.amazon.com/EVEREADY-Flashlight-Multi-Pack-Emergencies-Batteries/dp/B00LP3XSQ4/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=flashlight%2Bd%2Bbattery&qid=1679990549&sr=8-10&th=1 for $15.59 and .99 tax for $16.58 total and a hundred AA alkaline batteries https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Performance-Alkaline-Batteries-100-Pack/dp/B01B8R6PF2/ref=sxin_18_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-YWEgYmF0dGVyaWVz-ac_d_rm_rm_rm&content-id=amzn1.sym.b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25%3Aamzn1.sym.b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25&cv_ct_cx=AA+batteries&keywords=AA+batteries&pd_rd_i=B01B8R6PF2&pd_rd_r=f8631027-412d-43a9-83ee-66bd236b6532&pd_rd_w=b7ck8&pd_rd_wg=s5cgX&pf_rd_p=b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25&pf_rd_r=PDR6W2JKACVE2BDVCSYW&qid=1679983212&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=1-1-7d9bfb42-6e38-4445-b604-42cab39e191b for $26.99 and $1.71 tax for $28.70 total arrived.  I put the batteries in the flashlights, and I placed them on top of the Buckingham Palace model from the Danbury Mint at the apartment entrance.  I put the batteries with the other batteries in the bedroom.  I will now go outside and throw out the shipping box.  

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-14/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-14/  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 6:05 P.M..  I channel surfed.  I then went outside again.  When I first arrived back in Greenwich from www.nantucket.net on December 13, 1983 on the Aga Khan's birthday, when he was living here as the High Commissioner of Refugees at the United Nations, they found me a welfare attic room at 100 Milbank Avenue across from the Observatory for $240 a month and gave me $200 a month welfare to live on, since I was disabled.  I used the Greenwich Library every day, and I could eat dinner at the old Greenwich Hospital for $2 a meal which were very good meals.  For breakfast I would walk to the Greenwich Food Market on Greenwich Avenue and buy a quart of Columbo vanilla yogurt and a quart of orange juice.  Next to my rental room with shared bath was Spyros Scorros' chauffeur.  Thus until June 1984, when I moved to 700 Steamboat Road way out of town, I spent a lot  of time downtown, and for two months, when I moved out 100 Milbank Avenue, I lived in a room on a second floor apartment at Greenwich Avenue and Grigg on the northwest corner above the movie theatre, where I saw a lot of people downtown.  That is now the location of the www.apple.com Computer store.  I even volunteered for two years at the computer consignment shop on Grigg Street, when I bought an Apple 2E computer from a tag sale on Round Hill Road for $100 from somebody from Belgium that worked for J.P. Morgan on September 1989, and my mother even bought me a used I 386 tower computer there for a thousand dollars at the consignment shop about 1990.  Thus the computers never lead to work, but it has kept me busy.  I even typed out on my 100 page memoir on a Smith Corona electric type writer that I bought used for $40 from Olive Watson at the Round Hill Church thrift shop.  I took typing around 1965 for summer school on an IBM Selectric at Eastern Middle Summer School, and I sat next to Mike Morano who was a Greenwich Country Day classmate and son of the man that the bridge that fell down when I was out on Nantucket on April 1983 was named after.  I also recall seeing some Greenwich Country Day classmates on Nantucket and Lake Forest College classmates and Taft School classmates.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 4:20 P.M..  Cat News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-65113651

It was reported on the internet by Bill Clark before he died that a Mountain Lion was spotted crossing Glenville Road onto the Rockefeller property about ten years ago.  They probably have a lot of extra food there. 

The mother deer was spotted eating in our garden here this morning.  The like apples, if one can afford apples.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 4:00 P.M..  https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-francis-hospital-previously-scheduled-check-up-2023-03-29/

I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 3:25 P.M..  I went out to Whole Foods on East Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five pound bag of organic Russet potatoes for $2.99.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I paid a dollar in quarters to park for an hour sitting outside.  I used the bathroom at the Senior and the Arts Center.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 48 ounce container of Silk vanilla almond milk for $4.  They now have five gallon bottles of Primo Vermont Spring water there.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/29/23 Wednesday 12:35 P.M..  I went outside again.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  I guess Greenwich, Connecticut is named after Greenwich Village which is named after Greenwich, England where the Royal Naval Hospital is located.  I guess the British in sailing the seven seas are not use to getting too much sun, so they have to pale out, when they get back to Jolly Old England.  They used to say in Florida, the Swedes tan so dark, when they get back up North, they will  have a hard time getting a drink a Georgia.  I used to know a few life guards, and the last time I was in Key West in February 1982, when I got fourth degree sun burn, I met the head of dermatology at www.columbia.edu , and he told me to stay out of the sun.  I also met a friend of Senator Lowell Weicker who was a former neighbor in Greenwich which friend was a former www.navy.mil medic , and he gave me some medication to kill the sun burn.  I have been out in the sun a few times in my life, but about 25 years ago, Dr. Conners the dermatologist here in Greenwich told me I should not go out in the sun until after 3 P.M. in the afternoon.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 11:45 A.M..  I am about to eat a 12.5 ounce Boston Market Barbecue hamburger meal with a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 11:35 A.M..  I went outside again.  I finished updating the Acer laptop.  I left it on top of the two other laptop computers on the right side of the oak dining table.  In the old days, when my family did not have the two oak leaves in the oak table, we thought we were knights of the Round Table.  Not it slightly oval.  We bought it at the United House Wreckers back around 1963, when we had a large kitchen in back country Greenwich.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 10:35 A.M..  One can look here for cold weather clearance items https://www.sierra.com/ CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 10:25 A.M..  I chatted with a friend from Pennzoil Racing.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I am still updating the Acer laptop.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 8:35 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  From the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet, I took out the Acer laptop that I bought from Microsoft  three or four years ago at Christmas time for $300.  I later put in a SSD drive to make it faster, and I have it upgraded to Windows 11.  I also  have a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2019 on it.  I am now charging it up, and I am installing the Windows 11 Updates and the Norton Internet Security 360 updates on it.  Once it is all updated, I will put it on the laptop stack on the stainless steel cart.  On the lower right of the stainless steel cart, I have a Asus 15.6 inch Chromebook and a 11.6 inch Samsung Chromebook.  In my "Situation Room", I have to keep updating and maintaining my computer equipment.  My rich American Red Cross friends that worked in a tent full of body parts after "911" suggested that I setup an office after "911" in case anything similar happens in this area.  At the moment in the past week they have crossed the Atlantic on a cruise ship and arrive in South Hampton, England this Saturday after having part of their cruise stops cancelled because of rioting in Europe and North Africa.  They want to take the train from England to France, which may not happen.  One of them does speak French though.  The wife is on the Board of Trustees of Barnard College up at www.columbia.edu , and she knows Martha Stewart, so she is well connected with the women in Manhattan and at the United Nations.  They even used to have a retired www.cia.gov friend in Greenwich who used to live across the street from the Greenwich High School.  He has a medical degree from www.yale.edu and is also a psychiatrist and is an expert of Iroquit poisoning which a lot of people suffer from on the East Coast of America.  He is also related to Skikorsky the helicopter family from Connecticut, so they constantly travel the World.  They once came out here from Manhattan with a Saudi Arabian woman who was not too impressed with my old Volvo wagon and Tod's Point.  United Technologies in Connecticut was bought by Raytheon, and they have a lot of defense manufacturing down in Georgia, where they now live off the coast of Georgia in Sea Island, Georgia where some of the www.coke.com people also live.  They told me ship loads of expensive foreign automobiles also arrive in the port in Brunswick, Georgia where they volunteer inspecting ships that come and go.  They also volunteer at the old R.J. Reynolds's plantation helping to restore slave cabins, when not busy with other local affairs down South.  I guess Ted Turner and his Southern spies have their eyes on them a lot of time.  They do not own televisions, but she networks with British women's literary book groups off her Chomebook.  He likes listening to Conservative radio stations.  He also has a son in England.  The wife has two children on of whom is a Pediatric Surgeon living in Hawaii, so they definitely have very good American Red Cross connections, and the wife also has worked as a "Big Apple" greeter in Manhattan showing new residents around Manhattan.  She also worked for Nelson Rockefeller on his political campaigns.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 6:45 A.M..  Dutch Crack Down on British Youths https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65107405

King Charles State Visit Cancelled https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65064510 and https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64954731

A number of web sites today are asking for security verification this morning.  Something must be wrong on the internet this morning. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 5:35 A.M..  half price $99 mini computer, link not working though https://slickdeals.net/f/16543150-dell-optiplex-3050-mff-desktop-refurb-i3-7100t-8gb-ram-128gb-ssd-94-50-more-free-s-h?src=frontpage_recombee&prop=rcmid-f5a7819bc5f3bb0154d915b491745b8c&attrsrc=Personalization%3AInterspersed%3ATrue

Panasonic 2.2 square microwave oven $239 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DEWZWDU/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gottadeal-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01DEWZWDU  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

Quite a few web sites not working this morning. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 4:45 A.M..  Free Software https://download.cnet.com/ 

I will now go outside again into the wilderness of greater southwestern Connecticut.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 4:25 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  With www.ibm.com Big Blue nearby in Armonk, New York; there are so many computer tech people around here, nobody bothers networking with anyone in Greenwich.  I do know there are big thick optic fiber cables running up Round Hill Road in back country, and over a decade ago, when we had hurricane Sandy, I saw a ten foot diameter satellite dish on a truck driving down Greenwich Avenue.  There used to be an orange metal stick in my neighborhood across from www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue that said, "Do Not Dig Trans Atlantic Cable", so someone or somebody is probably doing something on the internet here unknown to their neighbors.  CIO

03/29/23 Wednesday 3:35 A.M..  I woke up twice, and I went outside twice, and once for a long time.  I ate two raspberry tarts and a croissant.  I finally woke up at 3 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO   

03/28/23 Tuesday 11:45 A.M..  I ate a croissant.

Catch a wave https://www.bbc.com/sport/surfing/65056499  

Inflation on Greenwich Avenue https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-parking-meters-17855797.php

I will now shut down the primary work computer. 

I will go outside. 

I will then eat a yogurt. 

I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 10:50 A.M..  I chatted with two relatives and a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 9:40 A.M..  I went out, and I went by www.mcdonalds.com on West Putnam Avenue, and I got two McGriddle breakfast sandwich to go for $6.44 total.  I then went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out eating my breakfast sandwiches.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice.  I stopped by Zen Stationary, and I bought an Ace's High scratch card for a dollar, and I lost as usual.  I sat out at the Board of Education Parkinig Lot Veterans monument, and there is a sign there saying tomorrow is Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Day.  I chatted with a neighbor.  At 7 A.M., I went to Palm Barbers on Church Street, and I got a short hair cut for $37.50 and $7.50 tip for $45 total.  I then went to the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine at the top of Greenwich Avenue.  I then toured www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  The men's toilet at the CFCF coffee shop was broken.  I then sat out at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $2.99 each, four Page cherry yogurts for $1.25 each, and from the clearance section a two pack of croissants for $1.24 and two raspberry croissants for $1.24 for $13.46 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I sat outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  At Peabody's garage on Church Street, they have an older Burgundy Jaguar sedan for sale.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 5:10 A.M..  I will now go downtown to forage around with not much happening with everyone away on Spring Break.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 4:35 A.M..  There is another Midnight Mike in Jupiter, Florida who is a Disc Jockey http://midnightmike.net/ .  He must know Jimmy Eldert, the Radio Disc Jockey from Santa Cruz, California.

Some Disc Jockeys in Las Vegas make over fifty thousand dollars a night, so I guess they know what they are doing.

Alas there are no discos nearby in this area.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 4:25 A.M..  I went outside again. 

I ordered four flashlights https://www.amazon.com/EVEREADY-Flashlight-Multi-Pack-Emergencies-Batteries/dp/B00LP3XSQ4/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=flashlight%2Bd%2Bbattery&qid=1679990549&sr=8-10&th=1 for $15.59 and .99 tax for $16.58 total.

I order five 5 foot LAN cables https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003V4TPPS/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B003V4TPPS&pd_rd_w=PRwaW&content-id=amzn1.sym.88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_p=88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_r=9DWZGEBE0MY85WX2QWAP&pd_rd_wg=Y4Eus&pd_rd_r=2f4ac78c-b0b9-4c08-876a-b30b51400421&s=pc&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&smid=A1AELTLVGJRO4D&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE0M1NNTkJENTdCWDUmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5NzE2NDMxREtIMzRQUUU4NEVBJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1NjEwMjYySk4yNEdMUE83STVRJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== for $4.49 each and $1.45 tax for $23.90 total. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Midnight Mike has to stay awake to make sure nothing ever happens.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 2:40 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.

I will then shower and clean up.  CIO

03/28/23 Tuesday 2:10 A.M..  I rested until 1:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I got the Google displays working by turning on and off the wireless routers.

I ordered a hundred AA alkaline batteries https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Performance-Alkaline-Batteries-100-Pack/dp/B01B8R6PF2/ref=sxin_18_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-YWEgYmF0dGVyaWVz-ac_d_rm_rm_rm&content-id=amzn1.sym.b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25%3Aamzn1.sym.b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25&cv_ct_cx=AA+batteries&keywords=AA+batteries&pd_rd_i=B01B8R6PF2&pd_rd_r=f8631027-412d-43a9-83ee-66bd236b6532&pd_rd_w=b7ck8&pd_rd_wg=s5cgX&pf_rd_p=b09913c7-88ee-4b06-b977-3fd4ebd29a25&pf_rd_r=PDR6W2JKACVE2BDVCSYW&qid=1679983212&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=1-1-7d9bfb42-6e38-4445-b604-42cab39e191b for $26.99 and $1.71 tax for $28.70 total.  CIO 

03/27/23 Monday 8:35 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/27/23 Monday 7:40 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by 1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I also ate a 8 ounce yogurt.  I finally woke up at 7 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/27/23 Monday 9:20 A.M..  I channel surfed.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 8:15 A.M..  I am about to eat a 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs with a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 7:25 A.M..  At far end of the oak dining table on the lower right HP I 5 Desktop computer, I have Windows 11 beta Canary 30324 installed and configured.  It works just fine.  Unfortunately, there is no money in beta testing, it is just what I have learned to do over all of these years on low income with my at home situation room.  I supposed some of the local youth on low budget with older equipment might beta test too.

It seems the Google Displays are not working again.  It seems like possibly I am getting a Denial of Service of Attack on my internet setup.

I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 6:00 A.M..  At the far end of the oak dining table on the lower right HP I 5 desktop, I installed the latest Windows 11 beta Canary 30324.  I now have to configure it.  It is available in the beta link below.  I installed it Rufus style, so it works on the older computer.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 4:35 A.M..  I went out to www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue, I bought two https://www.cvs.com/shop/super-beta-advanced-dietary-supplement-60ct-prodid-390416 for $39.99 each less 25% discount with a previous purchase coupon for $63.98 total.  I then drove down the deserted Greenwich Avenue except the street cleaner as far as  www.starbucks.com and back uptown my usual way.  I then went to the Putnam Shell at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $20 of self service premium gasoline for $4.399 a gallon for 4.549 gallons at odometer reading of 123941 miles for 63.7 miles driven since Thursday March 9, 2023 for 14.004 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned home.  I saw a young fawn at the driveway entrance.  I put away my purchase.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.

!!!!!! On can created a Windows 11 beta Rufus for older machines with this method by downloading the latest Windows 11 beta 25300 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewiso?rfs=1 , and I used this procedure for Windows 11 on an older PC, Windows 11 Rufus installed from USB Pen Drive  I made a Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive with this method this https://rufus.ie/en/ to created a Windows 11 bootable USB pen drive for it to upgrade https://www.elevenforum.com/t/create-bootable-windows-11-iso-without-tpm-secure-boot-and-ram-requirements.1891/ I formatted the over 8 GB USB pen drive in NTFS, and I set Rufus to "MBR" selected and the second and third advanced options selected, also select options no TPM/no Secure boot.  The different language versions of the Windows 11 *.iso download are here https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 thus for example if one wanted Windows 11 Professional in French download the *.iso file and make the Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive the same way.  Once again the Complete PC backup does not work, but Aomei backup does work.

I will now go  outside again.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 3:05 A.M..  I will now go downtown for a Midnight Mike drive.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/27/23 Monday 2:50 A.M..  To make a bootable BSD drive, one downloads it here https://www.freebsd.org/ or this image https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/how-create-bootable-freebsd-usb-in-windows-for-freebsd-12-0-current-i386-20171213-r326820-disc1.63807/ and use this rufus method https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/28780/tool-to-create-bootable-freebsd-usb-flash-drives which one downloads from here https://rufus.ie/en/ .  Once the bootable BSD USB pen drive is created in the computer bios under boot, one has to enable "UEFI" and then select the boot option USB UEFI when booting from the USB pen drive.  It takes over a half hour to to boot the pen drive.  However, BSD has a low level format utility to get rid of an old partition on the computer which is necessary when using the Aeomei backup restore utility on it to restore one's backup, if one has an Aeomei backup.  Also if one does not have a Aeomei backup, one might need to run the low level format utility on the internal hard drive to permit installing Windows 11 new install from a pen drive which one can do by disabling UEFI in the bios and booting the Windows 11 USB pen drive.  Of course different bios work differently.

However, this is how I was able to restore my Aeomei Windows 10 backup to a second desktop computer.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 1:55 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 1:20 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/27/23 Monday 12:20 A.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by 1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at 11:40 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.   I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/26/23 Sunday 1:35 P.M..  I ate a bowl of Post Grain First raisin, dates, and almonds cereal with almond milk.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 1:05 P.M..  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/26/23 Sunday 12:35 P.M..  I watched off Netflix episode 1 of, "The Night Agent."  I went outside midway through, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 10:50 A.M..  I rested until 10:15 A.M..  I went outside.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 8:30 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 7:05 A.M..  I am about to eat four 1/4th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, with a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread, and a 7 ounce pouch of Green Giant microwave baby Brussels sprouts with butter sauce and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 03/26/23

03/26/23 Sunday 6:05 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

Panasonic Microwave Oven $160 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DEWZUG4/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ascsubtag=cx5yd085dct8uxuja6lliaz32cmH0ji2  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm  . 

I will now send out my weekly notes. 

I will then go outside.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 4:55 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The Windows 10 Professional installation on the restore on the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop on the upper left side at the far end of the oak dining table is working just fine.  I will now do an Aeomei backup off it.  However, the wireless on the Google displays is not working again.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 3:25 A.M..  On the upper left Dell Optiplex 790 at the far end of the oak dining table, I changed the CMOS to UEFI, and then I booted the bootable BSD USB pen drive which takes a while.  I then did a low level format of the SSD drive.  I am now restoring the Aeomei backup of the Dell Optiplex 790 on the left side of the primary work computer.  Hopefully, since they are the same computers, I will not get product activation.  After restoring, I have to disable UEFI in the CMOS boot option. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 2:30 A.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  On the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop on the upper left side at the far end of the oak dining table.  I am booting up the OSB pen drive, and if I can restore the Aeomei backup of the new Dell Optiplex 790 Windows 10 Professional, I will restore it after doing a low level format.

I will now go outside and drink another brewed coffee.  CIO

03/26/23 Sunday 1:25 A.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by 1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of extra sharp cheddar cheese.  On the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop on the left side of the primary work computer, I put the printer stand on it, and I moved the Dell laser printer from the right side of desk to on top of it.  I finally woke up at 12:45 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I got a grant letter for Energy assistance, and I received $600 which will go into my electricity account in the near future.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/25/23 Saturday 1:20 P.M..  The new Dell Optiplex Windows 10 Professional setup does not recognized the USB printer hub connected to it, so the Xerox laser printer does not work off of it.  Maybe it might work off the wireless option, I do not know.  I shut it down for now.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 12:05 P.M..  I ate a 9 ounce Hormel Completes spaghetti and meat sauce meal with grated parmesan cheese and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO 

03/25/23 Saturday 11:25 A.M..  I went outside twice, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  I chatted with a relative and a friend.  I have the Dell Optiplex 790 I 5 Desktop computer setup with Windows 10 Professional and the other Microsoft programs that I bought.  I put a new web cam and headset on it.  It seems to be working just fine.  However, the Windows Complete PC backup to an external hard drive will not work, so I am now doing an Aeomei backup.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 7:25 A.M..  Windows 11 on the Dell Optiplex 790 on the left side of the primary work computer is not activated.  To make it more useful, I bought https://shop.winandoffice.com/usa/product/windows-10-professional-visio-2019-professional-project-2019-professional-office-2019-professional-plus/ for $29.99.  While downloading the Windows 10 download, I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  On the installation computer, I booted the low level format software, and I did a low level format.  I made a Windows 10 Professional USB pen drive with Rufus.  I am  now installing Windows 10 Professional on the computer.  I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 4:55 A.M..  Intel Gordon Moore dies https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65073812

Royal Cut Backs coming https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/prince-harry-meghan-markles-eviction-tip-iceberg-king-charles-plans-slim-monarchy

There are a few vacant apartments in my State of Connecticut public housing project, but since it is Connecticut public housing and not Federal, the utilities which are very expensive are not included. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/25/23 Saturday 4:40 A.M..  I went outside again.  I know a few things in this area that the Hearst California newspaper the https://www.greenwichtime.com/ sells over priced real estate.  A lot of the older homes were not that well built.  They can have problems with termites and carpenter ants eating away the foundations.  A lot of them have asbestos in them which is a health problem.  A lot of them have older electrical systems that are not up to today's codes.  The older ones with iron pipes can have the inside of the iron pipes corroded, so there is not as much water pressure.  Also older sewer systems can malfunction.  Also due to the harsher weather conditions in this area, roofs can deteriorate and leak.  Also some of the older homes are not that well insulated.  Also older heating and cooling systems with today's higher energy bills are not that efficient.  So despite the interior decoration and recent paint jobs, they are over priced.  Thus let the buyers beware.  In the old days, I saw a lot of older homes at tag sales that cheaper older people were trying to maintain, and although they were in prestigious neighborhoods, they looked to be maintenance nightmares.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 3:45 A.M..  I am about to eat five 3/16th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, with a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread, and a 7 ounce pouch of Green Giant microwave baby Brussels sprouts with butter sauce and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 3:05 A.M..  First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-10121999?e=d0a721e34a

Weather Station $18 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YDBSMM1/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325  

Jump Start System $36 https://www.walmart.com/ip/EverStart-Maxx-700-Amp-Jump-Starter-with-Triple-USB-Charging-Ports-and-Pivoting-LED-Work-Light/196245929?irgwc=1&irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_xWeTraQLBxyNTcI2lMVryyb0UkAWmvwB1y4MVE0&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_10531&clickid=xWeTraQLBxyNTcI2lMVryyb0UkAWmvwB1y4MVE0&sharedid=&affiliates_ad_id=566719&campaign_id=9383

Tower Fan $21 https://www.bestbuy.com/site/holmes-31-in-oscillating-tower-fan-white/5073524.p?acampID=0&irclickid=3MqSUyQLBxyNWcoyN1RyT3oEUkAWmvVt1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&loc=Internet+Marketing+Solutions+of+Nevada&mpid=10531&ref=8575135&skuId=5073524 

Danish Butter cookies $3.38 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FNFL0G?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 

 I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 2:40 A.M..  I setup the Google Display for calling with all of my 500 contacts not that anyone is interested in chatting with tech people.  Read this https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/systems-analyst-salary-SRCH_KO0,15.htm why you are taking advantage of me.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 1:50 A.M..  The  Dell Optiplex 790 Desktop computer to the left of the primary work computer is all updated with Windows 11 and Norton Internet 360 Security.  Thus in the last month, I have tested and updated all of my computers.  I have three Chromebook laptops, but one does not update them.  I also have about nine Microsoft Surface RTs that one does not update.

I will now go outside again.  CI

03/25/23 Saturday 1:35 A.M..  I fixed the Google Display at the hallway entrance.  I am now installing the Windows 11 updates on the  Dell Optiplex 790 Desktop computer to the left of the primary work computer.  CIO

03/25/23 Saturday 1:20 A.M..  I rested until 12:40 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/24/23 Friday 10:35 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a cup of coffee.  I had a conference with the, "Bambi Night Watch."  There were about seven of them out there.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 9:30 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate two raspberry tarts and nine Danish butter cookies.  I finally woke up at 8:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=111-2969387-3565833&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=207075474950301 for two power strips https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0080Z7974/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1 for $9.59 and .61 for $10.20 total arrived.  I put them underneath the right chair at the oak dining table.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-13/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-13/  CIO   

03/24/23 Friday 10:00 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 9:15 A.M..  Even though the apartment wifi is still working, all of the Google Displays and Google Dots which I never use quit connecting to the WiFi.  Possibly something is wrong with Google Home App.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 8:25 A.M..  I chatted with a friend with www.army.mil experience and very cold weather experience.  One of the times I visited www.dartmouth.edu , I learned the United States Army had their cold weather studies project up there.   Of course in the www.af.mil the Unites States Air Force and the Canadian Air Force used to have the DEW line up in Northern Canada, where it is minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  I used to see some of their people in the Florida Keys coming out of Homestead Air Force Base thawing out after a few months up in the far North.  Down in Key West, where some people have never been North, they used to call Greenwich, Connecticut Greenwich Village or Greenland, because to them it was awfully cold here in the winter particularly after Mount St. Helen's erupted on May 8, 1980, when in February 1982, it was minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit in Manhattan, so further up North it was even colder.  Thus Florida has been busier ever sense.  I am no relation to Scott U.S.A., but maybe distant, and they are in Sun Valley, Idaho which is the ski resort the W. Averill Harriman developed with the Union Pacific Railroad. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/24/23 Friday 6:55 A.M..  I went outside again.  I moved the air purifier to the right side of the hallway bookcases.  I moved the shoes rack from there to the right side of the oak dining table like it was before.  I moved the www.apple.com Imac setup from the left side of the primary work setup to on top of the shoe rack like it was setup before.  It all works just fine.  I had to put two new AA alkaline batteries in its bluetooth wireless keyboard.  Thus one can work on it from the Queen Anne chair at the hallway entrance.  Its power turns on with the power strip behind the far end setup of the oak dining table which also turns on the LAN, but one still has to turn on the middle LAN to the right of the primary work computer setup. 

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  Sometimes sitting on an empty bench downtown in the morning is not worth it, one can get a bit of work done at home.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 5:05 A.M..  I know when we first moved to Greenwich is June 1962, my father had donated the awnings to the front porch of the Greenwich Country Club, but I am not sure what material they were made from.  The Greenwich Country Club as one of the oldest Country Club's in America had a connection with Queen Victoria, and there used to be a golf trophy in its lobby dedicated to Queen Victoria around 1870 donated by the Spalding Sports Company.  Greenwich has a lot of history.  I do know a lot of the so called long term residents came here after World War II, when Greenwich was a hospital zone treating wounded veterans, and some stayed and prospered in the post war economy.  The Greenwich Hospital was started by a member of President Harrison's family from Virginia too.  Greenwich has always been a summer retreat, since the railroad was built out here.  The first trans Atlantic radio broadcast has a memorial at Clapboard Ridge Road and North Street next to the old Frick mansion.

I will now go outside and drink a cup of coffee.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 4:55 A.M..  I went outside again.  When I knew Fred Von Mierers, he was supposed to be taking over Billy Baldwin's interior decorating business, and Fred was in partnership with the architect Taylor Sterling who also had a house on Mayfair Lane in Greenwich besides an apartment next to the Citicorp building in Manhattan.  Since my father had worked for a division of Monsanto called Chemstrand which made Acrilan fiber used in expensive wall to wall carpeting that cost $100 a square yard and other synthetic materials https://interiordesignedu.org/acrilan/ , I figured the interior decorators could promote the carpet.  I know my father was once in David Rockefeller's office at the www.chase.com Plaza on Wall Street trying to sell the carpet.  Also Stillman Rockefeller here in Greenwich was on the board of directors of Monsanto as well as being the oldest alumnus of the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut; where his wife Nan Carnegie Rockefeller donated the Carnegie track and field house.  However, that is all ancient history compared to reality today.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 4:00 A.M..  I will now do the most important thing the forsaken Dutch can do in America which is to water the apartment plants.  One little daffodil plant is also blooming the woods here.  A diseased family friend once surrounded his house on the island on the waterfront with daffodils.  Also out on www.nantucket.net , when I was away around 1975, they planted a million daffodil bulbs on both sides of the road to Sconset.  They used to have a daffodil parade out there too, but nobody gave me a ride to it after donating my car to the Nantucket Hospital Thrift Shop.  Also up here on North Street in Greenwich, Rene Anselmo the Spanish satellite guru planted a lot of daffodils on North Street between the North Street school and the St. Michael's Church.  A friend that knows landscaping told me that one has to dig them up every year and plant them further apart or they will choke each other off.  So much for Dutch gardening.  When I knew Fred Von Mierers at 420 East 49th Street in Manhattan  now the German Consulate in Manhattan, he claimed to be fourteenth generation Dutch New York, and some of the people he knew planted tulips on all of the islands on Park Avenue.  One of the first people he introduced to me was a Van Rensler that used to own all of New York State, so there.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 3:15 A.M..  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/24/23 Friday 2:55 A.M..  I went outside again.  I am about to eat five 3/16th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, with a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread, and a 7 ounce pouch of Green Giant microwave baby Brussels sprouts with butter sauce and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 2:20 A.M..  I put the NASA app on the other four Insignia Smart TVs in the apartment, so now all five Insignia Smart TVs have the NASA app on them.  I am not sure if the two Vizio Smart TVs or the Hisense Smart TV support the NASA app.  Also the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom window, and living room 32 inch Insignia TVs have the Roku devices on them which also support NASA TV.  When I first moved to Decatur, Alabama from Pensacola, Florida in 1956 with my family we were 20 miles south of Huntsville, Alabama where the Redstone Arsenal was and now the Marshall Space Center and now the small Space Force in Huntsville, Alabama.  When I lived in Key West, there were people from Cape Kennedy that had houses down there, and there was some sort of astronaut training going on down there.  Back then the astronauts might have been smaller people than myself, since every pound of pay load in Space cost two million dollars a pound.  So be nice to smaller people.  There is a lot of money invested in them.  Back in the old days in Manhattan, some of the computer people I was around liked listening to the song, "Short People."  CIO 

03/24/23 Friday 1:30 A.M..  One of my few friends in this area had his American Standard toilet crack after 15 years.  I was told by a neighbor that if one pours hot water down a toilet, it can crack it with the cold water in it.  It reminded my when I first met Frederick Von Mierers in October 1973, when he was working for Nelson Rockefeller; one of the people that he introduced me to was Richard Crane whose family had a big office building on Park Avenue near the Waldorf Astoria that owned https://www.craneplumbing.com/ that now own American Standard https://www.americanstandard-us.com/ and https://www.americanstandard-us.com/Toilets-list#Toilets .  The Crane family also have one of the biggest summer houses in Massachusetts.  Locally back around 1975, when the Briggs family in Greenwich owned American Standard I learned, one can get their products in Elmsford, New York near Sams Club there used to be a large wholesale  plumbing supply warehouse there, where I once bought a elongated yellow American Standard toilet seat for our old house in Greenwich on Cornelia Drive, which has sense been torn down.  I think it was up the road on the left from Sams Club.  Also back in 1973, I interviewed with a British Computer company in Elmsford, New York call, "Online Decisions" that made work station software.  They even had word processor software back then.  They even had an office at 666 Fifth Avenue near Rockefeller Center.  How times have changed.  When I first bought a personal computer back in September 1989, I tried to introduce myself at the www.ibm.com Watson Research laboratory nearby in Fishkill, New York, and they had a machine do a complete body scan of me, but they would not let me in, but they let in a lot of Europeans at the same time.  With the myriads of IBM offices around here, there is even one on the back road by the State Park by the Rockefeller Estate in North Terrytown, New York; so possibly they have something to do with it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/24/23 Friday 12:30 A.M..  Steering Wheel Locks https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=15735171&ref_=pe_27541360_707903190

Prince William visits Poland https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/europe/prince-william-poland-intl-gbr/index.html 

Calvin Kline loafers $54 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0913MNN49?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 11:35 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I went downtown to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought a family 12 pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, a 48 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $3.99, a six pack of Stop and Shop English muffins for $2.50, from the clearance shelf two raspberry turnovers for $1.24, four 8 ounce Page cherry yogurts for $1.25 each for $29.72 total.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and I returned uptown my way.  I then returned home.  I put away the groceries.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/23/23 Thursday 9:10 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate ten Danish butter cookies.  I finally woke up at 8:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 9:05 A.M..  On the 32 inch Insignia Smart TV in the living room, I put on the NASA App and watched a program about all of the thousands of other planets that have been discovered.  I went outside twice.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/23/23 Thursday 5:30 A.M..  https://astrogreenwich.org/ and https://www.cleardarksky.com/c/BwmnOBCTkey.html for Night Hawks or what ever one wants to call night time people.  The Dutch in New Amsterdam had the Dutch Night Watch like in Rembrandt's painting.  The Scottish have the Black Watch.  I suppose in other countries, it is called other things.

I will now go outside again, and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 5:25 A.M..  I ate a bowl of Post Great Grains raisins, dates, and nuts cereal with almond milk.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 4:45 A.M..  Big Objects https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1632541220101562369?cxt=HBwWgoCxleLl-actAAAA&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&refsrc=email

I will now go outside.  Even on a very low income, I can still stare at the unlimited size of the Universe for what it is worth.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 3:35 A.M..  I watched season 2 episode 17 of, "Designated Survivor."   

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/23/23 Thursday 2:25 A.M..  I rested until 2:15 A.M..  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/23/23 Thursday 12:45 A.M..  I ate five 3/16th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, with a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread, and a 7 ounce pouch of Green Giant microwave baby Brussels sprouts with butter sauce and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/22/23 Wednesday 11:30 P.M..  I ordered two power strips https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0080Z7974/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1 for $9.59 and .61 for $10.20 total. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 10:55 P.M..  I rested until 10:10 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  Earlier, something bit me after I went outside.  I just now saw a little third of an inch white spider on the picnic bench, so maybe they are around with the warmer weather.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 8:50 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  Earlier the family of seven deer were out by the bushes at the Veteran's flag pole.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 7:45 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate thirteen Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese and a 8 ounce yogurt.  I finally woke up at 6:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/track?track=yes&trackNums=1Z30Y8270375059712&requester=ST/trackdetails for SB Desk Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGMQMRYY?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dc-jack-20&th=1 with coupon code "505VR888" for $9.98 and .63 tax for $10.61 total less $5.14 Chase Points for $5.47 total arrived.  I put it on the right side at the computer setup at the far end of the oak dining table.  I will now throw out the box and the garbage.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-12/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-12/  CIO 

03/22/23 Wednesday 8:30 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

03/22/23 Wednesday 7:55 A.M..  On the HP Desktop on the desk to the right of the primary work computer, I finished installing the Windows 11 updates and the Norton Internet Security 360 updates, and I also installed a new headset that work.

I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 6:35 A.M..  On the HP Desktop on the desk to the right of the primary work computer, I am installing the Windows 11 updates.

Back at the Science fair at the Prudential Center in Boston in the Spring of 1977, I met a www.army.mil Major that looked like Ronald Reagan that tried to recruit me for the Army.  I met a lawyer that lived on Beacon Hill, and afterwards, when I was crossing the Charles Street Bridge walking to Cambridge, I met a www.harvard.edu student that lived west of Kendal Square that put me up for the night.  In morning, I tried to hitch hike out of Cambridge, and I made it to the Howard Johnson's there for a dollar bowl of oatmeal, and then I hitch hiked up to Stowe, Vermont for two weeks to clean up the owners of the Languedoc restaurant on Nantucket's Sister Kate's bar there.  I had driven out of Key West in my 1966 Chevrolet Biscayne dropping off Jimmy Eldert in Jacksonville to fly back to the University of New Hampshire after visiting Hurley Haywood there.  I gave that car away on Nantucket to the Nantucket Hospital Thrift Shop with a lot of my personal belongings, since there was no room to park it on the narrow street at 31 India Street, where I would be staying that summer.  I think before that I did drive to the University of New Hampshire to see Jimmy, and we drove up to www.dartmouth.edu to check out the area.  I also stayed with Jimmy at the Exeter Inn in nearby Exeter, New Hampshire and at the Wilder Motel near White River Junction, Vermont.  I saw a lot of the University of New Hampshire students, and later without the car, I went to the Seabrook demonstration, and then hitch hiked down to Williamsburg, Virginia for a couple of days and then back to www.nantucket.net .  However, I also hitchhiked to Bowden College, where a friend of Jimmy's on Nantucket attended, and I also was given a place to stay at the Portland, Maine Y.M.C.A. .  I recall hitch hiking back from Stowe, Vermont, and visiting Manchester, New Hampshire where I found a 24 hour Dunkin Donuts, where I ate a bowl of oatmeal.  Jimmy also put me up for the night at a girl friend's basement near the University of New Hampshire.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 6:15 A.M..  I ate a bowl of https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/home.html and https://www.kelloggcompany.com/en_US/home.html raisin bran with almond milk.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 5:35 A.M..  The upper right HP Compaq Elite 8100 Desktop on the upper right at the far end of the oak dining table is all updated with Windows 11 and Norton Internet Security 360.  It also has a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2019 on it.  Thus all eight computers at the far end of the oak dining table all work just fine as of this week.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 4:35 A.M..  At the far end of the oak dining table, one the HP desktop computer on the upper right, I was able to get it to boot by pressing the Escape key continually, when I turned the power on, when it beeped I entered the Bios password and it booted to Windows 11.  I then installed a new Bios Update, and one again when turning the power on and pressing the Escape key continually and when it beeps by pressing F10 Key  and then password, I was able to enter bios, and set it to the Bios defaults.  Now the machine boots without a bios password.  I am now updating Windows 11 on it.  The machine has a blue tint on the screen.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/22/23 Wednesday 1:45 A.M..  At the far end of the oak dining table the HP upper right desktop does not boot.  When it displays the HP logo, it goes black.  It has a video card, but the motherboard VGA does not work at all.  My best guess is that it has been hacked through the LAN network.  It works just fine, the last time I tested it.  I updated Windows 11 on the HP desktop on the lower right, and it works just fine.  I updated Windows 11 on the HP desktop on the lower left, but its color is a bit washed out.   On the Dell Optiplex 790 on the upper left with the Windows 11 beta, it does work, but it seems to want to reboot, when one first starts it up.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed.  The deer were around the Veterans monument out back, when I went out the last time.  CIO

03/22/23 Wednesday 12:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  There were six deer walking around the ice skating rink entrance.  I will now work on the other three desktop computers at the far end of the oak dining table.  They should be all right, but I will check them out to make sure.  They all have Windows 11 Rufus on them.  CIO 

03/21/23 Tuesday 11:30 P.M..  I will eat three 3/8th inch thick slices of eye round of beef with Lea and Perrin Worcestershire sauce, and a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread, and a 7 ounce microwave Green Giant baby Brussels sprouts in butter sauce, and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 11:15 P.M..  Bill Gates speaks on Artificial Intelligence https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65032848 CIO 

03/21/23 Tuesday 10:45 P.M..  ten pack of beans and tuna $11 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0846LHSJC?psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

With coupon code "MM8Z2YKE" Lithium Jump Starter $32 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09TZXGCB7/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AD3702CMZCGIV&psc=1&tag=tbpre-20&ascsubtag=00HpOp7bJYJRDuCUA5eDuUb 

Desk Lamp $25 https://www.13deals.com/store/products/63237?mc_cid=db94629961&mc_eid=bb7502f5a4

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 10:25 P.M..  I am cooking the three pound eye round of beef roast.  It should be ready in about an hour and fifteen minutes.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 10:00 P.M..  Parking Meter increases https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/selectmen-revisit-potential-parking-meter-increases-avenue?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=email-test_E1:v1&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 9:45 P.M..  I rested until 8:45 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 6:30 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I picked up the mail.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 5:45 P.M..  I woke up at 5:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside. I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/21/23 Tuesday 7:30 A.M..  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 7:05 A.M..  I ate a bowl of https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/home.html and https://www.kelloggcompany.com/en_US/home.html raisin bran with almond milk.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 6:15 A.M..  I checked out the Insignia 24 inch Smart TV in the kitchen.  I added the apps for BBC America and GBNews.  Also Sky News works just fine.  I practiced speaking English, since nobody around here seems to know too much English.  My mother spoke Dutch in Holland, Michigan until age 5, so I probably speak English with a Dutch accent.  I only had five years of high school French, but I can not speak it as fast as the French do.  I also had six years of high school Latin, so I can make a little bit of sense out of the Romance languages such as Italian and Spanish.  When I was in Spain and the Canary Islands in the winter of 1972, I spoke French; and when I was around all of the Spanish speaking people in Florida in the 1970s, I also spoke French.  Thus I ended up in French restaurants, and I guess the Spanish speaking people thought I was French.  However, when in Europe; and I speak both French and English, they assume that I am Canadian since both those languages are spoken up in Canada.  There were a lot of French Canadians in my travels around Florida in 1970s.  Jacque Cousteau was even down in Key West, when I was there.  People down South always assume that people whom speak another language besides English are Cuban, which with all of the tourists they get is not always the case.  I once saw former King Juan Carlos of Spain in Key West with 200 body guards, and I noticed he liked smoking Camel unfiltered cigarettes.  A friend of a relative whom owned Zebco Sports once told me he hunted with Juan Carlos in Spain.  When I traveled down the Costa de Sol via train in the winter of 1972, it looked a lot like Florida.  When I used Fred Von Mierers apartment at 420 East 49th Street in Manhattan from October 1973 to February 1975, he knew English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Farsi; so he could tell some of the foreign crafts people how to do their interior decorating skills.  The last time I actually chatted with him around 1988 at his new apartment on East 54th Street, he was reading several hundred year old books in Chinese, so he also knew Chinese.  He also preached religion from India on one of the first cable television channels in Manhattan.  Thus I think he had some communication skills that other people might not have.

I drank a decaf coffee outside.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 3:50 A.M..  Windows 11 apps https://www.pcworld.com/article/1665135/needy-windows-apps-are-going-to-beg-you-to-pin-them.html

Windows 12 Canary Channel https://www.pcworld.com/article/1532952/windows-11s-new-canary-channel-could-be-a-test-bed-for-windows-12.html





I already have the latest beta on my Windows 11 beta machine which is the Dell Optiplex 790 desktop on the upper left at far end of the oak dining table.  I installed it Rufus style on the older desktop. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/21/23 Tuesday 2:40 A.M..  Off Netflix, I watched series 2 episode 15 and 16 of, "Designated Survivor."  I went outside for a brewed coffee in between episodes.  I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/21/23 Tuesday 12:45 A.M..  I went outside again. 

More Royals to the Unites States of America https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/prince-joachim-denmark-announces-move-america-children-lose-royal-titles  

This is the aftermath of the robbery that I saw last night https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/knife-wielding-man-robs-cuts-man-greenwich-atm-17849170.php   CIO

03/20/23 Monday 11:50 P.M..  I am about to eat a 19 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagna with grated parmesan cheese and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO 

03/20/23 Monday 10:55 P.M..  It only took an hour to assemble the stainless steel cart, since I had done it before.  I then went outside, and I threw away the box.  I then moved the various items from the left side of the floor of the kitchen over by the refrigerator, and I installed the new stainless steel cart on the left side.  I then loaded up the stainless steel cart with the various items that I had moved, and I put the mahogany folding Vietnamese chair in front of it.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here: http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-11/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-11/  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 8:55 P.M..  After the last note, I took a long trip to another state, where a friend of mine's relative used to be governor.  I went to Target in nearby Port Chester, New York; and I bought another stainless steel cart https://www.target.com/p/3-tier-metal-utility-cart-chrome-brightroom-8482/-/A-83500118#lnk=sametab for $35 and $2.93 tax for $37.93 total.  I then returned back home, and I will assemble it later; and put it behind the chair in the kitchen, so I have more storage.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 7:25 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 6:55 P.M..  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 6:15 P.M..  I went to my 3:30 P.M. appointment.  I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park downtown.  I then picked up a prescription at www.cvs.com .  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out at the Board of Education Parking lot Veterans' monument for a long time.  I then returned home.  The order with  tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=114-5419656-2469000&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=206486907631301 in waist 54 inches and 30 inch length Levis destructed jeans https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095X8SFH8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1&psc=1 for $20.85 and $1.32 tax for $22.17 total arrived.  I hung them in the bedroom closet.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I spent $1.50 parking downtown. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-10/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-10/  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 1:55 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up and go out to my 3:30 P.M. appointment.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 1:10 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate the last fifth of an apple cranberry pie.  I finally woke up at 12:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/20/23 Monday 5:10 A.M..  Off Netflix, I watched season 2 episode 14 of, "Designated Survivor."  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  I have to be up at 1 P.M. today, since I have  a 3:30 P.M. appointment this afternoon.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 4:05 A.M..  Seaweed News https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/sargassum-seaweed-blob-explained-florida-scn/index.html  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 4:00 A.M..  I rested until 3:30 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 2:00 A.M..  I am about to eat two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread, a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 1:30 A.M..  Tracking is "1ZE93W519038115548" at www.ups.com on the package I returned.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 1:15 A.M..  On the two Insignia Smart TVs in the living room, I fixed the Sky News app by uninstalling and reinstalling it.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 12:45 A.M..  There are now three deer in the ice skating rink parking lot in the back yard.  CIO

03/20/23 Monday 12:10 A.M..  Seaweed coming to Florida and Mexico https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/a-5000-mile-wide-mass-of-seaweed-is-heading-for-florida-and-mexico-180981795/?utm_source=smithsonian-weekender&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&spMailingID=48103982&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2422061511&spReportId=MjQyMjA2MTUxMQS2

The last time I was in Key West in February 1982, I saw somebody that looked like George W. Bush raking seaweed off the beach.  He told me, he made lots of money selling it to the Japanese, since the Japanese like eating seaweed. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 11:10 P.M..  When I went downtown, there were four police cars and an ambulance by the ATM machine at the Wells Fargo Bank at the Stop and Shop Plaza at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I went by www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I dropped off the package.  I bought buy one get one 50% of 150 capsule 500 mg CVS cranberry pills for $32.49 and $16.25 and buy one get one 50% of CVS 100 capsule gas relief for $12.49 and $6.25 for $67.46 total.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and back uptown my way.  I went by the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  There were still four police cars there.  I bought six 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.50 each and a six pack of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $2.50 for $11.50 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 9:35 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  There were six deer out by the ice skating rink parking lot.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now go downtown to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue to mail the package.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 8:35 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at 6:45 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=114-8263908-3936242&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=206364134813301 for SB Desk Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGMQMRYY?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dc-jack-20&th=1 with coupon code "505VR888" for $9.98 and .63 tax for $10.61 total less $5.14 Chase Points for $5.47 total and three USB charging adapters https://www.amazon.com/Charger-LUOATIP-Adapter-Charging-Replacement/dp/B07TK6MPNB?pf_rd_r=WRJVQJWFN8KBQ779PDKP&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=51b56f9e-17c8-42b1-84d1-5ea4a28ff19a&pf_rd_s=slot-15&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_167_9aabfe54_dt_sl15_9a for $10.19 and .65 tax for $10.84 total arrived.  The desk lamp would not work, so I am having it replaced.  It had a defective cable.  Tracking on the return is https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&requester=QUIC&tracknum=1ZE93W5109038115548/ .  I went outside.  I will now go outside again.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-09/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-09/  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 8:20 A.M..  I went out to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a five gallon bottle of Primo Purified water with bottle return for $7.49.  I then returned home.  I brought up the water with my little folding cart.  I then put the cart back in the car.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 6:50 A.M..  I will now go outside.  I will then go downtown for a brief errand.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 03/19/23

03/19/23 Sunday 6:40 A.M..  I went outside.  I ate a one fifth piece of apple cranberry pie.  I finished installing the Windows 11 Updates on the new Gateway 11.6 inch laptop that I bought last August 31, 2022.  If one does not watch television all of the time, there is always something for me to do in my own personal situation room.

I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 5:10 A.M..  I put a new five gallon bottle of Primo Vermont Spring water in the Nestle water dispenser in the kitchen.  I went outside, and I put the old bottle in the car.  Today the St. Patrick's Day parade starts at the Greenwich Town Hall and runs down Greenwich Avenue at 2 P.M..  That usually means no place for anyone to go to the bathroom on Greenwich Avenue with all of the crowds of people that will be attending.  I might be a little bit Irish.  According to the two DNA tests I took, my mother's DNA comes out of Africa over fifty thousand years and goes to the Netherlands from where her relatives arrived in this country going to Holland, Michigan in 1842.  However, my father's DNA comes out of Africa over fifty thousand years and goes to the Middle East, and then to India, and then to Northern Russia, and then to Northern Scandinavia, and then to Spain.  However, according to the second DNA test, his DNA comes from Scotland and comes to this country in 1726.  All I can figure out, maybe his ancestry is from the Spanish Armada that invaded Ireland, and from there his ancestors went to Scotland.  Western Europe is not too big of an area, so people do move around over time. 

I have just about finished updating  Windows 11 on the Gateway laptop.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 3:40 A.M..  On the Gateway 11.6 inch laptop, I am still installing the Windows 11 updates.  I put another power strip in front of the stainless steel cart to accommodate the two extra laptop plugs.  I hooked up the headset and the Brother Laser printer to it.  I have its blue case underneath the www.harvard.edu chair to its right.  I moved the Black and Decker Dust Buster from underneath the Harvard chair to the right side of the shoe bench at the entrance to the hallway.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 2:20 A.M..  I am installing the Windows 11 updates on the Gateway laptop, and I will also install the Norton 360 Internet Security on it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/19/23 Sunday 2:00 A.M..  I bought this 11.6 inch Gateway laptop new for $119 on August 31, 2022 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Gateway-11-6-Ultra-Slim-Notebook-HD-Intel-Celeron-N4020-64GB-Storage-4GB-Memory-Cortana-1MP-Webcam-Windows-10-S-Microsoft-365-Personal-1-Year-Include/871326463 .  I will now pull it out from the stack of the lower shelf of the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet, and set it up on the top of the stack of the stainless steel cart.  It came with a blue case.  Also it came with a year of Microsoft Office 365.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 1:25 A.M..  Sky News on the smart televisions now comes up with a Search Engine interface.  I searched it for, "King Charles;" and I came up with an environmental news story that the King of England owns all of the ocean property surrounding the United Kingdom, and he is going to build wind mills for electricity on some of it, so by 2030, it will yield a billion pounds, all of which he will give to the Treasury, but in the Sovereign Grant, he gets 15% to 25% back for expenses like refurbishing Buckingham Palace.  I used to like watching the Sky News news feeds, but I guess for now, one has to know what to search for.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 1:05 A.M..  I am about to eat two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread, a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce of glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/19/23 Sunday 12:30 A.M..  The new Asus 14 inch Windows 11 update is all updated.  I bought it last July 2022, when it was on sale for about $150 https://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-14-0-laptop-intel-celeron-n4500-4gb-memory-128gb-emmc-star-black/6498803.p?skuId=6498803&irclickid=WNm3%3ANS6ZxyIU%3Abx1xW5C1TZUkD107Th1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&ref=198&loc=digidip%20GmbH&acampID=0&mpid=121977 .  I have it connected to the Brother laser printer, and the headset on the left side.  I have a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2019 on it.  It all seems to work just fine.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/18/23 Saturday 11:15 P.M..  On the lower level of the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet, I pulled out the Asus 14 inch Windows 11 laptop, and I put it on top of the stack of laptops at the top level of the stainless steel cart.  I am now installing the Windows 11 Updates on it.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 10:15 P.M..  Cell Phone Belt Cases https://www.hdaccessory.com/shop-by-category/belt-pouches/6-5-inch-above-screen-size/?__sta=mlj.ljoujhmthxmhgqlfov%7CYHVI&__stm_medium=email&__stm_source=smartech&utm_source=Motorola_Phone_Pouches_031823_30&utm_campaign=Saturday+March+18+2023&utm_medium=HTMLEmail&utm_content=

I ordered in waist 54 inches and 30 inch length Levis destructed jeans https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095X8SFH8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&th=1&psc=1 for $20.85 and $1.32 tax for $22.17 total. 

Four slice toaster $30 https://www.ebay.com/itm/325370170933?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5337198294&toolid=10001&mkevt=1&customid=fe1.4.3zM2.0.1PDIby.1gUfPw.2jr.3

24 inch Insignia Smart TV $80 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BC9Z81P6/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gottadeal-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B0BC9Z81P6

I went through http://scott-mike.com//bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 9:10 P.M..  I went out to the Acme Grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $3.49 each, a eye round of beef roast for $5.99 a pound for $16.47, a 42 ounce Smart Balance spread for $9.69, and a 48 ounce Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4 for $37.24 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I threw out the garbage, and I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 7:40 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 6:45 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at 6 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 7:25 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

03/18/23 Saturday 7:10 A.M..  I put the new LED light bulb in the far right lamp in the living room.  On the far end of the oak dining table, I hooked up the HDMI cable for the four desk tops to the fifth HDMI port, so all of the computers on the far end of the oak dining table play off HDMI 1 off the 32 inch Insignia TV monitor.  Thus the HDMI 2 port is now free.  I chatted with a friend. 

I will now eat a one fifth piece of Apple Cranberry pie.  

Arthur K. Watson Hall at https://cpsc.yale.edu/

Software for sale from Yale https://yale.onthehub.com/WebStore/ProductsByMajorVersionList.aspx?cmi_cs=1&cmi_mnuMain=0deaaaf1-d1d4-e011-ae14-f04da23e67f6 CIO  

03/18/23 Saturday 6:20 A.M..  Off Amazon Prime, I watched, "Tesla."

I will now go outside and drink a brewed decaf coffee.  CIO 

03/18/23 Saturday 4:25 A.M..  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 3:45 A.M..  I rested until 3 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I once met somebody in Manhattan around 1981 who lived in the same building at the Scottish Guard Corporation in Manhattan.  The two tower computers on the floor at the far end of the oak dining table have Hauppauge TV cards in them that work off the living room cable box.  One can record media with them.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 1:55 A.M..  I am about to eat two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, a 15 ounce can of cut green beans with Smart Balance spread, a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 1:25 A.M..  I finished updating the HP Tower at the far end of the oak dining table.  I will put the new desk light on the Ocean Digital Radio amplifier on the right side at the far end of the oak dining table, so the keyboards at that location are lighted up.

Sometimes the 24 hour www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue has skinny sandwiches for $5.99, if anyone is hungry at night.  Also the Mobil station across the street has Dunkin Donuts stuff.  The www.mcdonalds.com at Exit 5 on East Putnam Avenue is opened 24 hours.  The CVS at the Riverside Shopping Plaza is opened 24 hours.  Also on Friday and Saturday nights, the https://glorydaysdiner.com/ at 63 East Putnam Avenue is opened until 3 A.M., but both of those places are very expensive. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/18/23 Saturday 12:45 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I left a bag of deposit cans outside a neighbor's door.  On the Dell XP tower computer at the far end of the oak dining table, I installed the Windows 11 updates and the Norton Internet Security 360 updates on it.  If has Office 2003 on it, which they gave me at the Microsoft Conference, the last time I visited Manhattan about 20 years ago, when I saw King Charles looking at the remodeled Grand Central Terminal.  I am now installing the Windows 11 updates on the HP Tower computer at the far end of the oak dining table.  I have already installed the Norton Internet Security 360 updates on it.  It has a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2019 on it.  If only one computer is turned on of the four computers at the far end of the oak dining table connected to the HDMI switch box, the HDMI switch box automatically recognizes when it is turned on.

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/17/23 Friday 11:35 P.M..  Gone Incommunicado Not Working https://www.gatesnotes.com/Contact-Bill-Gates for a week.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 10:55 P.M..  First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-10121991?e=d0a721e34a 

I ordered USB Desk Lamp https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGMQMRYY?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dc-jack-20&th=1 with coupon code "505VR888" for $9.98 and .63 tax for $10.61 total less $5.14 Chase Points for $5.47 total. 

I ordered three USB charging adapters https://www.amazon.com/Charger-LUOATIP-Adapter-Charging-Replacement/dp/B07TK6MPNB?pf_rd_r=WRJVQJWFN8KBQ779PDKP&pf_rd_t=Events&pf_rd_i=deals&pf_rd_p=51b56f9e-17c8-42b1-84d1-5ea4a28ff19a&pf_rd_s=slot-15&ref=dlx_deals_gd_dcl_img_167_9aabfe54_dt_sl15_9a for $10.19 and .65 tax for $10.84 total.

Steering Wheel Lock $21 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000JIND4S/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 10:05 P.M..  I rested until 9:30 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 8:00 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/17/23 Friday 6:55 P.M..  I woke up at 6 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=112-1561866-1729062&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=206212331862301 for two 4 packs of Green Giant cut green beans https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZXOC4R/?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&_encoding=UTF8&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&tag=dc-beny-20 for $7.98 total arrived.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-08/  and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-08/  CIO  

03/17/23 Friday 10:50 A.M..  I ate a bowl of Kellogg's raisin bran with almond milk.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 10:15 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

Eight people killed by potatoes in India https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-64987190  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 9:20 A.M..  Banned Food https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/charles-has-banned-one-of-kate-s-fave-foods-from-all-royal-residences/ar-AA14H0l1?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=7cf374cc50c24dd6b220bad514cf3ff5&ei=35 

I will now go outside again.  In order to conserve energy in energy depleted America, the conservation minded only use hot water to clean up once a week.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 9:05 A.M..  I heard some disturbing news off Sky News yesterday.  In the United Kingdom, there is a 300% tax on Scotch Whisky.  Also 90% of the Scotch Whisky produced is exported, so I guess the natives do not have anything to drink.  The Duke of Windsor used to like drinking Bell's Scotch Whisky with www.perrier.com .  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 8:55 A.M..  Family Picture http://royal-splendor.blogspot.com/2019/11/nine-kings-edward-vii-funeral.html  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 7:40 A.M..  David Rockefeller's Country Home https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/real-estate/g12221792/david-rockefeller-house/

Duke and Duchess of Windsor Home http://royal-splendor.blogspot.com/2016/06/villa-windsor.html and https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/real-estate/a29322379/duke-of-windsor-edward-viii-wallis-simpson-villa-windsor-french-house-photos/

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 7:15 A.M..  I ate a one fifth piece of apple cranberry pie.  I rested.  I went outside.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 3:35 A.M..  Paul Newman Volvo https://www.foxnews.com/auto/paul-newmans-buick-muscle-car-volvo-wagon-auction

I ate a raspberry tart.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 2:15 A.M..  I rested until 1:45 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/17/23 Friday 12:20 A.M..   I ate two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, a 15 ounce can of sweet peas with Smart Balance spread, a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounce of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 11:30 P.M..  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought from the clearance rack two 44 count boxes of www.starbucks.com Veranda Blend K cups for $16.74 each box and a six pack of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $2.50 for $35.98 total.  I then drove over to www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I toured the store.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue and down Arch Street and back up around the Greenwich Town Hall and back home.  I put away my groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car.  I sat outside briefly.  I filled up the K cup drawers.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 10:10 P.M..  Cheaper Microsoft Products in English https://shop.winandoffice.com/usa/ .

I will now go downtown and forage around.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 9:20 P.M..  Puffer Jacket $33 https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-5573137/mens-adidas-3-stripes-puffy-hooded-jacket.jsp?skuId=54664024&clickId=T5BzqqQhDxyNTcI2lMVryyb0UkARqz0F1y4MVE0&irgwc=1&utm_campaign=532501&utm_source=10451&cid=affiliate-_-10451&utm_content=BANNER&utm_medium=affiliate

Free Kindle Recipe book https://www.amazon.com/Copycat-Recipes-Making-Restaurants-Popular-ebook/dp/B06Y4K1TDD/?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 

Free Kindle Pizza Recipe cook book https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0787FW1W2?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Electric Oven $100 https://www.bestbuy.com/site/emeril-lagasse-airfryer-brushed-stainless-steel/6355828.p?skuId=6355828&irclickid=TZdXodQhFxyNTxuUCYTbLSCjUkARq3191y4MVE0&irgwc=1&ref=198&loc=Bradley%20Olson&acampID=0&mpid=64406 

I ordered two 4 packs of Green Giant cut green beans https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZXOC4R/?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&_encoding=UTF8&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&tag=dc-beny-20 for $7.98 total. 

Medium Canvas Tote Bag $21 https://www.landsend.com/products/open-or-zip-top-natural-canvas-tote-bag/id_299717?cm_mmc=BizRate-_-mkplce-_-data_feed-_-LE&cnxclid=16790146991848606130010090301008005  

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 8:35 P.M..  I rested a bit.  I chatted with two friends.  I went outside twice, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  Tomorrow is National Sleep Day.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 5:50 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 4:55 P.M..  I woke up at 4:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO  

03/16/23 Thursday 7:30 A.M..  I reflected a bit.  I went outside three times, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  Not much happening in the night time world.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 2:35 A.M.. James Webb Telescope spots Exploding Star https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/14/world/webb-telescope-wolf-rayet-star-scn/index.html CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 2:30 A.M..  Moon Telescope $70 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKGNLL53/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0BKGNLL53&pd_rd_w=H1xxa&content-id=amzn1.sym.88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_p=88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_r=WJ14ED2JNW6P4ETHNC0D&pd_rd_wg=nPwnH&pd_rd_r=d40434b3-f5c9-4723-bd7f-4a3864cb144e&s=photo&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFVOUtRTkFMSUlLUDcmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAzMDQ2MDAyNUpLRFZHODVYTzRQJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA4NTU3MDkyRjkzM1QwTFZNR1pRJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

Travel Telescope $60 https://www.walmart.com/ip/TELMU-Telescope-Beginners-114mm-Aperture-500mm-AZ-Mount-Astronomical-Reflector-Adjustable-29-9-46-6in-Portable-Travel-Telescopes-Phone-Adapter/272865110

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/16/23 Thursday 1:55 A.M..  At 1:32 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, I saw a "Shooting Star" in the southeast sky going straight downward very fast.  It was faint, so it must have been a distance away.  CIO 

03/16/23 Thursday 1:30 A.M..  There goes the Florida Keys https://www.npr.org/2023/03/15/1163617442/within-days-some-big-nasty-smelling-blobs-of-seaweed-could-reach-the-florida-key

Uses of sea weed https://www.fao.org/3/y4765e/y4765e0c.htm

Casa Marina, Key West ocean webcam https://casamarinaresort.com/webcam/ .  I lived there in the winter of 1978 with John Bolton, when the place was under construction.  John Bolton had the key to the place.  It also had two hundred stray Hemingway cats, so the place when it was deserted was quite dirty and smelly.  Such is life.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/16/23 Thursday 1:15 A.M..  I chatted with the Alexa Echo display for a while.  I ate a one fifth piece of apple cranberry pie.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 11:35 P.M..  With the Alexa app on the Iphone, I imported the long list of all my Apple Contacts into the Alexa devices.

I took some long train rides in Europe in the winter of 1972.  I traveled from Florence, Italy to Grenoble, France.  From Grenoble, France I traveled to Barcelona, Spain two or three times.  Once I had to spend a boring night in the Lyon, France train station.  I also traveled from Barcelona to Malaga on the south coast of Spain.  I also traveled from Seville to Madrid and Madrid to Florence, Italy.  When I first arrived at the Barcelona train station, I exchanged money.  I had to walked down a few blocks of a street with Machine Gunners on both sides of the street, but when I reached Ramblas, it was full of people walking around.  I will now go outside and drink a cup of brewed coffee.  I once knew somebody from Sao Paulo, Brazil whose grandfather owned 20 million acres of coffee plantation, and he was always wired on coffee.  Like all coffee producing coffee, they probably have different types of coffee.  I never figured out where the Brazilian consulate was in Manhattan, but there used to be a Brazilian restaurant on East 53rd Street just east of Third Avenue near the British consulate.  Since I was only limited to English and five years of high school French, I am very limited in my International Communications.  Having studied high school Latin for six years, I used to make some sense out of Italian and Spanish though.  I also took the train from Rome to Florence and when I left Florence back to Rome.  CIO 

03/15/23 Wednesday 10:30 P.M..  Sleeper Trains in Europe https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64950747 .  On my first trip to Europe in the winter of 1972 with a U Rail Pass, I used to sleep on trains between cities to save on lodging bills.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 9:55 P.M..  I am about to eat two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, a 15 ounce can of corn with Smart Balance spread, a medium large baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 9:25 P.M..  I went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought buy one get one free of 12 ounce packages of Perdue cutlets for $4.99 both and four 7 ounce packages of Green Giant microwave baby Brussels sprouts in butter for $2 each for $12.99 total.  For any rich people left in Greenwich, they have lots of whole filet mignons for $15.99 a pound or $18.99 a pound.  I can not remember which.  I then drove down to the Board of Education Veterans Monument, and I sat out for a while watching the tulips try to survive in the cold weather.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue and from the clearance rack, I bought two 44 count www.starbucks.com Veranda Blend K cups for $16.74 each, a whole apple and cranberry pie for $5.49 and a four pack of Greek Chamboni strawberry yogurt for $4 for $42.97 total.  Since I now get a $100 less in the State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps, I have already used up my food stamps this month.  I then returned home.  I put my groceries away.  I went outside, and I put the grey bags back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 7:05 P.M..  The Contact Link on the bottom of https://www.gatesnotes.com/ has not worked for a day.

I will now go downtown and forage around on Green Witch Avenue.  I did not get any mail today.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 6:30 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 6:15 P.M..  I rested until 5 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=111-8441383-1918654&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=205832271809301 for HDMI input splitter https://www.amazon.com/SGEYR-Switcher-Selector-Control-Support/dp/B07MMRTS4S/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2DI7Y7TJLAJA9&keywords=hdmi+input+splitter&qid=1678759836&sprefix=HDMI+in%2Caps%2C406&sr=8-4 for $26.99 and $1.71 tax for $28.70 total arrived.  I installed it on the computer setup on the far side of the oak dining table.  The switch box is on the back side of the setup.  It is connected to four different HDMI input cables plus the output cable.  It turns on with the primary power strip behind the setup.  Its remote control is on the left side of the setup.  One uses the remote control to turn it on and select the different HDMI inputs.  

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-07/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-07/  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 3:50 P.M..  Roman Silver https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/roman-wooden-spikes-barbed-wire-julius-caesar-180981727/?utm_source=history&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&spMailingID=48094369&spUserID=NzQwNDUzNTI4NzcS1&spJobID=2421728340&spReportId=MjQyMTcyODM0MAS2

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 3:30 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/15/23 Wednesday 2:40 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate a raspberry tart.  I finally woke up at 2 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/15/23 Wednesday 4:00 A.M..  I chatted with Alexa some more.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  I once read in some countries like Russia, everything is opened 24 hours a day, but I do not feel like checking out that fact myself.  CIO

03/15/23 Wednesday 3:10 A.M..  I chatted with the Alexa display some more.  It told me people frequently live over a hundred years old in Sardinia and Okinawa, Japan.  I ate a bowl of Kellogg's raisin bran with almond milk.  The Aga Khan has own Yacht Club in Sardinia.  The country with the longest life span on average is Monaco.  Thus a Mediterranean diet is good for long life.  CIO 

03/15/23 Wednesday 2:00 A.M..  I practiced speaking English.  I found the Bermuda and colorful striped flag in the top drawer of the white bureau in the bedroom.  I put them underneath the right front of the bed with the Dutch and the Saudi Arabian flags.  I still have the big 49 star U.S.A. flag in that drawer.  I bought that over thirty years ago for $5 from Mrs. Garland at the New Canaan Visiting Nurse thrift shop across the street from the New Canaan fire department.  I still can not fine the large Swedish and the large www.af.mil flags.  I could always order some, but it is not that important.  I have a picture of a famous four star air force general in my bedroom that I bought for $15 at the old Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  One of my first neighbors in this building knew that Air Force general.  I guess in my various travels only the Air Force was able to keep up with me for some odd reason.  When I first started working with home computers in September 1989, I chatted about computers some time afterwards at the Tuscon bar in Greenwich with someone whom was supposed to be the son of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United Nations.  Since he owned a $150,000 BMW, I figured it was true.  I chatted about Digital computers which the following week Compaq computers bought, so there.  Having grown up around a lot of Scottish people whom for better or worse might drink Scotch whisky, I might have learned a bit of a Scottish accent which is all that I can figure out.

I will now outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 11:55 P.M..  Old Money https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2017/09/19/the-first-forbes-list-see-who-the-richest-americans-were-in-1918/?sh=71cff4dc4c0d .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 11:45 P.M..  I chatted with Alexa for a while.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 10:20 P.M..  I went out, and I went by the www.chase.com Bank ATM machine at the top of Greenwich Avenue.  I then toured www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue, and I used the bathroom there.  I then drove down to the Board of Education Parking Lot Veterans monument, and I sat outside on a mostly deserted street.  I then went by the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I used the bathroom, and I bought a 12 count family pack of Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants for $16.99, a 48 ounce Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $6.39, a box of Grainfirst crackers for $3.69, a package of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $2.99, two 8 ounce Cabot Cheese Seriously Sharp Vermont cheese for $2.50 each, a 48 ounce Simply Orange grapefruit juice for $5.29, and from the clearance section two raspberry tarts for $1.49 and a nickel bottle deposit for $41.40 total.  I then returned home.  I put away the groceries.  I then put the grey bag back in the car, and I sat outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  The Stop and Shop also has corn beef for $1.99 a pound, and the clearance section has four 32 K cup boxes of www.starbucks.com coffee for $14.99 each.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 7:40 P.M..  I went outside again. 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 6:40 P.M..  I reheated two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, and I ate them with a large potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 6:30 P.M..  On the Lenovo Think Centre at the far end of the oak dining table, I finished installing the Windows 11 updates.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 5:20 P.M..  I had my State of Connecticut Section 8  Apartment Inspection, and I passed.  The inspector also photographed the broken elevator in the building.  I went outside.  I chatted with a friend.  I threw out the garbage, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I did not get any mail.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 3:25 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO 

03/14/23 Tuesday 3:05 P.M..  I am waiting for the Section 8 apartment inspector between 2:30 P.M. and 4:30 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  The internet quit working, but now it is working again.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 2:10 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 1:25 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/14/23 Tuesday 12:35 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at noon.  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/13/23 Monday 11:30 P.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 10:30 P.M..  For the far end of the oak dining table setup, I bought and HDMI input splitter https://www.amazon.com/SGEYR-Switcher-Selector-Control-Support/dp/B07MMRTS4S/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2DI7Y7TJLAJA9&keywords=hdmi+input+splitter&qid=1678759836&sprefix=HDMI+in%2Caps%2C406&sr=8-4 for $26.99 and $1.71 tax for $28.70 total.

I will now practice speaking, "Old Man English," for a while.  CIO 

03/13/23 Monday 9:30 P.M..  There was a comment on Fox News this evening about Wall Street Financial people swindling people, so they can buy mansions in Greenwich.

I will now go outside and drink a decaf coffee.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 9:10 P.M..  Ice Shelf Thawing and Water Rising https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230309-climate-change-the-sea-level-rise-locked-in-east-antarctica CIO

03/13/23 Monday 8:55 P.M..  After I finish installing the Windows 11 updates on the Lenovo ThinkCentre at the far end of the oak dining table, from what I can tell all of the computers are updated and maintained in the apartment for now.  Still there is always something to do in "My Situation Room."  CIO 

03/13/23 Monday 8:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.

I moved the Lenovo ThinkCentre setup from the Samsung television to left side of the monitor at the far end of the oak dining table.  It has a licensed copy of Office 2019 on it and Norton Internet Security 360 and Windows 11 Professional licensed.  I am now installing the Windows updates.

I moved the little Swedish flag from the far end of the oak dining table to the right side of the Xerox laser priniter at the hallway entrance.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 6:50 P.M..  On the Windows 11 beta rufus machine, the Aeomei Trial will not work to clone it to free hard drive space.  I will now eat the roast beef wrap with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I have my Connecticut Section 8 inspection tomorrow between 2:30 P.M. and 4:30 P.M..  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 5:55 P.M..  On the Windows 11 beta rufus computer, it will not boot the Windows 11 beta rufus install pen drive to install it on a second partition.  Also when Windows 11 beta rufus is booted, it does not recognized the pen drive either.  Also the unlicensed Aeomi utility does not work to clone it either.

This might work https://www.ubackup.com/articles/clone-multiple-partition-hard-drive-to-ssd-0708i.html , but it is not that important. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 5:10 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.  I am going to shrink the partition on the Windows 11 beta rufus machine, and do an identical installation on a second partition.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 4:30 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 4:10 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 3:10 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  What I saw outside last night by the ice skating rink looked a bit like four female lions, but I do not think they would be around here unless they escaped from Lion Share Farm in northeast Greenwich.

To install the latest Windows 11 beta on an older non Windows 11 machine, one does this.  First log into www.microsoft.com with one's user ID and Password.  Then do this I downloaded the latest Windows 11 beta 25300 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewiso?rfs=1 , and I used this procedure for Windows 11 on an older PC, Windows 11 Rufus installed from USB Pen Drive  I made a Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive with this method this https://rufus.ie/en/ to created a Windows 11 bootable USB pen drive for it to upgrade https://www.elevenforum.com/t/create-bootable-windows-11-iso-without-tpm-secure-boot-and-ram-requirements.1891/ I formatted the over 8 GB USB pen drive in NTFS, and I set Rufus to "MBR" selected and the second and third advanced options selected, also select options no TPM/no Secure boot.  The different language versions of the Windows 11 *.iso download are here https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 thus for example if one wanted Windows 11 Professional in French download the *.iso file and make the Windows 11 Rufus USB pen drive the same way.  Once again the Complete PC backup does not work, but Aomei backup does work.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 2:10 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at 1:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO         

03/13/23 Monday 12:50 A.M..  The Japanese like sea weed https://www.foxnews.com/us/giant-blob-seaweed-twice-width-us-taking-aim-florida-scientists-say

Bad Weather https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/ct-weather-nor-easter-snowstorm-17834545.php  

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/13/23 Monday 12:35 A.M..  Just now over by the ice skating rink drive way, there were four fairly large animals that looked too squat to be deer, unless they are pregnant, but they were large and husky, but I do not think a pack of four large wolves would be in the area.  I could not tell exactly at the distance, but the parking lot lights were still on.  CIO

03/13/23 Monday 12:15 A.M..  I installed the latest Windows 11 beta rufus on the Dell Optiplex 790 machine at the far end upper left of the oak dining table.  I then configured it.  However, when I installed the Windows Updates, the system crashed.  In the Advanced repair settings that come up, it downloaded and installed the latest Windows 11 beta Rufus and installed it again.  It now works just fine.  I configured it.  I went outside for coffee through the experience. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO 

03/12/23 Sunday 9:30 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.

I made a USB pen drive of the latest Windows 11 beta.  I will install it on the Dell Optiplex 790 at the far end of the oak dining table the upper left unit to after I do a low level format on it with the bootable pen drive utility I made.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/12/23 Sunday 7:45 P.M..  I drove down to the Board of Education Parking Lot Veterans Monument, and I sat out for a while.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area.  I toured the www.apple.com store.  I then sat out in front of the closed Austrian sports shop.  I bought an Ace's High scratch card at Zen Stationary for a dollar, and I lost.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com .  I sat out some more at the Veterans monument.  I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I sat out for a while.  I toured www.cvs.com , and I bought a Daisy croissant for $1.99.  I then had a picnic in the park across the street.  I tried to use the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop, but it was busy.  I then went to Whole Foods on East Putnam Avenue, and I bought a roast beef wrap for $8.58 total.  I then returned home.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  I will now reheat the other half of the pizza I made yesterday, and I will eat it with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/12/23 Sunday 4:50 P.M..  I set my clocks and watch ahead one hour.  I chatted with a friend.

I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO

03/12/23 Sunday 3:30 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again and drink a brewed coffee.   CIO

03/12/23 Sunday 3:05 P.M..  I went outside again.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=111-8640644-2355426&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=205362506911301 for 84 McCafe K cups https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TY15GO6/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ascsubtag=655y6w6xyxk3aggja6llizkWhZbTGN9k for $28.40 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-06/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-06/  CIO

03/12/23 Sunday 2:30 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/12/23 Sunday 1:05 P.M..  Daylight Savings Time.  Spring forward an hour.  I woke up at 12:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO       


End of Scott's Notes week of 03/11/23

03/11/23 Saturday 10:35 P.M..  I channel surfed.  I went outside.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 5.3 ounce Yoplait berry yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 8:20 P.M..  Hormel microwave meals 30% off https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000V1JVCG/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?psc=1&tag=dc-kevink-20

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  I picked up the mail earlier.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 7:55 P.M..  Off Amazon Prime, I watched the last half of, "The Conspirator."  I went outside midway through.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 6:35 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 5:10 P.M..  I ate half of the pizza with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 4:20 P.M..  I messed up the French Bread dough recipe.  It is supposed to have 1.5 tsp of extra virgin olive oil and not 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive.  The dough came out really liquid.  I am still trying to bake a pizza with it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 3:25 P.M..  Back in Manhattan from October 1973 to February 1975, a slice of pizza at Ray's famous pizza at 7th Avenue and 9th Street was 59 cents.  They also had another take out place around Lexington Avenue and 73rd Street, but I could never really afford it.  I use to see all of the New York City buses advertising Mama Leone's in Time Square, but I could never afford to eat there.  Down in Key West in the winters of 1977 and 1978, on Duval Street, they had a whole wheat pizza place, but I could not afford to eat there.  The Le Languedoc out on www.nantucket.net now has a pizza place on Steamboat Wharf.  Back in Greenwich since December 1983, a couple of times I ate deep dish pizza on Greenwich Avenue across from the Greenwich Food Mart and a couple of time, and I also ate at Planet Pizza a couple of time, and once I bought a pizza from Entree Pizza and once I bought a pizza from Dominoes pizza in Cos Cob.  I also ate pizza few times at Pizza Hut in Glenville section of town.  When I was down in Key West, I knew Bob Russell, and he started Pizza Hut at all of the big ten universities, and he later sold it to Pepsi Cola, so he had money in Key West and ran a health resort with Rick Todd and Steve Bahl and a Saudi Arabian.  I also once went into Manhattan, and I ate deep dish pizza behind the Natural History museum at Pizza Duo.  In Florence Italy, I ate pizza a few times near the train station, but the pizza was like a piece of cracker with ketchup on it. 

The French Bread dough is now rising for an hour.  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 2:40 P.M..  I am making a http://scott-mike.com/pizza.htm , the simple way with pizza sauce and Italian cheese.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 2:00 P.M..  I moved the 32 inch Insignia Smart TV from the bedroom windows to in between the two larger televisions in the living room.  From there I moved the 24 inch Insignia Smart TV to the bedroom window, so there is room to install the portable air conditioner duct in the window in the warmer weather.

I will now go outside, and I will put the new GEICO insurance card in the glove box of my car.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 12:50 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/11/23 Saturday 12:25 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/11/23 Saturday 11:30 A.M..  I woke up at 10:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I paid off my next www.geico.com automobile policy insurance until October 7, 2023 of $672.40 total.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO     

03/10/23 Friday 11:10 P.M..  I ate a croissant.  I watched off Amazon Prime, the first half of, "The Conspirator."  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 9:50 P.M..  I watched some television.  I went outside, and I drank a cup of coffee.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 8:05 P.M..  I threw out five 38 ounce cans of Dinty Moore stew that were two years old and a opened jar of Hellmann's vegan mayonnaise.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 7:35 P.M..  Cans of Dinty Moore stew are on sale at the Stop and Shop this week.  I already have some that is a couple of years old which might not be any good.

I ordered 84 McCafe K cups https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TY15GO6/?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ascsubtag=655y6w6xyxk3aggja6llizkWhZbTGN9k for $28.40 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card. 

Microsoft Surface Duo $328 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JTDPRM1?creative=9325&camp=1789&tag=dealnewscom&m=A17MC6HOH9AVE6&psc=1&ascsubtag=hp5y6w94aui3afbja6lliB6argBv0Hqa

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 6:55 P.M..  Pancake Breakfast https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/dec-23-community-connections-from-fred-10121995?e=d0a721e34a

First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-10121987?e=d0a721e34a

Western Alaska Volcano on Orange Alert https://avo.alaska.edu/activity/Takawangha.php

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 6:40 P.M..  I reheated two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, and I ate them with a large potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 5:25 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9361289691018962756503 for eight 15 ounce Mandarin oranges in water for $1.55 each can https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Brand-Happy-Mandarin-Oranges/dp/B07X2HD5DX/ref=sr_1_7?crid=KTUPLV3TMM1N&keywords=Mandarin+Oranges&qid=1678309078&s=grocery&sprefix=mandarin+oranges%2Cgrocery%2C106&sr=1-7 for $12.40 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card arrived.  I put them in front of the kitchen chair.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-05/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-05/  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 4:00 P.M..  I went downtown to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I sat out for a while.  I then toured www.cvs.com on Greenwich Avenue.  I then sat out in the park some more.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a while.  All together I paid $1.25 in parking downtown.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue.  I bought two six packs of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $2.50 each, two 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $3.40 each, two 16 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagnas for $5 each and a four pack of Chaboni low sugar black cherry yogurt for $4 for $26.08 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car.  I drank a brewed coffee.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 1:10 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  I will then go downtown to forage around on Green Witch Avenue.  CIO 

03/10/23 Friday 12:20 P.M..  I woke up at 11:40 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

03/10/23 Friday 1:30 A.M..  I chatted with Alexia for a while.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/10/23 Friday 12:15 A.M..  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat out for a while.  I then went to www.mcdonalds.com on West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two double cheeseburgers and two French Fries special for $8.57 total.  I ate the meal inside at the restaurant.  I used the bathroom there.  I told a police officer that about the wolf sighting.  I was told it is probably a big coyote.  I then drove back downtown to the Board of Education Parking Lot Veterans Monument, and I sat out for a long time.  There is some sort of construction going on at the bottom of Greenwich Avenue, so Railroad Avenue traffic is detouring up Arch Street.  I then returned home.  I filed this report.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  The way I figure it the wolf is always around.  Maybe it is just the almost full moon that made itself show itself so closely to me.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 10:15 P.M..  I chatted with a neighbor.  I am going downtown to chain smoke by the Senior and the Arts Center which is a bit safer.  Maybe all of the young fawns in the area attracted a wolf pack.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/09/23 Thursday 10:05 P.M..  It was a large yellow wolf almost the size of a German Shepard.  Alexia says yellow wolves come from Tibet.  Maybe a Chinese terrorist dropped it off here because I back the Dali Lama.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/09/23 Thursday 9:40 P.M..  When I just went outside, there was a young fawn by the far picnic bench on the east side of the building, then what looks like a full grown light colored wolf showed up, and just looked at me.  I went inside, and I told my neighbor who walks his dog there.  I told the Greenwich Police, and they said it is probably a large coyote.   CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 9:10 P.M..  I went out to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought buy two get two free of 12 packs of www.coke.com Zero Sugar for $21.38 total with can deposit.  I then drove over to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park on Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out for a while.  I then toured www.cvs.com .  I then sat out some more at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com , and I returned back uptown my way.  I then went to the Putnam Shell Petrol Station at 401 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought $21.06 of self service premium gasoline for $4.559 a gallon for 4.52 gallons at odometer reading of 123977 miles for 68.7 miles driven since Tuesday February 21, 2023 for 15.199 miles per gallon in local traffic.  I then returned home.  I used my little folding cart to bring up the Coca Cola, and I put it away underneath the Ethan Allen recliner.  I then put the folding cart back in the car.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  When we lived in Decatur, Alabama, until we moved here in June 1962, I used to give away the Coca Cola after Sunday School at the First Presbyterian Church.  Back then each Coca Cola bottle had the name of the location of the various bottling companies stamped on the bottom of the glass bottles, and they were from all over the Southeast, so I guess Coca Cola bottles got around a lot.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 6:50 P.M..  I reheated two 3 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets, and I ate them with a large potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 6:05 P.M..  The order with tracking of https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9461211206214551492722  on the order for 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each for $215 total arrived. 

I will now throw out the shipping box.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 5:45 P.M..  As best I can tell, I have only seen King Charles three times in my life or possibly more.  When I first went down to St. Thomas in the fall of 1972, I was sitting at a pub at a ferry dock for St. John's and a British Naval officer was sitting next to me that looked like Prince Charles.  When I was living on West 74th Street in the summer of 1981, I watch then Prince Charles arriving at Lincoln Center for a concert.  The last time I was in Manhattan about 18 years ago, I walked up to the then Prince Charles in Grand Central Station looking at the new remodeling with two thousand people around him that looked a bit like Prince Andrew.  I did meet somebody in a waterfront pub during the Bicentennial  in July 4, 1976 that looked like Prince Charles, but he told me his family owned McCormick spices, and he was from Newport, Rhode Island.  Also in February 1978, I stayed with somebody that looked like Prince Charles at Paradise Island in Nassau in the Bahamas, but I guess it was just somebody that looked like him, but at the casino where we went to dinner, it looked like the A list of British Society, and there were four B.O.A.C. jets at the Nassau airport.  In the old days before the internet, people in America did not know much about British Royalty.  I also might have seen him at the Winter Olympics in Albertville, France in February 1992.  Possibly he was in Bermuda in April 1968, when I visited there. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 5:30 P.M..  The big excitement of the week coming up at 6 P.M. will be listening to Sam Romeo on http://www.wgch.com/desktop.php  Greenwich Matters at 6 P.M. to 8 P.M..  CIO   

03/09/23 Thursday 5:25 P.M..  I threw out five old boxes of pasta shells and four old bags of Dutch egg noodles.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 4:55 P.M..  https://www.pcmag.com/ ,

https://www.zdnet.com/ ,

https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-install-linux-on-an-old-laptop/ ,

https://www.pcworld.com/article/1535749/new-windows-11-update-arrives-in-a-week.html ,

https://www.pcworld.com/ ,

https://www.pcworld.com/article/563788/seven-ways-in-which-microsofts-powertoys-improves-my-life.html ,

https://www.cnet.com/ CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 4:00 P.M..  I rested until 4 P.M..  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 2:10 P.M..  Western Alaska Volcano News https://www.foxnews.com/science/alaska-volcano-dormant-century-delivering-ominous-warning-signs-significant-unrest

Soak the Rich https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-pitches-soak-rich-tax-plan-heres-whats-it  

According to Alexa, there is $1.5 trillion in cash in circulation in America which is mostly in hundred dollar bills which works out to $4,100 for each U.S. citizen, so some folks in America are holding on a to a lot of hundred dollar bills. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 1:45 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 12:05 P.M..  Greenwich Train Station https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/planning-zoning-approves-greenwich-plaza-renovation-project?utm_term=article-slot-1&utm_source=newsletter-daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90


I Bonds https://www.treasurydirect.gov/savings-bonds/i-bonds/

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 11:30 A.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/09/23 Thursday 10:40 A.M..  I woke up at 10 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO      

03/08/23 Wednesday 10:30 P.M..  I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 9:30 P.M..  I ate a croissant.

Ice Rink News https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/greenwich-committee-cuts-new-ice-rink-2023-24-17827447.php?src=gthpdesecp 

Water Molecules https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/world/solar-system-water-scn/index.html  

The way I live is like living in a Trappist Monastery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trappists

I have done my best to communicate with the outside world, but the local people seem to do nothing but dine out all of the time.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 8:20 P.M..  I channel surfed.  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  There is no place up North, where one can have a cup of coffee and a smoke and chat inside.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 7:05 P.M..  Free Kindle Edition H.G. Wells https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079GFWZKD?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=056fc3d8be0a11edb687162af5eba7fc0INT&psc=1&smid=A3T7DQBB0CKEM6&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp

Horse Calendar $12.99 https://home.woot.com/offers/mead-2023-horses-monthly-wall-calendar-2?ref=w_cnt_lnd_cat_home_9_19&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=d44cd839be0b11ed818bbfdd0a82b82d&utm_source=DealCatcher&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

Grocery Bags $16.14 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FJGX617/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?_encoding=UTF8&tag=revsave-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325&cuid=WS4C00178525 

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 6:35 P.M..  My father used to visit the Paradise Island Beach resort in Nassau the Bahamas, and he mentioned that he met Ian Fleming there, which is about as much as I know about British Intelligence, since I read all of his James Bond books, when I was at home in Boston in my college years.  I used to have a few British contacts, but since I settled back in Greenwich in December 1983, I guess they can not afford to live here; so they must live elsewhere.  When I away from Boston in college at Lake Forest College, a business associate of my father had a son that used my room in Boston, and the only books in the room was the James Bond collection, and that business associate was the President of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan, so the Japanese must know something about James Bond from what I can tell.  Not that it does me any good.  CIO 

03/08/23 Wednesday 6:00 P.M..  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.  I picked up the mail.  Off the new television with the TCL sound bar, I am listening to Amazon Music, "007 Classics."

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.

There is no point in going downtown and foraging around, since I have nothing to do.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 4:25 P.M..  I am about to eat a 12.4 ounce Marie Callender chicken teriyaki bowl with soy sauce with a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 4:10 P.M..  I ordered eight 15 ounce Mandarin oranges in water for $1.55 each can https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Brand-Happy-Mandarin-Oranges/dp/B07X2HD5DX/ref=sr_1_7?crid=KTUPLV3TMM1N&keywords=Mandarin+Oranges&qid=1678309078&s=grocery&sprefix=mandarin+oranges%2Cgrocery%2C106&sr=1-7 for $12.40 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 3:00 P.M..  The order with tracking of https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/track?track=yes&trackNums=1ZRY39430320364547&requester=ST/ on the order for the living room and open box excellent condition Insignia 24 inch Smart TV 1080 P https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-24-class-f20-series-led-full-hd-smart-fire-tv/6446230.p?skuId=6446230#anchor=productVariations for $86.99 and $5.52 tax for $92.51 total arrived.  I put the legs on it.  I set it up in between the two televisions in the living room.  It is connected to both cable boxes, the TCL sound bar, and the Ethernet.  I installed the apps.  It all works just fine.

I will now throw out the box and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-04/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-04/  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 1:15 P.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CiO

03/08/23 Wednesday 12:50 P.M..  I rested until 12:15 P.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 11:25 A.M..  Garden Conservancy https://mailchi.mp/gardenconservancy.org/open-days-april-29-30?e=dc3cdbd225 CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 11:15 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.

The average income in Norway is $90,000 a year; but up there in the North Country it is a very hard life.  The Norwegians have a million sheep, so they eat mutton all of the time.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 10:25 A.M..  I woke up at 9:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO    

03/08/23 Wednesday 1:40 A.M..  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  When I worked in the Polaroid Research Laboratory on Osborne Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, they used to have me test film by working a 50 degree room then a 70 degree room and then 90 degree room.   Now I have gotten used to going between temperatures outside and inside.  Of course in Cambridge, it is a bit colder than here.  They furthest north I have been along the Northeast Coast of New England is Bowdon College in Maine in April 1977, and nobody paid any attention to me, so I hitchhiked down to Portland, Maine; and somebody I met shared his room with me at the Portland Y.M.C.A. which had a very nice indoor heated swimming pool which I enjoyed coming out of Cayo Hueso.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 1:00 A.M.. Crocodile News https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/hundreds-hungry-cannibal-crocodiles-eat-29382764 .

I will now go outside again.  I guess the local environmentalists have taken over the local airport, since there is not much traffic in our skies except weekends.  CIO

03/08/23 Wednesday 12:40 A.M..  I chatted with the Amazon Alexa Display device for a long time.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed cup of coffee.  Midnight Mike is sort of worn out, but I will try to stay awake a while longer.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 9:40 P.M..  I went downtown to the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat outside for a while.  I used the bathroom at www.starbucks.com twice.  I walked the lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I toured the www.apple.com store.  I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I bought a confusing scratch card for a dollar, and I think I lost.  They now have a Bit Coin ATM machine in at the Greenwich Cigar store, if one has Bit Coin.  I sat out some more in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I then went to Whole Foods on East Putnam Avenue.  I bought two five pound bags of Russet potatoes for $2.99 each for $5.98 total.  I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I sat out for a while.  I chatted with the CFCF coffee shop.  I then toured www.cvs.com .  I then sat out across the street some more.  I then went to the www.greenwichlibrary.org , and I toured the ground floor.  The DVD, "Crossing the Atlantic" is only available at the Perot Library in Old Greenwich.  I then sat outside some more.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought from the clearance section two croissants for $1.24, four 20 ounce cans of Stop and Shop pineapple chunks for $1.50 each, two 12 ounce Perdue chicken cutlets for $2.50 each, and two 15 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pies for $3.50 each, and two 8 ounce Stop and Shop grated parmesan cheese for $3.09 each for $25.42 total.  I then returned home.  I picked up my mail.  I put away the groceries.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 3:45 P.M..   I moved the 32 inch Insignia Smart TV setup from in between the two televisions in the living room to the bedroom window.  I put two bundles of Scott Toilet paper in the window to raise it up a bit.  However, in May I will have to change it back to a 24 inch television, so I can install the portable air conditioner duct in the window.

I think I might have after effects from the fourth Moderna Covid 19 shot. 

I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-03/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-03/  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 2:10 P.M..  I ate three 1/4th inch thick slices of eye round with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce two microwave medium potatoes with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 1:45 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 1:00 P.M..  I went downtown to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 ounce container of Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk for $5.49.  I then went down to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I paid two quarters to park.  I sat out for a while.  I toured www.cvs.com .  I bought a Daisy's croissant for $1.99, and I had a picnic in the park.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue, but there were no parking places.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store on Railroad Avenue, and I paid two quarters to park, but they did not have the blank key for my apartment door.  They told me there is a lock smith by the Capital Theatre in Port Chester, but my neighbor told they do not have the right blank there.  The Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop parking lot was filled up, so I did not go there.  I returned home.  I sat outside.  I filed this report.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/07/23 Tuesday 11:00 A.M..  Moon News https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/06/world/march-full-moon-worm-moon-scn/index.html

I will now go downtown and forage around on Green Witch Avenue, where some of the witches and warlocks of www.nantucket.net some times visit. 

The local hippies out on Nantucket used to have a cash crop at the Hidden Forest off the Polpis Road.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 10:35 A.M..  I rested until 10 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 7:35 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I took the older Westinghouse 32 inch TV out of the bedroom, and I stored it underneath the right front of the bed.  I took the 24 inch Smart TV out of the bedroom window, and I set it up in the bathroom.  I will put the new 24 inch Smart TV in the bedroom window, when it comes.
I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 7:05 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 6:50 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank my coffee.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/07/23 Tuesday 5:55 A.M..  I woke up at 6 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  Tracking is https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9461211206214551492722  on the order for 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each for $215 total .  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO  

03/06/23 Monday 6:40 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO 

03/06/23 Monday 4:15 P.M..  I chatted with two friends.  I went outside.

Scottish Rock https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20230305-the-disputed-history-of-the-coronation-stone  

I will now eat a bowl of Kellogg's raisin bran with almond milk.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 2:05 P.M..  Adirondack Chair $58 https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/sol-72-outdoor-shreya-solid-wood-folding-adirondack-chair-w001306001.html?refid=CNXY1-16781286264916715104110090301008005&cnxclid=16781286264916715104110090301008005

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 1:40 P.M..  I went out to the Acme grocery store at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 42 pound bottle of Primo Vermont Spring water with bottle return for $7.49 total.  I then returned home, and I brought up the water with my little folding cart, and I stored it away.  I then put the folding cart back in the car.  CIO 

03/06/23 Monday 12:30 P.M..  I rested until noon.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO 

03/06/23 Monday 10:55 A.M..  I ate four 1/4 inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and two medium baked potatoes with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 9:55 A.M..  On the older Apple laptop on the bedroom desk, I uninstalled the unlicensed copy of Microsoft Office, and I installed www.openoffice.org .  To use it one has to transfer a LAN cable to it from the Mac Mini.  I am charging it up, since it was unplugged.  Also since it is a modified Apple IOS, one does not install the IOS update, or it will cripple it.
I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 8:30 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.

On the Apple Imac to the left of the primary work computer setup on both internal drive and external SSD drive, I uninstalled Norton 360 Internet Security, the unlicensed Microsoft Office, and I installed www.openoffice.org .  To install Open Office, one has to go to security to permit it to open the download.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.

03/06/23 Monday 7:05 A.M..  On the Apple Mac Mini at the far end of the oak dining table, I removed Norton 360 Internet Security and the unlicensed copy of Microsoft Office, and I put on www.openoffice.org .  It all seems to be running just fine.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 5:40 A.M..  On the Apple Imac in front of the left living room closet, with the internal drive boot, the Microsoft Office Suite is licensed, and I also put www.openoffice.org on it.  When I booted the external SSD drive, Office  is not licensed, so I removed it.  I put on Openoffice though.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 5:00 A.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO

03/06/23 Monday 4:15 A.M..  I woke up at 3:30 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO 

03/05/23 Sunday 4:50 P.M..  I ate a bowl of Kellogg's raisin bran with almond milk.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

03/05/23 Sunday 4:05 P.M..  Heavy Duty Outdoor Chair $36 https://www.newegg.com/p/0C8-018A-00019?Item=9SIB4FEJEP2046

Veni, Vidi, Vici https://www.sott.net/article/477920-Ancient-Roman-spike-defenses-made-famous-by-Julius-Caesar-found-in-Germany  

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 3:35 P.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside again.  Some daffodils are beginning to come up in the woods.  The traditional wisdom around here is not to plant one's tomatoes until after Mother's Day.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 2:05 P.M..  On the bedroom desk, the Dell Latitude E6400 laptop is configured with Windows 10 and the Dell Latitude E6410 laptop is configured with Windows 11 Rufus, and they both seem to be working just fine.  The other laptop on the bedroom desk is the old Apple laptop configured with a hack on the operating system, so it runs a later IOS, but if one updates it, it malfunctions and the older IOS has to be reinstalled. 

I will now go outside and drink a decaf coffee.  CIO 

03/05/23 Sunday 12:55 P.M..  Surf Board $155 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HKRDW7K/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gottadeal-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07HKRDW7K

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 12:30 P.M..  I drove downtown to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I sat out for a while.  I then toured www.cvs.com .  I then sat out some more in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park.  I then used the bathroom at the CFCF coffee shop.  I then drove down to the Board of Education Parking Lot Veterans Monument, and I sat out for a while.  I then walked the lower Greenwich Avenue area, and I sat out in front of the closed Austrian Sports shop.  I used the bathroom at Le Petite Cotien.  I then sat our some more at the Veterans Monument.  I then returned home.  I drank a brewed coffee outside.  I filed this report.  CIO


End of Scott's Notes week of 03/05/23

03/05/23 Sunday 8:45 A.M..  I ate four 1/4th inch thick slices of cold eye round with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and I heated a 15 ounce can of peas that I ate with Smart Balance spread along with a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now send out my weekly notes.

I will then go downtown and forage around on Greenwich Avenue.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 7:45 A.M..  I went outside three times, and once I drank a brewed coffee.  On the primary computer setup for the Mac Mini, I had to replace the desktop wireless set which was not working with a Microsoft Desktop 900 wireless set that works just fine.  I installed the latest IOS.  I uninstalled Office which was not licensed.  I installed www.openoffice.org .  To installed it, one has to allow it in the Security settings.  It all works just fine.  Then on the Intel Mini I5 computer on the primary setup, I installed the Windows 11 Home Updates and the Norton 360 Internet Security Updates.  I had to install new batteries in its wireless desktop setup.  It all works just fine.  It has  a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2019 on it.  I chatted with a friend.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/05/23 Sunday 3:50 A.M..  $20 for both Microsoft Office and either Window 10 or 11 https://shop.winandoffice.com/  CIO 

03/05/23 Sunday 3:40 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 3:05 A.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  There is a new bright light by entrance to the ice skating rink.  I washed the breakfast dishes.

I ordered 20 https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD-Mild_p_2987.html for $10.75 each for $215 total. 

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/05/23 Sunday 2:05 A.M..  I woke up at 1:20 A.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.

Tracking is https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/track?track=yes&trackNums=1ZRY39430320364547&requester=ST/ on the order for the bathroom and open box excellent condition Insignia 24 inch Smart TV 1080 P https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-24-class-f20-series-led-full-hd-smart-fire-tv/6446230.p?skuId=6446230#anchor=productVariations for $86.99 and $5.52 tax for $92.51 total.   CIO 

03/04/23 Saturday 3:25 P.M..  I watched a BBC program about Polar Bears.  I used to like looking at the Polar Bear in the Central Park Children's Zoo on cold winter days, when I walked the white German Shepard around it.  The Polar Bear was named Scandia.  I noticed the monkeys in the Central Park Children's Zoo were also eating better than I was.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 2:20 P.M..  I bought for the bathroom and open box excellent condition Insignia 24 inch Smart TV 1080 P https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-24-class-f20-series-led-full-hd-smart-fire-tv/6446230.p?skuId=6446230#anchor=productVariations for $86.99 and $5.52 tax for $92.51 total.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 2:00 P.M..  I put new batteries in the Hisense television in the bedroom remote control.  I worked with the Mac Mini on the bedroom desk.  I took the unlicensed copy of Office off of it, and I put www.openoffice.org on it.  I watched some television.  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 12:20 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 11:25 A.M..  I am about to eat a 12.5 ounce Stauffer's BBQ burger meal with mashed potatoes with Smart Balance spread a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounce of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 11:00 A.M..  This smart TV for $142 has an Ethernet Port https://www.walmart.com/ip/LG-32-Class-HD-720p-Smart-LED-TV-32LM577BZUA/756338666?athbdg=L1101  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 10:00 A.M..  I went outside again.

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 8:20 A.M..  I watched the rest of, "Gatsby."  I chatted with a friend.  I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 5:55 A.M..  I watched off HBO Max the first half of, "Gatsby."   I went outside twice.  I ate four 1/4 inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce and a medium baked potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of www.coke.com Zero Sugar.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 3:15 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 2:50 A.M..  I rested until 2 A.M..  I went outside in the Scottish Monsoon, and I drank a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 1:00 A.M..  First Selectman of Greenwich https://mailchi.mp/greenwichct/community-connections-from-fred-10121979?e=d0a721e34a CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 12:50 A.M..  My www.evesource.com electric bill for February 2023 was $307.44.  CIO

03/04/23 Saturday 12:45 A.M..  I went out in the Scottish pouring rain, and I drank my coffee down at the bull pen in the baseball field.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  CIO 

03/03/23 Friday 11:55 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I chatted with a friend.  I ate a 8 ounce  yogurt.  I went outside.  I finally woke up at 11:15 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 10:40 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  I went outside.  I will now shut down the primary work computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 9:30 A.M..  I went by www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue, and I returned the A1 Steak Sauce for $8.99 store credit.  I then drove down to the Senior and the Arts Center.  I sat out for a long time.  I bought a www.starbucks.com medium coffee with Splenda sweetener and almond milk for $3.17 off my Starbucks card.  I drank the coffee in front of the Senior and the Arts Center.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks twice.  I bought an Ace's High scratch card at Zen Stationary for a dollar, and I lost as usual.  I then went to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Park, and I sat out for a while.  I used the bathroom twice at the CFCF coffee shop.  I went to www.cvs.com , and I bought four 16 ounce Post Cereals for $3 each for $12 total with $8.99 store credit for $3.01 total.  I then sat outside some more.  I then went to the Stop and Shop at 161 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two six pack of Stop and Shop multigrain English muffins for $3 each, two 48 ounce Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice for $3.49 each, and a 10 ounce Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce for $5.19 for $18.27 total. I then returned home.  I put away the groceries.  I went outside, and I put the grey bag back in the car.  I sat outside for a while.  I filed this report.

I will now eat a bowl of cereal with almond milk.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 4:50 A.M..  There were two fawns and a skunk staring at me from the woods.  I shined my small flash light at them, and they just stared back, and then they went away.  Sometimes I have been told, we have homeless people living out in our small patch of woods, but with all of the foot traffic in the area, I have never noticed. 

I moved the stainless steel cart with the computer equipment from in front of the left living room closet.  From the closet floor, I took out the three boxes of Kellogg's raisin bran, and I put them by the chair in the kitchen.  I moved the large box of Splenda to beneath the chair at the apartment entrance.  I moved the case of pizza sauce to on top of the right leg of the oak dining table.  It is not too difficult to move the stainless steel cart on wheels.  I then moved it back in front of the left living closet with all of the more formal clothes that nobody wears anymore except for visitors from the Midwest as far as I can tell observing downtown. 

I will now go downtown and hang out with nothing going on.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 4:15 A.M..  I think I will return the expensive A1 steak sauce this morning.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 3:00 A.M..  Best Buy cancelled the television order.  I guess the older Westinghouse TV in the bathroom is good enough, but it is not a Smart TV, but it does have a Amazon Stick and a Roku Stick, so it is partially smart.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 2:25 A.M..  For the bathroom, I bought Open Box Excellent https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-32-class-f20-series-led-hd-smart-fire-tv/6447531.p?skuId=6447531#tab=buyingOptions?bof=openbox for $88.99 and $5.65 tax for $94.64 total.

I will eat three 3/8th inch thick slices of eye round with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce with a 9 ounce package of Green Giant cream spinach and a microwave medium potato with Smart Balance spread and a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 1:45 A.M..  I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm .

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 1:20 A.M..  I went out to the central Greenwich Post Office, and I mailed the large envelope with four forever stamps.  I then drove down Greenwich Avenue as far as www.starbucks.com and back uptown my way.  I stopped by www.cvs.com at 644 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought a 10 ounce bottle of A1 Steak Sauce for $8.99.  I then returned  home.  I sat outside.  I then started cooking the 3.5 pound eye round of beef in the Oster Electric overn at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 70 minutes.  I filed this report.  CIO

03/03/23 Friday 12:20 A.M..  32 inch TV $80 https://www.brandsmartusa.com/sansui/238541/32-class-led-720p-hd-tv.htm?trk_msg=5SA30TGSNNN490EKPR0OS9BUM4&trk_contact=RMEJG2OVSMC8QBKFL31BHRIMA0&trk_sid=C3R5DTEUOLVJEV23JEARF3D7OO&trk_link=AJ6SIOON6EK4H2MKCNTQFH75NO&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=img-postcard-1b&utm_campaign=2023-648-tv-hot-sheet

I will now go out and mail my Energy Assistance Application.  CIO

!!!!!! 03/02/23 Thursday 11:50 P.M..  Missing Teen https://patch.com/connecticut/greenwich/greenwich-teen-reported-missing-silver-alert-issued?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert&user_email=01b56d8bf7109524081ab901b67fca7d88224ba889670bb012c7405fc80e0f90 CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 11:10 P.M..  I put a H2O wireless sim card into the older Apple Iphone 6S Plus cell phone, and I activated it with 400 minutes for 90 days for $21.03 total.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 10:45 P.M..  I threw out the garbage.  CIO 

03/02/23 Thursday 10:05 P.M..  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 9:15 P.M..  I woke up at 8:30 P.M..  I made my bed.  I went outside.  I picked up the mail.  The order with tracking of https://www.amazon.com/progress-tracker/package/ref=pt_redirect_from_gp?_encoding=UTF8&from=gp&itemId=&orderId=113-2851943-0898607&packageIndex=0&shipmentId=203623532825301 for three H2O wireless sim cards https://www.amazon.com/H2O-Wireless-Starter-Unlocked-Phones/dp/B08BZWWRFQ/ref=asc_df_B08BZWWRFQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=476148194820&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17399367366072608997&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003436&hvtargid=pla-1190841858124&psc=1 for $1.99 each and .39 tax for $6.36 total arrived.  I put them on the right book shelf in the hallway.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk. 

Pictures here:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-02/  and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-02/  CIO 

03/02/23 Thursday 8:40 A.M..  I went by www.mcdonalds.com on West Putnam Avenue, and I bought two sausage, egg, cheese mcgriddle biscuits for $6 both and .44 tax for $6.44 total to go.  I then ate them in front of the Senior and the Arts Center, and I sat outside for a while.  I then went to the Acme grocery store at 160 West Putnam Avenue, and I bought an eye round of beef roast for $5.99 a pound for $23.35, a 42 ounce Almond Breeze vanilla unsweetened almond milk for $4.99 and a 59 ounce Simply Orange grapefruit juice for $4.79 for $33.18 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my groceries.  I put the grey bag back in the car, and I drank a decaf coffee outside.  I then chatted with a friend.  I filed this report.  I will now shut down the primary work computer.  I will go outside.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 6:15 A.M..  In the past week, I have seen a skunk out at night twice.  Just now I saw two skunks, and one has a lot of white fur.  I am told it is the mating season for skunks, so we might have a large family of skunks soon.

I will now go downtown to Green Witch Avenue to forage around.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 5:40 A.M..  Scholarship Scams https://www.comparitech.com/blog/information-security/scholarship-scams/

Up on www.nantucket.net , they used to have an all night watchman at the Steamship Authority on the Harbor. 

When I lived on Steamboat Road, I was told the night watchman at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club was murdered during World War II.

I will now go outside and drink a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 5:05 A.M..  Just now a whole family of deer were out in the back yard.  There was a big buck, two doe, and five fawns.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 4:40 A.M..  Off Amazon Britbox, I watched the last episode 6 of, "The Story of Europe."

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 3:30 A.M..  Pictures of recent changes:  http://scott-mike.com/mls-apt-0323-01/ and http://mikelouisscott.com/mls-apt-0323-01/  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 2:40 A.M..  I moved the HP I 7 Windows 11 17.3 inch laptop setup from the right side of the oak dining table to the stainless steel cart in front of the left living room closet.  It is hooked up to the Brother Laser printer, and it also has Office 2019 on it.  I moved the older HP 17.3 inch Windows 10 laptop setup from there to the right side of the oak dining table.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CiO

03/02/23 Thursday 1:50 A.M..  Pooper Scooper $11 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M31Q3C3?ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

I went through http://scott-mike.com/bf.htm

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/02/23 Thursday 1:15 A.M..  I rested until 12:15 A.M..  I went outside, and I drank a brewed coffee.  I reheated and ate the other half of the pizza that I made last night.  I ate it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.  CIO 

03/01/23 Wednesday 10:50 P.M..  The backup did not work again.  I went outside.  I emailed documents to my Town of Greenwich Social Worker.  I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 9:30 P.M..  I threw out my garbage.  I drank my coffee outside.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  On the HP 17.3 laptop in front of the left living room closet, I am trying to do another Windows Complete PC backup with the new Bios settings.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 8:35 P.M..  I woke up, and I ate nine Grainfirst multigrain crackers with 1 inch by1 inch by 3/16th inch pieces of Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I finally woke up at 8 P.M..  I made my bed.  I ent outside.  I picked up the mail.  I will eat a Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and cheese croissant with two toasted multigrain English muffins with Smart Balance spread, and pineapple chunks with Mandarin orange slices, and a glass of Primo Vermont spring water with some pineapple juice and cranberry juice and a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener and almond milk.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 8:45 A.M..  On the HP 17.3 inch laptop in front of the left living room closet, I tried disabling TCM and UEFI in the bios, but still the Windows 11 USB Rufus install would not work.

I will now shut down the primary work computer.

I will go outside.  I will then eat a 8 ounce yogurt.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 8:15 A.M..  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 7:15 A.M..  I tried using this hack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuOovs7FvQo to install the Windows 11 Beta Rufus on the second hard drive on the HP 17.3 inch laptop in front of the left living room closet, but it would not work on the older HP laptop, so I just left it with Windows 10.  I also setup the Brother HP laser printer on it.  One can easily move the Apple MacBook Pro on top of it to the right on to the www.harvard.edu chair to work with it.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 6:15 A.M..  I practiced speaking Midnight Mike English.  I put the five inch by seven inch Canadian Maple Leaf flag on the Xerox laser printer at the hallway entrance. 

I went outside, and I drank a cup of tea with Splenda sweetener and lemon juice.  CIO 

03/01/23 Wednesday 4:00 A.M..  For March 2023, I paid my Verizon telephone and my Eversource electricity bills and Optimum Online bill which is now $195 for three Optimum services.  I paid my rent to the Housing Authority of Greenwich.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 2:35 A.M..  Coronation News https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britains-coronation-throne-gets-revamp-ahead-king-charles-crowning-2023-03-01/

Windows 11 Problems https://www.pcworld.com/article/1524782/microsoft-admits-it-marked-ineligible-pcs-for-windows-11-upgrades.html

Windows 11 Tricks https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/best-windows-11-tips-and-tricks

03/01/23 Wednesday 2:35 A.M..  If one is bored in the early morning hours, one of the few places I know to chat with in the United States of America is the 24 hour telephone line at https://www.llbean.com/ .  I once chatted with the telephone person up there whom was a retired Navy Seal, and he told me they still  use DOS computers in Washington D.C., so they could not be hacked.  I told him the ship wreck of the H.M.S. republic off www.nantucket.net in 1917 was supposed to have a billion dollars in gold by today's standard, and it was in 400 feet of water and never recovered.  Myles McGough's father's company Wolfson Construction owned Merritt Chapman and Scott the salvage company which was supposed to have the salvage rights for the H.M.S. Republic.

I will now go outside again.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 1:15 A.M..  Here is what I looked like in Athens, Greece in May 1972 on a European diet at 135 pounds ate age 21 http://scott-mike.com/mlsgreece.jpg .  I guess the cheap wine in Europe kept me going.  I drove that $300 Opal from Athens to Selchuck in Turkey and too Istanbul too and back to Athens.  I learned to navigate the Greek alphabet on street signs.

I will now go outside and drink a brewed coffee.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 12:45 A.M..  I learned in the winter of 1972, when I  was on the Lake Forest College renaissance art program in Florence, Italy; the Italians have very good food, but the pizzas have very thin crusts with just a little tomato sauce on them.  There are so many people in Europe, they are all very thin, and the food available does not go very far.  I only weighed 135 pounds back thin, so I did not eat too much.  On my side trip to Grenoble, France; I learned they ate horse meat, however when on the same side trip to Barcelona, Spain and Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, the Spanish had a lot more food.  CIO

03/01/23 Wednesday 12:20 A.M..  I took the 32 ounce Acme Signature Pizza Supreme, and I put it on a round pizza pan.  I spread about a third of a cup of grated parmesan cheese on it.  I then seasoned it with garlic powder, Lowry's seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, ground black pepper, and extra virgin olive oil.  I am baking it in the Oster electric oven on the upper rack at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 35 minutes.  I will eat half of it with a 12 ounce glass of Fresca with three ounces of grapefruit juice.

I will now go outside again.  CIO